IE Group Meeting Feb 2018

Indivisible Eastside is ramping up its electoral game, while continuing to hold our members of congress accountable. Redmond Library 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA

  • Join like-minded Indivisibles to hear what’s brewing in the CD8 House seat race
  • Brush up on your electoral knowledge
  • Hear from Dr. Judith Lipton on what you can do to avert Nuclear War.
  • Finally, we’ll build on the momentum of the Topic Groups formed in January.

Come get involved with one of the existing groups: Electoral/Voting, Environment, Immigration, Social Justice, Healthcare, Education, Corruption, or start a new one (Gun Control would be amazing). Contact Linda K at for more information.

Indivisible Eastside has a few needs for the meeting.

  • If you’d like to bring treats let us know at
  • If you’d like to contribute to operating costs (we just renewed website domain and need to renew online meeting subscription which will deplete our balance), please visit and click Donate.
  • We’ve had requests to make meeting notes available for those who cannot attend. If you can help with this, please let us know at

    See you on the 25th!