Actions Previous 2022

Previous Actions from 2022


Members of Congress

  • Sen. Patty Murray
    (202) 224-2621 | Email

  • Sen. Maria Cantwell
    (202) 224-3441 | Email

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st)
    (202) 225-6311 | Email

  • Rep. Kim Schrier (8th)
    (202) 225-7761 | Email

  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th)
    (202) 225-8901 | Email

  • For the Week of Dec 19, 2022

    ? The past 6 years have been HARD! An antidote to an ever-stressful, busy and uncertain world: Try finding and savoring little bites of joy throughout your day. Washington Post’s columnist, neuroscientist Richard Sima, calls them “joy snacks”. Listen to New Life Hack: The Joy Snack or read it HERE (paywall).

    Need something to get you started? Snack on a few of the 99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2022!

    ? This is our final Newsletter for 2022, and however you celebrate the winter holidays, the Indivisible Eastside Steering Committee and the Weekly Actions Newsletter team wish you health, happiness, rest, and joy.

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week. See you in 2023!

    Action 1 – Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites (CARW) Cohorts Are Starting Soon. Deadline to sign up Dec 20.

    From CARW

    Winter Seattle-area anti-racism discussion/action groups start in January. You are invited to participate in the 2023 CARW cohorts!  This is our third year of cohorts, and we are excited about the foundation we’ve built and some great changes too.

    Cohorts are a way to deepen community by building a shared analysis and helping each other stay supported and accountable in our anti-racist actions. Each session will include readings/videos, discussions, and actions to take together. This year, many of the actions will be about fundshifting (how do we as a collective, shift funds to grassroots, BIPOC-led organizations and coalitions).

    For the past two years, we’ve worked to have cohorts that were built around neighborhoods for people to connect and organize in their area. This year, we are expanding to also offer cohorts organized around a theme (e.g. LGBTQIA+; Seattle transplants). Cohort sessions will be via zoom, with possible in-person meetings later on, depending on participant interest.

    Are you interested in deepening your connection with CARW?  Do you want to have a place to talk and take action with others in community and grapple with what it means to be anti-racist? Join us!

    Learn more about the time commitment, and sign up by Dec 20th, at CARW.

    Action 2 – King County, Redmond, Kirkland, LWSD actions

    • Take the King County District 6 survey from District 6 Council Member Claudia Balducci. Lots of questions about affordable housing and transportation.
    • Redmond has vacancies on the planning commission and a new salary commission. If you live in Redmond please consider applying!  Go to the Boards and Commissions page, scroll down to Apply for a Board or Commission and click the various links to learn more.  Then click “Apply”!
    • Kirkland is finally kicking off its comprehensive plan update process. This is the biggest opportunity for more affordable and sustainable housing in Kirkland. If you live, work, and/or play in Kirkland (or can’t and would like to) please sign up to attend this online meeting and ask the city to prioritize building more affordable and sustainable housing: Wed, Jan 11, 6-7:30 pm  Kirkland Comprehensive Plan Visioning Event 
    • Run for School Board Director: Lake Washington School District – the District 2 (NW Kirkland) director will retire at the end of their term in 2023. Are you or someone you know ready to step up to fill this spot? The person does not need to have students attending public school but does need to live in district 2. Contact Leah Choi with recommendations or if someone wants to talk to her about running. 

    Here’s some background about why you should run for School Board, from Petra H in Eastern WA. First, there are the attacks on school boards happening across the country: The Right Wing Mothers Fueling School Board Wars | Far Right School Board Take Over – SC | Notes from a school board take over. Beyond that, we have seen the far right use school board positions to dismantle public education and as a stepping stone for future office (state government, etc.)  We need to be smart and proactive too.

    Resources on How to Run for School Board:

    Action 3 – In this Season of Giving, remember Food Banks

    From KUOW “Today So Far”

    Food Bank supplies are low this year in part because grocery stores, which are experiencing supply chain issues, are unable to give as much. In addition, federal Covid assistance that helped food banks has expired. And food costs are up. Food Lifeline says it spent $10 million this year on food supplies, more than double the amount in a typical year.

    “In a normal year, we have somewhere between 4-5 million pounds of food in our warehouse, moving out for distribution,” Ryan Scott, chief development officer with Food Lifeline, says. “Right now, we just have a little over a million.”

    Food Lifeline delivers food to several untapped areas across Western Washington. These include rural food banks, urban “food deserts”, senior housing agencies, and school food programs. They also deliver to regional distribution hubs, who then work with several smaller food banks and meal programs.

    As we look forward to gathering with friends and family this holiday season, if you have a little extra, please share with Food Lifeline so they can support those in need. 

    Action: Donate to Food Lifeline

    Calendar of Events

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Dec 12, 2022

    ? Congratulations to Senator Raphael Warnock on his re-election to the US Senate! So much grassroots energy went into combatting GOP voter suppression tactics in Georgia and returning Senator Warnock to Washington. Yvonne shares that 1,560 letters to Georgia voters were sent by IE members! Amazing!

    ? Indivisible is finishing up a new Indivisible Guide for 2023 and beyond. You can have a sneak peak at Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Defeating MAGA. The two prongs of the game plan are: Hold MAGA Republicans accountable for their extremism, and Get Democrats to show up as fighters.

    ? Here are your 2 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Tell Federal Trade Commission: Consumers Deserve Fairer Funeral Pricing Practices

    From WashPIRG

    We interact with funeral homes when we’re at our most vulnerable, trying to honor the memory of a loved one while also trying to make informed financial decisions. But currently, funeral homes are not required to provide potential customers with price information online before they commit to a purchase.

    Federal Trade Commission research shows that more than 60% of funeral homes have little or no pricing information on their websites. This creates an opportunity for funeral homes to upsell or increase prices — consumers can’t really shop around, nor do they have the time or state of mind to visit multiple funeral homes and compare prices and services. For more background, see this FTC press release.

    Action: Use WashPIRG’s Online Form to contact the FTC and ask for fairer pricing practices.

    Action 2 – Educate yourself on banned books

    Do you have some holiday baking or travel coming up? Queue up this excellent NYT’s “The Daily” podcast “When Book Bans Came to Small Town New Jersey”. It’s a thoughtful exploration of the forces at work in the contentious debate over who controls what happens in America’s schools. It highlights the positions of librarians, parents and amazingly strong students who express why books with LGBTQ+ themes are so important to have access to.

    ?? Action: Listen to the podcast, then start reading some of the books referenced: Lawnboy, This Book is Gay, All Boys Aren’t Blue or choose some from Pen America’s Index of School Book Bans

    ? Bonus: Choose one of RedWineAndBlue’s Recommendations of Banned Books for Tweens and Teens and read and discuss with a young person in your life.  (Note: Each Instagram post includes 4 images – scroll the post to see recommendations for different ages)

    With school board elections coming in 2023, it’s not too early to learn more about the culture war and be able to speak to friends, family and neighbors with the authority of having actually read the books being challenged. Stay tuned for a follow on action in January.

    Calendar of Events

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

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    For the Week of Dec 5, 2022

    ? Congratulations to Representative Hakeem Jeffries on his selection to the role of Speaker of the House. Here is a picture of him at an event with member Yvonne B. a few years ago.

    ?Last call for the Georgia Senate runoff election! You can still help to get those last few votes out by:

    • Donating to Senator Warnock’s campaign here.
    • Joining Indivisible’s Georgia Runoff Phone Bank Party with Gaslit Nation on Dec 5 at 2 pm PT. Register to attend.
    • Phonebanking with Georgia Democrats. Many days and times available.

    ?If you missed the League of Women Voters forum on  The Decline of Local News and Its Impact on Democracy it will be available soon on their YouTube channel.

    ?The Northshore School Board will hold two meetings this week (Dec 5 and 6) that will focus on their new superintendent search. (See Calendar for details). If Indivisibles who live within the Northshore District plan to attend either meeting, please let us know by emailing us –

    ? Here are your 2 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Speak up against the deployment of armed police in our public schools

    After the murder of George Floyd in 2020, part of the ensuing conversation around policing focused on the presence of armed police officers in schools. Usually referred to as School Resource Officers (SROs), they have been present on campuses for many years, without much reflection on what good they do, or more importantly, what harm. After conversations with students and their families, particularly with the BIPOC, special needs, and LGBTQ communities who are most frequently the targets of SROs’ attention, many districts began to question their deployment. That process was interrupted by the school shutdowns necessitated by COVID-19 but over the past year school districts have begun to start up the SRO programs again as if those conversations had never happened. There is an abundance of evidence that such programs do nothing to protect students (as we saw at Uvalde, Texas) and can lead to worse academic and personal outcomes for impacted students.

    Locally, the Bellevue School District announced plans earlier this year to reinstate their SRO program with no outreach to community members, despite hearing quite clearly from them pre-pandemic that they did not want the program in Bellevue schools. Bellevue teachers have passed a resolution against bringing officers back on campus and students have spoken up against it too. The city is now belatedly doing the necessary outreach and we have a chance to let them know how problematic the presence of police officers in schools is.

    Please fill out this survey by Dec 16 and let them know that armed police do not belong in our schools, even with the cute name change to ‘Community Engagement Officers’ (CEOs). (Please note that the survey very much assumes that you approve of the plan and does not allow space to disagree until the very end, so don’t feel obliged to answer the earlier questions.)

    Despite the claims for the program, police are not social workers and should not be doing the work that trained and qualified counselors could be doing with the same funding. The cost of the program is about $850,000 per year, split between BSD and the Bellevue Police Department.  

    There are also two Community Engagement Meetings, on Dec 5 at Newport High and Dec 7 at Bellevue High, where community members will be able to have input into the plan. Please try to attend one of these and let BSD know that this is not an idea that we want to see implemented in our schools.

    ✊ Action 2 –  [US Senators] Thank Senators and Urge Support for Wild Olympics Bill

    From Washington Wild

    The Wild Olympics bill has been in the works for many years, and was reintroduced by Rep. Kilmer and Senator Murray in 2019. It would designate the first new wilderness areas in Olympic National Forest in three decades, and the first-ever Wild & Scenic River designations. It would permanently preserve ancient and mature forests, critical salmon habitat, and sources of clean drinking water for local communities, while also protecting and expanding world-class outdoor recreation opportunities like hiking, camping, boating, hunting, and fishing. No roads would be closed, and trailhead access would not be affected.

    To date, over 800 local businesses, hunting & fishing organizations, Tribes, and elected officials have endorsed the Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.

    Because of bipartisan support earlier this year to include the Wild Olympics bill in a package of public lands legislation, we finally have a real chance to see Wild Olympics move out of Congress and onto President Biden’s desk. From the start, Senators Murray and Cantwell have been steadfast environmental champions and proponents of the bill. It’s time to thank them for their continued leadership and urge them to continue to fight for Wild Olympics.

    There are several ways to take this action. Use this page to auto-generate emails to Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell, or call or email your own message using the script below.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME], from [CITY]. Thank you for your leadership and support for the Wild Olympics bill. I urge you to fight to ensure that the Wild Olympics legislation is included in any end of the year legislative vehicles, before the end of the current Congressional session. This legislation is extremely important because it preserves ancient and mature forests, critical salmon habitat, and sources of clean drinking water for local communities, while also protecting and expanding world-class outdoor recreation opportunities. 

    Please do what you can to ensure that the Wild Olympics legislation passes this year. Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of Events

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

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    For the Week of Nov 28, 2022

    ?If you are an avid consumer of news like us, you may be interested in a virtual event by the League of Women Voters of Seattle and King County coming up this week. The Decline of Local News and Its Impact on Democracy forum will take place on Thurs Dec 1 from 7 – 8:30 pm. You can watch it via Zoom or You Tube.

    ?Our friends at Eastside For All are holding an End of the Year Celebration on Sat Dec 3, from 11:00 – 1:00. Please register to join the community potluck to celebrate with one of the hardest working organizations on the Eastside. If you’d like to join some of us from Indivisible Eastside as helpers at the event here’s a link to sign up.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Support Senator Raphael Warnock in the Georgia Run-off Election

    It’s coming down to the wire in the Georgia Senate runoff election! It’s all about turnout now. Postcarding and letter writing campaigns have all but wrapped up but there are still actions that you can take in this must-win election.

    Action 1a – Ways to help

    1. Donate to Senator Warnock’s campaign here.
    2. Join Indivisible’s Georgia Runoff Phone Bank Party with Gaslit Nation on Dec 1 at 3 pm PT or Dec 5 at 2 pm PT. Register to attend.
    3. Phonebank with Georgia Democrats. Many days and times available.

    Action 1b – Attend a free lecture by David Domke of Common Power, Monday Nov 28, 5 pm:


    The Senate run-off between Rev. Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker highlights the importance of Georgia in American life and politics. This lecture will discuss why Georgia is such an important state, and will examine how the run-off election is shaping up. Early in-person voting began on Tuesday the 23rd, and by Monday we’ll have 4 days of it completed. This event is FREE and will occur Monday, November 28, at 5 pm. Register to attend.

    Action 2 –   Support the LGBTQ community

    Republicans continue to build on their campaign of hate against members of the LGBTQ community, even as we see the results of their bigotry in such tragedies as the attack on Club Q in Colorado. While such tactics are unpopular with most Americans, the rhetoric poses a real danger to the LGBTQ community and it’s important that we stay informed about this escalating problem.

    Please take a look at this excellent in depth explanation by Indivisible’s Give No Ground Campaign on the hateful right wing obsession with “grooming,” pedophilia, and their push to associate LGBTQ people with danger to children. As the Indivisible article explains, “Republicans are using this ‘groomer’ campaign to target same-sex marriage, equal employment, and the right to privacy. This has nothing to do with protecting children—they’ve simply latched on to the most politically-charged and potent line of attack they can launch at their opponents” in a bid to appeal to their base and build electoral power. 

    Despite the majority of Americans rejecting these vile beliefs, hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced this year across the country. We can expect to see this continue, even in our blue state, where there were four bad bills introduced last year (they all died). Republican members of Congress have already introduced a national ‘don’t say gay’ bill in the current session and we can expect to see more of this now that they have control of the House. Let’s be ready to take on the bigots who would like nothing better than to see a wholesale rollback of civil rights. Learn about the issues and how to be an Ally to LGBTQ  people.

    In the first half of 2021 alone, 1 in 4 LGBTQ youth attempted suicide. If you’d like to support organizations who offer support to LGBTQ youth and adults, the Trevor Project and the National Center for Transgender Equality are good places to start. For a longer list of organizations here is one put together by the DHHS and other government agencies. The organizations will appreciate the support.

    Action 3 – Let us know your priorities for the next State legislative session

    There’s still time to let us know where to focus our efforts for our bill tracking efforts in the next session of the state legislature. As part of the Washington Indivisible Legislative Action (WILA) team, we closely track selected bills and then issue appropriate actions for Indivisible members across the state, via the Take Action Network (TAN). Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and let us know which areas we should focus on. 

    This work also depends on the availability of bill trackers, who follow their chosen bills and write up the actions following a tried and tested template within TAN. If you are interested in tracking bills in an area of interest to you, let us know via the last question on the survey and someone will get back to you. There is training coming up in December and lots of support so please consider joining the crew.

    Calendar of Events

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Nov 21, 2022

    ? As Nancy Pelosi retires from her role as Speaker let’s enjoy this iconic picture of her doing what she does best. In a parting shot she said that she’d enjoyed working under three presidents (she actually worked under four). Thank you, Madam Speaker, for your service and your determination to fight back against the attacks on our democracy. Democrats will vote for her replacement on Nov 30. 

    ? November is Native American Heritage Month, which was established over a century ago with the intent of recognizing the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S. You can read about our Washington tribes here. Over the long weekend consider exploring Northwest native art at the updated Burke Museum, or in Pioneer Square at the new ʔálʔal Cafe.

    While we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you enjoy sharing time and good food with friends and family, let’s remember that especially in the context of Native American Heritage Month, there are two sides to the story. Many of us grew up only hearing about one of them so please take the time to learn about the perspective of the first Americans and acknowledge that it is a complex holiday.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Support Senator Raphael Warnock in the Georgia Run-off Election

    There are just a couple of weeks until Georgia’s run-off election between incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock and unqualified Trump-endorsed candidate Herschel Walker. If you hear talk about how ‘it doesn’t matter’ now that Democrats have won the Senate, you should shut that down immediately!  


    • The current 50-50 Democratic majority requires a power-sharing agreement to operate, which has meant all Senate Committees have had equally divided memberships and that it takes more time and effort to move nominations through committees without any GOP support. 
    • It would also take away the significance of a single moderate Democratic vote — Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Jon Tester of Montana are all up for re-election and will be eager to show their moderate credentials. If any of those three, or any other senator, decides to oppose a nominee, an extra vote in a 51-49 Senate would be helpful for Democrats. 
    • It would free up Vice President Kamala Harris to do other work — she’s broken more tie votes since John Calhoun in the 1800s. With a clear Democratic majority, she’d likely be relied on less frequently to pass the Democrats’ agenda. 

    Senator Warnock absolutely must be re-elected. You can help by choosing from these actions:

    1. Donate to Senator Warnock’s campaign here.
    2. Support one of these Indivisible Georgia chapters who are on the ground doing the work:
      1. Appalachian Indivisible
      2. Indivisible GA 04
      3. Indivisible Lumpkin
      4. Indivisible Georgia Coalition
      5. Indivisible Georgia Sixth District
      6. Indivisible Columbus, Georgia
      7. Screven Forward
      8. Indivisible Georgia District 10
      9. Necessary Trouble
      10. Avondale ACTion
    3. Write postcards with complimentary postcard packs from Postcards4WA. They have Reclaim Our Vote postcard kits with all you need to write for the GA Senate runoff (you write, stamp, and mail no later than November 23). They can be picked up in either North or South Bellevue in bundles of 20 postcards/addresses. Email and let them know how many sets of postcard materials you want and which location you prefer for pick-up. 
    4. Write letters to Voters with Vote Forward. Send ASAP, mailing deadline is November 29.

    Action 2 –  [Members of Congress] Urge Federal Legislators to make the most of the 2022 Legislative Session


    We now know that while Democrats held the Senate, they will be in the minority by a slim margin in the House. While there is still uncertainty about a handful of seats, Democrats must stay in session and use their current majority to push hard for critical measures before January. 

    There is a laundry list of possible legislation that the Democrats should push through while they have the majority, and the Senate has already made the first steps towards passing the Respect for Marriage Act, which will codify same-sex and inter-racial marriage. Other measures that have popular support are a permitting reform bill that would ease construction of clean-energy infrastructure, confirming more Biden-picked judges, and action to extend the child tax credit.

    However, due to Republican opposition, there will also be bigger challenges after January. Democrats should take steps during the next two months to protect us against Republican plans to hold the economy hostage by demanding concessions against the debt limit, to lock in aid for Ukraine, and to pass the Electoral Count Act, which would protect our democracy against the abuse of the current law that we saw on Jan 6, 2021. 

    We need Democrats to stay in session for the remainder of this calendar year and to look at all possibilities to get these bills passed so we can minimize the harm Republicans can do. 

    Please contact your Members of Congress and let them know that they must push hard for these important bills while they have the chance. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME], from [CITY]. I am calling to ask that you do everything you can over the next month and a half to help to pass important legislation that will be at risk after January, when Republicans take control of the House. Please stay in session and prioritize raising the debt ceiling, passing the Respect for Marriage Act, making the Child Tax Credit permanent, and ensuring that the Electoral Count Act passes to avoid another scenario like January 6th. Other important areas to consider are pushing back against Putin’s aggression in Ukraine, and passing the permitting reform bill that will help with clean energy infrastructure.

    Please use these last few months of a Democratic majority to ensure that these measures are passed.

    Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Let us know your priorities for the next State legislative session

    Now that election season is almost done, after a short breather we will be turning our attention to the next session of the state legislature, which will run from January 9 to April 24, 2023.

    If you’ve been with us for a while you’ll know that as part of the Washington Indivisible Legislative Action (WILA) team, we  closely track selected bills and issue actions for Indivisible members across the state to take, via the Take Action Network (TAN). Due to the sheer volume of bills, we have to limit the number that we track and so we are asking you to help us prioritize. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and let us know which areas we should focus on. 

    This work also depends on the availability of bill trackers, who follow their chosen bills and write up the actions following a tried and tested template within TAN. If you are interested in tracking bills in an area of interest to you, let us know via the last question on the survey and someone will get back to you. There is training coming up in December and lots of support so please consider joining the crew.

    Calendar of Events

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

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    For the Week of Nov 14, 2022

    ? Despite all the fears of voter intimidation and talk of distrust in the election, election staff did what they do best, and have been tirelessly processing ballots to count our votes. Final results will be certified on November 29th, but early results look promising here in Washington state and King County. You can check for updated results HERE.  

    ? If you missed our group meeting yesterday with Dr. Maya Carey, a research analyst with Southern Poverty Law Center, here are the meeting notes with a recording of her presentation. We will not be meeting in December, so we will see you in January!

    ? King County Councilmember Sarah Perry just sent out a  list of grant opportunities. They range from help for individuals who are  immigrants, to non-profits who are working throughout our community. Check out the list, and think about any people or organizations that might benefit from these funds. Spread the word!

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Support the Georgia Run-off Election

    Here we go again! Due to Georgia’s requirement that a candidate must receive at least 50% of the votes, there will be a run-off election on December 6th between incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock and extremely unqualified Trump-endorsed candidate Herschel Walker. You can help that effort with these actions:

    1. Donate to Movement Voter Project in GA
    2. Write Postcards to Voters in Georgia. Check out their Facebook page: or request addresses on their website:
    3. Center for Common Ground/Reclaim Our Vote have 879,000 addresses of consistent/reliable Black voters in Georgia available as of today, November 10. The postcards need to be mailed by November 23.

    To sign up to write postcards:

    1. Write letters to Voters with Vote Forward: Send ASAP, mailing deadline by November 29th.
    2. Vote Forward is also requesting donations for letter writing kits for college students or other individuals who cannot afford to participate. Donate:

    Action 2 –  Make sure your vote counted!

    From Jon Pincus & Indivisible Plus Washington

    Our election here in Washington State isn’t certified until November 29th. Make sure your ballot is counted by checking to see your ballot status — once you log in, just click on Ballot Status. If it says “rejected”, call your local election department. is a detailed guide, with screenshots and links to a directory of county election offices.

    So please check your status — and please let your friends and family know as well!

    Action 3 – Urge Federal Legislators to make the most of the 2022 Legislative Session

    From Indivisible National

    We defied the pundits’ predictions and powered an historic Democratic overperformance! Pro-democracy candidates won tons of races at the state level, in congressional races that had been written off, and even flipped a Senate seat in Pennsylvania! These victories are BIG and deserve celebration! 

    While Republicans did pay a price for their extremism, evaporating the predicted Red Wave, there is a good chance that Republicans won enough congressional races to get a majority in the House. This reality would close the brief window we had with a Democratic trifecta in power. There’s no point in sugar coating it – a MAGA majority in the House poses an alarming threat for our democracy. While we celebrate the remarkable gains we made with our movement,  we share the anger, sadness, and fear being felt across the country at what a potential MAGA House majority could mean for our future.

    The risk of a Republican takeover of the House means Democrats must use every bit of trifecta that is left to deliver as much of the Democratic agenda as possible, before the end of this Congress! That means they have from now until January 3rd, 2023 (Swearing In Day) to deliver on a long list of priorities. 

    At a high level, we need Democrats to stay in session for the remainder of this calendar year so we can minimize the harm Republicans can do by:

    1. Accomplishing as much legislative clean-up as possible. This means passing wildly popular bills like the Marriage Equality Act, and the Electoral Count Act
    2. Preventing hostage taking in the 118th Congress. This means lifting the debt ceiling so Republicans don’t have a hostage to take next year!

    Take these actions now:

    1. Attend the National Activist Call on November 16th at 5 pm to strategize on how to make the most of the lame duck session. Register to attend.For background on Indivisible’s strategy for the session, take a look at this informative article.
    2. Call your Representative and Senators now. Ask them to stay in session and work hard to pass wildly popular bills like the Marriage Equality Act and the Electoral Count Act, and to lift the debt ceiling. 

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

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    For the Week of Nov 7, 2022

    ? It’s not too late to vote! If you still have not voted, you have until 8 pm on Nov. 8th to get your ballot to a King County or Snohomish County drop box. (Don’t wait until the last minute to do this – boxes may be full!) Do not rely on using the mail at this point. If your ballot is not postmarked in time your vote won’t count.

    ? Thank you to the many, many people who have written postcards and letters throughout the year to voters here in Washington as well as across the country. You wrote 50,000 postcards and 8,266 letters, which is quite an achievement! Special thanks to our awesome Postcards4WA team who have kept us organized and busy – Christy B, Kate B, Louise P, and Elizabeth S, who we will miss dearly since her recent move. Credit also goes to Yvonne B for wrangling the letter writing campaign and to Joan Y for hosting Zoom writing sessions. Thanks also to those who hosted in-person events. It was great to be able to write together after the last few years of Zooming.

    ? Mark your calendar for Sun Nov 13, 3-4:30 pm for IE’s Group Meeting. We’ll be joined by Dr. Maya Carey, a research analyst with Southern Poverty Law Center. She is researching the relationship between supposed grass-roots parent groups who are challenging books and curriculum in public schools, and the right-wing extremist groups that fund them. For more information you can watch this video from called “Saving our Public Schools: Activating Parents in an Age of CRT-Backlash“. If you don’t have time to watch the whole video there is a section called “Why CRT and Why Now” presented by Sumi Cho at about 26 minutes in.

    We will also hear from local resident Sally Lawrence about how you can help the organization Save Coal Creek to protect a twelve acre property adjacent to the Coal Creek Natural Area in South Bellevue from development. 

    Register at

    ?Here are your 2 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Let’s finish strong for the Midterms!

    Action 1a – Here are some last minute activities to help get the vote out!


    Sign Waving in Kirkland with Sen. Kuderer & Rep. DelBene

    Monday, November 7th, 3 pm

    Parking & Kickoff Location: Kirkland HQ: 12840 NE 85th St, Kirkland, WA

    RSVP to attend

    GOTV Canvass and Phonebank

    Monday, November 7th. Come anytime between 4-8 pm

    Kickoff Location: Kirkland Office, 12840 NE 85th St, Kirkland, WA 98033

    RSVP to attend.

    Sign Waving in Bellevue with Sen. Kuderer & Rep. DelBene

    Tuesday, November 8th, 7:30 am

    Kickoff Location: Corner of Bellevue Way and NE 8th St

    Parking in Bellevue Mall Parking Lot

    RSVP to attend.

    GOTV Canvass and Phonebank

    Tuesday, November 8th. Come anytime between 9 am – 8 pm

    Kickoff Location: Kirkland Office, 12840 NE 85th St, Kirkland, WA 98033

    RSVP to attend.

    Sign Waving for Kim Schrier

    Monday, November 7th, 7:30 am – Multiple locations:

    Issaquah- Front St & Sunset

    Issaquah Value Village

    Sammamish 228th & ISS-Pine Lake 

    Snoqualmie at Douglas & Snoqualmie Pkwy

    Maple Valley Kent Kangley & MV Hwy

    Monday, November 7th, 4:30 pm – Multiple locations:

    Issaquah Front St & Sunset

    Issaquah Value Village

    Sammamish 228th & Inglewood 

    Snoqualmie at Douglas & Snoqualmie Pkwy

    Maple Valley Kent Kangley & MV Hwy

    Tuesday, November 8th, 7:30 am – Multiple locations

    Issaquah Front St  & Sunset

    Issaquah Value Village

    Sammamish 228th & ISS-Pine lake 

    Snoqualmie at Douglas & Snoqualmie Pkwy

    Maple Valley Kent Kangley & MV Hwy

    Tuesday, November 8th, 4:30 pm – Multiple locations

    Issaquah Front & Sunset

    Issaquah Value Village

    Sammamish 228th & Inglewood 

    Snoqualmie at Douglas & Snoqualmie Pkwy

    Maple Valley Kent Kangley & MV Hwy

    Action 1b – We know from our experience with Vote By Mail in this state that we don’t have a result on election night because votes are counted and processed for several weeks afterwards, until the election is certified on Nov. 29. One of the reasons is that county election offices will be verifying signatures for ballots that have had them challenged. Ballots will be counted if the issue is resolved by certification day. As whether or not a voter has turned in their ballot and whether or not they have a signature issue is considered public information, campaigns can request this information to see which voters have outstanding signature issues and then use this information to try to help voters fix their signature issues. You may have seen a request from us on social media to sign up for this effort (called ‘ballot curing’). There will be an updated request after the election and we will post a new link to sign up. If you don’t follow us on social media but are interested in taking part please email us at and we will get the information to you.

    Action 2 –  [Bellevue] Ask the City Council to restore full funding to the Vision Zero program

    From member Chris R.

    In 2015, Bellevue City Council passed a resolution providing a framework for Vision Zero, with the goal of achieving zero traffic deaths and serious injuries on Bellevue streets by 2030. It was formally endorsed and the plan presented by the council in 2020. The proposed funding was $500,000 per year. Since then, this has been cut to $357,000. 

    Complete Streets Bellevue is asking the City Council to restore Vision Zero back to its originally proposed level so that the city can build more projects that will keep people walking, biking, and rolling safely. These funds would build on some great work being done by city staff to review roadways near local schools, and they should have all of the resources they need to be able to implement as many projects as possible.

    You can support this request for an increase in funding by signing a letter to the City Council, asking that the original amount of funding is restored so that city staff can continue to build infrastructure that will keep Bellevue residents, workers, and visitors safe.

    Complete Streets are also looking for people to testify during Monday evening’s Council budget hearing, so if you have a story about safety on Bellevue’s streets or an experience/perspective to share, please reach out to, who can provide help with crafting testimony & answering questions.

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 31, 2022

    ? If your inner Steve Kornacki is curious about voting trends in WA state as compared to 2018, check out this WA Statewide 2022 Early & Absentee Vote Report tool shared by Yvonne B. It’s updated daily and you can track trends in voting for a variety of data sets including Age, Gender, and Urbanicity.

    ? Important voting information:

    ? Mark your calendar for Sun Nov 13, 3-4:30 pm for IE’s Group Meeting. We’ll be joined by Dr. Maya Carey, a research analyst with Southern Poverty Law Center.  She is researching the relationship between supposed grass-roots parent groups challenging books and curriculum in public schools, and the right-wing extremist groups that fund them. Register at

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Text Bank with Indivisible for Dr. Kim Schrier CD8 and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez CD3.

    From Indivisible Regional Organizer Nina Moussavi

    During his recent visit, Indivisible Co-Founder Ezra Levin was so impressed with the energy here in WA state that Indivisible National has added texting opportunities for Kim Schrier in WA-8 and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez in WA-3 as part of the Give No Ground efforts! Join your West Coast Indivisible National Team for a virtual Textbank and Phonebank party on November 3rd from 5-7 pm! This will be a “pick your own adventure” type of virtual party. Everyone will come together on a Zoom call and we will have breakout rooms for each activity and Indivisible Staff leading you along the way. So, you can join us for the full two hours and do both texting and calling for some really amazing candidates in tight races!

    Here is who we will be texting and calling for: 

    • Texting for Marie Gluesenkamp Perez in WA-3 or for Kim Schrier in WA-8 
    • Calling for Mary Peltola in Alaska, Mark Kelly in Arizona, Will Rollins in CA-41, or Jamie Mcleod Skinner in OR-5 

    Never texted or called with Indivisible National? NO PROBLEM AT ALL!! We will have training available to any first-timers or anyone who needs a refresher. 

    Sign Up to join the West Coast Phonebank and Textbank Virtual Party

    What do you need to textbank with us? Just a computer! Our texting program is an online platform, so you don’t need to use your phone.

    What do you need to phonebank with us? Just a computer and a phone!

    Action 2 – Fight Election Disinformation

    The Indivisible Truth Brigade was launched in 2021 to combat online disinformation They teach volunteers about best practices and learn how to craft effective messages that not only push back against untruths but also help to spread positive accurate messages (e.g. the ‘truth sandwich’). The group has been hard at work on projects for the November elections. The issues that have been identified as likely to be the most divisive are inflation, crime, and “school indoctrination.” 

    For inspiration you can watch the recent Truth Brigade kick off call on their Fighting Election Disinformation campaign. It includes a great interview (around thirty minutes in) with Dan Pfeiffer, one of the hosts of the Pod Save America podcast and author of ‘Battling the Big Lie’. You can learn more about the Truth Brigade here, sign up to join them, and view their toolkit to Fight Election Disinformation. Even if you don’t use a social media platform, the messaging and graphics they provide might be useful for texting or emails with family and friends.

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight  – Democrats

    While social issues such as abortion access and voting rights fueled strong Democratic polling over the summer, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other national media are reporting that issues such as inflation and crime are pulling undecided voters towards Republican candidates. Republican fear-mongering is standard and to be expected, but the level of disinformation involved is alarming. Let’s do our part to shed light on one of the biggest drivers of inflation (corporate greed), share Democratic accomplishments in the face of Republican resistance, and share what Republicans plan to do if they win back the majority in Congress.

    3a. Share this video of Katie Porter highlighting the extent to which corporate greed contributes to the inflation people are experiencing. YouTube, Twitter

    3b. Share images of how: 

    3c. Share this Sep 21st release from Speaker Pelosi’s Press Office about how the MAGA House GOP’s plans to “implement their extreme plans for a federal law to criminalize abortion in all 50 states,” slash Medicare and Social Security, and undermine Elections and Democracy. 

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 24, 2022

    ? Ballots were mailed October 19th, so you should have received yours! NEW: King County Elections has launched a text and email ballot notification program. Voters can sign-up to receive text messages, emails (or both!) about when their ballot is received at the ballot processing center, when their signature has been verified (or if there’s an issue with their signature), and when their ballot has been counted. This is available in five languages – Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Voters can sign up in the My Voter Information Tool – choose the “Track my ballot” tab, and then click “Sign up for ballot status alerts …”

    Important dates:

    • Oct 31 – Online and mail (many languages to choose from) registrations deadline
    • Nov 8 – Deadline for Washington State voter registration or updates (in person only).
    • Nov 8 – General Election – Ballots must be in an official drop box by 8 pm. (Do not wait until the last hours to do this – boxes may be full!) Drop box locations for King and Snohomish counties.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – VOTE, and encourage five other people to vote

    You likely know who you’re voting to represent you in the US House and Senate, as well as your legislative district. In past newsletters we’ve shared some member recommendations for Secretary of State (incumbent Steve Hobbs) and King County Prosecuting Attorney (Leesa Manion), but many people get overwhelmed when it comes time to vote for Judges, County Charter Amendments, and Propositions. Never fear – some great resources to consult are The Progressive Voters Guide and the salty The Stranger’s Endorsements for the November 8, 2022, General Election and salt-free Stranger’s Endorsement Cheat-Sheet. If you’re still feeling unprepared to vote, reach out to and someone will get back to you with their personal strategy for voting.

    Action 2 – Take Action to Support #EastlinkOnTime – deadline October 26th!

    From Move Redmond and Complete Streets Bellevue

    Are you looking forward to the opening of the East Light Rail? Construction issues threaten to delay the opening of the long-awaited East Link light rail, but it doesn’t have to be this way. King County Council Chair and Sound Transit Board Member Claudia Balducci proposed running East Link between Bellevue and the light rail stations in the Overlake neighborhood in Redmond. Tell Sound Transit to keep Bellevue & Redmond light rail on time by running an Eastside-only route until the construction on the I-90 bridge is complete.

    Light rail between Bellevue and Redmond will save time for thousands of commuters and residents along the route, cutting what is today a lengthy 40-minute bus trip by more than half. Opening these stations on time will build public trust in Sound Transit and leverage the multimodal investments that cities have made in the station areas. Stations between Bellevue and the Overlake Neighborhood of Redmond are near complete and will increase transit options for people who live, work, or go to school in Redmond and Bellevue. 

    Show support for this idea by taking action and sending a letter to the Sound Transit board and CEO Julie Timm before the next Sound Transit Board Meeting on October 27th!

    Take Action Now!

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Allison – Rep Lisa Callan, LD5

    • Lisa Callan flipped this State House seat in 2018, winning with 52.25% of the total vote. 
    • Callan’s opponent is Republican Chad Magendanz who recently tweeted enthusiastically about his endorsement by the anti-choice Family Policy Center. He ran a close race in 2018 against Bill Ramos for the other House seat in LD5 winning 48.49% of the vote.
    • Magendanz was recently endorsed by the Seattle Times – which seems to prefer a divided House and Senate. This endorsement, along with Republican’s financing $40K worth of advertising for Chad, puts this Democratic House seat in jeopardy. 
    • Callan’s many endorsements include the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, the Washington Education Association, and Planned Parenthood NW. 

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign here
    • Learn more about the campaign here.
    • Follow Lisa on Facebook and Twitter and amplify her posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 17, 2022

    ? Last weekend was a fantastic three days of action with Indivisible co-founder Ezra Levin, culminating in a Postcard and Text Banking event organized by Indivisible Tacoma. Check out this great 3 minute video of Ezra speaking to the group

    ? Ballots will be mailed in Washington state on October 19th! Lots of canvassing and phone banking for Dr. Kim Schrier still needed during the last three weekends before the deadline to vote. Do you know someone who has moved to the area? Ask them if they’re registered to vote in Washington and if not, share resources below.

    Important dates:

    • October 21 – Start of 18-day voting period (through Election Day). Vote, and mail your postage paid envelope ASAP. 
    • Oct 31 – Online and mail (many languages to choose from) registrations must be received 8 days before Election Day.
    • Nov 8 – Deadline for Washington State voter registration or updates (in person only).
    • Nov 8 – General Election – Ballots must be in an official drop box by 8 pm (do not wait until the last hours to do this – boxes may be full!) Drop box locations for King and Snohomish counties.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Have some fun helping our democracy – become an Election Observer!

    ‘Stop the steal’ supporters train thousands of U.S. poll observers. Does that headline give you chills? Are you wondering “what can I do?” Become an Election Observer! Join other Indivisible Eastside members who will be observing to ensure the expert and professional handling of ballots by election staff. It’s fun, educational and really interesting. (if you’re not in King County – contact your county Democrats to find out how you can get involved.)

    The first step is to attend one of the Election Observer trainings being held this week. Once certified, your training is good for 2 years (through the 2024 election!). We need you now!  SIGN UP HERE (Data from this form goes to our own Hanna Floss – King County Democrats Election Observer coordinator.)

    Training Sessions to choose from:

    • Tuesday, October 18th, 1 – 3 pm
    • Wednesday, October 19th, 2 – 4 pm
    • Thursday, October 20th, 4 – 6 pm
    • Friday, October 21st, 10 am – 12 pm

    More Details:

    During the election processing time period of Oct 24th-Nov 23rd, observer shifts are usually 2 hours long and are held between 8:30am-4:00pm. Up to four observers from each party can move freely around the King County Elections Ballot Processing center to observe such stations as Mail Ballot Scanning, Ballot Opening, Signature Verification, and Ballot Review. You must have reliable transportation to the King County Ballot Facility in Renton: 919 SW Grady Way, and understand this is a non-paid volunteer activity. You will choose your observing time slots via SignUp Genius after you are certified as an election observer.


    Action 2 – Actions for Bellevue and Redmond residents

    Action 2a: Bellevue: Apply for the Library  Advisory Board

    The Bellevue City Council is seeking candidates for a vacancy on Bellevue’s Library Advisory Board. Interested residents can apply online. Applicants must be residents of Bellevue and applications are due by Friday, Oct. 21. 

    Board members serve four-year terms, offering their time and expertise to help shape Bellevue’s future. The Library Advisory Board makes periodic reports and recommendations to the council and city manager regarding library services. The board meets the third Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m.

    Action 2b: Redmond: Join the Reimagining Community Safety event 

    Wed, October 19, 6-7:30 pm at the Redmond Library: 15990 NE 85th St

    Details and Registration

    What’s true public safety for all, and how do we get there?

    • Connect with fellow community members to share your perspectives, listen, and explore possibilities.
    • Facilitators will lead structured dialogues in small groups to encourage open reflection and creative thinking.
    • Ideas generated by attendees will be shared with Redmond City Council and other local leaders.
    • Snacks and refreshments provided.
    • COVID and HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS: We highly encourage the use of masks. Masks will be available. Please stay home if you have any symptoms of illness.

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Ruth L – Mary Peltola, US Representative, Alaska

    In August, Democrat Mary Peltola won the special election to fill Alaska’s single US House seat, which had been held by Don Young for 49 years, until he died in March. Alaska is using Ranked Choice Voting for the first time and Mary edged out far-right Republicans Sarah Palin and Nick Begich by gathering more voters’ second choice votes. Representative Peltola is Yup’ik and is the first Alaska Native in Congress. This former state lawmaker is also the first woman to represent Alaska in the House. She is “Pro-Jobs, Pro-Fish, Pro-Family and Pro-Choice.” I’m supporting Mary because she is a true bridge-builder and has earned deep respect from both sides of the aisle.

    The General election will also use Ranked Choice Voting, so Mary has to beat three candidates again, including Palin and Begich.

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign here
    • Learn more about the campaign here
    • Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and amplify her posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 10, 2022

    ?Ballots will be mailed in Washington state on October 19th! In lieu of having a meeting on October 16th we are encouraging everyone to join Steering Committee members in Get Out The Vote efforts over the weekend. See action two  below for canvassing, phone banking, post carding, and more. If you want to spend some social time with Indivisible Eastside we are having our regularly scheduled postcard and letter writing party Sunday October 16th at 7pm!

    ? Thousands of people  across Washington have signed the petition to support an honest, accurate education. Now it’s time to take the next step – how will you speak up for teaching the truth? Check out

    this list of simple actions you can offer to help out with. Educators  want to make sure that our curriculum reflects our nation’s true history and that students learn from the mistakes of our past to help create a better future. Show teachers we have their back. 

    ?The GOP is flooding election offices with their people to “find” election fraud. Become a Certified Election Observer for the Democratic Party! Weekdays during the Election Cycle, King County will process ballots, and they request volunteers from each of the political parties to come and observe, to ensure the electoral process is transparent and accountable.  

    You need only attend ONE training, and once certified, your training is good for 2 years. We need you now!  SIGN UP HERE

    ? States around the country have made it harder to vote by closing polling locations in minority areas, or limiting mail in voting. The lack of transportation can be a key barrier to voting. provides a free roundtrip ride to the voter’s polling location. We can support this program by making a donation HERE

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Comment on your local budget

    It’s budget season! The county and cities in our area have submitted their draft budgets to their councils, and it is now our opportunity to comment on them and advocate for what you feel is needed. 

    1a) King County submitted its proposed $15.8 billion biennial budget for 2023 and 2024. The County’s budget process is our opportunity to make the investments for critical local and regional services that match our community’s values. Over the course of the next two months, the Council will consider, modify, and adopt the King County Executive’s proposed budget. See this page for more information on the budget and opportunities to provide comments or email with your comments. 

    1b) The City of Bellevue’s budget is produced every two years and includes a seven-year capital budget. This year, the city will adopt a budget for the 2023-24 Operating Budget and the 2023-2029 Capital Investment Program Plan. The preliminary budget describes how the city intends to finance its services and infrastructure. The city is hosting a gathering on October 11th from 6:30-8pm. In person and online options are available. Register to attend for online, or email to attend in person. Residents can also take a short survey about Bellevue’s budget to help city leaders understand the community’s thoughts on spending priorities. Bellevue’s budget hearings are listed on the Budget Public Involvement page – the last public hearing is on November 7. 

    1c) The City of Bothell is in the process of developing the 2023-2024 budget. A proposed budget will be brought forth to City Council for deliberation in October and will be Council and leadership’s primary focus until the adoption of a final budget in December. Community members will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed budget during public hearings set to be scheduled in October and November. Please continue to check back for updates, and tune into Bothell City Council meetings for the latest budget updates.

    1d)  Kirkland prides itself on providing residents an exceptional quality of life with safe streets, a clean environment, and beautiful parks.Want to have your say on how Kirkland’s programs and services are funded? This page gives you all you need to provide feedback. 

    1e) Redmond will host the third of five public hearings on the 2023-2024 biennial budget on Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7:00 pm during the regular business meeting of the City Council. The community can watch the meeting remotely through, Facebook (@CityofRedmond), Comcast Channel 321, and Ziply Channel 34, or listen to the meeting by calling 510-335-7371. Public comments related to the budget hearing can be submitted by email to Learn more on Redmond’s Budgets page.

    Action 2 – Get Out The Vote before ballots arrive!

    From Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates & Other sources

    ?This November, Washington voters are energized and motivated to take control, with reproductive rights top-of-mind as they wait for ballots to arrive. Planned Parenthood has lots of opportunities to help GOTV.

    ?Dr. Kim Schrier in CD8 needs help phone banking: 

    ?Kat has some postcarding opportunities, just email her to connect at

    • Addresses for Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (addresses only; provide own postcards & stamps)
    • Postcards, names & stamps from Indivisible National for late GOTV cards to battleground states — these are Inflation Reduction Act Celebration cards for GOTV. Since they’re arriving after P4WA postcards ship, it might be a good opportunity to help in other states. All materials are included — contact Kat for more details.

    ?Texting is a gratifying activity that you can do in the comfort of your home. Movement Labs makes it fun and easy.

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Hanna  – Catherine Cortez Masto for Nevada Senate

    The campaign of Nevada’s Democratic senator, Catherine Cortez Masto, is being affected by Raphael Warnock’s Senatorial race in Georgia, which we highlighted last week. Recently, more bad news dropped about Warnock’s opponent, Herschel Walker, causing some Republicans to pivot away from him. Historian Heather Cox Richardson wrote last week in her Letters from An American newsletter that at least one right-wing super PAC, the Club for Growth Action, is turning away from Walker and instead planning “a massive $2 million ad buy in Spanish for the Nevada senate race, backing Republican Adam Laxalt against Democratic senator Catherine Cortez Masto.”

    Dana Loesch, a former spokesperson for the National Rifle Association and a former writer and editor for the right-wing media outlet Breitbart, made the position of party leaders clear: “I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles,” she said. “I want control of the Senate.” Democrats in Nevada are concerned Latino voters will simply sit this election out, due to concerns over the economy. Let’s help GOTV for Catherine Cortez Masto!

    Actions you can take:

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 3, 2022

    ? State Senator Emily Randall (LD26) will join us on October 4 at 7 pm  to talk about why it’s more important than ever to protect Washingtonians’ rights. We’ll also be joined by LD 26 candidates Adison Richards & Matt Macklin. Register at

    ? Indivisible’s Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Ezra Levin, will be making a trip out to WA in October to talk to voters about the midterm elections! Join him and your fellow WA Indivisibles as we remind everyone how important it is to turn out to vote so we can hold onto our Democratic trifecta. Join us October 8th, 10am-2pm for canvassing in Maple Valley with Allison, Hanna, Joan, and Kat, and October 9th for Postcarding in Tacoma. Register to attend.

    ?The GOP is flooding election offices with their people to “find” election fraud. Become a Certified Election Observer for the Democratic Party! Weekdays during the Election Cycle, King County will process ballots, and they request volunteers from each of the political parties come to observe to ensure the electoral process is transparent and accountable.  

    You need only attend ONE training, and once certified, your training is good for 2 years. We need you now!  SIGN UP HERE

    ?There is an opening on the City of Redmond’s Planning Commission! Help shape the city’s comprehensive plan and zoning codes. More information HERE

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Tell LWSD to remove SRO’s from schools

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    On Monday, October 3rd, the LWSD School Board will be discussing updates to the district’s School Resource Officer (SRO) program. SROs are armed police officers that are assigned to all elementary, middle, and high schools in the District.

    Please write the Board by 12pm Monday to demand that they remove armed police from our schools. (see below for options)

    National and local data show that SROs do not make schools safer, but they do create negative emotional and educational impacts for students, especially Black, disabled, LGBTQ+, and immigrant students.

    The district is proposing an updated SRO model that they are calling a “community based model,” which has not been clearly defined. The SROs will now collectively float among schools instead of being assigned a specific school. But let’s be clear, this does not change that armed police will still be in schools.

    Local Black students and families have repeatedly told the district and cities that they do not feel safe with regular police presence in schools. The teachers’ union has taken a strong stand against police in schools. It’s time for the district to listen to those who are most impacted.


    Writing the Board: Please complete either option by 12pm on Monday, Oct 3rd

    Option 1 – Write the Board directly at

    Option 2 – Have your comments added to the official Board packet (which will be publicly viewable) by using this online form.

    Questions? Need more info? Feel free to contact

    Action 2 – Ask your state legislators to support Habitat For Humanity

    From Habitat for Humanity

    The 2023 State Legislative Agenda is looming and Habitat for Humanity Seattle-King & Kittitas Counties has released its 2023 legislative agenda! 

    We’re calling on the Washington legislature to accomplish the following three agendas, which are described more fully at the Habitat for Humanity link, and in the Sample Script at the end of this action.

    • End the practice of exclusionary zoning.
    • Increase Black homeownership by removing obstacles.
    • Support permanently affordable homeownership.

    Now, we need your help letting your lawmakers know that you want affordable housing and affordable homeownership high on their to-do lists this year!

    ☎ Sample Script:

    My name is [NAME] and I am one of your constituents. It is imperative that we make progress on tackling the affordable housing and affordable homeownership problem we have been facing for too long now. 

    I am asking you to support the three legislative priorities of Habitat for Humanity Seattle-King & Kittitas Counties.

    • End the practice of exclusionary zoning and open up communities to alternative home options – including duplexes, triplexes, quads, row houses, and other missing middle type housing.
    • Increase Black homeownership by getting rid of the deliberate and institutionalized racial obstacles to homeownership.
    • Support permanently affordable homeownership through policy and funding decisions, incentivizing developers (both for profit and non-profit) to build affordable homeownership options in all communities across Washington. 

    During the 2023 legislative session, I hope that you decide to put access to affordable housing and affordable homeownership at the top of the to-do list.

    Thank you.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Hanna  – Raphael Warnock for Georgia Senate

    Senator Warnock was elected in a nail-biting 2020 election against Kelly Loeffler, and he is now challenged by an extremely unqualified candidate picked by the Republicans to check the box of fielding a Black candidate. This makes them feel they can hide their racism behind this campaign, but this match up between two Black men is about race. Senator Warnock must win this election, or Georgia will have a truly unqualified Senator, Herschel Walker.  Please support this campaign. 

    Actions you can take:

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    • Tue Nov 8, General Election– Please be sure and return your ballot before 8pm!
    • Tue Dec 13, 5-6 pm – State Power Series -Sister District & Vote Save America topic: State Power: Reversing Progressive Reluctance to State Power

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Sep 26, 2022

    ? Ready to do the work to get us across the finish line? Get fired up Tuesday Sep 27th at 6 pm with Indivisible’s co-founder Ezra Levin. In this exclusive town hall, you’ll learn about where you can best put your time, energy, and resources to have the greatest impact here in Washington State! Moderated by Stephan Cox, Washington Indivisible Podcast. The event is public and will be recorded. Register at See also the Oct 8th opportunity to Canvass with Ezra in the Calendar section.

    ? Please Join Special Guest Congresswoman Suzan DelBene along with hosts IE members Ruth Lipscomb and Daniel Weise for a Reception with Marie Gluesenkamp Perez Candidate for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District on Oct 7th from 5-6:30 pm in Bellevue.  Click the link to see details, RSVP, or to just donate to this very winnable race to flip the 3rd Congressional District.  If you missed the delightful Indivisible Town Hall with Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, you can view the recording on the WIN YouTube channel. Watch just 10 minutes and you’ll agree, she can win this with our help!

    ? If you missed the Monthly Zoom meeting, here are the notes. Our Speaker was Cary Westerbeck, a Bothell resident and advocate for ‘human centered urbanism.’

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Prevent student wellness funds from being used to support the presence of school resource officers (SROs) in schools (Deadline Thur, Sep 29)

    Earlier this year, Washington state passed House Bill 1664, which dedicated additional funding to meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of students and address the mental health crisis affecting young people across the state. The legislature directed that this funding be spent on hiring additional school psychologists, social workers, counselors, nurses, and support personnel in order to meet student needs in school. To fill in details about how this funding can be spent, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is in the process of creating administrative rules for districts to follow.

    The additional funding provided by HB 1664 is a much-needed improvement in resourcing the social, emotional, and physical health needs of students, but two areas of concern have come to light in the proposed rules OSPI has developed.

    1. Expansion of the school-to-prison pipeline through the expansion of school security personnel, also known as school resources officers (SROs).
    2. The need for flexibility for districts facing challenges with finding suitable candidates to hire, so that funds could be directed in other ways, such as providing relevant professional learning opportunities.

    Open the League of Education Voter’s webpage to read more about each of these concerns, and contact OSPI about better supporting the physical, social, and emotional needs of students!

    The deadline to submit public comments is Thursday, September 29, 2022.

    Action 2 – Help WSDOT’s Active Transportation Plan win a national award

    From Seattle Bike Blog

    Can a Washington State plan centered around walking, biking, and accessibility defeat a bunch of highway and bridge projects to win the 2022 America’s Transportation Award? Well, it can with your help.

    Remember those annoying “people’s choice” competitions that were everywhere like a decade ago where you had to vote every day in order to help your favorite bakery or whatever win? This is one of those, except it is sponsored by AAA, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (“AASHTO”). This award usually goes to highway megaprojects like the 2020 winner: The SR-99 highway tunnel. Please bookmark this page and vote every day until October 21 for the “Active Transportation Plan 2020 and Beyond.” You don’t even need to give your name!

    This award isn’t the biggest deal in the world, but it would be delicious for this kind of plan to defeat a bunch of major highway projects. It could also bring some much-deserved attention to the plan, which got buried in the news thanks to the pandemic and, you know, everything else that was happening in 2020 and early 2021 when it was seeking public feedback and attention. The plan is really great and attempts to quantify something that most states have never considered: What would it cost to make all state-run highways safe for people walking and biking?

    Vote for “Active Transportation Plan 2020 and Beyond.”

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Elizabeth S – John Zingale for LD 18 (Vancouver area) State Representative

    • John Zingale is an award-winning public school teacher of history and a proud union member endorsed by numerous local unions.
    • He is explicitly pro-choice and is endorsed by Pro-Choice Washington and Planned Parenthood.
    • Zingale’s legislative district lies within the congressional district CD-3, currently held by Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler who lost her primary to far-right candidate Joe Kent. Many voters in the area are concerned and ready for change. Voters who turn out for Zingale are likely to vote for other Democrats on their ballot, including Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, Kent’s Democratic opponent.
    • A win for Zingale in November will mean a flipped WA State House seat from R to D! Zingale won 47% of the vote in the primary election, coming far closer to a win than Democrats have in past years. According to his social media posts, his campaign has been running a strong ground game knocking on doors all over the district.

    Actions you can take:

    • Find out more about John Zingale HERE
    • Follow, and share (especially with Vancouver-area friends) John Zingale on Facebook and amplify his posts.
    • Donate $10, $20, $40 or more to John Zingale

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Sep 19, 2022

    ? Have you registered for our next Monthly Zoom meeting yet? We look forward to seeing you on Sunday September 25th, 3 – 4:30 pm. Our Speaker will be Cary Westerbeck, a Bothell resident and advocate for ‘human centered urbanism.’ He’ll talk about how we must start to change our thinking around housing to increase the supply of affordable homes as well as develop cities in a more sustainable way. If you’re wondering about the status of housing on the Eastside, here’s a great article to get you started.

    We’ll also provide a round up of what we’ve been up to, including promoting alternative responses to policing for behavioral health crises, WIN Schools workgroup, and what we’ve learned from activists around the state. We’ll also share volunteer opportunities for Get Out the Vote. Please join us! Register at 

    ? Join the challenge from Disability Rights WA to go a Week Without Driving. A quarter of people in our state don’t have access to cars and rely on other ways to get around. Sign up for the challenge or just try it on your own to understand the barriers non drivers experience in accessing our communities. Many of our Eastside leaders have joined the challenge – join them if you can!

    ?Don’t miss the Indivisible Town Hall on Thur Sept 22nd, where the guest will be Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, candidate for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. Register to attend.

    ?Set. 18 – 24 is Banned Books Week. Look for displays of banned books that you can check out in your local library.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – [US SENATE] Tell our Senators there must not be a delay on the vote to ban Members of Congress from trading stocks

    Public trust in Congress remains very low. Banning congressional stock trading would be a step in the right direction and help to restore some of that trust. An investigation by Business Insider last year revealed that 72 lawmakers and at least 182 senior-level congressional staffers violated the STOCK Act by failing to properly disclose their stock trades. Following that study, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer formed a working group for the purpose of developing consensus legislation. Indivisible was among a large group of advocacy organizations who urged Congress to act on the stock trade ban last month.

    Congress has made progress towards passing a bipartisan bill, which would ban Members of Congress and their spouses from buying, selling, and owning individual stocks, and it was well on its way to be brought up for a vote before the end of this month. Then out of the blue last week Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR), one of the lead legislators on the bill, said that it now won’t be brought up until after the midterms. His announcement came just a day after Nancy Pelosi said the House could vote on a bill this month. This delay is unacceptable and has caused an outcry among advocates for ethics reform and transparency in our government. Walter Shaub, an attorney and former director of the United States Office of Government Ethics, said in a Twitter thread that “If we don’t have a vote on a bill before the election, it’s because @SenSchumer and @SpeakerPelosi don’t want there to be a vote on one before the election.”

    We need to let our Senators know that we expect them to apply pressure to leadership to get this bill voted on as soon as possible. Voters deserve to know where their elected officials stand on transparency before the election. Please contact them as soon as possible to let them know that we expect better.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY]. I am writing /calling to ask you to let Senate leadership and Senator Jeff Merkley know that a delay to the vote on the bill to regulate Congressional stock trading is completely unacceptable. After the hard work that has been done this year to put together the bipartisan legislation and a recent commitment by Speaker Pelosi to have a vote on the bill by the end of this month, Senator Merkley’s push to delay a vote until after the election puts its passage at risk. Voters would like to know where their elected officials stand on transparency before the election. The passage of this bill would also increase the confidence that people have in government, which is currently at a very low level, and would help to get out the vote for Democrats. Please tell Senator Schumer that your constituents expect a reversal of this decision and a vote on the bill before this month is out.

    Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Take action against disinformation before the election

    Suggested by member Yvonne B.

    As we have discovered in recent years, spreading disinformation and misinformation has become a way of life in politics, particularly in the period before elections. As much of this occurs online, groups have emerged who are finding ways to fight back against it using various social media platforms. Working with Demcast, the Freedom Writers Collaborative (Twitter link only) is a grassroots operation which provides social media messaging and graphic content inspired by progressive allies (such as Indivisible) and social media influencers. They have put together toolkits of messages grouped around themes relevant for this election. You can use these in your social media messaging to counteract disinformation and to proactively send out accurate information. Clicking on this link will take you to their Preserving Democracy campaign. You can select your preferred social media platform, and will then see the topics at the top of the screen for which messaging is available. They are freely available for you to use in your social media posts. 

    You can sign up with Demcast to receive new toolkits as they come out. There will be one on Election Issues available soon.

    Action 3 – Candidate Highlight from Allison –  Claudia Kauffman for State Senate, LD 47 (Kent, Covington, Auburn)

    Claudia Kauffman was State Senator for District 47 from 2007-2011 when she was the first Native American (Nez Perce) woman elected to the WA State Senate. This district has seesawed between Democratic and Republican control and is now an open seat because the incumbent, Democrat Mona Das, has chosen not to seek reelection. 

    Kauffman currently serves as the Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison for the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. She is focusing her campaign on bringing a fairer tax code to working families and to fighting against climate change. 

    After a ballot recount in the Primary, Kauffman narrowly beat her Democratic opponent and placed second to Republican Bill Boyce. This will be another close and important election, with possible repercussions for our state legislature, as well as Kim Schrier’s race in CD8, where much of the 47th lies. A good Democratic turnout here will benefit Dr. Schrier as well as help to retain a Democratic seat in the state Senate.

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign here
    • Learn more about the campaign here
    • Listen to an interview with Claudia on the Hacks and Wonks podcast in July.
    • Follow Claudia on Facebook and Twitter and amplify her posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is! Many of us have connections to the area – spread the word!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Sep 12, 2022

    ? Indivisible Eastside will hold our next Monthly Zoom meeting on Sunday September 25th, 3-4:30 pm. Our Speaker will be Cary Westerbeck, a Bothell resident and advocate for ‘human centered urbanism.’ We’ll also provide a round up of what we’ve been up to including promoting alternative responses to policing for behavioral health crises, WIN Schools workgroup, and what we’ve learned from activists around the state. We’ll also share volunteer opportunities for Get Out the Vote. Please join us! Register at 

    ? Around the state, cities are currently updating their Comprehensive Plans to guide growth and development for the next twenty years. Bellevue will be holding their final Community Deep Dive on Sept. 15. These have been well organized, interactive sessions with good opportunities for input. The last session will be on ‘Housing: Diversity and Choice’ and the NIMBYs will be out in force. We need a good turnout from those interested in persuading the city to adopt policies that will promote affordable and sustainable housing development in the city. Register via the Engaging Bellevue website to attend and join us to add your voice to this important discussion.

    ?Yes on King County Charter Amendment 1 is the campaign to bring even-year elections to all King County offices. This will increase turnout for positions such as King County Executive, Assessor, Elections Director, and County Council seats. By passing Charter Amendment 1 this fall, we would elect all county officials at the same time and on the same ballots, just like 36 out of 39 counties in Washington State already do. The kick off event for the campaign to ratify this amendment will be on Sept 14. Please RSVP to attend or donate to support the campaign. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Learn about opportunities to get involved in the Midterms

    With around eight weeks left until the November elections, the calendar is filling up with opportunities to get involved with helping to hold the House and add vital Senate seats, as well as consolidate our blue State legislature. The following actions will give you more detail about some of our new calendar items.

    Action 1a – Join Ezra Levin and Indivisible members to canvass in CD8

    Indivisible’s Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Ezra Levin, will be making a trip out to WA in October to talk to voters about the midterm elections. Join him and your fellow Washington Indivisibles as we remind everyone how important it is to turn out to vote so we can hold onto our Democratic trifecta.

    WHO: Anybody is welcome to join! There will be training available for first-time canvassers.

    WHEN: Saturday, October 8th, 10 am-2 pm.

    WHERE: WA’s 8th Congressional District (Maple Valley/Covington Area) – Exact Address available after registration.

    WHAT: GOTV Door-to-Door Canvass for Rep. Kim Schrier so we can keep the 8th blue! 


    There will be a time to socialize and connect with Ezra Levin and your fellow Indivisibles after the canvass. 

    You will receive an email confirmation with the exact location and additional information about the day-of event details after you register.

    Join some of your fellow Indivisible Eastside members by registering for the event. If there is enough interest we may be able to arrange carpools from the Eastside. 

    Action 1b – Learn about Common Power’s plans for the Midterms

    Suggested by member Bill A.

    Many of you will be familiar with the organization Common Power, who work nationally to mobilize voters and invest in developing future leaders and strong communities, and are about to launch their program for the midterms. One of their main focuses is their Fieldwork, where they send teams to core states identified by their historic voter suppression of Black and brown communities to work with trusted local grassroots organizations.

    On Sept 12 they will hold their Fall Fieldwork Launch event in Seattle, and on Sept 20 their Meet the Moment Fundraiser takes place on Zoom. They hope to raise $200,000 through ticket purchases and donations to support 100+ volunteers traveling into the field to mobilize voters in the 2022 midterms. Please support this great organization to the greatest extent that you can, as they get ready to knock on doors in key states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, the Carolinas, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada.

    You can also check out their Events calendar for all sorts of other interesting happenings, particularly the Common Power Lectures that are always informative and thought provoking.

    Action 2 – Help Register Voters and Get Out the Vote

    In his September 1, 2022 “Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation” speech in Philadelphia, President Biden urged Americans to do the work of upholding democracy: “We can’t afford to leave anyone on the sidelines. We need everyone to do their part, so speak up, speak out, get engaged, vote, vote, vote!

    Tuesday, September 20 is National Voter Registration Day, and we have compiled some resources to help others register to vote, register yourself to vote, check your registration status, or update your signature. Please share the information within your personal network – even if you are knowledgeable about the voting process, chances are you know someone who isn’t or could use assistance!

    October 21 is the start of the 18-day voting period (through Election Day). Ballots are mailed out and Accessible Voting Units (AVUs) are available at voting centers. Online and mailed voter registration forms must be received by October 31. In-person registration and ballots are due by 8 pm on Election Day on November 8.

    Want to help register voters? Check out the 2022 WA State Guide to Registering Voters. Grab a clipboard and a pen and some friends, and meet people in public spaces, outside performance venues, or your local farmers market while the weather is nice! The WA Secretary of State Elections website can provide materials for your voter registration event or you can download resources here.

    Action 3 – Candidate Highlight from Allison – Representative Sharon Shewmake (LD 42 – Whatcom county)

    Representative Sharon Shewmake currently represents LD 42, and she is running for the State Senate in the same district. LD 42 covers a large rural area as well as the city of Bellingham. In 2018 Republican Doug Eriksen, a strong Trump supporter, won the Senate seat by less than 50 votes. He died from COVID in December 2021 and was replaced by an appointed Republican. The House seats are already in Democratic hands, one of whom is Sharon Shewmake. She is now running for the Senate seat and Alicia Rule and Joe Timmons are running for the House seats. These will all be very close races but a win for Dr. Shewmake, a Western Washington professor, will be an important pickup for the Democrats. Please learn about her campaign and support her however you can.

    Please note that we will be hosting both Sharon Shewmake and Alicia Rule at our Zoom postcard session on Oct 2nd, as we are writing postcards for them as part of postcards4WA. Please register to join us. We will also have candidates from LD 30 at this meeting.

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign here
    • Learn more about the campaign here
    • Follow Sharon Shewmake on Facebook and Instagram and amplify her posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is! Many of us have connections to the area – spread the word!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Sep 5, 2022

    ? Indivisible Eastside will resume our Monthly Zoom meetings Sunday September 25th, 3-4:30 pm. Our Speaker will be Cary Westerbeck, a Bothell resident and advocate for ‘human centered urbanism.’ We’ll provide a round up of what we’ve been up to including alternative responses to policing, WIN Schools workgroup, and what we’ve learned from activists around the state. We’ll also share volunteer opportunities for Get Out the Vote. Please join us! Register at 

    ? If you didn’t get a chance to hear President Biden’s Sep 1st speech yet, you can view it HERE.  Indivisible Co-founder shared in a recent email: “in a rare prime-time address, President Biden gave what I believe to be the most important speech of his presidency. In stark and compelling terms, he described the fight we’re in against MAGA extremism and in defense of our freedoms and democracy. He called on all Americans to be part of this fight. Distressingly, none of the broadcast networks carried the speech. NBC ran Law & Order. ABC aired Press Your Luck. CBS could not miss Young Sheldon. Fox News aired Tucker Carlson. ” and “ … read or watch it, and forward this to your friends and family. It’s an important message from the President at an important time in American history — and we want this message to penetrate even if broadcast media ignores it.”

    ? The Washington Indivisible Network Schools Workgroup will resume monthly meetings starting September 12th 10-11 am. Email if you’d like to participate. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

    ✊ Action 1 – Help Pakistan Flood Victims

    From PBS NewsHour

    “Flooding caused by torrential monsoon rains have claimed more than 1,100 lives in Pakistan since June, while millions have been left stranded and desperate for immediate aid.

    “Pakistan has received nearly three times the national 30-year average this season. A third of the nation’s land is under water, and more than 33 million Pakistanis, nearly 14 percent of the population, have been affected by the ongoing deluge, according to the United Nations and the National Disaster Management Authority of Pakistan.” – Read the full article HERE

    How to help

    Action 2 – Tell President Biden: Nominate the Final Two Members of the USPS Board of Governors Needed to Fire Louis DeJoy and Expand Postal Services

    From Save The Post Office Coalition

    Nearly two years after the appointment of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, the United States Postal Service continues to languish under his failing leadership.

    Despite the passage of the Postal Service Reform Act (PSRA) which brought an infusion of cash, DeJoy still plans to raise postage prices at “uncomfortable rates” around the country. Additionally, numerous post office locations are set to be shuttered under his 10-year restructuring plan, impacting thousands of employees and degrading service to Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities.

    The US Postal Service, which began hiring Black workers shortly after the Civil War, has long been a pathway to the middle-class for Black Americans. Black workers make up nearly a quarter of the Postal Service workforce and earn the highest annual wage and highest hourly wage, compared to the top 10 occupations with the heaviest representation of Black workers nationwide.

    With two more vacancies slated to open on the Postal Board this coming December, President Joe Biden must appoint Governors who will stand up to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s destructive leadership and advocate strongly for the expansion of USPS services.

    Only the USPS Board of Governors can fire Louis DeJoy, and that’s exactly what they should do after DeJoy’s numerous failings, conflicts of interest and destructive leadership. At the very least, it’s imperative we have a strong, diverse, and reform-oriented Board of Governors in place to hold the Postmaster General accountable to the true mission and public service goals of the USPS.

    Eighty-three groups call on President Biden to fill Postal Board with candidates to hold DeJoy accountable & expand USPS services. 

    Join nearly 60,000 people writing through the Save the Post Office site to urge President Biden to Nominate the Final Two Members:

    Action: Add Your Name

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Louise – Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

    Just as in 2020, the path to a Democratic majority in the US House of Representatives runs through Washington’s 8th Congressional District. Campaign activities are heating up with frequent phonebank, textbank and canvassing opportunities. Consider joining others to connect with voters in the 8th CD to GOTV for Dr. Schrier.

    Actions you can take:

    • Volunteer here.
    • Donate here.
    • Learn more about the campaign here
    • Follow Rep Shrier on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and amplify her posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 29, 2022

    ?️? Good news! President Biden announced student loan relief for borrowers who need It most last week. See this fact sheet to find out if you are eligible for loan forgiveness.

    ? Are you thinking of helping in the CD8 race? Be sure to attend the town hall with Dr. Kim Schrier next Tuesday, 8/30, at 7 pm. Register at



    ? Do you like fresh-baked treats? OK, silly question. What if you could get amazing homemade cupcakes and help progressive political candidates at the same time? That’s the premise of the wonderfully named Bake Back Better.

    The Seattle chapter of this delicious political group is in full swing. For the next three weeks, they are raising money for North Carolina’s Rep. Deb Butler through a partnership with Sister District Puget Sound! When you donate $25 or more to Rep. Butler’s campaign, BBB Seattle will deliver four lemon blueberry cupcakes to your doorstep! (Or to a friend, if you are watching that waistline 😉 Go here to participate.

    Note: Bake Back Better Seattle is also looking for volunteers! Reach out to to learn more, and be sure to follow them on Facebook or Instagram to learn about future campaigns!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

     ✊ Action 1 – Election Workers and Volunteers Needed!

    1A) The nationwide poll worker shortage is in the news and we in WA state are not immune to this, despite our all mail-in ballot system. King County Elections hires many temporary workers prior to each election. Follow King County Elections on Twitter to hear about their job postings, or check out the King County Job site in early October if you are interested in working during the November General Election. You can also check out for the nationwide effort.

    King County Elections just won the Guardian Award from the Election Center, the National Association of Election Officials for their robust observer program. KCE partnered closely with both major political parties to double the number of trained observers in the election facility. KCE provides observers with robust training and in-the-field guidance, providing greater transparency in elections.

    1B) If you would like to become a trained observer for the King County Democrats, please email KCE provides training prior to every election at their Renton headquarters. Once completed, your certification is good for 2 years, and you can volunteer as an observer during elections via a signup process that King County Democrats manages. The next training will be held in early October, and if you email Hanna, she will let you know how to get signed up. 

    1C) One of the ways King County helps to maintain confidence in our elections system is through the Citizens’ Election Oversight Committee. This 16-member board makes recommendations to the King County Council to improve the performance of the Department of Elections and helps ensure accountability and transparency around elections. And, it is currently recruiting to fill a seat with a representative from the Vietnamese speaking community

    Applications are due by September 2, 2022. If you are interested in representing your community and helping to ensure fair and accessible elections, you can learn more and find application materials.

    Action 2 – Help Habitat Close the Black Homeownership Gap in Washington

    From Habitat for Humanity

    The lowest homeownership rate of any racial or ethnic group in the United States is that of Black people – currently, the average Black family in Seattle is 33% less likely to own their own home than a White family. Many Black families, not only in the U.S., but in Washington State and even right here in King County, face obstacles to homeownership due to a system of deliberate and institutionalized racial discrimination.

     Without creating more inclusive neighborhoods, increasing the number of affordable homes near employment opportunities, and changing concentrated regions of poverty into places of opportunity so that all members of the community can benefit, the discrepancies of homeownership cannot and will not be addressed and the homeownership gap will never be closed. Watch this brief video about Seattle’s Racial Wealth Gap.

    Send a message to your elected officials and work with us to close the Black homeownership gap. You can use the EMAIL links to generate prefilled emails. Please add your name and review the emails carefully before sending.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY, ZIP]. I’m writing to you today to urge you to stand with Habitat for Humanity Seattle-King and Kittitas Counties in the fight to close the Black homeownership gap.

    The lowest homeownership rate of any racial or ethnic group in the United States is that of Black people – currently, the average Black family in Seattle is 33% less likely to own their own home than a white family. Many Black families, not only in the U.S. but, in Washington State and even right here in King and Kittitas Counties, face obstacles to homeownership due to a system of deliberate and institutionalized racial discrimination.

    Please work to create more inclusive neighborhoods, increase the number of affordable homes near employment opportunities, and change concentrated regions of poverty into places of opportunity so that all members of the community can benefit. This is how we can address the discrepancies of homeownership and begin to close the homeownership gap.

    Thank you.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Sally: Leesa Manion for King County Prosecutor

    The League of Women Voters is putting on a forum on Thursday, September 8 at 7 pm  to discuss the role of prosecutors. Learn about what the prosecutor does and how their decisions affect public safety. The forum will examine the impact of prosecutorial discretion throughout the course of a criminal case by looking at what happens once someone has been arrested. Click here to register or join live on the League’s YouTube page.

    Leesa Manion has a Korean mother and Caucasian father, and witnessed her paternal grandmother’s strong disapproval of her parents’ relationship.  She now prioritizes reducing racial disproportionality in the justice system. Manion’s numerous endorsements include many local Democratic LDs, unions, and local judges and elected officials (King County Executive Dow Constantine, Senator Dhingra, etc.).

    Manion’s opponent is Jim Ferrell, who has claimed to be a Democrat but whose access to the Democratic voter database was suspended pending investigation of violation of the terms and conditions.

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign HERE.  
    • Learn more about the campaign HERE
    • Follow Leesa on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and amplify her posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    You can see all past candidate highlights HERE!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 22, 2022

    ? The Inflation Reduction Act has been signed into law! Please take Action 1 to amplify the good work this administration is getting done!

    ? Postcard writers – please note that the in-person events will no longer be at the Totem Lake location but at a different place each time. The next one will be at Juanita Beach Park on Aug 24 from 6:30-8 pm. Check out the listing of events HERE, in the calendar section below or on our website.  

    ? Come show your support for local youth who are working to advance a sustainable future – attend their creative and informative 2050 Update, via Youtube Livestream, on Aug 25 from 7-8 pm. 

    ? The city of Woodinville is working on a Housing Action Plan. Please take a minute to voice your opinion on this 4 question survey

    Here are your 3 actions this week

     ✊ Action 1 – Spread the word about the Inflation Reduction Act!

    From Americans for Tax Fairness

    As usual Trump dominates the news, and we Democrats need to remember to spread the word about all  that the Biden Administration has accomplished. Last week President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law! The IRA will do a lot to improve the lives of working families by bringing down the prices of prescription drugs, health insurance, and home energy. It will tackle the climate crisis that threatens our communities with fires, floods, and droughts. It is fully paid for by curbing drug-corporation price gouging and by making billionaire corporations and the wealthy pay a fairer share of taxes. No one making under $400,000 will pay more in taxes, and the deficit will be reduced by $300 billion. Not one Republican voted for this plan. Rather than supporting working people they stood with the special interests.

    Americans for Tax Fairness are celebrating the IRA with a Day of Action on Wednesday, August 24th. 

    Using this Social Media Toolkit spread the word:

    Action 2 – Support our public schools, sign the Honesty in Education Pledge

    From Washington Education Association

    The Washington Education Association is looking to gather support for Honesty in Education by asking community members to sign their pledge. As any teacher or parent knows, school is a place where children develop their understanding of the world and their ability to make meaningful change in it. But certain politicians are trying to make our kids’ classrooms into battlegrounds, spreading lies about the lessons being taught so they can strip schools of the funding our kids deserve. By joining together we can reject this division and make schools a place where every child, Black, white, and brown, can learn, grow, and thrive.

    Attacks on the public schools continue with districts around our state working to censor what teachers can teach. It is important that the WEA hears strong support from community members for their ability to teach without censorship. Watch this news report out of Spokane, and then sign the pledge HERE.

    Action 3 – Candidate Highlight from Louise – AAPI Victory Fund

    There are several really great Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) candidates running in our state this election, and the AAPI Victory Fund is hosting a fundraiser for those candidates in Bellevue on August 24th. The Eastside has a very high percentage of Asian voters and many of them vote Republican, so supporting these awesome Democratic candidates to get out the vote is important. The event itself is pricey, but you can register to attend here if you have the means, or make a donation in support HERE

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the fund here.
    • Learn more about the fund here
    • Follow the Victory Fund  on Facebook and Twitter and amplify posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:



    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 15, 2022

    ? So much has happened in the past week that we can be cautiously optimistic about! I don’t know when the last time was that we could say that. What we do need to acknowledge is that it has been a monumental week for the Biden administration and we should be proud of any part that we’ve played in helping to pass the hugely impactful Inflation Reduction Act. We can’t wait to see President Biden sign the bill. While we know that it is certainly not all that it could be, it is a testament to the work that has been done by many many activists over the years, particularly on climate and healthcare. Let’s take a moment to celebrate that and to redouble our efforts to retain the House, add two Senate seats and build a majority that can pass legislation on other important issues such as voting rights, abortion, marriage equality, and court reforms. 

    ? Postcard writers – please note that the in-person events will no longer be at the Totem Lake location but at a different place each time. The next one will be at Juanita Beach Park on Aug 24 from 6:30-8 pm. Please keep an eye on our Calendar section or web site in future to see where the next Postcard Pop-Up will be!

    ? Candidate forums for the November election are beginning to show up on the calendar. We have several that we have posted in the Calendar section below but if you learn of any others, please let us know at and we’ll post them here.

    ? Save the date – our next member meeting will be via Zoom on September 25 at 3 pm. More details to come!

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

     ✊ Action 1 – Urge Congress to Swiftly Pass the Bipartisan Afghan Adjustment Act

    From the Eastside Refugee and Immigrant Coalition

    August 15th marks the one year anniversary of the fall of Kabul. Following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, more than 75,000 at-risk Afghans were welcomed into the United States via “humanitarian parole,” a temporary immigration status typically only granted for 1 or 2 years to provide safety for people under threat. Given the temporary nature of parole, tens of thousands of the relocated Afghan men, women, and children resettled in the U.S. have been navigating complex legal issues to find lasting protection in the U.S.

    The bipartisan Afghan Adjustment Act has recently been introduced to both the House and the Senate as a means for Afghan evacuees to receive lawful permanent residence, taking the same legal route as they could have as refugees. It would provide safety, opportunities and the ability to stay in the U.S. This factsheet explains in detail how the process would work and points out the precedents that have occurred after previous conflicts that the US has been involved in.

    Without this bill, tens of thousands of recently arrived Afghans will have to find an existing immigration pathway to remain lawful once their parole expires. That will mean tens of thousands of new asylum claims, when the current affirmative asylum backlog is more than 400,000 cases with a broader immigration backlog of 1.4 million cases.

    Please contact your Members of congress and urge them to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act when Congress returns in September.

    ☎ Sample Script (from

    My name is [NAME] and I am your constituent from [CITY]. I urge you to support and swiftly pass the Afghan Adjustment Act (S.4787 / H.R.8685) when Congress returns in September — and to hold the administration accountable to continue welcoming Afghans who were left behind in Afghanistan and other host countries. 

    Since the U.S. withdrawal in August 2021, more than 75,000 at-risk Afghans were welcomed into the United States via “humanitarian parole,” a temporary immigration status typically only granted for one or two years to provide safety for people under threat. The introduction of the bipartisan Afghan Adjustment Act will provide a roadmap to permanent status for Afghans and ensure they can apply to become lawful permanent residents. Without the Act, these at-risk Afghans face great insecurity. Congress has historically passed similar bills for vulnerable evacuated populations. 

    Congress has a further role to play in ensuring the administration creates safe pathways for Afghans left behind to come to the United States. My community welcomes Afghan refugees, and I urge you to do the same. Thank you.

    Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Ask your Members of Congress to support a bill that facilitates the donation of surplus food

    From the Natural Resources Defense Council

    In 2020, more than 38 million people, including 6.1 million children, in the United States were food insecure. (This figure was projected to rise to 42 million for 2021, partly as a result of COVID-19). Meanwhile, in the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply. 

    One of the ways to help people who are struggling to feed themselves and their families is by the re- distribution of healthy surplus food. Since 1996, the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act has encouraged companies to donate their surplus food to nonprofits by providing civil and criminal liability protection for donation of wholesome food to a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization. However, many provisions of the Emerson Act are still unclear, so donors remain afraid of legal liability. The Food Donation Improvement Act of 2021 would address the current limitations of the Emerson Act and is a critical step towards increasing the amount of surplus food that is donated.

    This bill would have the following effects:

    1. Direct USDA to clarify key terms and conditions within the Emerson Act to raise awareness and reduce fear of retribution.
    2. Broaden protections to include more types of food donations, including items sold at low cost and donations offered from food businesses directly to end recipients.
    3. Expand the federal enhanced tax deduction for food donation. 

    The Food Donation Improvement Act of 2021 has bicameral, bipartisan support. Please ask our Members of Congress to support expanding liability protections for food donation to improve hungry peoples’ access to food.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY]. I am calling/writing to ask you to support the Food Donation Improvement Act of 2021 (S.3281/HR.6251), which would expand the liability protections provided by current law in important ways. It would clarify some provisions of the existing legislation (the Emerson Act of 1996), which leaves donors unsure about possible liability.

    As of 2020, as many as 38 million people in the USA lived in a food-insecure household. This includes 6.1 million children and represents 1 in 8 of the population. Given the ravages that the pandemic and inflation have wrought on peoples’ ability to feed their families, this legislation would improve donors and other organizations’ capacity to redistribute healthy surplus food to those who are in need. While food donation is not the silver bullet to ending food insecurity, where surplus food is available, it should be used to meet people’s food needs.

    Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Allison – Marie Gluesenkamp Perez for Representative, WA -03

    In Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, Joe Kent has won the race to represent Republicans in the November election, coming second to Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez. Kent was endorsed by former President Trump, is connected to several white nationalist groups and thinks that the Jan 6th insurrection was a “phony riot.” A frequent guest on Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon’s broadcasts, he is now trying to unite Republicans in the 3rd CD behind his hate-filled philosophy. He has not been fazed in the least by recent developments around the FBI’s seizure of classified documents from Mar-A-Lago, and is still promoting inflammatory anti-FBI and DOJ messages on social media. He is a true MAGA believer and would be a dangerous replacement for the incumbent, Rep. Huerrera Butler.

    The total Republican votes in the primary were above the 31% that Perez won but this is not a race that Democrats are about to concede without a fight. In 2020, Trump won the district by only about 4% of the vote and in the primary, Senator Patty Murray outpolled Republican Tiffany Smiley by almost 20 percentage points. The non-partisan Cook Political Report recently changed their rating for the 3rd CD from ‘Likely Republican’ to ‘Lean Republican’, which is a significant shift.

    Maria Gluesenkamp Perez has deep family roots in Washington and owns and runs an auto repair shop with her husband. We need to support her to the greatest extent possible over the next few months. Unsurprisingly, Kent has received massive amounts of funding from right wing organizations, to the point where, as of July, he was far ahead of Perez in contributions. Let’s help to change that!

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign here.
    • Learn more about the campaign here
    • Follow Marie on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and amplify posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:



    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 8, 2022

    ?With most of the votes counted, the Washington primary produced mostly encouraging results for Democrats. Thank you to those who worked to get out the vote. On to November!

    ?As we look towards the midterms, Republicans are already ramping up their playbook of dirty tricks. The WA Senate GOP has spent large amounts of money on misleading ads that are already hitting the airwaves. Fuse WA has a plan to counteract this messaging. Join their Democracy Defenders meeting on Aug 11 to hear how you can promote progressive values and counteract disinformation on social media.

    ?Are you interested in the history of East King County through a social justice lens? On Wed Aug 10 (5:30-6:30) there will be an online presentation by Chris Randels (Complete Streets Bellevue) and Guillermo Rivera (Eastside for All). Please register to attend.

    ?Save the date – our next member meeting will be via Zoom on the weekend of Sept 24-25. More details to come!

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

    Action 1 – Speak up against excessive utility rate increases

    Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s Public Counsel Unit is challenging rate increases proposed by Puget Sound Energy (PSE) in testimony filed with the Utilities & Transportation Commission (UTC). PSE is requesting significant rate increases. Starting in January, over three years, they are looking to raise electric rates by $405 million, and gas rates by $215 million. That’s an increase of about $16 per month for electric customers and $12 per month for gas to the average bill.

    The Attorney General’s Public Counsel Unit represents the public and opposes rate increases that are not “fair, just, and reasonable.” When it finds that to be the case, it files expert testimony with the UTC, asserting that the utilities have not justified the extent of the rate increases they request. Among other issues, the AGO’s experts determined that PSE included higher profit margins in their proposals than were justified. PSE is asking to increase its profit to nearly 10 percent, which the AGO’s experts determined is too high.

    The UTC will host virtual public comment hearings on the case. If you would like to let the UTC know your thoughts, you may participate in the public comment hearings or submit comments to the Commission. The public comment hearing will be at 6 p.m. on Sept. 28. Participation can be through Zoom or phone. The Zoom link and phone participation information can be found on the UTC website.

    Comments may also be sent to the Commission by email at, by mail at P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, WA 98504, or by phone at 888-333-9882 (toll-free).

    ☎ Sample Script: (please edit to personalize)

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am a resident of [CITY]. I am calling/writing to express my opposition to PSE’s proposed increase in utility rates, beginning in 2023. At a time when consumers are struggling with inflation and higher prices for essential goods and services, it is unfair to impose larger than needed increases for their utilities. Adding an average of about $16 per month for electricity and $12 per month for gas to the average bill is not “fair, just and reasonable”,  and will pose a hardship for many people.

    I urge the UTC to consider the welfare of Washington residents and not approve this rate increase.

    Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Speak up against Amazon’s plan to establish a healthcare industry monopoly

    It was recently announced that Amazon plans to further involve itself in the healthcare industry in a $3.9 billion deal to acquire One Medical Clinics.

    Amazon has increasingly been dipping its very large toes into the healthcare market over recent years. In 2018 it bought online pharmacy PillPack, and then in 2019 began running its own primary and urgent care service, called Amazon Care, to treat its employees. One Medical is far larger than Amazon Care, serving more than 8,500 employers. It is also a major Medicare contractor, via its acquisition of Iora Health.

    As described in this article, Amazon can use this purchase to integrate medical data with apps offering recommendations for a whole range of health activities and products. This is an incredible amount of market power to be in the hands of one company, and the implications for data privacy are worrying. There are concerns that its efforts could even spill over into its food marketing via Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh.

    The value of the One Medical deal is above a threshold that requires the companies to report it to antitrust regulators at the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department. Senator Amy Klobucher has asked the FDC to investigate the acquisition over concerns she said it raises about anti-competitive behavior in the pharmaceutical industry and sensitive data it would allow the company to accumulate.

    You can add your voice to the concern about the expansion of Amazon’s involvement in our healthcare systems by sending a letter to the Federal Trade Commission’s Chair, Lina M. Khan, to demand that the FTC thoroughly investigate this merger prior to allowing it to move forward.

    Lina Khan’s email address: 
    Mailing address: Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580
    Telephone: (202) 326-2222 

    ☎ Sample Script (please edit to personalize):

    Dear Chair Khan,

    My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY], Washington. I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed acquisition of One Medical by Amazon. The consolidation of healthcare service providers under one company is a dangerous move towards a monopoly. It also raises serious concerns about the acquisition of sensitive personal information by a company that already has access to massive amounts of user data. Despite reassurances to the contrary by Amazon, I see this as one more tool in their money-making arsenal and am not reassured by their claims. This deal has been described as a “huge shortcut to accelerated growth” and its anti-competitive nature should be investigated thoroughly. 

    Thank you.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Allison – Mandela Barnes for Senate in Wisconsin

    Wisconsin is a priority race for Democrats in the battle for Senate seats in the midterms, and recent developments there have cleared the way for an outstanding Democratic candidate to run unopposed. Before this week’s primary, several Democratic candidates decided to drop out and endorse Mandela Barnes, leaving the field clear for Wisconsin’s first Black lieutenant governor to run in this critical race. He is a true progressive, becoming a State Representative at the age of 27 after working as a community organizer.

    His opponent is the odious Ron Johnson, who said he was not running for a third term and then changed his mind. He is a stalwart Trump supporter and has been at the center of the nefarious dealings of that administration.

    Please support Mandela Barnes in his effort to become a Senator for Wisconsin in any way that you can.

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign.
    • Learn more about the campaign here.
    • Follow on Facebook, Instagram  and Twitter and amplify his posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 1, 2022

    ? Have you turned in your ballot? If you haven’t yet, be sure to put it into your nearest ballot drop box before 8 pm Aug 2nd! Vote centers are also open if you have misplaced your ballot, or if you haven’t yet registered to vote.  If you want to know more about a candidate or issue, check out FUSE’s Progressive Voters Guide for Washington State and the salty Stranger’s Endorsements or reduced-salt Primary Election Cheat Sheet.

    ? The city of Bellevue is looking for community members to join their Diversity Advisory Panel. Click HERE for more information. Deadline for applications is August 7th. 

    ? It’s time to tell Bellevue City Council to support funding more comprehensive approaches to public safety in our community. This is the last chance to comment before the City Manager will take feedback and create a draft budget to be released later this year. Use this document to craft your message with provided talking points and instructions. Deadline is Aug. 1st. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

    Action 1 – Support Trans Rights by commenting on Biden’s Title IX Regulations in schools

    The Department of Education plans to reinstate Title IX regulations that the Trump administration removed. Proposed changes to the regulations would combat sexual discrimination in schools by boosting victim protections and modifying language to include sexual orientation and gender identity for LGBTQI+ students. Public comments are open for this now, and they are receiving a disproportionate number of negative comments on the site. This fact sheet outlines the proposed changes. 

    Please leave a comment HERE. (You can select Civil Rights for the comment topic.)

    ☎ Sample Script suggested points (select a few and craft your own comment):

    • I applaud President Biden and the Department of Education for clarifying Title IX’s protection of LGBTQI+ students from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics. 
    • LGBTQ youth face a disproportionate level of bullying. 
    • Research shows that LGBTQ youth who experience discrimination are less able to benefit from the opportunities and advantages of a robust education, and as a result they are less able to contribute productively to our communities. 
    • LGBTQ students are future leaders, essential workers, voters, and neighbors.
    •  It is in the nation’s best social, political, economic, and public health interest to ensure that LGBTQ students have the same educational opportunities as their heterosexual and cisgender peers.  
    • The vital protections enshrined in Title IX protect members of the LGBTQ community from exclusion, discrimination, and harassment because of sexual orientation or gender identity, as confirmed by every Federal Court of Appeals to have considered the issue.
    • Fully enforcing Title IX will benefit students everywhere, including LGBTQ students, who are negatively impacted by harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Action 2 – Protect Snake River Salmon

    From Donald M. of Snohomish County Indivisible

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently released a draft report, Rebuilding Interior Columbia Basin Salmon and Steelhead. The draft report states on page 12, “For Snake River stocks, it is essential that the lower Snake River be restored via dam breaching.” Since this is a draft report, the concern is that pro-dam factions and lobbyists will work to have this science based language removed. Indeed, that has happened in past reports. Prior to August 10, we need to let the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Council for Environment Quality, Senator Murray, and Governor Inslee know that the recommendations in the draft report must not be eliminated or lessened in the final version. 

    Dam Truth has prepared one click comments at this  link-

    Use their suggested script or provide your own.

    Action 3 – Candidate Highlight from Allison – Jamie McLeod-Skinner for Congress in Oregon

    For the first time since 1980, Oregonians have voted out a sitting member of Congress in a primary. Jamie McLeod-Skinner, a progressive Democrat from central Oregon, successfully ended the congressional career of Kurt Schrader, a moderate Democrat, beating the seven-term congressman in the Democratic primary for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Fueled by the events of January 6th and the prospect of what would happen if the insurrection had succeeded, she decided to try to unseat the moderate incumbent. Her opponent in the general election is an anti-abortion MAGA Republican who believes Trump’s Big Lie. The election is likely to be close. Let’s help her win this seat in Congress!

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign HERE
    • Learn more about  Jamie HERE
    • Follow Jamie @jamiefororegon on Twitter
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 25, 2022

    ? The national 988 Suicide and Crisis Line number went live last week. Please spread the word about this new system. There are also resources and live chat . We can save lives by diverting mental health crisis calls away from 911 with this new resource. 

    ? Voting early saves resources for campaigns! Have you turned in your ballot? If you have not received your ballot, please call King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE (8683) for further assistance. If you want to know more about a candidate or issue, check out FUSE’s Progressive Voters Guide for Washington State and the salty Stranger’s Endorsements or reduced-salt Primary Election Cheat Sheet.

    ? The city of Bellevue is looking for community members to join their Diversity Advisory Panel. Click HERE for more information. Deadline for applications is August 7th. The city also needs to hear from Bellevue residents about permanent supportive housing on Monday 7/25.  Please see this Facebook Post about how to easily write the council in support of this type of  housing. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

    ✊ Action 1 – Be a smart abortion activist!

    From WIN and Olympia Indivisible

    Next Wednesday, July 27th, Olympia Indivisible and the Washington Indivisible Network invite you to a 7:30 pm Zoom training to become a smart abortion activist. Register HERE. This training is titled Abortion Stigmas and Activism: Smart Messaging, Smart Organizing. It will last approximately 60 minutes, with Q&A, plus extra time as needed to make sure your questions get answered!

    Our presenter will be incandescent powerhouse Alexa Brenner, Planned Parenthood’s Regional Field Organizer for the Olympia Peninsula & South Sound. She’ll zero in on how to message and converse about abortion in ways that reduce the stigma abortion care currently faces. Empower yourself to be able to communicate effectively in support of abortion, abortion providers, and abortion seekers!

    Alexa will also focus on the most consequential work that all of us who care about reproductive justice and privacy need to pitch in to do from here to the November 8th general election: organizing to elect pro-choice representation at the state and federal levels.  

    So register HERE NOW, save the date (Weds. July 27, 7:30pm), and show up! Let’s build our capacity to be smart communicators and Roe the Vote!

    ✊ Action 2 – Ask Senators to co-sponsor Insulin Affordability Now Act

    JDRF Advocacy

    Of the 30 million people in the US who have diabetes, 7.4 million rely on insulin to survive. One quarter of those people are rationing their insulin, because they cannot afford it. In March the House passed the Insulin Affordability Now Act, and now it is in the Senate. Surprisingly, neither of our Senators are co-sponsors on this bill. Both support lowering drug costs, so supporting this bill should be a priority of theirs. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    My name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m calling to ask you to co-sponsor Senator Warnock’s Insulin Affordability Now Act. Insulin affordability is a bipartisan cause and this bill has bipartisan solutions all aimed at addressing an urgent crisis for Americans who need insulin to live but struggle to afford it. It is the only current path forward to address insulin affordability with the potential to reach 60 votes in the Senate this year. Your support and vote is essential to its success.

    I urge you to support the Insulin Affordability Now Act.

    Thank you.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    ✊ Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Hanna – John Fetterman for US Senate for Pennsylvania

    The race for US Senate in Pennsylvania is an important potential pickup seat for the Democrats in a state that Biden won, because of the retirement of incumbent Republican Pat Toomey.  TV personality Dr. Mehmet Oz narrowly won the primary against his Republican opponent, so he advances to the General Election against Democrat Candidate Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman. Fetterman is doing a glorious job of calling out Dr. Oz on Twitter about the fact that he is actually from New Jersey. This is an important race for us to keep control of the Senate.

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign HERE
    • Learn more about  John Fetterman HERE
    • Follow him on Twitter @Johnfetterman 
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 18, 2022

    ? Look for your Primary Ballot which was mailed last Wednesday and VOTE before the August 2 deadline! If you do not receive your ballot by Monday, July 18th, please call King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE (8683) for further assistance. If you want to know more about a candidate or issue, check out FUSE’s Progressive Voters Guide for Washington State and the salty Stranger’s Endorsements or reduced-salt Primary Election Cheat Sheet.

    ? If you missed the Indivisible Town Hall with Secretary of State Hobbs, you can catch the recording HERE. Well worth your time to learn more about his role and the expertise he brings to his job.

    ? We encourage those who are able to break out of your comfort zone and try some phonebanking or canvassing for Dr. Kim Schrier and other pro-choice candidates.  You will not be asked to persuade or argue – simply alert people that the primary is coming up, and get the candidate’s name in front of people. Perhaps reading this Psychology Today article “5 Ways I Get Myself to Do What I Don’t Wanna” will help.  Contact your favorite candidate’s campaign, sign up to volunteer with Indivisible’s Give No Ground (button in upper right corner), or see opportunities at SchrierForCongress and dive in to help hold the House and expand the Senate!

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

    Action 1 – Help Whole Woman’s Health move to New Mexico

    From Whole Woman’s Health

    Whole Woman’s Health has been providing abortion and gynecological services in multiple U.S. states for years. They are moving all their Texas clinics to New Mexico. If you have the means to help them with the move, please consider donating. Here’s their request:

    “We are packing up our clinics in Texas and moving to New Mexico – and we need your help! Although Texas officials and the US Supreme Court turned their back on Texans, we never will. We know that the Texas abortion ban will not stop the need for abortion care, and our patients need a Whole Woman’s Health to go to now that Texas has cruelly taken away this basic healthcare need. 

    With the shuttering of our 4 Texas clinics, we do not have the financial reserves to open in New Mexico without your support. We are actively working to secure a clinic space that will allow us to support the people who are desperately seeking safe and legal abortion care. Your support will also be used for renovations, furnishings, and travel expenses so our displaced Texas workers can help set up this new clinic to help serve the Southwest community. We appreciate anything you can give as we prepare for a future without Roe.”

    Action: If you are able, please donate HERE. You can also help by sharing this with others who may be able to donate. 

    Action 2 – Legalize more homes across Washington

    From Habitat For Humanity King and Kittitas County

    Washington State has a long and sordid history with exclusionary zoning. In previous years, racial covenants and redlining maps kept Black, Indigenous, and people of color out of neighborhoods that were predominantly White. Modern-day exclusionary zoning methods still keep high-value homes and neighborhoods unreachable through so-called single-family zoning, and by excluding tools that could bring housing affordability to these desirable neighborhoods.

    The level of government that is most equipped to address this and actually change our land use policies is our cities and counties – and we are at an opportune moment! Every few years, cities and counties update their “Comprehensive Plan” to reflect the needs of their local communities. Most cities across King county will be undergoing that process over the next few years. As a result, the time is NOW for us to make sure that our elected officials understand that we NEED to end the practices of exclusionary zoning and we need to allow for more homes of all types to be built in more places across our cities. Send a message to your City and County elected officials today and tell them – change our zoning codes and END exclusionary zoning!

    Action: Use Habitat for Humanity’s Web Tool with suggested script to send an email to your City and County elected officials and tell them – change our zoning codes and END exclusionary zoning!

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from Kat P Mary Hall, Thurston County Auditor

    County Auditors directly impact the security, transparency, and accessibility of elections – sometimes more so than Secretaries of State. We need to ensure people with integrity serve in these important positions. Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall has proven to be such a person. 

    Much of the fallout from Election 2020 can be traced to misinformation and disinformation which has crossed the divide from conspiracy theory to mainstream media. The result is a dangerous decline of voter confidence in the election process. With all the misinformation, disinformation, and myths swirling around us, Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall provides a clarifying, fact-based perspective which you can hear about in the recording of the recent Indivisible Town Hall on Elections, Security, & Misinformation

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign HERE
    • Learn more about Mary HERE
    • View Indivisible Town Hall with Mary Hall HERE 
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 11, 2022

    ? Primary Election season is here! King County Elections will mail out ballots to more than 1.4 million voters on Wednesday, July 13. We have 162 state and federal level candidates, and 6 ballot measures to decide on. All are super important decisions. Look for a link to FUSE’s Progressive Voters Guide and the (often salty) Stranger’s Voter’s Guide next week. Consider donating to FUSE and The Stranger this week to fund this vital service. 

    ? We encourage those who are able to break out of your comfort zone and try some canvassing for Dr. Kim Schrier and other pro-choice candidates.  You will not be asked to persuade or argue – simply alert people that the primary is coming up, and get the candidate’s name in front of people. Perhaps reading this Psychology Today article “5 Ways I Get Myself to Do What I Don’t Wanna” will help.  Contact your favorite candidate’s campaign or see opportunities at SchrierForCongress and dive in to help hold the House!

    ? Please note that we will not be holding group meetings in July or August. See you in September!

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

    Action 1 – Tell President Biden that nominating anti-choice Chad Meredith is a mistake


    In the wake of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, President Biden plans to nominate an anti-choice lawyer, Chad Meredith, to a lifetime judicial appointment in Kentucky in a quid pro quo agreement with Mitch McConnell

    This is unacceptable. The decision is completely out of touch with the American people and would seat a justice whose views on abortion would directly harm health outcomes for people who get pregnant. 

    Chad Meredith is a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative group of lawyers, law students, scholars, and more that believes in “reordering priorities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law.” In other words, rolling back constitutional rights for marginalized people and making it more difficult for the federal government to function. 

    If Chad Meredith is seated in Kentucky, his track record shows that millions of Americans will be harmed for generations. 

    This nomination is a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who have spoken up about bodily autonomy since the reversal of Roe and an abdication of his duty to represent the American people. Biden can still choose a different nominee. Let’s make sure he does the right thing.

    Action 1a: Tell President Biden that nominating Chad Meredith is a mistake. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Please do not nominate Chad Meredith to a lifetime judicial appointment. This decision is completely out of touch with the American people and would seat a justice whose views on abortion would directly harm health outcomes for people who get pregnant. 

    Chad Meredith is a member of the Federalist Society that works to roll back constitutional rights for marginalized people and make it more difficult for the federal government to function. 

    This nomination is a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who have spoken up about bodily autonomy since the reversal of Roe and an abdication of your duty to represent the American people.

    Thank you.

    Action 1b: Tell your senator to reject Chad Meredith’s confirmation. This is a lifetime appointment. We have one opportunity to get it right. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    If President Biden nominates anti-choice lawyer, Chad Meredith, to a lifetime judicial appointment in Kentucky, the Senate must not confirm him. This nomination is a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who have spoken up about bodily autonomy since the reversal of Roe and an abdication of the President’s duty to represent the American people.

    Thank you.

    Action 2 – Thank KC Exec Constantine for Abortion Access Funding

    From Seattle Indivisible

    In response to the Supreme Court overturning fifty years of precedent, King County Executive Dow Constantine pledged $1 million to help people in this region of the country access safe and legal abortion care here in King County. Let’s thank Constantine for doing the right thing, and call on him to do even more.

    You can click on the email links below to generate prefilled emails for each council member. Please review the email carefully, add your CITY, ZIP and NAME before sending.

    KC Executive Dow Constantine: 206-263-9600 or

    ☎ Sample Script:

    I’m a King County resident in [CITY, ZIP]. Thank you for pledging $1 million to help guarantee access to safe, legal abortions for everyone in the region. I hope that you will do even more to fund the Northwest Abortion Access Fund and the life-saving work that they do.

    Bonus action: Click this link to email the King County Council and express your support, or contact YOUR council member.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    I’m a King County resident in [CITY, ZIP]. I am very supportive of the $1 million pledged to help guarantee access to safe, legal abortions for everyone in the region. I hope that you will do even more to fund the Northwest Abortion Access Fund and the life-saving work that they do.

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight from member Elizabeth S.

    Please consider supporting Democrat Jan Corn running for State Rep. in Walla Walla (LD 16)! Her opponent is a Republican incumbent who has vowed to introduce anti-choice legislation in Washington State. This race is an uphill struggle for Jan, so anything you can do will be greatly appreciated, including sharing her website and social media with friends and making a donation if you can. Thanks for supporting a brave candidate who has stepped up to run for office in a tough situation! Let’s show her that it’s appreciated!

    Actions you can take:

    • Encourage donations (even small ones could really help in this local race)
    • Follow her on Facebook:  JanCornForStateRep
    • Extra bonus points if you have connections in Walla Walla and can share her website and Facebook with people there and encourage them to reach out and support Jan by volunteering or donating!

    Calendar of Events:

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 4, 2022

    ? In some much needed good news, congratulations to Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson on being sworn in as the newest member of the Supreme Court.

    ? Please continue to support organizations trying to help people seeking abortions in states where it is now illegal to have one. These organizations are being overrun, and you can support them locally or nationally. For links to other resources and pro-choice candidates please refer to our website for previous Actions.

    ? If you are interested in volunteering for Planned Parenthood in any way, here is the link. Potential volunteers for clinic escorts in the north-central states can volunteer here. Please share with contacts in those states. Clinics provide health care services besides abortions and will continue to do so.

    ? Please note that we will not be holding group meetings in July or August. See you in September!

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week

    Action 1 – Make a plan to help elect more Democratic Senators in November

    The last few weeks have seen an assault on democracy without precedent in the US. The Supreme Court and Republicans have been bought and paid for with dark money in order to impose a radical social and economic agenda they could never achieve legislatively, and it has paid off, with more to come

    So what do we do now? We’ve probably all taken a moment to rage, grieve, cry or otherwise react but we need to stay in the fight. If you’re in need of convincing please watch this video of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s reaction to recent events. Pick up your phone, pen, credit card, or tool of choice and let’s get to work! 

    There are several strands to the fight ahead of us. Getting rid of the filibuster is one of them. President Biden has now said that he supports changing the filibuster rules, at least for abortion rights. If pressure on recalcitrant senators (who have recently complained about being lied to by Supreme Court nominees) is not enough, we have to redouble our efforts to increase the number of Democratic Senators to at least 52 in the midterms. Two of the states where this has the best chance of happening are Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  

    • In Pennsylvania, Democratic Lt. Governor John Fetterman is running to win the seat left vacant by the retirement of Republican Pat Toomey. His opponent is Trump-endorsed Mehmet Oz.  You can donate directly to Fetterman’s campaign or volunteer to help in other ways through Swing Left or our friends at Indivisible Vashon.
    • In Wisconsin, historically problematic Republican Senator Ron Johnson is running for a third term. The primary is not until August but you can support the eventual Democratic candidate in this race via the Wisconsin Democrats. Other opportunities to get involved can be found at Indivisible Vashon and Swing Left.

    Action 2 – [Members of Congress] Balance the Supreme Court by increasing the number of justices

    We are repeating this action from a few weeks ago because of the added urgency to make a change. Another plank to the plan to retrieve our democracy before it is too late is to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court. Republicans have hijacked the court and intend to use it to impose their ideas and values on the country because they know that they could not achieve this legislatively. The constitution (which the conservative majority are so fond of leaning on in their opinions when it suits them) has nothing to say about the number of justices. Congress has changed the size of the court seven times over the years, so it is not unprecedented.  As it currently stands it will be a long time before Democrats are likely to have the opportunity to confirm another justice. It will require a vacancy, control of the White House and a substantial Senate majority before it can happen. 

    Adding justices is not popular with either the President or many other Democratic politicians, but neither was getting rid of the filibuster until very recently. It has only been through consistent pressure in reaction to the slide towards autocracy that we have seen any movement at all on this. If we can apply the same sort of pressure to our Democratic legislators on Supreme Court numbers it will add to the momentum to see balance restored to the court. 

    The Judiciary Act of 2021 (H.R. 2584) would allow there to be thirteen justices on the Supreme Court. Currently the only sponsor from our state is Congresswoman Jayapal. There is a companion bill in the Senate (S1141) with no Washington co-sponsors. We must act now to un-rig our courts before it’s too late. Please contact your Members of Congress and add your voice to the increasing number of people who see this as an important way to protect our rights from the extreme conservatives on the court.

    ☎ Sample Script: (please edit to personalize)

    “Hello, My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am deeply concerned by the slew of recent decisions by conservatives on the Supreme Court which will cause wide ranging damage to the civil rights of many people in our country, as well as our battle against climate change. They do not represent the views of a majority of the population and have become a tool of right wing Republicans who would not be able to achieve their goals legislatively.

    I am writing /calling to ask you to co-sponsor the Judiciary Act of 2021 (H.R. 2584/S1141), which would add four justices to the Supreme Court. In light of the behavior of the majority of the justices, we have to use every tool at our disposal to ensure that the slide towards autocracy in the country is halted. The expansion of the court, which has historical precedent, would allow for better representation of the views and values of the voting public and would help to protect us from the take over of our democracy by minority interests. Please join your colleagues  in supporting this important bill.

    Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Candidate highlight – support progressive candidates of color across Washington State

    First Mile is an organization that operates a donor circle to fund the campaigns of progressive candidates of color, who traditionally face obstacles in getting funding due to systemic racism and the reluctance of mainstream funders to support their races. They focus on candidates in local elections who can most effectively represent the communities they wish to serve. Partnering with a variety of organizations to select candidates, they set up donations directly to campaigns in a unique and focused way.  You can watch this video to see how your involvement can have an impact on the campaigns of candidates in down-ballot races across the state.

    See prior candidate highlights on the Indivisible Eastside Website.

    Calendar of Events:

    • Fri July 8, 6:30 pm – Congressional District 1 Candidate Forum (virtual), by the LWV of Snohomish County. Watch live on their YouTube channel. Video and podcasts of the forum will be available after the recording date and can be accessed on the LWV Snohomish County website, and on the YouTube Channel.
    • Sun July 10, 7-8 pm – Postcard and letter writing on Zoom. Register to attend.
    • Tue July 12, 9 am – 2022 Annual Supreme Court Review – Presented by the National Constitution Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Register to attend.
    • Tue July 12, 5:30-6:30 pm – King County Democrats virtual Town Hall with Tina Podlodowski. Register to attend.
    • Tue July 12, 7 pm – Indivisible Town Hall – WA Secretary of State Steve Hobbs. Register to attend.
    • Wed July 13, 6 pm – Congressional District 8 Candidate Forum (virtual). LWV South King County along with the Pierce and Kittitas County Leagues will host a candidate forum. More details coming soon.
    • Thur July 14, 6-8 pm – City of Bellevue 2044 – Community Deep Dive. Interactive workshop around the city’s Comprehensive Plan, with a focus on Sustainability. How can we reduce emissions and ensure people have access to open space in the city? Register to attend.
    • Thurs July 14, 6:30 pm – LWVWA Secretary Of State candidate forum on To submit questions in advance email Deadline to submit is 5 p.m. July 10. The debate will also be available for later viewing on the LWVWA website.
    •  Fri July 15,  1-3 pm – Safe In-person Postcard-writing with Indivisible Eastside – Kirkland
    • Thurs July 21, time and location tbd – King County Prosecutor candidate debate. (In-person in South King county and virtual via the LWV-SKC YouTube channel. Links to come.) To submit questions in advance, email with the subject line “Question for prosecutor forum”.
    • Sun July 24, 7-8 pm – Postcard and letter writing on Zoom. Register to attend.

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 27, 2022

    ? Indivisible National recently reminded us of some basic views of the American people:

    • Over 60% of Americans support access to abortions.
    • 80% of Americans believe the people involved on January 6 deserve a great deal of blame. 
    • More than 80% of Americans don’t believe books should be banned for discussing race, criticizing US history, or having political ideas they disagree with.
    • 94% of Americans support universal background checks for gun purchases.  

    Indivisible National went on to say, “The Republican Party has been bought and sold by special interests and MAGA extremists and it is coming at the cost of the lives of our friends, our neighbors, and our families. These positions aren’t even progressive anymore — they are common sense, basic, health and safety policies backed by the large majority of the American people. 

    If Republicans won’t even mobilize when Americans are dying at a rate far higher than any other peer nation, what can we possibly do to convince them that the lives of the American people matter? Vote them out.”

    ? Did you know a small group of people from four Indivisible groups meet monthly with Kelly Marquardt, District Director for Rep. Suzan DelBene? With redistricting, we are losing a few people. If you’re new to CD1, or want to become more involved, please contact us at

    ? If you live, work or are otherwise connected with Bellevue, the school district has a survey  to provide input for the search for a new Superintendent. Please fill it out by June 30th and let them know that we expect a focus on hearing all voices and implementing true equity based education for our students.

    ?Here are your 2 actions this week plus a candidate highlight from Allison

    Action 1 – Support abortion access in our state and across the country

    Republican plans to undermine decades of progress in this country by stacking the Supreme Court with right wing zealots have produced a flood of terrible decisions. While we expected many of them, it’s hard to comprehend the extent to which they have undermined the bedrocks of democracy that we have become accustomed to. It feels like we are taking an enormous step back in time. In Washington state, we have some protections against the worst of these policies but we cannot be complacent about the Republicans’ determination to strip away rights of all kinds nationwide. 

    The Supreme Court’s decision to gut abortion access in this country has left us devastated, shocked, and disgusted, but unsurprised. We know that this will endanger the lives of many people and take away their right to make their own decisions about their healthcare. It is truly unfathomable. In light of this, we need to focus on how we can support providers who are able to carry on providing abortions, as well as candidates who are going to be able to push back against this movement at the state level. (Here is a reminder of some important points to remember when talking about abortion.)

    Action 1a – Donate to abortion access funds and support organizations


    A first-trimester abortion from a clinic generally cost at least $500 (based on 2020 data) before factoring in any costs like travel, hotel, or childcare—and abortions only get more expensive as pregnancy progresses. Health insurance often doesn’t cover abortion, and it most certainly doesn’t if people have to go out of state for care. Abortion funds and other practical support organizations (groups that help arrange and pay for travel) are the safety net that helps people cover these costs, but they don’t have the name recognition or fundraising power of bigger organizations. Please support these small organizations to the best of your ability. This is the safety net that many women are going to be relying on.

    • Two good local organizations to consider are Surge and the Northwest Abortion Access Fund.
    • The organization Apiary has a comprehensive list of support organizations across the country.
    • Swing Left has an easy way to send funds to organizations in states where abortion is severely restricted or will be banned. 

    Action 1b – Support pro-choice candidates

    As abortion access is going to be restricted on the basis of where you live, support for candidates who can fight back against Republican plans to further restrict it is critical.

    • This list of pro-choice candidates in critical states where abortion is on the line was compiled by Sister District and other organizations. 
    • The Swing Left States Fund allows you to look at critical Gubernatorial and State legislature races and tailor your contributions accordingly. 
    • VoteProChoice has a comprehensive list of endorsed candidates across the country, listed by the date of the primary election that they will be running in. You can search by state and support candidates in key swing states.

    Action 2 – Help to protect our public schools from attack by private school supporters

    One of the first of several disturbing cases that the Supreme Court decided last week was a decision that will further erode the separation of Church and State, in the case that requires Maine to include religious schools in a tuition program. This is the latest in a series of decisions that forbid the exclusion of religious institutions from government funding. In this case, the majority opinion said that because Maine created a voucher-like program for secular education, it must fund religious education too. As Justice Breyer pointed out in his dissent, both of the schools involved in the case “have admissions policies that allow them to deny enrollment to students based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and religion, and both schools require their teachers to be born-again Christians.” 

    Although Washington does have charter schools, it currently provides no financial assistance (either in the form of vouchers or tax credits) to parents wishing to send their children to private schools instead of public schools. However, as recently as the last legislative session, Republicans in our state have introduced bills to try to get public dollars for private schools and will undoubtedly be re-doubling their efforts in the wake of the Supreme Court decision.  

    The organization Americans United for Separation of Church and State has put together a quick action that will ask our state legislators to stand firm once again against these efforts. You can use this link to quickly send a pre-written message to your state legislators.

    Candidate Highlight from Allison – Sen. Emily Randall (D-Bremerton)

    Emily Randall is the Democratic State Senator for the 26th legislative district. Born and raised on the Kitsap Peninsula, she was elected to the state Senate in November 2018. Emily is now the chair of the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee, a member of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee, and a member of the Senate Transportation Committee.

    Emily has dedicated herself to expanding education opportunities and access to affordable health care for women, children, and LGBTQ folks around the country. In her first session as a legislator, she sponsored and passed the Reproductive Health Care for All bill and built a pathway to universal health care.

    In the 2021-22 legislative session, Emily worked on a bill (SB 5688)  which aimed to give the state attorney general the power to block hospital mergers if they would limit access to abortion care, gender-affirming health care or physician-assisted suicide. At least two recent hospital mergers in the state have led to changes in the availability of abortion. The bill did not pass but Governor Inslee has said that he wants to see the measure move forward next session.

    Senator Randall has a fiercely right wing opponent in this year’s election, who is currently out-fundraising her. We absolutely must ensure that Sen. Randall is re-elected. She will be a powerful force in our fight to maximize our state’s access to abortion and we cannot afford to let her opponent win. Please support her campaign to retain her seat in the 26th.

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign HERE
    • Learn more about Emily HERE
    • Follow Emily on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and amplify her posts.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date:

    • Thur Aug 4, 7 -9 pm – League of Women Voters – Voter Registration training – details tbd. 

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 20, 2022 

    ? Happy Juneteenth! This Juneteenth, please support local businesses owned by our Black neighbors and donate to awesome Black candidates! Pinckney Cookie Cafe, Black Coffee Northwest, Mixed Coffee, Metier Brewing, NW Tree Huggers, The Ally League, Jamila Taylor (see candidate highlight below), April Berg, Brandy Donaghy (Thanks Elizabeth S for the great FB Post!)

    ? Join Postcards4WA on Zoom Sunday June 26th, 7pm for the 2022 Kickoff Party! Meet and learn about Postcards4WA candidates and get your questions answered by the Postcards4WA team. And there will be Door Prizes! Categories include Kickoff Party attendees and anyone already signed up for 2022.

    See all the details for signing up for Postcards4WA and the Kickoff Party HERE.

    ? ICYMI: Last week, President Biden announced that he would invoke the Defense Production Act (DPA) to pave the way for higher domestic production of clean energy technologies like solar, building insulation, heat pumps, fuel cells, and power grid infrastructure (like transformers).

    This is a massive win!!! (Here’s Indivisible Co-Founder Leah talking about just how big of a victory it is!)

    Getting Biden to invoke the DPA was the foundation of Indivisible’s Let’s Go Joe climate goals and was also on the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ list of priorities.  

    ?Here are your 2 actions this week plus a candidate highlight from Kat.

    Action 1 – Comment on the Lower Snake River Dam Salmon Recovery plan

    From Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network (COIN) and Indivisible Bellingham

    Last fall, Governor Jay Inslee and Senator Patty Murray launched a joint federal-state process to deliver a comprehensive plan for recovery of salmon and steelhead, including a decision by July 31, 2022 on the removal of four federally-owned dams on the lower Snake River.

    As part of their joint federal-state process, a draft report, and a public comment period, is available now at The draft report is a comprehensive compilation of information to identify replacement options for the aging energy, irrigation, and transportation services currently provided by the lower Snake River dams.

    Public comments will be accepted until 5pm on July 11, 2022.

    Take Action: Visit the take-action web page. It has all the tools you need to comment and contact key legislators.  Add the following wording when commenting: 

    1. Website Action 1 – choose the online comment option and include:

    The report’s tables only show the costs of breaching the dams with no table summarizing the costs of leaving the dams in place. Please provide a companion data table reflecting the costs of leaving the dams in place — which will provide a more accurate comparison of costs.

    1. Website Action 2 – For Senator Cantwell comment, add into the suggested language: 

    It is critical that the Senate version of the Water Resources Act of 2022 (S4136) does not contain language similar to Title V, Section 502 in the House version that creates a ban on action to breach the lower Snake River Dams.  Further study is not needed; the salmon can’t wait.

    1. Website Action 3 – Contact President Biden with suggested language or use your own. 

    Learn more:

    Action 2 – Urge Your Senators to Support Senator Murphy’s Gun Safety Package


    Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has reached a deal with 10 Republicans, who have previously refused to take legislative action on gun safety measures. For the first time in 30 years, thanks to the leadership of Democrats, Congress has a real chance to pass gun safety reforms, which is a good first step towards ending inaction on gun violence. Although we know Senators Murray and Cantwell are on board, they need to hear from us anyway. Additionally, please forward this to friends and family in other states asking them to take action to make sure this important package passes.

    To be clear, this package does not go nearly far enough to address the dangerous cocktail of guns, hatred and political inaction that are costing us our lives like we saw in Uvalde, in Buffalo, in Aurora, in Parkland, and in every state in this nation.  We need the Senate to pass universal background checks to begin to address the rampant violence communities across the country are facing. Requiring background checks for every firearm sale is a common sense reform that is supported by over 90% of Americans. 

    ☎ Sample script:

    “Please prioritize the safety of our community by voting to pass Senator Chris Murphy’s package of Gun Safety bills that provides enhanced background checks for 18-20 year olds, provides funding for important state Red Flag Laws to temporarily remove a firearm from an individual who is adjudged to pose a threat to themselves or others, closes the “boyfriend” loophole, and reduces gun trafficking. It is my sincere wish that the US Senate can see the importance of these bills and act. 

    Moving forward, please work to either ban assault-style weapons, or at the very least raise the age of purchasing semi automatic rifles from 18 to 21, create new requirements for storing guns in a home with children, and require that all firearms be traceable. Additionally, policies ensuring that all residents have access to food, shelter, education, health, and clean water will turn people away from violence and towards community. Please prioritize policies that build healthy communities. 

    Thank you.


    [CITY, ZIP]”

    Candidate Highlight from Kat: Rep. Jamila Taylor, LD30

    I’m supporting Rep. Jamila Taylor (LD30, Federal Way) in her re-election campaign. Rep. Taylor has worked tirelessly to improve policing in Washington state, make sure schools are safe and healthy by getting rid of school lunch co-pays and ensuring schools have access to anti-racism and diversity, equity and inclusion training. She worked on expanding the Working Families Tax Credit, and has a strong focus on making childcare more affordable and accessible. As the Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus, Rep. Taylor has spoken on the House floor about the importance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy and answering the challenge of this moment in history. She has two Republican opponents: a police commander and a hard-right MAGA faction adherent. Like in other districts, residents of the 30th are concerned with crime and homelessness, making Rep. Taylor vulnerable to blind calls for “change” and increased policing. 

    Actions you can take:

    • Donate to the campaign HERE.
    • Learn more about Rep. Taylor HERE.
    • Follow Rep. Taylor on Facebook HERE.
    • Tell your friends and neighbors about how important this election is!

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 13, 2022

    ? It was great to see how many March For Our Lives Rallies formed around the country. If you attended one, send a few photos to! See action 1 for ways to translate the rally energy into action. 

    ? Missing: The Indivisible Eastside Banner. Please contact us at if you have a lead on where it might be. 

    ? Please join us for our group meeting and picnic Sat, June 18  at Everest Park in Kirkland from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm. Bring a book or two and swap it at the book exchange table, play corn hole, write some postcards to voters. Schedule: 10:30 – time to re-connect, 11-12 a short meeting where we’ll talk about how to get engaged in elections in Washington state and beyond, 12-1 byo picnic and activities, 1:00 group photo and surprise activity. Please be sure to register to attend so we know how many people to plan for. We hope to see you on the 18th! 

    Here are your 2 actions this week plus a candidate highlight from Hanna.

    Action 1 – Learn about and help friends take action on Gun Violence

    Ever find yourself talking to a friend or relative who you may not agree with on some things, but who wants to engage constructively on how to address gun violence? If you haven’t, you may in the future, so you might find the following resources helpful. They are also useful when you’re contacting your elected officials at the Federal, State, County and City level to enact policy that will save lives. 

    People with access to food, shelter, education, health, art, beauty, and clean water — who are part of loving and thriving communities, where they are valued, safe, and belong — do not turn to guns. But our society has made it nearly impossible for many folks to attain the essentials for human wellbeing. Violence is the result of that brokenness.

    Prepare – so you know what you’re talking about

    Act – and help others act

    On June 8th, the U.S. House passed a package of eight bills relating to gun control that would raise the age of purchasing semi automatic rifles from 18 to 21, create new requirements for storing guns in a home with children, prevent gun trafficking, require all firearms to be traceable, and close the loophole on bump stocks (devices that increase the rate of fire of semiautomatic weapons), among other things. The next day they passed a “red flag” gun control bill that would allow federal courts to temporarily remove a firearm from an individual who is adjudged to pose a threat to themselves or others. 

    Action 1a. Thank your Democratic Representative for voting for these bills and encourage your Senators to vote for the policies they contain. 

    Action 1b.  Talk to three friends or relatives in a state with a Republican Senator and share some of what you learned from the resources above. Forward the Sample Script for Senators and ask them to take action. 

    Sample script for Democratic Representatives (except Jared Golden in Maine)

    Hello, my name is [NAME], from [CITY, ZIP]. Thank you for prioritizing the safety of our community by voting to allow federal courts to temporarily remove a firearm from an individual who is adjudged to pose a threat to themselves or others, raise the age of purchasing semi automatic rifles from 18 to 21, create new requirements for storing guns in a home with children, prevent gun trafficking, require all firearms to be traceable, and close the loophole on bump stocks. It is my sincere wish that the US Senate can see the importance of these bills and act. 

    Moving forward, I would like to see a return of the ban on assault rifles. Additionally, enacting policy ensuring that all residents have access to food, shelter, education, health, and clean water will turn people away from violence and towards community. Please prioritize policies that build healthy communities. 

    Thank you.

    [NAME], [CITY, ZIP]

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Sample script for Senators:

    Hello, my name is [NAME], from [CITY, ZIP]. Please prioritize the safety of our community by working to pass laws that raise the age of purchasing semi automatic rifles from 18 to 21, banning assault rifles, allow federal courts to temporarily remove a firearm from an individual who is adjudged to pose a threat to themselves or others, create new requirements for storing guns in a home with children, prevent gun trafficking, require all firearms to be traceable, and close the loophole on bump stocks. It is my sincere wish that the US Senate can see the importance of these bills and act. 

    Moving forward, policies ensuring that all residents have access to food, shelter, education, health, and clean water will turn people away from violence and towards community. Please prioritize policies that build healthy communities. 

    Thank you.

    [NAME], [CITY, ZIP]

    Action 2 –  Defund disinformation and drain Fox News of advertising revenue

    Fox News is propaganda disguising itself as news. It peddles conspiracy theories, hate speech, and ignorance. Its announcers parrot white nationalist talking points and frequently push racist narratives. Fox News lowers the level of our public discourse, and is a key route for fringe views to make their way into the mainstream. Fox News encourages polarization, fear, and hatred.

    Like any other media organization, Fox News is made possible by its advertisers. Major companies bankroll Fox News with their advertising purchases. Take these 3 actions to weaken Fox News’s relationship with advertisers and defund their  disinformation campaigns:

    Candidate Highlight – from Hanna

    Hanna would like to let you know the importance of electing Secretary of State Steve Hobbs back into the position he currently holds as appointed by Governor Inslee. The secretary of state is in effect the guarantor of the continuity and stability of good government in Washington, with their role extending to the certification, filing, and preservation of public records, the supervision of all aspects of state and local elections, and the registration and regulatory oversight of businesses and charities. Each county Auditor is responsible for the actual administration of their county elections, but it is the SOS’s job to make sure those are done correctly. He is the only Democrat running for this office, and don’t be fooled by his opponent, Julie Anderson, who is not as “non-partisan” as she claims to be. She endorsed Kim Wyman (our former Republican SOS) twice, and has hired Republicans to run her campaign.

    Actions you can take:

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date

    Tue July 12, 9 am – 2022 Annual Supreme Court Review – Presented by the National Constitution Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Register to attend.

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 6, 2022

    ? There are two rallies this week!

    ? Please join us for our group meeting and picnic, which will be our first in-person event for over two years! On Sat, June 18, we’ll meet at Everest Park in Kirkland from 10:30-2:00. IE steering has a fun low-key event planned including a book exchange table, corn hole games, postcard writing and more. Schedule: 10:30 – time to re-connect, 11-12 a short meeting, 12-1 byo picnic and activities 1:00 group photo and surprise activity. Please be sure to register to attend so we know how many people to plan for. We hope to see you on the 18th!

    ? Sign the Trees4Livability Tree Code Petition to strengthen Bellevue’s tree codes in 2022!

    ?Here are your 2 actions this week. Don’t miss the new newsletter feature – a weekly candidate highlight.

    Action 1 – End the Filibuster, Pass Gun Legislation NOW

    The Gun Violence Archive defines mass shootings as “… a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident.” According to their data, there have been over 20 mass shootings just since the Uvalde incident. The UK and Australia implemented a gun buyback program and gun control legislation in 1996 after mass shootings, and New Zealand did the same in 2019 after a mass shooting at a mosque. Now, in the wake of the US’s most recent mass shooting in Uvalde, TX, Canada is passing similar legislation to remove assault rifles and handguns. The time to act is now before we are again lulled into complacency which happens all too often.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent living in [CITY, ZIP]. It has been a short time since the horrible mass murder at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas and already there have been more than 20 additional mass shootings. Pleas to the Republicans to “come together” and “work with Democrats on common sense gun safety reforms” will not solve the problem.  Republicans are NOT working in good faith and I am tired of having a minority of Senators block legislation that would be  literally life-saving. I am asking you to publicly call for ending the filibuster so that the Senate can pass common sense gun safety legislation, along with all the other important legislation like voting rights to save our democracy. 

    Thank you.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Support Food Banks

    NPR had a story last Thursday and another story on their daily podcast Up First (start at 7:52) about how skyrocketing inflation has more people going to food banks. Food banks are also struggling due to increased prices and supply issues, in addition to this increased demand. If you have the means, please consider a monthly monetary donation to a local or national foodbank to help them through this difficult time.


    Feeding America 



    Northwest Harvest

    Candidate Highlight

    Are you receiving a flood of texts, emails and phone calls from candidates here in Washington and around the country? Could you use some guidance on who to support? Starting this week, IE steering members will share information about candidates they’re supporting and why.

    First up, Louise continues our relationship with Sister District Puget Sound by highlighting their chosen candidate North Carolina State Senator Sydney Batch. Batch is an incumbent in a tough NC district and holding this seat is crucial to stopping Republicans from regaining a supermajority they lost in 2018. NC has a relatively popular (D) Governor who vetoes all of the terrible bills that Republicans pass, but if Senator Batch loses, they can override his veto and the Democrats won’t be able to stop the attacks on public schools, abortion care and voting rights. Read more about Sydney Batch and the race here. 

    Actions you can take:

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the date

    For the Week of May 30, 2022

    ? Yet again we are mourning the loss of many precious lives due to gun violence. 

    • Please donate to the Robb Elementary Memorial Fund. Make all checks payable to the “Robb School Memorial Fund.” Please mail checks to: 200 E Nopal St. Uvalde, TX 78801   For Zelle Donations:
    • The shooting in Buffalo caused the only supermarket in the area to shut down. Monetary donations can be made via to support the community.  

    ? Resources to note about abortion access and support : Northwest Abortion Access Fund | National Network of Abortion Funds  | Abortion FAQ’s: Why Can’t I Say That | Abortion Access FAQ   | If you use a period tracking app, please read this article.

    ? The City of Bellevue has opened up application for its Bellevue Essentials Civic Engagement Program for the 10th year! The program is designed for people interested in gaining skills and knowledge around how city government works and how to effectively be involved. Learn more and apply HERE

    ? Please save the date for our next group meeting and picnic, which will be our first in-person event for over two years! On Sat, June 18, we’ll meet at Everest Park in Kirkland from 10:30-2:00. Please be sure to register to attend as the regular Zoom registration will not apply. More information to come.

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week.

    Action 1 – Tell Republicans to pass gun legislation now

    On May 14th a gunman killed ten Black people in a racist attack in a grocery store in Buffalo, NY. Just 10 days later, nineteen children and two teachers were killed at the school in Uvalde Texas.  Steve Kerr, coach with the NBA, expressed the outrage that many of us are feeling right now in this video.  Senator Murphy of Connecticut begged his Republican colleagues to work with the Democrats to pass legislation to make these mass murders less likely.

    Sample post to cut and paste: 

    Friends and family in Republican states, please call your Senators to stop this madness and pass two gun control bills passed by House Democrats in March 2021 — HR 8, which would expand background checks, and HR 1446, which would increase the background check waiting period now!

    • March for Our Lives will be gathering in D.C. and across the nation on June 11th. Join the March For Our Lives in Seattle by registering HERE

    Action 2 – Kick Wall Street out of Medicare

    From Physicians for a National Health Program

    On March 8, 2022, less than two weeks after the Biden Administration announced it was doubling down on Medicare privatization by launching the REACH program, a coalition of 250 organizations across the U.S. sent a letter to officials at the Dept. of Health and Human Services urging them to protect, rather than undermine, the future of Traditional Medicare. Medicare REACH will allow third-party middlemen to “manage” care for Traditional Medicare beneficiaries, as did the Direct Contracting program before it. Wall Street investors and private equity firms put considerable amounts of money into some Direct Contracting Entities, and they expect a handsome return on their investment by maximizing the amount of money they receive from the Medicare program (through questionable, sometimes fraudulent, “upcoding” of patient records) and minimizing the amount of money they spend on patient care. 

    Take these four actions to kick profiteers out of Medicare. 

    • Call President Biden at (202) 456-1111 and demand he use executive action to end Direct Contracting and REACH today. Use this SAMPLE SCRIPT to get started. Note that the White House switchboard is only open from 11 am to 3 pm ET (8 am to noon PT) on Tuesdays through Thursdays. 
    • Call your U.S. representative and senators using the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and demand they join the fight against Direct Contracting and REACH. Use this SAMPLE SCRIPT (scroll down to second half) to get started.
    • Sign and share the petition from Physicians for a National Health Program to end Direct Contracting and REACH at
    • Share your Medicare Direct Contracting or Medicare Advantage story (including your DCE enrollment letter) using this FORM. Learn more about sharing your story HERE.

    Action 3 – Rally for Global Covid Vaccine and Treatment Equity

    From Washington Fair Trade Coalition

    Billions of people around the world continue to be denied access to COVID vaccines, tests, and treatments specifically because Europe and the United States are prioritizing the interests of pharmaceutical monopolies ahead of human life and an end to the pandemic. For background, see this article (scroll down below the map) from The Trade Justice Education Fund.

    Ahead of the WTO Ministerial Conference in June, the highest decision-making body of the WTO, activists across the globe will be holding Global Days of Action to call on the European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States to lift their opposition to a TRIPS waiver for COVID vaccines, tests, and treatments.

    The Washington Fair Trade Coalition will be holding a rally at the German Consulate in Seattle at 6 pm on Thursday, June 9th to call on the German government specifically, and the EU generally, to stop standing in the way of life saving vaccine, test, and treatment equity.

    The world has the technology to save lives and end the COVID pandemic, but only if it is shared.  Please join the call for COVID vaccine, test & treatment equity! Register to attend HERE, or just show up!

    Share the event on Facebook!

    Calendar of Events:

    For the Week of May 23, 2022

    ? Thank you to those of you who participated in our Alphabet Resistance event last week. A special shout out to new attendees and to the high schooler who walked by and decided she had half an hour to spare to join us! We loved having you there!

    We are in need of a US flag for our Alpha events. If anyone has one that we could use could you please let us know at Thank you.

    ? Resources to note about abortion access and support : Northwest Abortion Access Fund | National Network of Abortion Funds  | Abortion FAQ’s: Why Can’t I Say That

    ? Thanks also to attendees at our group meeting on Saturday, where we heard from a long list of candidates for office, as well as Kevin Jones from Indivisible Vashon, who shared information on getting out the vote for the midterms. If you missed the meeting you can catch up by reading the meeting notes. (This includes some updates on questions posed to the SOS candidates).

    ? Please save the date for our next group meeting and picnic, which will be our first in-person event for over two years! On Sat, June 18, we’ll meet at Everest Park in Kirkland from 10:30-2:00. Please be sure to register to attend as the regular Zoom registration will not apply. More information to come.

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week.

    ✊ Action 1 – [Members of Congress] Ask your Members of Congress to protect abortion rights by supporting legislation to expand the Supreme Court


    The Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade and is placing other unenumerated rights like gay marriage in its cross hairs. This is no fluke. Republicans and dark money groups have waged a 50-year campaign to pack the federal judiciary with hundreds of far-right extremist judges. While it’s long past time for Congress to enshrine abortion rights in federal law by ending the filibuster to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act , it unfortunately is not enough to fully protect our right to an abortion.

    The only way to save abortion and other civil rights is to expand the Supreme Court by passing the Judiciary Act of 2021 (H.R. 2584). Every single issue we care about will be challenged in court. That’s why we must act now to unrig our courts before it’s too late.The bill would add four additional justices to the bench and undo the decades of conservative court-packing that got us into this mess.

    The proposal to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices would be more popular and a lot less disruptive than adding more people to the court. The problem is that it’s much less clear whether the Constitution gives Congress the power to do that.

    Since the recent leak of the draft opinion by Justice Alito and his colleagues, half a dozen more House members have signed on to co-sponsor the bill. Unfortunately, the only Washington representative to do so thus far is Rep. Jayapal. Please contact your Representative and ask them to sign on to co-sponsor the bill and give it some momentum in the House. It is time for Democrats to use every tool at their disposal to protect Roe and this bill is one of the most powerful ones that we have. The Supreme Court as it is currently configured does not represent the votes or values of the majority of the population and expansion may be the only thing that saves democracy for future generations.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY]. I am writing /calling to ask you to co-sponsor the Judiciary Act of 2021 (H.R. 2584), which would add four justices to the Supreme Court. In light of the likely repeal of Roe v Wade this summer, we have to use every tool at our disposal to ensure not only access to abortion across the country but to protect other civil rights that will be at risk.

    The expansion of the court, which has historical precedent, would allow for better representation of the views and values of the voting public and would help to protect us from the take over of our democracy by minority interests. Please join your colleagues in the House in supporting this important bill. 

    Thank you.


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Attend an important workshop for People for Climate Action’s Bellevue campaign

    Bellevue’s 2023-24 budget is being drafted this summer. At 9:30 am on Saturday June 4, People for Climate Action (PCA) Bellevue is launching a campaign to greatly boost the city’s Environmental Stewardship budget and staffing. The guest speaker will be Councilmember Janice Zahn. Please register to attend.

    This event is important because critical windows of opportunity are coming up this summer and fall.

    • On June 10th the City Council will meet to set their priorities for the coming year. We should flood them with climate focused messages before then.
    •  In July the City Council is supposed to receive a mid-year Environmental Stewardship Plan update. We should make plans for a united response.
    •  In September the city will start their 2023-24 budget hearings.  We need to plan how to best collect many voices so that we are heard loud and clear.

    Bellevue isn’t doing enough. The climate won’t wait. The next few months will make or break the commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030. Please plan to join this workshop to find out how you can help in the coming months.

    Action 3 –  Ask your legislators to take action for Mental Health Awareness Month

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 21% of U.S. adults experienced mental illness in 2020 (52.9 million people). This represents 1 in 5 adults. As a group, we continue to advocate for improved support in our communities for those in crisis, whether immediate or long term. There are several important pieces of legislation in Congress that would improve access to treatment and address the critical workforce shortage in the field. Please ask our legislators to support these bills.

    The National Council for Mental Wellbeing has put together an easy way for you to take action on this. Their ‘Hill Day at Home’ (June 8) not only gives you an opportunity to learn about issues in the mental health field but also offers a way to contact lawmakers to support mental health and substance use treatment initiatives (this can be done now). By using the link to Write My Legislator, you will see a list of bills that you can ask your legislators to act on. Several of them are already co-sponsored by most of our Members of Congress. The ones that are not, which you might want to prioritize are:

    Please take this quick and easy action to bring these bills to our legislators attention. They all address vital components of an effective system of response to mental health crises and need support.

    Calendar of Events:

    Save the Date

    For the Week of May 16, 2022

    ? Let’s take a moment this week to acknowledge the somber milestone that we have just passed, a million lives lost in this country as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is the equivalent to losing the population of a city the size of San Jose, which is the tenth largest in the country. It’s been a harrowing time for all of us, but let’s always remember those who died, the families that they left behind, and those who cared for them.

    ? Join us at Alphabet Resistance on Thursday May 19th in Bellevue. Last week’s event was postponed due to high winds and rain, so if you are able, please join us to share a message in support of abortion rights. The more people we have, the longer the message we can present. Sign up HERE.  Access Code ‘alpha’.

    ? Mark your calendars for Sat, May 21, 3 pm for our group meeting where we will hear about the midterm elections, and from candidates for Congress, Secretary of State, and King County Prosecutor. Register HERE.

    ? Since redistricting, your legislative and/or congressional district may have changed. Cards should have been mailed notifying you of your new ones but if you’re not sure you can check at  King County Elections. You will not receive a card if your district hasn’t changed.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week.

    Action 1 – Make a plan to help Democratic candidates in the midterms

    As the news of the potential elimination of abortion rights continues to play out, it is increasingly obvious that in the short term, the best remedy lies in ensuring that Democrats retain and hopefully increase their majorities, both in Congress and locally. This is by no means going to be easy. So, after protesting and marching, we need to double down and do the work to make sure of a good outcome. Support can take many forms – financial, canvassing, texting, phone banking, letters, postcards and volunteering for campaigns. We did it in 2020 but the stakes are even higher now. This week is filing week for candidates, after which we will have a full picture of all races. It’s time to start your engines!

    The choice of candidates to support can be overwhelming but there are tools to help you to select a number that is manageable for you to focus on. 

    • Join us at our next group meeting on May 21 to hear Kevin Jones of Indivisible Vashon talk about the comprehensive GOTV work that their group is doing on races across the country.
    • Read this assessment by Rich Smith of the Stranger about potential scenarios for our state elections. Expect an update to this after filing week.
    • Check out Vote Save America (from the Pod Save America folks) for a comprehensive look at important races and opportunities to get involved.

     Here are more actions you can take to protect abortion rights:

    1. Donate:
    2. Defund the Bans by knowing where you are shopping. Equity Forward put out a report in 2019 about which corporations are bankrolling state legislators who are anti-abortion. They have added their data to the Progressive Shopper
    3. Write a Letter to the Editor to expand the Supreme Court using this easy Stand Up America Tool

    As we continue to work to promote free, safe and equitable access to abortion please be mindful of the language we use to discuss this topic. Please read Abortion FAQ’s: Why Can’t I Say That and let’s all help to destigmatize abortion.

    Action 2 –  Hold Amazon accountable for offshore profit shifting and global tax avoidance

    From Americans for Tax Fairness

    On May 25th Amazon will hold a shareholder meeting, during which their shareholders will vote on a motion to hold Amazon accountable by requiring it to disclose its revenues, profits, and taxes in all countries where it books income. Passage of the resolution could expose Amazon’s shifting of profits offshore to avoid paying what it owes in taxes here at home.  

    Profit shifting by corporations is estimated to cost the U.S. government as much as $100 billion in lost tax revenue every year. Amazon, worth $1.1 trillion, doesn’t want the public to know how much of that lost revenue it’s accountable for. Public disclosure could allow us to find out.  

    Amazon tried to kill the motion, but the Securities and Exchange Commission has ruled it must be voted on—essentially giving all of us some voice in how this giant corporation operates.

    Please join the effort to tell Amazon shareholders to vote YES to expose Amazon’s offshore profit shifting and tax avoidance! Thanks to the folks at the FACT Coalition, signatures in favor of the resolution from the public will be delivered to Amazon shareholders and the Amazon Board before the May 25th vote!

    Here are a few ways you can help:

    1. Retweet Americans for Tax Fairness’ tweet thread to raise awareness and help others take action.
    2. Sign and share the petition with your networks. 
    3. Spread the word across social media using the digital toolkit and the hashtag #YesOnProp12
    4. If you own any Amazon shares, you can vote YES on Proposal 12 on your proxy ballot or at 

    Action 3Save Childcare for LWSD Teen Parents at Emerson Daycare

    After 46 years of operation, Emerson Child Care Center in the Lake Washington School District is under threat of closure. The center not only provides affordable support for teen moms in the district but also for LWSD staff. Staff from Twain Elementary, Redmond High School, Emerson High School, Lake Washington High School, and International Community School have all used the daycare in recent years. 

    Right now, having children of LWSD staff enrolled is keeping the Emerson daycare open and functional. If staff remove their kids from the daycare because of tripled and quadrupled fees, caused by the district bringing it up to market rates (300-400% of current fees), the daycare will be forced to close. Teen parents, as well as school staff,  would no longer have an affordable daycare option in the district. 

    The school board was due to vote on the new tuition rates on May 9th but it was tabled until May 23rd. If you live or work in the district please email the LWSD School Board and Superintendent and express your concern before they vote on the proposed rates. One suggestion is for the district to apply for state and federal grants, as well as being open to local non-profits who have offered support, which the district has resisted so far.

    Dr Jon Holmen, Superintendent,

    Eric Laliberte, President,

    Mark Stuart, Vice President,

    Siri Bliesner,

    Chris Carlson,

    Leah Choi,

    You can also send a written comment or sign up to speak at the meeting by filling out this form.

    Calendar of Events

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    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of May 9, 2022

    ? As we all struggle to process the SCOTUS leak and ramp up our activism this week to channel our rage for good, please be mindful of the language we use to discuss this topic. Please read Abortion FAQ’s: Why Can’t I Say That and let’s all help to destigmatize abortion. 

    ? Thank you to everyone who signed up to Adopt-a-school and sent 3 thank-you letters to educators. Bellevue and Lake Washington SD have 25% of the schools adopted! There are still more schools to adopt. Click HERE to take action now. 

    ? Sankofa Impact confronts our shared history of racism and resistance by bringing people together for place-based learning experiences. Applications are now open for their Fall 2022 Pilgrimage to the South. Apply HERE

    ? Mark your calendars for Sat, May 21, 3 pm for our group meeting where we will hear about the midterm elections, and from candidates for Congress, Secretary of State and King County Prosecutor. Register HERE.

    ?Here are your 2 actions this week. 

    Action 1 – Make your voice heard about abortion rights

    The news last week of the leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court shows more clearly the likelihood that the court will indeed overturn Roe vs. Wade. That’s not surprising, as the Republicans have been working on this for decades, but the news still left many of us reeling and angry! Let’s channel that anger into activism, and remember that we are very fortunate to live in a blue state that has protected women’s rights. Read this great article about what this decision will mean for the PNW and then take action to support women in neighboring states who need services.  Here are 5 things you can do to make your voice heard:

    1. Join us at Alphabet Resistance on Thursday May 12th in Bellevue. The more people we have the more flexibility we have with the message. Sign up HERE.  Access Code ‘alpha’.
    2. Attend the protests on May 14th:
    3. Donate:
    4. Defund the Bans by knowing where you are shopping. Equity Forward put out a report in 2019 about which corporations are bankrolling state legislators who are anti-abortion. They have added their data to the Progressive Shopper
    5. Write a Letter to the Editor to expand the Supreme Court using this easy Stand Up America Tool.

    Action 2 – Protect your precinct from a sham (Republican) PCO

    Recent reports indicate there’s a movement among Republicans to fill Democratic Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) positions that go unchallenged. You can help combat that by filing for PCO in your precinct between May 16th and 20th. Don’t be intimidated by the list of duties. You can do as much or as little as you have time for. 

    Precincts are small geographic areas within a Legislative District. PCOs are the building block of the Democratic Party. They are the grassroots organizing base for all of the Legislative District’s activities. 


    • Vote on which candidates should be endorsed by the Democrats.
    • Coordinate with campaigns in educating voters and generating interest in the election on behalf of endorsed candidates and ballot measures.
    • Canvass or telephone your precinct in coordination with election strategy at least once a year.
    • Attend as many of the monthly legislative district and county organization meetings as possible. Many agenda items are voted on ONLY by PCOs.

    This is a vital way to help Get Out The Vote, and be an important part of the Democratic party. When Indivisibles get involved with the Democratic Party, it moves the party toward being more progressive.

    Steps to becoming a PCO:

    Let us know if you need assistance, and if you decide to run for PCO! We’d love to hear from you at 

    Calendar of Events

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    For the Week of May 2, 2022 

    ? Washington voters could soon see paid signature gatherers for I-1929, the millionaire-backed ballot measure to repeal the state’s capital gains tax on stock market profits greater than $250K. Signature gatherers won’t tell voters I-1929 is a tax cut for the super rich, taking $500 million from education and childcare. The public has a right to know and that’s why your help is needed. If you spot a I-1929 signature gatherer, use Invest In WA Now’s Reporting Form to let them know WHERE and WHEN you saw them and WHAT they are saying to voters. Or you can call or text their Spotter hotline at (509) 495-1222‬.

    ? Thank you to everyone who signed up to Adopt-a-school and send 3 thank-you letters to educators. Bellevue and Lake Washington SD have 25% of the schools adopted! See action 3 for simplified instructions and help us spread the word to friends in other districts. 

    ? Are you a Kirkland Resident who cares about helping unhoused community members? Please see Indivisible Kirkland’s email about Permanent Supportive Housing and how to support it through comment to the city council and attending the May 9th Kirkland Housing Virtual Town Hall.

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Demand Congress Ban Members Stock Trading

    From Stand Up America

    Members of Congress have access to an enormous amount of information about our economy that isn’t available to the public, and they can far too easily turn around and use that information to inform their stock trading. It’s wrong—and it’s time to put an end to it. When we elect politicians, we expect them to represent us, not their bank accounts. 

    No one should be allowed to profit from public office. Send a quick email to your lawmakers, urging them to pass legislation that bans members of Congress from buying or selling individual stocks while they’re in office. 

    Use Stand Up America’s Website tool, or contact your Representative and Senators using this sample Script:

    “My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent living in [CITY, ZIP]. Right now, members of the House and the Senate have access to an enormous amount of information about our economy and business environment that isn’t available to the public. 

    Existing ethics laws don’t go far enough to stop senators and representatives from using the information you receive in the course of your legislative duties for personal profit. 

    As a voter and your constituent, I’m urging you to do everything in your power to pass legislation that bans members of Congress from buying or selling individual stocks while they’re in office. This is a bipartisan issue that the majority of Americans support—and you should too. 

    Thank you,


    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Urge Bellevue City Council to lead on climate action

    From IE Member Chris R. and People for Climate Action (PCA) Bellevue

    As the largest city on the Eastside, Bellevue has a unique responsibility to lead on climate action. With the failure of the State legislature to pass HB 1099, which would have required cities to incorporate climate change into their Comprehensive Plans, Bellevue must pick up the mantle and act. Sign this letter to urge Bellevue leaders to incorporate all provisions of HB 1099 into the city’s Comprehensive Planning update. This means the city will:

    • be required to incorporate planning policies that reduce greenhouse gasses and vehicle miles traveled
    • incorporate environmental justice by prioritizing communities that have been historically impacted by inequities
    • plan for resilience to climate change

    Bellevue can’t wait. We need a strong commitment from our leaders and bold action. Sign-on to the letter by filling out this online Bellevue HB 1099 Form. Alternatively, you can email PCA Bellevue Chair Court Olson with your name and email.

    Action 3 – Thank some Educators!

    From the Washington Indivisible Network (WIN) Schools Workgroup

    Update: We’ve added 2 more school districts to this project, simplified the instructions and provided a letter in the full instructions

    The ASK: Adopt a school to write 3 letters of appreciation to let educators know you have their back. Be part of a statewide effort. Full Instructions can be found HERE.

    1. Adopt a school → Use access code ‘schools’
    2. You’ll write one card addressed to School Staff plus one to the Principal & Librarian. Bonus: Get the names of members of the school’s equity team (if any), or enlist help from friends or neighbors to thank all the teachers with individual cards. 
    3. Gather your thank-you cards or design your own. Great sources for cards can be found HERE
    4. Hand-write a message and mail or drop off at the school. Some ideas:
      • Introduce yourself (parent of a student or former student, grandparent, community member, former educator, current or former PTSA member or officeholder etc.)
      • Share why you think Public Education is important and why you appreciate the work they do.
      • Share why you think an honest education is important and that you appreciate the work they do. Speak from your heart. Some possible talking points you can draw from can be found in full instructions HERE.
    5. Try to complete within 2 weeks and use the Educator Appreciation Log to share that you took action. 
    6. 2 weeks later, follow up with an email to the educators. 
    7. Share with friends and ask them to sign up to adopt a school too! See sample message HERE.

    Calendar of Events

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    … and More:


    For the Week of Apr 25, 2022

    ? Alphabet Resistance returns May 12th with “YES TO TEACHERS❤ / NO TO BOOK BANS!” Join us by signing up at Alphabet Resistance 5-12-22 → using access code ‘alpha’

    ? It was great to see many of you at the April Monthly Member Meeting on Saturday. If you missed it, you can catch up with the Meeting Notes which includes a link to the slide deck and video recording. Our next meeting is May 21st. There’s another opportunity to learn about Medicare Privatization tonight Mon Apr 25 at 5 pm – Privatizing Medicare: What’s happening and what you need to know.  

    ? Redistricting information: New districts won’t take effect for representation until 2023, when legislators who are voted into new districts are sworn in. You will vote in upcoming elections using the new districts, but until 2023, are represented by those previously elected in your old districts.

    ?Here are your 2 actions this week.

    Action 1 – Thank some Educators!

    From the Washington Indivisible Network (WIN) Schools Workgroup

    Educators are under enormous strain as they work to finish a third year of instruction impacted by the global pandemic. Meanwhile, headline-grabbing right-winged politicians are manufacturing culture wars at the expense of the safety and wellbeing of educators and children. This Educator Appreciation project is one of many forthcoming tactics that the Washington Indivisible Network (WIN) Schools Workgroup is promoting to support our public schools and honesty in education. Let’s do our part to show our educators that we have their back so that they hear more than just the loud anti-equity, anti-public school voices.

    Be part of a statewide effort – write cards of appreciation to educators to let them know you have their back. Full Instructions can be found HERE

    1. Adopt a school → Use access code ‘schools’
      1. Adopt a Lake Washington SD School 
      2. Adopt a Bellevue SD School 
      3. Adopt an Issaquah SD School 
      4. Adopt a Northshore SD School 
    2. Gather the names of the Principal, Librarian, and members of the school’s equity team (if any). If you want to thank all the teachers individually, enlist help from friends or neighbors. Or keep it simple and write one card addressed to School Name Staff. 
    3. Buy printed Thank-you cards or design your own. Great sources for cards can be found in full instructions HERE
    4. Hand-write a message and mail or drop off at the school. Some ideas:
      1. Introduce yourself (parent of a student or former student, grandparent, community member, former educator, current or former PTSA member or officeholder etc.)
      2. Share why you think Public Education is important and why you appreciate the work they do.
      3. Share why you think an honest education is important and that you appreciate the work they do. Speak from your heart. Some possible talking points you can draw from can be found in full instructions HERE.
    5. Try to complete within 2 weeks and use the Educator Appreciation Log to share that you took action. 
    6. 2 weeks later, follow up with an email to the educators. 
    7. Forward this to friends and ask them to sign up to adopt a school too!

    If you’d like to be directly connected with the WIN Schools Workgroup, please fill out this Opt-In and interest form or contact us at 

    Action 2 – Cast a protest vote against Brad for PCC board

    From former PCC worker Hanna F. 

    Last year Indivisible Eastside had a few actions regarding PCC Community Markets, one about the company’s support of criminalizing poverty, and one in support of efforts to get two workers onto the board of trustees. Fortunately, those two workers were successfully added to the board of trustees with their terms expiring in 2024. This year the election to the board of trustees has three nominees. Two are incumbents and the third is Brad Brown.  Brad was the Board president and interim CEO that led to the hiring of the disastrous CEO Suzy Monford. Her handling of the pandemic was horrible for workers. PCCs decisions during the pandemic like revoking appreciation pay during the height of the pandemic, and actively fighting against the city ordinances for appreciation pay, did not stand with the community values they purport to hold.

    If you are a PCC member, please consider a protest vote AGAINST Brad Brown for the Board of Trustees. His leadership during a time when so many bad decisions were made should not be rewarded with another term on the Board of Trustees.

    To vote, look for an email from on April 18th with the subject: Cast your ballot in the 2022 PCC Board of Trustees Election. Click the Elections Services Co. Voting link and vote by 5:00 pm May 2nd!

    If you cannot find that email, go to the PCC Board Election page, log in, then click Vote Now. You’ll need to request the Election Validation Number (which you don’t need to request if you use the April 18th email) and follow instructions to be able to vote. 

    Results will be posted May 4th HERE.

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    For the Week of Apr 18, 2022

    ? The IE April Monthly Member Meeting is this Saturday April 23rd from 3-4:30. Speaker: Jeff Johnson of Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA) on the concerning move to privatize Medicare. Also, Washington Indivisible Network Schools Workgroup will share its first project to combat attacks on public education. Finally, we’ll discuss ideas for a June 18th outdoor in-person meeting and picnic! Register once for the whole year of zoom meetings. Please join us!

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week.

    Action 1 –  Protect your precinct from a sham (Republican) PCO

    Recent reports indicate there’s a movement among Republicans to fill Democratic Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) positions that go unchallenged. You can help combat that by filing for PCO in your precinct between May 16th and 20th. Don’t be intimidated by the list of duties. You can do as much or as little as you have time for. 

    Precincts are small geographic areas within a Legislative District. PCOs are the building block of the Democratic Party. They are the grassroots organizing base for all of the Legislative District’s activities. 


    • Vote on which candidates should be endorsed by the Democrats.
    • Coordinate with campaigns in educating voters and generating interest in the election on behalf of endorsed candidates and ballot measures.
    • Canvass or telephone your precinct in coordination with election strategy at least once a year.
    • Attend as many of the monthly legislative district and county organization meetings as possible. Many agenda items are voted on ONLY by PCOs.

    This is a vital way to help Get Out The Vote, and be an important part of the Democratic party. When Indivisibles get involved with the Democratic Party, it moves the party toward being more progressive.

    Steps to becoming a PCO:

    Let us know if you need assistance, and if you decide to run for PCO! We’d love to hear from you at

    Action 2 – Write a letter to Chief Justice John G. Roberts regarding Clarence Thomas

    From Steering member Yvonne B

    Get out a pen, paper, envelope, and stamp and write a letter to safeguard democracy. For background, see this article about Virginia Thomas’ texts related to the January 6th insurrection. If you add the “cc” at the end of the letter as shown, be sure to send a separate copy of the same letter to Justice Thomas.

    The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr.

    Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the United States

    1 First Street NE 

    Washington, DC 20543

    “Dear Chief Justice Roberts:

    I am a citizen who genuinely wants to believe in the impartiality of the Supreme Court of the United States. The recent disclosures concerning Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Virginia’s active participation in efforts to overturn the will of the people and to keep Donald Trump in office, are beyond troubling. Justice Clarence Thomas must recuse himself from any issues that come before the court in which Mrs. Virginia Thomas has a personal stake in the outcome. His recusal should include any actions involving organizations on which Mrs. Thomas has affiliation or holds a position on their board.

    Rational people believe it is unlikely that a person can be married to someone and be around them every day, without ever sharing their beliefs and experiences, and avoid being influenced by the actions of that spouse. Virginia Thomas was at the January 6th rally that launched the insurrection. A dozen text messages show that she was in communications with some of the organizers of the attempted coup. She encouraged Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows to “Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down.” and “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”

    Revelations surrounding Virginia Thomas’ behavior after the 2020 election, and the very appearance of this conflict of interest as her spouse, have further tarnished the Supreme Court’s reputation. The public needs to be able to trust in the court and that it will hand down rulings that offer equal justice for all.

    Please encourage Justice Thomas to behave ethically and recuse himself in all cases involving his wife’s interests and activism, including all matters involving the January 6th insurrection.



    cc: The Honorable Clarence Thomas 

          Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States

          1 First Street NE

          Washington, DC 20543

    Action 3 – Feeling Hopeless About the Climate? Try an Action Plan

    A recent poll found that people today, especially younger people, feel helpless when it comes to fighting climate change.  Here’s the thing: That’s exactly how polluting corporations want you to feel. The more people believe their actions don’t matter, the more they find themselves rolling over and accepting the status quo.

    Yes, solving the climate crisis requires bold action from governments and corporations, but that doesn’t mean individuals have to sit on the sidelines. Not only do our actions add up and influence others, we also have the ability to push for — and demand — systemic change.

    As we approach Earth Day on April 22nd, let’s learn about ways we can help the planet and feel less hopeless.

    Read about and try this 30-Day Action Plan!

    Or check out the new, Eastside Climate Challenge portal, sign up, and begin to map out actions that make sense for you to take:

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    For the Week of Apr 11, 2022 

    ? On Thursday history was made with the 53-47 vote in favor of confirming Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson onto the Supreme Court of the United States. Despite the attempts of far-right Republicans to smear her qualifications, three Republicans rose above the politics to vote for this highly qualified candidate. Take some time to celebrate this victory, and then look towards the mid-term elections (with this funny inspirational video) to make sure we do all we can to hold onto our majority so we can add more justices in the future. 

    ? Please help out the Elections team at Indivisible WA-8 who are planning for the campaign to make sure that Dr. Kim Schrier gets re-elected. If you are interested in helping with canvassing, phonebanking, texting or writing postcards, please fill out this survey indicating your interest as soon as possible.

    ? The Bellevue City Council is seeking candidates for vacancies on Bellevue’s Arts Commission and Planning Commission, as well as the Parks & Community Services Board. You can apply online. Applications are due by 5 p.m., Friday, April 15.

    ? King County has three potential candidates for Sheriff lined up and they are holding two forums for public input. Please see the link, or the calendar below, for details. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week.

    Action 1 – Get involved locally for Climate Action

    From Community Climate Solutions

    Do you want to help your community to be more resilient, sustainable, healthy, and prepared for disasters? Join The Eastside’s new Climate Challenge Teams Program! All you need is passion for a greener and better world. We will provide you with the support and coaching you need to reduce emissions, save water and money, and make our community more resilient. It will only take about one hour a week from June – December to make a significant impact on climate change. 

    Learn more and register HERE to become a Climate Challenge Team Leader. 

    Want to hear more before signing up? Attend a 45-minute climate challenge workshop to get more details and see if this opportunity is right for you! Sign up for any of the workshops here!

    Action 2 – Tell legislators to support their BIPOC colleagues

    From IE Member Maria suggested action

    There have been announcements recently of many WA State Legislators not seeking re-election, and while some is the normal attrition through retirement, or seeking higher office, others have stood out and alerted us to institutional obstacles that have made it difficult to pass the legislative priorities they were elected on. Our current legislature is the most diverse in WA State history, and in 2021 that diverse, progressive body passed historic police accountability that was much needed in the wake of the murder of George Floyd in 2020. Many of those BIPOC progressives were the leaders in getting that legislation passed, and struggled this year to prevent those laws from being radically altered. So when we heard Representative Jesse Johnson, Kirsten Harris-Talley, and Mona Das all announced they were leaving the legislature, it raised a lot of questions. Then we saw this piece in the South Seattle Emerald, and were left fuming. The WA State Democrats current platform begins with a Pre-word and the last two lines are:

     “We must all commit ourselves to learning about and acting against injustice wherever it is found, particularly those of us with insulating privileges, and we must do so following the lead of those most directly affected. We must tirelessly seek the elimination of the roots of hatred and bigotry so that we may work together to build an equitable, free society – in truth, not just in word.” (bold added for emphasis)

    We need to let our Democratic legislators know that when these diverse candidates do the hard work of getting elected (just consider how much harder it is for them than the more privileged establishment candidates) to represent their underserved communities, the caucus needs to do more than the lip service praise of their diversity, but rather back that up with action in getting their priorities passed. It is their constituents that need the bills they are trying to pass, so if we truly value the perspectives of our diverse caucus and the needs of the communities they serve, it means we will do everything we can to support their legislation. We know the Republicans won’t, but it is shocking to hear of  the obstructionism within the Democratic Caucus. 

    You can generate a prefilled email by clicking the EMAIL link. Please review the email carefully, add your name, city and zip before sending.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Dear [Legislator Name],

    I have been troubled to hear of so many legislators announcing their decision to not run for re-election, and some of those have left me wondering the reasons behind their decision. I recently came across Kirsten Harris-Talley’s piece in the South Seattle Emerald, and was really upset to hear her story. I expect from the Democratic Caucus and especially leadership to act in accordance with the party platform in supporting our BIPOC legislators not just with kind words and praise. If you truly value the perspectives of our diverse caucus and the needs of the communities they serve, it means you will do everything you can to support their legislation.

    As you look to next year’s legislative session, please go beyond the words and support your BIPOC colleagues with action. 

    Thank you.


    [CITY, ZIP]”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Support Abortion Access in WA State

    From The Seattle Times Editorial Board

    Idaho Governor Brad Little just recently signed the Fetal Heartbeat, Pre-born Child Protective Act (SB1309) into law despite his reservations about the bill. This means that abortion is effectively banned in Idaho until, and if, the courts strike it down. Having a neighboring state banning abortion is not just “too close to home for comfort”, but it also means that women in Idaho may need to travel to Washington State to receive services. The Seattle Times Editorial Board published a compelling piece on the topic. 

    Please support these women by donating to:

    Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest HERE.


    Northwest Abortion Access Fund HERE

    The Supreme Court will be ruling on Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Reproductive Health in June, and Shout Your Abortion is organizing a nationwide rapid response if the ruling overturns Roe vs. Wade. Sign up for notifications HERE.

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    For the Week of Apr 4, 2022 

    ? Our virtual Postcard and Letter Zoom sessions will resume on April 24, from 7 – 8 pm. After this kickoff meeting, starting May 15th we’ll meet every other Sunday. Register once to attend any and all meetings. You’ll receive a reminder email the day before each meeting. Please note that this is in addition to the bi-weekly in-person postcard writing sessions at Totem Lake – the next one is on April 8th. More information on this and all things postcards is here.

    ? If you live in Bellevue please be sure to fill out the paper survey concerning the Comprehensive Plan by April 8th. You should have received it in the mail several weeks ago. This is your chance to give input to the city on policies that will put plans in place for the next twenty years. Please check the calendar for details of an Open House on May 7th.

    ? Please help out the Elections team at Indivisible WA-8 who are planning for the campaign to make sure that Dr. Kim Schrier gets re-elected. If you are interested in helping with canvassing, phonebanking, texting or writing postcards, please fill out this survey indicating your interest as soon as possible.

    ?To learn about possible scenarios for the midterm elections please join a virtual presentation on April 11th (5:00pm) by Kevin Jones (Indivisible Vashon and a steering committee member of the Washington Indivisible Network) where he will discuss the state of the race to hold Congress. Kevin will provide insight into which candidates are the most vulnerable and which states contain the most opportunities to protect Democrat-held seats and flip Republican-held seats, as well as information on how you can volunteer. Please register to attend.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week.

    Action 1 – Learn about an initiative to roll back the state capital gains tax and what you can do to help fight it


    In 2021 the state legislature passed a historic bill to help to rectify the out-of-balance tax code that we have here in Washington, where our tax system has meant that the poorer you are, the larger percentage of your income you pay in state and local taxes, while the very wealthy get away with paying less than their share. The capital-gains tax that went into effect on January 1st will be paid by 0.2% of our wealthiest residents – about 7,000 people. It is a 7% excise tax on the sale or exchange of capital assets above $250,000, with many exceptions such as sales of real estate, retirement accounts, timber and livestock used in farming or ranching. Sales of family-owned businesses also get a special deduction. 

    It is estimated that $500 million a year will be contributed to the Education Legacy Trust Fund for K-12 education and early learning programs from this tax. Some of these funds are also supposed to bankroll an early education bill, The Fair Start For Kids Act, which was also approved in 2021. This would increase how much the state reimburses child care providers to better match the actual cost of providing childcare. The new law also aims to make child care more affordable by reducing copays and opening up state-funded child care slots to more people. Childcare and early learning has historically lacked a steady income stream and this would be an opportunity to put meaningful and sustainable programs in place.

    Unsurprisingly, there have been court cases filed by Republicans to fight the tax but also of concern is an initiative (I-1929) that was recently filed to repeal the tax, bankrolled by some of the wealthiest people in the state. There are a couple of actions that you can take to fight this initiative today. You can count on it being cleverly worded to disguise the effects of the loss of these funds to our education and early learning systems in Washington. We’ll be keeping an eye on this in the months ahead but here are two quick actions that you can take now.

    Action 1a – Attend the Decline to Sign online kick off rally TODAY – April 4 – at noon! The organization is fighting attempts to repeal the tax and will start its campaign today with an online rally – please register for the link.

    Action 1bPledge to Decline To Sign the initiative and to help to get the word out about it. Let’s not let this initiative get any traction!

    ✊ Action 2 – Take action to create a public utility district (PUD) in east King County–our climate can’t wait!

    • Unlike companies such as Puget Sound Energy (PSE), PUDs are not-for-profit and are locally owned.  In addition, a PUD can prioritize green energy.  In contrast, “PSE indicated that it plans to build a new fossil fuel power plant in 2026… The East King County PUD would have priority access to clean energy from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) on day 1 – years before PSE is even considering reducing its carbon emissions.”
    • If the PUD petition gets enough signatures, the PUD will be on the ballot in November 2022.
    • You are eligible to sign if you are a registered voter living in the proposed PUD area–this includes most residents of Kirkland, Bellevue, Redmond, Woodinville, and Issaquah; check the map on the website to confirm if you can sign. 

    Action 2a. Visit the Yes to East King County PUD website to get more information and sign the petition; encourage local friends and family to sign, too.  You can sign online or print, sign, and mail in a petition. 

    Action 2b. Join with others to write postcards to voters to encourage them to sign.  Elizabeth S. has postcard bundles available for pickup in Kirkland any time, and they’ll also be available at the outdoor in-person postcarding event on Friday April 8.  Contact Elizabeth at for more information or to arrange postcard pickup. 

    Action 2c. Sign up for the campaign’s newsletter or for their in-person signature gathering events or canvassing (knock or no-knock):  Yes to East King County PUD – Volunteer. See all upcoming events here.

    Action 3 – Thank our King County Elections heroes!

    A national organization, Declaration for American Democracy, is gathering support to thank our election workers on April 12th for their hard work during a time of intense political rhetoric around election integrity. There have been more than 850 threats against election workers around the country since the Nov 2020 elections. If you feel inspired, please send a personal Thank You card to King County Elections. This is a non-partisan effort and comments should reflect that.

    Write to the King County Election Director Julie Wise at:

    919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057

    Or Email. You can generate a prefilled email by clicking the link. Please review the email carefully, sign your name and add your CITY before sending:

    ☎ Sample Script (please edit to personalize):

    “Dear Director Julie Wise and King County Election Staff Heroes,

    Our elections are the foundation of our democracy, and your hard work administering them so often goes unacknowledged. I’m writing to thank you for this important work you do, particularly during this time when our elections are under such intense scrutiny. The professionalism and dedication of the staff to this work in King County makes me proud to be a resident of this county. 

    Thank you so much for your dedication to this important work. You truly are our HEROES!


    [NAME] [CITY]”

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    For the Week of Mar 28, 2022

    ? “Madeleine Albright was a force. She defied convention and broke barriers again and again,” President Joe Biden said after her passing last week. As we mourn her passing, we celebrate the ascension of another amazing American – Katanji Brown Jackson – the first Black woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court. Who among us could remain composed as she did while witnessing the GOP clown show during  the confirmation hearings? We look forward to her taking her place in history and serving the American people as the next Supreme Court Justice! 

    ? The Indivisible Town Hall: Fighting Back Against the Right-Wing Attack on Our Schools was packed with valuable perspectives and actions for people to take. If you didn’t get a chance to attend, see this Follow Up Email with links to the recording and other resources. Then, if you’re inspired to get more directly involved,  fill out this Schools Workgroup Google form to join the workgroup, or to be kept up to date on statewide work to support public education. The workgroup’s kickoff meeting was March 25th and included activists and educators from 9 CDs and 16 LDs. 

    ? Consider donating to Seattle Pride, who recently turned down Amazon’s $100,000 sponsorship because of significant strings attached, as well as Amazon’s donations to candidates who vote in ways that are harmful to the LGBTQ community. See Seattle Pride’s statement as well as this Seattle Times article to learn more. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week.

    Action 1 – Learn about the dangers the lack of banking poses for Cannabis retailers 

    The lack of banking services for the cannabis industry has become a catalyst for a very real public safety crisis in Washington State. Due to their forced reliance on cash transactions, cannabis retailers have increasingly become targets for armed robbers. A deadly spate of armed robberies at three cannabis retail stores which resulted in three deaths within four days and the escalation of armed robberies over the last several months have demonstrated the urgent need for Congress to act. 

    On March 29th, the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) will host an online roundtable to discuss safety at cannabis retailers. The LCB will meet with cannabis retailers, elected officials, national SAFE Banking Act advocates, and others to discuss this urgent safety crisis.

    Event Details

    • Tuesday, March 29, 2022,  10 – 11 am
    • Join on your computer or mobile app via Microsoft Teams – Click here to join the meeting
    • Or call in (audio only)
      • 564-999-2000,,168726506# United States, Olympia
      • Phone Conference ID: 168 726 506#

    The listen- and view-only event will include:

    • Perspectives from Michael Correia on national conversations on the SAFE Banking Act;
    • Updates from Treasurer Pellicciotti on his recent lobbying efforts in D.C. to urge Congress to pass the federal SAFE Banking Act;
    • Keiser’s efforts as Chair of the Senate Labor, Commerce and Tribal Affairs Committee work to enact retail safety measures in the state legislature;
    • First-hand experiences and insights of retailers; and
    • LCB Enforcement and Education Division experiences and insights.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE] Protect Medicare from Trump Era Privatization

    During the Trump era, there was a Medicare privatization effort that has taken Traditional Medicare away from millions of seniors without their knowledge or consent. The program, called Medicare Direct Contracting, allows commercial insurers and other for-profit companies to “manage” care for seniors enrolled in Traditional Medicare. Under the program, Medicare does not pay doctors and hospitals directly for seniors’ care. Instead, Medicare gives Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs) a monthly payment to cover a defined portion of each seniors’ medical expenses. DCEs are then allowed to keep what they don’t pay for in health services. This creates a dangerous financial incentive for DCEs to restrict and ration seniors’ care while keeping more of the revenues for overhead and profit.

    On February 24, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) responded to criticism of its Direct Contracting pilot program by … changing the program’s name. CMS announced that Medicare Direct Contracting will come to a close at the end of 2022, and that it will be replaced by the virtually identical REACH model. 

    More Background: Jayapal Leads More than 50 Lawmakers in Urging Biden Administration to Protect Medicare by Ending Trump-Era Privatization Effort

    We need all House Democrats to join with Rep Jayapal in protecting Medicare from Trump Era privatization.

    2a. Use your Rep’s contact form link (above) or email using

    2b. Click here and sign the petition to: Stop the REACH program from taking over Traditional Medicare

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “I am asking [REPRESENTATIVE NAME] to join with Representative Jayapal and sign the letter to the Biden Administration asking for the end of Direct Contracting, a Trump-era privatization tactic that has removed millions of seniors from Traditional Medicare without their knowledge or consent. 

    We must permanently end the Trump program and coordinate the transition of traditional Medicare beneficiaries currently in these programs back into the traditional Medicare model by July 1, 2022.

    Health Care is a top priority for me and I fully expect all House Democrats to sign the letter. 



    [CITY, ZIP]

    Thank you”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [Kirkland and Redmond Residents] Learn about and Give Feedback about Funding for Body Worn Cameras

    Body Worn Cameras used to be considered good, but years of data show that they don’t lower police violence and the footage can be misused. Indivisible Kirkland’s really informative slide deck lays out some of the pros and cons of police departments funding Body Worn Cameras. Excerpts from the slides: 

    • “If our goal is to end police violence, we should question whether body cams are a good investment since research shows they do not stop or even curb police brutality while posing known privacy and civil liberties concerns.” – Jennifer Lee, ACLU WA.  
    • Body cameras are not part of the priority platform for most social justice organizations working in the area of policing and/or race: They’re no longer anywhere in the NAACP’s policy platform, The Movement for Black Lives has never asked for body cams, Black Lives Matter Seattle/King County does not ask for body cams, Eight Can’t Wait doesn’t recommend body cams and The Washington Coalition for Police Accountability isn’t asking for body cams. 
    • Black activists — and even more so Black community members — are definitely not all in agreement on this issue! Right to Breathe definitely said that if body cam footage exists, civilian oversight should have access.

    Please view the slide deck, then give feedback ASAP to your city on their draft funding proposal. Final decisions are being made within the next few weeks. 


    The Kirkland City Council intends to implement a body-worn camera program and is seeking input.  The Council would like to hear from the community on policies and other considerations before making the decision to proceed.  Your feedback will have a direct influence on the Council’s consideration of a body-worn camera program in Kirkland.


    The City of Redmond is engaging community members about how to continue to fund Redmond’s police and fire services today and into the future. Community safety affects us all. The city wants your feedback on the draft plan to ensure they understand your priorities in community safety. Your responses will be used to inform the draft plan that Mayor Birney will present to the City Council in May.  

    Calendar of Events

    Save the Date

    • Wed May 4 – Sat 7 –  Crosscut Festival. Virtual and in-person options available. 
    • Sat May 21, 3-4:30 pm – IE Monthly Member Meeting. Register once for the whole year.
    • Sat June 18, 12-3 – IE Monthly Member Meeting – in person – more details to come! 

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Mar 21, 2022

    ? Thank you to those who attended the IE group meeting on Saturday. If you missed it or want to refer back to something that was discussed you can check out the NOTES HERE.

    ? Want to know how you can help Indivisibles in CD-8? Indivisibles in CD-8 have already started planning out their first steps for this midterm election cycle to re-elect Representative Dr. Kim Schrier. Let them know that you are interested in helping by filling out this quick survey!

    ? A new Washington Indivisible Network workgroup is forming to provide coordinated messaging in response to attacks on public education.  The workgroup will be a communications resource for Indivisible groups, as well as other groups whose goals align. If you’re interested in participating, or just want to receive updates, please fill out this short Google Form. The work group’s first meeting will be the week of March 21st. Contact Joan Yim at with questions.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week. 

    Action 1 – More ways to help the Ukraine effort

    From A Mighty Girl and World Central Kitchen

    Action a) Fight Russian propaganda: By now most everyone has heard about Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at Russia’s state-run Channel One television station, who burst onto the set of the live nightly news broadcast tonight shouting “Stop the war. No to war.” She held a sign reading: “Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here.” It was signed in English: “Russians against the war”. The Russian Human Rights group OVD-Info later released a pre-recorded video she had made. You can support Russian activist’s fight against Putin’s propaganda by donating to OVD-Info through this Global Giving Platform

    Action b) Feed those in need: World Central Kitchen is an incredible organization founded by world renowned chef José Andrés. His organization has fed millions of people in need all over the world when disaster strikes. Read this compelling first person account of a volunteer who just arrived to help in Europe. You can support World Central Kitchen’s work by donating HERE

    ??We continue to hold the Ukrainian people in our hearts. Please watch this beautiful video of violinists around the world.

    Action 2 – Support King County’s Health Through Housing Initiative

    From Indivisible WA 8th

    Up to 1/3 of homeless people report being disabled or suffering from a chronic health problem, and 20% report having a chronic brain injury.  People in this situation are heavily overrepresented in the homeless population. Permanent supportive housing has been demonstrated to provide an important way for them to get the support and care they need.  

    King County is working to address this situation through its Health Through Housing (HTH) initiative, a regional approach to chronic homelessness on a countywide scale.  Partnering with local jurisdictions, the County looks to create up to 1,600 emergency and permanent supportive housing units for people experiencing and at risk of chronic homelessness.  By acquiring existing facilities, such as former hotels, nursing homes and similar properties, HTH quickly creates housing that is dignified, protective and service enriched.

    Unfortunately, harmful myths about such purchases have spread rapidly about recent hotel purchases in Redmond and Bellevue, fueled by disinformation and misconceptions about the initiative and about publicly-owned housing more broadly. Please let the King County Council know that you support HTH by taking action using this link.

    Action 3 –Tell Boeing to Stop Funding Those Who Undermine Democracy

    From Fix Democracy First

    On January 6th, 2021, 147 Members of Congress voted against the certification of the official results of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, won by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This was an act of sedition that attempted to undermine the vote of the people and the democratic government of the United States of America.

    One week later, the Boeing Company responded with a statement that read in part, “We are not making political contributions at this time. We will continue to carefully evaluate future contributions to ensure that we support those who not only support our company, but also uphold our country’s most fundamental principles.” Since that time however, Boeing’s Political Action Committee (PAC) has donated a combined $190,000 to those very same Members of Congress who voted to deny the American people the fundamental right of self-governance.

    Please sign the Fix Democracy First petition asking Boeing to permanently withdraw their funding of these members of Congress.

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    For the Week of Mar 14, 2022

    ?Please continue to support Ukraine with your donations. These suggestions come from local resident Yuliia M., who is also collecting medical-related donations for They will ship them directly to Ukraine. You can contact her directly at

    ? Thank you to those who attended the recent WIN Town Hall on ‘Fighting Back Against GOP Attacks On Our Schools’. If you were not able to be there, here’s a link to the recording

    ? Don’t forget to register for our next monthly meeting via Zoom on Sat. Mar. 19, from 3:00- 4:30. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week. 

    Action 1 – Call on Congress and President Biden to declare a climate emergency


    Given the difficulty of passing important legislation due to the intransigence of certain Democratic senators, Indivisible National is launching a campaign to take action via Executive Actions. Climate change is one of the first priorities of this campaign.

    As we have seen in recent weeks, our dependence on non-renewable energy sources is not only leading us to disaster but is also a national security issue. Although in the short term the administration is desperately trying to shore up our supply of oil due to the war in Ukraine, this cannot be allowed to distract us from the goal of reducing its long term impact. The need to act on this issue has never been greater.

    The campaign is asking the President to declare a national climate emergency and mobilize our nation’s resources on a massive scale to transition to clean renewable energy and create millions of good paying green jobs. The sooner that this process begins, the better. President Biden has the authority to declare a climate emergency with the power of his signature. But he needs to hear from us that we want him to get it done!

    Please contact President Biden and your congressional legislators and ask them to strongly support this proposal. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “The science is clear that we have very little time left to make the drastic changes needed to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis. We are asking the President to declare a national climate emergency and mobilize our nation’s resources on a massive scale to transition to clean renewable energy and create millions of good paying green jobs.

    Declaring a climate emergency will:

    • help us transition to clean renewable energy faster. It’s time to mobilize our domestic industry to manufacture clean energy technologies and build out our renewable energy infrastructure. This will allow the U.S. to quickly reduce our dependence on dirty fossil fuels and transition to a clean energy future.
    • create a lot of good jobs. In order to build out the infrastructure needed to accomplish our clean energy goals we will create a lot of new jobs. It is critical that we demand these jobs include high labor standards, good wages, and strong benefits.

    Thank you.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [Bellevue residents] Ask the Bellevue City Council to protect the city’s trees

    If you live or work in Bellevue, you might not be entirely surprised to learn that there are very few protections in place for trees in the city, which is becoming more apparent as development runs rampant through our neighborhoods. Those rules that do exist are lightly enforced, and we see plenty of lots that are denuded of all of their trees on a regular basis. In comparison to other local cities, Bellevue is far behind in protections. A new organization, Trees 4 Livability, intends to address that and has a petition that you can sign. The goal is to have it brought to the council’s attention in time for their March retreat, so please do it today! The website takes a comprehensive look at the state of Bellevue’s trees and is a great resource. Once large trees are removed from our landscapes, they cannot be replaced in our lifetimes and we lose all of their many benefits.

    Action 3 – Get involved in initiatives to improve your city

    ? Action 3a Local cities are currently working on their Comprehensive Plans. It’s important to be involved in these early discussions as they will set the values on decisions that will be made around growth and development for decades to come. You can have a say in this!

    • If you live in Bellevue, the second community conversation will be held on March 22nd, from 6:00-8:00 pm. To participate, please register for updates and you will receive invitations to the meetings. These meetings are interactive and very informative so please encourage others, especially the young people in your lives, to participate too. 
    • Kirkland is updating their comprehensive plan (K2044). Read through the plan website, and stay involved by signing up to receive updates
    • Redmond is working on their plan to shape what the city will look like in 2050. Learn more about the plan and then get involved by providing your input using the questionnaires on this page

    ? Action 3b  Many local cities are going to be participating in a Climate Action Challenge over the next few months. If you live in Redmond, their program is already up and running. You can check out their website to see how it works. There are actions that you can take as a household, or as a team, to try to reduce your environmental impact and you can track your declining carbon footprint as you make changes at home. (Bellevue, Issaquah and Mercer Island will follow soon but you don’t have to live in a participating city to take part.) There is no cost to the program.

    Calendar of Events

    Save the Date

    • Sat April 23, 3-4:30 pm – IE Monthly Member Meeting. Register once for the whole year.
    • Wed May 4 – Sat May 7 –  Crosscut Festival. Virtual and in-person options available. 
    • Sat May 21, 3-4:30 pm – IE Monthly Member Meeting. Register once for the whole year.
    • Sat June 18, 12-3 – IE Monthly Member Meeting – in person – more details to come! 

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Mar 7, 2022

    ? Join Washington Indivisible Network at a virtual Town Hall on  Fighting Back Against the Right-Wing Attack on Our Schools, to learn about the movement to destroy our public schools and hear how we can fight back. Tuesday, March 8th at 7pm. Register HERE

    ? Credit for the artwork above goes to local garden writer Lorene Edwards-Forkner, with her permission. Finding solace in art and nature in times such as these is one way we can take a breath. We need to stay engaged but also to find ways to not be subsumed by despair about world events.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week. We are repeating two from last week, with additional resources and information, as they are still of the highest priority:

    Action 1 – Continue to support Ukraine

    As the war in Ukraine moves into its third week, we continue to follow and support the bravery of its people, leaders, and troops. It has been heartening to see the support from people around the world, including within Russia. It’s also been interesting to watch the GOP infighting, between the traditionalists who see Putin for the tyrant that he is and the followers of the former president who are firmly in support of his autocratic ways and would like nothing more than to emulate them here at home.

    • You can directly support Ukrainian organizations by donating several different ways, as described HERE (scroll down for donation links). You can also find ways to help via the Ukrainian Association of Washington State. Their page also has information about ongoing local protests in support of Ukraine. Links to mainstream aid organizations can be found via NPR and the Guardian.Indivisible Eastside has not vetted the donation links for these organizations. Although we believe these causes to be legitimate, we cannot guarantee that, and you should donate using your own discretion.
    • For reporting by Ukrainian journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence, we suggest supporting The Kyiv Independent, Ukraine’s English-language media outlet. You can donate to them by going to GoFundMe or Patreon.

    Action 2 – Support trans youth in Texas and across the US

    Since the recent order by Texas Governor Greg Abbott requiring investigation of families and medical providers supporting medical treatments for trans youth, there have been a few developments:

    • A Texas judge issued a temporary order halting the investigation by the Department of Family and Protective Services into the parents of a 16-year-old girl. There will be a further hearing on March 11th on whether to issue a broader temporary order blocking enforcement of Abbott’s directive. However this does not affect other ongoing investigations and the ruling has been appealed.
    • The Biden administration has begun to put policies in place to protect transgender youth and their parents, based on the privacy and legal rights that are being violated by this order. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Children’s Bureau, two agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services, both unveiled comprehensive memos warning that policies like Texas’ are not only “dangerous,” but discriminate against trans people and violate their medical rights under U.S. law.

    However, the top strategist for Mr. Abbott’s re-election campaign, David Carney, said recently that being against medical treatment for transgender children, and treating it as child abuse, was a “winning issue” for the governor. Mr. Abbott is running for a third term in November. This chilling misuse of Child Protective Services to attack the very population that they should be helping is a campaign strategy that cannot be allowed to continue. Furthermore, Alabama is not far behind them. The Alabama Judiciary Committee is currently debating a bill which would make gender affirming care for trans teens a felony for anyone who “causes them” to obtain it. It is expected to pass. Many other states, including Idaho, have laws at various stages of development that would curtail trans youth’s access to the medical services that they need.

    If you are able, please support trans youth and their families. 

    Donate to legal organizations who are fighting these and other bad bills in state courts across the country. Lambda Legal and the ACLU are in the front lines of this fight and could use everyone’s support in what is likely to be a long and expensive battle to protect trans kids.

    Donate to organizations offering direct support:

    The Trevor Project


    Thrive Youth Center

    Out Youth

    The ACLU has a Guide to Talking About Attacks on Trans Youth for those who feel unsure about having these conversations.

    Action 3 – Thank Representative DelBene for her work on saving the Redmond Sorting Office

    In some much needed good news, it has been announced that the proposed closure of the Redmond mail processing center, a move which would have impacted a million people in its service area, has been stopped. Since the proposed closure was announced there has been much pressure to rescind the decision, including by our members. Many of you were involved in distributing flyers in 2020 to support the USPS – thank you! Representative Suzan DelBene has worked hard to prevent this closure and we should thank her for her work. Whether or not you are a constituent of hers, please send her a note or call her office to thank her for her work on resolving this issue. This result impacts the residents of 17 cities served by the Redmond office.

    ☎ Sample Script (edit as necessary):

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY, ZIP]. I am writing/calling to thank you for your work on keeping the mail processing facility in Redmond open. I am a member of Indivisible Eastside, and we have advocated for this since the proposed closure was announced. We are thrilled to learn that, largely due to your work, it will stay open. We appreciate your diligence and focus on this important issue for our area.

    Thank you.



    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of Events

    Save the Date

    • Sat April 23, 3-4:30 pm – IE Monthly Member Meeting 
    • Sat May 21, 3-4:30 pm – IE Monthly Member Meeting
    • Sat June 18, 12-3 – IE Monthly Member Meeting – in person – more details to come! 

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Feb 28, 2022

    ? As Black History Month closes, this is an ideal time for Under the Blacklight to bring this war on our collective struggle to light as we collectively organize to resist and fight. In the wake of the plethora of anti-Critical Race Theory bills that assault curricula in classrooms and muzzle conversations about anti-racism, the panel will address the urgent need to push back against this configuration of right wing organizing. 

    ? President Biden announced Friday the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court seat vacated by Justice Breyer’s retirement. Justice Jackson will be the first Black woman to serve on the court in its 233 year history. Elie Mystal wrote a great piece about this highly qualified nomination.

    ? Join Washington Indivisible Network for their town hall, Fighting Back Against the Right-Wing Attack on Our Schools, to learn about the movement to destroy out public schools and hear how we can fight back. Tuesday, March 8th at 7pm. Register HERE

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Support Ukraine

    Early Thursday morning, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine, raining bombs down on military sites and airports all over the country. His rambling speech gave no coherent justification for the invasion. Autocratic leaders like Putin play these war games to stroke their personal ego, but it is the citizens of Ukraine that suffer. To understand better the dynamics at play here, read Timothy Snyder’s blog about the topic. 

    • You can support Ukraine by donating several different ways, as described  HERE* (scroll down for donation links). 
    • Support The Kyiv Independent, Ukraine’s English-language media outlet, created by journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence. GoFundMe or Patreon
    • This is a site to support Ukraine shared by WA State Democrats Party Chair Tina Podlowdowski. 

    *Indivisible Eastside has not vetted the donation links for these organizations. Although we believe these organizations to be legitimate, we cannot guarantee that and you should use discretion when donating.. 

    Action 2 – Support Trans Youth in Texas

    Texas Governor Abbott is at it again. This week, after a bill in the legislature banning gender affirming care failed to garner enough support last year, Texas Attorney General Paxton issued a statement that gender affirming care is already banned in the state, using child abuse laws as his basis. Just four days after the AG gave his report, Abbott declared that ordinary citizens must now report anyone who allows children to undergo gender affirming care. He has taken this from the earlier abortion ban playbook allowing vigilante enforcement in SB8 that the Supreme Court has upheld. Listen to this informative podcast about gender affirming care to learn how life saving it can be, or read this NYT bestselling book, Becoming Nicole, to understand the struggle. The ACLU has a Guide to Talking About Attacks on Trans Youth for those who feel unsure about having these conversations.

    Donate to help Trans Youth

    Fiesta Youth

    Thrive Youth Center

    Out Youth

    See this Twitter thread for more Trans organizations in Texas to support. 

    Action 3 – Keep Masks in Schools

    Adapted from Seattle Indivisible

    Governor Inslee announced an end to the mask mandate for Washington schools (among other indoor locations) starting  on March 21st. While case counts are dropping, vaccination rates for school-age children are still low. Less than 50% of children from 5-11 have received at least 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Schools should be safe places for immunocompromised students, teachers and staff, those who can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons, or for whom vaccines won’t work. Schools have the choice to continue mask mandates, and school board members  have been hearing from anti-mask people (many not locals). 

    Please  contact the King County Executive, King County Council, and your local school board to urge them to keep a mask mandate. You can click on the email link to generate a prefilled email. Please review the email carefully, sign your name and add your City and Zipcode before sending.

    Dow Constantine, King County Executive:

    King County Council:

    Email your local school board (in your email, please indicate the city you live in as some are tallying local constituents):

    Lake Washington SD email 

    Bellevue SD email  

    Northshore SD email  

    Issaquah SD email 

    ? Sample script:

    “I’m writing because I’m concerned that Governor Inslee has announced that the indoor mask mandate for schools is set to end on March 21st. While it’s encouraging that COVID-19 cases are dropping, vaccination rates for school-age children are still too low. Less than 50% of children from ages 5-11 have received both doses of the vaccine. Schools should be safe for immunocompromised students, teachers and staff, and those for whom vaccines won’t work. I urge you to please reinstate the indoor mask policy for schools, so ALL of our students can be safe.

    Thank you. 


    [CITY, ZIP]”

    Calendar of Events

    Previously Recorded Events of Interest:

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    For the Week of Feb 21, 2022 

    ? If you missed our monthly meeting last Saturday, here are the notes and recording. Next month’s meeting will be March 19th. Register once for the whole year of IE group meetings. 

    ? Join Indivisible Eastside at safe, friendly in-person postcard-writing events! Our first session will be Friday, February 25th from 1:00-3:00 pm and every other Friday after that. It is a great outdoor location in Kirkland. More details HERE. Vote Forward is also resuming letter writing, so start writing today by logging in or signing up on the Vote Forward website. 

    ? In celebration of Black History Month, here are two wonderful learning opportunities recommended by members. 

    • BlackPast Visual Timelines in partnership with Histropedia Ltd., a London, England-based web timeline tech company, has introduced the most comprehensive African American history Timeline on the Internet. Starting in the year 1526 and extending to 2022, this timeline with nearly 700 separate entries, recalls the major political, social, and economic developments in Black history in the United States and the people who made them happen. 
    • MasterClass: Black History Black Freedom and Black Love – Seven preeminent voices including Angela Davis, Nikole Hannah-Jones (1619 project), and Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw (critical race theory) share their insight on the reckoning with race in America in three parts: past, present, and future. Gain a foundational understanding of the history of white supremacy and discover a path forward through the limitless capacity and resilience of Black love. Free during Black History Month.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – [US SENATE] Nominate a progressive Black woman for SCOTUS

    From Indivisible

    For decades, Republicans and conservative dark-money groups have dedicated themselves to the complete takeover of our federal judiciary. Republicans have filled the courts with far-right extremists, all but guaranteeing legal outcomes that have destroyed voting rights, eroded access to legal abortions, and more. 

    Now, Justice Stephen Breyer is set to retire from the Supreme Court at the end of this term. The current balance on the Supreme Court is skewed 6-3 to conservatives — and we cannot afford to lose another seat. With so much at stake, it is of the utmost importance that the person nominated to replace Justice Breyer upholds his legacy of protecting our constitutional rights and also represents those most affected by Supreme Court rulings.

    President Biden reaffirmed that he will nominate a Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Senators must ensure President Biden nominates a strong progressive, and then speedily confirm President Biden’s nominee.

    Call your Senators now and tell them you want them to urge President Biden to nominate a progressive Black woman who represents the diversity of this country. Then, demand they move with all deliberate speed to confirm her.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I am calling to ask you to urge President Biden to nominate a strong progressive Black woman for the open seat on the Supreme Court. Once that progressive candidate is nominated, please move quickly to confirm her. The Republicans’ dedication to placing far-right justices on the court must be offset, when the opportunity arises, with progressives that will represent those most affected by the recent devastating Supreme Court rulings.

    Thank you.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Plant a Tree in honor of IE’s 5th Anniversary!

    Last month we celebrated our 5th (Wood) Anniversary, and at our meeting we encouraged everyone to plant a tree. As the weather gets warmer, now is the time! There are many ways to do this, even if you don’t have a yard. 

    ? King County has a 3 million trees program where you can volunteer.

    ? Forterra in Redmond is holding a tree planting event next month. 

    ? The City of Kirkland will pay you to plant trees!

    ? In Bellevue, is giving away trees to residents.

    Action 3 – Get involved in your city’s Comprehensive Plan

    What we have really learned over the past 5 years is that it is not only important to pay attention to national politics, it is also important to get involved in local governance. Cities in our area are working on their Comprehensive Plans, and now is the time to get involved and submit your input on what direction you want your city to go. 

    ? Bellevue is updating its comprehensive plan (Bellevue 2044). Learn more about the plan and then register for updates. There are also some immediate questionnaires you can fill out to give your input on specific topics like curb management (it’s more interesting than it sounds!), road safety near schools, and parks and open spaces.  

    ? Kirkland is updating their comprehensive plan (K2044). Read through the plan website, and stay involved by signing up to receive updates

    ? Redmond is working on their plan to shape what the city will look like in 2050. Learn more about the plan and then get involved by providing your input using the questionnaires on this page

    ? Bonus Action: King County Council District 6 has a survey open right now for constituents to give their input on priorities for the district. Please fill out the survey HERE.

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    For the Week of Feb 14, 2022 

    ❤️ Join Indivisible Eastside for our Monthly Meeting Saturday February 19, 3-4:30. The Racial Equity Policing and Mental Health Crisis Response group will report on the work they’re doing. Register once for the whole year of IE group meetings. 

    ❤️ Tomorrow Feb 15th is the state legislature’s chamber cut-off deadline, and there are a number of bills in danger of “dying”. State Legislative actions promoted by Indivisible Eastside can all be found on IE’s Take Action Network page. Your help is very much needed at this crucial point. TAN makes it so easy to email your legislators in support or opposition of these bills. 

    ❤️ In celebration of Black History Month, here are two wonderful learning opportunities recommended by members. 

    • BlackPast Visual Timelines in partnership with Histropedia Ltd., a London, England-based web timeline tech company, has introduced the most comprehensive African American history Timeline on the Internet. Starting in the year 1526 and extending to 2022, this timeline with nearly 700 separate entries, recalls the major political, social, and economic developments in Black history in the United States and the people who made them happen. 
    • MasterClass: Black History Black Freedom and Black Love – Seven preeminent voices including Angela Davis, Nikole Hannah-Jones (1619 project), and Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw (critical race theory) share their insight on the reckoning with race in America in three parts: past, present, and future. Gain a foundational understanding of the history of white supremacy and discover a path forward through the limitless capacity and resilience of Black love. Free during Black History Month.

    ❤️Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – [Kirkland City Council] Thank Kirkland City Council for supporting King County’s Health Through Housing Initiative

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    The Coalition on Homelessness has asked residents of Kirkland and Bellevue to thank Kirkland City Council for working with King County on the county’s plans to purchase the La Quinta Inn for use as permanent supportive housing. This is important due to the organized resistance to providing supportive housing on the Eastside. One sentence is enough and preferably before Tuesday’s City Council meeting.  

    Community members in Kirkland received mailers from Safe Eastside that included false claims that the La Quinta Inn will be a safe injection site. The organization used the same messaging in Redmond, where King County purchased another property earlier this year. Read more …

    Please send a short supportive email. You can generate a prefilled email by clicking on the link. Please review the email carefully, add your name before sending: 

    Subject: Thank you for supporting King County’s Health through Housing Initiative

    Sample script:

    Thank you for your work assisting King County’s Health through Housing Initiative to provide safe stable supportive housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness. 

    Bonus action: Sign up with the City of Kirkland to receive updates on the Health Through Housing initiative. 

    Background from the Kirkland City Website: King County’s Health Through Housing Initiative establishes partnerships with local jurisdictions County-wide to create 1,600 permanent supporting housing units for people experiencing chronic homelessness by the end of 2022.  The Initiative consists of King County purchasing hotels or similar facilities, and each site includes 24/7 staffing that offers case management, employment counseling, and medical/behavioral healthcare.  This Initiative aims to support residents who are not supported through other housing program models. Read more…

    Action 2 – [Washington Legislature] Ask your legislator to support $30M for Refugee Resettlement

    From Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network

    Resettlement agencies and community-based organizations are at the forefront of helping all refugees arriving in the state with food, housing, and all the other supportive services they need to start a new life.

    In the last 5 months, these organizations have also supported the resettlement of nearly 3,000 Afghan arrivals that are seeking protection from the regime that has taken over Afghanistan in the wake of the United State’s chaotic withdrawal from the country after two decades of war. Community organizations need additional funding to support all refugees in our state.

    Please support the budget request by Rep. My-Linh Thai for $30 million in state funding for refugee resettlement in Washington state by sending an email to your legislator.

    The $30 million would allocate one-time funding to the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance at DSHS to support organizations across Washington State to strengthen and add capacity to their ability to serve refugees.

    Please use THIS LINK to email your legislators and ask them to support the budget ask for $30 million in state funding for refugee resettlement in Washington state.

    Action 3 [US HOUSE] Co-sponsor the Judiciary Act of 2021

    From Take Back the Courts and Indivisible National

    The last time Congress changed the size of the Supreme Court it settled on 9 justices to match the number of judicial circuits. But while the number of circuit courts has increased over time to keep up with an increasing caseload, the same is not true of the number of justices: today we have 13 circuit courts but only 9 Supreme Court justices.

    The Judiciary Act of 2021 would add 4 seats, taking the size of the court from 9 to 13 justices to match the number of circuit courts, while also directly countering Republican efforts to pack the Court. The introduction of this historic piece of legislation under the leadership of Senator Markey, Chairman Johnson, Chairman Nadler, and Congressman Jones is a critical step toward restoring balance to the Supreme Court.

    More than 50 members of Congress headed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus, have come out in support of The Judiciary Act of 2021, but so far only Rep. Pramila Jayapal is a co-sponsor. 

    Action: Ask your Representative to co-sponsor The Judiciary Act of 2021.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “I’m asking you to co-sponsor The Judiciary Act of 2021. Supreme Court expansion is necessary to restore balance to the court after four years of Republican anti-democratic attempts to take over our judiciary. The Supreme Court is only legitimate as long as we can trust that the justices are fair arbiters of the law and constitution. After four years of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, I’m no longer confident that it is. 

    Thank you,

    [NAME], [CITY, ZIP]”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

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    For the Week of Feb 7, 2022

    ? Last chance to vote in local elections. 

    • Drop your ballot for school levies in a ballot drop box before 8pm Feb 8th!
    • King Conservation District ballots are onlineVote by 8pm Feb. 8th.

    ? The League of Women Voters now has its directory of elected officials online. It contains contact information for local elected officials as well as the county council, school boards, Washington State officials, legislative committees, political parties and more, with links to websites and emails. 

    ? State Legislative actions promoted by Indivisible Eastside can all be found on IE’s Take Action Network page. Visit a couple of times each week as new actions are being created every day, and legislators are taking notice of our activism. Thank you to all who contact your legislators and sign-in for legislative hearings. 

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – [Educators] Say YES to books!

    “In Wyoming, a county prosecutor’s office considered charges against library employees for stocking books like “Sex Is a Funny Word” and “This Book Is Gay.” In Oklahoma, a bill was introduced in the state Senate that would prohibit public school libraries from keeping books on hand that focus on sexual activity, sexual identity or gender identity. In Tennessee, the McMinn County Board of Education voted to remove the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel “Maus” from an eighth-grade module on the Holocaust because of nudity and curse words. Parents, activists, school board officials and lawmakers around the country are challenging books at a pace not seen in decades. Read more in the New York Times

    These attempts to censor what is available to our students and the public are all part of a larger push to shut down conversations of systemic racism, to erase members of the  LGBTQ+ community, and to privatize our public schools. That’s a lot to push back on and there are lots of organizations working on different parts of this. 

    What can you do to push back against efforts to ban books? 

    1. Read up on the groundswell of efforts to ban books:
    2. Contact your local School Board or County Library system with a supportive message such as the one below. You can click on the email links below to generate prefilled emails. Please review the email carefully, and sign your name before sending it:Lake Washington SD email boardmembers@lwsd.orgBellevue SD email

      Northshore SD email

      Issaquah SD email

      I support ___ School District offering a wide variety of books and topics to our students. Parents or guardians have the right and responsibility to make decisions about what materials are suitable for their own family. No one has the right to make rules restricting what other people use, or to make decisions for other families. Please reject book challenges so that a diversity of thought is available to young people.  

      Sometimes young people seek information from libraries when they are embarrassed or uncomfortable about asking an adult. Factual information from the library can ease their fears and even keep them safe from harm.

      Banning books is essentially blocking off a whole world of thought.

      Young people need access to writing on a variety of topics and life challenges. When a person reads about someone going through something similar to a challenge they may face, they feel less alone, more understood.

      Having the opportunity to discuss difficult topics in a classroom setting can be beneficial to understanding the complexities of life. Teachers are highly skilled at guiding students to explore and discuss writings.

    Action 2 – Help organizations provide access to abortion care

    Roe v. Wade was issued just over 49 years ago, and in the months ahead, we’re faced with the very real possibility that the Supreme Court could effectively overturn it. Conservative lawmakers in at least 29 states have been racing to pass new anti-abortion restrictions, reducing or eliminating abortion care access to women around the country. (from the What a Day Podcast – Where We Stand In The Fight For Reproductive Justice)

    We can help by donating to organizations on the ground fighting to keep access to abortion available to those that need it. 

    If you have the means, please donate to:

    • National Network of Abortion Funds – removing financial and logistical barriers to abortion access.
    • Keep Our Clinics – Independent providers serve three out of every five people who have an abortion, yet they receive only a fraction of public support.
    • All* Above All – a women of color-led effort to restore and sustain public insurance coverage of abortion, and educate policymakers and the public about the harm of abortion bans, especially for those unable to make ends meet.

    Action 3 – Sign the East King County PUD petition ONLINE!

    At our January meeting Barbra C shared information about the efforts to create a Public Utility District (PUD) for East King County (EKC). If you’re ready to take action:

    1. If you are a registered voter and live within the proposed PUD service area you can sign the petition to create a PUD digitally on any touchscreen device.
    2. Share the digital petition with your friends and neighbors in the service area.

    The information below is from the Yes to EKC-PUD FAQ web page. The full website contains lots more about the proposal. 

    Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is a foreign-owned, for-profit monopoly that provides electricity and/or natural gas in 10 counties in Washington State, including East King County. The last 10-15 years of PSE’s history is key to understanding the challenges the company faces today.

    By contrast, Public utility districts (PUDs) are community-owned, locally-regulated utilities that are formed by a vote of the people. Unlike investor-owned utilities, public utility districts are run by an elected, nonpartisan board of commissioners who are directly accountable to the voters. Across the country, approximately 2,000 consumer-owned utilities provide electricity to 49 million people in 49 U.S. states.

    The EKC-PUD would be an electric utility owned by the residents of the PUD service area, focused on meeting our goals for clean energy independence, lower costs, and better reliability.

    To replace PSE with EKC-PUD:

    1. Collect the signatures of 30,000 registered voters who reside within the proposed East King County PUD. This places the measure on the General Election ballot in November 2022.
    2. Appearing on that same ballot will be candidates for the three PUD commissioner seats, each representing a different region of the PUD.
    3. If the measure passes, the newly-formed PUD would start negotiating the purchase of all the electrical infrastructure within the intended service area.
    4. The PUD will hire appropriate staff and build administrative infrastructure before becoming fully operational. The entire process from voter passage to full PUD operation took 4.5 years in the more recent example of such a transition in Jefferson County. It was completed in 2013. You can read about how that transition looked as of 2015 here.

    The campaign is in the signature gathering phase and GREAT NEWS! If you  are a registered voter and live within the proposed PUD service area you can sign the petition digitally on any touchscreen device, so sign today!

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    For the Week of Jan 31, 2022

    ? Don’t forget to vote in local elections before Feb 8th!

    ? Our area blood supply is still dangerously low. Please consider donating now if you are eligible.

    ? Black History Month starts on Feb 1. This year’s theme is Black History and Wellness. A great way to start the month would be to check out these books and these events for an in-depth look at the topic.

    ? Shout out to Indivisible Eastside’s Alphabet Resistance in this Sierra Club video! Can you spot us?

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Support ‘Yes to East King County PUD’

    At our last group meeting we heard from our friends at Yes to East King County PUD about their campaign for a locally controlled and elected public utility district. PUDs are not new to our state – they serve millions of customers in Washington and have done so for almost 100 years. There are several new actions that you can take to help the campaign, which aims to collect 35,000 valid signatures from registered voters who live in the proposed PUD area in order to qualify a ballot initiative for the November 2022 election. 

    • You can print petitions to sign and mail from home. (The ability to sign petitions electronically should be available soon). The deadline for mailing in petitions is June 3rd, 2022.
    • You can sign up to write postcards for the campaign. The postcards will let voters in the EKC PUD service area know about the campaign and invite them to sign the petition. The campaign will provide the postcards, message, and mailing addresses; you provide the stamps.

    Action 2 –  Take action to support 2022 electoral candidates

    It’s not too soon to start thinking about ways to get behind candidates who will be running in this year’s elections. We have several actions that you can take right away.

    • From Elizabeth S. –  Please consider postcarding for the March 1st primary election in Texas! Their governor is up for election this year—Abbott is running for re-election and Beto is a challenger. From Center for Common Ground: “Right now, Texas mail-in ballot applications are being rejected by the thousands. So-called “paper shortages” are preventing folks from registering to vote. This is intentional and evil, and we need your help to fight back.” Elizabeth has this organization’s postcards available for pickup (in Kirkland), so please email her at if you’d like a bundle. Postcards must be mailed no later than February 14. She can get you an address list and instructions, too, or if you prefer, you can sign up on your own. Phonebanking is also available for this campaign. There is currently no textbanking but that could change.
    • Help Congresswoman Kim Schrier retain her seat as Representative for Washington’s 8th Congressional District by donating to her campaign. Remember, early money is key in elections! National Republicans have named Rep. Kim Schrier’s district a top target for the midterms, so she needs your help to build another winning campaign.

    Action 3 – Support local and alternative media!

    Do you get frustrated by the lack of in-depth coverage of Eastside issues by our Seattle-area media? An example of this is the lack of interest shown in our recent problematic school board races, which was only covered initially by The Stranger, despite the efforts of many people to get the attention of other media. There are several excellent organizations which are starting to show more interest in covering the Eastside. If we keep bringing our stories to their attention and letting them know that we support them we can get more visibility for our issues. Please support them by reading and following them on social media, and donating if you can.

    Some sources of great local and regional reporting are The Urbanist (please read the article by IE member Chris Randels from Jan 25th),  Converge Media , Malcontent News, Rainier Avenue Radio, South Seattle Emerald, Real Change News and the Northwest Progressive Institute. Check them out, and support as you can!

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    For the Week of Jan 24, 2022

    ? Thank you for joining us for our first group meeting of 2022, and Happy 5th Birthday to us! You can read the meeting notes here if you weren’t able to join us.

    ? Our area blood supply is still dangerously low. Please consider donating now if you are eligible.  

    ? Bellevue City Council has an opening on the Human Services Commission.  Applications are due by Jan 28. 

    ?The Washington State Tax Structure Work Group is interested in getting input from individual taxpayers and businesses through these surveys that will be open through January 31, 2022. 

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Thank our Senators for their efforts to protect our voting rights

    There’s no question that last week’s Senate vote on voting rights, while expected, was beyond disappointing. The Republicans are now closer to taking the majority in 2022 and the White House in 2024. However, it’s important to say that this fight is not over, and that all of our efforts over the past year HAVE made a difference. As noted by our Indivisible regional organizer Nina Moussavi, one year ago, we had MAYBE 10 Senators who were willing to publicly support filibuster reform. It was a minority opinion EVEN in the Democratic party. Both of our Senators were vocal supporters of the “institution” of the Senate. Last week, 48 Senators voted in favor of filibuster reform, with Senators Cantwell and Murray making public statements of support, even taking to the Senate Floor to do it. THAT is the definition of progress. We are in a much better place than we were one year ago today and we will keep fighting.

    Please contact our Senators and let them know that we appreciate their willingness to stand up for democracy, and that we are counting on them to stay in the fight for as long as it takes. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I am calling to thank you for your vocal support for eliminating the filibuster in order to pass HR 5746, the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. While I am very disappointed that the bill did not pass, I appreciate your change in position in order to protect our voting rights, and am counting on you to keep fighting for them.

    Thank you.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 –  Stay in the fight for democracy and refocus on the 2022 elections

    We should all take a breath to rest and reflect after the disappointments of the past few weeks, but we know that the fight for democracy will pick up the pace again with critical midterm elections this year. It’s time to focus on those races, primaries as well as the general. There are multiple areas where it will be important to be involved.

    As the fight over voting rights has shown, efforts to win over conservative Democrats take a huge amount of time, energy, and money, and in the end accomplish nothing. Going forward we need to make them irrelevant by electing more Democratic senators. There are several critical races this year that will determine whether or not Democrats retain control of the Senate. Please acquaint yourself with these races and make a plan for how you can help Democrats win. We will be sharing resources to do that in the months ahead.

    We also need to pay close attention to races for Governor. In 2022, the governorships of the top six presidential battleground states (PA, NV, MI, WI, GA, AZ) are up and all six races are toss-ups. You can donate to those races via this article from Dan Pfeifer. 

    Secretaries of State races will be critical to protecting voting rights. The Republican political group that funds Secretary of State races raised $33 million last year. The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State raised just $1 million in the first half of last year. You can help narrow that gap by donating here

    A great place to dive into the issues is the latest Midterm Election Update Indivisible Podcast. Stephan Cox talks to Kevin Jones from Indivisible Vashon for a comprehensive look at the races to watch. 

    Bookmark the GOTV guide put together by Indivisible Vashon for constantly updated information on races across the state and country. As we re-group let’s collectively get up to speed and think about how we can best be involved in the fight for democracy.

    Action 3 –  Vote in important local elections!

    Action 3a – Vote YES! on school levies 

    Ballots have been mailed out for the Feb. 8th Special Election – our schools need our support now more than ever! The pandemic has been very hard on school budgets, so we need to make sure this supplemental funding gets renewed. Learn more about the levies using the links below. 

    Levy Websites: Lake Washington School District | Bellevue School District | Issaquah School District | Renton School District | Mercer Island School District

    Organizations that have been upset about school closures and board elections are already out in force trying to undermine our public schools by trying to persuade voters to vote against these levies. We need to make sure there are more of us that support our public schools.

    Please make sure your ballot is returned by 8 pm on Feb 8th!

    Action 3b – Vote in the King Conservation District Election

    King Conservation District is a special purpose district committed to helping people engage in stewardship and conservation of natural resources, serving over two million people in 34 cities and unincorporated King County. They are currently holding an election for a position on the board of Supervisors but you won’t see it on your regular ballot. (Hopefully this will change soon.) You can vote online or print and mail your ballot – all of the information is here. Ballots are due by Feb. 8th and will be counted by King county elections. Be sure to get your vote in soon!

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    For the Week of Jan 17, 2022

    ? Our area blood supply is dangerously low. Please consider donating now if you are eligible.

    ? ACLU sent out an update regarding the action we had last week on family separation. The administration is asking for public comment and they made this link to make it super easy.

    ?The Washington State Tax Structure Work Group is interested in getting input from individual taxpayers and businesses through these surveys that will be open through January 31, 2022.

    ? The city of Bellevue is gathering feedback from community members about road  safety around schools. Fill out the survey HERE.

    ? Please join us online Jan. 22nd, from 3-4:30 as we celebrate 5 years of activism together.  Register once and you’ll be registered for all 2022 meetings.

    ?Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Voting Rights Legislation NOW!

    On this special day when our nation commemorates the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. listen to his words. We must continue to pressure our legislators to pass voting rights.  Last Thursday, Leader Schumer adjourned the Senate until this Tuesday, due to Covid-19 and an impending storm in the D.C. area.  Before that adjournment the House passed new legislation, HR 5746, the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. This act will ensure that voters can safely and freely cast their ballots, stop partisan  gerrymandering, limit the influence of dark money in politics, and hold elected officials and our institutions accountable. This bill is vital to protecting the freedom to vote for all Americans.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I am calling to ask you to do whatever it takes to pass HR 5746, the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, now. This bill is vital for protecting our democracy and allowing the freedom to vote for all Americans. 

    Thank you.”

    Action 2 – Vote YES! on school levies

    Ballots will be mailed this week for the Feb. 8th Special Election and our schools need your vote now more than ever! The pandemic has been very hard on school budgets, so we need to make sure this supplemental funding gets renewed. Learn more about the levies using the links below.

    Levy Websites: Lake Washington School District | Bellevue School District | Issaquah School District | Renton School District | Mercer Island School District

    Organizations that have been upset about school closures and board elections will be out in force trying to undermine our public schools by trying to persuade voters to vote against these levies. We need to make sure there are more of us that support our public schools.

    And now VOTE!

    Action 3 – My Pillow Guy Republicans need to return taxpayer money

    Three Washington State Republicans attended a conference with the infamous My Pillow Guy, Mike Lindell, about election conspiracies this summer, and the state reimbursed them for their travel expenses. The Seattle Times Editorial Board wrote this opinion piece that the legislators should return that money. If you agree that taxpayer money should not be used to attend a highly partisan, conspiracy theory laden event about the Big Lie that the 2020 Election was stolen, please contact Republican Minority Leader Wilcox.

    You can click on the EMAIL link to generate a prefilled email. Please review the email carefully, add you CITY, ZIP and sign your name before sending

    Representative J.T. Wilcox: (253) 329-5194 | EMAIL

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I am writing to ask you to demand your colleagues, Representatives Sutherland, Kraft, and Klippert, return the taxpayer funds that they received to attend a conspiracy laden conference to support the Big Lie that the 2020 Election was stolen. Taxpayer funds should not be used for such partisan actions to subvert our democracy. 

    Thank you.”

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    For the Week of Jan 10, 2022

    ? The 2022 Legislative Session begins today and it is a short session. Things will move quickly, so it is important to make sure our voices are heard. It is easier than ever to do that with the virtual tools that have been put in place during the pandemic. Also, now is a good time to review overall priorities being discussed for the legislative session, plus this year’s list of bills from the Washington Environmental Priorities Coalition. Most importantly, make sure you are signed up on the Take Action Network to be sure you receive all the calls to action you are interested in. 

    ? Next week ballots will be mailed out for the February special election and Eastside school districts need to renew their levies. These are not new taxes. State law requires that we vote to renew levies every four years. The levies bridge the funding gap between the money the state provides and the high quality of education we have come to expect from our districts.

    On Wed, Jan 12th at 6pm the 41st Democrats will hold an information session on Zoom to learn about local district levies. Click the link to join. It will cover:

    • Background on Washington levies with Melissa Devita, Bellevue Schools Deputy Superintendent, Financial Services and Operations
    • A panel discussion and Q&A with representatives for each of our school districts
    • An opportunity to speak directly with representatives from your school district in a breakout session

    During the pandemic, levies have covered improvements in heating and air filtration, student laptops for remote learning, and increased nursing staff and counselors. For example in the Bellevue School District, the state only funds 3 nurse positions for over 20,000 students, but the levy provides for an additional 20 positions. They also pay for elementary school art and music, world languages in middle school, special education services and advanced learning programs, sports and after-school activities, collaborative STEM learning, and more.

    Levy Websites: Lake Washington School District | Bellevue School District | Issaquah School District | Renton School District | Mercer Island School District

    ? Please join us online Jan. 22nd, from 3-4:30 as we celebrate 5 years of activism together.  Register once and you’ll be registered for all 2022 meetings. 

    ? Here are your 3 actions this week:

    Action 1 – Voting Rights Legislation NOW!

    As we approach MLK, Jr. Day next Monday, let us stand in solidarity with his family who have asked not to celebrate his holiday until voting rights legislation has passed. We have one week to get that done, so please call or write to your Senators, Leader Schumer and President Biden every day this week and tell them to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act now. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I am calling to ask you to do whatever it takes to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights act now. This needs to be done by January 17th, so we can celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and  honor his legacy. 

    Thank you.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – Ask President Biden to act in good faith for the families separated at the border

    In October of 2019, the ACLU filed a lawsuit seeking compensation for the families who were separated from their children at the border. Last month, the Department of Justice halted negotiations it had begun to come to a settlement, after a leaked report brought political backlash from the right. The ACLU is still in negotiations with the administration over other issues including the legal status of those separated families. 

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I am calling to ask President Biden to make good on his campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of families separated by the Trump administration’s criminal zero-tolerance policy. It is disappointing that right wing political pressure has caused you to halt your financial negotiations with the families. I urge you to continue to negotiate in good faith, and consider granting these families the legal status they sought when they made the difficult journey to our border in the first place. It is up to you to right the wrongs of this American tragedy. 

    Thank you.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – Support the Snoqualmie Tribe by respecting their land

    From the Snoqualmie Tribe

    The Ancestral Lands Movement seeks to spread awareness of the Snoqualmie people who have lived in the southern Salish Sea since time immemorial and share the significance of these lands and provide information on how people can help the Tribe in respecting, restoring, and protecting these lands. As the Salish Sea region has grown in population, the Snoqualmie Tribe’s ancestral lands have been heavily impacted by recreation. This impact is especially apparent at the popular trails in the Snoqualmie corridor area where increased visitation has resulted in a degradation of the land. Watch this brief video

    Sign the pledge to be a good steward of their land and support their Ancestral Lands Movement. 

    If you enjoy visiting the beautiful Snoqualmie Falls, consider supporting the tribe’s effort to limit the number of helicopter tours near the falls. Take our previous action HERE.

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    For the Week of Jan 3, 2022

    ? Happy New Year! Can it be nearly 5 years since we started this journey together? Sometimes it seems longer, and other times just yesterday. Please join us online Jan. 22nd, from 3-4:30 as we celebrate 5 years of activism together.  Register once and you’ll be registered for all 2022 meetings. 

    ?Here are your 2 actions this week – they are the ones from Dec 20th, but we’re repeating, as many may have missed them due to the holidays, and they’re important!

    Action 1 – Weigh in on if Indivisible Eastside should be listed as an endorser

    Did you know that Houghton-area and East Bellevue-area voters have much greater representation and influence in city planning than other residents do due to a relic of a 1967 state law that created community councils with veto powers? All other community councils have been disbanded, but these two alone still exist in Washington.

    On Dec 14, the Kirkland City Council unanimously voted to include sunsetting of the Houghton Community Council (HCC) on the City’s legislative agenda for 2022.  This is an important first step towards structural equity in Kirkland. The City is letting the State legislature know that Kirkland needs a change in state law so that every voter’s vote has equal influence, regardless of the Kirkland neighborhood in which we live. Unlike a few folks in Houghton the other 90% of Kirkland residents do not have the benefit of representation by a veto-wielding community council. 

    Grassroots volunteers who live in Kirkland are currently working closely with Kirkland-area Representatives Larry Springer (LD 45) and Amy Walen (LD 48) to introduce legislation in the Washington State House to sunset the Houghton Community Council (HCC). They will also be working with legislators in the 41st LD, which covers Bellevue, to explore if the East Bellevue Community Council (EBCC) should also be included in this law change. 

    Your Steering committee has been asked for permission to list Indivisible Eastside as an endorser. We do not endorse candidates, but with input from our members, we are considering this request. We need your input!


    These steps will enable Steering to make an informed decision about whether our members support Indivisible Eastside being listed as an endorser of this proposed law change. We’ll make a decision after the January 22nd group meeting.

    Action 2 – Get ready for the 2022 Legislative Session by signing up for Take Action Network

    The legislative session starts January 10, 2022 and ends March 10th. That’s 60 short days for our representatives to continue working on bills that didn’t quite pass last session, introduce new policy, and beat back Republican efforts to weaken bills that have passed. 

    The best and most effective way to be engaged is to sign up for Take Action Network (TAN), our Washington-state Indivisible portal that helps you find and organize actions to take. Last session 22 Washington Indivisible Legislative Action (WILA) bill trackers – including Allison and Hanna – used TAN to track 178 bills and create 438 Calls to Action (CTAs) on 110 of those bills. An incredible 10,422 actions were reported taken, thanks to the efforts of these bill trackers, the WILA support team and everyone who shared TAN actions to their Indivisible group.

    One of the Pandemic accommodations that Washington state used last session was the ability to sign in Pro or Con for a bill before a committee hearing. In the past you would have to physically be in Olympia to register your position. This accommodation will be retained this session and TAN makes that action VERY easy. 

    Get ready to be part of this. Click HERE to learn about TAN – or refresh your memory (red and yellow buttons). For those without a TAN profile, accept the invitation from Indivisible Eastside to sign up (green button).

    Then Join Indivisible Tacoma for TAN 101 on January 5th.

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