Letterwriting Resources 2024
What It’s All About
In multiple randomized trials, voters who received a letter were significantly more likely to vote. Our daily lives have changed with physical distancing, and our Get Out the Vote efforts need to follow suit! Here’s a Video of Seattle area Indivisibles participating in The Big Send in October 2020 where Indivisible Eastside members mailed 11,500 letters! Then for the Georgia Special Election that tipped the US Senate to the Democrats we sent another 6,000 letters!
Because the stakes are so high in 2024, it’s vital we all do what we can to Get Out The Vote in important swing states.
How to participate
For those already writing, log completed Letters on IE’s Postcards and Letterwriting Log
Ready to join the effort? You will be customizing pre-printed letters in your own home. Additionally, starting April 21st, 2024 you can join our online Zoom meetings to connect with others, hear updates of how many letters have been written, get questions answered and share insights.
To get started:
- Set up, or log into 2 accounts:
- One for SwingLeft – to connect you to Indivisible Eastside’s group effort – you’ll receive emails from us of upcoming meetings this way.
- One for VoteForward – to allow you to adopt voters, get letter templates and track your progress. Make sure to create this account via https://votefwd.org/swingleft not just votefwd.org as the Generic Vote Forward How-To Instructions say.
- If you wrote with us in 2020, log into your old VoteForward account – you may need to reset your password.
- If possible, use the same email and password for both accounts to avoid confusion.
Receive voter addresses and start writing:
1. Visit your VoteForward Dashboard. You will obtain your voter addresses and record your work on this site.
2. Make sure you have a working printer and paper, as you will print the letters from home. Alternatively, you can download the .pdf from votefwd.org and have it printed at a print shop.
3. Gather your supplies:
- Pen (blue ink recommended)
- If needed, sponge and water for sealing envelopes (don’t lick the seal – self sealing envelopes preferred!)
- Optional: snacks and drinks!
- Envelopes & Stamps*
4. Plan to spend about an hour customizing your batch of 20 letters.
Log completed Letters
Hold your letters until the mail date in late October.
If you have never done this or have any other questions, we can help! Questions? Contact letterwriting@indivisibleeastside.com
The letters we write this year will strengthen our democracy by encouraging millions of voters to make their voices heard on election day. Thank you for being part of this important work.
Indivisible Eastside’s groups
Between March 1 and Oct 25 2020 our group members completed 11,500 letters and 45,000 postcards. Join us!