Actions Previous 2024

Previous Actions from 2024

For the Week of July 15, 2024

???? News about the shooting at the rally in Pennsylvania was breaking as we were finishing up writing this. We denounce any acts of violence in our politics and hold strongly that all public figures have the right to safety, no matter what their political party. We stand united against a cycle of political violence in this country. Peaceful organizing is the way to protect our democracy. To advocate for common sense gun legislation visit Everytown for Gun Safety.

????Postcards4WA is back for 2024! Join other volunteer writers around the state to support great Democratic candidates. The first three campaigns are all races where we can flip a seat long held by a Republican! We cannot take for granted Washington’s Blue Trifecta, and with more Democrats elected, we can have greater progressive impact in our state. Sign up for 2024 and request addresses at All writers must sign up each year.

???? The City of Bellevue is working on a plan to guide the electric vehicle transition in Bellevue over the coming years. Our work includes providing public EV charging to those who do not have access to charging at home, and to areas of the city where charging is less likely to be driven by market forces. Take the EV Roadmap Survey, or attend the Open House at Bellevue Crossroads Park on Monday, July 22nd from 4:30-7pm.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Project 2025: Talk it Up to Shut it Down!

Project 2025 is a plan created by the Heritage Foundation and other extreme right-wing organizations, spelling out the steps for a re-elected president Trump to seize control over the Federal government. The plan is over 900 pages long, so articles like the BBC’s overview are a good place to learn about it, but you can view the Project 2025 website and the full Project 2025 document yourself.

The authors and collaborators on Project 2025 include some of the most trusted MAGA members of the prior Trump administration – including former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Senior Advisors Stephen Miller and Peter Navarro, and many more. Our very own Yvonne Brandon (you can watch her in action) has been giving presentations around the country with Freedom Writers Collaborative for over 6 months, and the media ( John Oliver did a deep dive) is finally covering this story. U.S. Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA-02) announced the formation of a new working group designed to stop Project 2025. Media Matters and Wikipedia have good breakdowns of the major agenda items, but these are some of the highlights:

  • Staffing: Replace the expertise of civil service workers with Trump loyalists. They have set up a Presidential Personnel database to vet and recruit these new staffers to have them ready to hire within the first 180 days.
  • Christian Nationalism: Throughout the guide they mention returning our country to its “Judeo-Christian roots”. Americans United for Separation of Church and State has a good breakdown on how this guide would turn us into a Christian Theocracy.
  • Reproductive Rights: The guide is very clear that women should not have any say over their bodies. They want a constitutional amendment banning abortion, are against IVF, and even want to make it harder for women to access contraceptives.
  • LGBTQIA+ Rights: They want to eliminate federal protections for queer people and pursue research into conversion therapies in order to encourage gender and sexuality conformity. The policy book also lays out plans to criminalize being transgender and prohibit federal policies that support queer people.
  • DOJ and Law Enforcement: They want to fill the DOJ with Trump loyalists and implement a strong man, authoritarian approach. They intend to weaponize the departments to implement their ideology; threatening voting rights, DEI programs, and equal protection under the law. This would be how Trump’s authoritarianism would be enforced.
  • Climate Change: What little progress we have made towards mitigating climate change would be unraveled. The EPA would be kneecapped.
  • Immigration: The guide threatens all immigration, even those who have come here legally. Trump has boasted about massive deportations. This guide even targets people who have been here for decades.
  • Education: Project 2025’s proposal for America’s education system would be one of the most extreme plans yet, calling for eliminating the Department of Education, getting rid of all teachers unions, and tearing down regulations on education spending.

Heather Cox Richardson is holding an event tonight (Monday, July 15) with Red, Wine and Blue to learn about Project 2025. Sign up HERE to attend. This election is a referendum on whether we want to live in a Democracy or an Autocracy. That is not hyperbole. They literally have written it down and published it for everyone to see. We must spread the word so our friends, family and neighbors know what is at stake.

Action: Talk it up to shut it down!

Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Bob Ferguson, Governor

From member Hanna F.

Website | Donate | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer

Bob Ferguson is running for Governor and will be a champion for all Washingtonians. His track record as our Attorney General in winning lawsuits against the Trump administration shows he is willing to fight for us.

The Seattle Times has endorsed Ferguson out of a large list of potential candidates. “Of the 28 gubernatorial candidates on the primary ballot, Democrat Bob Ferguson is best positioned to lead Washington through the next four years. His experience as state attorney general, his detailed policy positions and his willingness to tackle tough issues give him the edge in a crowded field.”

Even though the WA State Republican party is backing ultra right Semi Bird, after the primary, the matchup against Ferguson will probably be Republican Dave Reichert. We know Reichert. As a seasoned politician he will talk as if he is a moderate, but we know he will try to unravel reproductive rights protections in our state along with anti-immigrant and Christian Nationalist Policies as outlined in Project In this interview, he talks about the long term plan to flip WA State to get those policies enacted.

Bob is endorsed by over 350 current and former elected officials, from our US Senators and Representatives to many of our State Legislators. He has the support of many of our WA State Tribes and Union/Labor organizations. Check out his endorsements using the link above.

Please join me in supporting Bob Ferguson for Governor!

-Hanna F.

Candidate Corner – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Prior Candidate Corner Submissions:

May 6 – Jim Mayhew LD12 Senate

May 13 – Patty Kuderer for Insurance Commissioner

May 20 – Maria Beltran, LD 14 Senate

June 2 – Dave Upthegrove, Commissioner of Public Lands

June 10 – Melissa Demyan, LD 45 Representative

June 17 – Manka Dhingra for Attorney General

June 24 – Chris Reykdal for Supt of Public Instruction

July 1 – No On 2109 – No Education Cuts!

July 8 – Sal Mungia, Supreme Court Justice, pos 2

July 15 – Bob Ferguson for Governor

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

  • Thurs Sept 12, 7 pm – Lake Hills Judicial Candidate Forum via Zoom –
  • Thurs Sept 26, 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission, 2044 Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Housing. Open house 4-5:30. Kirkland City Hall. Link to come but will be on this website.

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of July 8, 2024

???? We had a great turn out for our Ice Cream social. Thanks to Louise for the beautiful view and ice cream to keep us cool!

???? Good news! The Bellevue City Council voted unanimously at their June 18th meeting to move forward with the staff’s recommendations for new tree ordinances. The vote will occur during the July 9th City Council meeting. The codes should go into effect in August and represent the first major update in over 40 years. These changes come after two years of lobbying by citizens and community groups across the city. Thanks to all who advocated for our trees!!

???? Check out Liveable Kirkland’s cool new “Bike Valet” program for City Events. It’s a great volunteer opportunity if you want to encourage more biking in Kirkland.

???? We need 3 more people for our next Alphabet Resistance on Thurs July 11, 4:45-6 pm in downtown Bellevue. We will be messaging around No On I-2109 – the attempt to repeal the capital gain tax on the ultra wealthy. Sign up using the access code ‘alpha.’

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 –Talk about secure elections, volunteer at King County Elections!

Ballots will be mailed July 17th for the August Primary Election. As we gear up for this election and begin thinking about the November General Election, this action is about how you can help ensure the integrity of our elections. They are being attacked on all fronts, such as through the robo-call scam described in this article from Joyce Vance. Be vigilant and report anything that seems not quite right surrounding our elections to or 1-800-448-4881. Another great way to help maintain the integrity of our elections is by becoming a certified election observer, not only to help by volunteering to observe our elections, but also to get the full education about how truly secure our elections are so you can spread the word with first hand knowledge.

Become a Certified Election Observer for the Democratic Party! The Republican Party is sending all of their conspiracy theorists to observe elections: we need more election defenders to counteract them! Weekdays during the election cycle King County will process ballots, and they request volunteers from each of the political parties to come and observe, to ensure the electoral process is transparent and accountable. Your training is good for 2 years, so if you get certified now, you will be all set to observe in the 2024 presidential election!

???? King County Elections will be holding 5 trainings prior to the August election cycle, at King County Elections Headquarters in Renton:

???? Monday July 15, 1-3 pm

???? Tuesday July 23, 11 am-1 pm

???? Wednesday, July 24, 2-4 pm

???? Thursday, July 25, 1-3 pm

???? Friday, July 26, 10 am-12 pm

They are only allowing 10 participants from each political party at each of these training sessions, so sign up now! You need only attend ONE training, and once certified, your training is good for 2 years. We need you now! Sign up HERE.

Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Sal Mungia, Supreme Court Justice, pos 2

From member Kat P.

Website | Donate | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer

Sal Mungia is running to fill the open State Supreme Court seat being vacated by retiring Justice Susan Owens (position 2).

There are two critical things to understand about Sal Mungia – first, he clearly LOVES the practice of law. You can see it when he talks about promoting access to the justice system, encouraging lawyers to represent clients pro bono, and continuing to promote equity and diversity within the profession. Second, Sal’s core values are fairness, hard work, and being of service to others, developed by being raised in a loving, stable, yet low income immigrant family. He expresses these values well on the website of the law firm where he is managing director:

“Lawyers can change people’s lives and sometimes even change society, law, and policy for the better. My hope is to continue to make positive changes for our community in a more systemic manner if I am elected to the Court.”

Career & awards:
Sal has been in private practice at Gordon Thomas Honeywell in his hometown of Tacoma for 38 years doing civil trial and appellate work at all levels, including federal. He has been a cooperating attorney with the ACLU since 1986.

Sal has been devoted to public service over and above his pro bono practice. He has served as a Washington State Bar Association president, chaired the Campaign for Equal Justice, chaired the Washington State Access to Justice Board, served on the Tacoma Human Rights Commission, and served on the ACLU and Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law board of directors. Sal has also received multiple awards and professional recognitions, including the Charles A. Goldmark Distinguished Service Award for his extraordinary contributions to the justice system.

8 of 9 current WA Supreme Court Justices; more than 80 sitting judges; our Congress Members Suzan DelBene and Adam Smith; more than 45 state and local elected officials including Governor Jay Inslee and others shown at the endorsements link above; unions; and hundreds of individuals.

Candidate Corner – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

  • Thurs Sept 12, 7 pm – Lake Hills Judicial Candidate Forum via Zoom –
  • Thurs Sept 26, 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission, 2044 Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Housing. Open house 4-5:30. Kirkland City Hall. Link to come but will be on this website.

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of July 1, 2024

???? It’s been a rough week of news, from Supreme Court rulings on January 6th Insurrectionists “obstruction of an official proceeding” and curtailing the power of federal agencies in the Chevron case, to Biden’s disappointing performance debating lying liar Trump. Indivisible co-founder Ezra Levin shared his thoughts in a newsletter on the debate and how to move forward, and Indivisible is leaning in on highlighting the danger of Trump on their Instagram and Facebook Page. If you’re on those platforms, you can help by sharing these excellent graphics.

???? Please sign up by this Thursday if you’d like to attend the Indivisible Eastside Ice Cream Social on July 7 from 3-5 pm. We will gather lakeside at the Kirkland home of one of the steering committee members, have a short meeting, a postcarding activity and all the fixings for ice cream sundaes. The address will be shared after registration. Sign up at this link, using the access code ‘icecream’. We hope to see you there!

???? We need 4 more people for our next Alphabet Resistance on Thurs July 11, 4:45-6 pm in downtown Bellevue. We will be messaging around No On I-2109 – the attempt to repeal the capital gain tax on the ultra wealthy. Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’

???? Five IE steering members (Louise, Yvonne, Hanna, Kat and Joan) participated in the WA State Democrats Convention in Bellevue June 21-23rd. We heard from many new candidates, as well as Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson and Maria Cantwell. We attended inspiring presentations by The Vera Project: “Winning the Narrative on Crime, Safety, and Justice”, Connections Lab: “How To Make More Democrats”, and Rachel Bitecofer on her book “Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts” – describing the importance of elevating unpopular anti-abortion actions to defeat MAGA Republicans. It was great to see many other Indivisible members there from the Eastside, WA-8, Elk, Spokane, Vancouver, Port Townsend and Seattle. We are everywhere!

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Ask your Member of Congress to skip Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress

From Indivisible

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation to give a joint address to Congress, which is expected to happen sometime before the August recess.

But Netanyahu should not be given this platform. He has used the war in Gaza for his own political gain, insisting on a prolonged military response that has led to the suffering and deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza and has not prioritized reuniting hostages with their families. Even President Biden acknowledges it is completely reasonable for people to believe Netanyahu’s motivation for continuing the war is political.

Netanyahu brags about meddling in US politics and has used past appearances before Congress to undermine President Obama and sabotage other critical peace processes. We should expect him to do the same now. President Biden has laid out a peace deal and is encouraging all parties at the table to take it—the US must use more leverage to close that deal, not give Netanyahu a platform to play partisan politics.

Members of Congress must send a clear message that they do not support the continued bloodshed and slaughter of innocent Palestinians or the disregard for returning hostages to their loved ones.

Contact your Senators and Representative today:

☎ Sample Script:

I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am outraged that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to address Congress.

Netanyahu is corrupt and is continuing the war in Gaza for his own political gain. His relentless bombings of hospitals and refugee camps have killed tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. He has made it clear that he is more interested in his far-right agenda than in bringing an end to the brutal war and securing the release of the hostages. Having him speak to Congress undermines efforts by President Biden and the international community to end the war and get desperately needed aid to the people of Gaza.

I am asking you to say ‘No to Netanyahu’ and skip his address. Please send a clear message to him that you do not support his prolonged war or the bloodshed it has caused and take a stand in support of a ceasefire.

Thank you.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 2 – Campaign Corner – No On 2109 – No Education Cuts!

From IE Steering member Louise P.

Website | Donate | Instagram | Facebook

Washington’s capital gains tax applies only to people who make extreme Wall Street profits on stock sales of more than $262,000 a year. In its first year alone, the tax brought in close to $900 million to fund education, childcare, and early learning in Washington.

But now, some ultra-wealthy Washingtonians are trying to repeal the capital gains tax with I-2109. If I-2109 passes, it would cut nearly $5 billion in funding for Washington kids and families over the next six years, while giving a tax break to 4,000 of the wealthiest people in our state.

We can’t allow the wealthiest 0.2% of Washingtonians to rewrite our state’s tax code and avoid paying what they owe. Learn the truth about I-2109 so you can talk to family and friends to help defeat I-2109 and preserve the capital gains tax and funding for kids and families.

Candidate Corner – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

    26, 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission, 2044 Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Housing. Open house 4-5:30. Kirkland City Hall. Link to come but will be on this website.

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of June 24, 2024

???? Are you interested in writing Postcards to safeguard our democracy? IE member Joan B. has a great resource to help you get involved. Please see Current Postcards To Voters. Also note: First Class and Postcard Stamps are going up in price on July 14th, so stock up on Forever Stamps today!

???? It’s time for some summer fun–we’re having an Ice Cream Social (and short Indivisible Eastside meeting) on July 7 from 3-5 pm. We will gather outside in Kirkland at the home of one of the steering committee members. The address will be shared after registration. Sign up at this link, using the access code ‘icecream’. We hope to see you there!

???? King County Parks is examining how people travel into and through Marymoor Park, including traffic, parking, and walking or biking. This Marymoor Park Traffic and Parking Study will evaluate the current conditions and propose improvements to address existing issues. Please provide your feedback by taking a moment to complete THIS 5 MINUTE SURVEY.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

✊ Action 1 – Write a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts asking him to maintain the integrity of the Supreme Court

Action from Indivisible Tacoma

Background from Boston University Today:

By June’s end, the Supreme Court is expected to decide not one but two cases stemming from the January 6, 2021, insurrection. Two justices whom critics call compromised will join in those rulings.

Chief Justice John Roberts recently dismissed calls for Samuel Alito’s recusal after revelations that flags outside Alito’s homes appeared to support Donald Trump’s lie about winning the 2020 election.

… The controversy follows disclosures that Justice Clarence Thomas has been gifted luxury items and travel from rich conservatives for decades, and—germane to the January 6 cases—that his wife, Ginni Thomas, had urged the overturning of President Joe Biden’s election.

US Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a former constitutional law teacher, has urged Attorney General Merrick Garland to petition the court to force the two justices’ recusals, on two grounds. First, a federal statute requires a justice to step aside in cases “in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Second, SCOTUS itself has struck down lower courts’ decisions when judges appeared potentially biased and thus infringed on defendants’ due process rights, Raskin wrote.

Let’s write directly to the Chief Justice to keep up the pressure on him to take action to maintain the integrity of the Supreme Court regarding the January 6th Insurrection cases. (Note that the Supreme Court does not have a public comment phone line.)

Sample text:

Honorable Chief Justice John G. Roberts, JR

United States Supreme Court

1 First St. NE

Washington, DC 20543

Your Honor, I have always been proud of our justice system, but recently unethical and biased behavior by Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel A. Alito have caused me to question the integrity of the U. S. Supreme Court. I firmly believe that both above justices should recuse themselves from any and all cases that directly or indirectly involve Donald J. Trump.

My passionate hope is that if they do not choose to recuse themselves that you, as Chief Justice, will bring pressure for them to recuse.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


✊ Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Chris Reykdal – Superintendent of Public Instruction

From IE Steering Member Louise P.

Website | Donate | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer

The past 6 years have been very hard on educators, students, parents, and public school administrators. With student success in mind, Chris Reykdal has helmed the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instructions – or OSPI – through that period of tumult of anti-mask, anti-sex education, anti-equity, anti-vax, anti-public education attacks fueled by right-wing culture wars.

Chris is proactively addressing the lingering effects of the pandemic on students’ learning loss and social skills by targeting state and federal dollars to bring gains in math and reading scores. When social skills are weak, declining mental health and anxiety are the biggest risks for many kids. At OSPI’s request, the Legislature funded 600 staffing positions across the state. Also at OSPI’s request, and contrary to culture war efforts against social emotional learning (SEL), the Legislature doubled down on SEL learning standards, and increased professional learning for adults in schools to identify kids at-risk or in crisis using early warning systems and referral networks.

Here are some of Chris’s other strong points:

  • Special education funding: Chris’s administration nearly doubled special education funding from $2.2 billion per biennium to $4.1 billion per biennium, and he is working to completely remove the funding cap that assumes that only 16% of a district’s students are in need of specialized instruction.
  • Process for passing school bonds: Chris is supportive of removing the 60% bond supermajority that is hampering districts’ abilities to fund capital projects and access progressive state matching funds.
  • Unions: Chris is a strong supporter of unions and has been a member of three (Teamsters, Woodworkers, and WEA). He states “There is no higher political value for me than the rights of workers to organize, bargain, and withhold their labor!”
  • Endorsements: Chris is endorsed by hundreds of State and Locally Elected Officials, Democratic Organizations, Education, Labor, Human Rights, & Progressive Organizations, Community-Based Organization Leaders, Educators, Parents, and Education Champions.

Washington Education Association President Larry Delaney states:

“Chris earned the overwhelming endorsement of Washington’s public educators. WEA members understand that public education is under attack by well-funded interests that seek to privatize our schools and send taxpayer funds to unaccountable, discriminatory private corporations. Superintendent Reykdal and WEA are united in our effort to ensure every child in our state gets a great public education where every student is welcomed. We look forward to strongly supporting Superintendent Reykdal’s re-election effort.”


Candidate Corner – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

  • Thurs June 27, 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission, 2044 Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Transportation, Capital Facilities, Draft EIS. Participation details on this website.
  • Fri June 28, 5-10 pm – Trans Pride Seattle – Volunteer Park amphitheater. Trans Pride Seattle is put on by the Gender Justice League specifically to uplift the voices of some of the most marginalized in our community.
  • Sat June 29, 10 am – 2 pm – Summit on Police Culture. Convening law enforcement, community advocates for police accountability and state legislators to begin ongoing dialogue on how we can change police culture that focuses on saving lives of both community and law enforcement by building trust in our communities. Everett – RSVP Required.
  • Sun June 30, 11 am – 3 pm, with 10 am Pre-Show at Westlake – Seattle Pride Parade
  • Sun June 30, 7-8 pm – Postcards and Letterwriting Zoom Get-together with Indivisible Eastside
  • Sun July 7, 3-5 pm – IE member meeting and Ice Cream Social. Sign up using the access code ‘icecream’. Address will be shared on registration.
  • Thurs July 11, 4:45-6 pm – Alphabet Resistance, downtown Bellevue. Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and choose one or more dates.

Save the Date:

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of June 17, 2024

???? Happy Juneteenth! “Every year, Black communities celebrate Juneteenth, the day in 1865 when enslaved African Americans in Texas finally got word of their emancipation. The holiday — which gets its name from the contraction of ‘June’ and ‘nineteenth’ — got its start in the South, but with the Great Migration in the 20th century, Black people brought this celebration to their newfound communities across the country, including Seattle. Juneteenth got an even bigger boost in popularity following the George Floyd uprising in 2020, and it became a federal holiday in 2021.” – Jas Keimig of the South Sound Emerald

???? On June 4th, Newcastle’s Mayor Robert Clark and council majority voted AGAINST raising the Pride Flag at City Hall in solidarity with Pride month. Newcastle has been a safe town, striving for an inclusive, welcoming community until the council voted in Clark as mayor in January. Read more and sign a petition HERE. You can also support Pride in person by joining with others on Tuesday June 18th at 5 pm at Lake Boren Park for a Newcastle Pride Recognition event. Hear speeches, then walk as a group to City Hall for the regular council meeting at 7 pm.

???? As we approach the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling that overturned Roe V. Wade, Alphabet Resisters gathered on a 405 overpass in Bellevue to message Roe Roe Roe Your Vote to stop and go traffic. You can join Indivisible WA-8th District’s Reproductive Rights Sign Waving & Rally on June 22nd at 10 am in Issaquah. Details and registration in the link.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Tell the FCC that 988 should connect to local support!


If you call 988 today, you’re connected to a call center based on your phone’s area code, which might not match your location. Although this ensures help is available over the phone, it can delay connection to mental health resources close to you, mobile crisis teams (if needed), or additional local services.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is asking for feedback on a proposed rule to fix this. This proposed change will help fully realize the potential of 988 to be the life-saving resource that people in crisis need by better connecting people to local resources, while protecting callers’ privacy. The proposal would keep calls to 988 confidential, ensuring that callers’ personal information and location are not shared – only that they reach the closest call center to their location. But you only have until Friday, June 28th to urge the FCC to finalize this proposal.

Below is a step-by-step process, including template comments, for you to follow to submit your comment to the FCC.

  1. Click here to submit an express comment.

  2. In the first box, labeled Proceeding(s): Specify the FCC proceeding(s) to which your filing refers, enter 18-336. (If the form does not seem to respond, try copying Implementation of the National Suicide Hotline into the Proceedings box.)

    • From the dropdown menu, select “Implementation of the National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act of 2018,” the full title of the Act.

  3. Enter your full name under “Name of Filer,” and fill in the required address fields, along with your email if you want an emailed receipt.

  4. In the textbox for “Brief Comments,” copy and paste the text from the Suggested Script below.

    • If you’d like to make your comment stronger, add a local or personal story at the end of the first paragraph.

  5. Check the acknowledgement box and click “Continue to Review Screen”.

  6. Select the box that you are not a robot and then click “Submit”.

Please keep in mind that your entire comment submission is accessible public record, including any personal information added. If you don’t wish to submit a public comment, but want to share your story with NAMI, click here.

Suggested Script:

Dear Chairwoman Rosenworcel,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed rule, “National Suicide Hotline Act of 2018” (WC Docket No. 18–336). I’m grateful to the Federal Communications Commission for your leadership in making the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline available nationwide. The 988 Lifeline has already been an incredible life-saving resource for me and my community – and millions of others.

I fully support the proposed rule to require wireless carriers to implement georouting solutions for calls to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, while protecting confidentially and personal information. Although callers currently receive support from 988 crisis counselors regardless of location, a georouting solution for 988 would ensure people are connected to the local care, support, and resources they need to get well and stay well throughout and after a crisis. With more than 80 percent of callers reaching out via mobile phone, it is even more critical that we connect callers based on where they are, not the area code of their phone.

Every day, communities like mine bear the costs of an inadequate response to our ongoing mental health crisis – like the unmeasurable cost of losing our loved ones, friends, and neighbors because they couldn’t get the help and support they needed during an emergency. A solution to route calls to 988 based on general geographic location would help realize the potential of 988 by connecting callers to local support and benefit our country to better support people in a mental health or suicide crisis during what may be the worst day of their lives.

We urge you to finalize this rule and implement this solution as quickly as possible.




Action 2 – Candidate Corner Manka Dhingra for Attorney General

From member Kat P.

Website | Donate | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer

Manka Dhingra is running for Attorney General, one of our most important races this year. I first met Manka in 2017 as a Lake Washington School District Golden Acorn recipient for her work supporting local schools. Professionally, she was a Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for King County, a state police trainer (having helped to bring Crisis Intervention Training to the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center), and a mental health advocate, serving as President of NAMI Eastside. I had heard of Manka’s work as the founder of Chaya (now called API Chaya) in 1996 while she was in college — Chaya is a non-profit organization which provides support to survivors of gender-based violence and human trafficking. While in law school Manka worked for Supreme Court Justice Barbara Madsen, and in the Attorney General’s office prosecuting sexually violent predators.

So when I talk about Manka’s depth of service to the Washington state community, I’m talking about almost 3 decades of service in Washington state — as a parent, community advocate, lawyer, Prosecutor, and Senator. Running for AG isn’t a stepping stone on the way to someplace else for Manka, it is the culmination of decades on a trajectory that naturally leads to this point.

She has deep roots in helping people, families, and communities address mental and behavioral health issues. She is a legal expert who is tough on crime, works extremely closely with law enforcement and other public safety officials, yet brings empathy and compassion to help people at every step possible.

It won’t take much to discover how astonishingly effective she has been in the State Senate since her election in 2017. Manka’s legislative leadership accomplishments are many — 988 crisis hotline legislation that is the national model; Washington’s first-ever privacy protections for sensitive reproductive and health care data; and the nation’s first-ever Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention. Manka also served on the task force to design Washington’s response to the fall of Roe v Wade, including ensuring that the state can dispense and distribute medication for medication abortion. Manka lives her stated values of community, compassion, honesty, and integrity. She builds a community of learning and practice wherever she goes, something that would be tremendously valuable in the AG’s office.

Washington State would be incredibly lucky to have an Attorney General with this depth of commitment, experience, and understanding of our state. She has more than earned my whole-hearted support. For a great in depth interview with Manka, check out this week’s Washington Indivisible Podcast: Audio: Apple Podcast | SoundCloud Video: Facebook | YouTube

Her endorsements are wide-ranging: click the link and you’ll see a long list of Democratic organizations, local leaders, and non-profits.

I’ll mention one last thing: I’ve witnessed first hand a great degree of implicit bias and even outright sexism in this race. I’ve heard everything from “oh she is so good in the Senate, let’s just keep her there” to folks dismissing decades of public service at all levels of the legal system. I would ask that you consciously think of this, and counter such biases when you can.


Candidate Corner – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

  • Thurs June 27, 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission, 2044 Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Transportation, Capital Facilities, Draft EIS. Open house 4-5:30. Kirkland City Hall. Link to come but will be on this website.
  • Fri June 28, 5-10 pm – Trans Pride Seattle – Volunteer Park amphitheater. Trans Pride Seattle is put on by the Gender Justice League specifically to uplift the voices of some of the most marginalized in our community.
  • Sat June 29, 10 am – 2 pm – Summit on Police Culture. Convening law enforcement, community advocates for police accountability and state legislators to begin ongoing dialogue on how we can change police culture that focuses on saving lives of both community and law enforcement by building trust in our communities. Everett – RSVP Required.
  • Sun June 30, 11 am – 3 pm, with 10 am Pre-Show at Westlake – Seattle Pride Parade
  • Sun June 30, 7-8 pm – Postcards and Letterwriting Zoom Get-together with Indivisible Eastside
  • Sun July 7, 3-5 pm – IE member meeting and Ice Cream Social. Sign up using the access code ‘icecream’. Address will be shared on registration.
  • Thurs July 11, 4:45-6 pm – Alphabet Resistance, downtown Bellevue. Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and choose one or more dates.

Save the Date:

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of June 10, 2024

???? We just need a couple more volunteers for the June 13th Alphabet Resistance! The second anniversary of the overturning of Roe, the first time the Supreme Court has taken away a right, is approaching. To remind voters of that, please sign up to join us on Thurs June 13 from 4:45 to 6:00 pm in downtown Bellevue (near Trader Joe’s). It’s fun! Our message will start with Roe Roe Roe, with Your Vote on the flip side. Please sign up at this link using the access code ‘alpha’. Thank you!

Another opportunity to protest the anniversary will be an event put on by our friends from the WA 8th CD Indivisible group. They will meet on June 22nd at 10 am at the corner of Front St. & Gilman Blvd, Issaquah for a sign waving rally and will then walk down Front St to City Hall at 11:00 to hear from speakers including 41st LD Rep My-Linh Thai.

???? Volunteers are needed for the Eastside Honoring Juneteenth event on Sat June 15th, 12-5 pm (with lots of outstanding activities). If you can help please fill out this form to let them know. Volunteers will be supplied with free lunch, a t- shirt, and volunteering credit if wanted.

Volunteers are also needed for the 2024 Washington State Democratic Convention, being held June 21-23. Your help with activities such as checking people in will help make the convention a success. Details and signup here.

???? We will not be holding a June meeting but Save the Date for a special in person July meeting! Please join with Indivisible Eastside members for a short meeting and an Ice Cream Social on July 7 from 3-5 pm. We will gather outside at the home of one of the steering committee members. The address will be shared after registration. Sign up at this link, using the access code ‘icecream’.

In the meantime, please join us for upcoming Postcards & Letter Writing Zoom meetings or Alphabet Resistance – see the calendar for details.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Speak up for a moratorium on logging mature forests on Department of Natural Resources lands

From Center for Responsible Forestry

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) controls timber harvest levels on state DNR land. DNR has a long history that once heavily emphasized clearcutting over conservation. They have recently been shifting, and this is a moment when multiple groups are pressing them to shift further. It’s time for DNR to expand the definition of “old growth” forests, considering not only the age and ecology of the forests but also their ecological functions and features.

DNR should tailor its timber harvest plans to sequester the greatest amounts of carbon, in order to be consistent with WA State’s 2050 climate targets. To do this, the DNR board (the Board of Natural Resources) should follow the model of the Mature and Old Growth Forest Inventory just published by the USDA, and carry out a mature forest inventory for Washington. In the meantime, the Board should halt logging on all mature, structurally complex legacy forests.

We need to ensure that the Board and the Commissioner of Public Lands, Hilary Franz, put an end to logging the last remaining mature forests on DNR land in western Washington.

Action 1A: Write to the Board of Natural Resources to support a moratorium on logging mature forests

Sample Script

SUBJECT: Mature Forest Policy

Dear Commissioner Hilary Franz and Board of Natural Resources,

I am a resident of Washington state, and I am very concerned about our state forests. We are in the midst of a climate crisis and unprecedented loss of biodiversity – both of which require bold and urgent action on your part.

I am writing to urge you to exert your leadership and shape your work to implement a policy that defines and protects our remaining structurally complex, mature forests. Until this work is done, please immediately declare a moratorium on the logging of mature forests. Thank you.


Bonus Action 1B: Write to the DNR to cancel logging on mature forests on steep hillsides above the North Fork Stillaguamish River. Despite calls for revision of DNR policies, irreplaceable mature forests are still being slated for clearcutting.

Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Melissa Demyan, LD 45 Representative

From member Kraig P.

Website | Donate | Facebook | Volunteer

Melissa Demyan is the only candidate currently endorsed by Democratic organizations and the State Labor Council for the 45th District House Position 2. There’s no Republican in the race. Her opponent is a 20 year incumbent Democrat (who lacks Melissa’s endorsements), Larry Springer. He has often voted against the House Democratic Caucus and Governor Inslee on key Democratic priorities.

As described on Melissa’s “About” page, her work as an organizer has taken her to multiple states as she progressed in her career from grassroots campaigning to significant roles in major labor organizations and political advocacy.

Melissa’s priorities include:

  • Fully funding our public schools, to reverse chronic underfunding of schools.
  • Creating an economy (and society) that works for everyone, through steps such as expanding childcare, enhancing workforce education, and improving access to affordable housing and homeownership.
  • Healthcare for everyone who needs it, through work to create a Medicare for All, single-payer, health insurance program for everyone in Washington, as well as lowering drug prices and ensuring that reproductive care is a standard for everyone who needs it.
  • Tackling the climate crisis, by championing policies that reduce carbon emissions and promote high-quality, union-represented, low-carbon jobs in green energy, water, and transportation infrastructure. She is committed to programs that ensure economic stability and community well-being (especially among hard-hit communities) while combating climate change.

Her endorsements include: King County Democrats, 45th District Democrats, Washington State Labor Council, Lake Washington Education Association, Machinists District 751, Transit Riders Union, Northshore Education Association, and others!

In contrast with Melissa, the incumbent has voted against Democratic priorities on multiple bills, including:

  • SB 5241, the pro-choice Keep Our Care Act — he was the only Democrat to withhold committee support, contributing to the bill’s failure in the House.
  • HB 1589 — voted against paving the way for PSE to decarbonize its gas business.
  • HB 1893 and SB 5778 — voted against labor protections.
  • HB 2276 — voted in committee against a bill to increase the supply of affordable housing.
  • Bills in support of charter schools and state funding for them (he regularly sponsors such bills).

Melissa is an outstanding candidate for representing the 45th District in the State Legislature!


Candidate Corner – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

  • Sun July 7, 3-5 pm – IE member meeting and Ice Cream Social. Sign up using the access code ‘icecream’. Address will be shared on registration.
  • Thurs July 11, 4:45-6 pm – Alphabet Resistance, downtown Bellevue. Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and choose one or more dates.
  • Thurs Sept 26, 4-5:30 Open House and 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission meeting, 2044 Comprehensive Plan.

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of June 3, 2024

???? Join Alphabet Resistance on Thur June 13 from 4:45-6:00 in downtown Bellevue to raise signs reminding people that June 24th will mark the 2 year anniversary of the Dobbs Decision, the first time in history the US Supreme Court took away a fundamental right. This is an important Get Out The Vote activity – and it’s fun! Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and choose one or more dates.

Another opportunity to protest the anniversary will be an event put on by our friends from the WA 8th CD Indivisible group. They will meet on June 22nd at 10 am at the corner of Front St. & Gilman Blvd, Issaquah for a sign waving rally and will then walk down Front St. to City Hall at 11:00 to hear from speakers including 41st LD Rep My-Linh Thai. Bring your friends and your signs!

???? The Eastside Honoring Juneteenth event on Sat June 15th, 12-5 pm, has an outstanding agenda of activities to celebrate the day. However, they are still looking for volunteers for several support roles. If you can help, please fill out this form to let them know. Volunteers will be supplied with free lunch, a t- shirt, and volunteering credit if wanted.

???? We will not be holding a June meeting but Save the Date for a special in person July meeting! Please join with Indivisible Eastside members for a short meeting and an Ice Cream Social on July 7 from 3-5 pm. We will gather outside at the home of one of the steering committee members. The address will be shared after registration. Sign up at this link, using the access code ‘icecream’.

In the meantime, please join us for upcoming Postcards & Letter Writing Zoom meetings or Alphabet Resistance – see the calendar for details.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Learn about the many potential initiatives that you may be asked to sign this year

Hopefully you are aware of the ‘big three’ bad initiatives that have been certified and will be on our ballots in November. These are I-2109 (repeal the capital gains excise tax), I-2117 (repeal provisions of the 2021 Washington Climate Commitment Act) and I-2124 (opt out of paying the tax and receiving benefits under WA Cares, the state’s long-term health care program). As Initiatives to the Legislature, these have already qualified for the ballot. There are opposition campaigns for all of these billionaire-funded proposals (No2109, No2117, NoOn2124), which you will be hearing more about over the coming months. If you would like to help us with coordinating with any of these campaigns, please let us know at

There are, however, many other initiative proposals that have been filed and there could be more, up to the filing deadline on July 5th (with enough signatures, these will qualify as Initiatives to the People). Some of them will not see the light of day and there won’t be any signature gathering around them. Some of them, however, have campaigns with big money behind them and are already gathering signatures. I-2066 (Stop the (non-existent) Gas Ban) is a good example of this.

Please take some time to research the potential initiatives so you know which ones to avoid. One way to do this is to use Ballotpedia –save the link to refer to when confronted by signature gatherers. Another way is to watch for the red flags listed by the Tally (the newsletter of the Washington Community Alliance, or WCA): avoid anything sponsored by GOP operatives Larry Jensen and Jim Walsh, and signature sheets that don’t list the top five donors as required. There is a lot of good information in the Tally article so please give it a read. It’s a good one to sign up for, by the way, always informative and fun to read! Let’s pay attention and not be hoodwinked by smooth talk from signature gatherers.

Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Dave Upthegrove, Commissioner of Public Lands

From member Ruth L.

Website | Donate | Facebook | Volunteer

Dave Upthegrove, the current Chair of the King County Council, is running in a crowded field for the statewide Commissioner of Public Lands. He needs to come out of the primary strong to ensure that Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler doesn’t have momentum for what will be an extremely tough race in November. Dave is by far the strongest candidate based on his degrees in environmental conservation and his leadership at the county level. He recently received the sole endorsements of WA Conservation Action and the Sierra Club.

In 2022, the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously that state forests are intended for the benefit of all residents and the Department of Natural Resources can manage its 2 million acres of trust land for carbon sequestration and air, water, and habitat benefits, not just to maximize timber sales. But that balanced management will only happen if we elect an environmental champion to the Commissioner position. Dave would also be WA’s first statewide elected LGBTQ+ official.

He was recently a guest on the WA Indivisible Podcast. Please check it out and be sure to support Dave in the Primary!

Apple, Soundcloud, YouTube and Facebook

Candidate Corner – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

  • Sun July 7, 3-5 pm – IE member meeting and Ice Cream Social. Sign up using the access code ‘icecream’. Address will be shared on registration.
  • Thurs July 11, 4:45-6 pm – Alphabet Resistance, downtown Bellevue. Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and choose one or more dates.
  • Thurs Sept 26, 4-5:30 Open House and 6 pm – Kirkland Planning Commission meeting, 2044 Comprehensive Plan.

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of May 27, 2024

???? In recognition of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, be sure to listen to the latest Indivisible Podcast interview with Congressman Adam Smith (CD9), who discusses his book on conquering anxiety and chronic pain.

Audio: Apple Podcast | SoundCloud Video: Facebook | YouTube

???? At our meeting in April, Lukas Phipps of Planned Parenthood spoke to us about ongoing advocacy around the Keep Our Care Act (KOCA), which did not pass in the state legislature this year. This bill would have ensured oversight around healthcare consolidations to ensure that such mergers did not impact the quality of or access to reproductive, end-of-life, and gender-affirming care.

Lukas asked for our support in meetings this summer with our legislators to work on solutions for the next session. On Saturday June 1st from 4:15-4:45 pm he will be talking to Rep. Larry Springer of the 45th LD over Zoom. If you would like to join the conversation please contact him at or call 425-414-1881. Your support would be appreciated!

???? We will not be holding a June meeting but Save the Date for a special in person July meeting! Please join with Indivisible Eastside members for a short meeting and an Ice Cream Social on July 7 from 3-5 pm. We will gather outside at the home of one of the steering committee members. The address will be shared after registration. Sign up at this link, using the access code ‘icecream’.

In the meantime, please join us for upcoming Postcards & Letter Writing Zoom meetings or Alphabet Resistance – see the calendar for details.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Ask our Senators to Take a Stand Against Supreme Court Corruption


The Supreme Court is facing a massive legitimacy crisis, not just because of their devastating rulings rolling back our fundamental rights, but for their highly questionable behavior off the bench as well. Recent reporting has indicated that Justice Clarence Thomas accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in lavish gifts from a billionaire MAGA donor. We know that his colleague Samuel Alito was caught displaying a symbol in support of Donald Trump and the “Stop the Steal” movement to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Last week we learned that he has also flown a different Christian nationalist flag at his beachfront property on several occasions. The “Appeal to Heaven” flag is a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the “Stop the Steal” campaign, and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.

He was displaying his loyalty to the MAGA Movement for his whole neighborhood to see at the same time that the Supreme Court was considering whether or not to take up Trump’s election challenge lawsuit. And now, the Supreme Court is about to release decisions on two more cases related to January 6, including whether or not Trump has immunity for his role in inciting the whole thing.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has the power to investigate Alito, but Chairman Durbin has already said they won’t pursue an investigation. That is unacceptable. Please contact our Senators and tell them that you expect them to call on the Senate Judiciary Committee to do their job and thoroughly investigate corruption on the Court.

☎ Sample Script:

Dear Senator,

I’m a constituent and I’m outraged by the corruption on the Supreme Court. Samuel Alito has shown time and time again that his loyalty is to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. Yet, he’s ruling on cases related to January 6, such as whether or not Trump has immunity for inciting the insurrection.

We cannot trust him to be an impartial arbiter of the law and we cannot trust the Supreme Court while he is on the bench.

I’m counting on you to call on Senator Durbin and the Senate Judiciary Committee to do everything in their power to investigate Alito and the other corrupt MAGA justices. They must uncover the truth and hold these justices accountable.

Thank you.


[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 2 – Attend public hearings to provide input to Kirkland’s 2044 Comprehensive Plan

From member Beverly M.

Kirkland is on the home stretch of its 2044 Comprehensive Plan Process, which will help guide the city’s growth over the next 20 years. It has started its public hearings, which give you an opportunity to provide input that will guide decisions on future development of the city.

All public hearings will be held at City Hall during Kirkland Planning Commission’s meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm. Open Houses will be from 4:00 – 5:30 pm, where you will have an opportunity to speak with staff and ask questions. Full information can be found at the Planning Commission website, including audio of previous meetings.

Upcoming public meetings will be held on:

June 13

Topics: Introduction Chapter (Vision Statement & Guiding Principles)

June 27

Topics: Transportation; Capital Facilities; Utilities; Public Services; Implementation, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

September 26

Topics: Housing; Appendices (Glossary, Historical Information, Housing Needs Assessment, Community Profile); Miscellaneous topics

Mark your calendars to make the most of these opportunities to have your say!


No Candidate Corner this week – send us your submissions!

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position, and website, as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election, you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of May 20, 2024

???? Thank you to those who joined us for our re-scheduled Zoom meeting with Porchlight staffers Tom Kerby & Ryan Murk. We learned so much from their presentation, which are included in the meeting notes, along with other information from the meeting. Please take a moment to review their slides so that you can be well informed when engaging in conversations about homelessness on the eastside.

???? We will not be holding a June meeting but Save the Date for a special in person July meeting! Please join with Indivisible Eastside members for a short meeting and an Ice Cream Social on July 7 from 3-5 pm. We will gather outside at the home of one of the steering committee members. The address will be shared after registration. Sign up at this link, using the access code ‘icecream’. In the meantime, please join us for upcoming Postcards & Letterwriting Zoom meetings or Alphabet Resistance – see the calendar for details.

???? Do you know any civic -minded high school or college students? King County Elections is looking for their next cohort of Civic Engagement Interns to help them reach and educate students and future voters across South King County. This is a paid position with a commitment of about 5 hours a week, and runs from August 2024 to May 2025. Apply HERE by May 3rd.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Fight back against the GOP narrative of ‘Biden’s Crime Crisis’

A frequently cited priority of voters in every election is ‘reducing crime’. Its ranking varies depending on the poll but it’s generally in the top half dozen issues. In this election cycle Republicans are seizing on every opportunity to embellish the claims of out-of-control crime, dubbing it ‘Biden’s Crime Crisis’. Led by their likely presidential candidate (ironically facing 91 felony charges), there are ugly claims being pushed by the GOP and their supporters in the media. These highlight violent incidents involving migrants or singling out public safety concerns in Democratic-led cities to paint a picture of surging, out-of-control crime levels.

We are all familiar with the journalistic tenet of ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ and see evidence of this every day in news reports. Social media adds to the rising levels of alarm in our own communities and elsewhere. While accurate data about crime rates is difficult to establish, the two main sources of such information, the FBI and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), have established a useful set of information that should be more widely known. You can read about it in this article by Pew Research. Some highlights are:

  • Property crime in the U.S. is much more common than violent crime.
  • There have been dramatic declines in violent and property crime rates in the U.S.since the early 1990s, when crime spiked across much of the nation.
  • While perceptions of rising crime at the national level are common, fewer Americans believe crime is up in their own communities.
  • Americans tend to believe crime is up, even when official data shows it is down.

This last point is the one we need to emphasize to push back on Republican claims. According to this report from NBC, the new FBI data confirms previous indications that crime in the U.S. declined significantly in 2023, continuing a post-pandemic trend. Much of this is specifically related to funding provided by the Biden administration.

The Democratic group Third Way is releasing a new study which finds that this year, congressional Democrats secured substantially more funding for public safety projects across the country than Republicans did. You can check their interactive map to see what this means in our state. While we are not necessarily fans of all police-related spending, there is funding for many important programs that are proven to reduce crime rates and help victims, such as crisis response and engagement teams, improved DNA processing and better communications systems. You can expand your knowledge further on how Democrats can go on offense on the issue by listening to a podcast interview with Third Way’s Jim Kessler. There are Apple and Spotify links in this preview by host Greg Sargent, formerly of the Washington Post.

Don’t let Republicans take charge of the narrative in this area as they have tried to do with so many other important issues. Please learn about the facts and share with your networks.

Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Maria Beltran, LD 14 Senate

From Steering member Allison H and Washington Community Alliance

Website | Donate | Facebook | Volunteer

This is an important race to highlight because of recent changes to LD boundaries in eastern Washington. In 2020, there was a campaign to ensure an accurate census count in the state, which was successful. Unfortunately the redistricting commission then drew illegal maps that diluted the voices of Latinx and Yakama Nation voters. There was a lawsuit and a campaign to fight this and ultimately a federal judge drew new district lines across twelve counties.

One of these new districts is LD14, which now more accurately reflects its population of mostly Latinx voters and the Yakama Nation Reservation. One side effect of this was that all three (Republican) incumbents were redistricted out of their LD. Sen. Curtis King moved across town so that he could run in the new district but he has a strong challenger in Democrat Maria Beltran. She formerly worked at the House Democratic Campaign Committee (HDCC) and was the board chair at OneAmerica. Beltran grew up in the Yakima valley, is the child of immigrants and has deep roots in the Latinx communities she’s seeking to represent, with a long track record of serving her community. She would be an excellent fit for this seat, while facing stiff opposition from a well funded established opponent. She is behind in fundraising but has received significant endorsements, including Washington Conservation Action and United Farm Workers Union.

Please consider supporting Maria in this important race. If she can win this seat it would not only mean significantly better representation for the residents of LD14 but would help to increase Democratic numbers in the state Senate so that progressive policy can continue to be advanced.

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position and website as well as why you’re supporting them.

As all state candidates have now filed for the election you can check out who has filed at this website. At the top drop down menu (Election) select Primary and it will fill all races. You can narrow your search by making further selections.

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

Recorded events to check out:

  • Check out the latest Indivisible Podcast – Congressional Candidate Emily Randall, CD6

    Listen to this week’s podcast with state senator Emily Randall (LD 26) for a wide-ranging discussion about her campaign to succeed Derek Kilmer as member of Congress representing the 6th congressional district (parts of Tacoma, as well as Bainbridge Island, Bremerton, and the Kitsap and Olympic Peninsulas).

    Audio: Apple | SoundCloud Video: Facebook I YouTube

  • Previous Indivisible Podcasts via Apple, Soundcloud, YouTube and Facebook
  • All past Washington Indivisible Podcasts –

… and More:


For the Week of May 13, 2024

  • Due to a change in circumstances our in-person May 14th meeting at Porchlight has been moved online.  Please join us on Zoom on Tuesday May 14th from 5-6:30pm for a presentation on Homelessness on the Eastside by a representative from Porchlight. Register at to attend. 
  • Alphabet Resistance is back! On a beautiful evening last week 11 activists flipped letters over 405 to message “NO ON 2117 / CLEAN AIR”. Check out the video! Our next action will be Thursday June 13th with messaging around I-2109, the GOP attempt to repeal the capital gains tax – and the ramifications  if they succeed.  Sign up to join the fun using the access code ‘alpha’. For more information and dates, please check our website.

Here are your 2 actions this week. 

Action 1 – Tell Your Senator to Call for a Ceasefire and Oppose Rafah Invasion

From Indivisible National

Note: As the situation changes daily, some information may be out-dated, but continued pressure from the public is vital to saving lives.

During an interview last Wednesday evening with CNN, President Biden made two important statements:

  1. The Israeli military has used American bombs to kill innocent civilians in Gaza.
  2. If Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu proceeds with his planned invasion of Rafah, the Biden administration will halt the transfer of offensive weapons to Israel. 

This is the first time the administration has publicly admitted that American bombs are being used against civilians, and he did so while reaffirming his commitment to the invasion of Rafah being a “red line” for the administration. 

We want to unequivocally say these are good moves by the administration, and we support President Biden’s attempts to help broker a ceasefire, secure the safe return of the hostages, and allow for the unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid into the region. 

We also recognize that if Congress waits for a Rafah invasion to halt sending offensive weaponry, they will have missed the opportunity to ensure the approximately 1.2 million people sheltering in Rafah aren’t targeted by our missiles.

For important background related to this action, please see Indivisible’s statement online.

Contact your US Senators and ask them to call for a ceasefire and oppose Rafah invasion. 

☎ Sample Script:

My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY]. Please demand that President Biden use all the leverage of the US government to stop the Israeli invasion of Rafah, and reach a ceasefire agreement to end the war and return the hostages, before this humanitarian catastrophe gets any worse.

Thank you.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied] 

Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Patty Kuderer for Insurance Commissioner

From IE member Eva G.

Website | Facebook | Donate | Volunteer

“I had the opportunity to interview Patty a couple weeks ago with several labor unions. I could find nothing I disagreed with, from her eagerness to fully answer questions, to her philosophy of governing. We have had the same Insurance Commissioner for the last 25 yrs.

I was surprised to find she and I share a life experience of birthing a baby under 2 lbs and having that baby denied insurance coverage because of preexisting conditions. That makes me believe she has the will to support families in their desire to be fully insured, do her best to prevent insurance institutions from predatory practices, and she is supportive of Universal Healthcare.”

Priorities from Patty’s Website: Universal Healthcare in Washington, Protecting Access to Reproductive Healthcare, gun owner liability insurance,  Homeowners’ and Business Climate Change Insurance, Lowering the Cost of Auto Insurance, Simplifying Appeals of Medical Claim Denials, and Firefighter Cancer Screening.

Is there a candidate you’re supporting you’d like us to elevate? Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: candidate name, position and website as well as why you’re supporting them. 

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

Recorded events to check out:

… and More:


For the Week of May 6, 2024

  • Exciting News! Sound Transit 2 Line opened to great fanfare last week with 35,000 people participating in opening day festivities. King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci has been a tireless champion of making sure this 8 station portion of the line opened to serve the Eastside, despite setbacks with linking it to the rest of the system. Thank you Claudia!
  • We need 7 more people to sign up by Tuesday noon to help with the in-person Alphabet Resistance action on Thurs, May 9 from 4:45-6 pm. It’s fun and there will be snacks! Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and let us know you’ll be there. For more information and dates, please check our website
  • Please join us at our next group meeting on May 14th, at Porchlight, the men’s shelter in Bellevue. We will make and serve dinner for the 100 residents and have a presentation on homelessness on the Eastside by a staff member. Please click on this link to sign up (access code ‘porchlight’ – all lower case), and for details about attendance, food donation, and the schedule for the evening. Please note – you MUST sign up via the link, as the facility director must know all attendees ahead of time for admittance to this private facility.
  • Good news! Missing zebra “Shug” has been reunited with her dazzle! For those of you not on social media, the memes have been fire, but her safe capture is a relief.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – File for PCO – increase voter education and engagement in your neighborhood

It’s filing week! By the end of the week we’ll know who is running for elected positions in statewide races such as Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, as well as Legislative District races. But the most important position of all is the Precinct Committee Officer (PCO).

Countywide, only 36% of the Democratic PCO seats are filled. On the Eastside, it’s even lower – LD5: 33%, LD41: 31%, LD45: 27%, LD48: 27%

Between 8 am May 6th and 5 pm May 10th you can file to be elected to a 2-year term as Democratic PCO by your neighbors in the August primary. Don’t worry: it’s fast, free, and you can do it online. If you’re the only one to file, you won’t appear on the ballot. If someone else also files, you can work together to do voter outreach, but only one of you will be elected PCO. The PCO term starts in December.

File to become a Democratic PCO HERE.

If you’d like more information about filing or about being a PCO, King County Democrats is providing office hours you may want to attend.

You can read about filing to be a PCO at King County Elections PCO Filing Manual and/or watch this video.

If you’d like to get started with voter outreach and education before December – please apply to your LD Democrats to become an appointed PCO. All the information can be found in THIS EMAIL sent last month.

Thank you to all who decide to serve!

Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Jim Mayhew LD12 Senate

As it is exactly 6 months from the November Election your Steering Committee is reviving the Candidate Corner – a place for members to highlight candidates they are supporting and the reasons why. Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: name, position, website, Facebook, and donation link for the candidate as well as why you’re supporting them. We’ll start out with a submission from Steering member Louise P.

Jim Mayhew – Candidate for the 12th Legislative District Senate

Website | Donate | Facebook | Volunteer

LD12 is an enormous and sparsely populated district which lies just to the East of LDs 5, 41, and 45. Although Republicans have held the Senate seat since 1969, analysts say 2024’s court-ordered redistricting of a number of LDs shifted this district purple. Additionally, the currently serving senator no longer lives within the boundary, so no incumbent is running for this seat.

From The Stranger: “Jim Mayhew is doing something no Democrat has done in recent memory: run to represent the 12th Legislative District in the Washington State Senate. If the voters of the newly drawn district see Mayhew as that candidate, his election could help bring more social and transit services to the area while also helping Dems clinch a supermajority that would empower the party to propose changes to the state constitution that could last generations.”

How would Jim’s election contribute to progressive policy making? From Jim’s website – Championing Choice: “With state-level threats to abortion rights and reproductive health continuing to escalate in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision, I am running to ensure that women maintain the freedom to control their personal and medical decisions.”

From The Stranger article: “He wants to laser-focus on ending child hunger in Washington and on adequately funding schools while we’re at it. He’s not quite sure yet where to find the money for that, but on the issue of taxes he said, ‘You can’t be for education and be for yanking all the funding or a huge portion of the funding,’ referencing the effort to repeal the state’s capital gains tax, which takes a small cut of the profits from sales of stocks and bonds over $250,000 and invests that money in education. ‘My general approach is: we need a more fair tax system, and we need to fund priorities, and that’s my focus,’ he said.”

Please consider joining me in supporting Jim for State Senate!

– Louise P.

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For the Week of April 29, 2024

???? Here are the links you’ll need to register for our new GOTV activities this year:

  • Postcards-n-Letters Zoom get-togethers will be on alternate Sunday evenings, from 7-8 pm (the next one is May 5th.) You can register for future meetings and find information on both postcards and letter writing resources HERE. Sign up once to receive reminder emails before the meetings.
  • Come join us for a FUN and EFFECTIVE in-person Alphabet Resistance action on Thurs, May 9 from 4:45 – 6 pm (other dates are available also). We need at least 15 folks to help us share a message of hope and encouragement to voters. It’s fun! Bring a friend if you like! There will be snacks! (And if it’s pouring rain, we will postpone.) Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and choose one or more dates. For more information and dates, please check our website.

???? Please join us at our next group meeting on May 14th, at Porchlight, the men’s shelter in Bellevue. We will make and serve dinner for the 100 residents and have a presentation on homelessness on the Eastside by a staff member. Please click on this link to sign up (access code ‘porchlight’ – all lower case), and for details about attendance, food donation, and the schedule for the evening.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

✊ Action 1 – Learn how you can help save long-term care in November

The WA Cares Fund is a first-in-the-nation program created by the state legislature in 2019. It is a mandatory long-term care insurance program which was further improved in this year’s legislature with an amendment that allows for portability, i.e. people who move out of state will be able to take their benefits with them. Long-term care insurance helps with many medical, personal and social services for people with prolonged illnesses or disabilities. Starting July 1, 2026, benefits can be used to purchase long-term care services which may include professional care, equipment, home safety evaluations, and/or compensation for family members who provide care.

I-2124 is one of three initiatives that will be on the ballot in November backed by funding from billionaires and supported by right wing groups. The goal of the measure is to allow employees and self-employed individuals to opt out of paying the payroll tax and receiving benefits under WA Cares. If it passes it will take over $8 billion from our long-term care benefits program, forcing premium hikes, and quickly bankrupt the program for everyone. It will harm people with pre-existing conditions by taking away the only long-term care benefit available to them.

The No On I-2124 Campaign is up and running and would like to hear from you! On Tues April 30 at 5:30 pm they will host a briefing on Zoom where you can learn more about the program directly from Representative Frank Chopp; hear what this initiative would really mean for Washingtonians; meet activists who have been advocating for the long-term care program; and learn how to get more involved in the effort to protect the progress we have worked so hard for. Please register and attend to learn how you can help to defeat this initiative and ensure that it does not take away benefits from millions of Washingtonians.

Action 2 – Join a phone bank to talk to voters in key states where abortion is on the ballot this November.

From Indivisible National

We know that reproductive rights are going to be a major concern for voters this Fall. Despite Trump’s vague statements recently about the states being the best place for decision making, he absolutely cannot be trusted to stick to that talking point and will quickly fall in line with demands for a national ban if elected. His true position is whatever it takes to get him elected. You can listen to this Rachel Maddow piece for further understanding of how the media failed to explain this after his announcement.

About a fifth of the electorate fall into the group known as ‘Double- Haters’, i.e. they are unsatisfied with Donald Trump and Joe Biden. They consist of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. They’re slightly younger than the general population, but not by much. A significant challenge we face with Double-Hater voters is their lack of awareness about Donald Trump’s true stance on abortion. The Biden campaign has begun to address this with hard hitting ads such as this one which reinforces the message that ‘Donald Trump Did This’.

As part of their campaign to reach this important group of voters, Indivisible National will be hosting a phone bank on May 2nd (the anniversary of the Roe v Wade overturn decision being leaked) to talk to voters in critical states about the need to keep Republicans out of office. They will be using the framing of educating voters by:

  • Clarifying Trump’s stance on abortion and connecting him to Republican extremism.
  • Reminding voters that Trump can’t be trusted on abortion because he will do anything to get elected.
  • Offering a forward-looking message with a sharp contrast of a world under Republican control and a world under Democratic control.

Sign up HERE for the phone bank and turn your anger about the danger to reproductive rights into action.

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For the Week of April 22, 2024

???? Thank you to those who joined us for our first Sunday evening Postcards-n-Letters Zoom get-togethers for 2024. We meet every other Sunday from 7-8 pm. You can register for future meetings and find information on both postcards and letter writing resources HERE.  Sign up once to receive reminder emails before the meetings.

???? Alphabet Resistance is back! Starting on Thursday May 9th (4:45 – 6 pm) and monthly thereafter,  we’ll be back at the overpass to share messages of hope and encouragement. Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and choose one or more dates. For more information and dates, please check our website.

???? We have an update to last week’s action about funding for refugees and asylum seekers in Tukwila: King County Council has announced that designated organizations will receive $2 million in funding to assist those needing assistance with housing and other support. A further $3 million in grant funding will go directly to the cities of Tukwila and Burien for homelessness assistance.

???? The campaign to defend Washington state’s climate law launched last week. Vote No on Initiative 2117 is looking for everyone’s support to fight this potential rollback to critical legislation that was passed in recent years to combat climate change. Pledge to Vote No on 2117!

Here are your 2 actions this week.

✊ Action 1 – Join us for a special meeting at Porchlight on Tuesday May 14th

Our next group meeting is going to be a little bit different and promises to be very special. We will be volunteering to provide and serve a meal for the residents of Porchlight (formerly Congregations for the Homeless), the men’s shelter in South Bellevue. We will also hear a presentation from a staffer at the facility about homelessness in Bellevue, as well as have a tour of the facility. The timeline that day, May 14th, is approximately 4:45 – 6:30, or later if you want to stay for dinner. 

In order to do this we need commitments to provide food for 100 residents, as well as enough for any IE volunteers who would like to eat dinner there, so food donations should serve 25 people. We will be purchasing the meat portion of the meal from Ezell’s Fried Chicken and are looking for donations of mac and cheese, salads/veggies and desserts to supplement. We will provide the recipe for the mac and cheese and large foil pans for consistency. 

There are options to assist if you are interested in helping with the event but can’t attend. If you are interested in attending but don’t want to provide food please register so that the facility knows how many people to expect. Please click on this link to sign up (access code ‘porchlight’ – all lower case) for attendance and food donation, and to see details of the schedule for the evening. 

If you are interested in volunteering at Porchlight on a regular basis you can sign up for one of their regular trainings HERE.

PorchLight provides shelter and services to 1,500 men each year. The organization is a part of the solution to the homelessness and housing crisis impacting our community. Come learn more about homelessness on the Eastside, tour the facility and break bread with the men we will be serving dinner.

✊ Action 2 – Give your input to elected officials about important healthcare legislation

In the past legislative session the Keep Our Care Act (KOCA, SB 5241), a bill that would have ensured oversight around healthcare consolidations, did not pass, despite support in the Senate and House. This needed oversight would have ensured that such mergers did not impact the quality of or access to healthcare. Specifically, we’ve seen mergers in the past lead to negative effects such as restrictions around abortion care and end-of-life care. 

Supporters of this legislation are not giving up and plan to hold meetings with legislators in the 41st, 45th, and 48th LDs this summer to discuss how best to address this issue in future sessions. If you are interested in participating in these conversations, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates would like to talk to you! Please send an email to to let him know that you are interested in participating in these discussions. This is a great opportunity to have a direct impact on important healthcare legislation!

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For the Week of April 15, 2024

???? Thank you to those who joined us for our Indivisible Eastside in-person meeting at the Kirkland Library. We wrote letters to voters in Georgia using the tools provided by Swing Left and Vote Forward to help Get Out the Vote in November. You can see the notes and slides HERE. If you are interested in letter writing for this election, please use this link for information on how to sign up.

???? We are happy to announce that our Sunday evening Postcards-n-Letters Zoom get-togethers will be returning on April 21. Come join us!

???? The team at the Washington Indivisible Podcast have been busy interviewing both democratic Superintendent of Public Instruction candidates recently. Be sure to check out the links at the bottom of the newsletter and take a listen.

???? Save the date for a special May meeting, a service project at the Eastside Men’s Shelter in Bellevue, on Tues. May 14th, 4:45-6:30 pm.

Here are your 2 actions this week. 

Action 1 – Push back on attempts to block affordable housing plans in Redmond

A permanent supportive housing project in downtown Redmond, run by Plymouth Housing, will be discussed at the Redmond City Council meeting on April 16. Redmond residents, please consider attending and voicing your support.

Recent progress toward the supportive housing project has met with some opposition from a group sending out mass texts to Redmond residents, filled with misinformation. This is a well-funded group with ties to some national funders who are pushing “treatment first” approaches instead of “housing first” approaches. The research is super clear: housing first works way better than treatment first; housing first is the right solution to solve homelessness in Washington. They are trying to torpedo regional efforts to solve homelessness.

Here are some important points to counteract the inaccurate misinformation in the texts. More details can be found in this document; this is a summary addressing specific points made in the texts.

  • The reason that there was not an RFP process is because of the unique story of the funding and the fact that there wasn’t another active proposal for an RFP. After the Plymouth project was rejected in Kenmore with funding lined up, Redmond had the chance to save the funding by acting quickly to accept this project and save the funding. The City already had the land identified for affordable housing (including supportive housing). In addition, this action aligns with the City’s Housing Action Plan strategy and stated values, and WA cities usually do land disposition administratively anyway. It’s not usually a decision that is voted on by the public. 
  • ​​The claim that veterans and seniors won’t be eligible is unequivocally false. This building will provide permanent housing for adults who are exiting homelessness and live on extremely low incomes, with no restrictions on senior or military status. Veterans and seniors are actually more than twice as likely to meet these eligibility requirements than non-veterans and younger adults.
  • The City says this will NOT be a safe injection site so they will not be handing out pipes and needles to tenants.
  • Community safety concerns are intended to be addressed through an Operational Agreement process. This process is required and specific to Redmond. This requires providers to develop a Safety and Security Plan, which is approved by the Redmond Police Department.
  • Plymouth tenants must undergo criminal background checks including credit checks, rental history checks, and lifetime sex offender registration checks. Lifetime registered sex offenders and individuals with certain past drug-related convictions will not be eligible. Plymouth has a no-weapons policy, not even in cars. Quiet hours and respecting the property are within the lease. Plymouth keeps up a robust guest policy with potential bans so they can track who’s coming and going safely.

Redmond residents and others who work, shop or spend any time in Redmond should use these talking points in conversations to counteract the deliberate misinformation put out in the texts. Your attendance at the April 16 City council meeting would be appreciated to show support for this project.

Plymouth Housing units, Bellevue

Action 2 – Contribute to funds to house migrants and asylum seekers

Riverton Park United Methodist Church in Tukwila, run by pastor Jan Bolerjack, began sheltering newly arrived migrants and asylum-seekers in December 2022. The church remains at the center of King County’s asylum-seeker crisis, and new asylum-seekers continue to show up at Bolerjack’s doors asking for shelter. However, due to the volume of people seeking shelter from countries as far away as Angola, the church has had to turn people away recently. Since then a number of agencies and organizations have stepped up to help fund hotel rooms and Airbnbs to house refugees (Thank You MAPS!). However, as piecemeal funding from local governments and private donors runs out, some of the refugees face regular threats of eviction. There are proposals in the works for King County to fund local nonprofits to provide temporary housing, food, support, and legal services for the asylum seekers. However, until they finish vetting the organizations who will be receiving the $1 million grant funds, there will be a lag between funding sources. Funding from the state legislature will not be available for several more months.

You can donate directly to Riverton Park United Methodist Church to help their work with this vulnerable population at this link. They also have an Amazon wish list where you may buy items that they need.

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For the Week of April 8, 2024

???? Please join us Saturday April 13th from 3-4:30 pm for our Indivisible Eastside In-Person meeting at the Kirkland Library. We’ll have an overview of the VoteForward letter-writing program, information on how you can create or revive your VoteForward account to start writing on your own, and instructions and supplies so you can give it a try at the meeting. Most of each printed letter is filled in (see this sample), but you’ll have a chance to address 5 envelopes and fill in your nonpartisan message of “ I vote because …”. Please join us!

???? All donations to Indivisible Eastside through our ActBlue account will be matched by Indivisible National (up to a total of $500) through May 31st. $75 was donated last week – Thank you! If you were thinking of donating a few dollars, now is the time. We use the funds for technology subscriptions (Zoom, Website, Google Drive storage), a contribution to Washington Indivisible Network for their upcoming DEI workshops, and supplies for meetings and GOTV letter writing.

???? Redmond Residents – your presence is needed at the April 16th City Council Meeting in support of Affordable Housing. – details HERE.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Urge support for salmon in Biden’s budget

From Snohomish County Indivisible

The Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (CBRI) announced in December was a major milestone on the path toward restoring salmon and honoring agreements with Tribal Nations, but there is still much left to accomplish. President Biden’s FY 2025 budget includes important funding for the CBRI.

Please take this action to SAVE OUR WILD SALMON to let your members of Congress know we must secure this funding to realize equitable solutions for salmon, orca, Tribal Nations, farmers, and power consumers.

If you are not familiar with the long and complicated history leading up to the CBRI there is a brief summary in This TAN Action.

The CBRI provides a long-awaited path in achieving equitable solutions for our region’s cultures and ecosystems. Maintaining the status quo definitely does not. Your ongoing advocacy is essential for realizing these solutions.

Action 2 – WILA Wants to hear from you!

Did you take action with Washington Indivisible Legislative Actions (WILA) this legislative session? 20 Bill Trackers from 15 Indivisible groups used Take Action Network (TAN) to bring you well informed and strategic actions this session as part of the WILA team!

Please help us learn more about your experience with WILA and TAN this session by filling out this Survey for Action Takers:

2024 WILA Action Takers Survey

The survey results will be anonymously shared with the TAN administrators and Indivisible Eastside Steering.

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For the Week of April 1, 2024

???? Indivisible National’s next matching campaign has just begun. All donations to Indivisible Eastside through our ActBlue account will be matched (up to a total of $500) through May 31st. If you were thinking of donating a few dollars, now is the time. We use the funds for technology subscriptions (Zoom, Website, Google Drive storage), a contribution to Washington Indivisible Network for their upcoming DEI workshops, and supplies for meetings and GOTV Letter Writing.

???? Speaking of which, we’re excited to once again partner with VoteForward to help GOTV by sending personal messages to voters in Georgia. In 2020 Vote Forward organized activists around the country to send 17.5 million letters to infrequent voters in 12 key states. Indivisible Eastside members contributed a whopping 11,600 letters! Huge Shoutout to Yvonne B for spearheading this project in 2020.

Please join us to give this a try at our April 13th Indivisible Eastside meeting at the Kirkland Library 3-4:30. We’ll have all the supplies you’ll need and information on how you can create, or revive your VoteForward account and start writing on your own. Most of each printed letter is filled in (see this sample), but you’ll be addressing the envelope and filling in your nonpartisan message of “ I vote because …”. Please join us!

???? Please also sign up for the Sat Apr 6, 10:30 am-noon – People First Redistricting Reform: Better Redistricting for Better Representation Webinar. Presented by Washington Indivisible Network.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

✊ Action 1 – Support affordable housing at the April 2nd Redmond City Council meeting

From Futurewise

Do you ever hear people complain about “the homelessness problem”, and say “someone ought to do something” but in the next breath say “not in my backyard”? That’s precisely what happened in Bothell recently and now in Redmond. The next Redmond City Council meeting is coming up Tuesday – and we’re asking for your support. We need to balance opposition with positive voices.

The City of Redmond has approved a permanent supportive housing project run by Plymouth Housing in downtown Redmond. Opposition groups have been organizing, putting out yard signs, and sending action alerts to agitate for Redmond to undo their recent progress. The Mayor pursued a land transfer to Plymouth Housing and salvaged state and local funding for the project. We need to keep support strong until the land transfer is officially completed (this could be mid-April or later). We are encouraging you to share support for this affordable housing development at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 2nd.

Here is an “action alert” document with information, suggested talking points, and background for those that are interested in sharing your voice or engaging others to speak up. Feel free to share the attached resource in advance of Tuesday (4/2).

What if you can’t make it on Tuesday? In addition to April 2nd there will also be an important advocacy opportunity at Council meeting on April 16th.

  • Let Brady Nordstrom from Futurewise ( know if you, or someone in your network, is planning on testifying at any of the next two meetings (4/2, and 4/16).

✊ Action 2 – Support Climate, Learn some facts about I-2117 (initiative against the CCA)

From Carbon Washington

The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) is a great step forward, but Initiative 2117 would repeal it and prohibit future carbon tax credit trading.

For those of us who care about smart climate action, protecting the CCA from I-2117 is critical. Please start learning more about the CCA to help you encourage everyone you know – colleagues, friends and family – to vote “No” on I-2117 in November.


Join the mailing list and/or donate to one or more of the organizations working against I-2117:

  • – a coalition of organizations including Carbon Washington and Washington Conservation Action
  • Fuse Washington (also working to defeat the other 2 initiatives)

Instead of repealing the CCA, we must do more to help people and businesses quickly transition off fossil fuels.

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For the Week of March 25, 2024

???? Are you interested in protecting and expanding democracy in Washington State and nationally? Fix Democracy First and Fix Democracy First Education Fund are looking for new board members. Read more about these organizations and their boards HERE. Apply today!

???? The campaigns of Representatives Suzan DelBene, Kim Schrier, and Adam Smith and others will be participating in the six-week 2024 National Democracy Summer School. This one-of-a-kind Democratic Fellowship is dedicated to recruiting thousands of high school and college-age students and training them as the next generation of Democratic political activists and leaders. Do you know of a dedicated high school (16 years old and up) or college student (or recent graduate)? Please share this Program description and Application with them. Application deadline is April 12th.

???? Please save the date for Sat Apr 13, 3-4:30 pm for Indivisible Eastside’s next Monthly Meeting. We will gather at the Kirkland Library, hear some quick updates, then participate in a hands-on GOTV activity and share some refreshments.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

✊ Action 1 – Give Input to the 2026-2031 King County Parks Levy

The King County Parks Levy is a voter-approved property tax that keeps regional and city parks, trails, and open spaces available for everyone. No matter where you are in King County, the Parks Levy goes to support your local parks and trails.

Your voice matters. What should be in the upcoming 2026-2031 Parks Levy to improve the parks and outdoor spaces in your community?

Share your thoughts by completing the King County Parks Levy Survey by April 29, 2024.

Action 2 – Participate in WIN Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workshops

In order to save our democracy, grass-roots organizers must have the awareness, skills & language to be good partners & collaborators without doing harm.

Understanding & Mitigating the Impact of Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat Workshop – April 20, 10:30 am – Noon. Register.

Through video, interactive activities, and discussion of the research, participants are challenged to examine their own bias and learn ways to mitigate the impact of implicit bias in decision-making. As a result, participants deepen their appreciation of the challenges facing people of color and grow in self-awareness.

Intersections of Identity & Racial Privilege – April 27, 10:30 am – Noon. Register.

Through lecture, discussion, and experiential exercises we will take a laser-like focus on unpacking racial privilege, exploring what it means to be White within a society that is racially stratified. We will discuss common ways that privilege manifests itself on an institutional level and how it influences relationships within and across cultures.

Racial Microaggressions: What Are They & Why Are They Harmful? – May 4, 10:30 am – Noon. Register.

When we engage in conversations across cultures, there is always the risk that what we say might offend someone. Oftentimes we don’t even know why what we said was offensive. But rather than risk offending, many people avoid cross-cultural dialogue altogether or cling to “politically correct” terminology. The tightrope we walk and the mental labor that ensues is exhausting and often leaves everyone involved feeling unheard or misunderstood. What has commonly become known as microaggressions will be presented.

Registering for any workshop will give you access to all 3 stand-alone events.

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For the Week of March 18, 2024

⭐ It was great to see you all at our Group Meeting on Saturday. We heard information on how you can have an impact on the next election by becoming a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) and talked about what passed in the legislative session. You can find all the information that was shared, video recording, slides and resources on our Meeting Notes document. 

ESHB 1589 is sitting on the Governor’s desk waiting for his signature. This bill is about ensuring that PSE will take appropriate action to transition gas customers to electric heat, and as a company, quickly move away from the gas business (not just make a lot of claims). The bill that will accomplish it got passed, but a bad amendment got stuck onto it at the last minute, and Gov Inslee can veto that amendment. Please take this action asking Governor Inslee to strike that amendment and sign the bill. 

⭐ If you’re still fuming about the Alabama Supreme Court Ruling about IVF treatment and the hypocrisy of the Republicans scrambling to claim they support IVF, Indivisible National has a campaign going to raise funds for billboards to call those Republican Legislators out. Donate HERE.  

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Protect Redmond’s Plymouth Permanent Supportive Housing

From Futurewise

The City of Redmond has approved a permanent supportive housing project run by Plymouth Housing in downtown Redmond. Opposition groups have been organizing, putting out yard signs, and sending action alerts to agitate for Redmond to undo their recent progress. The Mayor pursued a land transfer to Plymouth Housing and salvaged state and local funding for the project. We need to keep support strong until the land transfer is officially completed (this could be mid-April or later). We want to balance opposition with positive voices.

We are encouraging our members to share support for this affordable housing development at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 19th. Here is an “action alert” document with information, suggested talking points, and background for those that are interested in sharing your voice or engaging others to speak up. Feel free to share the attached resource in advance of Tuesday (3/19).

What if you can’t make it on Tuesday? In addition to March 19th, there will also be important advocacy opportunities at Council meetings on April 2nd and April 16th.

  • Let Brady Nordstrom from Futurewise ( know if you, or someone in your network, is planning on testifying at any of the next three meetings (3/19, 4/2, and 4/16). In particular, we believe that the Council meetings on March 19th and April 16th will be important touchpoints.

Action 2 – Learn about People First Redistricting

If you are concerned with fair representation in Washington state, we invite you to join WIN for a People First Redistricting presentation on Saturday, April 6th – 10:30 am-12 pm on Zoom.

Washington State may not be gerrymandered in the traditional sense, but the actions of the 2021 Redistricting Commission prove that Washington’s maps are a bi-partisan gerrymander that does NOT fairly serve the people of Washington.

The Soto Palmer v Hobbs Federal lawsuit declared a Yakima Valley district (LD15) discriminatory towards Latino voters. Redrawing this district may force the redrawing of 12 additional legislative districts in central Washington. The State has deferred to the courts to draw the maps. The new maps must be finalized by March 25th.
Learn more about how comprehensive changes to the redistricting process will help us avoid this hidden bi-partisan gerrymandering in the future and assure communities have the best chance to elect the representative of their choosing.

Here are two articles from ProPublica to give some background on how partisan politics affected our redistricting process:
Republicans Hatched a Secret Assault on the Voting Rights Act in Washington State
The Failed Promise of Independent Election Mapmaking

Register to join us for a Zoom presentation on Saturday, April 6th from 10:30am – 12pm, including Q&A, about better redistricting for better representation.

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For the Week of March 11, 2024

⭐ Tuesday, March 12th is Election Day! Be sure to follow the instructions carefully to make sure your vote can be counted, and return your ballot to a drop box by 8 pm. Most ballot challenges result from a failure to select a party on the envelope. Please track your ballot and sign up for ballot alerts so you can resolve any issues – signature or party selection. Make sure your vote counts!

⭐ Save the Date for our next Group Meeting on March 16 (3-4:30 pm on Zoom.) We will hear from a speaker from the Poor People’s Campaign, as well as information on how you can have an impact on the next election by becoming a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO). 

⭐ If you are curious about how elections are run in King County, please join us for a field trip! We’ll take a tour of the King County Elections headquarters in Renton on March 13th from 10-12 am. Email if you’re interested in joining. Carpools are available from Bellevue.

Here are your 2 actions this week. 

Action 1 – Get ready to start writing!

2024 is a pivotal year for our country. Past elections have shown us that personal handwritten contact with voters is impactful for voter turn out. You’re probably chomping at the bit to start writing, and many of the organizations are now starting to organize their campaigns. Browse through the organizations below and see which ones inspire you to write!

  • Vote Forward – Letters across the country, many different campaigns to choose from.
  • Environmental Voter Project – Get trained to send postcards to low propensity environmental    voters
  • Postcards to Voters – Campaigns targeted to voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast. 
  • Postcards4WAThe 2024 volunteer opportunity will start in July. If you’ve written with them – you’ll receive a kickoff email in June. If you HAVEN’T written with them before, and would like to be added to their mailing list to be alerted to 2024 volunteer opportunities, please email

 Ideas are in the works for letter-writing and postcard-writing parties. We’ll let you know!

Action 2 – Volunteer at PorchLight

From PorchLight

Each night, hundreds of men experiencing homelessness on the Eastside have a new place to go that offers a full continuum of care in one place. PorchLight (formerly Congregations for the Homeless) brings all services together under one roof and continues to give men immediate access to a safe and dignified place. The new permanent home located at 13668 SE Eastgate Way in Bellevue opened for guests in June, 2023. 

PorchLight volunteers provide critical support to the staff and the men they serve. Each year dozens of volunteers donate and serve meals, give time and skills, and support PorchLight financially. Help us increase our impact by volunteering at PorchLight. Take the first step and attend a volunteer orientation by registering HERE. The next training is March 16th 1-2 pm online, but they always have new dates if that doesn’t work for you. 

If volunteering isn’t your jam, consider donating. There are many different donation opportunities!

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

Recorded events to check out:

All past Washington Indivisible Podcasts –

For the Week of March 4, 2024

⭐ Save the Date for our next Group Meeting on March 16 (3-4:30 pm on Zoom.) We will hear from a speaker from the Poor People’s Campaign, as well as information on how you can have an impact on the next election by becoming a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO). 

⭐ Don’t forget to let us know if you can join us for canvassing in Issaquah to identify potential Democratic voters before election season is upon us. This will help to target Get Out the Vote efforts later in the year. The two remaining canvasses are March 5 and 10. You can sign up here. If you’d like to canvass with a member of our steering committee, please let us know at

⭐ If you are curious about how elections are run in King County, please join us for a field trip! We’ll take a tour of the King County Elections headquarters in Renton on March 13th from 10-12 am. Email if you’re interested in joining. Carpools are available from Bellevue.

Here are your 2 actions this week. 

✊ Action 1 – Learn about plans for the new Northeast Recycling and Transfer Station

The Houghton Transfer Station in Kirkland is one of King County’s busiest transfer stations, but it lacks many recycling services and it’s too old and small to expand. Replacing the Houghton station will make services more convenient and accessible, and it will also help keep recyclables out of the landfill. The need for a new station was identified in the 2019 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, which was adopted by 24 cities and the Washington State Department of Ecology. Once built, the transfer station will serve communities in Kirkland, Redmond, Woodinville, Sammamish, and unincorporated northeast King County.

There are two sites under consideration:

  • The current Houghton Transfer Station property at 11724 NE 60th St. in Kirkland.
  • A 12.9 acre-site comprising six properties in the 15000 block of Woodinville-Redmond Rd. NE in Woodinville.

Both sites, along with a no-action alternative, will be studied in a formal review process known as an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). You can review a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and submit formal comments on this page (scroll down to the large “Submit a Comment” heading for several options) through April 9, 2024. The environmental review process will also include three public hearings, two in-person and one virtual: 

  • Draft EIS Public Hearing #1 (in-person): Wed, Mar 6, 6-8 pm
    • At Lake Washington High School, 12033 NE 80th St, Kirkland
  • Draft EIS Public Hearing #3 (in-person): Wed, Mar 13, 6-8 pm
    • At Woodinville High School, 19819 136th Ave NE, Woodinville

You can also submit your comments in an online Open House HERE.

✊ Action 2 – Ask our Senators to support reforming the filibuster

From Olympia Indivisible

The filibuster has been weaponized by MAGA Republicans to become one of their strongest weapons in preventing Congress from passing meaningful legislation. Some recent examples are:

It’s past time for the filibuster to go. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) has recently written a book called ‘Filibustered!: How to Fix the Broken Senate and Save America’. You can hear a recent interview with him by Indivisible’s co-founder Ezra Levin HERE

Please ask our Senators to support Senator Merkley in pushing for reform of the filibuster. We need strong voices to keep the pressure on to restore the talking filibuster as a first step to meaningful reform. 

☎ Sample Script:

My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY].

I would like you to publicly state that you will join Senator Merkley in reforming the filibuster. We have lost too much progress to continue as we are.  If we are ever going to end Citizens United, codify reproductive freedom or appoint a Supreme Court judge, we must reform the filibuster first. 

Restoring a modified version of the old-style, talking filibuster may just be our democracy’s path back from the brink. 

Please make a public statement to indicate that you support such a measure and let’s begin to reform this obstacle to progress.

Thank you.


[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Calendar of Events

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Recorded events to check out:

For the Week of February 26, 2024

⭐ Presidential primary ballots are arriving. If you haven’t received yours yet please contact King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE (8683). 

Please follow the directions on the ballot carefully. You must sign your name AND declare your party affiliation (Democrat or Republican) on the return envelope. Party affiliations are only retained on your voter record for 60 days after certification of the primary election. 

⭐ Become a certified Election Observer for the Democratic Party. There are a few slots left to attend a 2 hour training. You need to attend only ONE training, and once certified, your training is good for 2 years. Training and observation takes place at King County Ballot Facility in Renton. See more details and sign up HERE. We need you now! 

  • 3 slots: Wed Feb 28, 9:30 – 11:30 am

⭐ If you can’t commit to being an observer but are curious about how elections are run in King County, please join us for a field trip! We’ll take a tour of the King County Elections headquarters in Renton on March 13th from 10-12 am. Email if you’re interested in joining. 

Here are your 2 actions this week. 

✊ Action 1 – Take actions to get ready for election season

Action 1a

Last week we told you about upcoming canvasses to identify Democratic voters in our area so we can more effectively Get Out the Vote when the election comes. King County Democrats have set up these events to doorbell in Issaquah, where Rep. Kim Schrier is in a critical race to hold her seat in the House. If this is your first time canvassing, they’ll provide training and pair you up with an experienced canvassing buddy. There will be members of our Steering Committee canvassing on March 3, 5, and 10, and they would be happy to buddy up with you. Everyone who canvasses gets a free King County Democrats “I Voted” t-shirt!

For dates and times, sign up HERE. If you’d like to canvass with a Steering member please let us know by emailing so that we can coordinate dates.

Action 1b 

Are you interested in learning how to text bank for elections? There will be a big need for trained text bankers over the course of this election season. There are two virtual trainings coming up (March 2 and 16, 11 am), organized by Swing Left. They are just an hour long and will show you how to reach out to voters (and prospective voters) and mobilize them to take action.

All you need is a computer with an internet connection, and a willingness to learn. They will show you how you can easily and quickly connect with voters in key states all over the country during this huge election year. (You can do as little as an hour of text banking a week or as much as you want.)

To sign up for either of these trainings please click HERE.

✊ Action 2 –  Call on our Members of Congress to Improve Local 988 Response


The ability to call 988 and talk to a mental health responder is already making an impact in our communities and saving lives, but improvements need to be made to ensure that everyone can get the help they need in a crisis. Congress is considering legislation that will improve the accuracy of crisis response by matching 988 calls to the caller’s closest call center using their general location instead of their phone’s area code. 

If you call 988 today, you’re connected to a call center based on your phone’s area code, which still ensures help is available over the phone, but can delay connection to mobile crisis teams—if needed—or additional local services. As many people retain their original phone numbers when they move, this can mean that there can be delays to potentially critical responses.

The Local 988 Response Act (S. 3444) was introduced in the Senate in late 2023. In addition to matching 988 calls to the caller’s closest call center (without revealing their address), it requires carriers to allow calls and texts to 988 even if the caller’s plan is inactive. It also extends Kari’s Law so that calls from an office or hotel would require only 988, without requiring 9 or another number to be dialed first. The NAMI page provides more details. 

This bill needs more support to make it through the Senate. Please ask our Senators to co-sponsor and support this important legislation so that access to help can be improved for those experiencing a behavioral health crisis in our communities. It is especially important to contact Sen. Maria Cantwell as she chairs the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation where the bill now sits.

☎ Sample Script:


My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY]. I’m reaching out today to ask for your support of the Local 988 Response Act ( S. 3444). This legislation would expand access to life-saving care by ensuring that calls to 988 are routed based on the caller’s approximate physical location, not their phone’s area code. It also includes other improvements to 988 service.

The policy changes included in the Local 988 Response Act would ensure your constituents are connected to the local care they need when experiencing a crisis. Please cosponsor and advance S. 3444, the Local 988 Response Act.

Thank you.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Additional sample text to add into an email (if you write instead of calling):

Currently, if someone was to contact 988 from a phone number with an area code that is different from their physical location, they’d be routed to a crisis call center based on the area code, not where they are located when calling. While they’ll still be connected to trained crisis counselors over the phone, this could lead to delays in connecting the caller with local resources or hand-off to additional local services.    

The Local 988 Response Act improves the access and accuracy of 988 response by:

  • Requiring the FCC to route calls based on the proximity of the caller to the nearest call center, not their cell phone’s area code. The bill specifies that a caller’s specific location should not be revealed or discernible. 
  • Requiring carriers to allow calls and texts to 988 even if the plan is inactive or the carrier is experiencing service interruptions or failures.
  • Extends Kari’s Law to 988, requiring multi-line systems like hotel and office phones to support the direct dialing of 988; rather than requiring a caller to dial 9 or another number before dialing 988.

Calendar of Events

Save the Date:

Sat Apr 27, the new East Link Starter Line will finally roll through the Eastside, and provide local

For the Week of February 19, 2024

???? It was great to see so many people at our in person Group Meeting Sunday. Check out the meeting notes which include links to slides on the six initiatives that will be on the November ballot, and information on the work the Washington Youth Alliance is doing. Happy Birthday to US!

???? The Urbanist is seeking passionate, locally-engaged volunteers to help guide their political endorsements for the 2024 cycle by serving on their Elections Committee. See all the details HERE

???? Indivisible Eastside steering members are organizing a field trip to the King County Ballot Facility in Renton on March 13th from 10-12. email if you’re interested in joining. 

???? Become a certified Election Observer for the Democratic Party. There are a few slots left to attend a 2 hour training. You need to attend only ONE training, and once certified, your training is good for 2 years. Training and observation takes place at King County Ballot Facility in Renton. See more details and sign up HERE. We need you now! 

  • 1 slots: Thurs Feb 22, 10 am -12 noon
  • 5 slots: Wed Feb 28, 9:30 – 11:30 am
  • 1 slot: Fri Mar 1, 1-3 pm

Here are your 2 actions this week. 

Action 1 – What to know about the Presidential Primary

Ballots for the Presidential Primary will be arriving this week. Here are some of things you must do correctly in order for your ballot to be accepted. Please share with friends and neighbors. 

  • You must sign your name AND declare your party affiliation (Democrat or Republican) on the return envelope.
  • You must vote for only ONE candidate on the entire ballot.
  • Your vote must be for a candidate from the same party as you declared on the envelope.
  • You must not write anything in the other party’s ballot slot.
  • You must turn in your ballot by March 12.

More info.  

Action 2 – Help King County Democrats Identify democratic voters in Issaquah (CD8)

There are thousands of voters across King County who haven’t been identified as a Democrat or Republican. We need to accurately identify them so we can more effectively Get Out The Vote when election time comes! Join King County Democrats to doorbell in Issaquah, identify Democratic voters, and remind them to vote in the March 12th Presidential Primary! If this is your first time, they’ll provide training and pair you up with an experienced canvassing buddy. Everyone who canvasses gets a free King County Democrats “I Voted” t-shirt!

See times and sign-up HERE.

Calendar of Events

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For the Week of February 12, 2024

???? Join us Sun Feb 18, 3-4:30 pm for our Indivisible Eastside IN PERSON Group Meeting at the Bellevue Library, 1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue. Topics will include a discussion about six initiatives that will be on the November ballot, the work the Washington Youth Alliance is doing, a mid-session legislative update, and information about the March Presidential Primary. We’ll celebrate our 7th birthday with cake and take our anniversary photo!

???? Continue your learning throughout Black History Month by exploring the Washington State Historical Society’s Black Washington Digital Exhibit. Explore the lives of iconic individuals, including business owners, faith leaders, politicians, journalists, dramatists, and musicians. Find cultural spaces, historic sites, and locations integral to Washington State’s Black communities. Scroll down on the web page to access an app for Apple, Google, or Browser access.

???? King County’s Citizens’ Election Oversight Committee (CEOC) is in the process of recruiting two new members, including representatives from the disability and Vietnamese communities. If you or someone you know might be interested, you can learn more and download an application at the King County CEOC web page. Deadline is March 4, 2024.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Advocate for Healthy Affordable Housing in Bellevue – by Feb 16

From Eastside for All

As part of the update to its Comprehensive Plan, Bellevue is considering allowing affordable housing to be sited close to freeways. To make sure that all housing is healthy housing, residential development should not be within 500 feet of freeways.

Bellevue is excluding residential uses from the list of “sensitive uses” despite housing being listed in definitions of sensitive uses in Bellevue’s own air quality report (for example, p. 36).

Please urge Bellevue to prioritize healthy affordable housing and prohibit residential building within 500 feet of freeways. This is a significant health equity issue.

Here are two places to share input before Feb. 16th:

Interactive map: Bellevue 2044 – Future Land Use Map | Engaging Bellevue

How to give input:

  • Click on the + sign on the left side of the map to display the blue Land Use Suggestion “pin” sign.
  • Click the pin and drag to somewhere next to a freeway and leave a comment for Bellevue to not build housing within 500 feet of the freeway to protect the health of residents and avoid exacerbating health disparities.

Land Use Questionnaire: Bellevue 2044 – Future Land Use | Engaging Bellevue

To give input, click “take the survey”, review the policy changes, then share the ones you agree with and describe what is missing.

Note: the first policy under Equitable Development is: New policy to promote the protection of day care, schools, hospitals, assisted living and other similar facilities by minimizing exposure to air pollution.

The policy change is good, yet it leaves out a major sensitive use – housing, and especially affordable housing. It also does not specifically identify freeways as a source of air pollution.

Action 2 – Help Tukwila church help Asylum Seekers

Asylum seekers first started arriving at Riverton Park United Methodist Church in Tukwila after a Seattle police officer asked the church’s pastor to house a migrant family at the church’s tiny house village for chronically homeless people in January 2023. Word spread, and the church’s asylum-seeker population eventually grew to around 500 people.

Read about the work the church is doing and some of the people receiving help:

and about the current efforts to secure funding:

Then, if you’re able, donate money, items or time to the Riverton Church.

Calendar of Events

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For the Week of February 5, 2024

???? Lunar New Year 2024 will fall on Saturday, Feb. 10, starting the year of the dragon. Lawmakers, including Representative My-Linh Thai of Bellevue, introduced House Bill 2209 to celebrate the state’s Asian-American Community and combat the recent rise of anti-Asian hate. The bill has passed the house and is currently in committee in the Senate.

???? Continue your learning throughout Black History Month with the foundational course, Slavery in America: Inconceivable Struggle and Profound Resistance among African Americans hosted by Common Power. Online – Tuesdays, February 6, 13, and 20.

???? 2024 is a critical year for organizing and elections. The democratic party needs Precinct Committee Officers (PCO’s) in every neighborhood on the Eastside. Learn about becoming a PCO at your LD websites: 1st LD, 5th LD, 41st LD, 45th LD, 48th LD

???? Join us Sun Feb 18, 3-4:30 pm for our Indivisible Eastside IN PERSON Group Meeting at the Bellevue Library, 1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue. Topics will include a mid-session legislative update, a discussion about six initiatives that will be on the November ballot, and information about the March Presidential Primary. Or just come for the birthday cake as we celebrate our seven years of progressive work!

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Tell Congress no one should live below poverty

From IE member Oolaa and People Power United

Many people are not seen by members of our society because they are dependent on SSI. Also known as Supplemental Security Income, the program provides vital assistance to over 7.5 million elderly people and people with disabilities (including 1 million children).

The limits on assets for SSI beneficiaries are unfair to individuals and families alike. SSI recipients can only have a little of anything in cash, bank accounts, retirement accounts, whole life insurance policies, investments, and certain types of personal property to be eligible for the benefit, which keeps them stuck in poverty. This often prevents family members from seeking promotions, accepting new jobs, or saving money for fear that their loved one will lose their benefits.

It also keeps people with disabilities from getting married because of the punitive SSI rules that disqualify married people if their combined savings exceed $3,000. SSI benefits are so minimal that recipients are below the federal poverty line.

In September of 2023, Senators Brown (D-OH) and Cassidy (R-LA) and Representatives Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Higgins (D-NY) introduced the bipartisan SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act (see the press release here). The bill would increase the asset limit from $2,000 to $10,000 for an individual and $3,000 to $20,000 for a couple. Additionally, it would exclude retirement savings from the countable assets.

Here’s a short video about the problems with current SSI benefit restrictions.

Express your support for this bill by using this easy action tool from People Power United. Tell your Senators that no one should live below the poverty line.

Action 2 – Let’s get better representation on the Evergreen Hospital District Board of Commissioners!

From Jessica Forsythe

EvergreenHealth Hospital in Kirkland lies within King County Public Hospital District No. 2, and as such is governed by a board of publicly-elected commissioners, similar to a school board. EvergreenHealth Hospital Board of Commissioners has an open call for nominees for consideration for their vacant at-large seat (Position 5). Before the seat became vacant, Amber Wise ran an awesome campaign this past fall for Position 6, and unfortunately did not win. Then, in December 2023, Position 5 was vacated, so she submitted for consideration of that position. Amber HAS NOT been selected by the Board for an interview. In last fall’s campaign, Amber was widely endorsed by King County Democrats, LDs, an impressive number of Unions and Electeds, and earned an impressive 40% of the vote!

Here’s how you can help!

If you are a registered King County voter, first check to see if you reside within the overall district boundaries (roughly, Kirkland, Redmond, Bothell, and points east). To do this, click King County Public Hospital District boundaries, select “Public Hospital District #2” at the left and ensure all other items are DESELECTED, click the magnifying glass at the right, type the address, press Enter, then zoom out to view the district boundaries. If you reside with the boundaries, you may submit nominations by completing the Commissioner Nominee form and submitting it by February 14, 2024.

Learn more about the Board and who was selected for an interview here:

For the SECOND page of the form, here’s Amber’s pertinent info:

Amber Christina Wise

PO Box 2372

Woodinville, WA 98072


YES, she lives in King County

YES, she lives in District #2 boundaries

No, she is not employed by King County Public Health District #2

Sample statement for nomination (or feel free to write your own):

Amber Wise ran for Evergreen Hospital Board of Commissioners in 2023 with an impressive amount of support from the community. She would be an incredible addition to the Board and serve with thoughtfulness and dignity. Amber is smart, competent, and ready to work hard for the community. Please do not delay! Add Amber Wise to the list of candidates being considered for the vacant at-large seat.

Calendar of Events

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For the Week of Jan 29, 2024

????February 1st is the start of Black History Month and the theme for this year is “African Americans and the Arts”. In celebration of Black History Month, the City of Bellevue, in partnership with Seattle architecture firm MG2 and Onyx Fine Arts Collective, is presenting the exhibit “Elevating Voices,” featuring the work of 17 Pacific Northwest Black artists. The exhibit will be on display throughout February, and the community is invited to an opening reception on Thursday, Feb. 1, 6-8 p.m., at Bellevue City Hall, 450 110th Ave. NE. Registration is requested for the reception.

???? We need your advocacy on state legislation! The first cutoff date for bills to survive is this Wednesday, January 31st. If you’re already signed up for TAN but haven’t used it yet this year, take these three steps to make sure you’re receiving TAN emails, and you can keep track of your actions. Step 1, Step 2, then go to TAN and take some quick sign-in actions! New users register HERE.

???? King County Council Member Sarah Perry is looking for an experienced Legislative Aide for her District 3 team! Apply here or email with questions. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, February 2nd at 11:59 PM.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

✊ Action 1 – VOTE now for King Conservation District and Renton measure if applicable

Last week we told you about the King Conservation District election for Seat #1 on the KCD Board of Supervisors. The election will primarily rely on electronic ballot access. To request a physical ballot or get assistance with voting, please contact or call 425-282-1900. King County Elections will tabulate (print & scan) all ballots and report all results. You can access your ballot online now until February 13th at this link. You can read statements from all three candidates at this link. King County Democrats endorsed Brittney Bush Bollay last week.

If you are a voter in Renton, there is a very important initiative on the ballot to raise the minimum wage. Your ballot should arrive by today. In 2015, the city of SeaTac landed a historic win as it became the first city in the United States to adopt a $15 minimum wage law. That same year, Seattle followed suit and enacted its own minimum wage increase. In 2022, the city of Tukwila passed a minimum wage ordinance mandating a $19 minimum wage, receiving widespread support with over 80% of the vote. And just this year, King County Councilmembers are proposing a near-identical $19 minimum wage ordinance for all of Unincorporated King County. Please see Raise the Wage Renton’s website for more information on the initiative.

✊ Action 2 – Volunteer with WAISN’s Rapid Response Teams

From Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network

Since the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network was formed in 2016, one of their biggest priorities has been fortifying their deportation defense mechanisms. An essential tool in protecting immigrant neighbors and family members has been the creation of Rapid Response Teams across the state. These teams are composed of community members who have stepped up to receive training to respond to ICE reports, verify and document ICE activity, and ensure that community members know our rights.

They are offering two opportunities to receive the training needed to be a Rapid Responder. These training sessions are virtual and held over Zoom, which means you can join from home.

If you are already a part of an existing team, you can join for a refresher. For new folks, after you are trained, you will be connected to one of 22 teams across the state. If you are the first in your area to receive training, they will make sure to provide you guidance and the support needed to start a new team!

Volunteers are needed now more than ever: WAISN’s Deportation Defense Hotline is seeing an uptick in calls reporting detentions, arrests at the US/Canadian border are increasing, and in just the last month they have received reports of violations of the Keep Washington Working Act, the state law preventing local law enforcement from collaborating with federal immigration authorities for the purposes of enforcing immigration law.

Join the 700+ community members and 22 Rapid response teams who have been trained in a mutual aid effort to disrupt, hold accountable, and ultimately abolish the exploitative detention and deportation system. Register for one of these sessions:

Thur Feb 1, 5-7:30 pm

Thur Feb 8, 5-7:30 pm

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For the Week of Jan 22, 2024

???? The Seattle -King County free health clinic at Seattle Center is looking for volunteers for the weekend of Feb. 15 -18. Besides health professionals they need interpreters and support staff. There is full information and a signup at the link.

???? If you live in Bellevue there are several opportunities to engage with the city:

  • It’s your last chance to fill out the City of Bellevue’s Budget Survey, a biennial questionnaire that helps the city develop the 2025-26 budget. The online survey is open through Jan. 22 for all who live, work, and/or play in Bellevue, with questions available in multiple languages.
  • The Bellevue School District seeks to fill a School Board Director vacancy for Director District 3 due to Director Joyce Shui’s resignation. Nominations must be received by Jan 26.
  • Comment on proposed developments in the BelRed area by filling out the policy questionnaires on Engaging Bellevue. Questionnaires will be open until Feb 16.

???? Keep up to date with events in your city council by signing up for email updates. You can sign up at these links for Bellevue, Kirkland, and Redmond. If you hear of events in your city that you’d like Indivisible Eastside to promote, please let us know by emailing

This would also be a great time to fill out surveys from our elected representatives and sign up for their newsletters to keep up with what is happening. Congressional Representatives Suzan DelBene, Kim Schrier, and Adam Smith would all love to hear from you. King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci (District 6) also has a new survey out.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Share your concerns about Medicare Advantage with our Senators

From Indivisible and member Linda K.

More than 62 million people across the country rely on Medicare for their health care, and nearly half of those recipients are enrolled in Medicare Advantage, an alternative to traditional Medicare coverage for seniors through private health insurance companies. Funds from the traditional Medicare trust are used to pay the health insurance companies offering Medicare Advantage plans — and because these companies are private, their focus is ultimately on their bottom line.

Over time, Medicare Advantage companies have committed widespread fraud, put patients’ care and lives in peril by denying their claims, and threatened the solvency of Medicare. Local organization Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA) are a great resource for information to learn about this and on how to protect Medicare.

Recently an industry-friendly Medicare Advantage letter was launched in the Senate, circulated by Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), Tim Scott (R-SC), Gary Peters (D-MI), and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV). This letter praises the program and asks for “stability,” which really means no changes that might protect seniors and people with disabilities. The letter is opposed by organizations such as Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), who are asking the public to contact their Senators to ask them not to sign on to this letter and have provided a script to contact them. The deadline for signing this letter is Jan. 24 so please contact them today!

☎ Sample Script:

Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY] WA. I’m reaching out about the Medicare Advantage program. Currently, there is a letter circulating in the Senate led by Senators Cortez Masto, Scott, Peters, and Capito praising the program and asking for “stability,” which really means no changes that might protect seniors and people with disabilities.

I’m calling to urge the Senator to NOT sign on to this letter.

The Medicare Advantage program has a record of harming patients by delaying and denying care, and by restricting our choice of doctor. Insurance corporations have also been caught overcharging taxpayers by up to 140 billion dollars per year. Rather than uncritically promoting Medicare Advantage, we need Congress to reappraise the program and hold health insurers accountable for their plans’ shortcomings.

Thank you.


[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]

Action 2 – Learn about the candidates and vote in the King Conservation District Election

King Conservation District is a nonregulatory, special purpose district with a mission to promote the sustainable use of natural resources through voluntary stewardship in King County. They provide technical assistance to private residents in forest management, farm conservation planning, wildfire preparedness, and streamside and shoreline enhancement. They also work with cities and other organizations to support community gardens, urban forest canopy, and local food systems.

King Conservation District is holding an election for Seat #1 on the KCD Board of Supervisors. Voting begins January 23 and ends February 13. The election will primarily rely on electronic ballot access with alternate options for requesting physical ballots. King County Elections will tabulate all ballots and report all results. You can access your ballot online, starting Jan 23 at 8 am, at this link. You can read statements from all three candidates at this link.

Because of the unusual arrangements for voting in KCD elections, turnout is typically extremely low. They are committed to pursuing election reform with the State Legislature and making future elections more accessible to all voters by holding the election via the normal ballot in the fall. Please vote to support the great work that they do and support efforts to move voting to the regular ballot.

✊ Bonus Action – Don’t forget to sign up for TAN!

Please use this link and review the slides that give an overview of the new, improved 2024 version of Take Action Network (TAN). Videos will be updated soon.

If you’re already signed up for TAN but haven’t used it yet this year, take these three steps to make sure you’re receiving TAN emails, and you can keep track of your actions. Step 1, Step 2, then go to TAN and take some quick sign-in actions!

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For the Week of Jan 15, 2024

???? On this day when we celebrate the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, the values he stood for — acceptance, equality, non-violent protest — are under threat. In a year when it is going to be harder than ever to sustain the progress that has been made, let us all recommit to the work that he inspired.

???? Thank you to those of you who joined us at our Group Meeting yesterday afternoon to learn about priority bills that WILA (Washington Indivisible Legislative Action) is tracking this session. Thanks also to Jim A, Sarah R, and Ruth L, as well as IE Steering members Hanna and Kat for sharing their expertise in different areas.

If you were not able to join us you can view the Notes from the meeting here.

???? The new session in Olympia started off with a bang last week, with over 950 bills being introduced so far. If you are not yet signed up for TAN and want a quick and easy way to make your voice heard with your state representatives on issues that are important to you, you can sign up at this link and review the slides that give an overview of the new, improved 2024 version of TAN (videos will be updated soon). You can also sign up for training provided by our friends at Indivisible Bellingham here. New dates have been added!

If you’re already signed up for TAN – terrific! Take these three steps to make sure you’re receiving TAN emails, and you can keep track of your actions. Step 1, Step 2, then go to TAN and take some quick sign-in actions!

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Ask our Senators to support a Resolution to address civilian harm in Gaza


As the humanitarian situation in Gaza becomes more desperate there is an increasing need for meaningful debate in Congress on U.S. support for Israeli operations, including the extent to which U.S. military aid may be supporting violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in both Gaza and the West Bank. Israel is currently targeting areas where Palestinians fled for safety while experts are ratcheting up warnings of famine among Gazans.

Members of Congress overwhelmingly support Israel’s intention to punish the Gaza-based militant group Hamas and its partners for a brutal surprise Oct. 7 attack that killed 1,200 Israelis and led to more than 200 being taken hostage. But Israel’s conduct of the war since then has horrified many legislators and led to public calls for a change in policy from a significant number of Democrats.

Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced Senate Resolution 504, which would require the Biden administration to produce a report on Israel’s human rights practices and a vote has been scheduled for Tues Jan 16. Sanders’ bill is privileged, meaning Senate leadership has to allow it to be considered, opening up a rare chance for senators to extensively debate Israel’s Gaza campaign. Upon Senate passage, this resolution would require a report from the State Department on Israel’s human rights practices within thirty days and provide transparency into their utilization of US-funded equipment.

On Jan 11 a coalition of more than 70 national organizations, including Indivisible, sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to cosponsor and vote in favor of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ resolution. Please contact our Washington Senators and urge them to support this resolution.

☎ Sample Script:

Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY], WA. I am writing to urge you to support Senate Resolution 504, which will be heard on January 16. This Resolution, which requires a State Department report on Israel’s human rights practices and US military aid to Israel, is an important step to ensure that US military aid is used in accordance with international law. There is no doubt that many of the actions that we have seen taken by the Israeli defense forces fail to meet these requirements. As the situation deteriorates daily, there is increasing urgency for Congress to address this.

Thank you.


[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

✊ Action 2- Commit to fighting the regressive Initiatives that are heading for our November ballots

As you probably know, a series of six initiatives were filed recently with the Secretary of State’s office which aim to roll back progress made in recent years in areas such as Climate, Education, Criminal Justice, Healthcare, and Taxes. These initiatives have been made possible by funding from a wealthy Eastside businessman and sponsorship by state Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, who is also chairman of the Washington State Republican Party. (For another review of the initiatives you can read this Stranger article.)

Signatures have been turned in and are being reviewed, a process which will probably take several more weeks. Secretary of State Steve Hobbs has informed the legislature that all six initiatives are likely to be on the ballot. One has already been certified.

If these initiatives appear on the ballot, as seems likely, we can expect an equally well funded and organized campaign to get them passed by those who wish to take our state backwards. We have to commit to put up a strong fight statewide so that the progress that has been made is not undone. There are plans being made by many ally organizations for a coalition to fight these initiatives and we expect to have more information soon.

One organization that has already begun a campaign to fight these initiatives is called Stop Greed. You can sign up for their mailing list via their website or follow them on Facebook for updates. We will keep you informed as we learn more about more groups.

Calendar of Events

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For the Week of Jan 8, 2024

???? As we pass the 3rd anniversary of Trump’s January 6th insurrection, use this gift link to read a motivational opinion piece – Make a New Year’s Resolution to Fight Trump. Writer Michelle Goldberg describes the dangers of this moment (dwindling donations, third party spoiler candidates), but also includes specifics about how to re-energize, including working for abortion protections in Arizona and Florida, donating to voter turnout organizations, and elevating down-ballot candidates to motivate voter turnout. “The first Trump presidency seemed like a grotesque accident, a civic disaster that befell us because we were too blithely arrogant to see it coming. Trump redux, however, is something we’re lurching toward with eyes wide open. If he wins again, it won’t be a shock, and no one will be able to claim, as so many did before, that this is not who we are.”

???? We look forward to seeing you at our next Indivisible Eastside Group meeting January 14th from 3-4:30 pm on Zoom. If you’ve previously registered, a zoom link will be emailed to you the day before. If you haven’t, please register HERE.

Here are your 2 actions this week.

Action 1 – Get ready for 2024: Sign up, refamiliarize yourself or get assistance with TAN to take part in Washington Indivisible Legislative Action

The next 60 days are perhaps the most important opportunities to make your voice heard with our state elected representatives. The WA legislature begins January 8th and goes for 60 days.

Your electeds want to hear from you, how you feel about the issues, and why. Washington Indivisible Legislative Action team uses Take Action Network to make it easy for you to have your voice heard on important topics like police reform; reproductive rights; voter registration; firearms purchases/transfers; diversity, equity, and inclusion in school curricula; fair wages; environmental policy; privacy; housing & homelessness, and lots more.

In under 5 minutes a day you can support/oppose bills, and send pre-written emails to your senator and representatives. The easiest way for YOU to do that is by signing up for Take Action Network.

If you’re already signed up for TAN – terrific! Take these three steps to make sure you’re receiving TAN emails, and you can keep track of your actions. Step 1, Step 2, then go to TAN and take some quick sign-in actions!

If TAN is new to you, or you want some help – Indivisible Bellingham is offering 45-minute online Zoom training sessions in the coming weeks.

Prior to the meeting please sign in to your TAN account, or complete the TAN Signup Process.

✊ Action 2 – Save the “Carrot” and “Cabbage Patch” forests in Thurston County

From the Center for Responsible Forestry

The “Carrot” and “Cabbage Patch” timber sales within Capitol Forest in Thurston County are under threat of being auctioned off to the highest bidder by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for clearcut logging. These forests are vital for wildlife habitat, water quality, climate resilience, and biodiversity. We must act now to protect them. Ten months ago, the Thurston Board of County Commissioners wrote a powerful letter asking DNR to pause the “Juneau” timber sale (in the same area) and to stop logging mature forests in Thurston County. DNR should honor this request and stop the “Carrot” and “Cabbage Patch” sales as well.

Take 1 minute to send a pre-written email to members of the Board of Natural Resources, urging them to save these forests from clearcut logging.

Calendar of Events

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