Actions Previous 2018

Actions Archive 2018

Members of Congress

  • Sen. Patty Murray
    (202) 224-2621 | Email

  • Sen. Maria Cantwell
    (202) 224-3441 | Email

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st)
    (202) 225-6311 | Email

  • Rep. Kim Schrier (8th)
    (202) 225-7761 | Email

  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th)
    (202) 225-8901 | Email

  • For the Week of Dec 31, 2018

    ? IMPORTANT: Due to staffing shortage, staffers from CD-1 Rep. Suzan DelBene’s will not be able to attend the Jan 3rd Day of Action in Seattle. Please see our Indivisible Day of Action page with options for CDs 1, 7, 8 and 9.

    You can do our ONE action this week from home and we hope EVERYONE will take time to do this. We need to let our Reps know how many of us have their back and that we will hold them accountable.

    ? Please join us Sun, Jan 6, 11:30 – 2:30 Indivisible Eastside Potluck Lunch and Group Meeting – Redmond Library.

    • Potluck lunch – bring something to share if you are able.
    • Enjoy a slideshow of 2018 IE photos
    • Quick review of 2019 Survey results
    • Hear from Indivisible Kirkland about their 2019 State Legislative priorities plans
    • Hear from Jan K on Environmental Coalition priorities for State Legislation
    • Hear about the WA Indivisible Lobby Day on Feb 15 
    • Breakout groups by topic of interest to get organized for 2019

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE] Express your Expectations for the 116th Congress!

    Show our representatives just how many Indivisible Eastsiders there are watching and ready to hold them accountable. Please email your representative to welcome them to the 116th Congress, and to tell them what you expect. Use the following as a guide but please edit to make it unique.  

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] from [City, Zip]. Thank you for your resistance to the Trump agenda over the past two years and congratulations on being part of the majority in the House of Representatives! Indivisible Eastside, to which I belong, encouraged members to register voters, canvass and phonebank in CD-8, helping flip the house Blue.


    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to reopen the government without bowing to Trump’s tantrum over his campaign promise to build a wall.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to pass a bold and progressive Democracy Reform bill (H.R.1) to expand voter access, rein in big money’s influence in politics, and demand a higher standard of ethics from our elected officials.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to create a Select Committee for a Green New Deal.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to provide a much-needed check on presidential powers.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to investigate the abuses of power by current and former Trump administration members.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to pass legislation to shore up the struggling Affordable Care Act to ensure that all residents have affordable access to quality care.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to advance H.R. 676 or other Single Payer Healthcare legislation.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to fight the climate change deniers and the removal of protections that keep our air and water clean.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to fight the attacks on our Public School system by Secretary DeVos.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to …

    All eyes are on this new Blue House, and we’re looking to you for leadership on the committees you serve. Will Rep. [NAME] publicly support H.R. 1, the Green New Deal and Health Care for All?

    Thank you,

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    For the Week of Dec 24, 2018

    ? The 62 people who responded to our 2019 Member Survey received an email Friday with details on their areas of interest. The results of that survey can be found on our Survey Results webpage, and the content of the email is on the 2019 Resources web page. Check them out to learn more about who we are, where we’re going and how many others share your interest. Then join us for:

    ? This is likely the last Action Email of 2018 and we’re so glad to see 2018 in the rearview mirror. We warmly wish you a holiday season filled with friends and family and a very happy New Year!

    ? Only 1 action this week, and only for residents in LD 41!

    Action 1 – [41st LD Members] Ask Senator Wellman to support Presidential Transparency Bill


    The Washington state based Presidential Transparency group is working to create a Washington law requiring presidential candidates to disclose their taxes. If passed in 2019 it would affect the 2020 elections.

    Sen. Kuderer and Rep Stanford are drafting the bills and 17 state Senators and 3 state Representatives support this so far. We need the support of Sen. Lisa Wellman of the 41st.

    Allison H is looking for constituents to join her for a short meeting with Senator Wellman before the start of the session on Jan 14th. We have until Jan 1st for Senator Wellman’s aide Noah to make an appointment.

    Action 1: Email Allison and let her know you’re interested in helping with this effort.

    Action 2: Email Senator Wellman and ask her to support any bill put forth on Presidential Transparency. Please edit to make it your own.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hi, this is [NAME] and I’m a constituent living at [full address] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. I’m writing to ask that Senator Wellman support a bill being drafted by Senator Kuderer on Presidential Transparency regarding public disclosure of tax returns. As we have discovered over the past two years, having a presidential candidate’s business entanglements hidden from public view is a recipe for deception and corruption. Please make sure that Washington State voters have this important information before allowing a candidate’s name on a Washington State ballot. Thank you, [NAME]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the Date

    For the Week of Dec 17, 2018

    ? 2019 is just around the corner. Please join us for either or both of these early January events.

    ? Many of you have participated in Postcards To Voters events. You may be interested to hear that in 2018, members of Indivisible Eastside wrote 4,299 postcards to voters around the country at organized events, and likely at least as many at home, 5 at a time throughout the year. Connor Lamb and Helen Tai of PA, Rachel May of NY and our own Patty Kuderer won their elections. Additionally, we spurred people in Florida to sign up for ‘Vote By Mail’ and helped Florida pass Amendment 4. Postcards for Stacy Abrams and Beto O’Rourke undoubtedly contributed to record voter turnout in Georgia and Texas. That’s something we can be proud of.

    Postcards To Voters has a Results Page showing stats on the 138 campaigns that 59,000 volunteers around the country have written for. There will be special elections around the country to fill vacancies and ‘Abby the Addressbot’ and the tireless volunteers assign an average of 5,000 voter addresses per day adding up to nearly 4 million postcards mailed to date.  If you’re not already part of this movement, it’s easy to join, or consider donating to help pay for the technology to keep Abby up and running.

    ? Thank you to the 56 people who have responded to our 2019 Member Survey. Today is the LAST DAY the survey will be available, and we want to make sure you are represented, so please fill it out today. Those who have filled it out should expect and email in the coming days making sure you have the information you need to be engaged in the areas you specified.

    ? Here are your three actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [GOV. INSLEE] Protect the Northwest from Fracked Gas! Deadline Dec 28

    From Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

    Northwest Innovation Works, a fossil fuel company, seeks to build the largest fracked-gas to methanol refinery in Kalama, Washington.  This facility would be among the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in Washington, threaten air and water quality, and pollute to the equivalent of 1.2 million cars.

    A new Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) on the project misses many likely impacts and the true costs of this project. While the company argues that this facility would be a net-benefit for the climate, independent researchers find that it could be the largest source of carbon pollution in Washington by 2025.

    Both the recently released US Climate Assessment and IPCC report on climate change warn that we can’t afford any new fossil fuel projects. We can take action locally to help curb carbon pollution and resist this harmful fracked gas facility in Kalama! The Port of Kalama is accepting comments on the SEIS until December 28th.


    Use the Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility website to submit a comment to Governor Inslee, Port of Kalama, and Washington Department of Ecology today.

    Action 2 – [US SENATE] #Not1Dollar for a Border Wall

    On Wednesday 12/19, OneAmerica – the largest immigrant and refugee advocacy organization in Washington State  – will be contacting constituents asking them to tell our senators to urge Democrats not to give money to Trump for the Border Wall.

    Let’s get this party started and help OneAmerica flood Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell’s office with calls about the budget leading up to the vote! OneAmerica and other immigrant rights organizations believe that #Not1Dollar should go to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including interior enforcement, the Border Wall, private prisons, immigration agents, and detention beds. Some background: Congress is extending the budget to December 21, 2018. Trump and Republican leadership have publicly threatened a possible government shutdown over Border Wall money. Our communities look to the Democrats more than ever to hold the line for our communities and ensure that no harmful negotiations or trade-offs occur in the lame duck session. Our communities need a clean budget.

    Sample Script:

    Hello. This is [NAME] calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I urge Senator [NAME] to continue to stand strong against Trump’s and the Republicans’ demand to fund a Border Wall. Additionally, please urge other Senators to stand up to Trump and refuse to vote for any spending bill that includes funding for a Border Wall, or increased funding for immigration agents, and detention beds. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Support the Green New Deal

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Last month, nearly 200 climate activists held a protest in the Capitol offices of likely House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, demanding what has been dubbed the “Green New Deal.” This movement was given a huge visibility boost when Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the protesters in Pelosi’s offices. Subsequently, Ocasio-Cortez has been drumming up support for what she has referred to as “the New Deal, the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil-rights movement of our generation.”

    Since then, support for the Green New Deal has been steadily increasing both among grassroots organizations and among elected officials. We were surprised that Congresswoman Jayapal was not among the earliest backers, and so Seattle Indivisible, along with many other progressive groups, asked you to call her office at the end of November. She heard us, loud and clear, and signed on early this week! This strengthens the collective voice of Democrats signing on to the idea.  

    But our fight isn’t close to finished! We still need to convince Representatives Suzan DelBene and Adam Smith to sign on, plus our Senators can and should endorse the creation of a Green New Deal Select Committee.

    Sample Script for Representatives:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to ask that Representative [NAME] sign on to the Green New Deal resolution, with Representatives Jayapal, Ocasio-Cortez and others. I know Representative [NAME] understands the overwhelming threats of climate change. Please ask [NAME] to sign on immediately. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Sample Script for Senators:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I know that Senator [NAME] shares my concerns about climate change, and I am calling to ask her to publicly endorse the creation of a Select Committee on a Green New Deal in the House. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    For the Week of Dec 10, 2018

    ? You’ll notice in our Save The Date calendar section below there is a lot coming up in January. Your steering committee is working throughout December connecting with other Indivisible groups around the state. If you’re interested in joining in the planning for two events in the works, please email us:

    ? 40 people have responded to our 2019 Member Survey. This is the last week the survey will be open and we want to make sure you are represented, so please fill it out today. Some data so far:

    ? Here are your three actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US SENATE] Senator Cantwell, Don’t Hand Climate Policy Over To Joe Manchin

    From Seattle Indivisible

    As Senate Democrats prepare for the next session, reporters on Capitol Hill have indicated that Senator Cantwell is leaning towards giving up her ranking seat on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to an infamous conservative Democrat and coal-supporter: Joe Manchin.

    As ranking member, and as chair if Democrats win a majority in 2020, Manchin would be empowered to scuttle the bold environmental and climate change legislation we need to protect our planet (such as the House’s “Green New Deal”). He would also be in charge of much-needed oversight of the Interior department. Even Governor Inslee has spoken up about it:

    “Our party must be wholly committed to ending America’s dependence on fossil fuels and building a robust clean energy economy. And Joe Manchin literally shot climate legislation in one of his campaign ads. He supports Donald Trump’s dirty energy agenda.”

    We have unique leverage here in Washington, with Senator Murray in leadership and Senator Cantwell occupying the committee spot, to nip this in the bud. Ask your Senators to say no to Manchin in charge of energy policy!

    Sample Script for Cantwell:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to ask that Senator Cantwell refuse to give her ranking spot on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee to Sen. Joe Manchin. We need bold climate change legislation in order to protect our planet and our homes from destruction; the man who shot a cap and trade bill in his campaign ad should not be in charge of energy policy or oversight.

    Sample Script for Murray:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to ask that Senate Democrats to not give the ranking spot on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee to Joe Manchin. We need bold climate change legislation in order to protect our planet and our homes from destruction; the man who shot a cap and trade bill in his campaign ad should not be in charge of energy policy or oversight.

    Action 2 – [BETSY DEVOS] Submit a comment in opposition to new proposed Title IX rule

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Betsy DeVos has officially submitted her Title IX regulations that will harm the rights of sexual assault survivors and make schools a more dangerous place. Now that the regulation has been submitted, we have 60 days to submit comments on the regulation, which the Department of Education is legally bound to consider. Senator Murray, standing with advocates and sexual assault survivors, urged Secretary DeVos to withdraw her rule, listen to students and survivors, and aggressively implement student protections.

    ‘Know your IX’ and ‘End Rape On Campus’ (EROC) have provided a website with more detailed information on how to write an effective comment as well as background synopsis “9 Things to Know about Betsy DeVos’ Proposed Title IX Rule” to save you having to read the 149 page document.

    Action: Read up then Submit a comment in opposition to new proposed Title IX regulations.

    Additionally, if you are affiliated with or have students in a K-12 school or university, we encourage you to ask your institution to submit a comment as well.

    Action 3 – [WA HOUSE] Tell Your Rep to Fight for the Environment

    From 350Seattle and Seattle Indivisible

    Frank Chopp, Speaker of the Washington State House has recently announced that the upcoming legislative session will be his last as Speaker. In many regards, Speaker Chopp leaves behind an impressive legacy ― extended healthcare, paid family leave, and the Marriage Equality Act are just a few of the achievements that he will be leaving behind.

    However, there is one important thing missing from Speaker Chopp’s legacy ―and it’s the one that future generations will care about most.

    History will remember the period 1999 – 2019, the period that Speaker Chopp was the most powerful politician in the state, as the definitive period when we had the chance to act on climate. Yet, in that time the Washington State legislature has passed no meaningful climate legislation, let alone laws commensurate with the severity and urgency of the climate crisis. In his last session, Speaker Chopp has the chance to change that and focus his efforts on passing bold legislation to address climate change.

    Identify your district and find contact info for your State House representatives, then call or email and ask them to put on the pressure.

    Sample Script: (if emailing, please write in your own words!)

    Hi my name is [NAME]. Speaker Frank Chopp plans to step down after this upcoming legislative session. I am calling to ask that [NAME] encourage Speaker Chopp to use his last session to pass bold climate legislation. Climate change should be our number one priority this legislative session. I would like to see [NAME] and Speaker Chopp focus on addressing the threat of climate change to future generations.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the Date

    Updated Dec 3, 2018

    ? If you haven’t already, please fill out our 2019 Member Survey regardless of what level of involvement you can offer. No judgement!

    ? Here are your three actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Reject Trump’s Funding Request for the Border Wall

    From Indivisible National

    Call your Members of Congress and demand that they reject Trump’s deportation machine and the wall. Tell them you expect a short-term CR (Continuing Resolution) that funds the remaining parts of the government only through the early part of the next Congress.

    The imminent fight over government funding is all about the wall. Although part of the government has already been funded through September 30, 2019, a large slice of the government—including the Department of Homeland Security—has not. Both Republicans and Democrats would like to get out of Washington as soon as possible, but their biggest order of business before they do is finishing a government funding bill.

    The problem? The Senate version of the bill that funds the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has $1.6 billion for the wall and other enforcement measures; the House version has $5 billion. Trump has dug in his heels, saying that he won’t sign any bill on his desk unless it has $5 billion. Congress should avert this problem entirely by passing a short term continuing resolution (CR) that takes us into the beginning of the next Congress.

    Congress has a choice to make. Right now, they have two options on the table: pass a full year of funding for DHS with at least $1.6 billion for the wall, OR pass a short-term CR that simply continues current DHS funding levels until the new Congress when Democrats control the House. At that point, Democrats will be in a much stronger position to reject wall funding and make sure Trump’s shutdown showdown strategy is not rewarded with the building of his costly, unnecessary wall.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to ask [MoC] to reject funding for Trump’s border wall and instead support a short-term continuing resolution to keep the government funded.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Condemn US Tear Gas Attacks on Asylum Seeking Refugees

    From 5calls

    Call your Members of Congress and demand that they condemn the use of tear gas and unnecessary force at the border, that they allow asylum seekers to present their case as allowed by the law, and that they pressure Customs and Border Patrol to provide the necessary trained personnel to accelerate asylum claims processing to relieve the strain on migrants seeking asylum.

    On Sunday November 25, asylum-seeking migrants at the US-Mexico border were violently attacked by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents with tear gas, injuring dozens of refugees including young children. Currently ~4,700 migrants from Central America are stuck in Tijuana, waiting to cross the border and have their claims for asylum processed. CBP is deliberately obstructing this standard process by slowing their review of asylum applications to 100 per day, and the Trump administration is now saying that applicants should be banned from crossing the border until their claims have been processed (but not providing a mechanism to apply for asylum from the Mexico side of the border). The administration is manufacturing and escalating this crisis in order to define a media narrative around “defense of our borders” and stoke anti-immigration sentiment in their base, all at the expense of migrants fleeing impossible situations in hope of a better life.

    The use of chemical weapons by US government employees on civilians at our border is illegal under international law, and a domestic agency using it on asylum seekers is an appalling abuse of power. Constituents must urge Congress to condemn the attacks on the border, demand the borders stay open and safe for asylum seekers, and pressure CBP to accelerate asylum claims processing to relieve the strain on migrants seeking asylum.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to ask [MoC] to loudly condemn the recent attacks by CBP on asylum-seeking refugees at the San Ysidro US-Mexico border crossing. I expect [MoC] to work actively to fix the current humanitarian crisis at our borders by introducing and supporting legislation that mandates humane, timely, and impartial review of asylum claims.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [DHS] Take a Stand Against the Public Charge Rule Change

    Although this is a repeat of an previous Action, the deadline for comments is Dec. 10th so there is still time to support immigrants and make your views known.

    On October 10th, the Department of Homeland Security officially published their proposal to change Public Charge regulations in the United States. The Trump administration will make it much more difficult for immigrants to come to the United States or remain in the country if they use or are likely to use various “non-cash” forms of public assistance, under a new proposal announced in September by the Department of Homeland Security.

    U.S. immigration laws have long contained provisions limiting foreigners who are likely to be dependent on financial aid and therefore a “public charge.” But the proposed changes amount to a broad expansion of the government’s ability to deny visas or residency to immigrants if they or members of their household benefit from subsidies like Medicaid programs, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Section 8 housing vouchers.

    Even when this was first announced, immigrants began cancelling their enrollment in government programs out of fear that their involvement will ruin any chance of remaining in the United States.

    The administration is required by law to review public comments on the proposed regulation for 60 days, through December 10th. Make your voice heard by posting a comment demanding a stop to this attack on families, communities, and children now.

    Be sure to modify the script and put in YOUR reasons for opposing the regulation.

    Take action here


    Go directly to the Federal Register “Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds” and click on Submit a Formal Comment.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Tue Dec 4, 11:45 am – 12:30 pm Resist Trump Tuesday – Seattle

    Save the Date

      • Sun, Jan 6, 11:30 am – 2 pm Indivisible Eastside Potluck Lunch and Group Meeting – Redmond
      • Mon, Jan 14, 1st day of WA State Legislative Session

    Updated Nov 26, 2018

    ? The IE Steering Committee is looking ahead to 2019. To help us to gauge what kind of interest members have in a panoply of options we’re asking all members to please fill out our 2019 Member Survey. Where we go with our activism depends in the interests and energy of the community. Of course, we’re hoping some of you are interested in taking your activism to the next level, but this is NOT a pressure tactic to get you more involved but rather a tool for the steering committee. We KNOW many of you are already involved in other organizations So, please fill it out regardless of what level of involvement you can offer. No judgement!

    ? Here are your three action for this week.

    Action 1 – [US SENATE] Vote NO on Trump’s Judicial Nominee Thomas Farr – CALL TODAY!

    From Lift Every Vote

    Senate Republicans are working to soon fill the nation’s longest judicial vacancy with North Carolina lawyer Thomas Farr, whose nomination has raised objections from black lawmakers and civil rights groups concerned about his work defending state laws found to have discriminated against African-Americans.

    • “Could this administration have picked an individual who is more hostile to the rights of minorities than this man? It is hard to imagine,” – Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.
    • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., described Farr as “probably the worst of the litter” when it comes to Trump’s judicial nominees.
    • Thomas Farr argued in support of unconstitutional racial gerrymandering and an illegal voter ID law which the court said targeted African-Americans “with almost surgical precision.” Farr has been the go-to lawyer for the North Carolina GOP in their efforts to gerrymander and suppress the black vote.

    The Senate has scheduled to vote on the final confirmation of Thomas Farr for the week of November 26th. Please call your Senators today, and then more importantly, forward this to someone in a red state and ask them to do the same.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to urge you to vote NO on the nomination of Thomas Farr. He spent his career working to disenfranchise voters. His repeated partisan attacks on voting rights make him unfit to serve as a federal judge. Please vote NO ON FARR.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [WA HOUSE & SENATE] Continue To Fund Postage Paid Ballots

    Data from WA State Chair Tina Podlodowski

    Get ready to fight Secretary of State Kim Wyman and the GOP on voter suppression tactics in this legislative session as she’s starting the spin to take away postage paid ballots. Our 2018 mid-terms turnout was 71% – in this article she’s comparing that with 2010, when we had the HUGE and EXPENSIVE Senate race between Patty Murray and Dino Rossi, as well as 8 initiatives on the ballot including the big Eyman tax initiative, I-1053. The valid compassion would be 2014 – which was at 54% – and a huge BOOST with postage paid ballots. If Wyman was honestly trying to compare, she’d also let you know that 2010 was the ONLY midterm election at 70% since, well, at least 1980. 

      • 2018 – 71% (yet to be certified)
      • 2014 – 54%
      • 2010 – 71%
      • 2006 – 64%
      • 2002 – 56%
      • 1998 – 62%
      • 1994 – 60%
      • 1990 – 61%
      • 1986 – 61%
    • 1982 – 67%

    Every voice should get their vote – let’s make sure we keep our postage paid ballots.

    Even though the legislative session doesn’t start until Jan 14th, it’s not too early to voice your opinion.

    • Tell them – Make postage paid ballots permanent!

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE] Pass The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2018


    The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is landmark legislation first passed with bipartisan support in 1994. The act established the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women and provides funding for the investigation and prosecution of domestic and other interpersonal violence, stalking, and sexual assault. Congress failed to pass a reauthorization of VAWA before the September 30th deadline, instead approving stopgap funding to sustain VAWA through December 7th. Congress must commit to a robust reauthorization of VAWA.

    In July, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a reauthorization bill that would not only reauthorize funding for VAWA’s existing programs but also establish new policies to help abuse victims remain in stable housing, expand red-flag laws to block people convicted of dating abuse or stalking from accessing guns, and broaden protections against abuse for Native American women.

    While VAWA reauthorization has historically enjoyed bipartisan support, not a single Republican has co-sponsored the current reauthorization bill.

    On Wednesday 11/7, Ian David Long, a former marine with an alleged history of sexual assault shot and killed 12 people inside a bar in Thousand Oaks, CA. Only a few days earlier on 11/4, a man with a history of harassing and assaulting women shot and killed two women in a Florida yoga studio. Analyses of mass shootings have repeatedly shown that a significant percentage of mass shooters exhibit red flag warning signs like domestic violence, typically against women. The latest horrific mass shootings reinforce the need for Congress to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act to close the “boyfriend loophole” and keep guns out of the hands of violent partners.

    Urge your representatives to stand up for women and reauthorize VAWA.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling in support of H.R.6545, the Violence Against Women Re-authorization Act of 2018. Congress must act swiftly to pass this critical legislation to preserve funding for crucial programs protecting people from domestic violence, sexual assault, and dating violence. Beyond the benefit to women, this Act would help protect the public at large by expanding red-flag laws to block people convicted of dating abuse or stalking from accessing guns.

    Thank you for all your hard work answering phones.

    [IF LEAVING VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Tue, Nov 27, 11:45 am – 1:30 pm Resist Trump Tuesday – Seattle

    Save the Date

      • Sun, Jan 6, 11:30 – 2 Indivisible Eastside Potluck Lunch and Group Meeting – Redmond
      • Mon, Jan 14, 1st day of WA State Legislative Session

    Updated Nov 19, 2018

    ? At our November Group Meeting we briefly discussed Indivisible: What’s Next.  To be in step with this movement, please read Indivisible On Offense and Indivisible States guides. They are long because they contain so many great resources. Skim and find what interests you. We’ll be using these to make a plan for 2019. You can also watch the 54 minute recording of last week’s Indivisible:What’s Next Group Call on YouTube. 

    ? The massive wildfires in California have left so many homeless and without resources. In this week of Thanksgiving, please consider donating to one of the many relief organizations on the ground helping people with basic necessities. This New York Times article points to some ways to help.

    ? Please treat yourself to the beautiful “A post-election poem” at the end of this newsletter. Really. Even if you’re not that into poetry.

    ? Here are your three action for this week. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Action 1 – [YOU] Volunteer to write Postcards or Text for Mike Espy

    A U.S. Senate runoff that was supposed to provide an easy Republican win has turned into an unexpectedly competitive contest. Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith stumbled recently when, in praise of a supporter, she spoke of her willingness to sit in the front row of a public hanging if he invited her — words that, in the South, evoked images of lynchings. She has struggled to grapple with the fallout, baffling members of her party and causing even faithful Republicans to consider voting for her opponent, former congressman Mike Espy.

    You can help Mike Espy become the state’s first black senator since shortly after the Civil War.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Demand Mueller Protection Legislation

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Trump’s appointment of Matthew Whitaker, a vocal critic of the Mueller investigation and outspoken Trump devotee, is a clear attempt to undermine Mueller’s essential work. Whitaker is likely to limit the investigation’s scope, defund it, or end it entirely unless Congress stops him. Today’s action is a call to our Members of Congress to use their new leverage to keep Mueller’s team on-track to deliver a thorough investigation of the Trump campaign’s Russia ties and the Trump Administration’s likely obstruction of justice.

    Top Democrats in both houses of Congress are reportedly considering tying provisions protecting Mueller’s work to spending bills that must pass by the end of 2018, but so far they are “stopping short” of threatening government shutdown. Urge our Members of Congress to have the courage to vote no on any “must pass” bill that does not include protection for the Mueller investigation.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am very concerned that the acting Attorney General will undermine or end Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump’s Russia ties and possible obstruction of justice. Please ask [NAME] to insist that any “must pass” legislation include provisions protecting the Special Counsel. This is worth risking a government shutdown.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [US SENATE] Urge Senate to Oppose Nomination of Thomas Homan as DHS Director

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, last Wednesday called on all Americans to call on their state’s senators to speak out against the nomination of Thomas Homan as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

    According to reports from the White House, President Donald Trump decided to replace current DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, although the decision has not yet been made official. Trump is reportedly considering Homan, the former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), for the position.

    While acting director of ICE, Homan refused to condemn the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the border, instead claiming that his agency was simply enforcing the law. He also suggested that politicians who oversee sanctuary cities should be charged with “crimes.”

    Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to urge Senator [NAME] to OPPOSE the nomination and if necessary VOTE NO on the confirmation of Thomas Homan due to his association with an anti-Muslim hate group and his refusal to condemn separation of children at the border.

    Homan serving as Secretary of Homeland Security would send a message that anti-Muslim bigotry is acceptable policy in this administration and that American Muslims are not welcome members of our community. I am concerned that Homan is unable to serve the interests of all Americans and I ask again that you oppose his nomination. Thank you for your time answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Updated Nov 12, 2018

    ? All the hard work of activists like you around the country over the last 2 years paid off Tuesday. The House of Representatives Flipped Blue and a record 100+ Women were elected to Congress including our own Kim Schrier! Other Democratic gains: Washington State races (so far +2 Senate, +7 House), Attorney General Races (+4), Governorships (+7), Democratic State Trifectas (+6), Black Women Judges in Harris County Texas (+19!) and Progressive Ballot Measures (I-940, I-1639, FL Amendment 4). It was great to share the evening with friends at our Indivisible Eastside Election Watch Party. Thank you to all of you who donated, wrote postcards, texted, called and canvassed to Get Out The Vote here and around the country.

    ? Protests erupted around the country Nov 8th after Attorney General Jeff Sessions “resigned” at Trump’s request. Indivisible National retweeted photos of protests led by local Indivisibles. Rachel Maddow covered the protests in her evening show, and our own Jennifer H energized the crowd of activists in Bellevue. Seattle’s protest drew around 2,000 participants.

    ? Please join us for a short (1 hour) Group Meeting Nov 17th from 4:45 to 5:45 at the Bellevue Library.  We’ll start talking about priorities for 2019, and write some postcards to voters in Mississippi for Mike Espy.

    Here are your three actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [YOU] Connect with Indivisible National

    Last week, we flipped the balance of power in Washington. Soon, the 116th Congress must serve as a check on the Trump Administration’s abuses of power. The newly-elected Democratic House must launch obstruction of justice investigations on Day 1 of the next Congress (January 3, 2019… save that date).

    Indivisible is launching a new Indivisible Guide – Indivisible On Offense to help us navigate the new Congress — with Democrats in control of one chamber. They’re hosting a national activist call on Tuesday, November 13 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT to preview the guide, debrief the Election and talk about what’s next. Hear from Political Director, Mari Urbina, who will share top take-aways from the Election. Then dive in to the plan for the first 100 days (and beyond) of the new congress with the Policy Director, Angel Padilla, and the organizing team.

    Action 1a: RSVP for the call now.  Louise will be on the call. If you will be too, please let us know by emailing  

    Action 2b: Sign up for Indivisible National’s bi-weekly newsletter to stay directly connected with this movement.  Let us know that you signed up by emailing

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Speak out Publicly against Whitaker Appointment

    From Seattle Indivisible

    We came out in force Thursday night to protest Trump’s power grab of firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions and naming Matthew Whitaker as acting Attorney General. Matthew Whitaker is now in charge of the Mueller investigation, he will not recuse himself, and he believes the Judicial branch is an “inferior” and not an equal branch of government.

    On Friday, Senator Patty Murray tweeted: “With President Trump appointing Matthew Whitaker as Acting AG it’s even more critical that we protect Special Counsel Mueller. No more delays—a vote on a bipartisan bill to shield this investigation from further political pressure must happen.” 

    We know that the best way to keep up the pressure against this banana-republic move is to light up the phones.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], from [CITY]. Trump appointed acting Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, in order to shut down the Mueller investigation. This is obstruction of justice, all the more so because Sessions’ firing should have made Rod Rosenstein the acting Attorney General. Please call for an investigation into whether Whitaker’s appointment was constitutional, speak out publicly against the appointment, and pass legislation protecting the special counsel as soon as possible. [If Senator Murray – Thank you for your public statements against this appointment.]

    Action 3 – [WA State Democratic Chair] Thank Tina Podlodowski for Her Leadership

    The National Democratic party is far from a well-oiled machine, has inconsistent and lackluster messaging, and has made and will continue to make missteps. But one cannot argue with the effectiveness of Washington State’s Democratic Party. Their partnering with progressive grassroots organizations around the state, and training volunteer leaders through their “Rise and Organize” workshops, expanded their ability to reach out to voters around the state who have not been reached before. Additionally, rather than laying off staff between election cycles, they plan to continue to employ many of them to retain the valuable institutional knowledge. All this and more is made possible through the leadership of Washington State Democratic Chair Tina Podlodowski. Please send Tina a warm thank-you for her dedication and effectiveness over the last two years.

    Tina Podlodowski

    Sample Script (but seriously, write your own. How weird and inauthentic to receive 100 identical Thank-yous!)

    Dear Tina,

    I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside and am writing to you from [CITY, ZIP]. I want to thank you for your leadership as chair of Washington State Democratic Party. The gains we made in the state in the midterm election were remarkable, and I expect it is in no small part due to the functional partnerships among diverse grassroots organizations that you fostered. Sincerely, [NAME].

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Updated Nov 5, 2018

    ? Our 8th and 9th group canvasses were Saturday and Sunday in CD8. Although it’s the easiest type of interaction – contacting Democratic voters to remind them to vote – it was challenging as the houses were quite spread out. Thank you to Eileen, Lynn, Sheila, Andrea, Ruth, Nancy, Julie, Vicki, Allison and  Elizabeth who came out on this important LAST WEEKEND.

    ? There are just 10 spots left to join us for the Eastside Election Watch Party Nov 6th, from 6:30 – 9:30 pm at a Brew-pub in Bellevue. Click on the link for all the details and to RSVP. We’d love to see you there!

    ? Here is your ONE action for this week.

    Action 1 – Get Out and Get Out The Vote

    These last two days are an opportunity to increase voter participation. How many of you remember when you had the privilege of being immersed in your personal life – focused on school, nurturing a young family, a finding a job, or caring for a family member. Voting in a midterm may have been low on your priority list. Help people who have intended to vote, go the last mile by reminding them of the Tuesday deadline.

      • Join or start a sign waving event for Monday evening or Tuesday morning – for an Initiative, for a candidate, or just hand-written signs with your message of “VOTE!”. Contact campaigns directly for information on events or to get signs for your event.
      • Ask EVERY SINGLE PERSON you meet if they’ve voted – from the cheese samples man to the convenience store clerk. From your doctor or dentist to your co-workers. Remind them of the deadline for turning in their ballotsDrop boxes close promptly at 8:00 p.m., or ballots must be postmarked by Nov 6 (at this point, hand to your letter carrier or take to the post office).

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Sat, Nov 17, 10 am – 12 pm Cities Climate Action Summit Kirkland – RSVP.  Presentation and Q&A about encouraging our cities to take stronger action on climate.

    Updated Oct 29, 2018

    ? Thank you to the 17 intrepid Alphabet Activists who came out under threatening skies to spread the GOTV message on Thursday. Lots of waves and honks from motorists and pedestrians.  Check out the short video – Midterms Matter / Mail Your Ballot.

    ? Our 7th group canvass was Saturday in Snoqualmie. We did the easiest type of canvassing – contacting Democratic voters to remind them to vote. This is so important in this tight race in the 8th CD. Please consider joining us next Saturday and Sunday for THE LAST WEEKEND before the election. We’ll be in Sammamish with WA Dem chair Tina Podlodowski from 10-2 on Saturday, and Covington from 11-3 on Sunday. Carpools will leave from Kirkland, Redmond, or Bellevue to help everyone knock doors for the important State and Federal races in LDs 5 and 47 and CD 8.  Email to Canvass Nov 3rd or  Email to Canvass Nov 4th to connect with us.

    ? You are invited to join the Indivisible Eastside Steering Committee Nov 6th, from 6:30 – 9:30 pm at a Brew-pub in Bellevue to watch the returns for the Midterm Election. In order to reserve the private room, we need a minimum of 24 signups by Oct 31st. Cost will be $30 or less per person for food and a couple of drinks, tax and tip included. Please see the Indivisible Eastside Election Watch Party Eventbrite for details and to RSVP.  We’d love to see you there!

    Here are your 3 actions for this week. Be sure to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE and SENATE] Don’t Allow Trump to Erase Transgender People

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Trump has tried to evict transgender people from the military. We pushed back. Trump has tried to strip protections for transgender students. We pushed back. Now Trump is attacking transgender people by trying to redefine them out of existence. It’s time to push back – AGAIN!

    From the New York Times: “The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a government-wide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.”

    This is a despicable attempt to revoke the human rights of transgender people. It is deeply distressing and painful for those who are transgendered, and it is insulting to people in all marginalized groups.

    ACTION 1a: Tell your Members of Congress to protect civil rights for transgender people – again!

    Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m outraged that Trump is attempting to strip human rights from transgender people by redefining gender for government purposes. This would exclude transgendered people from important recognition and protections under federal civil rights laws. Please defend transgender people by speaking out against this disgraceful action. Please consider legislation that would protect transgender human rights permanently. Thank you!  And thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]


    Want to do more? Here is more you can do beyond calling today: “7 Action Items to Protect Trans and GNC People“.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Do Not Send US Troops to Southern Border

    Defense Secretary James Mattis has approved a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) request to send additional troops to the U.S.-Mexico border as President Trump vows to stop a convoy of Central American migrants from entering the U.S.  Washington’s Adam Smith made a statement last Thursday “The President’s announcement that he will send more troops to the border is fundamentally wrong and a political act at a time when leadership is needed. We should not be militarizing the border, and President Trump has offered no clear idea of what our forces are going to do there. … The caravan of people that the President is focused on are coming to seek asylum, and they have a lawful right to do so. There is absolutely no reason to further politicize and militarize this humanitarian crisis.”

    Contact your Members of Congress to support Representative Smith’s condemnation of the administration’s plan.

    Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m outraged that the administration is planning on sending military troops to the southern border. We are not at war with Mexico or with the asylum seekers fleeing violence in their home countries. There are already 2,000 national guard troops. [If Rep. Adam Smith – Thank you for speaking out against this plan]. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]  


    This is a critical week to Get Out The Vote. Did you know that everyone’s voting record is public? Not how they voted, but if they voted. You know what to do.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Sat, Nov 17, 10 am – noon, Cities Climate Action “Summit” – presentation and Q&A about encouraging our cities to take stronger action on climate. Northlake Unitarian church
        in Kirkland

    Updated Oct 22, 2018

    ? Your ballot should arrive soon. Voting early saves campaigns time and money as they contact voters to encourage them to mail their ballots. Check out LD 41’s excellent endorsement postcard,  or more in-depth endorsement guides by LD 45, LD 48, and Fuse Washington for help with Judges and Initiatives.

    ? Indivisible is launching #MyVoteMyVoice, the ice-bucket challenge for voting. In the most important election of our lifetimes, our vote is our voice. What will your vote say? Check out some of the early entries into the #MyVoteMyVoice video challenge, and create your own short video of what your vote means to you. Read the article in the Stranger for more information. As part of the launch, there will be a party at Optimism Brewery tonight.

    ? We had 10 people canvassing for Kim Schrier, My-Lihn Thai and Tana Senn in LD 41 last Saturday. Join us for our 7th group canvass Saturday Oct 27th noon-4 in Snoqualmie. We’ll be going door to door reaching out to Democrats who haven’t yet voted, to remind them to turn in their ballots. Email to connect with us. This is the easiest kind of Canvassing, so if you’re curious and want to help out, come join us!

    Here are your 3 actions for this week. Be sure to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND] Donate to provide Voter ID to North Dakota Native Americans

    Elvis Norquay is a United States veteran, and an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota. In 2014, Mr. Norquay was denied his right to vote because his physical street address was not listed on his ID. In 2018, it could happen again because of North Dakota’s restrictive voter ID law, which was purposefully designed to target Native American voters who reside on reservations.  The new North Dakota law requires an ID with a current street address to vote. Many reservations are very rural and do not have named street or house numbers.

    The Native American Rights Fund (NARF) is working to make sure this does not happen again to Mr. Norquay or the otherwise eligible Native American voters who do not have the specific documents North Dakota is requiring to vote in the 2018 election.

    NARF is coordinating with the five North Dakota tribes to provide updated identification cards, or address verification documents, to tribal citizens for the upcoming November elections.

    A generous private donor has challenged NARF supporters to match their $25,000 gift.

    Action: Donate to ensure that NARF has the resources to continue fighting for Native American voting rights as the election nears and into the future.  

    Action 2 – [DHS/HHS] Demand a halt to the administration’s cruel anti-immigrant policies

    From Indivisible Kirkland and Catholic Legal Immigration Network

    The Department of Homeland Security’s proposed rule, “Apprehension, Processing, Care, and Custody of Alien Minors and Unaccompanied Alien Children,” would dismantle the current ‘Flores’ standards, allowing for the indefinite detention of immigrant children and families, including asylum seekers. “Flores,” is named after the existing court settlement that sets the standards for the treatment of children in detention. In addition to being morally reprehensible, this proposal rejects proven alternatives to mass detention, which are more humane and extraordinarily effective. They also are less expensive for U.S. taxpayers.

    During the height of the family separation crisis, reporters and lawmakers brought to light horrifying conditions in U.S. detention centers. This proposed rule would allow the federal government to set their own standards for holding families and children and attempt to undermine independent oversight of conditions. The proposed rule also reduces vulnerable families’ access to due process and humanitarian protections.

    View and comment on the proposed rule on The public comment period is open through Nov. 6, 2018. If you’d like some ideas for assembling your own comments, here are a few:

    Comment Ideas (cut/paste/edit to create your own):

    I strongly oppose the proposed rule “Apprehension, Processing, Care, and Custody of Alien Minors and Unaccompanied Alien Children” because:

      • {Detention is known to be very harmful to children.  | Detention, even a short detention, has been shown to be extremely damaging to a child’s development and well-being.}
      • This proposed rule permitting indefinite detention is {abusive | inhumane | senseless | against our American values}.
      • The Flores settlement is intended to ensure that children are treated with “dignity, respect and special concern for their particular vulnerability as minors.” The proposed rule { clearly | completely } fails to meet those standards.
      • There are alternatives to detention that have been shown to be effective, for example, the Family Case Management System. We should use those instead, because they cause less harm to developing children–and they’re more cost effective as well.
      • I find it unacceptable for the administration to be given the authority to certify its own jails as “safe” for children. Existing detention facilities have been shown, again and again, to be dangerous to the well-being and health of vulnerable children.
    • The proposed rule places an unneeded burden on taxpayers and wastes resources. We have better alternatives to detention that are much more cost-effective and humane.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Protest Corruption in the Cabinet

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Trump’s lack of morals is reflected in his choice of cabinet members. Just as Trump continually threatens to fire Robert Mueller for investigating his treason, so Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has just forced out the Deputy Interior Investigator General, Mary Kendall while he himself was under 14 different investigations into corruption and scandal.

    Under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, Kendall’s replacement may not even need to be confirmed by the Senate. Rep. Raul Grijalva said of the move, “Secretary Zinke and the Interior Department are awash in wave after wave of scandal and corruption, and they decide now is the perfect time to get rid of the current IG.”

    Call your representatives and demand an investigation into the firing of Deputy Interior Investigator General Mary Kendall.

    Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY]. I’m calling to ask [NAME] to demand that Secretary Ryan Zinke explain why Deputy Interior Investigator General Mary Kendall has been forced out. Secretary Zinke is currently under investigation for multiple instances of corruption, and this staff change seems to be aimed at disrupting these investigations. If an adequate explanation is not provided, I would like to see a congressional investigation into this occurrence. Thank you!

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Updated Oct 15, 2018

    ? We had an amazing turnout for our Postcards, Textbanking and Pizza event yesterday at the Redmond Library. ____ postcards were completed for Beto O’Rourke and Adrienne Bell of Texas as well as Second Chances Amendment 4 in Florida.  _____ people were trained on textbanking.

    ? We are gauging interest in an Election Night Viewing Party in Bellevue. If you are interested, please complete the Election Night Viewing Party form. Thanks.

    Here are your 3 actions for this week. Be sure to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [DHS] Stop Trump’s Cruel Attacks Against Immigrant Families

    From Protecting Immigrant Families

    The Trump administration will make it much more difficult for immigrants to come to the United States or remain in the country if they use or are likely to use housing vouchers, food subsidies, and other “non-cash” forms of public assistance, under a new proposal announced in September by the Department of Homeland Security.

    U.S. immigration laws have long contained provisions limiting foreigners who are likely to be dependent on financial aid and therefore a “public charge.” But the proposed changes amount to a broad expansion of the government’s ability to deny visas or residency to immigrants if they or members of their household benefit from subsidies like Medicaid programs, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Section 8 housing vouchers.

    It’s time to join together across racial differences to fight back against the Trump administration’s proposed “public charge” regulation.  The regulation would make immigrant families afraid to seek access to healthy food, health care, and housing. This fear would extend far beyond people who may be subject to the “public charge” test. It would harm entire communities as well as the infrastructure that serves all of us. The proposal could prevent immigrants from using the programs their tax dollars help support, preventing access to healthy, nutritious food and secure housing. Because one in four American children have at least one immigrant parent, this could impact millions. It would make us a sicker, poorer, and hungrier nation.

    Use this form and comment on the Public Charge regulation. Be sure to modify the script and put in YOUR reasons for opposing the regulation.


    Go directly to the Federal Register “Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds” and click on Submit a Formal Comment.

    Action 2 – [FRIENDS] Spread the word – Check your Voter Registration

    Reports of more and more voters being purged from state registration rolls are causing alarm. Please encourage friends and family to do a quick check of their registration. They can text ‘vote’ to 50409 and Resistbot will walk them through questions to determine if their registration is active.

    Sample Script:

    Dear [NAME]

    With the important midterm election coming up, I checked to make sure my voter registration was still active. I encourage you to do the same. Use the handy phone-based tool Resistbot by texting ‘vote’ to 50409. Or, use your computer by going to to check that your registration is ready to go for the election. Don’t let your vote be suppressed!

    Thanks for being a voter.

    Action 3 – [FRIENDS] Help Others Understand the Importance of Voting in a Blue State

    Do you know a millennial? Niece, nephew, neighbor? A startling statistic reveals that only 16% of voters aged 18-26 voted in the 2014 mid-term. The reasons are many, from believing their vote doesn’t matter, to believing they don’t have enough knowledge to make an informed decision.  You can probably remember a time in your life when you felt that way. What would have motivated you to change your beliefs?

    We can do our part to give millennials concrete reasons to vote. Here in Washington State, especially in safe blue districts, taking the time to vote for a candidate you don’t have time to research who is going to win regardless may feel like a waste of time. But what about initiatives? Initiatives are state-wide, so every single vote is important.  

    Sample Script:

    Dear [NAME],

    It was so great to hear about [latest cool thing they did]. You may know I’ve been busy working to Get Out The Vote in Washington State for the midterm election Nov 6th. Along with important candidate races, I’m rooting for three important initiatives that are on the ballot. I-940 concerns police accountability, I-1631 concerns the environment, and I-1639 concerns gun safety. There’s a fourth one that I’m definitely not rooting for: I-1634, brought to us by soft-drink companies trying to limit local government’s ability to tax sodas. I’m voting YES to the first three and NO to the soda initiative.

    Are you planning on voting? A New York Times article said that in 2014 only 16% of people your age voted in that mid-term election. 16%!  I remember when I was your age, I was so engaged in my career I didn’t feel I had the time to dig into the positions of each candidate so I could make an informed decision. I didn’t feel like I knew enough to vote. If you feel that way, I hope you’ll find 20 minutes to read through some of The Progressive Voters Guide to learn more about what and who is on the ballot.

    Even if you don’t usually pay attention to your mail, keep an eye out for your ballot, which is being mailed Oct 17th. Last summer Washington switched to postage-paid ballots. Simply fill out your ballot, sign, and put it in the mail. I didn’t know until recently that my voting record (which elections I vote in, not HOW I vote) is a matter of public record. Once the state has received your ballot, phone calls from campaigns “chasing ballots” will stop.

    I’ll just leave you with this video, from my generation to yours. Be a voter!

    [Some nice closing sentences]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Tue, Oct 16, 1:45 – 1:30 Resist Trump Tuesday – Rally and Senate Staff meeting – Seattle

    Updated Oct 8, 2018

    ? On Saturday’s difficult day, a small but passionate group came together for our Group Meeting to brush up on our initiatives, hear from 48th district state house candidate Amy Walen and state senator Patty Kuderer’s field organizer Tanya Lavoy and complete 110 postcards. If you weren’t able to attend, please have a look at our Meeting Notes – with links to great resources on initiatives,  

    ? We had another great fall day for our fifth group-canvass to Flip The 8th. 12 of us joined others to go out in the neighborhoods of Maple Valley to canvass for Dr. Kim Schrier. Our next outing will be Oct 20th.  See our calendar section below for details.

    ? It’s been a tough year of tough weeks, but last week was among the toughest. Losing battles is really really hard. The good news is Indivisible Eastside is here for you with pro-active actions to keep you motivated through the mid-term and beyond. Drop us a line at and tell us how you’re doing. We want to hear from you!

    A Tweet from Cory Booker

    We face defeat

    But we are not defeated.

    Knocked down

    But not knocked out.

    A loss

    But all is not lost.

    Hope is the active conviction that despair will not ever have the last word.


    Here are 3 easy but important actions for this week. Be sure to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to channel your anger.

    Action 1 – Thank Senator Heitkamp

    On Saturday Oct 6th, Heidi Heitkamp took a stand for the future of our country and voted NO on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Let’s tell her with $ that we respect this bold move and donate to her re-election campaign. TWENTY-ONE right-wing groups are launching attacks against Heidi to turn this critical seat red. Help her fight back.

    Action 2 – [US SENATORS] Thank our Senators for standing up for us

    If you haven’t already, please call our Senators to thank them for standing up and voting “no”.

    Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I wanted to thank Senator [NAME] for voting against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.

    Action 3 – [YOU] Advocate for Initiative 1631 for Clean Energy

    As we learned at Saturday’s meeting, there are many misconceptions about I-1631, the carbon fee initiative designed to bring us cleaner energy. Big Oil money is flooding in to our state to amplify those misconceptions. You can help in small ways that will have a big impact by talking with friends and neighbors about this. “But I’m not an expert on this initiative!” You don’t have to be – there are experts that have written a great FAQ that’s available on the YesOn1631 web page. Read about the initiative, brush up on the FAQs and when you have the opportunity, clarify misconceptions people may repeat. It’s up to us to combat disinformation. Then, urge your friends and family to vote Yes On 1631.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Updated Oct 1, 2018

    ? On the eve of the harrowing Senate Judiciary Committee hearing of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, 20 #AlphabetResistance activists were out in Bellevue with the message “#BelieveTheWomen” / “FBI Investigation”. Check out the YouTube Video. Thank you to all who came out. Oct 4th we’ll be reminding people to register before the Oct 8th deadline with “Midterms Matter” / “Register + Vote”. If you’d like to get involved, email and we’ll send you details.

    ? We had lovely fall weather for our fourth group-canvass to Flip The 8th. Yay to first-time canvassers Susie S and Ron B, as well as returning canvassers Joan, Jennifer, and Kevin. Join us next Sunday, Oct 7th 12 – 4 pm to Canvass for Dr. Kim Schrier in Maple Valley. Email to connect with us.

    ? Please join us Saturday Oct 6th from 1:30-4 for our October Group Meeting. This month it is at the Bothell Library (CHANGE OF VENUE). We’ll hear from a couple of candidates, brush up on our Initiative information, learn about the 2019 ACA Signup Project, and have an opportunity to do textbanking and postcarding. Please bring $5 cash if you want to do postcarding.

    ? Tuesday is the last day to register for the Oct 3rd PostcardsToVoters event. We’ll be writing for Beto for Texas on that day (and also on Oct 8th)! See links in the Calendar section below.

    Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [US SENATE] Stand with Dr. Ford. Email friends to call their senators now.

    After the brave and heartbreaking testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee, pressured by Democrats and Sen. Jeff Flake, recommended a one-week investigation by the FBI into allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The Senate Judiciary Committee had only said that supplemental FBI background investigation “be limited to current credible allegations against the nominee and must be completed no later than one week from [Sep 28th],  but the White House is now trying to further limit the scope of that investigation. (Don’t believe the lies Trump put in his tweet on Saturday)

    The White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview – which does not include Julie Swetnick, who has accused Kavanaugh of engaging in sexual misconduct at parties while he was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School in the 1980s. The White House instructions are significant constraint on the FBI investigation and such a limited scope may make it difficult to pursue additional leads. Additionally, it’s not clear the FBI has the ability to investigate claims of Kavanaugh’s penchant for drunkenness and inappropriate treatment of women, particularly where specifically related to incidents under investigation.

    In the words of Patty Murray, in a Saturday Washington Democrats’ email, “there is no reason to rush. We need a full FBI investigation, we need to hear from all relevant witnesses including the other women making credible accusations, we need additional hearings, and we need to make sure we have all the facts. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue, it should be common sense.”

    Action 1a – Show you’re standing with Dr. Ford. Email out-of-state friends and ask them to call their senators at (202) 224-3121 now.

    Sample Script for Out of State Friends:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP].

    It is important to the integrity of the Senate and the Supreme Court that any nominee for that office have a moral compass. Limiting the FBI investigation’s witness list, and their ability to determine if Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his drinking and sexual activity, will seriously undermine the faith the American people can place in this nominee. Please demand that during this investigation the FBI have the latitude and time to conduct as thorough an investigation as possible.

    Action 1b – Call your Senators and ask them to call for removal of limits on FBI investigation.

    Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP].  

    Thank you for your statements about the importance of an FBI investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.  It is important to the integrity of the Senate and the Supreme Court that any nominee for that office have a moral compass. Limiting the FBI investigation’s witness list, and their ability to determine if Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his drinking and sexual activity, will seriously undermine the faith the American people can place in this nominee. Please demand that during this investigation the FBI have the latitude and time to conduct as thorough an investigation as possible.

    Action 2 – Trump Is Not Above The Law – Rapid Response

    Indivisibles, in advance of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein’s scheduled meeting with Trump, be prepared!

    There is a rapid response plan in place with local Indivisible groups for an emergency rally **IF** Trump takes any retaliatory action against the obstruction of justice investigation, and fires Robert Mueller or Rod Rosenstein. Indivisible Eastside is working with Seattle Indivisible, MoveOn, and other local activist groups to be ready to hold the main rally in Seattle at Cal Anderson Park.

    Action 2a: find the rally closest to you and sign up for alerts:

    In general, rallies will begin hours after news breaks of a Mueller firing. However, you will be notified of the specific time by the rally you sign up for.

    ➡️ If Mueller is fired BEFORE 2 p.m. local time —> events will begin @ 5 p.m. local time

    ➡️ If Mueller is fired AFTER 2 P.M. local time —> events will begin @ noon local time the following day

    Action 2b: Share TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw website and make your demonstration plans with friends and family!


    From Steering Committee Member Jennifer H

    Are you angry about the outcome of the Senate Judiciary testimony Friday, and Senate Republicans choice to continue to push the Brett Kavanaugh vote through despite credible sexual assault allegations? This is not exclusive to women or sexual assault survivors. We’re all angry.

    First things first:

    If you are a survivor and need to talk to someone, consider reaching out to the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673. Take care of yourself first.

    Ready to channel that anger into action?

    1. Call your Senators – Action 1 above

    – DO NOT call out-of-state Senators. They MUST hear overwhelmingly from their own constituents.
    – If you want to influence out-of-state Senators, persuade your friends and family in those states to CALL.

    2. Donate to the Be A Hero Travel Fund

    Activists are traveling to DC to protest the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. Help them with their travel expenses through the Be A Hero Travel Fund.

    3. Help Get Out the Vote:

    We NEED to persuade non-voters and unreliable voters to VOTE this election, and FOR Democrats. Leave the bubble of political hyper-awareness and help us talk to the people around us who may not follow the news, who may not be informed, who may need to be persuaded out of being overwhelmed, overworked, or apathetic. EVERY VOTE MATTERS, and every person who volunteers their time and ability does more to change the balance.

    There are several ways to do this that can accommodate people of different capabilities:

    ? Canvassing
    Join a canvass event for the WA Dems here:

    Or sign up for a specific progressive candidate through their website.

    In fact, join Indivisible Eastsiders on ? Sunday Oct 7 ? from 12-4pm in Issaquah to help canvass in the 8th CD for Kim Shrier. Email  to let us know you will be there!

    ? Phonebanking
    Email and we will put you in touch with the phonebanking organizer for the WA Dems to get you started with phonebanking you can do ANYWHERE, even from home.

    ? Textbanking
    Email to sign up for our textbanking team to help CD8 and races across the country through Indivisible’s textbanking tool – Like phonebanking, you can do his ANYWHERE as long as you have a laptop/computer and/or a phone.

    ? Postcards to Voters
    Register for our Postcards to Voters events in calendar section below.  Oct 3 and 8 and 17, 7-9 pm. Oct 14, 11:30 – 2:30

    ? Register Voters
    Make sure EVERYONE in your social circle is registered and ready to VOTE this November:

    Join Indivisible Kirkland to register voters: email

    • Lake WA Tech – Wednesday, 10/3, from 9-1pm (potentially another day this week, as well)
    • CenturyLink Field (before the Beyoncé/Jay-Z concert) – Thursday, 10/4, from 4-7:30pm

    ? Donate
    Donate to organizations helping to Get Out the Vote:

    • Or donate to individual progressive candidates to help their campaigns. Contact your preferred candidate’s office to find out what supplies they need, or administrative duties performed.

    It’s okay to be angry. Anger at injustice is part of justice itself. But it means nothing without ACTION to correct that injustice. Take that anger, ALL THE WAY WITH YOU into this November election and always forward. Those Good Old Boys were smirking on the bench Friday because they think no one can stop them. ? What will YOU do to prove them wrong? ?

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    Updated Sep 24, 2018

    ? We had 2 sold-out events Sunday and Tuesday to write postcards for Aftab Pureval who is working to Flip the House in Ohio’s 1st district. We wrote 470 postcards to Get Out The Vote for this great candidate who is leading by 3 points! Thank you Ruth and Tania for hosting and all the writers who showed up! Registration is open for two October dates. See the Calendar section below to sign up.

    ? Indivisible Kirkland’s leadership helped Kirkland become the first city in the region to endorse I-1639 – the gun safety initiative.  Way to go!

    ? Our third group Canvass to Flip The 8th went great. Yay to Suzanne who came out for the first time!  Join us next Saturday, Sep 29, 12 – 4 pm to Canvass for 5th LD/8th CD in Issaquah.

    Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – Stand with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

    Senator Patty Murray sent out the following email on Friday Sep 21st.

    In 1991, I was one of many women inspired to run, after the way Anita Hill was treated while testifying during now-Justice Thomas’ hearings. I’m proud of the progress we have made to increase women’s representation in the Senate since.

    But the more things change, the more they sometimes stay the same. Republicans are already running the same playbook on Dr. Ford now that she has shared her experience of being sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh. Republicans want a quick hearing, they don’t want a full investigation, and then they want a quick vote.

    I won’t stand for it — and I know you won’t either. Please forward this email to 5 out-of-state friends and ask them call their senators at (202) 224-3121 to demand a full investigation and a fair hearing.

    I’m grateful to Dr. Ford for so bravely coming forward to share her experience.

    Republican leaders should be ashamed of themselves for their initial demand that Dr. Ford show up at a time they have chosen for political reasons, on extreme short notice, without any fair investigation having been done, without any additional relevant witnesses being called, and while she and her family are in hiding and facing death threats.

    There is no reason for Republicans to bully her or attack her for requesting a basic level of fair treatment and human decency.

    The attacks and threats against Dr. Ford are horrific and they are exactly the reason why she, and so many women in her position, are hesitant to speak up.

    Unless they change course and do the right thing, Senate Republicans are sending women across the country a loud and clear message: if you have been assaulted or harassed by a powerful Republican man, you better not talk about it or you’re going to pay a price.

    But I want her and every other woman to know: I stand with you, I believe you, I will fight for you and against those intent on tearing you down—and I know millions of women and men across the country will as well.

    Thank you for speaking up,


    Action 1a Show you’re standing with Dr. Ford. Forward this email to 5 out-of-state friends and ask them to call their senators at (202) 224-3121 now.

    Sample Script for Out of State Friends:

    Hello, I’m [name] from [city, zip].

    In light of the sexual assault allegations against the Judge Kavanaugh, I want the Senator to insist that there is a full FBI investigation of the allegations, as was requested by Dr. Ford. No confirmation hearing should be scheduled until an investigation is complete and a fair hearing on the allegations has been held. There is no reason for Republicans to bully or attack Dr. Ford for requesting a basic level of fair treatment and human decency.

    The attacks and threats against Dr. Ford are horrific and they are exactly the reason why she, and so many women in her position, are hesitant to speak up. Please demand a full investigation and a fair hearing.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Action 1b – Call Senator Murray and Thank her for publicly calling for an investigation.

    Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545 | EMAIL

    Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP].  I’d like to thank the Senator for calling for an investigation into Kavanaugh’s sexual assault allegations. It is crucial that this high office not be awarded to a man who may have gotten away with a horrible crime – please continue to do everything in your power to halt all proceedings until an investigation is completed.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 1c – Join #AlphabetResistance Eastside Thursday from 4:45 – 6 in Bellevue for an overpass action “WE STAND WITH CHRISTINE / FBI INVESTIGATION NOW!”. Important –  Email if you can commit to joining us and we’ll send details of where to meet.

    Action 2 – [SENATOR PATTY MURRAY] Please Provide Details on UAC Funding Sources

    A Health and Human Services (HHS) letter addressed to Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, (HELP) outlined HHS Secretary Alex Azar’s plan to reallocate up to $266 million in funding for the current fiscal year, which ends in less than two weeks. The funding would go to the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program housed inside the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

    According to recent data from the Office of Refugee Resettlement, 13,312 immigrant children were in federal custody as recently as yesterday. In May 2017, that number was around 2,400. HHS officials have said they would add an additional 3,800 beds at the Tornillo, Texas-based emergency tent-city for immigrant minors, effectively tripling its current capacity. The estimated cost of operating at these emergency facilities is $750 per child per day — nearly triple the cost of a regular ORR shelter. The current administration has sharply reduced the number of children being released and allowed to live with families and other sponsors, which has placed an immense amount of strain on the migrant shelter network tasked with looking after them.

    Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545 | EMAIL

    Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP].  HHS Secretary Alex Azar’s plans to reallocate up to $266 million in funding to the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program in the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is appalling. Please call Azar and other administration officials to a hearing and require them to specify how the money would be used in the UAC program, as well as the impacts on the programs being cut. Additionally, how is it that this money has not been used by the agencies to which it was budgeted? In the absence of information from Azar, please respond with details on how this potential re-allocation will impact those agencies.  Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [YOU] Join the 2019 ACA Signup Project

    The ACA Signup Project is a nonpartisan group of volunteers promoting outreach and assistance for the upcoming Open Enrollment Period for health insurance under The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (often referred to as “The Affordable Care Act, “the “ACA,” “Obamacare,” or “marketplace insurance“). Working together with Indivisible and other stakeholders, they hope to fill even a small part of the void left by the current Administration’s decision to shorten the enrollment window and reduce (and in many instances, terminate) advertising campaigns and enrollment support efforts across the country

    The 2019 ACA Signup project is an all volunteer social media based ad campaign to promote Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act.  Open Enrollment for health insurance purchased via the Affordable Care Act begins November 1st and ends December 15th (in most states), so it’s time to get serious about spreading the word. If you don’t use social media, you can still do action 4 below. 

    Rhonda Henry is a Washington resident and the indefatigable engine behind this national project that started in 2017. They used to use a tool called Thunderclap which is no longer available due to changes in Facebook and Twitter. So, it is up to us to manually share their carefully crafted and branded images to our social media and ask our friends to do the same.


      1. Sign up for the 2019 ACA Signup Project email list.
      1. Share signup-reminder graphics on your facebook page wherever you can. They can be found on the 2019 ACA Signup Project Public Facebook Group.
      1. Follow 2019 ACA Signup Project on Twitter for retweetable state graphics: @2019ACASignup
    1. Print the 2019 WA ACA Signup flyer and post around your community.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Tue, Sep 25, 11:45 am – 12:30 pm Resist Trump Tuesday Rally (no Meeting with Senators Staffers this week) – Seattle
      • Sun, Oct 7, time TBD – Canvass for Kim Schrier

    Save the date:

      • Sat, Oct 14, 11:30 – 2:30 Postcards and GOTV Activities – Redmond – Registration opens Sep 29

    Updated Sep 17, 2018

    ? Great turnout for our 3! Get Out The Vote actions this week:

    • Check out the video of  Alphabet Resistance Eastside from Tuesday. Lots of honks and waves and a few unmentionables. Really? Who argues with PROTECT DEMOCRACY/REGISTER AND VOTE!–? Thanks to all who came out on a breezy evening with rain clouds all around. Next event is Thursday, Oct 4 in Bellevue – email if you want to be on the email list.
    • Our second group Canvass to Flip The 8th was on Saturday. Yay to Jennifer and Kevin who came back for a second helping, and to Liz who came out for the first time and plans to return. Join us next Saturday, Sep 22, 12 – 4 pm Canvass for 5th LD/8th CD – Issaquah.
    • 19 people wrote 220 postcards for Ohio CD1 candidate Aftab Pureal. This district is as flippable as our CD8 and he’s leading in the polls by a small margin. We’re writing for him again at Tuesday evening’s sold out event. See the Calendar section below for our three October Postcard Writing events.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [VOTERS IN ALASKA & MAINE]  Stop Kavanaugh!

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    This fight isn’t over yet.  Use NARAL’s at-home phone banking tool to call people in key states, like Maine and Alaska, to encourage them to immediately call their senators.  Use the Daytime instructions for phone banking during the day, which allows you to call more states.  The Evening instructions are for phone banking in the evening, which focuses on western states.  The evening phone bank is available from 9am-9pm, PST. 

    If you have an extra moment and haven’t already done so, please call Senator Cantwell to thank her for her statements against Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination:  (206) 220-6400; (202) 224-3441.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Block the Indefinite Detention of Migrant Children and Families


    The Trump administration has proposed to end the limits on immigrant children detention by replacing the court settlement known as the Flores agreement. Under the new proposal, the government seeks to detain migrant families together indefinitely while their immigration case is pending.

    On June 20, Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) ending the separation of migrant children from their families at the U.S. border. A federal court decided in Flores v. Reno in 1997 that the government cannot detain an immigrant child beyond a reasonable amount of time, defined in 2014 as 20 days. The Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy clashed headlong into Flores with disastrous results captured in news stories. With Trump’s EO now in place, the administration has said it will abide by the 20 day limit on detention for children and families, but it’s also seeking ways to overturn Flores and allow families to be detained beyond the 20 day limit. Without the limitations set by Flores, migrant children and their families can be detained together indefinitely.

    Not only is the unlimited detention of thousands of migrant families morally unjustifiable, it is also economically wasteful – “tent cities” cost upwards of $800 per person per night. The reason behind detention is to ensure asylum seekers show up for their court appointments, but alternative methods are also successful in ensuring that outcome. The justice system regularly allows misdemeanor and non-violent offenders to be released pending trial, and tools like electronic monitoring, home visits, or bonds are highly effective. The Family Case Management Program launched in 2016 monitored asylum seekers while allowing them to stay together and out of detention. Immigration advocates praised the program for its 99% compliance rate, cost efficiency, and the additional medical and legal support provided to migrants. The Trump administration ended the program in 2017 to prioritize detention.

    Detaining families together is no better than detaining families separately. Our government has options in how it treats migrants and asylum seekers in our country even as we defend our borders. We must choose the most humane approach available, which is not indefinite detention.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to demand that [NAME] oppose any effort to overrule the Flores settlement and allow the indefinite detention of migrant families. Alternative methods, such as the Family Case Management Program, have already proven successful and cost effective. Congress must work to fund and implement these methods instead of inhumane detention of children and families. Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [HILTON BELLEVUE] Say ‘NO’ to Dinesh D’Souza

    From Northwest Accountability Project and Indivisible Kirkland

    The anti-worker Freedom Foundation has chosen Dinesh D’Souza to address their membership at their upcoming Freedom Foundation’s Annual Dinner right in our backyard at the Hilton Bellevue.

    D’Souza holds right-wing extremist views and is known for his racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and anti-working class writings/movies. This convicted felon was recently pardoned by the current president.

    Action: Urge the Hilton Bellevue’s General Manager Mark Mathews to cancel D’Souza’s appearance, by completing this form to send your message.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Updated Sep 10, 2018

    ? Great to see so many of you at Postcards to Voters, Canvassing, and the IE Group Meeting. Keep up the great work! We shared lots of great information about how to get involved in Canvassing, Phonebanking, and Textbanking at the meeting. Check out the meeting Notes for resources.

    ? Indivisible Kirkland is looking for speakers in support of I-1639, the gun safety initiative, at the Kirkland City Council meeting Tuesday, 9/18 at 7:30pm at Kirkland City Hall. Attend the public hearing to show the Council that you support the council officially endorsing I-1639.  Few cities have taken this step, and we need to show Kirkland that the community supports them in this endeavor.  If possible, please wear orange. Contact if you are willing to speak.

    ? Midterms Matter – Protect Our Democracy! Indivisible Eastside has put together a full calendar of opportunities for you. Help #FlipThe8th and Flip other districts around the country. Choose something and join us!

      • ? Tue, Sep 11, 4:45-6 pm Alphabet Resistance – Protect Democracy/Register and Vote – email to get involved in this energizing activity – we have a few spots left.
      • ? Sat, Sep 22, 12 – 4 pm Canvass for Bill Ramos and Lisa Callen – 5th LD Dems – Issaquah. Email to RSVP and we’ll coordinate carpooling and support.
    • ? Sat, Sep 29, 12 – 4 pm – Canvass for 5th LD/8th CD – Issaquah. Email to RSVP and we’ll coordinate carpooling and support.

    ? Good News! Every month at our meeting, we share good news that has happened since our previous meeting. Louise has added our running document to the IE Website, and you can find it on the Good News page (linked to from the Resources Page). Enjoy reviewing when you’re feeling low.

    Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [Senator Susan Collins’ 2020 Democratic Opponent] Either Sen. Collins VOTES NO on Kavanaugh OR we fund her future opponent

    From Be A Hero Team, Maine People’s Alliance and Mainers for Accountable Leadership

    “We, the People of Maine are joining Ady Barkan and thousands of others to demand that Senator Collins votes “no” on Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh” – Marie Follayttar, Co-Director of MFAL said, “We’re excited to once again join with Ady to promote and amplify Maine voices.”

    There are two scenarios:

      • Senator Collins votes NO on Kavanaugh and you will not be charged, and no money will go to fund her future opponent.
    • Senator Collins votes YES on Kavanaugh and your pledge will go to her opponent’s campaign, once that opponent has been identified.

    The nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice is a threat to everyday Mainers. Kavanaugh is committed to ending healthcare for people with pre-existing conditions. He is committed to overturning Roe v. Wade. Kavanaugh cannot be confirmed – he would mean bankruptcy and danger for millions of families in Maine and America.

    Her vote could decide whether a rubber stamp for Trump’s anti-healthcare, anti-woman, anti-labor agenda gets confirmed to the Supreme Court–costing millions of Americans their healthcare, their right to choose, and their lives.

    If she fails to stand up for the people of Maine and for Americans across the country, every dollar pledged to a fundraising campaign will go to her eventual Democratic opponent in 2020.  

    Action: Pledge $20.20 to help get Susan Collins out of office in 2020 if she doesn’t stand with the people of Maine.  Your card will only be charged if Collins votes for Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

    Action 2 – Three Actions to #SaveSCOTUS

    From Indivisible

    After two days of intense questioning from Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh only further proved to us that our rights and democracy are in danger. Now that his confirmation hearings are over, Republicans have the finish line in sight — and they want to sprint through it before we can mobilize against Kavanaugh.

    Here are three things we learned from Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing:

      1. He refused to commit to upholding Roe v. Wade.
      1. He refused to say whether he believes a president must comply with a subpoena.
    1. He refused to reveal whether he has discussed the Mueller investigation with people in Trump’s orbit.

    On top of all of that, documents from Kavanaugh’s time in the Bush White House published by the New York Times on Thursday revealed that Kavanaugh believes that the Supreme Court can overturn Roe v. Wade. AND it appears he perjured himself during his prior confirmation hearings for DC’s Circuit Court of Appeals in 2004 and 2006.

    This confirms, and puts into the public record, what we already knew: Brett Kavanaugh is utterly unfit to sit on the Supreme Court, and every Senator should vote no on his nomination.

    We can still #StopKavanaugh, but it won’t be easy. Here are three things you can continue to take in this fight:

    Action 2a: Thank Senators Murray and Cantwell for taking a stand against Kavanaugh.   

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is {NAME} and I’m calling from {CITY, ZIP}. I want to thank the Senator for her decision to vote ‘NO’ on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Not only are his views too extreme, but unindicted co-conspirators, like Donald Trump, should never be allowed to make lifetime appointments. I hope the Senator stands equally strong against Trump’s future nominees to the courts. Thank you for your time and attention.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]

    Action 2b: Sign up to phone bank from anywhere! 

    #SaveSCOTUS calls as well as “calling out the vote” for IndivisiCandidates across the country, and we need your help to reach as many votes as we can. Sign up for an upcoming shift (or two, or four…)

    Action 2c: Get Friends to call their Senators

    Do you know a resident of Alaska, Maine, West Virginia, North Dakota, Indiana, Florida, or Arizona? Their Senators need to hear from them! Ask them to call their Senators and demand they VOTE NO on Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Here’s a script you can paste into a Facebook post, email, or text message to your friends.

    Ask them to call the U.S. Senate switchboard to be connected to their Senators: (202) 224-3121

    Sample Script for your friends in swing states:

    Hello, I’m [name] from [city, zip]. I’d like to call on Senator [name] to oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Please push for the hearing to be postponed until all of his records can be examined. Please VOTE NO when his confirmation comes up, and do everything you can to convince your colleagues to do the same. Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: leave the full street address to ensure the call is tallied.]

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Reverse Trump’s Cancellation of Federal Pay Raises

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Federal workers earn 5 percent less than they did at the start of the decade, according to the American Federation of Government Employees. Public servants were scheduled to receive a 2.1% pay raise in January, roughly matching the expected inflation rate.

    Now President Trump has cancelled the pay raise, stating the cancellation is required to “put our nation on a fiscally sustainable course.” Trump estimates the cancellation will save $25 billion dollars.  That amount is dwarfed by the expected $1.5 trillion cost over the next 10 years of Trump’s recent tax cut, which has benefited working Americans only modestly. “Republicans gave corporations a trillion dollar tax cut and are now cutting pay raises for social workers, janitors, painters, clerical workers, and more. It’s outrageous,” said Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

    Sample Script:

    My name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. Please support fair wages for federal workers. Fight President Trump’s plan to cancel the federal pay raise planned for January. It’s an outrage to fund tax cuts for corporations at the expense of working Americans. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Tue, Sep 11, 11:45 – 1:30 Resist Trump Tuesday Rally and Meeting with Senators Staffers – Seattle Federal Building

    Save the date:

      • Thu, Oct 4, 4:45 – 6 pm- Alphabet Resistance – Bellevue
    • Thu, Oct 25, 4:15 – 5:30pm – Alphabet Resistance – Bellevue

    Updated Sep 3, 2018

    ? Please join us Sun, Sep 9, 1-3 pm for Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting at the Redmond Library. Hear from our various topic groups and get energized for the midterms. We’ll share specifics on how to get involved in Phonebanking, Textbanking and Canvassing so that YOU can help #FlipThe8th and Protect Our Democracy.

    Redmond Library will no longer allow outside groups to use their projector (which we’ve had mixed results with TBH). We’re in search of a projector to borrow monthly, or longer term. If you have access to one, or one gathering dust, contact us at ASAP.

    ? Midterms Matter! Indivisible Eastside has put together a full calendar of opportunities for you. Help #FlipThe8th and Flip other districts around the country. Choose something and join in!

      • Tue, Sep 11, 4:45-6 pm Alphabet Resistance – Protect Democracy/Register and Vote – email to get involved in this energizing activity.

    ? We know you’re registered to vote, because you voted in the primary!  But is your [parent], [child], [sibling]? Perhaps they’ve moved? Please encourage them to check their registration status and/or update their address via Washington State’s Online Registration, or if they’re out of state, they can go to to get information on how to register. Deadline for online registration in Washington is Oct 8.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [US SENATE] Demand that Democrat Senators Fight

    From Seattle Indivisible

    This week, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer showed a disappointing lack of spine when he agreed to fast-track votes on 15 of Trump’s judicial nominees and 5 executive appointees. He claims that most of these judges were non-controversial and would have been confirmed whether Democrats stayed to fight or not. Still, he got nothing in return for the fast-tracking deal, and the result is 15 more Trump judges in power for decades to come.  

    Keeping Democratic leaders awake and fighting is one thing that we can really contribute to – let’s call our Senators to let them know that we are paying attention and we want them to fight at every turn, using every tool in their arsenal.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to express my displeasure at Senator Chuck Schumer’s choice to fast-track 15 of Trump’s judicial nominations this week. Even though we are in the minority, I want the leaders of the Democratic party to fight for us at every turn. There are plenty of tools available for Senator [Murray/Cantwell] and the rest of the Democratic Senators to halt, postpone, or otherwise make it difficult for Republicans to pass harmful legislation or appoint dangerous people. Any agreement where Democrats get nothing in return is a fight that Democrats lost. I would like Senator [Murray/Cantwell] and Senator Schumer to resist deals such as this in the future, and stand strong for us at every turn. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US SENATE]  Keep up the pressure against Kavanaugh!

    From Seattle Indivisible

    It’s possible that Trump may have nominated a potential Supreme Court Justice that has already misled the senate in a prior confirmation hearing.  This level of incompetence is almost as astounding as the attempt to cover it up by the GOP.  

    Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) Thursday asked Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) to join a request for Judge Kavanaugh’s Staff Secretary records, and to publicly release the documents now.

    The Senators emphasize the fact that documents that are currently “committee confidential” contain information indicating that Kavanaugh misled the Senate during his 2006 nomination hearing.

    They write, “We firmly believe that Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination cannot be considered unless these documents are available, including to the public and the Senate as a whole.” The Senators strongly urged Chairman Grassley to support their “request for Judge Kavanaugh’s Staff Secretary records and to publicly release documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s time in the White House in the same manner as was done for all previous Supreme Court nominees. The truth should not be hidden from the Senate or the American people.”

    This is a lifetime appointment with massive implications.  Senator Murray has already pledged to oppose Kavanaugh’s appointment and Senator Cantwell voted against his last nomination, but we want more. We need our Senators to do everything possible to make the information public.


    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m deeply concerned about the Kavanaugh nomination. I am deeply opposed to the positions Kavanaugh has taken, but there also appears to be a purposeful attempt to conceal information from a prior confirmation hearing that would affect whether this nominee gets confirmed.  Please ask the Senator to publicly oppose any vote on Kavanaugh unless the information is made public.  Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]


    Post this on your social media, email it to your mom, or call your grandma. Whip the Vote has scripts for specific swing Senators, and for other Democratic or Republican Senators.

    Action 3 – [EPA] Keep the Clean Power Plan in place

    From NRDC and other organizations

    Trump and acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler are attempting to replace Obama’s Clean Power Plan. They call their proposal the “Affordable Clean Energy Rule” but the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and others call it the “Dirty Power Plan.” The Clean Power Plan was put in place in 2015 to move our electrical generation off of coal and toward renewables, and aims to reduce carbon emissions from the electricity sector by 32% (by 2030), which also brings multiple health benefits. The Washington Post reports on how Trump’s plan would result in more premature deaths, along with additional major asthma attacks and heart attacks.

    The EPA is accepting comments, so let’s make our voices heard. Your comment is important!

    To send a quick email: If you only have a few minutes, you can click one of the following pages. It’s best to personalize your message – you can even grab some phrases from the ideas below.

    TO SEND YOUR COMMENT DIRECTLY TO THE EPA, USE THIS LINK & click “Comment Now”: NOTE that the comment form does NOT have a section where you state who you are. So, for more impact, state your name and city/state.

    Message Ideas (cut/paste/edit to create your own):


    My name is [NAME] and I am a U.S. { citizen | resident } living in [CITY, STATE].


    • I am   { deeply | extremely | profoundly }   concerned about the effects of climate change, especially   [ name some effects here ].
    • As a { resident of the Pacific Northwest | parent | teacher | hiker | ____________ } , I care about protecting clean air and a stable climate because ______________________________.


    • Do not replace the Clean Power Plan with a  { weak, pro-polluter plan | ineffective plan that will result in dirtier air, worse damage to the climate, and more deaths from respiratory illness }.
    • We must not weaken the Clean Power Plan.  It { is the most significant federal action to mitigate climate change |  is a crucial federal plan that protects our air and our climate | __________ }.


    • Power plants are one of our single largest sources of global warming pollution. The Clean Power Plan would take an important step by reducing power-plant pollution by 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. I am strongly in favor of that step.
    • If anything, the Clean Power Plan should be strengthened. Limiting carbon pollution from coal power plants doesn’t just protect the climate—it also reduces other emissions that harm human health. The EPA’s own studies show that weakening the Clean Power Plan will result in more illness and premature deaths each year.
    • Trump’s replacement proposal is extremely weak, and full of giveaways to fossil fuel companies and polluting utilities. It would allow states to set weak standards or even avoid imposing any standards. This would boost carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants by billions of tons.
    • This new proposal is worse than doing nothing. Instead of limiting pollution from power plants, it would encourage pollution and even create loopholes in Clean Air Act restrictions.


    • This proposal to { dismantle | undermine | weaken }  the Clean Power Plan puts the health of our communities at a completely unnecessary risk. This is especially true for low-income families and communities of color, which disproportionately bear the brunt of climate impacts. I urge you, do not replace the Clean Power Plan with this  { unfair | uncaring | harmful | unacceptable | _______________ } proposal.
    • Trump’s plan would only make the terrible impacts of climate change worse, and drive us closer to climate chaos. I stand with countless Americans who support the Clean Power Plan. The EPA, and the government, is obligated to listen to our comments. The Clean Power Plan must not be weakened.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    • Tue, Sep 18, 7:30 Kirkland City Hall – Attend the public hearing during the Kirkland City Council meeting to show the Council that you support its efforts to officially endorse I-1639, the gun safety initiative from the Alliance for Gun Responsibility.  Few cities have taken this step, and we need to show Kirkland that the community supports them in this endeavor.  If possible, please wear orange. Learn more about Proposition 1, the Kirkland community safety ballot initiative on the ballot in November:

    Save the date:

    Updated August 27, 2018

    ? Wow! 21 people including 3 men turned out to write 220 Postcards to Florida Voters to let them know about signing up for Vote By Mail. When Democrats vote by mail, Democrats win! Thank you, Vivian, for hosting, and everyone else for writing. Our next event is Sep 5th. See Calendar section below for details and join the fun.

    ? It was great to see many of you at the Unite for Justice: Seattle rally Sunday. Repeat after me – “No nominee of an unindicted co-conspirator should be accepted as a judge of that co-conspirator’s fate!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [OUR DEMOCRACY] Pledge Time to Save Our Democracy.

    10: the number of weeks until the Midterm Election.  23: the number of seats Democrats must gain to have a majority in the US House. 10 Hours and 23 minutes – that’s how much time we’re asking you to pledge to flipping the House and regaining control of our Democracy.  Will you pledge that?

    The path to flipping the House goes directly through the 8th CD. Work in the 5th LD, which lies entirely within the 8th, will not only flip the 5th Blue, but will help flip one of the needed 23 US House seats. Ezra Levin, co-founder of Indivisible states that Canvassing and Phonebanking are the top two ways to turn strong democrats who vote sporadically into strong democrats who vote frequently. Not only that, the data collected will help strengthen the WA Democratic Party for future elections. You can do this, and Indivisible Eastside is here to help. Here’s the breakdown:

    • 2 hours at our Group Meeting followed by:
        • two 4-hour canvassing outings with IE OR
        • one 4-hour canvassing outing with IE + 4 hours of phonebanking from home OR
        • 8 hours of phonebanking from home OR
      • 8 hours of textbanking from home

    Actions to get to 10:23:

    ? Listen to the first 23 minutes of the Indivisible Podcast: How to Win in November

    ? Meet up with your steering committee Sep 8th 10am-2pm to Canvass for Schrier, Ramos and Callen – FlipThe8th Issaquah. This will be a supported environment to help you get started on Canvassing. RSVP with WA Dems on the link then email to let us know so we can coordinate carpooling and support. Let us know if you’ve done canvassing before and if you prefer to drive or not drive.

    ? Attend the Sep 9th, 1-3pm Group Meeting at the Redmond Library to learn about Indivisible Eastside’s plans to help YOU do canvassing, phonebanking and textbanking (fyi, phonebanking and textbanking are done with your computer, NOT your phone). You can get up-and-running with Canvassing on Sep 8th (see actions), so we’ll focus the meeting more on phone and textbanking, as well as sharing with you our canvassing plans for the next 10 weeks to GetOutTheVote in Washington’s 8th CD.

    ? Email us at and let us know how you plan to spend your 10 hours. Additionally, we’d love to hear what actions you’ve been taking over the summer. We’ll share anonymous information at our Sep 9th meeting and via the Actions Email.

    ? Put Sep 15th 10am-2pm on your calendar for our next supported Canvass opportunity – Sep 15 Canvass for Schrier, Ramos and Callen – Snoqualmie.  RSVP with WA Dems on the link then email

    Action 2 – [ENDEAVOUR CAPITAL] Stop the Flow of Money to Hate Groups

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Louise had the pleasure to attend last Tuesday’s Resist Trump Rally in Seattle. It was about Endeavour Capital, a Pacific Northwest-based private equity firm. Murdock Charitable Trust, one of the repeat investors in Endeavour Capital, has given millions of dollars to extremist groups that campaign against a wide variety of civil rights and women’s reproductive rights issues. The Trust’s donations have supported groups that campaign against LGBTQI rights, that promote “gay conversion therapy,” that provide false medical information to women seeking reproductive health services, and that use aggressive and misleading tactics to undermine public employee unions. On the investment side, Endeavour invests in companies like Aladdin Bail Bonds, which profits from our unjust cash bail system, and New Seasons, which called in union busting consultants to intimidate their employees in Portland. We’re asking Endeavour to cut ties with the far-right Murdock Trust.

    Listen to the impressive line-up of speakers explaining the harm caused by Endeavour’s uncaring acceptance of the Murdock Trust as an investor.

    Action: Call Endeavour Capital’s office at (206) 621-7060 and tell them to cut ties with the Murdock Trust.

    Sample Script:

    “Hello. I’m a resident of [CITY, ZIP], and I’m calling to ask you to you cut ties with the Murdock Trust. We in the Pacific Northwest are well aware that the Murdock Trust supports organizations that go completely against our values.

    (pick whichever of these resonate with you; you can end by repeating, “I ask you to cut ties with the Murdock Trust.”)

    Murdock’s Money

    The Murdock Trust has donated $975,000 to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) which

      • defends LGBTQ conversion therapy
      • fights against marriage equality
      • promotes anti-transgender discrimination bills nationally, including the “bathroom bills”
    • represents plaintiffs like Masterpiece Cakeshop – arguing for legalized discrimination against LGBTQ customers

    The Murdock Trust has donated $1,547,200 to fund “pregnancy crisis centers”

      • These centers pose as legitimate medical or counseling clinics, but exist to prevent women from accessing abortion services
    • NARAL Pro-Choice America has asked for the boycott and defunding of these clinics

    The Murdock Trust has donated $765,000 to the Freedom Foundation which

      • seeks to eliminate paid sick leave and opposes minimum wage increases for low-wage workers.
      • staff publicly opposed the Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage arguing that it is a “threat to personal freedom.”
      • quotes in their blog “doom-and-gloom scenarios about climate change are based on a combination of political agendas and junk science.”
    • staff consistently attacks Planned Parenthood, an organization that is dedicated to providing women’s health services, calling them a “radical social organization” and a “baby killing, body-part brokering, government money consuming machine.”

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE, US SENATE] Protect Clean Air Emissions Standards


    The Trump administration has announced it intends to revoke California’s ability to regulate cars’ greenhouse gas emissions and set less stringent federal standards for fuel efficiency. Both proposed provisions would significantly undermine efforts to control automobile emissions and slow dangerous climate change.

    But Congress has the power to set federal regulation of air quality standards. Our representatives need to hear from us that environmental protection and air quality are a higher priority than cost-savings for car manufacturers, and that America must keep its leadership position in world-class standards for fuel-efficient, clean cars.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling today to ask [REP / SEN NAME] to ensure that current greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy standards for automobiles are kept in place, despite the EPA slashing these protections. Environmental protection is more important to me than saving money for car manufacturers.

    Thank you for all your hard work answering phones.

    [IF LEAVING VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Tue, Aug 28 11:45 am – 1:30 pm Resist Trump Tuesday Rally and Meeting with Senators’ Staffers – Seattle

    Save the date:

    Updated August 20, 2018

    ? Tuesday is the last day to sign up for Thu, Aug 23, 7-9 pm Postcards To Voters in Kirkland. We hope to see you there!

    ? SPOTLIGHT: UNITE FOR JUSTICE AUG 26 = Stopping SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh

    We want to bring your attention an important event.  On August 26, all across the country, Americans will stand united in commitment to our freedom and our future to demand that the U.S. Senate stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for a lifelong appointment to the Supreme Court. NARAL Pro-Choice WA has organized the Unite for Justice: Seattle rally Sunday August 26th at noon at Westlake Park in Seattle. Please show up and be counted in opposition of Brett Kavanaugh.

    There are two important training events coming up in the next week in the leadup to the rally. Our friends at Indivisible Kirkland have organized a Testimony and Storytelling workshop at Kirkland City Hall on Mon, Aug 20 7-8pm. See the calendar section below for details and RSVP.

    A second workshop is in Seattle on Wed, Aug 22 6-7pm at NARAL Pro-Choice Washington (811 1st Ave Suite 675, Seattle WA 98104)  RSVP Here

    These workshops will help build constituent stories about reproductive rights, health care, voting rights, environmental protection, LGBTQ rights, etc to take to our Senators in the fight against Kavanaugh. This skill also has good applications elsewhere (e.g. learning to build useful and persuasive narratives for contacting other MOCs, letters to the editor, interpersonal discussions, etc).

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [CD8, LD5] Support 3 great candidates in 2 flippable districts

    Congratulations to Dr. Kim Schrier for becoming the Democratic candidate for the 8th Congressional District House seat. It’s being labeled a toss-up by so it is going to be a very competitive race.  

    Also, Congratulations go to Lisa Callan and Bill Ramos, leading candidates for Washington 5th Legislative District House Race

    In the past, Indivisible Eastside has encouraged members to be involved with the campaigns of State Senator Manka Dhingra (LD45) and State Senator Patty Kuderer (LD48). In the primary, Manka is leading her Republican opponent by more than 27 points, and Patty is leading her fake Democrat opponent by more than 30 points with twice as many votes. Your work, no doubt, contributed to their current and future success.

    Indivisible Eastside steering sees the 5th LD State House race, and the 8th CD US House race as two places we can make a big difference. The 5th LD is wholly inside the 8th CD, so work here also helps activate the voters who will elect Dr. Kim Schrier. The 5th LD includes Snoqualmie, Issaquah, North Bend, Black Diamond, and Maple Valley. Additionally, this race has been endorsed by CodeBlue.  The tireless Julia Ricketts of CodeBlue Washington has been working closely with the WA state Dems to host Canvassing and Phonebanking events for this district for some time.

    Action 1a:

    Action 1b:

    Join Code Blue Washington group on Facebook or  CodeBlue Washington email list then check out their GOTV opportunities. Here’s an upcoming one we encourage you to join:

    Sunday, August 26 from 1-5 p.m.

    Code Blue WA-Sponsored Issaquah Highlands Canvass for LD5 candidates

    Come out to canvass in support of Bill Ramos for State House and Lisa Callan for State House in LD5! Work we do here supports #Flipthe8th too, so we’ll be keeping Dino Rossi out of office while we work to flip two State House seats. Training is provided that day and all canvassers go out in pairs unless they prefer otherwise. Followed by an optional BBQ and volunteer appreciation party at the Perry / Ramos residence in Issaquah! 

    Download the App “MiniVAN” prior to the canvass. Bring a fully charged phone, water, snacks, and comfy shoes.

    RSVP by emailing

    Action 2 – [HYATT] Tell HYATT hotels to STOP HOSTING HATE

    An organization that has been identified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center will meet at the Crystal City Hyatt in Arlington, Virginia Sept 4-5. The Huffington Post reports that ACT for America will have its annual conference at the hotel. The group is led by Brigitte Gabrielle, who has been called “America’s most prominent anti-Muslim activist” by The Atlantic.

    Muslim Advocates, a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths, is asking the DC area Hyatt to Stop Hosting Hate.


    Contact the Hyatt, Crystal City Hotel

    • 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, 22202
      Tel: +1 703 418 1234 | Fax: +1 703 418 1289

    Contact Hyatt Corporation

    Sample Script:

    Given that Hyatt Hotels states ‘We embrace all cultures, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, perspectives, and ways of thinking.’ the company’s decision to host ACT for America– the largest anti-Muslim hate group in America – is bewildering. Please support your statement and do not host the hate group ACT for America September 4-5 at the Hyatt, Crystal City Hotel in Arlington. There must be no room for hate at Hyatt hotels.

    Action 3 – [US SENATE] Do Not Fund DHS Raise


    The House is moving forward with a bill that will increase DHS’s budget to a record-breaking $51 billion – including $5 billion for Trump’s border wall.

    $51 billion – after DHS has failed to reunite all the families it separated, continues to terrorize immigrant communities with ICE, and abuses children without any repercussions. And instead of being held accountable, DHS is getting a raise.

    The House Committee on Appropriations may have let us down, but now the full House and Senate – where we have the best chance of winning – can weigh in. Tell your senators that you refuse to send your taxpayer money to increase DHS’s budget – not while it continues to abuse immigrants.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I oppose using my taxpayer money to fund the Department of Homeland Security as it continues to detain families, abuse immigrant children, and unleash ICE to terrorize communities. No wall. No more agents. No family jails. Don’t allow our taxpayer dollars to fund DHS’s abuse of immigrants. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:

      • Canvass with a candidate! Contact campaigns directly to get involved.
      • Volunteer with YesOn1631 – Do Something About Climate Change
      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
    • Forward this email to a friend!

    Updated August 13, 2018

    ? Overall, WA Dems are doing great in the primary. Hear what WA State Democrats Chair Tina Podlodowski has to say about the successes around the state.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [YOU] – Donate or Volunteer to campaigns in flippable districts

    Alx Dark of Indivisible Wallingford put together a list of thirteen WA Congressional and Legislative seats where Democrats have a very good chance of flipping the seat. This is where to put your energy in the next 3 months. If you’re able, choose one to volunteer for, and three to donate to.

    Protecting the Democratic majority in the state legislature is crucial to defending ourselves from the Trump administration. One example: if Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion would be legal in Washington state, but a Republican state legislature would remove that protection. There are many more examples.

    These numbers are from the state elections site – updates are from Aug 11th, by Indivisible Eastside


    ?CD-3 There are 77,828 Dem votes and 81,025 Republican. With only a 3,197 vote gap, Carolyn Long can take this seat from the Republican incumbent, Jaime Herrera Beutler. Additionally, Carolyn Long’s race has been added to the DCCC’s “Red to Blue” Program that will provide money for the campaign. That proves what we’ve known for a while: #WA03 is in play. But Carolyn’s gonna need your help to #FlipThe3rd.

    ? CD-5 Lisa Brown is trailing the Republican vote total, 75,648 to 85,173, but Brown can win this seat with a lot of work.

    ? CD-8 There are 81,758 non-Democratic votes to 82,189 Democratic votes, with Schrier in the lead by 1,067 votes. Schrier can take this seat.


    ? LD-5 Both the reps are currently Rs, but the D challengers for the two positions, Bill Ramos and Lisa Callan, are in the lead! Ramos and Callan can win their seats.

    ? LD-6 Both the reps and the senator are currently Rs, but Jessa Lewis (D) is just 406 votes away from her opponent for the state senate. Kay Murano (D) is currently leading for state representative position #1, AND for position #2, Dave Wilson leads the Dems with 16,972 D votes to 15,312 R votes. Lewis, Murano, and Wilson can all win their seats.

    ? LD-17 Representative Pos. 1, Tanisha Harris, there are 14,630 D to 14,177 R votes for this Republican seat. Harris can take this seat.

    ? LD-19 Representative Pos 1, the Democrat, Erin Frasier, trails the incumbent Republican by only 188 votes. Frasier can take this seat.

    ? LD-26 For Senator Emily Randall is beating her Republican opponent for this Republican seat. Randall can take this seat.

    ? LD-30 For Senator, Claire Wilson (D) has 11,920 D to 11,175 R votes for this Republican seat. Wilson can take this seat.

    ? LD-42 The incumbent Republican senator Doug Ericksen, Trump supporter and climate denier, has 19,054 votes but the Dems have 22,405 votes. The frontrunner, Pinky Vargas, can take this seat.

    ? LD-47 Representative Pos 1, Debra Entenman is only 381 votes away from the Republican incumbent. Entenman can take this seat.

    Action 2 – [EPA] Register Your Opposition to the Trump Administration’s Efforts to Freeze Federal Fuel-Efficiency Standard 

    From Indivisible Washington’s 8th District

    One of the bright spots during the past 30 years in the fight against climate change and air pollution is in the area of vehicle emissions. Regulations at both the federal and state level have provided the impetus for the auto industry’s production of ever-cleaner and more efficient vehicles. California has been a leader in setting achievable standards for automobiles that manufacturers are effectively compelled to achieve, given the size of the California vehicle market. 

    The Trump Administration is proposing to halt that progress, with a proposal to freeze federal fuel efficiency standards for vehicles and to preclude states like California from setting standards more stringent than the new relaxed federal standards. Its justification, which borders on the comical, is that less efficient cars tend to be bigger and more expensive to drive, as a result of which there will be fewer miles driven and thus fewer people dying and injured in traffic accidents. (Say what again . . .?)

    By law, the agencies making this rule must consider public comments. The final rule must include a justification in light of the comments the agency received. If opposition to the proposed rule is exceptionally large or strident, the agency may decide to make substantial modifications and restart the process.

    Action: Register your opposition to this effort, by leaving a public comment for the Trump EPA here: (just click on the “Comment Now!” button and follow the instructions).

    To help you get started, you might try this format (from the bracketed phrases, choose one):

    • I am  { very concerned with | deeply disturbed by | appalled at | __________ } this proposal to lower fuel-efficiency standards and rescind the California waiver.
    • { Clean air | Efficient, non-polluting vehicles | A stable climate | _____________ } are   { extremely important | crucial | a basic foundation } for a healthy way of life and good transportation choices for all Americans.
    • I urge you, do not  { weaken | lower | gut | __________ }  the standards that have been protecting {air quality | health | the climate } in important ways across the U.S.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE, US SENATE] Ask your Members of Congress to Demand Investigations into VA Corruption

    From Seattle Indivisible

    We all know that the current administration is among the most corrupt in US history: Tom Price got caught engaging in insider trading, Scott Pruitt tried to get his wife a Chick-fil-A franchise, Steve Mnuchin flies on expensive military jets for personal trips, and David Shulkin took his wife on a tax payer-funded trip to Europe, just to name a few examples.

    Not every Trump Administration official who has been accused or caught engaging in what would normally be career-ending scandals has been fired, but some have, including David Shulkin, former Veterans Affairs (VA) secretary. However, Shulkin alleged after his firing that he was actually removed because of his unwillingness to privatize parts of the VA.

    Yesterday, the non-profit investigative reporting outfit, ProPublica, released a bombshell story about how the VA is actually being run by a shadowy cabal of Mar-a-Lago club members, the President’s private Florida club.

    Tim Walz, a Democratic Congressman and candidate for MN Governor, released this statement saying: “This situation reeks of corruption and cronyism…That is why I’m directing my staff to immediately open an investigation into the matter.”

    Note: it’s important for everyone to call their Members of Congress, but it is especially important for Rep Adam Smith’s constituents in the 9th Congressional District to call about this action since he is the ranking member on the House Armed Services committee.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I read a report about how the Department of Veterans Affairs is secretly being run by three members of the President’s Mar-a-Lago club. Our veterans deserve better than corruption and cronyism, and I would like to see [NAME] call for investigations immediately.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Mon, Aug 20, 7-8 pm Story Sharing Workshop and SCOTUS Strategy Session – Kirkland. Email for information and to RSVP.

    … and More:

      • Canvass with a candidate! Contact campaigns directly to get involved.
      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
    • Forward this link to a friend!

    Updated August 6, 2018

    ? We know you’ve voted already, but did your [spouse], [parent], [child], [sibling]? Please continue to encourage other like-minded people you know to vote TODAY. Deadline for voting is TOMORROW! (Haven’t voted? Consult the Progressive Voter’s Guide for all the details)

    ? Registration for our next Postcards To Voters event is now OPEN! Join us in Kirkland on Thursday, Aug 23rd from 7-9 pm to write Postcards to Voters. Candidate info will be available after the WA Primary.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [MIDTERMS] Sign up NOW to volunteer for “The Last Weekend” before the November elections

    From in coordination with MoveOn, SwingLeft, Flippable, Sister District, resistbot, and 17 more organizations.

    Study after study shows that the most effective way to get people to vote is by having conversations with them in the four days before Election Day (Saturday, November 3rd–Tuesday, November 6th).

    But if you feel like your canvassing/phone banking/text banking efforts are overlapping with other organizations, we have some exciting news! Indivisible is coordinating with 22 organizations to focus volunteers during “The Last Weekend” before the November midterm elections. They are gathering names of volunteers NOW so they can be ready in November. The Primary elections in WA state are nearly over, and we encourage all those who care about our democracy to sign up NOW, clear your calendar, and be part of this monumental Get Out The Vote effort in November!

    Each of us has the power to make a big difference in a key race by talking to voters. Don’t just vote this year—volunteer! Will you be there when it matters?

    Action: Pledge 3, 6, 9 or more hours to The Last Weekend to help take back our democracy!

    Action 2 – [NATIONAL PARK SERVICE] Prevent the Return of Cruel Hunting Practices in Alaska

    From Wilderness Watch and other organizations

    Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is trying to repeal regulations passed in 2015 that would ban cruel hunting practices such as baiting bears with junk food, and killing mother wolves and wolf pups in their dens. A  Washington Post article and a summary page from Wilderness Watch provide background. The comment period on this action now extends until Sept 6, so this is a good time to take action.


    Message Ideas (cut/paste/edit to create your own):


    • I am writing to you as an American citizen and as someone who
      {loves to hike  | treasures wildlife  | loves and values our National Park system}


      • I urge the Department of Interior to abandon the proposed rule (RIN 1024-AE38).
    • Do not remove the regulatory provision issued by the National Park Service in 2015. Do not open up the national preserves of Alaska to cruel and aggressive hunting methods.


      • The regulations about these hunting methods were passed in 2015 for a reason. Repealing these regulations opens up major threats to some of the magnificent wildlife species of Alaska.
      • We should not open up our public lands to hunting methods such as shooting denning wolves and their pups, using dogs to hunt bears, using junk food to bait bears, targeting animals from airplanes and snowmobiles, and shooting swimming caribou from boats. These methods are completely contrary to my values as an American, and as someone who loves the outdoors and the plants and animals that make their homes on public lands.
      • The proposed hunting methods are not permitted elsewhere in National Parks or Preserves and are not in keeping with the spirit or the language of the National Park Service’s directive to “provide for the maintenance of sound populations of, and habitat for, wildlife species of inestimable value to the citizens of Alaska and the Nation.”
    • This proposal would overturn an existing 2015 NPS rule which was supported by scientists and thousands of Americans who commented in support of protecting predators from these cruel killing practices.


      • The National Park Service has a mandate and a public responsibility to conserve wildlife. It must not ignore how the animals of the parks are treated. I strongly oppose this repeal.
    • I strongly oppose this repeal. Americans expect the National Park Service to pay attention to our comments and keep these regulations in place. Officials in the National Park Service have a responsibility to stand up for American values, which means preventing cruelty and keeping the 2015 regulations in place.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Fire Ryan Zinke

    From, Friends of the Earth

    Like many other members of Trump’s cabinet, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has repeatedly proven he is an irresponsible steward of public dollars and unqualified for his position. Zinke’s scandals are remarkably similar to those of former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Zinke potentially violated the Hatch Act by mixing work and campaign travel. It was reported recently that a foundation established by Zinke and chaired by his wife engaged in a real estate deal with the chairman of dirty energy giant Halliburton. News also broke that when Zinke’s Department of the Interior reviewed national monument designations last year, they buried evidence that showed that shrinking national monuments would endanger culturally important sites and hurt tourism.

    Zinke has publicly claimed to be a geologist, including while under oath, but Zinke chose his major in geology at random in college and has never once worked as a geologist. He is alleged to have reassigned career civil servants who refused to deny climate change. We could go on–but if you want more details, take a look on

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from Bellevue.

    I’m calling to urge [NAME] to demand Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke be fired for his wasteful use of taxpayer dollars for unnecessary flights. I am also concerned that Zinke has repeatedly lied under oath about his qualifications as a geologist and reassigned career civil servants who refused to deny climate change. Zinke is utterly unfit to be a steward of taxpayer dollars and America’s public lands.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Connect with high-school & middle-school youth at an inter-generational climate workshop organized by Sustainability Ambassadors. Students attend all day; adults join in the afternoon:
          • Wed, Aug 8: Climate Justice, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Ave S, Kent;   adults attend 1-4 pm
          • Thu, Aug 9: Green Building, Bennett Elementary, 17900 NE 16th St, Blvu;  adults attend 12:30-4 pm
          • Fri, Aug 10: Climate & Transportation, Kirkland City Hall, 123 5th Ave;  adults attend 1-4 pm
      • Sat, Aug 11, 18, 25 Workshop: Plastic Pollution Series – Ballard/Freemont – sign up to attend 1 or all 3 workshops

    Updated July 30, 2018

    ? Our second #AlphabetResistance action on a 405 overpass in Bellevue was great fun if a bit toasty in the heat! Thank you Linda K and Lassie J for organizing the letter making marathons and leading 18 Eastsiders in Getting Out The Vote! If you’re interested in participating in future actions email and we’ll let you know when our next event is.

    ? We know you’ve voted already, but did your [spouse], [parent], [child], [sibling]?. Please continue to encourage other like-minded people you know to vote TODAY. (Haven’t voted? Consult the Progressive Voter’s Guide for all the details)

    ? Here are your 2 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [HHS] Comment in Opposition to the Title X gag rule by July 31

    This is a repeat action. If you didn’t do it back in June, please do it today! In a nutshell, The Gag rule would stop clinics from receiving federal (Title X) funding if their healthcare providers discuss abortion options with their patients.  The loss of Title X funding would make that clinic’s whole range of services – not just abortion-related – less affordable and less accessible. Many of these at-risk clinics serve vulnerable populations with few, or no, other options for affordable care.

    Action: Please make your voice heard on this dangerous rule–it takes just a few minutes to post a comment!  To comment, open the Compliance With Statutory Program Integrity Requirements page and click the green “Submit a Formal Comment”. It’s best to start your comment with “I oppose the proposed regulation.”

    Here is some detailed information provided by Planned Parenthood in their action meeting May 31 to consider using in your comment:

    The Trump-Pence rule would:

      • PREVENT Title X health care providers from performing, promoting, or referring patients for safe and legal abortions.
    • REMOVE the guarantee that patients get comprehensive, accurate information about health care from their doctor.

    Statistics on clinics funded by Title X and the patients they serve:

      • 4 MILLION people rely on Title X funding annually for cervical/breast exams, birth control, education, and STD testing/treatment
      • 21% of Title X patients identify as Black or African American
      • 32% of Title X patients identify as Hispanic or Latinx
    • 4,000 Title X-funded health centers could be affected

     Sample Comment Ideas:

      • I OPPOSE the proposed regulation.
      • Our First Amendment guarantees our free speech rights.  This includes communication between healthcare providers and their patients.  The government must not penalize clinics and the patients they serve because of the language they choose to use.
      • This rule would force doctors to violate the medical code of ethics and their Hippocratic Oath because it would not allow them to communicate with their patients freely about their health.
      • Title X funding is already not allowed to cover abortion services.
      • Affordable, accessible healthcare should be encouraged and expanded, not limited.  This rule would result in fewer people being served by clinics and higher costs for patients due to the loss of Title X funding.
      • This rule ostensibly seeks to punish abortion providers and the patients who need these services, but there is a huge amount of collateral damage, too.  Clinics that currently discuss abortion rights with their patients also provide a huge range of other vital services, including cancer screenings, STD screenings, educational programs, and much more.  If such clinics lose Title X funding, they lose their ability to provide these services to patients.
    • The communities served by clinics that would lose funding under this rule may be the only, or the only affordable, option for health care for many patients.

    Action 2 – [YOUR CITY] – Sign the People for Climate Action Petition

    Although Indivisible does not usually recommend spending time signing online petitions, this one is very local and was forwarded to us by former IE steering committee member David Schwartz. Please take a look!

    The King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) agreement was signed in 2014 by King County and 13 KC cities. Signing was a good step, but cities are not currently achieving the agreed-to goals for greenhouse gas reduction. People for Climate Action is a newly formed organization through which a variety of grassroots groups are coordinating their work with local governments to help them get on track to achieve their worthy climate goals.

    Please go to the website and sign the appropriate petition (whether or not you are in a current K4C city; if unsure, check this map). Please also consider signing up for our infrequent email notifications.

    Finally, please copy this email and send it to your contacts. We’re working on collecting sufficient petition signatures to get our elected officials’ notice so that they we can influence climate-related city budget decisions that will be finalized soon.

    We’ll have an Events Calendar on the site soon as well as other features so please check back regularly!

    Candidate Forums:

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • There’s still time to Canvass with a candidate! Contact campaigns directly to get involved.
      • Connect with high-school & middle-school youth at an intergenerational climate workshop organized by Sustainability Ambassadors. Students attend all day; adults join in the afternoon:
          • Wed, Aug 8: Climate Justice, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Ave S, Kent;   adults attend 1-4 pm
          • Thu, Aug 9: Green Building, Bennett Elementary, 17900 NE 16th St, Blvu;  adults attend 12:30-4 pm
          • Fri, Aug 10: Climate & Transportation, Kirkland City Hall, 123 5th Ave;  adults attend 1-4 pm
    • Sat, Aug 11, 18, 25 Workshop: Plastic Pollution Series – Ballard/Freemont – sign up to attend 1 or all 3 workshops

    Save The Date:

    Updated July 23, 2018

    ? Our second #AlphabetResistance action is this Thursday, July 26 from 4:45-6:00 on a 405 overpass in Bellevue. We’ll be reminding people to vote. If you’re interested in participating in this fun, energizing action, we have a 3 more spots available. Email and we’ll send you the details. Check out Seattle’s #AlphabetResistance action from last week.

    ? The Family Separation Crisis continues. Check out’s resource devoted to the current status of family reunification (or lack-thereof), and budget proposals that increase funding for DHS and family detention facilities.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [ALASKANS] #SaveSCOTUS

    The White House withdrew Appeals Court nominee Ryan W. Bounds for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals when all 49 Democrats stuck together, and two Republicans indicated they would vote no. The Senate’s only black Republican, Tim Scott of South Carolina, had concerns about Mr. Bounds’ college writings in which he deplored multi-culturalism, and his inability to clarify how his thinking had changed since then, according to a Senate Republican aide.

    Alaskans have the power to convince Senator Murkowski that Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh is wrong for this country.  

    Indivisible Eastside is encouraging every member who can to volunteer to help with Planned Parenthood Votes’ phone bank into Alaska on Tuesday the 24th at 6pm! The goal is to call Alaska voters, patch them through to Senator Murkowski’s office, and have them leave a message asking her to block any SCOTUS nominee who doesn’t support Roe v Wade. Training and snacks will be provided! Last time they reached 4800 voters!

    Action: SIGN UP TODAY for Tomorrow’s Phone Bank.

    Action 2 – [YOU] VOTE!

      1. Consult Fuse’s excellent Progressive Voters Guide and vote all the way down your ballot.
      1. Mail your ballot in today.
    1. Encourage one person per day to vote. Sample conversation starters:
        • Did you get your ballot?
        • Have you voted yet? You’ll stop getting phone calls if you mail your ballot.
        • I mailed my ballot today, have you?
      • The deadline to vote is August 7. Have you voted?

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Demand Congress Counter Trump’s Siding with Russia


    At a press conference following a closed-door meeting with Russian authoritarian President Vladimir Putin on July 16 in Helsinki, Trump rejected the findings of his own U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia was responsible for the attacks on the 2016 election and instead readily accepted Putin’s denial. His obsequious deference to Putin over American law enforcement, in front of the world, undermines all efforts to hold Russia accountable and protect the United States. In choosing to side with Russia he empowers them, and other actors, to do it again in 2018 without consequence.

    Trump’s disgraceful denial of the Russian cyberattack came 3 days after Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for hacking the DNC in 2016 and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats called the threat of more Russian cyberattacks persistent and pervasive, cautioning that “The warning signs are there. The system is blinking. And it is why I believe we are at a critical point.” Despite these warnings, the United States government appears to be willfully resisting any preparation to withstand such attacks. The head of the FBI task force overseeing election security resigned after being told he had “too much cybersecurity experience” to be replaced by an agent with no experience, and many in the Trump administration simply choose not to address cybersecurity issues because doing so will anger Trump.

    Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle responded to Trump’s rejection of U.S. intelligence and odious trust in Putin with statements of disapproval, but statements will not protect us from cybersecurity attacks. Congress must act in concrete ways to hold Trump accountable for his dangerous rejection of U.S. intelligence and to prevent another attack.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to express my extreme disapproval of Trump’s denial that Russia was responsible for the 2016 election attacks. I ask that [NAME] immediately counter these dangerous and unpatriotic comments by…

    [CHOOSE 1-4 of the following:]

      • Supporting a joint resolution stating that Russia was responsible for the 2016 election attack,
      • Pressuring Trump to have the 12 indicted Russian nationals extradited to the U.S.,
      • Calling for the Helsinki summit translators to testify what was said in the Trump’s meeting with Putin,
      • Holding hearings with U.S. intelligence officials on what has and has not been done to prevent further cyberattacks,
    • Passing legislation to combat election cyberthreats and adequately fund all election security systems.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Candidate Forums:

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • GOTV Canvassing with a candidate! Contact campaigns directly to get involved.
    • Connect with high-school & middle-school youth at an inter-generational climate workshop organized by Sustainability Ambassadors. Students attend all day; adults join in the afternoon:
        • Wed, Aug 8: Climate Justice, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Ave S, Kent;   adults attend 1-4 pm
        • Thu, Aug 9: Green Building, Bennett Elementary, 17900 NE 16th St, Blvu;  adults attend 12:30-4 pm
        • Fri, Aug 10: Climate & Transportation, Kirkland City Hall, 123 5th Ave;  adults attend 1-4 pm
    • Sat, Aug 11, 18, 25 Workshop: Plastic Pollution Series – Ballard/Fremont – sign up to attend 1 or all 3 workshops

    Save The Date:

    Updated July 16, 2018

    ? It was great to see so many of you at the Postcards to Voters event Thursday and at the Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic last night. Our next Postcard event is August 23rd and our next Group Meeting is Sep 9th. 

    We have reached 500 subscribers to our Weekly Actions! Welcome to our new members.  Think of the impact we are having when everyone contacts their Members of Congress!

    ? Here are your 4 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Don’t Forget About Separated Families

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Until recently, our energies were hyper-focused on ending the Trump administration’s cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers, and on reuniting the families that had been separated. Although thousands of immigrants are still being held in for-profit detention centers without trial or hearing, a lot of our focus has shifted to the crucial fight over the Supreme Court. We must not let the news cycle leave immigrant families in the dust – we should fight twice as hard on both fronts.

    As usual, Rep. Adam Smith is leading the way – he has co-sponsored a House bill to abolish ICE, a 15-yr-old agency that answers only to Trump and has been responsible for the harassment and inhumane treatment of immigrants for years. The bill proposes to shut down ICE within a year and replace it with a bipartisan agency that does not answer to the president.

    Sample Script for Adam Smith:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to thank Representative Smith for co-sponsoring the House bill to abolish ICE. ICE has been responsible for the harassment and inhumane treatment of immigrants for years, and it is time to show immigrant communities that we hear their voices. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Sample Script for other Representatives:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to ask that Representative [NAME] join Rep. Adam Smith in co-sponsoring the House bill to abolish ICE. ICE has been responsible for the harassment and inhumane treatment of immigrants for years, and it is time to show immigrant communities that we hear their voices. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Sample Script for Senators:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP]. Representative Pocan recently introduced a bill to the House that would abolish ICE, an agency that has been responsible for the harassment and inhumane treatment of immigrants for years.  And I’m excited that Congressman Adam Smith is co-sponsoring this bill. I would like to see Senator [NAME] introduce companion legislation in the Senate. It is time to show immigrant communities that we will not allow them to be cruelly harassed and abused by ICE and its parent agency, CBP.  Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Bonus Action: Read activist Tae Phoenix’s excellent explainer about how local companies are complicit in supplying technology and access enabling family separation.

    Action 2 – [VARIOUS] Block the Addition of a Citizen Question to the 2020 Census

    From 5calls and League of Women Voters

    The United States Census is an under-appreciated function of our federal government. The once-a-decade count is critical for drawing political districts; allotting congressional representatives to states; and fairly distributing federal funds for education, social services, transportation and other necessities. The Trump administration has already allocated insufficient funds to the US Census Bureau, sparking fears about inaccurate counts. Now, the Department of Justice is further threatening the 2020 Census’ validity by asking the Department of Commerce to include a question about citizenship status for the first time since 1950.

    The inclusion of this citizenship question will discourage non-citizens from completing the census, leading to an undercount of immigrant populations. States with large immigrant populations could lose seats in the House of Representatives as a result. Furthermore, states could lose essential funding to provide services to their most vulnerable residents, such as people who rely on federally subsidized housing. Both blue states like California and red states like Texas are already strenuously opposing the new census question.

    The Trump administration claims the citizenship question is necessary to allow for enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. However, the administration’s blatant hostility toward voters of color and immigrants reveals the census question’s true purpose: denying immigrant and communities of color a political voice. Congress and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross must block the proposed census question and ensure a complete and accurate Census 2020 count.

    Update (3/30): Senators Booker (D-NJ), Hirono (D-HI), and Menendez (D-NJ) have introduced S. 2580, the Every Person Counts Act, to prohibit the inclusion of a citizenship question in the Census.

    Update (7/6): Fifty-six House members have signed a letter to Commerce Secretary Ross asking him to address the rationale for adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census. The letter was sent after new information showed the citizenship question was included by Ross’s request, not by the request of the Department of Justice as he has stated publicly.

    Action 2A: Call your Representative

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge Representative [NAME] to strongly oppose the addition of an untested question about citizenship status to the 2020 Census. Adding this question will skew the census count by discouraging immigrants from participating, thus blocking states from receiving sufficient federal funding. Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2B: Call your Senators

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge Senator [NAME] to support The Every Person Counts Act, S. 2580, and prohibit the inclusion of a citizenship question in the 2020 Census. Adding this question will skew the census count by discouraging immigrants from participating, thus blocking states from receiving sufficient federal funding. Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2C: Contact Dept of Commerce via League of Women Voters Action

    Action 2D: Make a comment in the Federal Registry: Deadline August 7th.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Protect funding for endangered species and for the environment

    From Sierra Club

    We’re seeing again how this Congress is ready and willing to do polluters’ bidding at the expense of clean air, clean water, and a livable climate. The House is voting soon on key funding bills, and the Senate will take up their own version in the following weeks. The funding bills coming before the House include provisions to:

      • Cut the EPA’s funding by at least $100 million compared to current levels
      • Cut the popular Land & Water Conservation Fund by $65 million
      • Cut the Endangered Species Listing program by 42%
    • Attack the environment through the use of nearly twenty anti-environmental poison-pill riders that threaten clean water, endangered species, and other safeguards for our health and environment. These riders have no place in appropriations legislation.

    These cuts and poison pills are described in a Democratic statement (fourth paragraph and third-to-last paragraph). They undermine protections we count on, and would make it easier for corporations to spew toxic pollution like mercury, lead, and arsenic into our air, drinking water, and backyards.

    Republicans have attacked environmental and public health programs in the past, but concerned citizens like us fought back and won. Recently, House Democratic leaders held a forum (led by Nancy Pelosi) to speak up in support of putting people over polluters and keeping strong funding for public health and environmental programs.

    Sample Script for Representatives:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling today to urge Representative [NAME] to oppose the bill called the House FY 2019 “minibus” that packages the Interior & Environment and Financial Services appropriations bills together. The bill proposes damaging cuts to critical public health and environmental agencies such as the EPA. It’s also loaded with anti-environmental poison pill riders that have no place in any appropriations bills. Funding for protection of the environment should be maintained, and the anti-environmental riders should be removed. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Sample Script for Senators:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling today to urge Senator [NAME] to oppose any appropriations bill that proposes damaging cuts to critical public health and environmental agencies such as the EPA. Also, please oppose anti-environmental riders, which have no place in any appropriations bills. Funding for protection of the environment should be maintained, and the anti-environmental riders should be removed. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 4 – [#SaveSCOTUS]  Update from Indivisible National

    With more than 100 #SaveSCOTUS events nationwide, the week of action was a tremendous success.

      • Indivisibles and allies held rallies, district office visits, and more in 35 out of 50 states!
      • Alaska alone held TWO district office rallies to tell Senator Murkowski that Brett Kavanaugh is unacceptable for the Supreme Court.
      • Mainers made FOUR visits to Senator Collins to remind her of her important role in this fight.
    • New Yorkers held NINE events to tell Minority Leader Schumer to whip the vote and keep the caucus together!

    All over the country, everyday people are showing up in every single possible way to stop Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination because they know what’s at stake with SCOTUS. Key issues that affect us all hang in the balance like reproductive rights, access to health care, LGBTQ+ rights, environmental protections, voting rights, and much more. #SaveSCOTUS will be important all summer.

    Action: The best thing you can do right now:

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    • GOTV Canvassing with a candidate! Contact campaigns directly to get involved.

    Updated July 9, 2018

    ? We are looking forward to meeting up with you at the Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic Sunday July 15, 5-8 pm at Crossroads Park. Details about food and activities in the link. Please RSVP to help us plan.

    ? 15 people gathered at Linda C’s house Sunday to write 160 Get Out The Vote postcards for state senator Patty Kuderer! Thanks for hosting Linda!  See Action 2 for more ways to help with this important race.

    ? We have not forgotten about the separated immigrant families, or the families now being held in detention. We are monitoring the situation and will have actions on this front next week. Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [US SENATE] #SaveSCOTUS


    From Monday, July 9, when Trump is expected to announce his SCOTUS pick, until Friday,  July 13, across the nation, Indivisible is showing up at Senate District Offices to demand our senators protect our democracy— our choice, our affordable health care, our rights— and #SaveSCOTUS.  

    Action: Join NARAL Pro-Choice WA, Seattle Indivisible, Indivisible Bainbridge and Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest at the Resist Trump Tuesday Rally and meeting with Senators’ Staffers.

    Action: Did the holiday week mess up your activism schedule? Last week’s #SaveSCOTUS actions are even more relevant this week. Please do them today!

    Action 2 – [STATE SENATE] Help Re-Elect State Senator Patty Kuderer

    At our May Group meeting we heard from State Senator Patty Kuderer’s campaign manager Thomas Stukes about Patty’s re-election campaign to represent WA-LD48. Patty is being challenged in the upcoming primary by turncoat “Democrat” Rodney Tom. Rodney was a Republican, who switched to Democrat, then voted with Republicans.  Indivisible Eastside members wrote 160 Get Out The Vote postcards Sunday, and the July 12th postcard event is sold out! Many of you have volunteered to help out in the CD 8 race, and we thank you for that! The steering committee feels that this race is also very important to the future of Washington State’s ability to enact progressive policy. For those unable to travel to CD8, we encourage you to get involved closer to home. Ways to help:

      • There are GOTV Canvas and Phonebank opportunities from now through election day. You can sign up through the Re-Elect Patty Kuderer Public Facebook Events list.
      • If you’re not on Facebook, fill out the Volunteer Form and you’ll be contacted.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Tell Our Members of Congress to Support Congresswoman Maxine Waters

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Congresswoman Maxine Waters has stood up for ordinary Americans who have been confronting Trump Administration officials over the past few weeks, saying

    “Already, you have members of your Cabinet that have been booed out of restaurants, who have protesters taking up at their house who sang, ‘No peace, no sleep.’ … And guess what, we’re going to win this battle. … Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome.”

    Unfortunately, for her trouble, Rep. Waters has been receiving death threats from the right and absolutely no support from Democratic Congressional leadership. Sen. Chuck Schumer from New York appallingly called her words “not American.” This sense of reverence for a false notion of civility is misguided at best and fraught with electoral consequences at worst. Protest movements have always been seen as ‘uncivil’ by the people in power—otherwise, what use would these protest movements provide?

    Nearly 200 black female leaders and allies outside of Congress have signed onto a letter urging Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to support Representative Waters. The letter says: “[W]e consider it an insult to characterize Ms. Waters’ call for the exercise of our constitutional rights as uncivil and un-American. We call on leaders of all persuasion to practice the art civil discourse”.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] in support of Representative Maxine Waters. I think it is disgraceful that the Democratic Leadership in Congress won’t support Maxine Waters, and I want to see [NAME] come out in public support of Representative Waters. The exercise of our constitutional rights is not uncivil nor un-American. Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Updated July 2, 2018

    ? Last week was horrible… but those who were able to attend #FamiliesBelongTogether events found encouragement by the impressive turnout. If you were there and we didn’t see you, thank you for showing up and speaking out!  Over 10,000 people showed up at the SeaTac Detention Center to protest Trump’s Zero Tolerance Policy and show support for the 200+ detained immigrants. Maru Mora’s deportation hearing last tuesday was deferred until January – which will enable her American citizen daughter to sponsor her for a green card! We got many honks, thumbs up and even an “I love you guys” for our Alphabet Resistance – Eastside Edition event last Thursday. Working together to make a more compassionate society helps energize us to stay focused.  See our Family Separation Crisis Web page for updated info on this coming #FamiliesBelongTogether Week of Action.

    ? The Supreme Court decisions upholding the Muslim Travel Ban and reducing the efficacy of Unions, coupled with the retirement of justice Kennedy has sent shock waves through the activist community and a wakeup call to those not yet connected to activism. We’ve seen an uptick in people joining the IE facebook group and weekly action email – Welcome! We have some relentless work ahead of us and we hope you will all fully engage. Just as we defeated the ACA repeal, so can we keep an anti-choice justice from a lifetime appointment long enough to let the people decide the makeup of the Senate. Many of our actions in the coming weeks and months will focus on this.

    ? It feels weird to be promoting a social event when the country is burning, but we would love to see friends old and new at the Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic Sunday July 15, 5-8 pm at Crossroads Park. Your RSVP will help us plan. Join us!

    ? Now more than ever, we cannot take our eyes off the prize of voting out the complicit GOP up and down the ballot. Here are your 3 actions for this week. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Action 1 – [YOU] WATCH, READ, LEARN


    A year ago, heading into the July 4th recess, our movement was fighting an epic battle to save the Affordable Care Act and to defeat TrumpCare.

    The question on everyone’s mind was: can the resistance win? The honest answer? No one knew.

    The repeal bill passed the House in May, and the Senate released their bill right before recess with plans to vote in July. Indivisibles in Maine, in particular, came out to 4th of July parades to talk to their senator, Susan Collins to plead their case and ask their Senator to vote no. And they won her over. She voted no three weeks later, helping to defeat TrumpCare. 

    Now, we’re once again up against seemingly impossible odds as we head into this year’s July 4th recess.

    On Wednesday, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, delivering Donald Trump another vacancy — and the ability to appoint a justice who will be all-but-guaranteed to side with conservatives. If this vacancy is filled, for decision after decision, we will not have enough justices on our side to stop them. Their lifetime appointment will unravel decades of legal progress. A “yes” vote on any nominee on Trump’s shortlist is a vote to ban abortion, to allow discrimination against LGBTQ people, and to limit voting and civil rights.

    We’re in the fight of our lifetime. And again, the question is: can we win?

    The path to victory was on healthcare was incredibly narrow, but it wasn’t hard. It required massive, sustained, collective, targeted action. And that’s exactly what we need again.

    Last night, our co-Executive Director Ezra Levin was on The Rachel Maddow Show unveiling what we believe to be the only winning strategy to defeat Trump’s complete reimagining of the Supreme Court.

    ? Watch: Ezra Levin on 6/28/18 The Rachel Maddow Show

    ? Watch:  Rachel Maddow’s 6/27/18 episode on how we got to where we are, and why this is different than when Neil Gorsuch was confirmed.

    Read: Indivisible’s 2-Step Strategy on how to win the Supreme Court Fight

    Now you’re ready for Actions #2 and #3

    Action 2 – [US SENATE] – Tell our Senators to FIGHT for us

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Hunkering down and expecting this whole thing to blow over won’t work. But, we have picked up another Senate seat since the Gorsuch fight and John McCain is unlikely to be present for any votes, which means that Republicans cannot afford to lose even a single vote—but only if the Senate Democrats stick together. And that’s where you come into play: be an activist and FIGHT, and you can help prevent the Supreme Court from undoing so much of the progress we’ve made as a society over the last sixty years.

    Please call your Senators right now and tell them to make a public statement that they will not confirm anyone on Trump’s shortlist for Supreme Court.  

    Sample Script:

    My name is [NAME], and I am a constituent in [CITY,ZIP]. We need [SENATOR] to be a fighter and say she will not confirm anyone on Trump’s ultra-conservative Supreme Court nominee shortlist. I urge [SENATOR] to publicly commit to standing against Trump’s picks and be a fighter for women’s rights, LGBT rights, and voting rights.  Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY] – Help NY, WV, ND, IN, ME and AK Senators save the Supreme Court

    Your friends and family in these states are in a position to influence their senators to speak out publicly against confirming any nominee from Trump’s short list of 25 extremists. Why must they do this? If you didn’t get a chance to do Action #1, go back and do so, then forward the following resources to friends and family and encourage them to act.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    #FamiliesBelongTogether Week of Action:

      • Fri Jul 6 – Banner Drop @ Corporations that collaborate with ICE

    Indivisible Eastside Events

    Updated June 25, 2018

    ? We have all been devastated by the sights, sounds and reports of children separated from their families, flown thousands of miles away, and held in detention centers. It’s hard to tease fact from fiction, and hard to know how to help. Please see our Families Separation Crisis Web Page to learn about the current situation and list of ways you can help.

    ? Three important and visible ways we can continue the pressure on our elected officials and the Trump Administration is to be loud and be visible at upcoming events. Choose 1, 2 or all three!

    • Sat, June 30, 11am-2 pm FamiliesBelongTogether Rally – SeaTac Detention Center. Plenty of parking, easy access by Link Light Rail. (This is the same as the Federal Building Rallies that were advertised – the various groups have come to a consensus to move the location and time). To join IE Steering Committee members email

    ? Meanwhile, we cannot take our eyes off the prize of voting out the complicit GOP in every race we can. Here are the upcoming Midterms Matter events, and 3 actions. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Midterms Matter Events:

      • Sat, July 14, 10:30 am – 2 pm – Midterms Matter: Voter Registration Road Trip Issaquah Farmer’s Market – email for details and to RSVP
      • Sun, July 22, 10:30 am-2 pm – Midterms Matter: Voter Registration Road Trip Auburn Farmer’s Market – email for details and to RSVP

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE, SENATE and WA GOVERNOR] – Understand the Current Crisis and How You Can Help

    ? READNorthwest Immigrant Rights Project FAQ lists concrete actions you can take.

    If you speak Spanish or any number of Central American indigenous languages, or have a legal background, those skills are particularly useful and you can contact the NWIRP directly to volunteer.

    ? LISTEN: Minute 3:00 to minute 13:00 of 6/22 Pod Save America will catch you up on where things stand and what some of the challenges every administration faces.

    ? READ: Derek Nelson’s excellent June 22nd re:act newsletter also lists actions and provides background, such as What’s happening: (Vox): “On May 7, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Trump administration would adopt a “zero tolerance” policy toward anyone caught crossing into the US by Border Patrol… As a result, dozens of parents have been separated from their children every day … According to the Trump administration, between May 5 and June 9, 2,342 children were separated from their parents. On June 20, President Trump signed an executive order directing the administration to keep children with their parents in immigration detention while their cases were working their way through the court system. In other words, family separation has now been replaced by family detention.” The Department of Health and Human Services is asking the Pentagon to house as many as 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children on American military bases. Many of the separated children remain in shelters and foster homes across the country. The U.S. government has done little to help with the reunifications, attorneys say.

    What you can do:

    Show up. 

      • Attend the Seattle area events above.



    Sample Script for Congress:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY].

    I’m calling to ask that [NAME] publicly demand that the Department of Health and Human Services immediately formulate a plan to reunite the thousands of migrant children separated from their families by the Trump administration. It is appalling that no plans have been made. Further delay will cause more irreparable harm to these innocent babies and children. Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Sample Script for Governor:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY].

    I’m calling to ask that Governor Inslee investigate whether any migrant children separated from their families by the federal government are held in Washington and immediately work to reunite them with their relatives. Any further delay in reunification will cause more irreparable harm to these innocent babies and children. Thank you for your time and attention.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Call to support Dignity for Detained Immigrants Bills

    In light of reports that military bases are being considered to house migrant children, House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith and Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jack Reed sent a letter to Defense Secretary Mattis requesting assurances that Members of Congress will be able to conduct necessary oversight over any Department of Defense sites used to house migrant children.

    U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), along with U.S. Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Ron Wyden (D-OR), introduced a Dignity for Detained Immigrants bill June 22nd targeting family detention and the harsh and inhumane conditions of immigration detention centers that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) uses to house thousands of immigrants. The bill is a Senate companion to the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act of 2017 House bill introduced in October by Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Adam Smith (D-WA).

    Call and voice your support for the letter and these two bills:

    • 1400 Defense Pentagon
    • Washington, DC 20301-1400
    • 703-571-3343

    Sample Script for DOD:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    The Administration’s “zero tolerance policy” is cruel and inhumane and the children currently being held separate from their families are understandably traumatized. Congress must be able to conduct direct oversight to ensure these children are receiving the care they need and deserve while they are in the custody of the federal government. Please confirm that Members of Congress will have access to DOD sites selected by HHS for temporary housing of migrant children.

    Sample Script for Senators:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    Please co-sponsor the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act. I expect you to be a leader in setting humane standards for detention facilities, strengthening the inspection and monitoring of facilities in order to crack down on abuses, and protecting the civil rights of immigrant detainees. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Sample Script for Rep Smith:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    Thank you for co-sponsoring the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act of 2017 and thank you for being a leader in setting humane standards for detention facilities, strengthening the inspection and monitoring of facilities in order to crack down on abuses, and protecting the civil rights of immigrant detainees. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Sample Script for other Representatives:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    Please co-sponsor the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act of 2017. I expect you to be a leader in setting humane standards for detention facilities, strengthening the inspection and monitoring of facilities in order to crack down on abuses, and protecting the civil rights of immigrant detainees. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Demand Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s Resignation


    The appalling separation of children from their families at the US-Mexico border stems from policy decisions made by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Members of the Trump administration have publicly admitted that the family separation policy is meant to deter undocumented families trying to escape violence in their home countries.

    DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has consistently lied to the American public about family separations. She called the policy a “law” and has blamed Democrats in Congress for the policy adopted and implemented by her own department. She has echoed Donald Trump’s lie that a legislative “fix” would be needed to prevent children from being stolen from their parents. In fact, it was the decision to prosecute children’s parents for the misdemeanor of being undocumented that forced children into cages.

    While public outrage mounts over DHS’s hideous acts, organizations from the United Nations to the American Academy of Pediatrics have asserted the use of children as pawns to decrease immigration is tantamount to torture and will cause lasting trauma for both children and their families. The policy also echoes the darkest chapters of American history, from slavery to the internment of Japanese and Japanese American people to the forced separation of Native American children from their families.

    Nielsen’s oversight of this egregious and ongoing human rights violation, combined with her frequent lies about her agency’s role in this abuse of innocent children, make her utterly unfit for her role. Congress must call on Nielsen to resign immediately.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [NAME] to demand DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s immediate resignation. Nielsen has overseen the horrendous separation of children from their families and then lied repeatedly about her department’s role in this ongoing human rights violation. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events (in addition to the 3 listed at the top):

    • Tue, Jul 10, 6-7:30 IE Corruption topic group meeting – Red Robin Bellevue Square. 
    • Sun, Jul 15, 5-8 pm – Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic with Indivisible Kirkland – Crossroads Park Bellevue. RVSP to attend.

    Updated June 18, 2018

    ? As we learned at the meeting yesterday, here’s is an important opportunity to support the work of Indivisible Eastside and Indivisible Kirkland members – while supporting the important mission of reducing Gun Violence. Please join Linda C, Nadine S, Sarah F and Heather M at the Kirkland Town Hall: Gun Safety & Safe, Inclusive, Welcoming City for All meeting Wed, June 20 at 5:30 at the LWHS Theater. Wear Orange to show your support for Gun Safety. Wouldn’t it be great to see a sea of orange at this meeting?

    ? Here are the upcoming Midterms Matter events, and 3 actions. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Midterms Matter Events:

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Make Universal Health Care Possible in WA!

    From Seattle Indivisible

    On Monday, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal introduced the State-Based Universal Health Care Act. This Act lays the groundwork for universal healthcare and/or single payer health care on a state or a regional level by allowing states to redirect federal healthcare funds into such a system. It is a crucial step towards fair, affordable healthcare in Washington State. As of now there is no companion bill in the Senate – call your Senators to ask that they introduce one, and Reps. DelBene and Smith to ask that they support it.  

    Sample Script for Senators:
    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. Representative Jayapal recently proposed the State-Based Universal Health Care Act, which lays the groundwork for single-payer or other improved forms of healthcare in Washington state. I’m calling to ask that Senator [NAME] propose a companion bill in the Senate – we must take steps to make healthcare work for everyone.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Sample Script Reps. DelBene and Smith:
    Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. Representative Jayapal recently proposed the State-Based Universal Health Care Act, which lays the groundwork for single-payer or other improved forms of healthcare in Washington state. I’m calling to ask that Representative [NAME] do everything s/he can to support this bill – we must take steps to make healthcare work for everyone.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Action 2 – Contact Government regarding Children Separated from Families

    Family separation under the new “Zero Tolerance Initiative” is a practice that two months ago was illegal and is now systematically used to ‘deter immigrants from attempting entering the country’.

    Is this the America you want to live in? Please voice your strenuous objections. Here are some ways for to to be heard by the government.

    U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    • Comment line: (202) 282-8495 – Ask that your comments be relayed to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen & Thomas Homan
    • Email:

    Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

    Department of Justice – Direct your comments to Jeff Sessions

    The office under our Nation’s Health and Human Services Department is the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). ORR is responsible for unaccompanied children. The ORR Mailing Address is:

    • Administration for Children and Families
    • Mary E. Switzer Building
    • 330 C ST SW
    • Room 5123
    • Washington, DC 20201

    For general inquiries about ORR programs and services, call (202) 401-9246

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME].  I’m a U.S. [resident | citizen ] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I strongly object to the separation of immigrant children from parents at the U.S. border. This practice flies in the face of American values. It is immoral and unnecessarily harms innocent children. It must be stopped immediately.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Action 3 – [GOV. JAY INSLEE] – Thank Governor Inslee for Protecting the Affordable Care Act and Protections for Preexisting Conditions


    Having failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through legislative means, the Trump administration has ordered the Department of Justice not to defend the ACA against a frivolous lawsuit from GOP-controlled states. In February of 2018, Texas and 19 other GOP-controlled states filed a suit with a Texas court against the legality of key provisions in the ACA, including consumer protections for non-elderly Americans with preexisting conditions. The suit arose after Republicans repealed the individual tax penalty for being uninsured as part of their package of tax cuts for the wealthy. As a result, the ACA still includes a provision requiring people to buy health insurance, but the tax penalty enforcing this provision will be absent starting in January of 2019. In their suit, the states argue that the ACA’s insurance requirement is unconstitutional in the absence of this tax penalty.

    Legal experts from across the political spectrum agreed the red states’ suit was on shaky legal ground. However, on June 7, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a brief in support of the suit, urging the court to invalidate many of the ACA’s consumer protections. The announcement creates even more uncertainty about the individual insurance markets in a year when insurers are already hiking up premiums in response to GOP interference with the healthcare law. Troublingly, the DOJ’s actions also reflect the Trump administration’s willingness to use the judiciary to attack a law passed by Congress, signed by a president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. In fact, the DOJ’s actions are so egregious that the three career DOJ attorneys involved in the case withdrew in protest hours before the final brief was filed. Additionally, sixteen Democratic-led states (including WA) and DC have filed a countersuit in defense of the ACA.

    The Constitution states that the president must “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” By ordering the DOJ not to defend the ACA, Trump is not only threatening access to healthcare but also undermining our democracy.

    Call and thank Governor Jay Inslee 360-902-4111

    Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to thank the state for joining the countersuit to protect the ACA. The law is essential to preserve access to healthcare, especially for people with preexisting conditions.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Action 4 – Public Service Announcement – WA State Initiatives

    Here are some of the initiatives you may be asked to sign. Deadline for most of them is July 6 so signature gathering efforts will be increasing.

    Action: Know what they are so you’ll have a ready response when asked to sign, and remember which ones you’ve already signed!

    I-1600 – Universal Healthcare for WA State –  

    I-1621 – “Expanding Choice in School Security” has a misleading title and would allow teachers and school employees with concealed carry permits to carry pistols on public and private school grounds. The initiative would also give individual school districts the authority to require their employees go through firearms safety programs before bringing their pistol to school, but doesn’t require it.

    I-1631 – “This measure would charge pollution fees on sources of greenhouse gas pollutants and use the revenue to reduce pollution, promote clean energy, and address climate impacts, under oversight of a public board.”  

    I-1634: An Indivisible member reports that a signature gatherer outside a QFC grocery store told her the so-called initiative to “keep groceries affordable” would keep new taxes off groceries, but groceries aren’t taxed in Washington state.

    What I-1634 is really about is soda pop and stopping other cities in Washington state from passing a soda tax like Seattle’s. Precisely four donors have contributed nearly $1.9 million to get I-1634 on the ballot. They are The Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo, the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, and Red Bull North America.

    I-1639: The proposed initiative will address many of the root causes of recent tragedies by raising the age to purchase semi-automatic rifles to 21; creating an enhanced background check system similar to what is required for handguns; requiring completion of a firearm safety training course; and creating standards for secure storage to prevent guns from falling into dangerous hands.    

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Tue, Jun 19, 11:45 am – Resist Trump Tuesday Rally and Meeting with Senate Staffers – Seattle
    • Tue, Jul 10, 6-7:30 IE Corruption topic group meeting – Red Robin Bellevue Square. 
    • Sun, Jul 15, 5-8 pm – Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic with Indivisible Kirkland – Crossroads Park Bellevue. RVSP to attend.

    Updated June 11, 2018

    ? Please join us on Sat, Jun 16, 2-4 for the monthly Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting at the Redmond Library. This is our last meeting before the summer. 

    ? Announcing the Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic – Sun, Jul 15, 5-8 pm at Crossroads Park, Bellevue. Enjoy games, food, and conversation with your friends in the resistance. Indivisible Eastside will provide drinks, food for the grill, and dessert. Please bring something to share. RSVP so we know how much food to purchase.

    ? Here are the upcoming Midterms Matter events, and 3 actions. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Midterms Matter Events:

      • Thu, July 12, 7-9 pm – Midterms Matter: Postcards to Voters July 12 – Kirkland. Save the date.

    ✊ Action 1 – [HHS] – Comment on the Gag Rule

    From Elizabeth S

    The comment period on the “Gag Rule” opened on June 1st.  In a nutshell, this rule would stop clinics from receiving federal (Title X) funding if their healthcare providers discuss abortion options with their patients.  The loss of Title X funding would make that clinic’s whole range of services – not just abortion-related – less affordable and less accessible. Many of these at-risk clinics serve vulnerable populations with few, or no, other options for affordable care.

    Action: Please make your voice heard on this dangerous rule–it takes just a few minutes to post a comment!  To comment, open the Compliance With Statutory Program Integrity Requirements page and click the green “Submit a Formal Comment”. The comment period ends on July 31.  

    Here is some detailed information provided by Planned Parenthood in their action meeting May 31 to consider using in your comment:

    The Trump-Pence rule would:

      • PREVENT Title X health care providers from performing, promoting, or referring patients for safe and legal abortions.
    • REMOVE the guarantee that patients get comprehensive, accurate information about health care from their doctor.

    Statistics on clinics funded by Title X and the patients they serve:

      • 4 MILLION people rely on Title X funding annually for cervical/breast exams, birth control, education, and STD testing/treatment
      • 21% of Title X patients identify as Black or African American
      • 32% of Title X patients identify as Hispanic or Latinx
    • 4,000 Title X-funded health centers could be affected

    ? Sample Comment Ideas:

      • Our First Amendment guarantees our free speech rights.  This includes communication between healthcare providers and their patients.  The government must not penalize clinics and the patients they serve because of the language they choose to use.
      • This rule would force doctors to violate the medical code of ethics and their Hippocratic Oath because it would not allow them to communicate with their patients freely about their health.
      • Title X funding is already not allowed to cover abortion services.
      • Affordable, accessible healthcare should be encouraged and expanded, not limited.  This rule would result in fewer people being served by clinics and higher costs for patients due to the loss of Title X funding.
      • This rule ostensibly seeks to punish abortion providers and the patients who need these services, but there is a huge amount of collateral damage, too.  Clinics that currently discuss abortion rights with their patients also provide a huge range of other vital services, including cancer screenings, STD screenings, educational programs, and much more.  If such clinics lose Title X funding, they lose their ability to provide these services to patients.
    • The communities served by clinics that would lose funding under this rule may be the only, or the only affordable, option for health care for many patients.

    Other actions to take:

      • Text “NOGAG” to 22422 to submit your comments to the Department of Health and Human Services telling them you OPPOSE the rule.
      • Share your Planned Parenthood story on social media with the hashtag #NoGagRule and #IStandWithPP
    • Contact your members of Congress and urge them to fight this rule

    ✊ Action 2 – [Elected Officials] – Thank You For Speaking Out Against Family Separation

    Last Thursday 40 Democratic Senators sent a letter organized by Sens. Patty Murray and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) to President Trump urging him to end family separations at the border. On Saturday, Rep Adam Smith and Rep Suzan DelBene joined Governor Jay Inslee, Attorney General Bob Ferguson and other elected officials near the detention center in SeaTac where 206 individuals are being held. They were demanding answers about the reprehensible actions being taken by the Trump administration to separate asylum-seeking parents from their children.

    Email or call our senators, representatives, Governor and Attorney General and thank them for taking this strong stand against this unethical, ineffective, and inhumane policy.

    ☎ Sample Script for Senators:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I want to thank [Senator Murray for organizing –OR– Senator Cantwell for signing on to] the letter to President Trump, urging him to end family separations at the border. I strongly agree that our government has a humanitarian responsibility to children and families seeking asylum in the U.S.

    Thank you for your time and attention.  

    ☎ Sample Script for SeaTac Detention Center Speakers:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I want to thank [NAME] for publicly taking a strong stand against the Department of Justice’s policy of family separation at the border. I strongly agree that our government has a humanitarian responsibility to children and families seeking asylum in the U.S.

    Thank you for your time and attention.  

    Action 3 – [US SENATE & HOUSE]  Protect housing for Puerto Rican families

    From Seattle Indivisible

    2300 families are still displaced from Hurricane Maria, and on June 30, government funding for their temporary housing will expire. That is when FEMA’s Transitional Shelter Assistance Program will end. The Housing Victims of Major Disasters Act is being introduced in both the House and the Senate in order to extend emergency housing as Puerto Rico continues to rebuild. Call our representatives and tell them to support this bill!

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. With Puerto Rico still recovering from Hurricane Maria, the government needs to extend emergency housing for families displaced by the hurricane. Please ask [SEN/REP NAME] to co-sponsor the Housing Victims of Major Disasters Act.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

      • Thu, Jun 14, 5-6 pm – Alphabet Resistance Overpass Sign Waving for Separated Families – Seattle – reply to this email to Join Louise and learn how to bring this to the Eastside!

    … and more

      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
    • Forward this email to a friend!

    Crowd Sourced Actions:

    Do you have an idea for future Weekly Actions? (We could use all the help we can get folks!) Email  to submit your idea. Your input is greatly appreciated, and please understand that depending on current events, we can’t guarantee yours will be picked. To submit an idea, please:

    Submit proposals for the Weekly Actions by Thursday midnight for an action the following week!

    • Include the action to be taken (who to contact – HOUSE, SENATE, LEGISLATURE, AGENCY),
    • Include details about the bill (e.g. bill numbers) or regulation, when the action will no longer be effective
    • Include how it Resists the Trump agenda, or forwards progressive candidates
    • Link to news article

    Updated June 4, 2018

    ? 14 Postcard writers gathered at hostess Andrea F’s home in Bellevue Sunday and wrote 210 postcards to voters to Get Out The Vote for Wisconsin Special Election State Assembly candidate Ann Groves Lloyd. Thank you, Andrea, and to everyone who wrote! See below for the next two postcard opportunities June 20th and July 8th.

    ? Here are the upcoming Midterms Matter events, and 3 actions. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Midterms Matter Events:

    Action 1 – [YOU] – Phonebank for California Primaries

    From Seattle Indivisible

    The primary elections in California are this Tuesday, June 5 – and there are three districts where this could be disastrous for Democrats. That means we have two days to get out the vote to make sure we don’t lose three House seats before the midterms even start.

    In California as in Washington, Democrats and Republicans run in the same primary, with the top two candidates advancing to the general election regardless of their party. In CA-39, CA-48, and CA-49, there’s a big risk that two Republicans will advance through the primary, leaving Democrats with no chance at the House seat in November.

    From Swingleft: “Studies show the four days leading up to an election are the best time to contact voters. These California races could be won or lost by just a few dozen votes—your help will make a real difference. After you sign up, we’ll be in touch with more instructions about who you’re calling, what to say, and what you need to know about our phonebanking system.”

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Make More Noise for Children Separated from Their Parents

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Last month, Jeff Sessions rolled out a ‘zero tolerance’ policy that includes forced separation of children from their parents at the border. The Washington Post reports that this has resulted in a 21% spike in migrant children held in custody without their parents, and the average time they spend in custody is increasing. They are filling up their detention centers with children, and are building more.

    Let’s be clear: this is not a normal deterrence policy. It’s a horrific human rights violation. Breaking up families has been a centerpiece of historical atrocities from antebellum slavery to the Holocaust and communist East Germany, and we need to speak out now before our government does worse. Let’s call our representatives and ask them to fight and speak out again.

    ☎ Sample Script

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY]. I am outraged at Jeff Sessions’ policy of separating migrant children from their families at the border. It is a human rights violation, and the number of children being held alone is going up. What are you doing to end this practice? Please continue to speak out about it.”

    Action 3 – [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)] – Submit a Comment to ATF to Ban Bump Stocks


    Bump stocks turn a semi-automatic weapon into a machine gun. They enabled the Las Vegas shooter to commit the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Today, bump stocks are completely unregulated – anyone can buy one. But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is deciding if these devices should be illegal. We need your help convincing them to ban deadly bump stocks.

    ATF counts every comment submitted and takes them into account when making their decision, so every comment counts. The comment period ends on June 27th at 11:59 pm EST, so we need to act now. Lives depend on it.

    Click here to Click to Submit A Comment to ATF

    ☎ Sample Comment:

    A gunman opened fire from a hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel into the 22,000 person crowd on October 1, 2017 at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500. The gunman fired more than 1,100 rounds of ammunition in 11 minutes, using semi-automatic rifles modified with dangerous firearm accessories designed to dramatically accelerate the rate of gunfire, commonly known as “bump fire stocks.” These devices are intended to circumvent the restrictions in the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the National Firearms Act of 1934 by allowing an individual to modify a semi automatic rifle in such a manner that it operates with a similar rate of fire as a fully automatic rifle, posing a substantial risk to public safety.

    In the absence of action by Congress, I urge ATF to finalize its proposed rule clarifying that bump fire stocks, along with other “conversion devices” that enable semiautomatic weapons to mimic automatic fire, qualify as “machine guns” under the National Firearms Act. And then Congress must act as well—to ensure that manufacturers cannot continue to endanger public safety by designing devices that imitate machine guns and subvert the law. The continued presence of these dangerous devices puts all of our communities at risk, and both Congress and ATF must take action quickly to address this threat.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Updated May 21, 2018

    ? It was great to see so many at our Group Meeting yesterday. Here are the meeting notes for those who could not attend. Our next meeting is June 16th, 2-4 at the Redmond Library and on July 15th we’ll have a summer evening picnic at Crossroads Park in Bellevue.  

    ? As we learned yesterday, State Senator Patty Kuderer (D-48) is running for re-election and she needs your help! This year, Patty faces a tough race and you can help her reach the goal of knocking 20,000 doors before the August 7th primary. This session, Patty helped to deepen our investment in public education, pass the first gun safety laws in years, and reform our juvenile justice system. To learn more about Patty, visit and if you’d like to volunteer to knock doors with Patty, fill out this form.

    ? Here are the upcoming Midterms Matter events, and 3 actions. Don’t forget to look at the Calendar section at the bottom for other opportunities to engage.

    Midterms Matter Events:

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Push for NAFTA renegotiations to protect workers and the environment

    From the Washington Fair Trade Coalition

    The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade agreement that promotes a global race to the bottom in wages, working conditions, and environmental standards. It should be replaced with new policies that finally put the needs of people and the planet ahead of corporate greed. Not surprisingly, corporate elites that profit from NAFTA are fighting to maintain the privileges that such trade policies give them. We need to demand that trade negotiators stay at the table to deliver a comprehensive NAFTA replacement that prioritizes good-paying jobs, increased wages, and a healthy environment.

    Corporations that benefit from NAFTA have been calling for a superficial “modernization” of the pact that further entrenches their power. Unfortunately, these corporate interest groups have also enlisted some elected officials to help them—including Paul Ryan, who attempted to impose an arbitrary deadline to push through a quick-and-dirty deal. That deal has not materialized yet, but Republican Congressional Leadership continues to push for a NAFTA renegotiation that puts corporate profits ahead of all else.

    Urge your elected officials to demand that NAFTA’s renegotiation add strong labor and environmental provisions with swift and certain enforcement, and that it eliminate the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system that threatens jobs, the climate, and public health.

    Sample Script

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m very concerned about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which is currently being renegotiated. Please do everything you can to ensure that NAFTA’s renegotiation add strong labor, environmental, and climate provisions. The provisions should meet fundamental international standards, including swift and certain enforcement. Also, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system must be eliminated, because it makes it easier for corporations to outsource jobs and ignore environmental, public health, and other public interest laws at home and abroad.  

    American jobs, American wages, and the health of the environment depend on what happens in the renegotiation of NAFTA. Please help ensure that the renegotiation is worker-friendly and planet-friendly.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE] – Stop the “domestic gag rule”

    From Planned Parenthood for Action and

    Anti-abortion lawmakers in the House are lobbying the administration to adopt a “domestic gag rule.” This rule would withhold funding for health centers unless they promise to never even mention the word “abortion,” keeping millions of people from accessing health care in this country.

    Call your representatives and demand that they oppose any and all attempts for the administration to pass a “domestic gag rule”.

    Sample Script

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to express my opposition to the Trump administration’s potential “Domestic Gag Rule” and ask that representative [NAME]  publicly condemn such a policy. The Rule would cut off funds to women’s health clinics because they educate patients of their full reproductive options. This would put the health care of the four million people who depend on Title X at risk. It would also shut out the 41 percent of Title X patients who rely on Planned Parenthood health centers, leaving them without access to life-saving services like birth control, cancer screenings, well-women exams, and more. We know from history that the gag rule leads to clinic closures, leaving people with less access to care. This is unacceptable.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE] – Fight the Elimination of Net Neutrality Protections


    Good News! On May 16 the Senate passed S.J. Res 52, the resolution to overturn the FCC net neutrality rollback. Republican Senators Collins (ME), Kennedy (LA), and Murkowski (AK) joined all 49 Senators in the Democratic Caucus in voting Yes. The resolution now moves to the House. On May 18 Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA) filed a discharge petition to force a vote in the House on the Senate-passed resolution. A simple majority of House members must sign the petition.

    We asked you to call before, and we’re asking you to call again – focusing now on your representative.

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to express my strong support for the Senate-passed S.J. Res 52, the Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn the FCC’s roll back of net neutrality protections. I ask that Representative [NAME] immediately work to pass this resolution in the House by signing the discharge petition introduced by Representative Mike Doyle.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    More Actions You Can Take:

    Calendar of In-Person Events (also see Midterms Matter events above)

      • Tue, Jun 12, 6:30 – 8 Saving Lives Through Gun Safety: A Community Action Workshop by Indivisible Kirkland and KirklandSafe – email for details.
    • Sat, Jun 16, 2-4 pm Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library

    Save the Date

    • Sun, Jul 15, 4-8 pm Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic – Crossroads Park Bellevue

    Updated May 14, 2018

    ? Midterms Matter, but most of us would rather poke a stick in our eye than go door to door to talk with strangers. Now is the time to move outside your comfort zone and Indivisible Eastside is here to help. We need to identify voters (Strong Dem, Leaning Dem, Independent, Leaning Repub, Strong Repub) in the 8th Congressional District, so that when it comes time to Get Out The Vote for the primary and midterm elections, we will know who to reach. This is a vitally important service you can provide for our democracy.

    Step 1: attend our Group Meeting – Sunday May 20th 4:30 – 6:30 at the Redmond Library. We’ll dive deep into the purpose and methods of canvassing, and then practice some skills to improve our comfort. Even if you don’t think you’ll be canvassing right away, you’ll find this meeting illuminating. Give it a try! Note: we’ll provide some yummy snacks to keep us going since it’s a later meeting time than usual.

    Step 2: Sign up to join Indivisible Eastside’s Peter Templin for Midterms Matter: Flip the 8th Canvass in Snoqualmie,  Sat May 26 from noon to 4 pm. You can help even if you can’t attend the group meeting. If you like, you can ease into canvassing by volunteering to be a driver for others or you can be paired with an experienced volunteer. Fill out the form and you’ll be contacted by Peter with more details. If you have questions, you can contact Peter at, or talk with him at the Group Meeting.

    ? Here are the upcoming Midterms Matter events (electoral events Indivisible Eastside can do as a group), and five special Mother’s Day Week actions focused on Children in the Immigration System.

    Midterms Matter Events:

    Five Days of Washington State Action for Children in the Immigration System

    Thank you to Alx Dark of Indivisible Wallingford for this comprehensive coordinated campaign. 

    The Trump administration has zealously altered the US immigration system in the last year and a half, seeking new ways to limit legal immigration, and new ways to punish unauthorized immigration. The administration’s gratuitous cruelty towards immigrants harms many thousands of children every year.

    Over five days, organizations across Washington state are going to force a sense of urgency on our members of Congress, and demand they prioritize work on these issues:

    • Monday: Separating families in detention
    • Tuesday: Losing thousands of children placed into protective custody
    • Wednesday: Imprisoning pregnant women
    • Thursday: Letting children defend themselves alone in immigration court
    • Friday: Changing the meaning of “public charge”

    Contact Information

    Tips when calling

      • Be polite, but passionate. Use your own words;
      • For the most impact, call the local and national office, and follow up with an email;
    • Have staffers repeat back your key points to ensure they’ve got it.

    Monday, May 14: Stop separating families in detention

    DHS has been toying with separating families detained at the border since the start of the Trump administration. To deter illegal entry and asylum seekers, DHS Secretary John Kelly announced a separation policy in March 2017, but backed off under intense criticism.

    Nevertheless, the New York Times discovered that more than 700 children have been taken from adults claiming to be their parents since October 2017, including more than 100 children under the age of 4. In one prominent case, a 7-year-old Congolese girl was separated from her mother for over four months, despite the fact that her mother broke no laws when she presented herself to border agents in order to apply for asylum.

    Attorney General Sessions recently announced a policy of charging every person apprehended crossing the border with a crime. This move would guarantee separation of families, by sending children to the Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement while their parents are held in detention centers to await trial.


    DHS needs to stop terrorizing children to deter migrants and asylum seekers. It’s cruel, it’s immoral, and it’s unnecessary. It is a violation of U.S. law to separate children from their parents in order to deter illegal immigration.

    ICE must not separate families who are apprehended entering the country, or who ask for asylum. Despite repeated assurances to the contrary, instances of asylum-seeking families being separated are common and well documented.

    DHS should abandon their plan to charge all people apprehended at the border with a crime. They should keep families together in family detention centers, or release them on bond while they wait for a decision on their status.


    ? Tuesday, May 15: Stop losing children in protective custody

    When DHS separates children from their parents, these children enter a system of custody with a shocking history of failures that places them at risk of being harmed.

    On April 26th while testifying before a Senate subcommittee, officials from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that in the last year, they lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children in a three month period, that they had placed into the custody of adult sponsors.

    Unfortunately, abuse of children under HHS’ supervision is widespread and well-documented. A Frontline documentary, “Trafficked in America” (2018) described how Guatemalan teens were delivered to traffickers by HHS, who then forced the teens to work against their will at a chicken processing plant in Ohio.

    And in 2016, the Associated Press reported that dozens of children put into “protective custody” were found to have been sexually assaulted, starved or forced to work for little or no pay. Problems this severe date back to at least the 1990s.

    Despite Congressional hearings on these problems, it’s clear that serious harm to children continues.


    Congress must continue to pursue this abysmal treatment of children aggressively, using every power of oversight at their disposal. DHS should not be planning to separate more children from their parents while this protective custody system is so fundamentally broken.

    Sen. Murray sits on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, which has oversight over HHS. Ask the senator to investigate why, when HHS takes custody of children from DHS, the children under their care have been sexually assaulted, starved, forced to work, or even lost.

    Email the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, and thank them for their bipartisan oversight of this issue, that has brought so much of this information to light. Ask them continue pursuing this matter with DHS and the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS.

    Thank Pramila Jayapal for co-sponsoring the Help Separated Families Act of 2018 (H.R. 5414). This bill would allow HHS to place children with relatives regardless of their immigration status (including parents). Other representatives in our state should co-sponsor this bill. Our senators should sponsor an equivalent bill in the senate.


    ? Wednesday, May 16: Stop imprisoning pregnant women

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement is ending its practice of automatically releasing pregnant women from detention. In the for-profit immigrant detention system where good medical care impacts the company’s bottom line, healthcare is substandard and detention for pregnant women can be harmful.

    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:

    “Pregnant women and adolescents should have access to high levels of care, care that is not available in these facilities. The conditions in [Department of Homeland Security] facilities are not appropriate for pregnant women or children.”

    Detention should be dropped in favor of less costly, more humane alternatives. For example, in June 2017, ICE ended a successful program called the Family Case Management Program. According to Ann Schlarb, the senior vice president of the GEO Group, the private prison company that ran the program, 99 percent of the program’s participants “successfully attended their court appearances and ICE check-ins.”


    Congress should pressure ICE to revoke a policy of imprisoning pregnant women by default, in favor of other approaches the agency has demonstrated will work to pursue civil immigration violations without risking the health of women or their pregnancies.

    Thank Rep. Jayapal and Rep. Smith for addressing this issue in part through the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act of 2017 (H.R. 3923), which would substantially reform the immigrant detention system. Rep. Jayapal also wrote an opinion piece about this issue in The Hill. Ask both our senators to introduce a similar bill to the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act in the senate (Rep. Jayapal is asking Sen. Booker to introduce the bill, but why not Washington state’s senators?)

    Congress should ask the DHS Office of the Inspector General to investigate the medical care given to pregnant women in detention to ensure it meets standards set by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.


    ? Thursday, May 17: Provide lawyers for children in immigration court

    Immigrants in deportation proceedings are not guaranteed legal representation. Yet without representation, immigrants face a much greater chance of being deported. Unfortunately, our government expects children as young as 3 or 4 years of age to defend themselves in immigration courts alone, without a lawyer present. The immigrant court system essentially treats them as adults, with no obligation to do what is in the best interests of the child (the standard for criminal courts).

    Children who represent themselves in immigration court are five times more likely to be deported. Of the 41,456 unaccompanied children apprehended by the border patrol in 2017, many will be sent back to the danger they were attempting to flee.

    While this situation existed before Trump, his administration is working hard to undermine the protection of children in our immigration system. Recently Trump has referred to the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (TVPRA) as a “loophole.” Congress passed this law to ensure that children arriving at the border were not immediately sent back into a harmful situation. USCIS has stopped considering 19 to 21-year-olds for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), which gives young people protection in cases of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Finally, Trump ended the Central American Minors (CAM) Program, under which 1,500 children from Central American countries were able to seek and gain asylum status while still in their own country.


    Our members of Congress need to publicly and forcefully reject Trump’s racist characterization of the TVPRA and similar laws and programs as “loopholes” through which criminals use children as “human shields” to enter the country. Sen. Feinstein’s Washington Post editorial is a good example in this regard.

    Thank Rep. Jayapal for co-sponsoring the Fair Day in Court for Kids Act of 2017 (H.R. 2043), which insures all children have legal representation in the immigration courts. Ask all other representatives in Washington state to co-sponsor this bill. Ask both our senators to co-sponsor the Fair Day in Court for Kids Act of 2018 (S. 2468). Neither have co-sponsored this bill.


    ? Friday, May 18: Do not change the “public charge” rules

    Our final day of action involves a proposed regulatory change to what is known as the “public charge” rule. When evaluating an applicant for a visa or green card, the government considers the likelihood that the applicant might end up on some form of public assistance. USCIS currently defines public assistance as receiving over half of your income from cash forms of assistance (such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, or long-term care through Medicaid). The administration proposes to expand this rule to include additional forms of assistance, including tax credits that are only available to working people:

      • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC);
      • low-income component of the Child Tax Credit;
      • Medicaid;
      • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP);
      • ACA subsidies;
    • SNAP (formerly known as food stamps)

    These rule changes would cover not only benefits granted to current legal immigrants, but also to their U.S. citizen spouses and children.

    The Kaiser Foundation estimates that nearly 20 million children living in immigrant families could be affected by these proposed changes. The change would have a particularly harsh impact on pregnant women and children, who might forgo health care and nutrition assistance programs to protect their immigration status. The New York Times reported in March that “Immigrants hoping for permanent residence are dropping out of public nutrition programs even before prominent elements of the Trump administration’s proposed policy changes are enacted, fearful that participating could threaten their citizenship eligibility or put them at risk for deportation.”


    While we wait for these proposed rules to be published, tell Congress that poorer immigrants should not be penalized by unrealistic expectations of the wealth they should bring with them to our country. Many Americans have personal stories they can tell of relatives who arrived with nothing but a suitcase, and a few American relatives who helped them get on their feet.

    In wrapping up this week of actions, here’s a couple of follow-up things you can do:

    Thank you for your participation in this Week of Actions!


    More Actions You Can Take:

    Attend an In-Person event:

      • Tue, May 15, 11:45 am – Resist Trump Tuesday – Federal Building Seattle

    Save the Date:

      • Sat, Jun 16, 2-4 Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library
    • Sun, Jul 15, 4-8 Indivisible Eastside Summer Picnic – Bellevue

    Updated May 7, 2018

    Midterms Matter – A new campaign of positive electoral actions brought to you by Indivisible Eastside

    May 6th marked six months until the November Midterm elections. We were despondent 18 months ago knowing it would be two long years before we could make a meaningful, positive change to our representation. So we persisted and resisted through a horrible 2017 and find ourselves today, poised to flip districts all around the country. It won’t happen without a lot of hard work, and IE WILL be part of that.

    With the help of active members, the steering committee is gearing up to support and promote 2-4 electoral events per month. We have volunteers lining up to: ? host Postcards to Voters gatherings, ? organize Voter Registration field trips to CD-8, and ? support group participation in WA State Dems and local candidate canvassing.

    If you’ve felt overwhelmed with news about the Russia investigation, chaos in the White House, corruption by cabinet members, roll-backs to protections – the list goes on – we’re here to help. Now is the time to act. MOST of those issues can and will be addressed when we take back the House of Representatives, possibly flip the Senate, and hold onto and increase the blue majority in our State Legislature! Be part of making that happen.

    ? The Blue Wave is made up of hundreds of thousands of water droplets ? individual actions that show we are strongest when we organize together. 

    Watch the “Midterms Matter” space – usually right after the actions – for opportunities over the next 6 months to really make a difference. If our actions don’t fit your schedule, look for actions hosted by other organizations on the Take Action Network and join in. We’re part of something big, but only if we remain activated. Midterms Matter! Members Matter!

    Here are your Midterms Matter Events and three actions for this week.

    Midterms Matter Events:

    ? Wed, May 16, 7-9 pm – Postcards to Voters May 16 – Old Bellevue – RSVP to attend

    ? Mon, May 21, 10:30 – 2:30  Flip the 8th Canvass
    Federal Way
    (attend with a friend or if you’d like to coordinate IE participation, contact

    ? Wed, May 30, 10-2 pm – Voter Registration Road Trip #3 – Auburn – RSVP to attend

    ? Sun, June 3, 2-4 pm – Postcards to Voters June 3 – SE Bellevue – RSVP to attend

    ? Wed, June 20, 7-9 pm – Postcards to Voters June 20 – N Kirkland – Save the date – registration opens May 28

    ? June Voter Registration Road Trip #4 – TBA

    ? Sun, July 8, 1-3 pm – Postcards to Voters July 8 – Woodinville – Save the date – Registration opens June 18

    None of these work for you? Consider supporting three excellent organizations working to flip districts around the country:

        • Swing Left: helps you find the U.S. House races which are most likely to flip – the ones you should donate your money to. (they’re supporting WA CD8 and WA CD3 races)
      • Flippable: supports Democrats running for state-level office in 2018. Flippable selects 100 candidates in strategic districts. The Flippable Fund advances a data-driven movement that’s already seen results.
      • Sister District: organizes volunteers into local teams to win state-level elections for progressives. Creates local organized armies that form, then pivot, from campaign to campaign to keep on winning – They’re supporting two state senate candidates in WA. Donate or sign up and volunteer!

    Action 1 – [SENATE] – Block Nomination of Torturer Gina Haspel – Deadline 5/8

    From and Seattle Indivisible

    Gina Haspel was in charge of a secret prison in Thailand during the Bush administration. The prison was one of the now-infamous CIA “black sites” that held men who were kidnapped, secretly detained, interrogated, and tortured. There’s still a lot we don’t know—the CIA continues to hide key details about its secret detention and torture program. But we know enough to conclude that Gina Haspel is a torturer, destroyed the evidence, and is unfit to lead the CIA.

    Let’s call our Senators and let them know we want them to oppose her nomination, right now, strongly, and publicly. We want them to vote against her and do everything they can to block progress on her nomination and persuade their fellow Senators to do the same. Gina Haspel’s confirmation hearing is set for May 9th, 9:30 am EDT.

    Sample Script:

    “Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling about Gina Haspel’s nomination as head of the CIA. I want Senator [name] to immediately and publicly commit to opposing this nomination, and do everything she can to persuade her fellow Senators do the same. Gina Haspel carried out torture and destroyed the evidence. She is completely unqualified to lead the CIA. Will Senator [NAME] oppose her?”

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE] – Oppose new work requirements for SNAP

    From and Seattle Indivisible

    SNAP (or food stamps) is a literal lifesaver for millions of families who are struggling to make ends meet during tough times. It also boosts our economy and saves funds in the long run by providing vital nutrition assistance to moms, kids, and families. Two-thirds of SNAP benefits go to families with children.

    GOP leaders released new proposed restrictions on SNAP in the must-pass “Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018” AKA the Farm Bill. The restrictions include harmful and unnecessarily strict work requirements for most people receiving food assistance. The CBO estimates that this red tape and new barrier would lead to over a million people being dropped from the program, mostly women, who do the lion’s share of caregiving for children, elderly people, and family members with disabilities.

    Sample Script:

    Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling about the Republican proposal to cut SNAP benefits and add burdensome work requirements to the program. Imposing unnecessary and unhelpful barriers to vital health care, nutrition, and housing assistance programs only sets our families and economy back. The CBO estimates that one million hungry Americans would lose food assistance under this proposal. Please go all out to oppose it.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [YOU] – Review Position Statement on Rule Changes Affecting Immigrants who Access Public Assistance

    From the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), co-chairs of the Protecting Immigrant Families, Advancing Our Future Campaign (PIF).

    U.S. immigration rules require immigration caseworkers to evaluate whether someone seeking to enter or remain in the U.S. is likely to become a “public charge,” that is, become dependent on public assistance. Changes in these rules are still in early stages by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, but the department is moving to discard longstanding policy about “public charge” provisions of immigration law by July 2018. A late draft of the proposed rule was leaked to the Washington Post. Organizations that have concerns about the rule change are being invited by the Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign to sign on to a statement that can be released when the official Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is released. This could happen any day before July 2018, as the draft rule is already under review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

    Action: Please review the following statement that Indivisible Eastside Steering committee plans to sign, on behalf of Indivisible Eastside. Contact IE Steering with questions or concerns at

    Today, XXXX, the Trump Administration published a radical new regulatory proposal that endangers the lives of immigrant families, including United States citizen children. This is not the kind of nation we want to be. By forcing immigrant families to choose between meeting basic needs and keeping their family together in the U.S., the proposed rule would drive up poverty, hunger, unmet health care needs, and worsen a range of other problems facing communities across the U.S.

    The rule would mark a fundamental change from our nation’s historic commitment to welcoming immigrants. The proposed policy would radically reshape our legal immigration system, redefine who is ‘worthy’ of being an American, and what we look like as a country. No longer would we be the country that serves as a beacon for the world’s dreamers and strivers. Instead, America’s doors would be open only to the highest bidder.

    The proposed rule also deepens the nation’s racial divide, turning our backs to immigrants and people of color and demeaning their contributions. Immigrants who come to the United States through a family-based petition are overwhelmingly immigrants of color, so the Administration’s choice to target family-based immigrants will worsen disparities in health, hunger, and every other social malady.

    Sweeping in its effect, the rule discounts the contribution of working families. It would chill access to critical programs that help tax-paying immigrants and their families access health care, food, and other essential needs. These programs have been proven to improve participants’ health, well-being, school success, and economic security. It would put immigrant families at risk if a family member seeks access to virtually any public service. In stark contrast to decades of established policy, it punishes immigrants for not only their own use of these programs, but also their families’. With about one in four children having at least one immigrant parent, this issue touches millions and is critical now and for our nation’s future.

    We, the undersigned, strongly oppose this proposed rule, which threatens the health and wellbeing of all of us, including immigrants. We urge the Administration to withdraw this dangerous proposal and work with us to build policies that support immigrants as healthy, productive and successful members of America’s communities and families.

    More Actions You Can Take:

    Attend an In-Person event:

    Save the Date:

    • Sat, Jun 16, 2-4 Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library

    … and More:

      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
    • Forward this email to a friend!

    Updated Apr 30, 2018

    ? Last chance to help us name our 6-month electoral push to the November Election. Please fill out the Survey!

    ? Kirkland residents – don’t forget to attend the Kirkland City Council meeting to support Indivisible Kirkland’s proposed gun safety resolution. Tuesday, May 1st, 7:30pm, at Kirkland City Hall

    ? Here are your three actions for this week

    Action 1 – [Governor Inslee] – Demand Governor Inslee Fire WA DOL Director Pat Kohler – Coordinated Calling Day April 30th

    From Indivisible Wallingford

    Under the Dept. of Licensing (DOL) Director Pat Kohler’s leadership, the WA DOL failed to comply with one of Governor Inslee’s Executive Orders, designed to provide protections for immigrants. The Executive Order prohibits use of state agency resources to identify or apprehend immigrants for violations of federal immigration laws, for one year after he issued it. The DOL’s violation of the Executive Order is an unforgivable breach of trust. It has already unleashed ICE against one prominent immigrant activist, and has put many more of our neighbors and friends at risk of deportation by sharing their personal information with ICE. The Seattle Times broke the original news of the violation, and later reported on process improvements, such as court orders being required, but the damage has been done and cannot be undone. The DOL director must be held accountable and removed, for DOL’s violation of the Governor’s Executive Order and putting thousands of state residents at risk of losing their loved ones to detention and deportation. Only her removal and an overhaul of DOL’s leadership can restore public trust in DOL. This is why a broad coalition of 18 organizations call for DOL Director Kohler to be removed immediately.

    For more information and statements from community leaders and representatives of organizations, please visit Latino Civic Alliance’s website and click “READ FULL STATEMENT” (triggers a download).

    ? Action: Join Indivisibles around the region TODAY in calling Governor Inslee and leave him a message at 
    (360) 902-4111

    Sample Script:

    Hello. My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to urge Governor Inslee to remove Pat Kohler, Department of Licensing Director. DOL gave personal information to ICE and helped ICE identify and locate our immigrant neighbors, against the Governor’s Executive Order. They are now at risk of being ripped from their families and communities and being deported. Pat Kohler’s failed leadership affects thousands of state residents and she must be held accountable and removed. Do not allow her to hire a deputy director before she is removed!

    Action 2 – [SENATE] – Vote NO on Senate version of H.R. 3144 – Deadline Tuesday

    From Alt National Park Service

    Have you heard of H.R. 3144? A small group led by Republicans in Congress spearheaded a bill that passed in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday. If the bill becomes law, it could lead to the eventual extinction of wild salmon in the Columbia and Snake rivers—iconic species in the Pacific Northwest that the federal government is required by law to protect. House Resolution 3144 seeks to overturn multiple federal court decisions that protect endangered salmon and steelhead. It undermines bedrock environmental laws and forbids any action that might reduce power generation at Columbia and Snake River dams without an act of Congress—from spilling more water over dams in the spring to help endangered fish migrate, to studying the possibility of removing the four aging lower Snake River dams. Further, it mandates that salmon populations be managed based on a 2014 federal plan that was rejected in two court decisions as being illegal, for not doing enough to save the fish from extinction. Wednesday’s vote advances the bill to the U.S. Senate. Please call your senators and tell them to vote NO!

    Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent in [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to urge the Senator to strongly oppose HR 3144 regarding Columbia River system dam operations. We must be able to continue to monitor and release dam spills in order to preserve our endangered salmon and steelhead for the sake of our local economies and our vital ecosystem balance.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Action 3 – [INCARCERATED WOMEN] – Support Mama’s Day Bail Out

    From Black Lives Matter Seattle King County and Seattle Womxn Marching Forward

    We strive to be in solidarity with womxn behind bars. Promoting Mama’s Day Bail Out with NW Community Bail Fund is part of that. 70% of people in jail in America are being held pre-trial. I’m sure you believe as we do – that we are innocent until proven guilty and that there should not be a different experience for people based on the contents of their bank account. Community organizers across the country have decided to take action – to level the playing field and provide bail for people who cannot afford it.

    We are proud to join with Black Lives Matter Seattle King County, Washington Community Action Network, and Seattle Womxn’s March during this year’s Mama’s Day Bail Out. Together we are working to raise over $10,000 during the month of May.

    This is an important time for us as we make a special effort to bring mothers home to be with their families for Mother’s Day.

    ? Action: Visit Northwest Community Bail Fund to donate now:  If this isn’t in your budget, share the link and help get the word out.

    Electoral Corner Events:

    More Actions You Can Take:

    Attend an In-Person event:

    … and More:

      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
    • Forward this email to a friend!

    Updated Apr 23, 2018

    ? We had a really good Group Meeting Saturday. Thank you to everyone who turned up and engaged in discussion and careful listening on a variety of topics. Thank you to Linda C for the delicious pound cake and Morwenna P for taking Meeting Notes. There’s lots of good info in there for anyone who wants to be engaged with the important work we’re doing.

    ? Speaking of important work, you might have noticed that May 6th will mark 6 months until the November Mid-term elections. We were despondent in 2016 knowing it would be 2 long years before we could make a meaningful, positive change to our representation. So we persisted through a horrible 2017 and find ourselves today, poised to flip districts all around the country. But it won’t happen without a lot of hard work, and IE needs to be part of that. We’re launching a “campaign” to host 4 electoral events per month for the next 6 months – Voter Registration, Postcard Writing, Canvassing and more. We’ll need volunteers, but also need a catchy name to get it started, and here’s where you can help us today. Please fill out the “Name Indivisible Eastside’s Electoral Push” online poll to choose among brainstorming ideas, or offer your own. Thank you for your help!

    ? Here are your four actions for this week (you can click on the Action title to join our partner Take Action Network – and track your actions there)

    Action 1 – [EPA] – Support the Clean Power Plan (deadline: April 26)

    From Jan Keller/NRDC page

    The Clean Power Plan, unveiled in 2015, establishes the first-ever nationwide limits on carbon pollution from power plants. It is the most significant measure to address climate change that our country has taken so far. It also protects air quality near power plants. The EPA’s proximity analysis concludes that a higher percentage of minority and low-income communities live near power plants when compared to the national averages.

    Scott Pruitt and the Trump administration have been trying to roll back the Clean Power Plan since last fall. Mayors and many other officials are strongly opposed.

    Send in your comment now to oppose the repeal of the Clean Power Plan. Deadline: April 26. If you only have a minute, you can simply use the NRDC petition. For more impact, write or assemble comments based on the suggestions below, and submit them by going to and clicking Comment Now!

    NOTE: the comment form does NOT have a section where you state you who you are. So, for more impact, state your name and city/state in your comment.


    My name is [NAME] and I am a U.S. citizen living in [CITY, STATE]. I am concerned about clean air and our climate because ______________.


    I strongly oppose all attempts to revoke or weaken the Clean Power Plan.

    I oppose all efforts by the Trump administration to roll back or dismantle the Clean Power Plan.


    The Clean Power Plan is a big step in the right direction: it puts national limits on carbon pollution from America’s existing power plants. It’s all too clear that carbon pollution has led to climate change and the increase of natural disasters devastating our country.

    Revoking or weakening the Clean Power Plan would endanger American lives and the health of American communities.

    Large majorities of Americans in both red and blue states are in favor of the Clean Power Plan. What all of us in these majorities want is swift implementation–and strengthening–of the protections to our air that are part of the Clean Power Plan.

    The Clean Power Plan provides enormous public health benefits. The Clean Power Plan can prevent approximately 3,600 premature deaths, 90,000 childhood asthma attacks, and 300,000 missed school and workdays every year, once fully implemented.

    America’s clean energy economy is where our true strength lies. The solar industry employed 200,000 people in 2016, with 31,000 new jobs added last year. U.S. wind facilities supply rural landowners with $222 million in revenue every year. That’s the direction we need to go!


    Do not put our environment and our children at risk: keep the Clean Power Plan strong, to protect clean air and a stable climate.

    The protections of the Clean Power Plan are crucial–do not weaken or revoke them!



    Action 2 – [KIRKLAND CITY COUNCIL] – Show Support for Gun Safety Resolution in Kirkland

    Indivisible Kirkland Kenmore has been working hard with KirklandSafe, the City of Kirkland, and other stakeholders to create a gun safety resolution for our city.

    If you are a Kirkland resident, here are four ways you can support this resolution, which was presented to the City Council on April 17th. Community support is what will make the Council take brave, bold action.

    If you are NOT a Kirkland resident, please forward this to friends you have in Kirkland.

      1. Please write a letter of support for this proposal, which will be included in the packet we present to the Council.  We’ve created an easy template for writing your letter and provided some examples.  It should only take you a moment and will really help our efforts with the Council.  Go here to draft your letter and submit it.
      1. Attend the May 1st City Council meeting to support the proposed resolution.  A room full of supporters would significantly bolster our request.  The City Council meeting will be at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, May 1st at Kirkland City Hall.  We will have several speakers presenting during “Items from the Audience.”  The Council will likely include a discussion and vote as agenda items during the body of the meeting.
      1. Sign our petition on, which demonstrates community support for a resolution on gun safety.  Gun Safety Resolution Support Petition 
    1. Forward this to Kirkland Friends

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Tell our Members of Congress the DOJ’s action is an unacceptable denial of due process for detained immigrants

    From Indivisible Wallingford and Seattle Indivisible

    The Justice Department has unilaterally ended the Legal Orientation Program (LOP) for immigrants in our immigrant legal system. Started in 2003 during the Bush administration, the LOP offers hour-long sessions that provide basic information on the immigration court system. These orientations are important because immigrants are not entitled to court-appointed lawyers, often don’t speak English fluently, and may not be familiar with the U.S. legal system. These trainings are often all people have to prepare them as they represent themselves in court.

    Locally the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) funded four positions under an LOP grant to meet with detainees at the Northwest Detention Center. They inform detainees of their rights and screen individuals for potential relief options. NWRIP was informed that the grant will end this month.

    Congress specifically funded the LOP program in its omnibus spending bill, mentioning the program by name, and directing the administration to expand the program’s reach to new detention facilities. Despite this very strong support by Congress, the Department of Justice has stopped the LOP program.  This is inexcusable.

      • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
      • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
      • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
    • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

    Sample Script:

    Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling about the Legal Orientation Program for detained immigrants. The Department of Justice has stopped this vital program even though it was specifically funded in the Omnibus spending bill. The program provides important legal information to roughly half of the detained population, and its suspension is another mean-spirited attack by the Administration on immigrant rights. Please use your office to demand that DOJ follow Congress’ direction and resume the Legal Orientation Program.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Action 4 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Thank Our MoCs (except Reichert) for Speaking Out to Demand Resignation of Scott Pruitt

    From Seattle Indivisible and 5calls

    Both of our Senators helped submit a resolution calling for the resignation of Scott Pruitt, the blatantly corrupt EPA Head. The resolution states that the co-signers have “no confidence in the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and [are] calling for the immediate resignation of the Administrator.”  What’s more, both Rep. DelBene and Rep. Smith signed on to the companion resolution in the House, along with 129 other House reps and 36 other Senators. Pruitt has drastically slashed environmental protections and himself has made a series of increasingly blatant ethics violations. This resolution was signed by the largest number of Senators to ever call for the resignation of a cabinet member.

      • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
      • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
      • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
    • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

    Sample Script for any MoC OTHER than Dave Reichert:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY]. I’m calling to thank you for being a part of the resolution to demand Scott Pruitt’s resignation. He is blatantly corrupt; a public vote of no confidence from so many lawmakers sends a strong signal that we will not tolerate it. Thank you for using your position of power to speak out loudly, even as Republicans continue to obstruct meaningful change.

    Sample Script for Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I urge Representative Reichert to call for Scott Pruitt’s resignation as EPA Administrator. His inappropriate conflicts of interest with industry lobbyists, use of taxpayer dollars to fund first class flights, and irresponsible policymaking are a danger to human health and the environment, and he cannot be trusted to run the EPA.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    More Actions You Can Take:

    Attend an In-Person event:

      • Sat, May 19, 9:30-11:00 am, Presentation + Q&A, “Moving Eastside Cities Toward Climate Action,” East Shore Unitarian Church (Spring Hall), 12700 SE 32nd St, Bellevue
    • Sun, May 20, 4:30 – 6:30 Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library

    Updated Apr 16, 2018

    ? Please join us for the Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting Sat, Apr 21, 2-4 pm at the Redmond Library. Hear what Topic Groups are up to and learn about how we can help flip CD8 blue. Tech demo/workshop for those who would like to improve their non-Facebook communication: Slack, Zoom, Google Drive, and Take Action Network. If anyone can bring treats, please email

    ? New this week: Click on any of the Action titles and it will take you to the same action in Take Action Network. TAN makes it easy to track your activism week by week and see what actions others are taking.

    ? Here are your four actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Protect Mueller and the Russia Investigation

    updated from a action

    The FBI raid on Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen on April 9th set Trump off on a tweetstorm. Indivisible went on high alert when a frustrated and angry Trump mused about firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Press Secretary Sanders stated that the president has the power to do so.

    Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ), Chris Coons (D-DE), Tim Tillis (R-NC), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have introduced bipartisan legislation to limit Trump’s ability to fire Mueller, providing the investigation the protection it needs from an unpredictable president. As Mueller’s team pursues action against criminal perpetrators in the Russia investigation, every member of Congress must allow the legal process to proceed to its natural conclusion.

      • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
    • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

    Sample Script for Senators:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge Senator [NAME] to support the bipartisan Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act, introduced by Senators Booker, Coons, Tillis, and Graham. It’s the duty of Congress to serve as a check on Trump and prevent him from causing even more serious damage to our democracy.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

      • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
      • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
    • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

    Sample Script for Representatives:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [NAME] to make a public statement that the firing of Special Counsel Mueller by Trump would be completely unacceptable. It’s the duty of Congress to serve as a check on Trump and prevent him from causing even more serious damage to our democracy.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Sinclair Broadcasting – Thank Senators Murray and Cantwell. Contact your Representative

    Last week we asked you to contact your Members of Congress in opposition to the merger of Sinclair Broadcasting and Tribune Media. On Thursday Sens. Murray and Cantwell called for an investigation of Sinclair Broadcasting, and a pause on the proposed merger. Please call and thank the senators for their public stance on this important issue. Also call and ask your representative to do the same.

      • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
    • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

    Sample Script for Senators:

    “Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m to thank the senator for calling for an investigation into Sinclair Broadcasting, and pausing the merger of Sinclair Broadcasting and Tribune Media. Thank you for speaking out publicly against this merger.”

      • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
      • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
    • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

    Sample Script for Representative:

    “Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling in opposition to the merger of Sinclair Broadcasting and Tribune Media. The merger will expand Sinclair’s reach to a massive 72% of US households. The FCC should not roll back regulations in order to grow Sinclair’s pro-Trump, right-wing messaging. The recent forced Sinclair messaging on local news stations is an example of the type of propaganda we can expect if this merger is allowed.  Please join Senators Murray and Cantwell in speaking out publicly against this merger.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Oppose Department of Homeland Security journalist database

    From Seattle Indivisible

    The Department of Homeland Security has put out a request for bids on “Media Monitoring Services.” This damaging effort is a project to compile a database of journalists and media influencers, and to do sentiment analysis on their content.

    Under normal circumstances this would be troubling. However, this week, with news of privacy violations at Facebook, and President Trump speaking out against the press and threatening to fire the special prosecutor, this action is downright terrifying. This administration has shown that it will attack the free press at the heart of our democracy. We don’t need to give it even more tools for harassing journalists and bloggers.

      • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
      • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
      • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
      • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
    • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

    Sample Script:

    “Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY,ZIP]. I am alarmed by the Department of Homeland Security’s proposed project called “Media Monitoring Services,” which would create a database to track journalists, bloggers, and other media influencers. The American public needs a free press to gets answers to important questions about our government’s actions and behavior. I am asking [Senator/Representative] to speak out against this project, and to work with [his/her] Congressional colleagues to prevent this project from happening.”

    Action 4 – [CREDIT CARD COMPANIES] –Ask Your Credit Card Companies to Refuse to Process Assault Rifle Sales

    As we approach the April 20th anniversary of the Columbine shooting, let’s support the nationwide student walkouts by keeping up the pressure to reduce gun deaths from mass shootings.  

    On March 22nd, Citigroup became the first big bank to set restrictions on the sale of firearms using their services. PayPal and ApplePay have also blocked the use of their service to buy any guns. We know other credit card companies can do it too–they recently blocked users from buying Bitcoin using their cards. Financial institutions are responding to consumer demands to do something about gun violence, and you can help.


    Find the customer service number on the back of your credit card. Call the number and tell the customer service agent that you want your credit card company to block purchases of assault weapons.  It’s always best to speak in your own words, but here are some points to guide you.

    Sample Script:

    “Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m a [CARDNAME] customer.  Citigroup took a historic step to set restrictions on gun sales–blocking sales without background checks, to customers who are under 21, and banning sales of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines. Why isn’t [CARDNAME] through [BANK] leading on this issue? I want the company to follow suit and go a step further. Ban all sales of assault weapons through your bank’s card. Please communicate this to the proper decision makers.

    All of the deadliest mass shootings this decade have used assault rifles like the AR-15. This has to stop, and I want my credit card provider to take action. If not, it will be easy to switch to a CitiCard.”

    Extra Points:  Call VISA and MASTERCARD and tell them to block the sale of assault weapons purchased with their credit cards.

      • Seth Eisen, Mastercard Vice President of Communications: 914-249-3153
    • Nathaniel Sillin, Visa Senior Director of Public Affairs: 415-805-4892

    More Actions You Can Take:

    Attend an In-Person event:

    … and more

      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
    • Forward this email to a friend!

    Crowd Sourced Actions:

    Do you have an idea for future Weekly Actions? (We could use all the help we can get folks!) Email  to submit your idea. Your input is greatly appreciated, and please understand that depending on current events, we can’t guarantee yours will be picked. To submit an idea, please:

    Submit proposals for the Weekly Actions by Thursday midnight for an action the following week!

    • Include the action to be taken (who to contact – HOUSE, SENATE, LEGISLATURE, AGENCY),
    • Include details about the bill (e.g. bill numbers) or regulation, when the action will no longer be effective
    • Include how it Resists the Trump agenda, or forwards progressive candidates
    • Link to news article

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