
Weekly Actions

Members of Congress

  • Sen. Patty Murray
    (202) 224-2621 | Email

  • Sen. Maria Cantwell
    (202) 224-3441 | Email

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st)
    (202) 225-6311 | Email

  • Rep. Kim Schrier (8th)
    (202) 225-7761 | Email

  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th)
    (202) 225-8901 | Email

  • For the Week of May 6, 2024

    ???? Exciting News! Sound Transit 2 Line opened to great fanfare last week with 35,000 people participating in opening day festivities. King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci has been a tireless champion of making sure this 8 station portion of the line opened to serve the Eastside, despite setbacks with linking it to the rest of the system. Thank you Claudia!

    ???? We need 7 more people to sign up by Tuesday noon to help with the in-person Alphabet Resistance action on Thurs, May 9 from 4:45-6 pm. It’s fun and there will be snacks! Sign up using the access code ‘alpha,’ and let us know you’ll be there. For more information and dates, please check our website.

    ???? Please join us at our next group meeting on May 14th, at Porchlight, the men’s shelter in Bellevue. We will make and serve dinner for the 100 residents and have a presentation on homelessness on the Eastside by a staff member. Please click on this link to sign up (access code ‘porchlight’ – all lower case), and for details about attendance, food donation, and the schedule for the evening. Please note – you MUST sign up via the link, as the facility director must know all attendees ahead of time for admittance to this private facility.

    ???? Good news! Missing zebra “Shug” has been reunited with her dazzle! For those of you not on social media, the memes have been fire, but her safe capture is a relief.

    Here are your 2 actions this week.

    Action 1 – File for PCO – increase voter education and engagement in your neighborhood

    It’s filing week! By the end of the week we’ll know who is running for elected positions in statewide races such as Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, as well as Legislative District races. But the most important position of all is the Precinct Committee Officer (PCO).

    Countywide, only 36% of the Democratic PCO seats are filled. On the Eastside, it’s even lower – LD5: 33%, LD41: 31%, LD45: 27%, LD48: 27%

    Between 8 am May 6th and 5 pm May 10th you can file to be elected to a 2-year term as Democratic PCO by your neighbors in the August primary. Don’t worry: it’s fast, free, and you can do it online. If you’re the only one to file, you won’t appear on the ballot. If someone else also files, you can work together to do voter outreach, but only one of you will be elected PCO. The PCO term starts in December.

    File to become a Democratic PCO HERE.

    If you’d like more information about filing or about being a PCO, King County Democrats is providing office hours you may want to attend.

    You can read about filing to be a PCO at King County Elections PCO Filing Manual and/or watch this video.

    If you’d like to get started with voter outreach and education before December – please apply to your LD Democrats to become an appointed PCO. All the information can be found in THIS EMAIL sent last month.

    Thank you to all who decide to serve!

    Action 2 – Candidate Corner – Jim Mayhew LD12 Senate

    As it is exactly 6 months from the November Election your Steering Committee is reviving the Candidate Corner – a place for members to highlight candidates they are supporting and the reasons why. Send a submission to be included in a future newsletter to and please include: name, position, website, Facebook, and donation link for the candidate as well as why you’re supporting them. We’ll start out with a submission from Steering member Louise P.

    Jim Mayhew – Candidate for the 12th Legislative District Senate

    Website | Donate | Facebook | Volunteer

    LD12 is an enormous and sparsely populated district which lies just to the East of LDs 5, 41, and 45. Although Republicans have held the Senate seat since 1969, analysts say 2024’s court-ordered redistricting of a number of LDs shifted this district purple. Additionally, the currently serving senator no longer lives within the boundary, so no incumbent is running for this seat.

    From The Stranger: “Jim Mayhew is doing something no Democrat has done in recent memory: run to represent the 12th Legislative District in the Washington State Senate. If the voters of the newly drawn district see Mayhew as that candidate, his election could help bring more social and transit services to the area while also helping Dems clinch a supermajority that would empower the party to propose changes to the state constitution that could last generations.”

    How would Jim’s election contribute to progressive policy making? From Jim’s website – Championing Choice: “With state-level threats to abortion rights and reproductive health continuing to escalate in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision, I am running to ensure that women maintain the freedom to control their personal and medical decisions.”

    From The Stranger article: “He wants to laser-focus on ending child hunger in Washington and on adequately funding schools while we’re at it. He’s not quite sure yet where to find the money for that, but on the issue of taxes he said, ‘You can’t be for education and be for yanking all the funding or a huge portion of the funding,’ referencing the effort to repeal the state’s capital gains tax, which takes a small cut of the profits from sales of stocks and bonds over $250,000 and invests that money in education. ‘My general approach is: we need a more fair tax system, and we need to fund priorities, and that’s my focus,’ he said.”

    Please consider joining me in supporting Jim for State Senate!

    – Louise P.

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