
Weekly Actions

Members of Congress

  • Sen. Patty Murray
    (202) 224-2621 | Email

  • Sen. Maria Cantwell
    (202) 224-3441 | Email

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st)
    (202) 225-6311 | Email

  • Rep. Kim Schrier (8th)
    (202) 225-7761 | Email

  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th)
    (202) 225-8901 | Email

  • For the Week of July 22, 2024

    • Rollercoaster week. Assassination attempt, Trump documents case dismissed, J D. Vance as Trump’s VP candidate. And Sunday, Biden withdrew and endorsed VP Kamala Harris to become the Democratic nominee for president. In this time of uncertainty and unease, really, all we can do is Do The Work. If you don’t know what that means, start with our two actions below, and pledge to take action every week.
    • Brian Colker, a grassroots organizer for Democratic candidates said something that rings true. “Polls don’t measure the grassroots’ intensity. Pundits neither understand the grassroots nor respect our impact. I have not felt this level of energy since 2017. Don’t underestimate it. And don’t lose hope.” What happens in November depends on what we all do between now and then. WE are the grassroots. We will prove the pundits wrong!
    • Renowned historian Dr. Heather Cox Richardson’s presentation on Project 2025 was attended by over 40,000 people, and overloaded host Red Wine and Blue’s Zoom account. If you were not able to attend, you can learn from her clear-thinking historical perspective: HCR Talks Project 2025 – full version, HCR Talks Project 2025 – 10 minute version.
    •  Rachel, mother of twin 18 month olds, is hosting Playdates and Postcards to Swing States (the link access code is playdate) at her home in Bellevue every other Tuesday starting July 23rd. At the link, you can learn more and sign up for any of the days. Forward this to anyone with young children who may be interested in sharing childcare while doing activism!

    Here are your 2 actions this week.

    Action 1 – Candidate Corner –  Vice President Harris for President!

    From Indivisible National

    For the past few weeks, there’s been a healthy debate about the best path forward to defeat Trump and avert the dystopian future envisioned by Project 2025.  Now the path is before us: We must do everything within our power to elect Kamala Harris and restore our Democratic Trifecta. 

    Republicans and some in the media will be looking for any cracks in our coalition that they can exploit to sow division and shape a narrative of dysfunction and infighting. But instead, we can give them a story about unity, resolve, and unbridled enthusiasm heading into November. 

    How do we do that? Public Events. Surges in volunteering. And record-breaking fundraising that’ll make headlines and fuel the grassroots advocacy that’ll deliver victory this November. 

    Indivisible National is asking four things of the grassroots:

    1. Weigh in on our 1 question poll on whether you personally endorse VP Harris to be the Democratic nominee for President. We’ll be sharing the results with National in a few days. 
    2. If you DO support Harris 
      1. Take Indivisible National’s pledge 
      2. Donate: Split your donation between the Kamala Harris for President Campaign and the Indivisible Majority over MAGA fund. We can show just how many Americans are behind Harris with cold hard numbers that will help defeat MAGA and save our democracy. 
    3. Attend co-founder Ezra and Leah’s zoom coffee chat TODAY at 4 pm Eastern (1 PM Pacific) Register HERE

    Together, we will win.

    ✊ Action 2 – Vote by August 6 and encourage your neighbors to vote

    Ballots for the August 6 Primary were mailed July 17. Every voter should have their ballot in hand by Monday, July 22. If not, you should give King County Elections a call at 206-296-VOTE (8683) or Snohomish County Elections at 425-388-3444.

    Here are a few things you can do to make voting easier:

    • Sign up for Ballot alerts. Receive an alert when your ballot is mailed, received back at Elections, and when your signature is verified and the ballot is ready for counting. Voters with a signature challenge will also receive an alert letting them know action is needed for their ballot to count. (Subscribers of ballot alerts consistently turn out at higher rates!)
    • Check with your County and Legislative District Democrats on who they endorsed: King | Snohomish | 1st | 5th | 41st | 45th | 48th
    • Check out the Progressive Voter’s Guide for assistance with deciding who to vote for.

    Calendar of Events

    Save the Date:

    • Thurs Sept 12, 7 pm – Lake Hills Judicial Candidate Forum via Zoom –
    • Thurs Sept 26, 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission, 2044 Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Housing. Open house 4-5:30. Kirkland City Hall. Link will be on this website.

    Recorded events to check out:

    … and More:


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