South Park I-940 Signature Gathering Neighborhood canvassing (hosted by Latino Civic Alliance and De-Escalate Washington)

8915 14th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108

Call to Action! Volunteers Needed!
Sat. Nov 4th 10:00a.m – 3pm.
Join us in South ParK – Seattle!
Signature Gathering for
De-escalate Washington I-940

Volunteers meet at volunteer station:
Sea Mar Community Health Center
8915 14th Ave. S., Seattle, WA, 98108 (corner 14th/Henderson)
* high school/college students encouraged to help
* water and snacks provided 
*please bring warm clothes/comfortable shoes
* more info or call 206-661-0051

More info: Latino Civic Alliance (LCA) is part of the leadership team – Deescalate Washington I-940 to help change the state laws that will address police use of deadly force. It will offer solutions to provide police mental health training, de-escalation training, independent investigation. This policy change will help build bridges between the police and communities. This is a thoughtful and fair solution to help keep our communities including police safe. Please join us invite friends to help. This is very important for future generations.