BlackLivesMatterFriday 4.0 -Racism. It Stops With Me (hosted by Black Freedom Front -Seattle)

Westlake Park (401 Pine St, Seattle, Washington 98101)

It is 2017,racism is still alive and well and that’s unacceptable -white nationalist and white supremacist and racists are marching through streets and police are still acting on their racist intent and murdering people of color and getting away with it and it’s unacceptable and businesses profit off of slavery from 200 years ago and still don’t give reparations .

We need to show that racism, stops with me (You) and that racism will be defeated forever and that racism is not acceptable in this country or world and also,Black Liberation Starts with you because until All Black People are free- Then no ones is free

Black Liberation starts with you and we need everyone in the country and the world in the streets demanding black liberation but also saying that

Racism,It Stops with me

Black,Liberation starts with me (You)

See y’all in the streetsĀ #UnitedWeStandAgainstRacism

Media contact email
Media Number 206-384-8053


Black Liberation Front Seattle

PO BOX 69667
Seattle WA 98168