Westlake Park, Seattle (401 Pine St, Seattle, Washington 98101)
On August 15th, we are drawing our line in the sand: Not One Penny more in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations. We’ve had enough!
The recent Senate healthcare repeal efforts were hiding huge tax cuts to ultra-wealthy taxpayers & corporations. Upcoming “tax reform” proposals contain the same kind of tricks. It’s clear that we have to keep fighting back.
We have three important goals:
1. EDUCATE—You need to be aware of what is being proposed, and why it will hurt you and your families. (Did you know that 70% of tax breaks in the Paul Ryan tax reform blueprint only benefit people making more than $1 million a year?)
2. INFORM—The super wealthy and corporations are already paying less than their share of taxes. Taxes are complex, and it’s easy to mislead the public as to what the reality of taxes in America is. We will help to unmask popular misconceptions (er, lies) about taxes in our country.
3. ACTIVATE—The Seattle rally is one of many taking place all over the country, and marks the beginning of the campaign. We need to bring the same energy to tax reform as we did to efforts to “improve” healthcare by stripping it from 22 million Americans.
We need you to help us hold our Congress accountable: we expect them to vote against tax reform that hurts the middle class, and we will hold them accountable at the ballot box if they side with wealthy corporations over citizens. (Dave Reichert, are you listening?)
Come join us for the official kick-off of the non-partisan Not One Penny campaign.
Together, we will defeat plans to manipulate the tax code to benefit the ultra rich at the expense of the working and middle class.
Questions? Ideas? Let us know.