Celebrate Woodinville with the 45th District Democrats

Wilmot Gateway Park (131st Ave NE, Woodinville, Washington 98072)


Join us for Woodinville’s annual Celebrate Woodinville Festival! Celebrate Woodinville draws crowds of up to 4,000 people from across the region for music, arts & crafts, family activities, Basset Hounds, and more. Let’s get the word out about our endorsed candidates, connect with the community, and register voters.

If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up for a shift here:signupgenius.com/go/508084ea8ae2cabfc1-celebrate

Candidates endorsed by the 45th are welcome to join us or send a surrogate. Let us know when you plan to be there on the form above or drop by any time.

We will not have a parade entry but volunteers are welcome to join our endorsed candidates and elected officials in walking in the parade. More details on who will be walking soon.

See the full event schedule: 45thdemocrats.org/event/celebrate-woodinville