Bellevue Library (1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, Washington 98004)
Please RSVP to Mary Wirta so we know how many plates and handouts to provide: or Phone (425) 881-2349 No texts, but Voicemail picks up after 5 rings if I or my husband are not immediately available.
The King County Democrats PCO Training Committee Invites all PCOs
(particularly new PCOs, Acting PCOs , Appointed PCOs and those who would like to Volunteer to help PCOs)
To a Welcome Get Together to Meet other PCOs.
We will have a Potluck, & Cover Set #2 — Organizing your Precinct Committee,
Plus Votebuilder 101 –Intro, Printing Precinct Walking and Calling Lists, and time permitting, turf cutting & data entry
When: Monday, July 17th 2017 at 5:30 PM
Where: Bellevue Library, Rm 1 1111 110th Ave NE
Bring: A Picnic dish to share C-M = salads or fruit; N-Z = Main Dish or Appetizer; A & B bring non-alcoholic drinks
5:30-6:30 PM Check In, Potluck, & Introductions
6:30-7:15 PM How to Organize your Precinct Committee
7:15-8:45 PM Votebuilder 101 Please obtain your password from your LD Chair, PCO Chair or Membership Chair if at all possible and bring your laptop. We will attempt to seat you with another person who has a laptop if you do not have one or do not have a password yet(obtaining one prior to training will be more helpful for you). If you do not know who your LD contact person is we will send you their contact info when you RSVP Please include your full precinct # with your RSVP.
From I–405 take NE 8th Street exit. Go West on NE 8th Street.
Then turn right( or North) onto 112th and then left onto 12th Street(aka Bel-Red Rd)
See Library and parking on left. Free parking.