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Members of Congress

  • Sen. Patty Murray
    (202) 224-2621 | Email

  • Sen. Maria Cantwell
    (202) 224-3441 | Email

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st)
    (202) 225-6311 | Email

  • Rep. Kim Schrier (8th)
    (202) 225-7761 | Email

  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th)
    (202) 225-8901 | Email

  • For the Week of Dec 30, 2019

    ? This week we look back at 2019, and forward to 2020. Happy New Year!

    Action 1 – Looking Back

    We know this is a busy time of year, so you may not have gotten to some of the actions. If you have a few minutes, peruse the Previous Actions on our website and look for a few actions that you can take before the new year begins.

    Here are some stats about Indivisible Eastside:

    • 7 Steering members
    • 9 All Group Meetings with 12 speakers on a variety of topics
    • 13 #AlphabetResistance actions (9 overpass, 2 rallies, 2 social media)
    • 14 State Legislator meetings
    • 150 Actions in 52 Weekly Newsletters (and 150 Facebook posts)
    • 500 Rally attendees (combined) at the Lights for Liberty and #ImpeachmentEve rallies hosted by Indivisible Eastside
    • 718 Weekly Actions Newsletter subscribers (248 considered “Active”)
    • 850 Facebook Page followers (77% Women 20% Men)
    • 2,152 Facebook Group members (about 500 considered “Active”)
    • 4,665 Postcards written at 40 Postcard writing gatherings
    • Weekly Actions Newsletter Stats
      • 718 subscribers:
      • 74 people open email “often” (10% on average)
        • 10 (15%) of the 60 in CD8 open email “often”
        • 21 (17%) of the 121 in CD9
        • 25 (14%) of the 200 in CD1
        • 18 (5%) of the 337 where CD is blank or “other”
        • 1 (5%) of the 21 in LD1
        • 5 (20%) of the 25 in LD5
        • 12 (18%) of the 65 in LD41
        • 16 (15%) of the 107 in LD45
        • 22 (18%) of 121 in LD48
        • 18 (5%) of the 362 where LD is blank or “other”
      • 174 people open email “sometimes”
      • 445 people open email “rarely” (333 didn’t open ANY of the last 5 emails)

    THANK YOU to the 74 people who open your email often. We work hard on these newsletters and your interest and action is much appreciated.

    Now is a great time to update your LD and CD. Actions during the upcoming state legislative session will be tailored for each district, so you won’t have to wade through actions that don’t pertain to you.

    Action 2 – Looking Forward

    We have unlimited anger, but limited resources. Time, money, compassion, focus, enthusiasm, patience. Take stock of your resources and make a plan for 2020. Here are a few ideas to get you started.


    How will you spend your activist time? If you can ramp up your resistance to the harm that Trump and the Senate inflict, consider committing to doing Indivisible Eastside’s 3 actions each and every week. Will you attend some rallies? Will you learn about phone-banking and work on some campaigns? Will you canvass here in Washington State, or travel to another state (Maine is lovely in September) to help with a campaign? Will you attend a seminar to learn about disinformation? Make a plan for how you’ll spend this resource and follow through.

    Campaign donations:

    Whether you have $50 to donate in 2020 or $5,000, be strategic to have an impact. Will you donate to a presidential candidate in January or wait for a nominee to be chosen? Does Washington’s 4th LD Rep Matt Shea concern you? Maybe donate to his challenger, nurse practitioner Lori Faegan. Is there a US Senate seat you’d like to turn Blue? Think Maine’s Sara Gideon – opponent to Kavanaugh enabler Senator Susan Collins, or Arizona’s astronaut Mark Kelly who is challenging Republican Senator Martha McSally. And just for the good feels, you could send some cash to Mitch McConnell’s challenger Amy McGrath. Maybe you want to help oust one of the WA republican representatives in CD 3 or 5. Take 10 minutes and write down some ideas, and refer to it throughout the year.

    Compassionate donations:

    The seemingly endless reports of the humanitarian crisis at the US border with Mexico can make one numb and paralyze action. There are many organizations working to alleviate the suffering and pain experienced by families every day. One approach to donating is to choose an organization or two and set up monthly donations to them. Even $10 per month can make a big difference when multiplied by all the concerned and compassionate activists on the Eastside. Another approach is to use donation portals set up by ActBlue, one to help kids at the border and another to help families separated and detained. Your donation will be split between roughly a dozen organizations all at once.

    Find a quiet time to make a plan to refer to–it can be helpful if your energy flags.


    When you need a boost:

    We look forward to seeing you in the new year!

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Dec 23, 2019

    ? History has been made. Trump has been Impeached! Now we’ll see what Nancy Pelosi will do next.

    Tens of thousands showed up to the 600+ Impeachment Eve rallies around the country! We estimate about 400 were at the Redmond Rally covering 8 street corners. 45th LD Senator Manka Dhingra was there with her family. Linda K was there with the #AlphabetResistance letters giving newcomers a chance to give them a flip. We saw lots of people taking photos with those awesome letters. Freelance photographer Trish Brownlee took some great photos.

    Various people contributed photos and videos which can be viewed and downloaded in our Impeachment Eve Photos google drive – find Trish’s professional ones in the subfolders. Also, DemCast and 11Films created a short video and posted it on Facebook and on YouTube. We submitted video, but didn’t make the cut, but there are great images from around the country!

    ? Happy Holidays! Just 2 actions this week.

    Action 1 – [WA HOUSE] Tell Your Representatives to Remove Matt Shea from office.

    From Fuse Washington

    A horrifying new report released last Thursday found that Republican Rep. Matt Shea has repeatedly engaged in “domestic terrorism.” Independent investigators spent four months digging into Shea on behalf of the state House and uncovered damning new evidence of his dangerous and extreme behavior.

    The new report shows that Shea helped plan and participated in three different armed conflicts against the U.S. government. He’s using his platform as a legislator to give a voice and credibility to religious extremists and white supremacists everywhere. The investigators concluded by saying Shea is likely to “plan, direct, and engage in additional future conflicts” with “significant risk of bloodshed and loss of life.” They believe Shea represents “a present and growing risk to others through political violence.”

    People who engage in “domestic terrorism” have no place in our Legislature. We must stand united against white supremacy in Washington and send a message that Shea’s extremism has no place in elected office. The state House can expel a member from office with a two-thirds vote – which would require Republicans to join Democrats in doing the right thing. If there was ever a time to remove someone from office, this is it.

    Use Fuse Washington’s page to join others around the state in calling on every member of the House to reject Shea’s extremism and remove him from office. Since Indivisible Eastside Legislative districts are all Democrat, you might add something like “please encourage your Republican colleagues to reject white supremacy in the Washington State House.”

    Action 2 – [YOU] Please consider donations to groups doing important work

    As we head towards the end of the year you might be thinking about making donations to various organizations. We encourage you to think about several that are making a difference.

    Miles for Migrants uses donations of unused airline miles to reunite refugee families. You can also make a cash donation.

    The Fair fight Bond Fund uses donations to help pay for the bond required by detained immigrants, which gives them time to build their case before going to court. If they cannot pay, which is often the case, the alternative is that their case gets fast-tracked. The implication of this is that they are far less likely to get legal representation, leading to a much lower success rate. Those that have an attorney are twice as likely to win their cases. People released from detention are five times as likely to secure an attorney. Individuals that are bonded out and have an attorney are twenty times more likely to win.

    The Prison Book Program mails books to people in prison to support their educational, vocational, and personal development and to help them avoid returning to prison after their release. They also introduce citizens to issues surrounding the American prison system and the role of education in reforming it.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Dec 16, 2019

    ? Last week the House announced two articles of impeachment, accusing Trump of obstruction of Congress and abuse of power. This sets off the impeachment process that we have been fighting for, with an impeachment vote in the House expected on Dec. 18. It’s important that we keep calling and showing our support – impeachment votes will likely be along party lines, but the strength of public opinion can sway moderates in one direction or the other, and we know that Trump supporters are swamping their representatives’ phone lines saying that no one supports impeachment. Even though our Representatives have expressed support for impeachment, please call yours and let them know that you have their back. We need a strong and unified message that nobody is above the law.

    ? It’s not too late to register for our Nobody Is Above the Law Impeachment Eve Rally at Redmond Downtown Park. MoveOn, the national organizer, has set the date to Tuesday Dec 17th. Check the IE Impeachment Eve page for important rally details and parking suggestions near the park.

    You may be away from your own city at the time of the rally, as it will probably be after work for many people. You can find other locations HERE. Nationally there are over 500 rallies planned. Remember that it will be dark for the rally, so please bring flashlights and lanterns.

    ? There is good news to report about one of last week’s actions, concerning the potential use of facial recognition technology at SeaTac Airport. After the Port Commission meeting where testimony was heard against the proposal, they unanimously approved a moratorium on some uses of the technology. At least for now, the technology won’t be installed at boarding gates. This includes the proposal by Delta airlines to begin doing this by the end of this year.

    ? Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Indivisible Eastside Potluck Birthday Party on Sun Jan 12, 2020, 11:30-3pm at the Redmond Library. Our speaker will be Debbie Lacey of the Eastside Refugee and Immigrant Coalition (ERIC) who will talk to us about the work that they do in our community.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Ask Members of Congress to support a call for Mitch McConnell to recuse himself from the impeachment trial


    As Donald Trump’s impeachment moves to the Senate for a trial, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is doing all he can to guarantee Trump will be acquitted.

    McConnell told Fox News “Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with White House Counsel. There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this.”

    Even before a House vote on impeachment, McConnell and Trump’s attorneys have met behind closed doors to strategize how the trial will be conducted.

    But as a U.S. Senator, McConnell will be a juror in the upcoming trial. Under any normal circumstance, it is inappropriate for a juror to strategize with the defendant before trial. This almost guarantees a rigged outcome. By doing so, McConnell would be in violation of his oath of office. That oath, or affirmation, that every senator will take says “that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of [President Trump], now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: So help me God.”

    Representative Val Demings, a Florida Democrat, is demanding that McConnell must recuse himself from participating in the Senate trial. Please contact your Members of Congress to ask them to support this demand.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am asking that you support Representative Val Demings in her demand that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recuse himself from the impeachment trial. Our Senators are supposed to serve as fair and impartial jurors during impeachment trials. However, he has blatantly and publicly already declared that he will be working in lockstep with the White House.

    If he can’t be an impartial juror, for the sake of our democracy, McConnell must recuse himself from the Senate’s impeachment trial.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US SENATE] Let senators know that you expect them to support the call to remove Stephen Miller from the White House

    Some of the most pernicious policies of the Trump administration have been in the area of immigration. They have been cruel and relentless and show no signs of easing up. The chief architect behind them has been Stephen Miller, who inexplicably is one of the longest serving of Trump’s advisors. In November there was a leak of over nine hundred of his emails, sent to Breitbart News between 2015 and 2016, which further illustrated his support for white supremacy ideology.

    Senator Kamala Harris, in conjunction with 26 other senators, has recently written a letter demanding that Miller be removed from the White House.

    Senator Patty Murray has signed the letter and we should thank her for doing so. Senator Cantwell, however, has not. Every single Democratic Senator should be a part of this demand. Whether the White House will bear it any consideration is another matter but it is important that all of our representatives make it clear that Miller’s dangerous ideas have no place in any administration. It’s time to put him on notice that they will no longer be tolerated.

    ☎ Sample Script

    “I am a constituent, and I am [writing/calling] to thank you for signing the letter sent by Senator Kamala Harris to the White House on December 9 asking that Stephen Miller be removed from the White House. His repugnant ideologies have no place in any government. I appreciate that you have added your voice to this important demand.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    ☎ Sample Script

    “I am a constituent, and I am [writing/calling] to express my disappointment that you did not sign the letter sent by Senator Kamala Harris to the White House on December 9 asking that Stephen Miller be removed from the White House. As confirmed by the recent release of his emails to Breitbart News, his white supremacist ideologies are dangerous and his position as advisor on immigration matters is completely intolerable. Please add your voice to those who are asking for his removal from his position in this administration.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [You] Encourage businesses to do better on gun safety and/or thank those that are already doing well

    From I.E. member Elizabeth S.

    It’s the time of year when you are likely to be out and about shopping more than usual. There is a way to spend your money more thoughtfully, by encouraging businesses to do better on gun safety and/or thank those that are already doing well. Here is the Alliance for Gun Responsibility’s scorecard on several corporations. You can check the score of many businesses that you might patronize. If you’re a regular customer at a low-scoring business, you can leverage your power as a consumer: Make contact and ask them, as a customer, to take measures to protect their employees and customers.

    You can find contact information and scripts at the link, as well as details about how the campaign was started.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Dec 9, 2019

    ? This week saw the publication of the report of the House Intelligence Committee on their impeachment investigation, and the start of hearings by the House Judiciary Committee into the legal basis of the impeachment inquiry. Nancy Pelosi said she was instructing House Committee Chairs to move forward with articles of impeachment against President Trump; another hearing is scheduled for Dec. 9.

    There is a strong likelihood that a final House vote will be taken during the week of Dec. 16. Complications arise from the fact that there will need to be a further vote on the Appropriations budget by Dec. 20, when the current funding expires. Indivisible National feels that the budget vote might take place first but there are no guarantees.

    In any event, we should be prepared for a vote that week. If you have not already done so, please register for our Nobody Is Above the Law Impeachment Eve rally at Redmond Downtown Park, so that you can be notified of the final date & time at least 24 hours before the event. We expect the vote to be announced at least a few days in advance. We will update the event page and contact all signups with updated event information as the impeachment hearings go forward.

    You can find other locations HERE. Nationally there are over 380 rallies planned. Remember that it will be dark for the rally, so think about bringing flashlights and lanterns. 

    ? Postcards and Coffee is back! After a short break for Thanksgiving we have resumed our Friday sessions at Crossroads Mall. If you would like to join us please let us know at

    ? A major concern as we head into a critical election period is the ability of the public to trust the information that they consume from social media and other sources, digital and otherwise. Recently a new program has been set up at the University of Washington which will explore questions about who we can trust and how we should approach the overwhelming amount of information that comes our way. The Center for an Informed Public will be holding an event at Town Hall, Seattle on Jan. 23 which will provide an opportunity to learn and ask questions related to these issues. It promises to be an enlightening evening. 

    ?  Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Indivisible Eastside Potluck Birthday Party on Sun Jan 12, 2020, 11:30-3pm at the Redmond Library. Our speaker will be Debbie Lacey of the Eastside Refugee and Immigrant Coalition (ERIC) who will talk to us about the work that they do in our community.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Two of them are related to the privacy of your data, which is an increasing concern. 

    Action 1 – [Port Of Seattle] Tell the Port of Seattle to put the brakes on the deployment of facial recognition software at SeaTac Airport (Urgent)

    From Seattle Times and

    Airlines are planning on introducing facial recognition software at SeaTac by the end of this year. This ‘unregulated, controversial technology’ is being introduced despite concerns about privacy rights and without clear explanations of its implications for passengers. In particular, there are serious concerns about the way that the technology will be (mis)used by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

    On Tues. Dec. 10 the Port of Seattle Commission will hold a hearing for testimony from groups who are concerned about this process. This will be the first time that any operator of a US airport has publicly considered any policies to govern the use of facial recognition by airlines or on airport property. 

    The meeting will start at noon on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at the Port of Seattle offices at 2711 Alaskan Way (Pier 69) in downtown Seattle. If you drive and you use the Bell Street parking garage, Port Commission staff say they can validate your parking. Members of the public usually get two minutes each for public comments, near the start of the meeting — sign up at the table just inside the meeting room.

    If you are not able to attend but wish to inform the Port Commission of your opinion, please contact them directly. 

    Commissioners: ■ Stephanie Bowman ■ Ryan Calkins ■ Fred Felleman ■ Courtney Gregoire ■ Peter Steinbrueck

    Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck

    To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 or online.                

    Sample Script: (please edit to make it your own)

    Hello. I am a resident of [CITY] and am calling/writing to express my concerns about the plans to deploy facial recognition software at SeaTac Airport in the coming months. The pace of the rollout does not give adequate time to address concerns about privacy and the use of the data that is collected about passengers. Despite the promise of increased security and ease of travel, there remain serious concerns about the rights of passengers who do not wish their data to be collected and stored, with no say as to how it is used. I am asking that you do not proceed with these plans until strong safeguards have been put in place to ensure the privacy of our citizens.

    Thank you.

    Action 2 – [State Senators and Representatives] Ensure that strong safeguards are built into Data Privacy legislation

    From Seattle Times, Electronic Freedom Foundation, Crosscut

    During the last session of our state legislature there was an attempt to pass legislation that would protect the privacy of our data. The goal was that consumers in the state would have the right to know who is using their data and why. Additionally, they would be able to correct inaccurate personal information and stop the sale of their data. The bill (SB5376, the Washington Privacy Act) passed in the Senate but did not pass in the House due to concerns that it was not strong enough and did not provide enough safeguards for consumers, especially in comparison to bills passed in California and the European Union. 

    Opponents of the previous bill include The ACLU-WA and Jevin West, Director of the new Center for an Informed Public  at the University of Washington. Here’s an excerpt from their opposition statement (from the House Bill Report):

    “The bill cedes control to the tech industry and not to the consumers who desperately need to be empowered in this privacy space. Large corporations control data, which are the ultimate source of power and which drive unaccountable data-driven decision-making. Self-policing has not worked. This is a bill written by these large entities, and the choice before the Legislature is whether to continue to allow these companies to exercise outsized power by enacting a bill that gives consumers no meaningful choice, or to insist on a bill that actually makes a difference to the commodification of people’s data as practiced by the big tech.” 

    An amended bill will be carried forward to the new session by its original sponsor, Senator Reuven Carlyle, D-Seattle. We strongly support legislation that protects Washington consumers, but the new bill should have a firmer stance on the use of facial recognition software, with stronger protections for consumers and better enforcement mechanisms than the previous one.

    (It should be noted that Senator Maria Cantwell has recently co-sponsored the Consumer Online Privacy Rights Act (COPRA), which offers strong protections to consumers. While we support this potentially effective Federal legislation, we cannot wait for the dysfunctional current Senate in Washington D.C. to do its job.)

    Please make a call to your State legislators encouraging them to advocate for a new, stronger version of the bill. 


    • Sen. Derek Stanford (1st LD): Olympia 360-786-7600 | EMAIL
    • Sen. Mark Mullet (5th LD): Olympia 360-786-7608 | EMAIL
    • Sen. Lisa Wellman (41st LD): Olympia 360-786-7641 | EMAIL
    • Sen. Manka Dhingra (45th LD): Olympia 360-786-7672 | EMAIL
    • Sen. Patty Kuderer (48th LD): Olympia 360-786-7694 | EMAIL


    • Rep. Davina Williams Duerr (1st LD): Olympia 360-786-7928 | EMAIL
    • Rep. Shelley Kloba (1st LD): Olympia 360-786-7900 | EMAIL
    • Rep. Bill Ramos (5th LD): Olympia 360-786-7852 | EMAIL
    • Rep. Lisa Callan (5th LD): Olympia 360-786-7876 | EMAIL
    • Rep. Tana Senn (41st LD): Olympia 360-786-7894 | Bellevue 425-453-3037 | EMAIL
    • Rep. My-Linh Thai (41st LD): Olympia 360-786-7926 | EMAIL
    • Rep. Roger Goodman (45th LD): Olympia 360-786-7878 | Kirkland 425-739-1810| EMAIL
    • Rep. Larry Springer (45th LD): Olympia 360-786-7822 | EMAIL
    • Rep. Vandana Slatter (48th LD): Olympia 360-786-7936 | Bellevue 425-453-6424 | EMAIL
    • Rep. Amy Walen (48th LD): Olympia 360-786-7848 |Kirkland 425-822-1114| EMAIL

    Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] to ask [Senator, Representative] to ensure that the Washington Privacy Bill planned for the next session contain strong policies to preserve the privacy rights of residents of the State. My requests include:

    • Ensure that facial recognition software is strongly regulated to prevent potential misuse. 
    • Make the enforcement stronger than was proposed in the previous version of the bill, which contained no ‘private right of action’ for consumers. 
    • Require opt-out requests to be subject to verification.
    • Eliminate loopholes in the bill that could be interpreted to weaken consumer rights.

    Washingtonians have a right to privacy, and deserve strong protections over the collection, retention, and sharing of their personal information, and robust enforcement mechanisms to hold companies accountable.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [YOU] Sign a petition asking for doctors to be allowed to give flu vaccines in detention camps at the border

    You may have heard about the horrific case of Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez. He was the Guatemalan teen who died in a Customs and Border Protection cell in May, eight days after crossing the border. He had been diagnosed with the flu but, despite the recommendation of a nurse, had not been sent to a medical facility. A video exists which shows him sprawled on the floor, then crawling to the toilet area, where he passed away and remained unchecked for a period of four hours.

    [Update: The video was obtained by ProPublica via Texas Open Government laws and has been widely shared, with the understanding that Carlos’ family had given consent. However, per the Washington Immigration Solidarity Network and their colleagues at the Texas Civil Rights Project, that is not the case. The link to the video should not be shared out of respect for their wishes and to avoid further traumatizing them and other members of the immigrant and refugee community.]

    There is no good explanation for how or why Carlos lost his life. Unfortunately he is not the first immigrant at the border to have died from the flu, although the manner of his death beggars belief. Investigations will be held but it remains to be seen whether anything will change. 

    Children held in custody at the border have been denied flu vaccinations by the Trump administration, despite demands by the Centers for Disease Control. Carlos’ death, and those of others, may have been preventable. An organization called Doctors For Camp Closure writes, “On November 5th, we (D4CC) wrote a letter requesting access to a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) camp to provide free influenza vaccination. The letter was addressed to the secretaries of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. They have so far ignored the letter.”

    Read the organization’s full statement and add your voice to their petition here.Please note that although it is addressed to health professionals, we have confirmed that you do not need to be one to sign. 

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Dec 2, 2019

    ? As Congress went into recess last week the House Intelligence Committee began to wrap up the investigative phase of the probe into possible “high crimes and misdemeanors” by the President and started preparing its report. Committee Chairman Adam Schiff has said the report could be released soon after the House returns from its Thanksgiving break. 

    If you were at our last meeting you may have participated in our video ‘Thank You’ to Representative Schiff and his team. It is now part of a longer presentation from a variety of Indivisible groups that was sent to him recently. You can watch it HERE. 

    ? For the next phase of the impeachment inquiry, the House Judiciary Committee will begin their proceedings on Dec. 4th. The initial hearing will feature legal experts who will examine questions of constitutional grounds as the panel decides whether to write articles of impeachment against Trump — and if so, what those articles will be. Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler said that his panel’s hearing will “explore the framework put in place to respond to serious allegations of impeachable misconduct.”

    Democrats are aiming for a final House vote by Christmas, which would set the stage for a likely Senate trial in January. With that in mind, don’t forget to sign up for our Nobody Is Above the Law Impeachment Eve rally, so that you can be notified of the final date & time at least 24 hours before the event. You can find other locations HERE. 

    We expect the vote to be announced at least a few days in advance. We will update the event page and contact all signups with updated event information as the impeachment hearings go forward.

    ? Indivisible National has begun live-streaming interviews with select Democratic Primary candidates. Only candidates that have met these specific criteria were invited to participate:

    • ✔ Signed onto the #WeAreIndivisible pledge,
    • ✔ Completed an extensive questionnaire, 
    • ✔ Either made it onto the October debate stage or ever had a net positive rating from our movement in our surveys.

    So far, you can watch interviews with Senator Booker, Senator Warren, Mayor Buttigieg, and Secretary Castro. Other qualifying candidates that they have requested interviews from are: Vice President Biden, Senator Harris, Senator Klobuchar, and Senator Sanders. You can sign up to find out about upcoming interviews HERE.

    ?  Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Indivisible Eastside Potluck Birthday Party on Sun Jan 12, 2020, 11:30-3pm at the Redmond Library. 

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. 

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE] Improve H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act

    From Indivisible National

    This is a repeat of a previous action, but there are some modifications that could be made to the bill to improve its coverage. As it is likely to come up for a vote in the House in mid-December, we are asking  you to call again on this important legislation.

    Sky-high prescription drug prices are an urgent crisis for millions of Americans, and it’s time for Congress to protect people from Big Pharma’s greed. H.R. 3 is a good start, but it can still be expanded to make sure it benefits as many people as possible. Call your Member of Congress and tell them: improve H.R. 3 by including people without insurance coverage, negotiating more drugs, and protecting patients from high launch prices and price spikes!

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [MoC NAME] to support improving H.R. 3 by negotiating more drugs, and protecting patients from high launch prices and price spikes.

    H.R. 3 is a good start, but there are key gaps in it. Please support amendments that would lower prices for people without insurance coverage, increase the number of drugs that are eligible for negotiation, and increase the number of drugs that are negotiated each year. Also, please go beyond simply negotiating for existing drugs, and protect patients from high launch prices and price spikes.

    I urge [MoC NAME] to work to improve H.R. 3.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US SENATE] Ask your Senators to sign on to support removing the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment

    From Katherine Cleland, Seattle Indivisible

    First proposed by women’s suffragists in 1923 and adopted by Congress in 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment, which would bar discrimination on the basis of sex, has for decades been a dream of women’s rights advocates. Its language is simple: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”

    The ERA has made progress in recent years towards ratification, but needs our help. Virginia’s new pro-equality legislature plans to take up the ERA ratification early in their new session. That makes VA likely to be the 38th and final state needed to make the ERA a constitutional amendment. However, in 1972, when passed in Congress, a deadline for ratification was added, and then revised. There are two bills in congress today to REMOVE the DEADLINE. The House bill HJResolution79 had a hearing in the Judiciary committee on Nov 13th, and was passed out of committee for a full vote in the House. There are sufficient co-sponsors in the House to expect passage. The “sister” bill in the Senate has been introduced by Sen. Murkowski (Alaska) and Sen. Cardin (Maryland). To pass that bill, Senate Joint Resolution 6, we need to make phone calls to our Senators. Please tell friends in other states to call their Senators too.

    Sample Script:

    I am calling to ask for your help  in finally getting the Equal Rights Amendment ratified. With Virginia likely to become the 38th and final state needed to make the ERA a constitutional amendment, there is one more legislative hurdle to be overcome. Please co-sponsor Senate Joint Resolution 6 to remove the deadline for the ERA, so that this long-awaited piece of legislation can finally become a reality.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [National Marine Fisheries Service] Support expansion of orca critical habitat by the Fisheries Service

    From Washington Environmental Council

    Our Southern Resident orcas are critically endangered, but areas off the West Coast where they forage and travel are not protected as critical habitat. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is accepting comments on a proposal to expand orca critical habitat to include over 15,500 square miles of coastal waters. The proposal would leave in place the whales’ currently-designated critical habitat in inland waters of Washington.

    Animals with critical habitat protections are twice as likely to be on track for recovery as those without. Given that there are only 73 of these highly intelligent orcas left, there is no time to lose. This is a very positive proposal that could make a big difference for our orcas.

    The deadline for commenting is December 18 2019, 11:59 PM Eastern time.

    You can take this action in several ways:

    Sample Comment:

    ? I am a resident of Washington state. Thank you for proposing to expand critical habitat for the Southern Resident killer whales, also known as orcas. I strongly support the proposed critical habitat expansion. I urge you to quickly finalize the proposed rule.

    ? Protecting this full range as critical habitat reflects new and best available science as new sightings and data show that Southern Resident killer whales regularly forage in the coastal waters off Washington, Oregon, and California. They need this habitat to get off the path to extinction and on the way to recovery.

    ? I support the three essential habitat features identified in the rule: (1) water quality; (2) availability of sufficient prey; and (3) passage conditions to allow for migration, resting, and foraging. Toxic contaminants, declining prey, and vessel noise and disturbance all contribute to the risk of extinction.

    ? Animals with critical habitat protections are twice as likely to be on track for recovery as those without. Given that there are only 73 of these highly intelligent orcas left, there is no time to lose.

    ? I am grateful that NMFS has engaged and consulted with Tribes to ensure that this rule does not impact Tribal Treaty rights and usual and accustomed fishing areas.

    ? I fully support the proposed critical habitat expansion. I urge you to finalize the proposed rule.

    Thank you,

    [NAME] [CITY], WA

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    For the Week of Nov 25, 2019

    ? Did you watch the Presidential Primary Debate last Wednesday? With the Impeachment Inquiry taking up the bulk of the news cycle, it’s easy to lose sight of the progress of the primary candidates. Indivisible National will be live-streaming interviews of select candidates.  Only candidates that met these specific criteria were invited to participate:

    • ✔ Signed onto the #WeAreIndivisible pledge,
    • ✔ Completed an extensive questionnaire, 
    • ✔ Either made it onto the October debate stage or ever had a net positive rating from our movement in our surveys.

    Based on those requirements, they have requested interviews from the following qualifying candidates: Vice President Biden, Senator Booker, Mayor Buttigieg, Secretary Castro, Senator Harris, Senator Klobuchar, Senator Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Senator Warren. Here is the schedule of the interviews. They will be adding more as they become available.  

    ?What a marathon of Impeachment hearings last week! For a quick recap, you can watch Impeachment Daily

    Sign up for our Nobody Is Above the Law rally in Redmond, so that you can be notified of date & time within 24 hours of the event. You can find other locations HERE.  

    ? Happy Thanksgiving! The Steering Committee at Indivisible Eastside is so very thankful for all of our members’ dedication to resisting the Trump administration, supporting progressive values, and protecting our democracy! As you gather with family over Thanksgiving dinner, consider “Engaging in Conversation to Enhance Understanding” (see Action 1 below) and take time to be thankful for loved ones in our lives despite differences. We will be celebrating all of you at our January 12th Indivisible Eastside Potluck Birthday Party from 11:30-3pm at the Redmond Library. 

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. 

    Action 1 – [YOU] Read: Civil Discourse…Engaging in Conversation to Enhance Understanding

    Paraphrased from article By Lunell Haught, LWVWA President

    Civility rules on how to engage in civil discourse:  

    • Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Speak from your own experience. 
    • Moderate your tone, so that you don’t sound aggressive.  
    • Be conscious and mindful of your facial expressions.  
    • Spend time listening. Be attentive and considerate of the other person’s point of view.
    • Process what is being said.
    • Give equal time to opposing opinions.  
    • Don’t repeat yourself. Use a variety of evidence.  

    How to interact respectfully with someone who fails to obey the agreed-upon rules of civility:  

    • Respectfully ask them to tell you about how they came to their views. 
    • Stay calm and consider taking a break from the conversation.  
    • Tell the person you’re talking to that you don’t know how to interpret his/her facial expression.   
    • Ask for help in understanding what they mean.  Listen to the explanation they give.
    • Ask for equal time, using a polite tone: “May I finish my point?”  
    • Express understanding: “I understand,” or “I hear you.”

    More complicated is the world of social media in civil discourse.  It isn’t face to face and it doesn’t seem to be an environment for understanding.  It is an example of how to be tuned out.  

    Shankar Vedantam’s short podcast Hidden Brain, ‘Screaming Into The Void: How Outrage Is Hijacking Our Culture, And Our Minds’ is a research based explanation of how we used to use outrage about wrongdoing to keep people in line.  And we actually evolved to get a little brain boost when we get outraged and socially punish or call out people on social media.  The use of moral and emotional words makes the pleasure of punishing even greater. Who knew?  

    Finally, there is “virtue signaling”–an attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media.  It is a popular modern habit to indicate that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favor for certain political ideas or cultural happenings. (Cambridge dictionary)

    The problem with outrage and virtue signaling is that they don’t actually improve anything and demand attention and emotional energy. Turning our attention to connecting more fully with one another, and acting thoughtfully in spheres beyond just social media, tend to be less draining and more effective and satisfying.

    Here is a good YouTube video with guidelines on how to talk to someone with different views. It’s about 20 minutes long, and geared toward Climate Change, but you can just watch the summary starting at ~16:23. 

    Action 2 – [USCIS] Submit Public Comment Opposing Administration’s Plans to Limit Citizenship 

    From Seattle Indivisible

    The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has issued a proposal to drastically raise various immigration services fees. This proposal is far from benign: If implemented, it would put the dream of American citizenship out of reach for many of the nearly 9 million people who are eligible to naturalize. Specifically, the proposal would:

    • Increase citizenship application fees by 83 percent, from $640 to $1,170
    • Make asylum seekers pay $490 for a work permit
    • Increase the cost of DACA renewals from $495 to $765
    • Eliminate fee waivers for citizenship, permanent residency, and other services

    Finally, the proposal not only would place new financial burdens on immigrants, but also would transfer over $200 million from USCIS fees to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for enforcement purposes. 


    Here are some tips on submitting public comments from One America

    ? Sample Message: (It is always best to personalize the text with your own words)

    I am writing in opposition to USCIS’ proposed rule that would price people out of achieving the American Dream by raising the fees for naturalization and ending a longstanding program that provides equal access to citizenship for those with limited means.   

    A fee for asylum is fiscally unnecessary for USCIS. I reject the politicizing of human life and the representation that asylum seekers are a cost to America to be recouped. We are a nation of immigrants. There should be no price tag on seeking asylum.

    Naturalization is important to the vitality of our democracy and our economy.  All Americans have a strong interest in encouraging eligible people to choose U.S. citizenship.  USCIS’ proposed rule betrays this interest and is an affront to American values. 

    This proposed increase in the naturalization application fee would raise it to a staggering $1,170, or a month’s worth of gross income for a person making the federal minimum wage. This steep fee and the termination of fee waivers would create a nearly insurmountable barrier to citizenship for precisely those people whose naturalization would most benefit our nation.   

    I urge you to rescind these harmful proposals and keep access to the American Dream alive!

    Action 3 – [Sound Transit] Tell Sound Transit You Care About Transportation 

    From North Seattle Progressives

    If you take public transit such as Sound Transit or Metro then you’re probably aware of the  impending budget cuts these agencies are facing thanks to I-976 ($30 Car Tabs) passing.

    Tim Eyman,  the creator of this initiative, spoke at last Thursday’s Sound Transit Board Meeting. (Where he also announced his plan to run for governor! ?)

    Tell the ST board to do what they can to protect the ST light rail expansion projects,  and to not cut or reduce bus and transit services.

    Email your comments and concerns to:

    ? Sample Message:

    Tim Eyman doesn’t speak for us! We want link light rail and transit services. The passage of i-976 is devastating, and I hope you will do all that you can to protect the projects like ST2 & ST3 that are already underway. I support Sound Transit!

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    For the Week of Nov 18, 2019

    ? The “We are Indivisible: A Blueprint for Democracy After Trump” book by Leah Greenberg and Ezra Levin has arrived and they are on a nationwide book tour. Watch this great video of their event in Seattle last Sunday with Representative Jayapal. Who knows, you may recognize some faces!

    ? Last week the public phase of the Impeachment Hearings began on Wednesday with State Dept. official George Kent and Ambassador Bill Taylor, and continued on Friday with former Ambassador Marie Yavanovitch. For quick recaps, you can watch Impeachment Daily.

    After the hearings are complete, and the Judiciary Committee draws up Articles of Impeachment, there will be a vote on those articles by the full House of Representatives. The night before that historic vote to impeach Trump, we’ll head to every congressional office and public square to declare that Nobody Is Above the Law as representatives finalize their positions and senators look on. This will be visible, family-friendly, a public gathering to demonstrate to our lawmakers that their constituents are behind them to defend the Constitution—and that Trump has left them no alternative to uphold their oath of office but to support impeachment and removal. Indivisible Eastside will host one of these gatherings in Redmond, or you can find another location near you. RSVP so that you can be notified of date & time within 24 hours of the event, since we don’t yet know when the vote will be held.

    In preparation for the “Nobody Is Above the Law” event, we will be making signs this Thur, Nov 21st at Michaela’s house in Redmond from 6-8pm. Please RSVP to and we will give you the address. We’ll provide sign materials, but we encourage you to bring your own as well.

    ? This Wednesday, Nov 20th from 6-8pm PST, MSNBC will hold another Presidential Primary Debate. There will be 10 candidates on stage and it will be moderated by an all female panel! There will be a Democratic Watch Party starting at 5 pm at Optimism Brewing in Seattle.

    Indivisible National is conducting a Pre-Debate Survey where you can share your thoughts on the candidates. With some new candidates jumping into the race and a few exiting, Indivisible National wants to hear how members are feeling about the candidates.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [State House & Senate] Support Comprehensive Sex Education in Washington State

    From Planned Parenthood & NARAL

    During the 2019 Legislative Session, there was a bill concerning mandatory, age-appropriate sex education in Washington State. Comprehensive sex education is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and this legislation is supported by Planned Parenthood and NARAL. Unfortunately, that bill did not pass, and we need to make sure it does during this upcoming 2020 Legislative Session. The bill requires sex education that teaches consent, is LGTBQ+ inclusive, and promotes medically accurate information. Contact your legislators to let them know you support Comprehensive Sex Education.

    Note that on Nov 22 from 7-9 at Bellevue First United Methodist Church, Planned Parenthood is holding a round table meeting where you can learn more about upcoming legislation.



    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [REPRESENTATIVE/SENATOR] to support Comprehensive Sex Education legislation in the upcoming session. This is legislation that did not pass in 2019.

    Studies have shown that sex education can have a positive effect on relationship behaviors and help prevent unwanted pregnancies. Sex Education legislation should mandate an age appropriate sex curriculum that teaches consent, is LGTBQ+ inclusive, and promotes medically accurate information.

    I urge [REPRESENTATIVE/SENATOR] to support HB1407/SB5395 in the 2020 legislative session.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & Senate] Shut Down Unlawful Surveillance

    From Seattle Indivisible & Action Network

    After the September 11th attacks, Congress gave the federal government sweeping new surveillance powers in a bill famously called the Patriot Act. A particularly egregious part of it, Section 215, allows the government to collect large amounts of personal data without a warrant or suspicion of a crime. Over the years it has violated the privacy of large swaths of American citizens by allowing mass collection of meta communication data, and led to intrusive surveillance of Muslim Americans, Black Lives Matter activists, and other minorities. In the context of Section 215, people who communicate with family and friends overseas are particularly exposed, which feeds the oppression immigrants and Muslim communities experience in this country. The Patriot Act is expiring (‘sunsetting’) again this December, and you can join the broad coalition of civil rights groups fighting parts of its renewal! Please contact your federal representatives and ask them to let Section 215 of the Patriot Act expire.


    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

    I am a constituent and urge you to sunset Section 215 of the Patriot Act this year. Section 215 has been used to spy on essentially all Americans. It represents an extraordinary abuse of our civil liberties, and is a threat to our democracy.

    Section 215 allows the government to collect an unprecedented amount of our personal information, without ever needing a warrant or suspicion of a crime. The program has been completely ineffective at preventing terrorist attacks. It is constantly in violation of court rulings and privacy laws. And we’re not being surveilled equally, with Black, Brown, and Muslim people getting unfairly targeted.

    Nearly 20 years after 9/11, it’s clear that Section 215 isn’t needed. It’s damaging our rights and freedoms.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [Puget Sound Clean Air Agency] Support of a Regional Clean Fuel Standard

    From Washington Environmental Council

    The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency is considering adopting a regional Clean Fuel Standard to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. The standard would apply to transportation fuels supplied or sold in the Agency’s jurisdiction — King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. For background, try this Crosscut article on the Clean Fuel Standard.

    You might be aware that the Washington state legislature could adopt some kind of Clean Fuel standard in 2020 (they tried in 2019 and only got part way there) – however, this regional standard might be stronger than what the state is willing to adopt, and on top of that, the regional action could potentially spur legislators to go ahead and adopt a statewide standard.

    Commenting is easy, because you can write an email that basically says, “I strongly support the adoption of the proposed Clean Fuel Standard.” See the sample email below. There’s also a public hearing on Thurs, Dec 19, 12:30 – 8 pm, at the Washington State Convention Center, Room 2AB (this info is also in our Calendar section).

    For good summary info and for the full list of commenting options (in a gray shaded box), see the Agency’s commenting page. The deadline is Jan 6 (but now’s a good time to do it, in case you get busy for the holidays).


    (Click link to generate pre-filled email. Please add your City, any additional comments and sign your name before sending)


    SUBJECT LINE: Support for Clean Fuel Standard

    I am a Washington state resident, living in [CITY, ZIP]. I strongly support the adoption of the proposed Clean Fuel Standard. A Clean Fuel Standard is needed for protecting the climate, which means it is essential for the health and safety of our people. Thank you.

    [OPTIONALLY, include a statement of why you care, thank the agency for proposing the standard, and/or say more about the fact that reducing emissions from transportation is important.]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    For the Week of Nov 11, 2019

    ? The Nov. 5th election has come and gone, and we are left with a mixed bag of results both locally and statewide. Some excellent candidates won local races while others were disappointed. We are so grateful to all who ran as they represent the best of our ideas about equity, justice, and fairness, and we hope that they continue to do their good work in our community and elsewhere. We must also celebrate the fantastic victories in Virginia and Kentucky!

    Thank you if you supported candidates by donating, canvassing, textbanking, phone banking, postcard writing, and especially voting! Many of you did participate in writing postcards with us for candidates far and wide over the past few months and several of them were successful in their races. (Please note that Washington State races won’t be certified until Dec. 5th.)

    • In Seatac, Takele Gobena and Senayet Negusse lead by a small margin.
    • In Spokane Valley, Tim Hattenburg won his race, although sadly Lance Gurel did not.
    • In Virginia, Joshua Cole was elected, but unfortunately Debra Rodman lost.
    • In Federal Way the local renter protection Initiative (19-001) is currently ahead by ten points.

    We will continue our Postcard activity for as long as there are races and issues to write for. Watch this space for details!

    ? On Tues, Nov 12, the Supreme Court will hold its first hearing on the Trump administration’s attempt to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). Over 700,000 people have received deferred action status under the program. On the 12th, there will be a #HomeIsHere rally, hosted by the Washington Dream Coalition and other groups to support DACA participants. It will be at the US District Court Building, 700 Stewart St, Seattle, from 2:00 – 4:00. Here’s the Facebook page. Please support it if you can.

    Before the rally the regular monthly meeting with Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell’s staffers will take place at the Federal Building, 915 Second Ave, Seattle, 12:30-1:30. Come and hear what they are working on and bring your questions.

    ? Still on the topic of immigration, organizations in our area have been active in promoting an action called Rapid Response Training. WA Immigrant Solidarity Network’s – Rapid Response Network (RRN) is a community defense project developed to protect immigrant & refugee communities from deportation threats and to provide support during and after a community member’s arrest or detention. On Nov. 14th there will be training sponsored by Indivisible Kirkland and WAISN, from 3:30 -5:00. If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please contact

    ? At our meeting on Saturday, we were so impressed by the great presentation by two local high school students on a bill to require pet stores in Washington to source their kittens, puppies, and bunnies from shelters rather than animal mills. They’ve worked on this for two years and have support from legislators in their district. Check out their website to learn how you can help. And see the Meeting Notes for Saturday’s Group meeting for resources we talked about.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [You] Sign up for an Eastside Impeachment Rally

    We have had several inquiries about a local impeachment rally and we are happy to tell you that plans are afoot! is starting coordination for a future Impeachment Eve rally nationwide, and although we obviously can’t set the date of the rally until the impeachment vote is actually scheduled, Indivisible Eastside is working to organize the event at Redmond Downtown Park.

    Please sign up with MoveOn to make sure you get notification details (date and time) 24 hours before the rally.

    Join this historic nationwide mobilization on the eve of Trump’s impeachment vote: RSVP for the event. The night before the House of Representatives takes a historic vote to impeach Trump, we’ll head to every congressional office and public square to declare that Nobody Is Above the Law as representatives finalize their positions and senators look on. This will be visible, family-friendly, a public gathering to demonstrate to our lawmakers that their constituents are behind them to defend the Constitution—and that Trump has left them no alternative to uphold their oath of office but to support impeachment and removal.

    Action 2 – [You] Speak up to prevent a wrongful execution

    From AmnestyUSA and Washington Post

    Rodney Reed, 51, has been in prison in Texas since 1998 and was moved to death row over the summer. He is scheduled to die by lethal injection on Nov. 20. He was convicted of the murder of a woman whose fiance has subsequently confessed to committing the crime. There is widespread bi-partisan support for a reprieve, but there is little time left.

    You can add your voice in support of his case by writing a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both of the government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call, or Tweet them.

    Greg Abbott

    Governor of Texas

    Office of the Governor

    P.O. Box 12428

    Austin, Texas 78711

    Telephone: 512 463-2000

    Fax: 512 463-5745


    Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

    8610 Shoal Creek Blvd.

    Austin, Texas 78757

    Fax: (512) 406-5482


    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Rodney Reed has been on death row since 1998 and faces execution on 20 November. He maintains his innocence and several experts cast doubts on his conviction.

    Rodney Reed was convicted of the 1996 murder of a white woman. DNA testing of semen from her body was matched to that of Rodney Reed, a black man, who claims they had a consensual romantic relationship. New witnesses have corroborated this. Forensic experts dispute the time of death as stated at trial, questioning the timeline implicating Reed. Texas courts have repeatedly denied requests for DNA testing of other key evidence.

    The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. Since 1973, 166 people have been exonerated from US death rows on innocence grounds.

    I urge you to recommend and grant clemency to Rodney Reed and stop his and any future executions.”

    Action 3 – [US Senate] Take action to secure our vote

    As we have mentioned in previous Actions, our democracy is at risk from a lack of funding for increasing security and ensuring the integrity of our elections. With the 2020 election less than a year away, time is of the essence. In June 2019 the House passed a Democrat-backed bill which would make meaningful investments to upgrade the security of voting systems across the country, to guard against foreign interference in our democracy.

    The Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act would authorize $600M for the Election Assistance Commission, which would be allocated to states to enhance their security ahead of 2020. It includes language that would ban voting machines from being connected to the internet and being produced in foreign countries.

    The Senate and House must agree on how to fund the government by Nov. 21st. In September Mitch McConnell announced his support for $250M for election security, but that is insufficient and it lacks the accountability language that the House bill uses to secure our elections.

    Please contact your Senator and ask for their support in insisting for a substantial increase in the budget for election security, along with safeguards to prevent security breaches that compromise the integrity of our elections. Republican Senators have pushed back against every attempt to implement this, so we must keep up the pressure on our Senators to let them know that this is a critical area of concern, and that we expect them to keep pushing for this important legislation.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    I am concerned about the security of our elections. I do not believe that the amount of funding approved earlier by the Senate will be sufficient to truly secure our elections. I urge the Senator to apply maximum pressure to ensure that the upcoming spending bill would allocate the full $600 million to improve our elections systems. In addition, there need to be stringent safeguards in place, such as those that meet the high standards outlined in the HR 2722 SAFE Act, to ensure the integrity of voting equipment and procedures. It is important that the American voter is confident that their vote has been counted and their voice heard.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Nov 4, 2019

    ? Please join us this coming Saturday Nov 9 from 2-4:30 at the Redmond Library for our Indivisible Group Meeting. This will be our last group meeting of 2019. We’ll have an election wrap up and discussion about local races as well as those we supported in SeaTac, Spokane Valley, and Virginia. We’ll hear from community members about projects and State Legislation they’re championing for the 2020 Legislative session. And HOPEFULLY we’ll have a couple of copies of We Are Indivisible: A Blueprint for Democracy After Trump available for check-out. We hope to see you!

    ? Tomorrow is the deadline to vote and turn in your ballot. Information on Key Ballot Measures:

    ❌ I-976: Tim Eyman vehicle motor taxes and fees (Transit and infrastructure funding)

    ✅ Ref 88: I-1000 (WA Fairness Approve I-1000/R88). Contrary to deceptive advertising for the No on I-1000 campaign, I-1000 RESTORES fairness and opportunity to Washington’s public employment, contracting, and education enrollment policies.

    ✅ Advisory Votes: We recommend voting “maintained” on all of these. This article is from 2017, but is still valid in explaining why voting maintained is important. (Stick it to Tim Eyman)

    ✅ SJR 8200: Our legislature’s “emergency” powers currently only cover emergencies resulting from enemy attack, but a more likely scenario would be a catastrophic event like an earthquake. This would fix that.

    Check out our November Elections Resources document for more information.

    ? Last week Allison dropped off the donations that were collected from members of Indivisible Eastside over the last couple of months. They are destined for the immigrant and refugee boys living at Selma R. Carson House in Fife. This is a medium security 23-bed facility operated by Pioneer Human Services, a nonprofit that has a contract with the federal government to hold immigrant children. We had a packed car full of items, including clothing, backpacks, water bottles, toiletries, and snacks. Hopefully their lives will be improved by having some personal items that they are able to keep with them as they travel through the system. We are so grateful for your generosity and the volunteers who are handling the donations also asked us to pass on their gratitude. Thank you so much to all who donated!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA State House and Senate] Fight back against Tim Eyman’s Advisory Votes

    The 2020 State Legislative session will be upon us starting in January, but it’s not too early to contact your senator and representatives with issues that concern you. You will have noticed when you were voting that Tim Eyman’s “Advisory Votes” fill up half the ballot. They DISCOURAGE VOTING among low-information voters by making the prospect of filling out the ballot overwhelming. Very few people know that these measures are meaningless, that it’s OK to leave half your ballot blank, and that Eyman is behind them. Having almost the whole front side of the ballot filled with his garbage isn’t just annoying — it’s deliberately misleading and advances an anti-tax agenda via mischaracterization of budget process.

    Write to all three of your legislators easily by clicking the comment link below and urging them to take action this year.

    Comment on SB 5224

    ☎ Sample Script (please modify):

    “I support SB5224 and I urge you to make it a priority in the upcoming legislative session. I urge you to take action to stop our ballots from being cluttered with “advisory votes”. Candidates in important races have been pushed to the BACK of the ballot while these ineffective anti-tax measures are put front and center. This confuses voters, wastes tremendous amounts of revenue (up to $3 million if you include the voter’s pamphlet), and serves no purpose other than to spread anti-tax messaging. It is time to end this farce. Thank you!”

    Action 2 – [Your Car’s Manufacturer] Speak out about fuel economy standards

    California has vowed to abide by an Obama-era standard that would require automakers to build vehicles that reach an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, preventing the emission of about six billion tons of carbon dioxide over the vehicles’ lifetime. The Trump administration, however, wants to loosen the regulation to about 37 miles per gallon. Toyota, Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, Kia, Mazda, Nissan and Subaru sided with the Trump administration by saying that the federal government’s authority should supersede the state’s in setting emissions limits.

    In 1967 California was granted the right to set its own clean air standards by the Federal Air Quality Act because of its unique geography, weather, and expanding number of people and vehicles.

    Californians will buy 1.9 million vehicles in 2020 and some are saying they will no longer buy Toyota vehicles, opting instead for competitors like BMW, Ford, Honda, or Volkswagen — all of which reached a surprise agreement with California in July to scale back emissions in their cars.

    Action 2a. If you own, or are considering owning a car from one of the manufacturers below, contact them to express your disappointment in their decision.

    Contact Link Phone Twitter
    Chrysler Contact 800-992-1997 @ChryslerAutos
    GMC Contact 800-462-8782 @ThisIsGMC
    Kia Contact 800-333-4KIA @Kia
    Mazda Contact 800-222-5500 @MazdaUSA
    Nissan Contact 800-647-7261 @NissanUSA
    Subaru Contact 800-782-2783 @subaru_usa
    Toyota Contact 800-331-4331 @Toyota

    Action 2b. If you own, or are considering owning a car from one of the manufacturers below, contact them to thank them for their commitment to the future health of our planet.

    Contact Link Phone Twitter
    BMW Contact 800-831-1117 @BMWUSA
    Ford Contact 800-392-3673 @Ford
    Honda Contact 800-999-1009 @HondaCustSvc
    Volkswagen Contact 800-822-8987 @VW

    Action 3 – [Mark Zuckerberg] Stop Allowing Political Advertising on Facebook

    Last Wednesday Twitter said it would ban all advertisements about political candidates, elections and hot-button policy issues such as abortion and immigration, a significant shift that comes in response to growing concerns that politicians are seizing on the vast reach of social media to deceive voters ahead of the 2020 election.

    By contrast, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stands by his company’s controversial policy that essentially allows politicians to lie in ads, stating “In a democracy, I don’t think it’s right for private companies to censor politicians or the news”.

    Facebook isn’t providing only a platform for campaigns to speak to audiences entirely of their choosing, as with other technologies such as robocalling. It’s providing a specific product: the capability, based on detailed behavioral data, to target more precise audiences than candidates could ever dream of doing alone, and then to refine that targeting based on who engages most with the often-false content. The company has essentially monetized the world’s most precise and powerful disinformation apparatus.

    If you use Facebook, comment on this October 30th post sharing Facebook’s Community Update and Quarterly Results AND comment on any of the posts on Mark Zuckerberg’s page. While you’re on his page, use Messenger to send him a direct message as well.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “I urge you to follow Twitter’s lead and stop promoting and allowing false and misleading political ads. Your technology allows ad buyers to micro-target people susceptible to their fake messages in a way that ordinary posts do not. If you care about our country and democracy, stop allowing political ads.”

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 28, 2019

    ? Information on Key Ballot Measures:

    ✅ Ref 88: I-1000 (WA Fairness Approve I-1000/R88). Contrary to deceptive advertising for the No on I-1000 campaign, I-1000 RESTORES fairness and opportunity to Washington’s public employment, contracting, and education enrollment policies.

    ✅ Advisory Votes: We recommend voting “maintained” on all of these. This article is from 2017, but is still valid in explaining why voting maintained is important. (Stick it to Tim Eyman)

    ❌ I-976: Tim Eyman vehicle motor taxes and fees (Transit and infrastructure funding)

    ✅ SJR 8200: Our legislature’s “emergency” powers currently only cover emergencies resulting from enemy attack, but a more likely scenario would be a catastrophic event like an earthquake. This would fix that.

    Check out our November Elections Resources document for more information.

    ? Our next Indivisible Group Meeting is coming up Nov 9 from 2-4:30 at the Redmond Library. We’ll have an election wrap up and discussion about local races and those we supported in SeaTac, Spokane Valley and Virginia. We’ll hear from community members about projects and State Legislation they’re championing for the 2020 Legislative session. We hope to see you!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE] Hold House Republicans Accountable for Lawless Behavior


    On Wednesday, the House Intelligence Committee was holding secure impeachment depositions when more than two dozen Republican congressmen stormed into the secure facility. The representatives, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), refused to leave until Democrats held open hearings—even though there were Republicans on the committee already in attendance. They impeded the impeachment inquiry and risked national security in doing so by bringing in their unapproved electronic devices. These members of Congress should be immediately investigated and have their security privileges revoked for intentionally disrupting a deposition and breaking security protocols to push their partisan agenda.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, this is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m appalled at the actions of more than two dozen House Republicans who impeded the House Intelligence Committee impeachment investigation last Wednesday. This group of men, who wanted to imprison Former Secretary of State Clinton for using a private email server, show unbelievable hypocrisy by compromising national security to defend a lawless president. Please take a stand against this partisan disregard for the legal process. These lawmakers must be held accountable for breaking House rules and violating national security protocol. Nobody is above the law!”

    Action 2 – Speak Out About New Forced DNA Collection Rule

    From the ACLU

    Immigrants in detention sites have no control over their movements, their health, or their futures. Soon, immigrants might not even have control over their DNA. The Trump administration has outlined plans to take DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of people living in detention centers without their consent. The Justice Department is claiming it will help solve crimes, but history shows us that the government often abuses mass surveillance tools to violate fundamental rights.

    Act now: Use the ACLU’s site to submit your public comment against forced DNA collection. The DOJ is accepting comments until Nov. 12 – so your comment could be the difference it takes to stop this proposed rule.

    DNA collection could become a normal form of government surveillance – for all of us – if the DOJ moves forward with its plans. Through this new policy, the government will vastly expand its law enforcement DNA database, giving it access to powerful information about the population at large. Imagine a future world in which the government uses your DNA to determine your likelihood of developing a particular health condition or succumbing to substance abuse, and then conditions your ability to work, have children, travel, or receive benefits on that. Or one in which the government tracks your movement by running the DNA you involuntarily leave behind on every cup, tissue, and more against its database. This isn’t happening today, but with this vast amount of sensitive information in the government’s hands, the potential for abuse is too great.

    The dangers can’t be overstated. We can’t let the government collect immigrant DNA and set us on a path for mass surveillance using our most intimate, sensitive information. Everyone deserves the fundamental right to privacy, including immigrants in detention sites. Make your public comment now. Thanks for making your voice heard.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Support Call for Investigation of Solitary Confinement at Tacoma Detention Center

    Sen. Maria Cantwell and U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, in a letter sent last Wednesday to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security inspector general, called for a review of the use of solitary confinement at the immigration detention center in Tacoma.

    The letter also calls for the completion of the investigation into the death of Russian asylum seeker Mergensana Amar. Amar died by suicide nearly a year ago while being held at the Northwest ICE Processing Center, previously known as the Northwest Detention Center. He had been denied asylum and was ordered to return home.

    Let’s thank Senator Cantwell, and if you live in his district, Representative Smith, for working for better oversight at the Tacoma ICE detention center.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, this is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I want to thank you for raising concerns about the reported pattern of abuses and dangerous conditions at the Northwest ICE Processing Center in Tacoma. Many of these people have yet to even have a hearing, and yet they are treated like criminals. How can a for-profit company possibly have the best interests of the detainees at the forefront of their mission?

    I thank you for your October 23rd letter to Inspector General Cuffari expressing your concerns about the use of solitary confinement, and asking for the completion of the year old investigation into the death of an asylum seeker. Please continue to elevate the plight of asylum seekers at detention facilities here in Washington state and around the country. Thank you.”

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 21, 2019

    ? “I’m going to try and make people realize that in order to live the life they are living, they need to have democracy, and it’s being threatened.” – Elijah Cummings. The longtime Baltimore congressman and civil rights leader died October 17, 2019 at age 68. A highly respected political leader, Cummings was a man who wielded unique moral authority. Cummings will be remembered for his principled stands on political issues, his belief in the good in humankind, for fighting racial injustice, and much more. His passing on is not just a loss for the people of Baltimore, but for the whole of humanity.

    ? Our last evening Postcards To Voters event is this Tuesday Oct 22nd near downtown Bellevue. We’ll be gathering around the TV to watch the Frontline: Zero Tolerance – How Donald Trump Turned Immigration into a Powerful Political Weapon. Sign up below in the Calendar section and see other Postcarding opportunities.

    ? This is the last week to fill out our 2020 State Legislative Priorities SURVEY. This will help us choose what bills to track and advocate for in the upcoming short legislative session. Deadline is Wednesday midnight so fill it out TODAY.

    ? What a week, from Mick Mulvany stating that quid pro quo in foreign policy is normal and to “Get Over It”, to news of a ceasefire/pause in aggressions by Turkey in northern Syria. It’s hard to keep up. If you’ve fallen behind, or are bored with TV or print media, consider trying a podcast or a blog.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [YOU] Vote and encourage your friends, neighbors and family to vote

    Ballots have been mailed, so if you haven’t received yours by Oct 24, contact: 206-296-VOTE (8683) or .

    We’ve put together a great November Election resources document to help you learn more about who and what you’re voting for, including Information on Key Ballot Measures:

    ✅ Ref 88: Initiative 1000 (WA Fairness Approve I-1000/R88). Contrary to deceptive advertising for the No on I-1000 campaign, I-1000 RESTORES fairness and opportunity to Washington’s public employment, contracting, and education enrollment policies.

    ✅ Advisory Votes: We recommend voting “maintained” on all of these. This article is from 2017, but is still valid in explaining why voting maintained is important. (Stick it to Tim Eyman)

    ❌ I-976: Tim Eyman vehicle motor taxes and fees (Transit and infrastructure funding)

    ✅ SJR 8200: Our legislature’s “emergency” powers currently only cover emergencies resulting from enemy attack, but a more likely scenario would be a catastrophic event like an earthquake. This would fix that.


    • Read up on candidates and issues
    • Vote
    • Share on social media that you voted
    • Talk to you family, friends, and neighbors about voting. After brushing up on the issues, you’ll be well informed and able to answer any questions they might have.

    This is all good practice for … 2020!

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Add your voice to those demanding U.S. provide humanitarian support for Kurdish people in Syria

    From Seattle Indivisible

    This week the news has been full of stories on the consequences of Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria. Within twenty-four hours of Trump’s announcement, Turkey’s armed forces invaded Kurdish territory in Syria.

    Even though Trump trumpeted a so-called cease-fire late in the week, enormous damage has been done, creating an acute humanitarian crisis. The ethnic Kurds have suffered horrific violence, and more than 100,000 people have been displaced.

    Today we’re asking you to send a message or leave a voicemail for lawmakers in support of Kurdish people in Syria targeted by Turkey’s armed invasion.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m [CALLING/EMAILING] to express my sadness and frustration over the consequences of U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria. I’ve read that Turkey’s invasion of Kurdish territory has created an acute humanitarian crisis. I’d like to add my voice to those protesting Trump’s actions and to urge you to consider humanitarian support for the Kurdish people in Syria who have been targeted for violence by Turkey’s armed forces. Thank you.”

    Action 3 – [US Forest Service] Comment on Proposal to allow logging in the Tongass National Forest

    The Trump administration issued plans to reverse limits on logging in Tongass National Forest in Alaska. The draft environmental impact statement provides an analysis of six alternatives related to roadless management in Alaska. The alternatives range from no action, to the removal of the Tongass from the 2001 Roadless Rule. The Administration recommends Alternative 6:

    • Alternative 6 would exempt the Tongass National Forest from the 2001 Roadless Rule. The alternative would remove all 9.2 million acres of inventoried roadless acres and would convert 165,000 old-growth acres and 20,000 young-growth acres previously identified as unsuitable timber lands to suitable timber lands.

    You can read about the six options on the USDA site, or review this summary from the NRDC. The comment deadline is December 15th, 2019.

    TO SEND A QUICK EMAIL: If you only have a few minutes, you can send an email via NRDC’s site. It’s best to personalize your message – you can even grab some phrases from the ideas below.

    TO SEND YOUR OWN COMMENT DIRECTLY TO THE FOREST SERVICE, Comment on Roadless Area in Federal Register

    Message Ideas (cut/paste/edit to create your own):


    I strongly oppose your proposed rollback of the important Roadless Rule to allow companies to carve roads into pristine roadless areas of the Tongass National Forest.


    It is senseless to cut down ancient, 800-year-old trees and destroy healthy forest ecosystems. This forest provides benefits of far higher value than the “profit” from selling the timber.

    Among America’s national forests, the Tongass is the largest. It is also central to the largest temperate rainforest still intact in the world.

    The Tongass is home to spectacular wildlife including bald eagles, timber wolves, brown bears, black bears, and all five species of Pacific salmon.

    Local Indigenous communities in the area of the Tongass rely on these pristine lands for traditional hunting, gathering, and cultural practices. Native Alaskans can only sustain customary and traditional use of forest and streams if roadless areas of the Tongass remain roadless.

    Destroying parts of the Tongass would also hurt the local economy. The forests support important tourism, commercial fishing, and outdoor recreation, providing many more jobs than logging can provide.

    The Tongass is crucial for protecting our climate. It is America’s most important national forest for carbon sequestration. This is a time when parts of Alaska are warming at about twice the rate of the average speed around the planet. Protecting this forest advances climate change solutions for our country and strengthens international climate-protection efforts.

    These wildlands absorb massive amounts of carbon, and nothing else can match or replace this carbon sequestration capacity. Protecting the Tongass is necessary for protecting the future of our children.


    Among the proposed alternatives, I support only Alternative 1, maintaining the 2001 Roadless Rule. The Tongass should be protected, not destroyed.

    It is your responsibility to do all you can to safeguard this pristine national treasure for current and future generations. The Tongass cannot be replaced, only protected.

    I urge you to reverse the proposed rollback and protect the Tongass National Forest from destructive roadbuilding and logging.

    Thank you.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 14, 2019

    ? Wonderful turnout at Sunday’s group meeting. We heard from Moms Demand Action about upcoming gun control legislation, and learned about important items that will be on our ballots that are confusing or misleading. See the meeting notes for more details. Be sure you understand what you are voting for!

    ? The 2020 WA State Legislative Session is just around the corner! Please fill out this SURVEY to let us know what your legislative priorities are for this coming year. We want to make sure we are following the topics that our members are most interested in.

    ? Tuesday, Oct 15th is the next presidential debate and there will be 12 candidates on stage. There are a couple of Debate Watch Parties in the area: Chris Petzold from the 5th LD & Optimism Brewing Seattle

    ? Things continue to unravel for the Trump administration as more evidence comes to light in the Impeachment Inquiry. Indivisible National has begun a new short broadcast called “Impeachment Daily” that you can tune into to stay current. Subscribe to the Indivisible Team YouTube channel to get the latest.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [Congressman Adam Schiff] Thank Congressman Schiff for his leadership on the Impeachment Inquiry

    From Carol Butterfield

    Carol has heard from some friends who used to work in Adam Schiff’s office and they are telling her that he is getting a lot of hateful negative calls. We don’t want him to think the American people don’t support him, so let’s show our support for his work.

    Congressman Adam Schiff

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to thank Congressman Schiff for his leadership on the House Intelligence Committee that is now spearheading the Impeachment Inquiry. I appreciate his hard work and courage in the face of this very difficult work. Please let him know that we appreciate his efforts in upholding the constitution, and have his back!

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [Voters] Make Calls to Ensure an Open and Transparent Impeachment Trial in the Senate

    From Indivisible National

    The Mueller report confirmed what we already knew: Trump abused his authority, violated the law, and tried repeatedly to obstruct justice. Now, Trump has been accused by multiple whistleblowers of asking leaders of foreign governments to interfere with our election system by digging up dirt on his political opponents. Donald Trump is a criminal. These activities are impeachable offenses. And he himself has admitted to them, openly, on camera.

    Nancy Pelosi has announced that a formal impeachment inquiry is underway, but our work is far from over to ensure Trump is held accountable for his numerous crimes. It’s absolutely essential that the Senate holds an open and transparent impeachment trial that allows for the full array of evidence to be presented and considered — but Mitch McConnell is the one who gets to set the rules for the trial — and frankly, we don’t trust him to do it fairly. That’s why we’ve got to demand that Senators publicly support a fair and open impeachment trial. We are fortunate to have two great Senators that don’t need convincing, but we can still help by reaching out to voters in other states. Use this form to sign up for a shift making calls to voters in key areas to connect them directly to their Senators to make this important ask.

    Action 3 – [U.S House] Improve H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act

    From Indivisible National

    House Democratic leadership released H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019, on September 19, 2019. While the bill was improved from what reports earlier in the summer suggested, there are still numerous provisions of the bill that should be strengthened before it reaches the floor.

    However, House leadership plans to move the bill through all three committees of jurisdiction before the end of October, leaving us with only a few legislative days to make an impact in the amendment process. Click here to learn more about key provisions of the bill that should be improved before it reaches the floor of the House of Representatives at the end of the month.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [REPRESENTATIVE] to support improving H.R. 3 by negotiating more drugs, and protecting patients from high launch prices and price spikes.

    H.R. 3 is a good start, but there are key gaps that need to be filled before the House votes on it. Members should support amendments that would increase the number of drugs that are eligible for negotiation and increase the number of drugs that are negotiated each year. They should also improve the bill by protecting all patients from high launch prices and price spikes — two problems that aren’t fixed by negotiating the price of existing drugs alone.

    I urge [REPRESENTATIVE] to support improving H.R. 3.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of Oct 7, 2019

    ? Last week’s news was consumed by the ever unfolding story of the Impeachment Inquiry. Things are happening so quickly with the Ukraine scandal and Trump publicly also asking China for help in investigations of Biden that Indivisible National has begun a new short broadcast called “Impeachment Daily” that you can tune into to stay current. Subscribe to get the latest.

    ? The November elections are just four short weeks away! To help you be as informed as possible about the candidates and issues, we have compiled a November 2019 Election Information sheet. Please do your research and support progressive candidates by following their campaigns, donating, posting a yard sign, canvassing, and attending candidate forums, some of which are listed in the document.

    ? The 2020 WA State Legislative Session is just around the corner! Indivisible Eastside will be partnering with Indivisible Kirkland and Indivisible CD8 to collaboratively track bills and put out actions for our groups. Please fill out this SURVEY to let us know what your legislative priorities are for this coming year. We want to make sure we are following the topics that our members are most interested in.

    ? Group meeting this Sunday, Oct 13 from 3:30-5:30pm at the Redmond Library. We will have a speaker from Mom’s Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, talk about the upcoming election including what’s on your ballot, and collect donations for refugee boys in Fife. Hope to see many of you there!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US Senators] Cut DHS’s Massive Budget

    From ACLU

    Earlier this year, Congress denied the president funds to build his border wall – but the president declared a national emergency and funneled funds from the Department of Defense to the Department of Homeland Security in order to build the wall anyway. DHS also grabbed funds from FEMA during hurricane season.

    Under the Trump administration, DHS has an unprecedented budget and resources. There is no reason to send even more of our taxpayer dollars to fund its anti-immigrant abuses. If we want to pursue the inclusive, humane values we want as a country, then we must cut DHS’s massive budget.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to thank [SENATOR] for fighting for immigrants at the border. As your constituent, I urge you to cut the budget of the Department of Homeland Security, including its sub-agencies ICE and CBP. We must also stop the administration from transferring funds from elsewhere to fuel DHS’s anti-immigrant abuses. Across the country, people widely rejected Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda at the ballot box last November — and Congress has a duty to listen to constituents. I urge you to uphold the will of the people and cut DHS’s budget.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [Corporations] Stop Supporting Matt Shea

    From Code Blue WA and Washington State Democrats

    White Nationalism is alive and well in Washington State, thanks to State Representative Matt Shea. Shea’s corporate donors must denounce his actions and recognize that if they fund him, they are also funding the growth of White Nationalism in Washington State. Tweet Shea’s donors and urge them to stop funding Shea’s efforts to spread his dangerous, extremist ideology. Several of Shea’s corporate donors that have already done the right thing and pledged to stop supporting his campaign, so we know public pressure can work!

    If you have a Twitter account, take action HERE.

    To contact via another format see each corporations contact page below:

    Walmart PhRMA Weyerhaeuser Company

    Rental Housing Association of WA Altria Client Services American Chemistry Council

    Anheuser-Busch Company Novartis Finance Corporation PMSA Washington State

    SABEY Corporation Puget Sound Pilots

    Washington Bankers Association (and its PAC)

    Premera Washington State Dental PAC

    Washington Beverage Association

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “[COMPANY NAME], I urge you not to donate to Washington State Representative Matt Shea or his allies. Shea has used his influence as a legislator — and his weekly broadcast radio show — to spread his dangerous, extremist ideology throughout Washington State. Stop supporting Shea and his Washington GOP allies until House Republican Leader J.T. Wilcox expels him from their caucus. Thank you for your time and attention.”

    Action 3 – [You] Donate to the Fair Fight Bond Fund

    From Fair Fight Bond Fund and Northwest Immigrant Rights Project

    The Administration is attempting to curtail the ability of immigrants in detention to seek release on bond and also attempting to dramatically reduce the number of asylum seekers released through parole. Northwest Immigrant Rights Project Executive Director, JORGE L. BARÓN testified last week at a Congressional Hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

    The WAISN Fair Fight Immigrant Bond Fund gives immigrants detained at the Tacoma Northwest Detention Center a fair chance. They provide the bond money that allows them to go back to their lives and families while they build their case to gain status. WAISN estimates that around 250 people remain in detention annually because they’re unable to pay their bond. The more funding the bond fund receives, the more bonds they can pay out. With the holidays approaching and the administration threatening, the need for bond funds is even more urgent.

    Donate HERE!

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    • Tues, Nov 5, ELECTION DAY, Ballots must be postmarked that day or in drop box by 8 pm
    • Sat, Nov 9, 2-4:30 Indivisible Group Meeting, Redmond Library

    … and More:


    For the Week of September 30, 2019

    ? In the words of Jon Lovett, what a week! The drumbeat of impeachment has been going on seemingly forever and this week saw everything finally come to a head. As of this writing, 225 House members (including the first Republican) (a majority) support an impeachment inquiry. Things are moving rapidly but we want to take a minute to thank everyone who has made some noise around this issue over the last few years. It has been a long road to this point, and it’s important to stress that this is the beginning, not the end of this process.

    From Leah Greenburg and Ezra Levin at Indivisible National:

    “This victory… is incomplete and uncertain. We don’t know if all of our efforts would have led to this point had the Ukraine news not broken. We also don’t know whether this will lead to impeachment as we envision it, or if it’s just the latest development in a slow-walk strategy that will ultimately disappoint us.

    But without grassroots pressure, pressure from you and Indivisibles nationwide, the dam would not have broken the way it did.

    Reporting from a few different sources points to the role of persistent grassroots pressure in shifting Democrats over to our side. This Ryan Grim piece is particularly good. A frontline Dem staffer told Gro, they came out for impeachment early in the summer and that “doing so had minimized the pain that so many others felt over recess.” Another was blunter: “We spent all summer getting the shit kicked out of us back home.”

    We want to take a moment to acknowledge the hard work of our activist community. If you have called or visited your rep, volunteered with or donated to a campaign or organization, registered voters, phonebanked or texted for a candidate or written postcards, we want to thank you for your work (and promise you more to come!).

    ? The November elections are just five short weeks away! To help you be as informed as possible about the candidates and issues, we have compiled a November 2019 Election Information sheet. Please do your research and support progressive candidates by following their campaigns, donating, posting a yard sign, canvassing, and attending candidate forums, some of which are listed in the document.

    ? We have a selection of Postcard events coming up, whether you prefer daytime or evening activities. This is a great way to socialize and take meaningful action, especially approaching the election. We will be supporting campaigns both in and out of state, hoping to encourage ‘reluctant’ voters to make their voices heard.

    ? Daytime: NEW LOCATION: Join us every Friday at 10 am-12 pm now through Nov 1 for Postcards and Coffee, hosted by Ruth L in Bellevue

    ? Evenings: Mon, Sep 30, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters – Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    Wed, Oct 9, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    Tues, Oct 15, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    Tues, Oct 22, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    ? A BIG thank you to Ananth for all his work on the steering committee. He moved last weekend to the Bay area, and will continue to help us remotely. We will miss seeing him on a regular basis, but look forward to the times he can join us in actions when he is able to come back to Seattle.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [Congressional Representatives] – Ask for an early vote on impeachment

    From Indivisible National

    Our national leadership has been active and vocal in their calls for impeachment over the last few years. Indivisible was hoping that the October recess (Sept 30-Oct 15) would be cancelled, so that work could continue on impeachment investigations. This did not happen, although the investigations by the House Intelligence committee continue in earnest.

    The other big ‘ask’ is that a vote on impeachment be held as soon as possible. The reasoning behind that is that ‘Trump’s actions are not just corrupt — they are a matter of national security, election security, and the integrity of our democracy.’ A lot of work investigating his conduct has been going on behind the scenes already by various committees, and can be utilized by the investigation. Investigations should of course continue but should not drag on for months, while he continues to do damage to our democracy.

    If you have not already called your Member of Congress to thank them for supporting an impeachment investigation, please consider doing so, and include a request that a vote be held as soon as possible. If you have called, please call again and make this request.

    ☎ Sample Script :

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to thank [Representative] for fighting for impeachment proceedings. It has been a long time coming and I appreciate all of the efforts that you have put in to do the right thing and protect our democracy.

    I would also like to request that you push to have a vote for impeachment as soon as possible. The damage that Trump has inflicted on our democracy cannot continue and the sooner that he can be called to account, the better.

    Please continue to push for what is right, and maintain the impeachment proceedings as a high priority.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [Congressional Representatives] – Support Swing District Democrats Who Support Impeachment

    From Seattle Indivisible

    There are 18 swing district Democrats that have stood up for impeachment, including Dr. Kim Schrier. If they lose their next elections, moderates will claim it as proof that they shouldn’t have stuck their necks out. We should do our best to let them know they did the right thing, and make sure they have the resources to get re-elected. This especially timely as they will back in their districts for recess and will likely be taking heat from constituents for their support of impeachment.

    Act Blue has set up a tool that you can use to donate to each of their re-election campaigns here. Please do so if you are able:

    For a bonus, if you know anyone who lives in these districts, ask them to call their reps to say thank you, or simply share this action on social media. The swing district Democrats we’re talking about, listed by state in alphabetical order, are Rep. Porter (CA-45), Rep. Levin (CA-49), Rep. Mucarsel-Powell (FL-26), Rep. Underwood (IL-14), Rep. Casten (IL-6), Rep. Kildee (MI-05), Rep. Slotkin (MI-08), Rep. Levin (MI-09), Rep. Stevens (MI-11), Rep. Craig (MN-02), Rep. Pappas (NH-01), Rep. Kim (NJ-03), Rep. Malinowski (NJ-07), Rep. Delgado (NY-19), Rep. Cartwright (PA-08), Rep. Allred (TX-32), Rep. Luria (VA-02), Rep. Spanberger (VA-07), Rep. Wexton (VA-10), and Rep. Schrier (WA-08).

    Action 3 – [Senators] – Take Action to Secure Our Elections

    From Code Blue WA

    A few weeks ago Mitch McConnell actively supported election security funding, offering a $250 million amendment to a Senate funding bill which was voted out of the Senate Appropriations committee with bipartisan support. However, it has been widely acknowledged that this amount is insufficient to cover the true cost of securing our elections.

    The final amount that will actually go to the states will be negotiated between the House and Senate at the end of the funding process. We must keep on Congress to make sure that significant ($600M) election security funding remains a top priority AND that the funding bill includes language to target the greatest needs. The HR 2722 SAFE Act that passed at the end of June outlines standards that this funding should support.

    For more information on how much is needed across all levels of government, see the Brennan Center statement on the funding vote.

    ☎ Sample Script: (From CodeBlueWashingtonState and League of Women Voters)

    “I appreciate the recent Senate Appropriators’ votes in support of some election security funding. However, the amount passed is nowhere near enough to truly secure our elections. There are many critical election security needs beyond replacing paperless voting machines. We need:

    • Specific language to prioritize replacing paperless voting systems with the gold standard: hand-marked paper ballots
    • Requirements that federal funding cannot be used to purchase machines with outdated software, modems, or wireless capabilities
    • Thorough vetting of voting machine and election software vendors for their security practices and product performance, and provide states with guidance that is tied to funding

    I urge the Senator to approve appropriations that would give the full $600 million in funding to improve our elections systems, and make sure it is tied to equipment, systems, and vendors that meet the high standards outlined in the HR 2722 SAFE Act. It is important that the American voter is confident that their vote has been counted and their voice heard.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    • Sat, Nov 9, 2-4:30 Indivisible Group Meeting, Redmond Library

    … and More:


    For the Week of Sep 23, 2019

    ? The November elections are just six short weeks away! There are some important races for City Councils and School Boards in the various municipalities that make up the Eastside, as well as critical Initiatives. In an effort to help you be as informed as possible about the candidates and issues, we have compiled a November 2019 Election Cheatsheet document. Please do your research and support progressive candidates by following their campaigns, donating, canvassing, posting a yard sign and attending candidate forums, which are listed in the document.

    ? We have a wide selection of Postcard events coming up, whether you prefer daytime or evening activities. This is a great way to socialize and take meaningful action, especially approaching the election. We will be supporting campaigns both in and out of state, hoping to encourage ‘reluctant’ voters to make their voices heard.

    ? Daytime: NEW LOCATION: Join us every Friday now through Nov 1 for Postcards and Coffee, hosted by Ruth L in Bellevue

    ? Evenings:

    Tue, Sept 24, 7-9 pm, Postcards to Voters – Redmond – Sign up to attend

    Mon, Sep 30, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters – Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    Wed, Oct 9, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    Tues, Oct 15, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    Tues, Oct 22, 7-9 pm Postcards to Voters Bellevue – Sign up to attend

    ? And one weekend opportunity:

    Sat, Sept 28, 10:15-12:15 Postcards to Spokane Valley Kirkland Library

    ? The next session of the State Legislature starts on Jan. 13th, 2020. It’s time to start thinking about our priorities and what legislation we want to support. Please watch out for a survey in the next few weeks and give some thought to this. It will be here before we know it!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [YOU] Take Action to Protect our Environment

    From 350Seattle

    This week is Washington Climate Week of Action. You will have seen the massive crowds at protests all over the world last Friday, including here in Washington. About 2,500 gathered at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle to march to City Hall, where Councillor Mike O’Brien said it was the largest crowd he’d ever seen there. Several thousands more walked out from Amazon to join the strike.

    From Sept. 20-27, there are activities planned across the region to protest, educate and inform us about what we can do to help protect our planet.

    You can select from a variety of events at various locations around the state. Check out the calendar

    and find one that works for you. (If you live in Bellevue, also check the ESI Strategic Plan Update page for upcoming opportunities to say “I want strong climate action planning in Bellevue!”)

    Action 1B – [EPA] Attend a Public Hearing or submit a comment about the Clean Water Act

    From the Seattle PI

    In 2016, after years of study, Washington State proposed updates to its water quality standards. These standards applied to such dangerous pollutants as arsenic, asbestos, mercury, and lead, among others. The standards apply specifically to Washington and are used to determine how clean Washington’s waters must be to protect human health. The Obama EPA made revisions, and Washington began to implement the standards.

    An industry group objected and asked the EPA to “review” the Washington rules. The appeal came from a who’s who list of polluters and business lobbies: The Northwest Pulp & Paper Assn., the American Forest & Paper Assn., the Association of Washington Business, and the Washington Farm Bureau. The EPA under Trump accepted the industry argument and on July 23, 2019, the EPA proposed a rule to withdraw federal water quality standards for certain human health criteria as the next step resulting from the Agency’s May 10, 2019, approval of Washington’s human health criteria.

    On Sept 25, 3-5 pm, the Seattle EPA office is holding a public hearing where interested parties can provide oral comments on the EPA’s proposed rule. This is our opportunity to speak out and let the EPA know that Washington wants to keep its more stringent water quality rules and not take a step backwards.

    Please consider attending. There is no cost but you do need to register to attend.

    If you are unable to attend please consider submitting a written comment here. Comments are due by Oct 7.

    Action 2 – [8th CD residents] Send a message to Dr. Kim Schrier that supporting a Republican candidate is not OK

    From Indivisible Washington’s 8th district and The Stranger

    This week our friends in the 8th Congressional District learned that Dr. Kim Schrier has written an ‘endorsement’ of a Republican candidate in the Sammamish City Council race. While the candidate (Christie Malchow) is not acknowledging it as an official endorsement, it certainly reads like one:

    “I’ve known Christie for several years, and she has consistently proven to be an independent, thoughtful, considerate mayor who brings the community together… It is a pleasure to work with her now as elected officials serving our shared constituents.”

    Malchow is a Republican who caucused for Mitt Romney in 2012, back when Dino Rossi (Schrier’s opponent in her 2018 bid for Congress) cochaired Romney’s Washington team. She also promoted and fundraised for the campaigns of Jinyoung Englund, the GOP candidate who ran against Democrat Manka Dhingra in the 45th (who we all worked so hard to elect!) and Paul Graves in the 5th, who lost in 2018 to Democrat Lisa Callan, another campaign that we supported.

    Malchow’s opponent, Democrat Karen McKnight, has been endorsed by the region’s Democratic organizations, the Sierra Club, and the Washington Conservation Voters.

    Dr. Schrier’s response to calls from constituents has been lukewarm at best and she has not retracted her endorsement.

    If you are a constituent of Dr. Schrier, we encourage you to call and ask her to step back from this statement. Democrats in Sammamish have been working hard to build a bench of great candidates in local races and this support of the Republican candidate undermines their work.

    Indivisible’s policy is that only constituents of a district should call their Member of Congress. However, even if you don’t live in the 8th CD, there’s a good chance that you know someone who is! Please share this information with them and have them make a call, on behalf of the many people who worked so hard to put Dr. Schrier into office in the first place.

    The number to call is 425-416-0023 (Note: this is her campaign office number; her political office can’t talk about it)

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “I am calling about Dr. Schrier’s endorsement of Republican Christie Malchow in the Sammamish City Council race. I am disappointed that she has chosen to back a candidate who worked to support opponents of Democrats who many of us worked hard to elect. Please ask her to withdraw her statement in support of Christie Malchow.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [YOU] Learn about a new organization that will promote fair elections and voting rights.

    From Fair Fight or Vote Save America

    As you know, recent elections across the country have seen blatant and prolific attempts to interfere in elections, with disastrous results in some areas. “Using data released by the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in June, a new Brennan Center analysis has found that between 2016 and 2018, counties with a history of voter discrimination have continued purging people from the rolls at much higher rates than other counties….. In plain language, since Trump was elected 17 million people have been thrown off the voting rolls…… It shouldn’t surprise you that a red state such as Indiana had a much higher purge rate (22 percent) than blue states such as New Mexico (1.4 percent) and California (2.8 percent).” (Washington Post)

    In Georgia alone in 2018, hundreds of thousands of voters faced voter purges and poll closures, crippling democracy and leading to the illegitimate win by the Republican governor. Now the person who should have been elected Governor in that state, Stacey Abrams, has set up an organization called Fair Fight to fight for election reform and encourage voter education, in Georgia and across the country. They have teamed with the good folks at Pod Save America (via their offshoot Vote Save America) to raise funds to build grassroots teams to register voters and make sure that their votes count, as well as holding public officials accountable for their actions. They plan to utilize diverse messengers to educate voters, including staffing a multilingual hotline to answer questions.

    How can we help? It will cost $5 million to fund these teams across the twenty states that they want to cover. If you can donate even a small amount, it will help towards winning those votes that will be critical in changing election results, sometimes just a few thousand making all the difference. Vote Save America is almost halfway to their goal of raising $1 million towards the fund. Please go to either Fair Fight or Vote Save America and do what you can to help to save our Democracy before 2020!

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

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    For the Week of Sep 16, 2019

    ? Last week was all about #DefundHate. It started on Monday with a Border 2 Border With Love banner leaving Blaine, WA and stopping along the way to gather signatures from various Indivisible groups. It stopped in Kirkland and Bellevue for the two Eastside locations, and culminated in a big rally in San Diego on Friday. On Tuesday we attended the #DefundHate Resist Trump Tuesday in Seattle where we heard from Carlos Jimenez and Varisha Khan on how we can help our immigrant community. We also met with our Senate Staffers and asked them to push for guardrails on any funding, and restrictions on Trump’s ability to take funds from other programs for his hateful immigration policies. At our Group Meeting we folded paper cranes (representing the people held in the Northwest Detention Center) that were delivered to our Senators’ offices after a rally in Seattle. Many of you called your MoC’s to #DefundHate! You can donate HERE to help defray the costs incurred. And you can attend our #DefundHate Alphabet Resistance on WED, Sep 18 in Bellevue. Click link to sign up.

    ? Did you watch the debate last week? After each debate, Indivisible National puts out a survey to hear what Indivisibles around the country think. Early results are 1) Warren 36% 2) Buttigieg 13% 3) Booker 11%. Full survey results soon!

    ?Just as Washington is finally starting to catch up on long-overdue transit and road improvements, the notorious anti-tax activist Tim Eyman wants to slash billions in transportation funding. I-976 checks all of his usual boxes – it’s misleading, confusing, and would leave a gigantic hole in state and local transportation budgets with absolutely no plan for how to fix it. If it passes, I-976 would derail our ability to fix dangerous roads, retrofit outdated bridges and overpasses, complete voter-approved light rail, provide transit for riders with disabilities, and more – all without a single penny of replacement funding planned. Please spread the word to vote NO on I-976! From FUSE Washington.

    ? NEW LOCATION: Join us every Friday now through Nov 1 for Postcards and Coffee, hosted by Ruth L in Bellevue

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE] Contact your MoC about funding bills

    From Seattle Indivisible and Chantal Thurman

    During Indivisible’s #DefundHate week, constituents met with their representatives to pressure them on the funding bills they will be negotiating this week.

    Action 1(a) Representative Smith is chair of the House Armed Services Committee and is going into negotiations this week. Seattle Indivisible met with him and is trying to make sure his National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has protections on it to prevent 1) No use of funds for border wall 2) No US involvement in Yemen hostilities or related assistance to Saudi Arabia/UAE 3) Overturn Military Transgender Ban 4) Repeal the AUMF (Authorized for Use of Military Force). Please read Seattle Indivisible’s letter to the Congressman for more information.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY, ZIP]. As a constituent and a voter, I appreciate your previous work as Chair of the House Armed Services Committee. I am concerned about negotiations for the NDAA. Please do not compromise on the following areas:

    1) Do not allow military funds to be directed to the border wall

    2) Prohibit US assistance and military arms sales to Saudi Arabia/UAE

    3) Overturn the Military Transgender Ban

    4) Repeal the AUMF

    I’m counting on you to stand strong in your reconciliation negotiations. A bold NDAA just may be the most effective tool to rein in aspects of President Trump’s abuse of power that continue to cause lasting harm at home and throughout the world.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 1(b) Representative Suzan Delbene is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee. At the recent Town Hall she held in Redmond, constituents asked her about her June vote on HR 3401 (the emergency supplemental border funding bill). She claimed there were “guardrails” in that Bill on how those funds could be used, but they clearly didn’t work. We expect her to do better for migrant/refugee children and families.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY, ZIP]. I am a constituent and a voter, and I’m concerned our migrant/refugee children and families at the border.

    At the recent Town Hall held in Redmond, Representative Delbene was asked about her vote on HR 3401. The guardrails that she claimed were in place clearly didn’t work, and we expect her to do better for migrants and refugees.

    Representative DelBene needs to use her clout on Ways and Means Committee to decrease overall funding for ICE & CPB and to end their “transfer and reprogramming authority.” Having investigations after the fact isn’t good enough. We already know this Administration operates in bad faith. Kids in cages are not political pawns. Use the “power of the purse” to rein in this terror and abuse by ICE and CBP.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [YOU] Donate to Disaster relief in the Bahamas

    Hurricane Dorian dealt a massive blow to the Bahamas, and our administration just continues to make things worse by denying refugees entry into the US. The official death toll is at 50, however some 1,300 are still missing. There are some tropical storms that just came through over the weekend. Can you imagine what that would be like on an island that has been decimated and you’re just struggling to survive? Here is a compilation of legitimate organizations to donate to from the Washington Post. Please be generous to counteract our administration’s cruel policies.

    Action 3 – [YOU] Environmental Stewardship Comment Opportunities for Bellevue Residents

    From City of Bellevue

    Environmental stewardship can be defined as our responsibility to enhance and protect our natural resources, water, air, climate, parks, and wild spaces for future generations. The City of Bellevue has an Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI) Plan that outlines specific actions we are taking to help people cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, increase energy efficiency, and more. In January 2019 the city began updating that plan and as part of that process they are engaging with stakeholders and residents from across Bellevue. This gives residents an opportunity to speak up about priorities, and in particular to let the city know that we are concerned about the climate, so that they will follow through on climate action in the ESI. Attend an event in September or early October, or take their SURVEY to let your voice be heard!

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

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    For the Week of Sep 9, 2019

    ? Wonderful turnout at Sunday’s group meeting. We collected lots of items for undocumented teens in Fife, and have over 100 paper cranes to deliver for #DefundHate action to our Senators. See the meeting notes for more details. We’ll be collecting items for the teens once more at the Oct 12th 3:30 pm group meeting at the Redmond Library.

    ? Our partners at Sister District Puget Sound and Code Blue Washington are doing amazing work supporting two Virginia Candidates we’ve been highlighting – Debra Rodman and Josh Cole. We encourage you to step your activism into high gear over the next two months to help these campaigns. Please consider attending the Flip Virginia Blue Phone bank Training Sun, Sept 15, 11 am-1:30 pm at the WA State Labor Council in Seattle. Then volunteer 60 minutes a week to help Flip Virginia Blue! Check out Code Blue’s September Schedule of events.

    ? Our members of Congress are back in DC, and this is Indivisible’s #DefundHate week of action. There are a number of actions in the Calendar section below (some are TODAY!), so check it out and participate. If you did last week’s Action 3, “Tell your MoC: Defund Hate,” great. If you didn’t, please go to our Previous Actions webpage and do it TODAY. Indivisible is asking us to step up and put pressure on our members of Congress to reject legislation that continues funding the abuses of ICE and CPB that cause irreparable damage to children and families. Be part of resisting that!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Move gun violence prevention legislation forward

    From League of Women Voters

    Congress is coming back to work in Washington, D.C., and it’s time for them to move legislation to end gun violence once and for all.

    Earlier this year, the U.S. House passed legislation requiring universal background checks on every firearm sale and transfer, appropriating funds for gun violence research, and closing loopholes in laws that allow stalkers to obtain guns. But that same legislation is dying in the U.S. Senate.

    Now is the time for us to act. Now is the time for us to make it clear to our members of Congress that saving lives from gun violence should be a priority. We cannot wait for the next mass shooting. We must act today.

    Use the League of Women Voters Action Page to send a message to your members of Congress. The League has a large influence in Congress, so by acting through them, your voice may carry more weight.

    Action 2 – [YOU] Fill Out the Sexual Health Education Work Group Public Comment Survey

    From Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii

    Comprehensive, inclusive sex ed is still not a reality for all Washington youth, but we don’t have to wait until next legislative session to fight for it. The time to start fighting again is now.

    The Washington legislature directed the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to convene a workgroup to discuss and make recommendations regarding sexual health education in Washington’s K-12 schools. The workgroup must review current sexual health education data, statutes, standards, and instruction, and consider the merits and challenges associated with requiring all schools to offer comprehensive sexual health education in grades K-12. A report is due to the legislature by Dec. 1, 2019.

    Comments from the public will be accepted through Sept. 22, 2019, to help inform the work of the workgroup. This gives us all the opportunity to help inform the work and show that there is widespread support for sex ed in all schools. Fill out the Sexual Health Education Work Group Public Comment Survey – 2019 to make your opinion known. It should take you about 10 minutes.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Support climate policies

    From David Schwartz via Bellevue Reporter

    The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA), HR763, is seen by the majority of the world’s climate experts and leading economists as the critical next legislative step that the U.S. government can take in the fight against climate change, because it is the most effective strategy that is politically achievable.

    With fewer than a dozen years remaining in which to bring about a massive change in fossil fuel use, the public deserves to be educated about remedies such as the EICDA. Rather than taxing consumers, a fee on fuel producers is used based on their product’s carbon content, including crude oil, natural gas, or coal. The fees are returned to legal American residents as monthly cash dividends which offset resulting increases in consumer prices.

    The body formed to administer the EICDA is designed to have low administrative costs and to sunset once emission targets are achieved. Hence, the EICDA will not create an enduring bureaucracy.

    The EICDA is currently under review in several House committees and is expected to be introduced to the Senate in relatively near future. Please contact your members of Congress to encourage them to support the EICDA.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY, ZIP]. I am a constituent and a voter, and climate change is a high priority issue for me.

    I’m pleased that the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019, H.R. 763, was reintroduced in the US House of Representatives.

    When enacted, this bipartisan legislation will lead to a healthy, stable, and prosperous America. It will reduce America’s emissions by at least 40% in the first 12 years. It will also improve health, and save lives, and help create jobs. Additionally, the carbon dividend puts money directly into people’s pockets every month, helping low and middle income Americans. Government will not keep the fees.

    I’m asking you to support and or co-sponsor this important legislation, which is bipartisan and reflects the fact that the majority of Americans support Congress taking action on climate change, including more than half of Republicans.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

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    For the Week of Sep 2, 2019

    ? Last week we urged you to support Spokane Valley City Council candidate Lance Gurel, who came second in the primary in a very red area. Great news! We’ll be writing for Lance at our Thursday evening postcard session in Woodinville. Register to attend Postcards To Voters and share the energy from Blue Western Washington with the great people of Spokane Valley.

    ? Our September Indivisible Eastside Group meeting is this Sunday, Sep 8th from 3:30 – 5:30 pm at the Redmond Library. We’ve seen you at the Presidential Debate Watch party, Lights For Liberty rally, Fundraiser for Virginia Legislature, Postcards to Voters and Alphabet Resistance, but we’d like to reconnect again in monthly meetings, now that summer’s coming to a close. Let’s get together to:

    ? Hear from speakers Palmira Figueroa and Alex Fayer who will share their experience of traveling to El Paso and Juarez in July.

    ? Donate supplies to support undocumented and unaccompanied teenage boys who live at a facility in Fife while they are going through immigration proceedings. See event for supplies list to bring to the meeting.

    ? Hear from Speaker Terique Scott who will talk about Capital Gains and the WA Tax system

    ✅ Learn how to talk about I-1000 (On Nov. ballot forced by Ref-88)

    ? Give #AlphabetResistance a try

    ? Share what you’ve been up to this summer

    ?Enjoy refreshments and Social hour.

    ? Don’t miss the Calendar Section below. It includes Sep 7th House Judiciary committee member Rep. Pramila Jayapal talking about Impeachment, and info on where you can watch the Sep 12th Presidential Debates with like-minded folks.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week. Given that Monday is Labor Day, we recommend you start these actions on Tuesday morning.

    Action 1 – [Rep. Suzan DelBene] Town Hall Now!

    Following the July 12th Lights For Liberty Rally, we delivered the banner signed by nearly 200 people to congresswoman Suzan DelBene’s office in Bothell. Louise, Joan, and Heather had a good meeting with staffers who committed to a town hall in Redmond in September and a monthly meeting with Indivisible members. Joan has been diligently keeping in touch and has been given a date and time – Sep 7th, 10-noon, but not a location for the Redmond town hall. This is ridiculous. It’s almost as though she doesn’t want people to show up! If Suzan DelBene is your representative, please call her Bothell office and request information on the upcoming Redmond town hall. If you get it, please send an email to and let us know and we’ll publicize!

    Rep. Suzan DelBene – Bothell 425-485-0085 | EMAIL

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello! This is [NAME] calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m a constituent of Congresswoman DelBene. I’ve heard that Suzan is hosting a Town Hall in Redmond on September 7th, but I can’t find out the location. Can you help? I’m excited to attend and really appreciate the opportunity to hear from my representative in such a direct way.”

    Action 2 – [Spokane County Commissioners] Revoke 51st State Booth Permit at the Spokane County Fair

    Liberty State/51st State (Rep. Matt Shea’s people), will have a booth at the Spokane County Interstate Fair September 6-15. It’s likely that the Liberty State organization (under the Matt Shea umbrella) is planning to recruit and fundraise at the fair, but so far, the fair organizers have declined to revoke their permit. Many are very concerned fundraising monies will be used to fund and forward Matt Shea’s campaign efforts, the possible purchase of property, and/or fund his “Team Rugged” military training operations in which members are trained for “Christian warfare”.

    If you don’t think this white nationalist propaganda belongs at the fair, please call & email:

    Points to cover to explain why the fair should revoke a vendor application to Liberty State:

    • Everyone should feel welcome – Liberty State advances an agenda of Christian Dominionism, misogyny, and racism.
    • The 51st state is based on Rep. Shea’s Biblical War Manifesto which is anti-LGBTQ and not welcoming of faiths beyond their interpretation of Christianity.
    • It is promoting a whites-only state.
    • They have promoted violence… should be a priority at the fair!
    • The fair is a family friendly event – not a place for recruiting potential extremists willing to carry out armed revolution.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Tell your MoC: Defund Hate


    The biggest fight on immigration this year will be over funding. While Democratic control of the House has given us a firewall against some of the worst Republican attacks, Trump’s attacks against immigrants continue. He shut down the government for over a month in an effort to get his hateful wall, and has already requested billions more for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in next year’s budget, “FY20.” He hopes to use the money to pay for his wall, more ICE and CBP agents, and more cages for immigrant families.

    The appropriations process is our best chance to act to stop Trump’s deportation machine. If you care about ending Trump’s racist immigration policies—like separating, caging, and teargassing families—make a call today and tell your Member of Congress (MoC) to cut funding for ICE and CBP, and get rid of the slush fund that will allow ICE to continue terrorizing immigrant communities.

    Mere weeks before Congress is set to return from August recess and debate funding for government agencies including ICE and CBP, ICE is making a move to steal funds from other agencies just like they did in 2018.

    ICE uses its “transfer and reprogramming authority,” which is its ability to take funds from other agencies within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to expand its detention and deportation activities. That’s one reason that a key ask for the Indivisible Defund Hate campaign is to prohibit ICE and CBP from raiding other agency’s accounts by specifically including language in the DHS funding bill that blocks this practice.

    It is unacceptable that ICE is subverting Congress’s authority to decide how much funding they should receive. It’s even worse that they are doing so in order to expand their abuses, such as conducting raids like the one that separated families in Mississippi or caging people indefinitely in concentration camps. That’s why we need Democrats to fight back in September by ending ICE’s transfer and reprogramming authority once and for all.

    You can fight back by telling your Members of Congress (MoC) to pass a fiscal year 2020 spending bill that finally puts an end to DHS’s ability to manipulate the appropriations process to expand the immigration detention and deportation systems.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling today because I am very concerned about ICE’s plan to pull millions of dollars from other agencies to fund its detention and deportation activities.

    I’m calling today to ask [NAME] to take action to oppose this “reprogramming” of Department of Homeland Security Funds. Specifically, I would like [NAME] to:

    • Publicly denounce DHS’s transfer and reprogramming notification.
    • Pass a fiscal year 2020 spending bill that finally puts an end to DHS’s ability to manipulate the appropriations process to expand the immigration detention and deportation systems.

    Has [NAME] taken a position on this important issue?

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

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    For the Week of August 26, 2019

    ? This week saw the end of the bid by Governor Jay Inslee to be the Democratic presidential candidate. While his candidacy was considered by many to be a long shot, he deserves a huge amount of credit for his insistence on putting the discussion of climate change at the top of the agenda. His comprehensive plans and dogged insistence on making this the priority issue earned him a lot of praise across the country. If you wish you can send him a message thanking him for his clear and focused campaign and for representing our state so well.

    ? Governor Jay Inslee 360-902-4111 | EMAIL

    ? Are you looking for opportunities to help candidates in the campaigns for the November elections? Other than your local favorites, please consider supporting the races of some outstanding prospects for office both in our area and across the state, in order to give them extra help in some tough races. We encourage you to take a look and show them some love.

    • In SeaTac, please support Takele Gobena in his bid to make the City Council more representative of the community. There is a weekly canvass on Saturdays (times vary). You can find one to join here.
    • In Renton, our friend and outstanding candidate Marcie Maxwell is in a very close race for Mayor. Please support her campaign. You can also sign up for canvassing here.
    • In the race for the Spokane Valley City Council, we urge you to support Lance Gurel, who came second in the primary in a very red area. Please donate if you can and consider phonebanking too. You can find sessions that are already ‘live’ at the Code Blue Facebook page. Some of our upcoming postcard sessions are also focused on this race. See Upcoming Events (below) for details.
    • Phonebank training through the Puget Sound Progressive Coalition (Code Blue, Sister District and Indivisible Wallingford) is taking place on Sept 15th. This training is focused on races in Virginia that could flip the state but will be useful in other races. Please register if you are interested.

    ? Some local municipalities have begun knocking on doors to ensure accurate addresses for the 2020 Census. Did you know we have several areas on the Eastside that are considered “Hard to Count”? The League of Women Voters has suggested one of the best ways to become involved is to be hired as a paid enumerator for the US Census Bureau. You can learn more or apply HERE. The League of Women Voters also has great information on everything Census!

    ? A few of our Upcoming Events:

    • Thurs, Aug 29, 4:45 – 6:00 Alphabet Resistance ** Postponed from Aug 22**
      Please sign up here so that we know how many to expect. This helps with message planning.
    • Thurs, Sept 5, 7-9pm Postcards To Voters – Woodinville. Please register to attend.
    • Sun, Sept 8, 3:30 – 5:30 Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library
    • Sat, Sept 28, 10:15-12:15 Postcards to Spokane Valley – Kirkland Library
    • Sun, Oct 13, 3:30 – 6:30 Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [YOU] Fight the plan to build a fracking facility in Tacoma

    From Indivisible Vashon/Vashon Climate Action Group

    Even as Washington begins a transition to 100% clean electricity, Puget Sound Energy continues its plans for an 8-million-gallon fracked gas facility on the Tacoma Tideflats. Despite opposition from the Puyallup Tribe, over 80 community organizations, and Governor Inslee, PSE has moved forward with this project without a permit from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA).

    Last week, PSCAA announced their plan to issue the final permit required for PSE’s proposal, ignoring the latest science on fracked gas. This unacceptable decision disregards the climate, health, and safety impacts of this proposed fracked gas facility.

    We cannot create a clean energy future by investing in dirty energy.

    On August 27th, PSCAA will accept comments from the public at a hearing at the Rialto Theatre in Tacoma. This is the last opportunity we have to urge the agency to reject the permit for PSE’s dangerous project.

    If you plan to attend please RSVP here.

    You can also send a comment to PSCAA.

    There will also be a free screening of the documentary Ancestral Waters on Tuesday after the hearing.

    Action 2 – [Members of Congress] Block the indefinite detention of migrant families


    In 1997, a federal court decided in Flores v. Reno that the government cannot detain an immigrant child beyond a reasonable amount of time, defined in 2014 as 20 days. The Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy clashed headlong into Flores with disastrous results. After intense public pressure, the Trump administration agreed to abide by the 20 day limit on detention for children and families, but continued to seek ways to overturn Flores and allow families to be detained beyond the 20 day limit.

    Now, the Trump administration has proposed to end the limits on immigrant children detention by terminating the Flores Agreement. Under the new rule, the government seeks to detain migrant families together indefinitely while their immigration case is pending. This would be a shift in a policy that was intended to mitigate the physical and emotional damage caused by prolonged detention.

    Not only is the unlimited detention of thousands of migrant families morally unjustifiable, it is also economically wasteful – “tent cities” cost upwards of $800 per person per night. The reason behind detention is to ensure asylum seekers show up for their court appointments, but alternative methods are also successful in ensuring that outcome. The Family Case Management Program launched in 2016 monitored asylum seekers while allowing them to stay together and out of detention. Immigration advocates praised the program for its 99% compliance rate, cost efficiency, and the additional medical and legal support provided to migrants. The Trump administration ended the program in 2017 to prioritize detention.

    Our government has options in how it treats migrants and asylum seekers in our country, even as we defend our borders. We must choose the most humane approach available, which is not indefinite detention.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to demand that [MoC] oppose any effort to change the Flores settlement to allow the indefinite detention of migrant families. Alternative methods, such as the Family Case Management Program, have already proven successful and cost effective. Congress must work to fund and implement these methods instead of inhumane detention.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    Action 3 – [YOU] Stand with Planned Parenthood

    From Politico and the Seattle Times

    On August 19 Planned Parenthood made good on months of threats to pull out of the Title X federal family planning program rather than comply with a new Trump administration rule barring federally funded clinics from referring patients to abortion providers.

    The organization and other major participants in the Title X program had to show by midnight Monday their plans to comply with the new rule or forfeit millions of dollars in federal grants. By withdrawing more than 400 of its participating clinics from the program, Planned Parenthood’s exit will leave low-income women in many parts of the country without federally-funded access to birth control and other reproductive health services. Planned Parenthood serves about 1.6 million of the roughly 4 million low-income women who depend on Title X clinics for free and subsidized care.

    Planned Parenthood made a late effort last week to freeze the policy change, but the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in California on Friday refused to issue an emergency injunction.

    This departure from Title X will leave Planned Parenthood clinics around the country desperately short of funds to provide healthcare to women who depend on their services. The shortfall is beyond the capacity of normal fundraising efforts, although of course donations are needed now more than ever.

    Some states, including ours, say that they will try to replace at least some of the lost federal funding. At a press conference on Thursday, Governor Inslee said that he will ensure that the legislature funds the shortfall going forward. Secretary of Health John Wiesman said there is existing family planning money to cover the Title X loss through the middle of March, and then legislators will be asked to put the needed funding in the state supplemental budget.

    We need to reinforce to our state legislators the importance of reinstating this funding. Please contact your State representatives and ask them to support all efforts to help fund healthcare and family planning for those who rely on these clinics.


    – [WA STATE HOUSE] –

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]

    Following the recent decision of Planned Parenthood and our State to withdraw from the federally funded Title X program, I am concerned about access to healthcare and family planning by women who do not have other options. I would like to see the Washington state legislature step up and supplement funding to clinics to the largest extent possible so that women are not left without this vital resource. Please stand behind the pledge by Governor Inslee to make sure that these services will still be available.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 19, 2019

    ? Well, it’s been another brutal week of decisions from the White House. So many people will be negatively impacted by the changes that they have made, not to mention our endangered wildlife and our environment. It seems like just when you think they can’t get any worse, they find a way. Do these people never rest?

    For the past two and a half years we’ve been focused on trying to manage our outrage and turn it into productive activity. We hope that you are able to find ways to manage the stress but still find the energy to put your anger and frustration into making some calls, writing some postcards, coming out to wave some letters with Alphabet Resistance or whatever other avenues you have found to push back. The next year is going to be tough. Remember folks, marathon, not sprint!

    ? Our friends at Lawyer Moms of America have put together an open letter to all members of Congress about the situation faced by immigrant children and families at the border. You can read and sign onto it here. There are two opportunities locally to help deliver a copy of the letter to Members of Congress, both on Thur Aug 22.

    ? A few of our Upcoming Events:

    • Mon, Aug 19, 7-9 pm Postcards To Voters – Redmond. We will be writing for Dan McCready in a North Carolina special election (September 10) caused by Republican ballot tampering. It’s not too late to register to attend!
    • Thur, Aug 22, 4:45-6 pm Alphabet Resistance – Bellevue Please sign up so that we know how long a message we can make!
    • Thurs, Sept 5, 7-9pm Postcards To Voters – Woodinville

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.



    The Trump administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is implementing a new rule that takes effect on October 15 to punish immigrants and their US-citizen children for accessing a wide range of public benefits, including common tax deductions. When considering whether to provide applicants with immigration visas or legal permanent residency, DHS already penalizes immigrants who receive cash welfare payments. However, DHS is expanding this rule to penalize immigrants who use any form of public benefit, from health insurance subsidies to the earned income tax credit used by about one-fifth of taxpayers. The rule, which was crafted by the notoriously xenophobic Stephen Miller, also punishes immigrants whose US-citizen spouses or children use a public benefit. Under this new rule, immigrants will be disqualified from receiving a green card if they claim nearly any benefits or if DHS deems them likely to receive benefits in the future.

    As is typical with the Trump administration, the reasoning for this rule is divorced from the facts. Rather than being a burden on the economy, immigrants pay billions in taxes, create new jobs and businesses, and use public benefits at the same or lower rates as US-born people. Punishing immigrants for accessing basic government services will harm our communities and the economy and must not be tolerated.

    The ‘public charge’ policy has a long and sorry place in American immigration history and there is an argument for it to be abolished altogether. This administration is using it, unsurprisingly, to advance their agenda to limit immigration to white people of means.

    There is some good news in that a lawsuit has been filed by thirteen states, led by our state AG, Bob Ferguson. We hope that this bears fruit but in the meantime let’s apply pressure to our Members of Congress to add their weight to the opposition to this rule change.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [MOC] to speak out against the administration’s plan to penalize legal immigrants for accessing non-cash public benefits. Legal immigrants pay billions in taxes, stimulate the economy, and deserve the right to access basic benefits like the earned income tax credit.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    Action 2 – [YOU] Contact State Republican leadership and ask them to expel and condemn Matt Shea

    From Fuse Washington

    You may have been following the sordid tale of Rep Matt Shea and his links to white supremacist groups. Shea is a six-term Republican representative for Washington state’s Fourth District in Spokane Valley and this week more information was revealed about the depths of these connections, including to a group that promotes training young men to be soldiers in a holy war.

    After much foot dragging, the House initiated an independent investigation before the latest revelations. It is expected that there will be a preliminary report by Sept 30 and a final report by Dec 1.

    This is an unacceptable delay. Rep. Matt Shea is unfit to represent Washington, and we’re urging the Washington House Republicans to immediately expel him from their caucus.

    Please contact Republican House leadership Chair JT Wilcox and Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party Caleb Heimlich to insist that they take action to remove Shea from their caucus.

    NOTE: The email links load pre-filled emails. Please sign your name before sending.

    ☎ Sample Script (please personalize; for a phone call, you might use just the first and last paragraphs):

    ‘I urge you to remove Rep. Matt Shea from the Republican House Caucus.

    We must hold our elected officials here in Washington to the highest possible standards, and when they commit heinous actions, we need to hold them accountable.

    Just earlier this year, The Guardian revealed that Representative Shea was part of a far-right wing group aiming to surveil, attack, and intimidate Spokane Valley residents. Now The Guardian is reporting that Shea supports a group training young men in “biblical warfare,” including how to use knives, pistols, and rifles. Shea made videos for the group and appeared alongside them at events and has paid their founder with his campaign funds. Many of their lessons come from a neo-Confederate pastor who is a “leading proponent for training Christians for armed battle.”

    Representative Shea is helping fuel the rise of white supremacy in Washington, especially in Eastern Washington. As a legislator, he’s using his platform to give a voice and credibility to those who hold hateful, violent views. This is unconscionable behavior by a sitting representative.

    From his “holy war” manifesto last year to this most recent incident, Representative Shea’s pattern of frightening behavior should not be condoned by state Republicans. In light of his terrifying willingness to carry out background checks and train young men to perpetuate violence against others, I urge you to expel Representative Shea from the Republican House Caucus for his dangerous and repugnant actions.’

    Bonus Action ✊ Join in our efforts to support great candidates in Spokane and the Spokane Valley. Along with our progressive allies, we supported Lance Gurel in the August primaries, and he came second (out of four candidates).

    There will be a phonebank training put on by Puget Sound’s Progressive Coalition (including Code Blue, Sister District and Wallingford Indivisible) on Sept. 15th. This particular event is focused on calling voters in Virginia about candidates Joshua Cole and Debra Rodman but there are ongoing calling sessions to Eastern Washington voters and this training will enable you to participate. Please register at the Eventbrite link.

    Action 3 – [YOU] Educate yourself about Referendum 88


    You may have seen signature gatherers out and about recently talking about Referendum 88. It is important to educate yourself and others about the ins and outs of this referendum, as it can be confusing, and opponents of affirmative action are deliberately muddying the waters.

    The secretary of state certified the measure for the ballot on August 7, 2019, after finding that proponents had submitted sufficient valid signatures, and it will be on the ballot in Washington as a veto referendum on November 5, 2019.

    Overview: What would Referendum 88 do?

    Washington I-200 of 1998 prohibited public institutions from discriminating or granting preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the areas of public education, public employment, and public contracting.

    Washington Initiative 1000 was designed to allow affirmative action policies by the state of Washington in the areas of public education, public employment, and public contracting as long as such policies do not constitute preferential treatment (as defined) and do not use quotas. I-1000 was an Initiative to the Legislature that the 2019 legislature approved. Since the legislature approved I-1000, it was not placed on the ballot for voter approval or rejection.

    • Under I-1000, preferential treatment is prohibited. I-1000 defines preferential treatment as using certain characteristics (such as race, sex, color, or age) as the sole factor for selecting a lesser-qualified candidate over another.
    • However, affirmative action is allowed under I-1000. I-1000 defines affirmative action as using certain characteristics (such as race, sex, color, or age) as factors when considering a person for education or employment opportunities.

    Referendum 88 was designed to require a vote on I-1000, meaning an approve vote on R-88 approves I-1000 and a reject vote on R-88 rejects I-1000.

    • An approve vote supports Initiative 1000, expressly allowing the state to implement affirmative action policies (without the use of preferential treatment or quotas) in public employment, education, and contracting.
    • A reject vote blocks I-1000 from going into effect, restricting the state from implementing affirmative action policies in public employment, education, and contracting.

    Please share this information widely to ensure that there is a better understanding of the issue, so that the objectives of I-1000 can be put into practice in our state.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 12, 2019

    ? The Primary Election results are for the most part complete, and you can see them HERE. Results will be certified on Aug. 19th. You voted overwhelmingly for the Park, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Levy! You also voted to send a lot of really great progressive voices on to the General Election on Nov. 6th.

    ? Are you concerned about the 2020 Census? Did you know we have several areas on the Eastside that are considered “Hard to Count”? The League of Women Voters has suggested one of the best ways to become involved is to be hired as a paid enumerator for the US Census Bureau. You can learn more or apply HERE. The League of Women Voters also has great information on everything Census!

    ? Have you been looking for an evening opportunity to participate in one of our most popular activities? Join us for a social and productive time writing Postcards To Voters at the homes of generous IE members. Please sign up at the link to attend. Details will be available a few days before each event on the campaigns that we will be writing for.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [ICE] Sign This Petition

    From Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN): #FREEJOSE– No Deporten a Jose Robles

    A few weeks ago, we asked you to sign a petition to prevent Jose Robles from being deported. Jose’s U Visa has been expedited, which means that it’s up for review by USCIS. Normally UVisas can take up to several years before being reviewed or approved. This is a huge victory and a testimony to the power we have when we come together to organize, as well as a reflection of the Robles’ family strength.

    But our fight does not end here.

    As you know, on Wednesday July 17, Jose Robles was detained by ICE after attempting to file a Stay of Removal with his attorney at the USCIS/ ICE building in Tukwila. Jose is currently being held at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, WA. Every single day that Jose spends in detention, he and his family suffer from the separation. In addition, Jose has health issues that require medication and medical attention, causing greater stress to the family.

    Jose and his legal team were granted a bond hearing, set for Tuesday, August 13th. Jose has a form of relief pending, a judicial stay in place with the Ninth Circuit, medical needs, and a family who needs him home.

    ✊ 1) Please sign this petition

    Our ask: We are calling for Jose Robles’ release from detention! Let Jose return home to his family in Lakewood while he and his attorney continue pursuing Jose’s form of relief.

    Please sign the petition and share it online by Monday 12pm PST to show the community’s support for Jose Robles and his family!

    Action 2 – [US SENATE] Tell Your Senators: Prayers are not enough!

    From Indivisible National

    Gun violence is all too common in the United States, and disproportionately impacts people of color. But despite strong public support for policies that could help stem the tide of violence, Republicans in Congress refused to act while in the majority. Or, if they did act, they worked to advance the gun lobby’s agenda, making the problem worse.

    Then, when Democrats took control of the House and took action to pass gun safety measures for the first time in a decade, Republicans attempted to insert anti-immigrant language at the last moment. You can read more in our resource here.

    Unfortunately, 26 Democrats joined Republicans in adding the anti-immigrant language into the final bill. It’s clear that Congress must take action in response to the tragedies that happen every day in our country, including many we don’t even hear about that disproportionately impact people of color. The Senate should come back from August recess to pass S. 42, which is the companion to H.R. 8 and does not contain the problematic language House Republicans forced into that bill.

    Call your Senators

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, I’m a constituent calling from [CITY, STATE] urging Senator [SENATOR’S NAME] to co-sponsor Senate bill 42 and call for the Senate to return from August recess to take action on this urgently needed legislation.

    In the wake of tragedies like the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, it’s clear that “thoughts and prayers” are not enough. I support requiring background checks for all gun purchases, and I am not alone. Comprehensive background checks enjoy broad support in Congress, and overwhelming support from the public.

    I urge Senator [SENATOR’S NAME] co-sponsor S. 42, and demand that Mitch McConnell bring the Senate back early from August recess to act.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION & MACMILLAN] Don’t limit eBook access!


    Macmillan Publishers, one of five major publishers in the United States, recently announced a new lending model that limits public libraries to only one copy of newly-released titles in digital formats, followed by an eight-week embargo on purchasing additional copies. For KCLS, a library system with 50 libraries serving more than one million residents, the announcement is especially troubling.

    Library systems pay double the print rate for most eBooks, an amount that is more than fair to the publisher’s bottom line. KCLS has spent more than $2.3 million on eBooks alone since last July. In fact, KCLS was one of the first library systems to launch the eBook platform and worked extensively with publishers to promote digital formats. Now that demand for electronic books is outpacing print, publishers are changing the rules.

    KCLS, like all public libraries, views its central mission as providing free and equal access to information. If libraries are shut out of performing this essential role in the digital realm, a unified public response is needed. The American Library Association has denounced Macmillan’s decision and asks that the public express their concerns. Read full Article HERE.

    ?Email: Macmillan

    ALA’s Public Policy and Advocacy Office

    Sample email:

    “I am very troubled with Macmillan Publishers’ recent action, putting in place the new lending model for eBooks. The lending model limits public libraries to only one copy of newly-released titles in digital formats, followed by an eight-week embargo on purchasing additional copies. I use the King County Library System (KCLS), which includes 50 libraries serving more than one million residents, and this move is problematic for me and everyone who uses KCLS. In effect, Macmillan is saying that they don’t respect and value library patrons, especially library patrons who use large libraries.

    Library systems pay double the print rate for most eBooks, an amount that is more than fair. KCLS has spent more than $2.3 million on eBooks alone since last July. Other top publishers have re-evaluated their library lending models without imposing an embargo, for example, using a two-year access model. This equates to electronic expiration dates on titles that require libraries to buy more copies, but does not limit them to a single copy initially.

    The American Library Association has also denounced this policy. I urge Macmillan to change the new eBook policy, to show respect for library patrons, the importance of libraries in our communities, and the access to information that libraries provide. Thank you for your time and attention.”

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of August 5, 2019

    ? Ballots for the Primary Election are due August 6th by 8:00 pm. The best way to get your vote counted if you haven’t already dropped it off is to use a Ballot Drop Box. You can find your closest one here.

    Decisions on important issues will be made by the winners of this election, so please inform yourself about the candidates and their positions.

    To make an informed decision, read up on who and what the Democratic organizations in your Legislative District and King County have endorsed.

    ✊ Bonus – you can track the activity at the ballot boxes in King County here (under the graph, go to 2 of 2). Come on Crossroads!

    ? Update: Indivisible Eastside’s Flip Virginia Blue Fundraiser for Joshua Cole and Debra Rodman

    raised a grand total of $14,026! Thank you to all Indivisible Eastside and Sister District members who attended and to all who donated to these important races. Special thanks go to our generous friends who matched donations.

    ? Have you been looking for an evening opportunity to participate in one of our most popular activities? Join us for a social and productive time writing Postcards To Voters at the homes of generous IE members. Please sign up at the link to attend. Details will be available a few days before each event on the campaigns that we will be writing for.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [YOU] Comment opposing a proposal to amend a SNAP categorical eligibility rule.

    From FRAC (Food Research & Action Center)

    The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) serves as the first line of defense against hunger. The Trump administration’s proposed rule would take away SNAP’s critical food assistance from 3 million people who are struggling to make ends meet.

    The proposal would:

    • Sidestep Congress, which rejected such harmful proposals when it enacted the 2018 Farm Bill.
    • Fuel rates of hunger and food insecurity by taking food off the tables of working families with children, seniors, and people with disabilities, among others.
    • Prevent 500,000 children from receiving free school meals putting their health and learning at risk.
    • Create a sicker and poorer nation by denying struggling households the food assistance they need for a healthy, productive life.
    • Harm the economy, grocery retailers, and agricultural producers by reducing the amount of SNAP dollars available to spur local economic activity.

    Use The Food Research And Action Center’s Form to Comment on this rule. Please adapt the language when you respond so that each response counts as a unique comment.


    Comment directly in the Federal Register for Revision of Categorical Eligibility in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The deadline for leaving a comment is Sep 23.

    Action 2 – [KING COUNTY] Hold King County Accountable for ICE Complicity

    From Seattle Indivisible

    With so much going on nationally it is easy to overlook immigration issues going on in our own backyard, but now is an opportunity to take notice and take action. In this past month, two departments in King County – the Sheriff’s Office and the King County Jail – shared unredacted case files with ICE. This happened despite the ordinance that was passed last year expressly forbidding King County officials from sharing information with ICE.

    King County claims that these breaches were an oversight due to lack of training, and has already implemented some measures intended to address the issue. However, the fact that such gaps are left more than a year after the ordinance was passed shows that protecting immigrant communities has not been a priority for King County. Call your King County Councilmember, as well as King County Executive Dow Constantine, and tell them to get their priorities straight.

    King County Executive Dow Constantine: 206-263-9600,

    King County Councilmember: Find King County Councilmember

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I read that the King County Jail and the King County Sheriff’s Office both shared case files with ICE in the last month, despite the ordinance passed last year which makes those actions illegal. This oversight is not acceptable. It shows that King County has not prioritized the safety of its immigrant community. Please fix the gaps in training and any other oversights that contributed to these data breaches, and prioritize immigrant rights in the future by holding King County employees accountable for their actions.”

    Action 3 – [YOU] Advocate for your LGBTQ+ neighbors’ health by Aug. 13

    From Jen Hoffman’s Americans of Conscience Checklist

    Tell the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) what you think of the administration’s proposal to remove nondiscrimination protections for gender identity from the Affordable Care Act regulations.

    Use these tips to write a comment: 1) Introduce yourself, 2) State why you oppose the proposal based on your values, and, if applicable, 3) Share a personal story about about how you or a loved one are impacted by gender-based discrimination in health care. Include some details in 2) by reviewing this article from the Advocate and this article from the Human Rights Campaign to personalize the points below. To be counted, comments must be unique and individual, not scripted.

    • Up to 1.4 million transgender adults and 150,000 transgender teens ages 13 to 17 in the U.S. would be affected by the rule change, according to research by UCLA.
    • Studies have shown that 56% of lesbian, gay, and bisexual patients and 70% of transgender patients have experienced discrimination from a healthcare provider, including refusal of care, harsh language, and physical roughness.
    • Denial or delay of treatment can have long-term health impacts and even result in death.

    Submit your comment on the Federal Register.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 29, 2019

    ? Have you received your Ballot? If not, please call King County elections at 206-296-8683. There are important races for City Councils and School Boards in the various municipalities that make up the Eastside. Additionally Port of Seattle Commissioner positions are on the ballot. Decisions on important issues will be made by the winners of this election, so please inform yourself about the candidates and their positions.

    To make an informed decision, read up on who and what the Democratic organizations in your Legislative District and King County have endorsed.

    ? Indivisible Eastside’s Flip Virginia Blue Fundraiser for Josh Cole and Debra Rodman was a huge success. Thank you Ruth L for hosting and Senator Manka Dhingra for sharing with us some of the successes made possible by a Democrat Majority! It was great to FaceTime with the candidates and ask questions. The community donations of $6,525 will be matched for a total of $13,050. It’s not too late – your donation to the candidates will be matched until midnight July 29th. Thank you!

    ? Enjoy a relaxed and productive evening writing Postcards To Voters at the homes of generous IE members. Sign up to attend

    ? Indivisible Eastside in the News! Eastsiders gather for Lights for Liberty Vigil to protest the inhumane conditions faced by migrants

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Keep Park Rangers from being misused as border pawns!

    From Sierra Club

    The Department of the Interior is continuing a secretive program to pull park rangers and police from lands across the nation and send them to patrol the border. This fourth of July, Trump raided millions of dollars in park funds to host himself a lavish and absurd personal celebration. Now, his Department of the Interior is continuing this misuse of park resources.

    Never in our nation’s history have park rangers and police been used as border security. This unprecedented move is harming our most treasured spaces, wildlife, and putting the safety of park visitors at risk. Parks across the nation need more funding and staffing. There is absolutely no good reason to relocate staff from their homes and inappropriately order them to work outside of their job description as unofficial border security.

    This move is a clear attempt by the Trump administration to subvert the law to perpetuate its racist agenda by ordering park staff to patrol the border. US Representative Raúl Grijalva, chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, accurately described this action as “a sustained attack on the rule of law,” stating “treating law enforcement agents like the president’s personal toys is a hallmark of a banana republic, not a functioning democracy.” Grijalva’s district is on the border.

    Contact your members of Congress–let’s keep our park rangers in the parks!

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. In 2018, then Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke started a program that relocated park rangers and other law enforcement from parks across the nation to public lands near the US-Mexico border. This program was meant to be a 90-day pilot, but has been extended through at least the end of 2019. This action creates an undue financial burden on the National Park Service. It leaves public parks across the country — which are already struggling due to increased visitor rates and decreasing funding — short staffed. I urge you to work to suspend this misallocation of resources immediately and instead invest in adequate staffing of our parks.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [US SENATE] Prevent Data Breaches and Protect Consumers


    Two years ago, Equifax’s data breach exposed 147 million Americans to potential identity theft. We need Congress to take action to protect us from future breaches.

    The Data Breach Prevention and Compensation Act (S. 1336) will help ensure that credit bureaus are keeping our sensitive information safe, and will impose fines on bureaus that fail to protect our data. Tell your senators today to support this legislation.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. In September of 2017 Equifax announced a data breach that eventually exposed more than 147 million Americans to potential identity theft. Two years later, regulators have finally imposed penalties, but Congress needs to take more action because the supposed punishment was only a parking ticket that won’t prevent future breaches.

    There need to be more significant financial consequences if we want the credit bureaus to take our data security seriously. I urge you to protect consumers from identity theft and fraud by supporting the Data Breach Prevention and Compensation Act.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    Action 3 – [US HOTEL CHAINS] Do not allow hotels to be used by ICE to detain immigrants

    From Credo Action

    ICE’s plan to round-up thousands of immigrants is back on. And this time, its agents are going after more immigrants in more cities.

    Immigrant detention facilities are already catastrophically overcrowded because of the Trump regime’s indiscriminate round-ups of people crossing the border and immigrants already living in the country. As a result, ICE is planning to use hotel rooms to detain immigrants in the upcoming raids. We cannot allow that to happen. Call to demand that hotel chains refuse to let ICE use their properties as jails for immigrants.

    Marriott, Hilton, Choice Hotels, Best Western, Wyndham, Hyatt, IHG and MGM Resorts have made statements that they don’t want their hotels to be used to detain immigrants. Le’s make sure they stick to that and contact those who have not yet made a statement.

    Use Credo Action’s Website to be connected to the corporate headquarters for Best Western Hotels & Resorts, Drury Hotels, G6 Hospitality (Motel 6), InterContinental Hotels Group, Red Lion Hotels, Red Roof Inn, Wyndham Hotels, Radisson and Extended Stay.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m calling because it’s been reported that the federal government will use hotels as temporary detention centers for immigrants it plans to round up in the coming weeks.

    I strongly urge your company to NOT allow your properties to be used for this awful purpose. Donald Trump’s immigration officials are separating families –children and adults are suffering in horrible conditions. Your company must have no part in this.

    Will you join Marriott, Hilton, Choice Hotels, Best Western, Wyndham, Hyatt, IHG and MGM Resorts in stating publicly that your hotels will not be used to detain immigrants? Thank you for your time.”

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 22, 2019

    ? Following the LightsForLiberty rally, Louise, Joan and Heather M (from Indivisible Kirkland) took the large signed banner to CD1 Representative Suzan DelBene’s Bothell office. We gave the signed banner and a letter to community liaison for King and Snohomish county Kelly Marquardt. Kelly was attentive and interested to hear about the event, enthusiastic about the idea of a monthly meeting between Indivisible and district director Dennis Sills, and introduced us to special assistant on immigration issues Patrick Hogan. Additionally, Kelly shared that Congresswoman DelBene is working on plans to hold town halls during the August and September recessess. Stay tuned …

    ? Six days until Indivisible Eastside’s Flip Virginia Blue Fundraiser for Josh Cole and Debra Rodman with Senator Manka Dhingra. This is a low-key event to share Sister District’s 2019 and 2020 strategy, learn about the candidates, and enjoy some refreshments. Small dollar donations are truly appreciated by the candidates, and we have matching funds to double the impact. If you have time 3-5 pm Sunday July 28th, please join Ruth, Louise, Allison, and Joan and be part of Virginia’s Blue Wave. If you’re not able to join, your donation to the candidates will still be matched. Thank you!

    ? We had a great turnout for two postcard events (one for Josh Cole!) and an #AlphabetResistance. You can see the YouTube video of #CloseTheCamps #NoKidsInCages on the Indivisible Eastside YouTube channel. An evening Postcarding event on August 8th is listed in the Calendar section below.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [ICE & ENTERPRISE] Sign Two Petitions (Yes, you read that right)

    Normally, we do not recommend signing petitions. It gives a false sense of having taken action, and can prevent some from taking more effective action. However, these two immigration crisis related petitions will reach decision-makers directly and one has additional actions. Please consider signing them.

    Action 1a. From Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN): #FREEJOSE– No Deporten a Jose Robles

    Families, immigrant rights advocates, elected officials, and people of faith are rallying together outside of the ICE and USCIS building, 12500 Tukwila International Blvd. Seattle, WA 98168, demanding that their beloved community member, Jose Robles, be released immediately.

    The longtime Lakewood resident was expected to go into a meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on July 17 along with his attorney to file a stay of removal, in the hope that Robles could go home after a year in Sanctuary. Despite having a pending form of relief and a judicial stay, agents decided to apprehend Robles in this encounter.

    We call on the office of Enforcement and Removal Operations to send a request to USCIS for Jose’s U-Visa to be expedited. Jose is currently shielded from deportation because of the judicial stay he was granted, but he needs our help now so that he can go home!!

    ✊ 1) Please sign this petition

    ✊ 2) Call: 206-277-7378 Timothy Black, Supervisory Detention Deportation Officer

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, My name is [NAME] and I am calling on behalf of Jose Robles. I am calling because I felt ________ when I learned that Jose Robles was detained by ICE agents Richard Cummins and Dan Deering in Tukwila, while trying to file a stay of removal. This is outrageous and we need to Free Jose now!

    Jose is an important community member. His family will suffer severe emotional and economic hardship without him. Jose has a form of relief pending and a judicial stay in place!

    I am calling to demand that the ICE office of Enforcement and Removal Operations quickly request USCIS to expedite Jose’s U-Visa application. USCIS will only accept requests to expedite from ICE, and because agents have detained Jose Robles, they have the authority to send USCIS this request.

    I also demand that the ICE officers respect the judicial stay that Jose Robles has been granted. While this does not shield him from detention, it does shield him from deportation. Do not deport Jose! DO NOT MOVE JOSE!”

    Action 1b: Tell Enterprise to Stand Up to Trump!

    Over the course of his presidency, Trump has made it crystal clear what his intentions for migrants crossing the border are. He knows that the terror, suffering, and premature death that he has inflicted on the migrant community, many of whom are Black and from majority Black countries, galvanizes and empowers his base, who see migrants as less than human and have carried out horrific acts of violence against our family members, loved ones, and neighbors. In a moment when they should be taking a stance against Trump’s genocidal policies, Enterprise Holdings (the vehicle-rental company) is planning to profit from the pain that these raids will inflict. Enterprise plans to lease vans to the Department of Homeland Security, knowing that ICE intends to use them to steal people from their homes and their families.

    In its Suppliers Code of Ethics, Enterprise claims that it selects “suppliers and partners who share our values and our commitment to uphold the highest standards of quality, integrity, excellence, safety, legal compliance, and respect for human rights, as well as to respect the customs and culture of the communities we serve.” How can this be, when the company is willing to give ICE the vehicles needed to transport people to detention camps that fundamentally violate their basic rights and dignity? Let Enterprise know that enough is enough. They have a duty to stand up for what is right.

    ✊ Sign this petition to Enterprise VP Sal Hernandez to demand that Enterprise stop doing business with the Department of Homeland Security today.

    Action 2 – [YOU] Vote in the Primary Election

    Ballots have been mailed! Here’s what you need to know to make your voice heard in this critical election:

    • Double-check your voter registration: Visit to make sure your registration is up to date with your current address.
    • If you do not receive your ballot in the mail by July 22, but you’ve confirmed that your registration status is accurate, contact your County Election official immediately.
    • If you’re concerned you won’t receive your ballot before Election Day, you have two other ways to make your voice heard.
      • Print a replacement ballot at You can download a county-appropriate replacement ballot to print out at home and mail in or place in a ballot drop box.
      • Vote in person. You can vote in person at your local county auditor’s office with a Washington state ID or the last four digits of your Social Security number. Find your local office at
    • Need help knowing what the issues are and who has been endorsed?

    These elections are critically important to the everyday lives of Washingtonians, so make your voice heard!

    Action 3 – Decline to Sign: I-1082


    Mere days after failing to qualify his anti-progressive tax reform I-1648 for the ballot, Tim Eyman has re-filed the exact same initiative, now known as I-1082. Just like last time, I-1082 would overturn the progressive tax reforms enacted this spring and put a time limit on future tax reforms. Just like last time, this initiative would blow a hole in the state budget and cut billions from public schools, affordable housing, mental health care, clean energy investments, and more.

    The only difference is this time instead of having 4 weeks to collect signatures to qualify for the ballot, he’s got 6 months. Voters should reject this just like they rejected I-1648.

    Because Eyman has so much more time to collect signatures, our reforms and funding are in more danger than before. He is once again trying to maintain Washington’s upside-down tax code and make it more difficult to ensure the wealthy pay their share. Don’t let Tim Eyman drag us backward. Decline to sign I-1082!

    Action 3a. Do Nothing – Decline to sign I-1082

    Action 3b. Do Something – tell your friends, neighbors, dogwalker to Decline to sign I-1082

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 15, 2019

    ? We were blown away by the turnout at Indivisible Eastside’s first foray into protest organizing at the LightsForLiberty peaceful protest and sign waiving event last Friday in Redmond. Check out the Video on YouTube (Thanks CFBein!). Here are some photos – more may be added soon. Thank you to all who organized, made signs, attended, and showed our community we RESIST the hateful, racist rhetoric coming from the White House and demand that the intolerable crimes against migrants stop. A number of people saw us on the street corners and joined in. One young man – a package delivery driver – joined us after his shift. He relayed to Louise that he had been in a really foul mood after a racist incident on the highway, and had “had enough of white people”, but when he saw us he knew he had to be part of it. It lifted his mood and made his day to see this kind of community support for immigrants and the diversity they bring.

    Additionally, participants were generous with their donations to WAISN’s Fair Fight Bond Fund – allowing people in Washington State Detention to have a fair chance by posting bond so they can return to their families and work while awaiting a hearing. We collected $590 which has been sent to WAISN. You can add to that by clicking the link above and donating online.

    As part of this event, participants signed two large “Close The Camps” banners. We plan on delivering them to Senator Cantwell’s office in Seattle and Representative DelBene’s office in Bothell this week (date/time TBD). If you’re interested in either of those, please email us at

    ? Does Gerrymandering concern you? Does redistricting based on partisan Gerrymandering keep you up at night? If so, please join Hostess Ruth L at her home in Bellevue for an Eastside Summer Fundraiser to flip Virginia Blue. As we shared at our June meeting, Indivisible Eastside is working with Sister District to support two candidates in Virginia. Flipping both the House of Delegates and the Senate are real possibilities, thereby giving Democrats control of the redistricting in 2021. Senator Manka Dhingra (LD-45) was a recipient of Sister District support in 2017 and she’ll be there to share how flipping Washington Blue made so much progress possible in 2018 and 2019. Please click the fundraiser link to learn more, learn about matching funds, register for the event, and how to donate if you cannot attend. Thank you!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [AMAZON] Don’t Cross Digital Picket Line on Amazon Prime Day

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Every year on Amazon Prime Day, America’s largest internet company offers an array of flashy discounts and deals in order to boost their sales. But Amazon warehouse workers in Minnesota plan to strike on this year’s Prime Day – Monday, July 15th.

    The workers, many of them East African immigrants, are striking to demand that Amazon turn more temp workers into permanent employees, and that they ease productivity quotas that have led to unsafe working conditions. And in a show of solidarity, some of Amazon’s white-collar workers from Seattle are flying in to protest alongside them.

    Our action for today is simple: please do NOT cross the “digital picket line” this Monday, July 15: avoid making purchases on Amazon Prime Day.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Tell Your Members of Congress to Visit The Border

    From RAICESTexas

    Recently, RAICES team, ACLU El Paso, and Annunciation House met with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Representative Ayanna Pressley at the border. The Congresswomen came to view the Border Patrol facilities for themselves. They wanted to visit Clint, TX, the site of public outcry after a team of lawyers interviewed more than 50 children and found shocking conditions. Children with rampant, untreated flu and lice outbreaks, covered in filth and forced to sleep on cold floors. Older children taking care of younger children. Some of these children had been held there for weeks.

    Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Representative Ayanna Pressley came because they want to hear more than just what Border Patrol agents have to say. We know that Customs & Border Protection (CBP) practice is to cover up their unjust practices. That’s why the Congresswomen joined immigrant rights groups in touring a Border Patrol facility.

    Action 2a: Urge your representatives to visit these facilities, see for themselves and ask them to hold CBP accountable for the inhumane treatment of immigrants by filling out and personalizing the Visit The Border Form. Note: Representative Schrier has stated that she plans on visiting, so Thank her in your personalization of the message.

    Action 2b: Call your members of Congress and express some or all of the following demands on behalf of migrants:

    Here are ten demands to choose from:

    1. No indefinite detention.
    2. Families who cross the border together should be kept together.
    3. Investigate ICE/CBP and terminate employees and officers who have mistreated people in detention.
    4. Provide basic health and safety needs for all people in detention.
    5. No children should be held in detention facilities beyond the minimum time needed for processing.
    6. Immediately allow private phone calls and private mail.
    7. Allow immunity in the sponsorship of minors.
    8. Eliminate the “zero tolerance” policy.
    9. No more metering of asylum seekers at the border.
    10. Speak out against the detention of migrants, especially children.

    Action 3 – [King County Council] Protect Rural Areas in King County

    From Friends of Sammamish Valley (FoSV)

    The Rural Areas and farmland of King County are currently being threatened by a proposal before the King County Council that would allow for commercial and retail businesses to operate in protected rural and agricultural areas. The Sammamish Valley is Ground Zero – a handful of businesses including remote tasting rooms and event centers are already operating illegally outside of the urban boundaries. Rather than working with those businesses to relocate into nearby Urban Areas where they belong, the King County Beverage Ordinance 2018-0241 is a de-facto rezoning that would permanently establish them in the protected Rural Area. The Ordinance also opens the way for new urban use businesses across King County Rural Areas.

    Wineries, breweries, and distilleries are an important part of the region, but drinking establishments, remote tasting rooms, taverns, wine bars, and event centers draw in large crowds of people from outside the area to come sit and drink alcohol, enjoy food and be entertained. In these establishments, retail distribution rather than beverage making is the only or predominant objective, and therefore they belong in the Urban Areas where the vast majority are already legally operating.

    The result of allowing drinking establishments to operate in the Rural Areas where there is no commercial infrastructure is already on display in the Sammamish Valley: increased traffic; parking in residential neighborhoods and on farmland; pedestrian safety issues; overflowing septic systems; water runoff that damages agricultural areas, rivers and salmon habitats; lighting and noise pollution; and more environmental impacts. Specifically for the Sammamish Valley, this ordinance threatens a rural oasis that is needed more than ever as greater urban density comes to Redmond, Woodinville, Kirkland, and Bothell.

    The Ordinance violates numerous state and local regulations, including the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), by allowing urban use businesses in the protected Rural Areas across King County. This is also being done in a way that sidesteps the long-accepted GMA process as a venue for all stakeholders to be heard in debates on urban growth vs rural preservation and potentially sets a dangerous statewide precedent.

    Friends of Sammamish Valley (FoSV) is a group of citizens, businesses, and organizations with the goals of protecting the Sammamish Valley Agricultural Production District (APD) and the Sammamish Valley watershed, maintaining the character of the surrounding Rural Area, and preserving the rural lifestyle for local residents. This ordinance affects more than Sammamish Valley – it affects all of rural King County. FoSV are doing the hard work to preserve all King County Rural Areas.


    On June 12 the full King County Council held a public hearing on the proposed Beverage Ordinance. After two hours of public testimony – the vast majority of it by dozens of FoSV supporters – the Council concluded that the Ordinance is not ready for a vote and needs more work. The Councilmembers agreed to send it to their Committee of the Whole, which includes all Councilmembers and is chaired by Joe McDermott. This enables all stakeholders to address previously overlooked issues.


    Tell the King County Council you support FoSV’s position by using the FoSV Web Form. Alternatively, use the council email contacts on the web form to send an email directly.

    Action 3b: SIGN UP with FoSV to receive infrequent action updates.

    If you used the Web Form, simply check off “I’d like to receive updates from this organization”

    Otherwise, fill out your contact information on the FoSV website.

    Action 3c: LEARN MORE about this issue and share with friends and neighbors

    Friends of Sammamish Valley’s website contains videos, and a downloadable pdf with detailed maps. Check it out.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 8, 2019

    ? Reminder – Do not sign Ref. 88!

    Initiative season has begun. Last week we told you about Ref. 88, which seeks to overturn I-1000. The legislature passed I-1000 this year, with the goal of once again allowing affirmative action (specifically, consideration of things like race or ethnicity among multiple other factors in applications for public education or employment) in Washington. This referendum would reverse the legislature’s action and put I-1000 on the fall ballot. There’s a good explainer on why this referendum is a bad idea here.

    The good news is that the proposed initiative by Tim Eyman (I-1648) has failed to make it to the ballot – hooray! Further explanation can be found  here.

    ? National Indivisible sent a web poll out to their email list after the recent Democratic debates and received 18,500 responses from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. The survey asked respondents three questions: Which candidates are you considering voting for, which candidate are you NOT considering voting for, and who would you vote for if you had to pick today? The results make for some interesting reading.

    ? Are you upset that our two Senators voted last week to pass the budget giving $4.59 billion to the Department of Homeland Security without any safeguards on how the money will be spent? Please join our friends from Seattle Indivisible at the Resist Trump Tuesday Rally followed by a meeting with the Senators’ staffers at the Federal Building. Bring your questions!

    July 9, 11:45-12:30, Resist Trump Tuesday –  915 2nd Ave, Seattle.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [YOU] Take Action to Support Refugees and Asylum Seekers

    On the evening of July 12th there will be rallies nationwide to support immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers under the banner of Lights for Liberty: A Nationwide Vigil to End Human Detention Camps, sponsored by a long list of organizations, including Indivisible. We are pleased to report that some of our members have stepped up to organize one in Redmond – thank you to you all! Please come out and join us in support of ending the abuse of those seeking to provide a better life for their families who, instead, have found themselves detained in the most deplorable conditions.

    July 12, 5-7 pm, Lights For Liberty Event at Redmond Downtown Park, 16205 Redmond Way, Redmond

    If you cannot attend the one in Redmond please visit Lights For Liberty to find a vigil near you. There are many across our area!

    Lights on Detained People – NWDC Northwest Detention Center Community Building Picnic

    If you are not available on the 12th, there is another opportunity to support detainees on Sat. July 13 at the ICE Detention Center in Tacoma, which holds 1500 detainees. At the specific request of those directly impacted, this event will be a NOISIER Community day of SUPPORT at the NW Detention Center. It will be held during family visiting hours. We need lots of powerful voices so all detained people and any visiting families can hear our support. From Seattle Indivisible: Bring the family, bring a picnic. There will be calls to the detained persons, there will be information on detention and how to help. there will be kids activities and pen pal letter writing. And MUSIC… we are going to create community to connect to our neighbors inside.

    Jul 13th at 12:30 p.m. Lights On Detained People Community Event | Northwest Detention Center (1623 E Jay St in Tacoma, WA)

    Action 2 –[STATE REPS]  Demand Sunshine On ICE Detention Centers

    From 5Calls

    (This is a repeat of a recent action but with the increased scrutiny of the camps nationally, we thought it would be pertinent to continue to ask our state government to investigate our local facilities.)

    Since 2017 the Trump administration has aggressively pursued a zero-tolerance immigration policy at the southern border. In 2018, the administration imposed a brutal family separation policy and began charging all migrants crossing the border, even those seeking asylum, with crimes. Despite Trump’s apparent reversal of the separation policy, families continue to be torn apart, with no viable plan for reunion. Children and adults are dying in custody and being held in overcrowded, inhumane facilities.

    The government, overwhelmed by the ballooning costs of its self-imposed crisis, is now proposing to cut legal and educational support for unaccompanied children. On June 12, news emerged that the government plans to house nearly 1,400 children on the site of a former Japanese concentration camp (euphemistically termed an “internment camp”). The move is an all too apt illustration of the Trump administration’s dedication to reviving 1940s era white supremacy.

    Despite efforts to hide this abuse, journalists and immigrant advocates have revealed a clear pattern of human rights violations by the Trump administration. Americans must demand transparency into the shadow prison system being used to dehumanize and torture innocent people. Demand your state lawmakers seek and publicly report information about facilities in your state and connect with local immigration advocacy groups to help respond to these atrocities.

    The Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma is the fourth largest immigration detention center in the country. It is privately run by the GEO Corporation and has the capacity to detain up to 1,575 people. The number of community members actually processed through the facility during a given year has exceeded 10,000 in recent years. Our state lawmakers should seek and publicly report information about this facility. As information is revealed, we can connect with local immigration advocacy groups such as Northwest Immigrants Rights Project and Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network  to help respond to these atrocities.

    Contact Governor Inslee and your state representatives and senator. Not sure what district you’re in?  Use  Washington State District Finder.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].  I’m calling to urge [NAME] to follow Illinois’ example and ban privately funded immigration detention centers. I also urge [NAME] to obtain detailed information about the ICE detention centers in our state. (Choose 1-3 from the list BELOW):

    • Headcount: How many immigrants are housed in our state? What is the population breakdown by gender, age, etc.? 
    • Conditions: What are typical living conditions and length of detention?
    • Safety: What kinds of abuses do detainees face (deaths in custody, denial of medical care, lack of sanitation)?
    • Facilities: Are there any plans for closure or expansion? Are the prisons public or privately run?
    • Resources: Are any state resources being used to support these facilities?
    • Access: When can a delegation tour facilities?

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]

    Action 3 – [AMAZON] Urge Amazon to End Plastic Packaging ASAP

    From WashPIRG

    Amazon has recently been phasing out bulky, excessive cardboard packaging — a good move. But unfortunately, the retail giant is replacing it with lightweight mailers made with flimsy plastic, no more recyclable than single-use plastic grocery bags. The new plastic mailers can’t be recycled at the curb, meaning most of them end up in the trash.

    A company of Amazon’s size is capable of leading the industry to a more sustainable future with innovative solutions. In fact, Amazon claims to be currently developing a plastic-free lightweight mailer.

    Send a message to Amazon today urging the company to quit plastic packaging as soon as possible. Our health and our environment depend on our ability to move beyond plastic. The shift to lightweight, fully recyclable, non-plastic packaging can’t come soon enough. Plastic is creeping into every corner of our world. It’s been found in the deepest parts of the ocean, and raining from the sky over pristine mountains. Most recently, it’s turned up in the food we eat.

    You can use this form  to let them know that we expect more. A company of Amazon’s size can not only do better, but lead the way for the rest of the shipping industry to make sustainable changes as well.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of July 1, 2019

    Another busy week, with some wins (yay Census, for now) and some losses (pretty much everything at the border). We hope you continue to practice self care amid the chaos, as we try to do, so that we can carry this fight as far as we need to!

    ? Presidential Debate Watch Party

    On Thursday night we had a full house to watch the second Debate. It was a fun, informative and productive evening. We would like to thank Indivisible Kirkland (big shout out to Heather McKnight!), Fuse, and those members of our group who were involved in organizing it. Major thanks go to Ronni of Downpour Coffee in Redmond who graciously offered the space and worked hard all evening to host us. Hopefully this will be the first of many collaborative efforts between the groups!

    ? Reminder – Do not sign Ref. 88!

    From Julia Ricketts of Code Blue Washington: Do not be fooled – Ref. 88 is an attempt to reverse the work that was done (including by many of us) to pass I-1000 last year. If you’d like to refresh your memory about I-1000, you can read more about it here. Inform others that I-1000 RESTORED fairness to our state bidding, hiring, and admissions process by acknowledging inequities and inviting minorities back into the room. Supporters gathered the greatest # of signatures in WA State history to put it on the ballot — and legislators recognized this massive popular push by voting it directly into law. THAT IS THE STORY. Allowing bidding, hiring, and admissions to take in race or ethnicity as a factor is NOT an unfair stumbling block for groups who previously had unacknowledged privilege built into their race or ethnicity. If you see signature gatherers, consider intervening and calling them on their bullshit. There is also a site where you can report signature gatherers for Ref. 88.

    ? Please support our wonderful King County library system by contacting them to express gratitude for their inclusiveness for all residents. This week their board meeting to discuss the Drag Queen Story Time was invaded by members of various extreme right wing groups. You can read about it on our Facebook page here, or for a non-Facebook link, here at the Seattle Times.

    ? Lights for Liberty July 12th

    We are excited to announce that there will be a Redmond event as part of the nationwide protest against the detention camps on the border. Bring your signs and express your rage at our administration’s cruel treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers. You can read all about it, and find information about the national organization behind it at Lights For Liberty : Redmond.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [YOU] Take Action to Support Refugees and Asylum Seekers

    We are disappointed by last week’s vote to pass the border funding bill with adequate restrictions on how the money will be spent. Equally worrying is the politicking that went on behind the scenes and the inability of Democratic leadership to work together for a decision that will result in better outcomes for those held at the border.

    In the meantime, there are many practical actions that you can take to help. The list below was compiled by our friend and colleague Alx Dark of Wallingford Indivisible.

    “When your resources are pooled with others, change can happen. There is a lot you can do right now, BUT YOU DO HAVE TO DO IT!”


    When people are quiet about an injustice, this looks like implicit consent. Or denial. (Denial is the way we consent to things while lying to ourselves about it.) Be vocal in opposing child internment camps, the horrible treatment of asylum seekers at the border, and the threats of mass deportations in the interior. This might require a lot of bravery if you are embedded in a network full of “conservatives.”

    Reshare posts. This may be what it takes to keep the issue alive for your readers. Share a list like this as well! You can find lots of news about immigration and refugee issues from the “Immigrant and Refugee Rights Network” and “Transborder Migrant Justice” Facebook groups, or the Catholic Legal Immigration Network has a good daily email roundup of the news (Sign Up For Email).

    WA state has an immigration raid hotline, if you see something, report it: 1–844-RAID-REP (1–844–724–3737). Put the number into your phone.

    You can write postcards or add them to your existing postcarding efforts. Here’s a spreadsheet on who you can write along with sample messages (different tabs of spreadsheet).

    Are you an artist or creator? Use your abilities to express your concerns.

    Are you religious? Are you hearing condemnations of these atrocities from your religious leaders? If not, ask them why not. If you hear them defending these practices… make a stink about it.

    A list of graphics/posters :

    Defund Hate Graphics

    More Defund Hate Graphics


    Small donations add up, so don’t fear if your contribution is modest.

    Fair Fight Immigrant Bond Fund – This is our bond fund in WA state.

    Act Blue’s fund for twelve important organizations helping kids and families at the border

    If you’d rather donate to individual organizations rather than the fund:

    Al Otro Lado

    RAICES – A very important legal assistance organization operating on both sides of the border

    Project Corazon Travel Fund

    If you have frequent flyer miles you are never going to use, donate them to

    Miles 4 Migrants or

    Lawyers For Good Government


    Join the WA Immigrant Solidarity Network Facebook group (other states have similar networks). Attend one of their meetings and meet the people in your community working to defend against these attacks. They have many volunteer needs. You can do things like:

    ❦ Accompany people to their immigration hearings, ICE check-ins, civil courthouse matters, etc. (

    ❦ Support neighbors and friends in the event of an ICE raid or community emergency (physically show up, be witnesses, organize to keep our communities safe, etc. (

    ❦ Serve as a sponsor for an asylum seeker (to be released from detention, a person seeking asylum has to have a sponsor). This is a big responsibility but the WA Immigrant Solidarity Network will know how to get you started.

    If you speak Spanish, you can volunteer to conduct remote intake interviews for asylum seekers (

    Everyone should prepare for immigration raids whether they are impacted by them or not. Take some time to understand the following resources. You might be able to help someone by being part of their preparedness plan, or you might see something wrong and document it.

    Know Your Rights

    Family Preparedness Plans

    Same information, presented differently

    If you are in danger of being deported, install Notifica on your phone and get familiar with how it works. This should be part of your family preparedness planning.

    If your workplace could face a raid, or you are an employer or a landlord of people who are undocumented, look at the AFL-CIO’s toolkit for workplace raids and audits.

    Action 2 –[US HOUSE] Block Trump’s Military Arms Sale To Saudi Arabia

    From 5Calls

    On May 24th, the Trump administration declared another national emergency to get around congressional approval, this time to sell Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates roughly $8 billion in military arms. Without providing any evidence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued an emergency exists, which requires the immediate sale of the defense articles and defense services.” The 22 individual sales would include precision-guided bombs, Patriot missiles, mortar rounds, drones, fighter jet parts, and other military support.

    However, Congress can use a provision of the Arms Export Control Act to block the administration from completing the deal. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has introduced 22 resolutions of disapproval (one for each sale) which would terminate the arms deal. Due to Senate rules, only a simple majority is needed to pass the resolutions of disapproval.

    It is time for Congress to stand up and object to Trump’s clear abuse of power. He must not be allowed act unilaterally and again sidestep normal congressional review. Demand your member of Congress support the resolutions of disapproval.

    On June 20th, in a 51-45 vote, the Senate took the first step to block the arms deal. The resolutions of disapproval now move to the House for consideration.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling in support of the 22 resolutions of disapproval to block Trump’s emergency declaration to sell $8 billion in military arms to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Trump is attempting to use loopholes to go around congressional approval, and I expect [NAME] to stand up to his clear abuse of power.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE] Impeachment Inquiry: Contact your Representative

    Currently 80 (four more this week!) Democrats and 1 Republican have called for impeachment inquiries to begin. In our area, Representatives Smith and Jayapal are on the list. However, Representatives Schrier and DelBene still are not. In fact, DelBene has not even responded to the New York Times’ inquiries about her position on this. If you are in their District, please call and urge them to sign on to add to the pressure for an inquiry. (To be clear, this is not the same as asking for impeachment but will be more powerful than the current investigations, which are being ignored by the White House.)

    Urge Reps. Suzan DelBene and Kim Schrier to support an Impeachment Inquiry

    ☎ Sample Script:

    My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling because I’m alarmed that the White House is blocking more than 20 Democratic investigations into Trump, his finances, or his policies.

    I believe that the entire Washington delegation must not only sign onto an impeachment inquiry, but also speak out about why it’s needed. Please commit to supporting Representative Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment Resolution (House Resolution 257), and make a public statement that you support an Impeachment Inquiry.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Bonus Action!

    Last week a group of fine actors put on an ‘historic play, ripped from the pages of the Mueller Report’ Watch ‘The Investigation – A Search for the Truth in Ten Acts’. Enjoy!

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 24, 2019

    ? Last week was a busy activist week! 15 people wrote 200 postcards to tell Florida Democrats how to sign up for Vote By Mail, 4 volunteers participated in Phonebank Training and made 235 calls to voters in support Lance Gurel for Spokane Valley City Council, and 16 people were on the 4th St overpass to 405 messaging traffic with “STOP ABUSES! / KIDS IN CAGES”. You can see the video on YouTube and the Public IE Facebook Page. Please share to your social media and see Actions 1 & 2 below on immigration.

    ? There are only a few spots left for the Indivisible Kirkland/Indivisible Eastside/ FUSE ? Presidential Debate Watch Party ? Thursday June 27th at 5:30. Sign up on Eventbrite to attend. – All the details, including location and a signup genius link for a pot-luck are included in the eventbrite (you have to scroll down to find the pot-luck signup).

    We’ve compiled a Presidential Debate Watch Chart that can help you evaluate the candidates’ answers. Be sure to read the linked Indivisible Workbook to learn some tips on strong answers, then print out the chart and keep score!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Defund Hate


    Next week (week of June 24), House Democrats will vote on a bill to provide the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with additional funding. The Senate will also be voting on its own bill, which will contain nearly $5 billion for DHS. This is money that Trump can use to expand his detention and deportation machine. This is in the same week that Trump has threatened to launch nationwide arrests of immigrants. We’ve seen that Trump will use every dollar he is given to terrorize communities and lock up families, and we need Democrats to be our first line of defense against these abuses. Call your Members of Congress (MoC) in the House and Senate and demand that they not give Trump any additional money for enforcement.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to ask [NAME] to vote against supplemental funding for the Department of Homeland Security when it comes up. We’ve seen that Trump will use every dollar he is given to terrorize communities and lock up families; we shouldn’t give him another penny to expand his detention and deportation machine.

    I urge you to commit to voting no on any additional money for immigration enforcement.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]

    Action 2 – [WA LEGISLATURE & GOV. INSLEE] Demand Transparency in ICE Detention Centers


    Since 2017 the Trump administration has aggressively pursued a zero-tolerance immigration policy at the southern border. In 2018, the administration imposed a brutal family separation policy and began charging all migrants crossing the border, even those seeking asylum, with crimes. Despite Trump’s apparent reversal of the separation policy, families continue to be torn apart, with no viable plan for reunion. Children and adults are dying in custody and being held in overcrowded, inhumane facilities. The government, overwhelmed by the ballooning costs of its self-imposed crisis, is now proposing to cut legal and educational support for unaccompanied children. On June 12, news emerged that the government plans to house nearly 1,400 children on the site of a former Japanese internment camp. The move is an all too apt illustration of the Trump administration’s dedication to reviving 1940s era white supremacy.

    Despite administration efforts to hide abuse, journalists and immigrant advocates have revealed a clear pattern of human rights violations by the Trump administration. Americans must demand transparency into the shadow prison system being used to dehumanize and torture innocent people.

    The Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma is the fourth largest immigration detention center in the country. It is privately run by the GEO Corporation and has the capacity to detain up to 1,575 people. The number of community members actually processed through the facility during a given year has exceeded 10,000 in recent years. Our state lawmakers should seek and publicly report information about this facility. As information is revealed, we can connect with local immigration advocacy groups such as Northwest Immigrants Rights Project and Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network to help respond to these atrocities.

    Contact Governor Inslee and your state representatives and senator. Not sure what district you’re in? Use Washington State District Finder.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [NAME] to obtain detailed information about the ICE Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma and the Federal Detention Center in SeaTac. [Choose 1-3 from the list below]:

    • Headcount: How many immigrants are housed in these prisons? What is the population breakdown by gender and age?
    • Conditions: What are typical living conditions and length of detention?
    • Safety: What kinds of abuses do detainees face (deaths in custody, denial of medical care, lack of sanitation)?
    • Facilities: Are there any plans for closure or expansion? Are these prisons public or privately run?
    • Resources: Are any state resources being used to support these facilities?
    • Access: When can a delegation tour facilities?

    I urge you to create a plan to provide oversight to ensure that all residents of Washington are treated humanely.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE] Impeachment Inquiry: Contact your Representative

    On June 21, Rep. Adam Smith joined Rep. Primila Jayapal and a growing list of democrats in calling for an Impeachment Inquiry. There are now 74 House Democrats who have called for an impeachment inquiry, according to a New York Times tracker, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has declined to go along. On top of calls for an inquiry, Representative Tlaib (pronounced “Tleeb”) of Michigan has introduced an Impeachment Resolution, H. Res 257.

    If you’re in Adam Smith’s district, please call and thank him. If you’re in Reps DelBene or Schrier’s district, please contact them and urge them to join their colleagues.

    Thank Rep. Adam Smith

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling because I’m alarmed that the White House is blocking more than 20 Democratic investigations into Trump, his finances, or his policies.

    Thank you for joining Representative Jayapal in supporting an impeachment inquiry. I ask you to also commit to supporting Representative Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment Resolution, House Resolution 257.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Urge Reps. Suzan DelBene and Kim Schrier to support an Impeachment Inquiry

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling because I’m alarmed that the White House is blocking more than 20 Democratic investigations into Trump, his finances, or his policies.

    I believe that the entire Washington delegation must not only sign onto an impeachment inquiry, but also speak out about why it’s needed. Please commit to supporting Representative Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment Resolution (House Resolution 257), and make a public statement that you support an Impeachment Inquiry.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    • Thur, June 27, 5:30 – 9:30 pm Democratic Primary Debate Watch Party – Redmond – Registration required.
    • Thur, July 11, 4:45 Alphabet Resistance – Bellevue – Save the Date
    • Tues, July 16, 10-12 Postcards to Voters – Bellevue – Save the Date

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 17, 2019

    ? Our next Alphabet Resistance is this Thursday June 20, 4:45 – 6 pm – Bellevue – 45 WELCOMES COLLUSION / PROTECT OUR ELECTIONS” – click the Alphabet Resistance link to sign up.

    ? We’re excited to announce ? The Presidential Debate Watch Party ? is now on Thursday June 27th. On Wednesday (the day before), watch Jay Inslee and Elizabeth Warren from your home, then on Thursday join Indivisible Kirkland and Indivisible Eastside members watching in Redmond. We’ll have a fun POT-LUCK, BYOB evening with like-minded people to hear what the 2nd group of candidates have to say. Attendance is limited to 60 people so signup on Eventbrite to attend. – All the details, including location and a signup genius link for the pot-luck are included in the eventbrite.

    ? If you attended our June Group Meeting or read our weekly actions for the past 2 weeks, you know IE is dedicated and focused on using our Blue power to help candidates in red and purple districts. Here’s a recap of who we suggest you support and why.

    • Takele Gobena for SeaTac City Council Pos. 5 – help this minority majority city achieve a minority majority city council.
    • Lance Gurel for Spokane Valley City Council Pos. 3 – help him defeat incumbent Arne Woodward who is closely associated with the white supremacist affliated Matt Shea.
    • Joshua Cole for Virginia House Of Delegates District 28 – help him flip the Virginia House of Delegates before 2021 redistricting.

    Supporting minorities and immigrants ✅, combating white supremacy ✅, protecting democracy ✅ – this is what Indivisible is about. Keep a lookout here for opportunities which, in addition to your small donations, will help these candidates achieve these goals. There are two opportunities in the calendar section below. Don’t miss the phonebank training opportunity for Lance on Tue June 18th.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Prevent War With Iran


    In April of 2018, Trump appointed John Bolton, a known Iran hawk who served in the Bush White House, as his National Security Advisor. Bolton’s position that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction played a role in the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq. One month after Bolton’s appointment, the Trump administration announced the United States would withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal, a diplomatic agreement reached in 2015 to ensure Iran does not develop nuclear weapons. The highly criticized decision began a downward spiral in US-Iran relations.

    Over the last few months, the Trump administration has escalated its hawkish rhetoric about Iran, prompting concerns that the White House is now trying to push Iran into war.

    We must not stumble into another costly, tragic and endless war in the Middle East. Congress must step up and speak out against any invasion of Iran and assert their constitutional war power authority.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling today because I am very concerned about the Trump administration’s apparent desire to start a war with Iran. I urge [NAME] to oppose troop deployment or an invasion of Iran and make it clear that Congress will not authorize another costly, deadly, and tragic war in the Middle East.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE] Tell Your Representative: Co-sponsor the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act


    Prescription drug prices are substantially higher in the United States than in other high-income countries, and as a result, Americans spend more on prescription drugs than residents of other countries. Despite this, the government is not allowed to use its position as the largest purchaser of prescription drugs in the country to bargain for lower prices for patients.

    Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) has introduced the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act (H.R. 1046) to give Medicare the power it needs to effectively negotiate with drug companies and bring drug prices down. Read more here.

    Every representative should co-sponsor H.R. 1046, but so far in Washington, only Pramila Jayapal has done so.

    Call your Representative and tell them: reject bills that would use arbitration to bring down drug prices, and co-sponsor H.R. 1046, the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act!

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [NAME] to co-sponsor H.R. 1046, Rep. Doggett’s Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act, to bring down excessively high drug prices and protect access to critical medicines.

    To help Medicare negotiate drug prices, H.R. 1046 uses competitive licenses as a “backstop” to bring any uncooperative drug companies to the table. It’s the strongest proposal out there. Arbitration isn’t good enough. I urge [NAME] to reject arbitration as a way to bring down drug prices, and to co-sponsor the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Demand Congress Act to End Abuses of Detained Immigrants


    Appalling stories continue to emerge about abuses of immigrants detained at the border. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is currently detaining over 53,000 immigrants in jails nationwide. The record-breaking spike in immigrant detention stems from a Trump administration policy to arrest nearly all undocumented immigrants. The draconian policy has led to dangerous overcrowding at ICE facilities, with one processing facility holding 900 people despite having a maximum capacity of 125. The explosion of detentions has also masked horrifying human rights abuses by immigration enforcement, including the confiscation of immigrants’ necessary medication, the abandonment of 37 children in a van in the Texas heat for 39 hours, and ongoing denial of necessary medical care to detainees—sometimes with deadly consequences. Meanwhile, an 800,000 case backlog in the overloaded, under-resourced immigration court system guarantees immigrants will languish in dangerous conditions for far too long.

    Despite having directly manufactured this humanitarian crisis, the Trump administration continues to demand additional funding for ICE and detention facilities and refuse accountability for ICE and Border Patrol’s abuses. Congress must unequivocally oppose these funding requests, demand an end to mass detention of all undocumented immigrants, and advocate for sufficient funding for the immigration court system to alleviate overcrowding. The Trump administration’s treatment of desperate immigrants seeking safety in the United States is a crime against humanity, and Congress must treat it as such.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m outraged and appalled by the reports of abuses of detained immigrants, from massive overcrowding to denial of necessary medical care to children. I urge [NAME] to demand a robust investigation of immigration enforcement practices and detention conditions, deny additional funding to ICE, and allocate adequate funding to immigration courts to ensure timely processing of asylum applications.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 10, 2019

    ? In May we were all asked by Indivisible National to submit answers to their 2020 Presidential Engagement Survey. The results were shared with group leaders, and you can read all about it here. It makes for some interesting reading. They have asked that this not be shared publicly on Social Media, so we are limiting distribution to our email subscribers only. Please refrain from sharing on your own social media platforms. It’s safe to say that there will be many more conversations about this.

    ? Some good news! H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, has finally passed the House of Representatives with unanimous Democratic support. ??

    From Indivisible National: This. Is. Huge. And the victory belongs to every single person who called their member of Congress and showed up at district offices across the nation to demand #DreamAndPromiseNow.

    Let’s take a step back to absorb how big a win this is: the first time the Dream Act was introduced, it died without ever getting a hearing. Now, 18 years later, there wasn’t a single House Democrat who voted against it when it reached the floor. This achievement shows what’s possible when directly affected people, with the support of allies inside and outside of Congress, advocate for the needs of their families and communities.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [DNC and Representatives] Demand a Climate Change Debate

    From Seattle Indivisible

    In a statement on June 5th, Gov. Inslee shared that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has decided not to host a primary debate focused on Climate Change, and that they also stipulated that they would drop Gov. Inslee from future debates if he attended any Climate debates not hosted by the DNC.

    The effects of climate change are being felt, and the majority of Democrats are united by the immediate need to address and combat this looming threat. Young Democrats are especially energized by this issue. In addition to Gov. Inslee, many heavy hitter Democratic candidates have endorsed the idea of a climate-focused debate, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Julián Castro.

    We deserve a debate to address one of the most important issues of our time. If the DNC will not host it, they should at least not threaten retribution to candidates interested in debating the issue elsewhere. Call Tom Perez – the DNC Chair – as well as your representatives, who are members of the DNC, to ask them to reconsider.

    ☎ Sample Script: Tom Perez (DNC Chair): 202-863-8000

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [PLACE] to ask that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) reconsider hosting a climate-focused primary debate, or at least consider allowing candidates to participate in a non-DNC-affiliated climate debate if they so choose. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time and unites Democrats behind a common cause. Several candidates have endorsed such a debate and have released detailed plans to address the threat of climate change – we deserve to hear a full discussion of what can and should be done.”

    ☎ Sample Script for Senators and Representatives:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP] to ask that [REP], as a representative of the Democratic party, encourage the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to reconsider hosting a climate-focused primary debate. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time and unites Democrats behind a common cause. Several candidates have endorsed such a debate and have released detailed plans to address the threat of climate change – we deserve to hear a full discussion of what can and should be done.”

    Action 2 – [YOU] Support Candidate Races Outside Our Area

    Following the excellent presentation by Julia Ricketts of Code Blue at our last meeting, we would like to share how we can support two excellent candidates in important races, one in Eastern Washington and the other in Virginia.

    Lance Gurel for Spokane Valley City Council Pos. 3

    From Code Blue

    Lance Gurel believes the City of Spokane Valley is a great place for businesses — and that it’s time to make it a great place for families, for workers, and for young people. As a CPA and small business owner, he understands budgets and will bring those skills to the council. His platform emphasizes the need for affordable housing and open space in this growing region. Lance wants a welcoming and safe city for all residents: “Everyone in Spokane Valley has the right to feel safe in their homes, businesses, and places of worship, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or ability. Lance believes it is the community’s responsibility to stand against hate and bigotry.”

    Incumbent Arne Woodward is closely associated with the Matt Shea / Liberty Party libertarian group that has contributed to a toxic strain in local and state government. Flipping this seat in 2019 is key to reducing their influence.

    Lance is being out-raised 4 to 1 by his opponent. If you live in western WA, this is a great way to show solidarity with our progressive friends east of the mountains. Any donation, however small, will be put to good use! You can help his campaign out here.

    Another way you can help is by phonebanking, which is now live via Code Blue! If you are ready to jump in with this please let them know via their Facebook group if you are a member, or send them an email at

    If you are interested in phonebanking but would like some training we will be offering two sessions later in June. The first will be on June 18th (link below under Calendar) and the second will be confirmed soon.

    Joshua Cole for Virginia House Of Delegates | District 28

    From Sister District Project

    About Sister District – The Sister District Project works to turn states blue by winning state legislative elections. The organization has a strategic, targeted focus on critical down-ballot, state races that—if we win—will make it easier to win national elections. They support a portfolio of races, with the strategic goals of (1) flipping Republican-held state chambers (2) holding fragile Democratic majorities in state chambers, and (3) making blue inroads in badly gerrymandered states.

    State of Play in Virginia – Virginia is currently under a divided government: the governor is a Democrat, while Republicans control both chambers of the legislature by an extremely narrow margin—just two seats each. The entire Virginia General Assembly is up for election in November 2019, and these are all “Last Chance” races; the legislators elected in 2019 will be serving during the 2021 redistricting process. The state legislature draws district lines, and the governor has the power to veto district maps.

    The state Senate is currently comprised of 19 Democrats and 21 Republicans, while the House of Delegates has 48 Democrats and 51 Republicans. Democrats have an incredible opportunity to flip both Virginia state legislature chambers in 2019.

    About Joshua Cole – Sister District is supporting Joshua Cole for District 28. In 2017 he became the first African-American and youngest person to receive any party’s nomination for the Virginia House of Delegates in Virginia’s 28th District. The race was riddled with controversy after he fell short of winning by 73 votes, and over 143 people received ballots for wrong districts. After the election he was appointed to serve as the Chief of Staff for Delegate Kelly Convirs-Fowler. He currently serves on Stafford County Public School’s Superintendent’s Equity, Diversity and Opportunity Committee, the Greater Fredericksburg Area Interfaith Council, the President of the Stafford County NAACP and a host of other local and community initiatives.

    Read more about Joshua on his campaign website and consider donating or volunteering to support his campaign:

    Action 3 – [YOU] Participate in Orca Action Month

    From Washington Environmental Council

    For something a little different, and because we know that summer’s coming, we invite you to check out the website of the Washington Environmental Council and look at all of the activities on offer for Orca Action Month. There are kids’ activities, movies, habitat restoration projects and much much more. Take a look and commit to participating in not only celebrating one of our most iconic species but also in educating ourselves about how we can help to ensure their survival.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of June 3, 2019

    ?  At our June Group meeting we discussed the thorny question of Impeachment. Indivisible National has an opinion but is seeking YOUR opinion on this. Please read Ezra and Leah’s May letter, then fill out the Indivisible Impeachment Survey to give your feedback. If you haven’t already, sign up to receive this monthly letter in your own inbox.

    ? We also discussed Indivisible Eastside’s plans to help SeaTac flip their city council blue and be majority minority run reflecting the diversity of that city. We’ll be looking to help flip Spokane Valley’s city council, as well as the very important Virginia House of Delegates and Senate. Check out our meeting notes for details.

    ? Our next Postcards To Voters is Tues, June 18, 10 am – 12 pm. As we continue to see in red states around the country, local elections matter, majorities matter. Join the thousands of volunteers writing to strengthen our democracy. Sign up to participate.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US House] Ask your Representative to support Cuts to CBP and ICE

    From Alx Dark/Wallingford Indivisible

    In the midst of everything else that has been going on, we must not lose sight of the Trump administration’s ongoing attacks on immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. According to National Indivisible, the biggest fight on immigration this year will be over funding.  One way to counter them is to cut funding for Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) and Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). Congress can write letters and hold hearings (and they have). The DHS Office of the Inspector General can write reports about the corruption and the dangerous conditions in immigration detention centers (and they have). But none of this has changed the administration’s behaviors. And it won’t.

    Last year Democrats took this fight all the way to a government shutdown. Funding increases to DHS were modest… but Trump immediately declared a national emergency so he could transfer billions from other agencies to continue his anti-immigrant policies. Congress lost control of its appropriations power, and now it is buying into the lie that they *must* provide more funding to ICE/CBP to handle a crisis at the border.

    Representative Jayapal has been a champion of defunding ICE and CBP in the Washington state Democratic delegation. She has been circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter asking the House to fund DHS detention at 2016 levels. Only Rep. Adam Smith has signed on to this letter so far. Because Rep. Jayapal has asked for responses from her colleagues by June 6th, we are asking you to contact your Representative today about this.

    Note: If your Rep happens to be Derek Kilmer, or you know someone in his area, please encourage contacting him with the same message, since he sits on the House Appropriations Committee, which will be central to making the necessary changes.

    ☎ Sample Script: if your Representative is Suzan DelBene / Derek Kilmer / Kim Schrier.

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to urge you to sign on to the letter from your colleague, Representative Jayapal, asking appropriators to limit funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to 2016 levels. The Department of Homeland Security has persistently abused its transfer authority, resulting in an unprecedented and congressionally unauthorized expansion of immigration detention. Funding needs to be cut to 2106 levels, and ICE and CBP need to be prevented from diverting funds from other DHS accounts, such as FEMA. Please support Representative Jayapal in her efforts to curtail DHS’s ability to pursue their anti-immigration policies and help to defund hate. Thank you for your time and attention.”

    ☎ Sample Script:  if your Representative is Adam Smith.

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to thank you for supporting your colleague Representative Jayapal by signing on to her letter asking appropriators to limit funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to 2016 levels. I support efforts to restrict the ability of the DHS to transfer funds without congressional authorization, since transfers have resulted in increases in immigration detention.”

    Action 2 – [US Senate] Contact Senators to support legislation to secure our elections

    From Julia Ricketts/Code Blue, Vox

    One of the most disturbing findings in a recent report on U.S. election security was that some of the least-secure states are battleground states where elections will be close.

    Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and 14 Senate co-sponsors have introduced an expanded version of his bill to protect American elections from foreign interference by mandating hand-marked paper ballots and setting new cybersecurity standards for all federal elections. The PAVE (Protecting American Votes and Elections) Act bans internet, WiFi, and cellular connections for voting machines, and gives the Department of Homeland Security the authority to set, for the first time, minimum cybersecurity standards for voting machines, voter registration databases, electronic poll books used to ‘check in’ voters at polling places, and election night reporting websites.

    The bill provides the strongest protection for American elections of any proposal currently before Congress.

    The bill also funds the purchase of secure ballot scanning machines and new ballot marking devices to be used by voters with disabilities, and permits the federal government to reimburse states for the cost of conducting post-elections audits.

    Sadly, this and other bills concerning election security are currently stalled by Mitch McConnell’s refusal to bring them up for a vote in the Senate. This is a direct consequence of Trump’s interference in the process. We need our senators to keep up the pressure and to keep stressing the warnings by Mueller and others about the dangers facing our electoral processes.

    ACTION: Senator Cantwell is a co-sponsor! Please thank her and encourage continuing pressure on the Senate Majority Leader to bring this to a vote.

    ☎ Sample Script for Senator Cantwell:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to thank you for supporting Senator Wyden’s PAVE Act to bring more stringency to our electoral process by setting new cybersecurity standards. We urge you to keep up the pressure on the Senate Majority Leader to bring this and other important electoral security bills before the Senate so that the integrity of our elections can be assured.”

    ACTION: Urge Senator Murray to support the PAVE Act.

    ☎ Sample Script for Senator Murray:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to encourage you to co-sponsor the PAVE Act , introduced by Senator Ron Wyden. This is an important component of ensuring the security of our elections, especially given the concerns expressed by Robert Mueller and others about the dangers posed by foreign interference. Congress must act now to ensure our right to vote and have our votes count. Thank you for your time and attention.”

    Action 3 – [YOU] Support Candidates in Local Races

    At Sunday’s IE Group meeting, we shared and discussed our strategy for this summer and fall. Supporting candidates in our Backyard, across the state, and across the country. We’ll be working with local CodeBlue Washington on the first two, and Sister District Puget sound on the Virginia races

    Takele Gobena for SeaTac City Council | Position 5
    From Code Blue WA

    The City of SeaTac has a seven-member City Council elected by the residents. Positions 1,3,5, & 7 are up for election in November 2019. The deadline to file for running for office in the August 6, 2019 primary election has passed. The top two vote-getters for each position will move on to the Nov. 5, 2019 General Election.

    Election dates: August 6, 2019 (Primary), Nov 5, 2019 (General)

    SeaTac is a minority majority city. In light of questionable decisions the SeaTac council made last year — such as deciding to displace 50+ immigrant-owned small businesses in SeaTac Center — and where the mayor Erin Sitterely, is an ardent Trump supporter, immigrant rights groups and local activists have claimed the council needs to include more members from the City’s immigrant and minority population, to represent the minority-majority city fairly.

    Mr. Gobena has worked with the SeaTac Community Coalition, a group of around 60 immigrant business owners — many are immigrant Somali women — that had sought for months to fight the selling of the SeaTac Center that resulted in the shuttering of immigrant-owned small businesses. He is running for the City Council Position 5  in the August 6 Primary and will make the ballot for the General election in November since there are only two candidates in the race.

    About Takele Gobena from his website:
    “I have devoted my life to fighting alongside all workers and working families born overseas or right here in SeaTac.  I know what it is to work hard and live paycheck to paycheck and barely be able to pay outrageous rents. When I started my first job at SeaTac Airport, I saw how workers were underpaid. There, I learned the importance of organizing and the strength of unions to make positive changes in the lives of working families. I took it upon myself and worked on the initial campaign to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour. I am proud to see our win inspired thousands of workers across the country to organize and win their own fight for $15.”

    Learn more about Mr. Gobena’s work as a union representative, in East African community organizations, and in neighborhood and local councils, by going to his website.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of May 27, 2019

    ? On this Memorial Day, we honor and remember those who have served in our military. For those among us who have not served, let’s be guided by Mark Twain “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”

    ? Some weeks are worse than other. Last week was horrible and this week is shaping up as much the same. Do not despair, as there are hundreds of thousands of activists all around the country working to bend the arc of history towards justice. In our Northwest corner, ten IE members attended the #StopTheBans Day of Action rally at Seattle City Hall and in the evening, nine members wrote 120 Postcards to Florida democrats urging them to sign up for Vote By Mail. On Thursday eleven members hoisted giant letters for the Alphabet Resistance overpass action. We have such a great community of activists. If you’re on Facebook, you can help spread the influence of these actions wider by sharing the photos from our Facebook Page: Alphabet Resistance Video, Alphabet Resistance Photos, #StopTheBans Rally Photos

    ? Every week we see examples of why majorities in state legislatures matter. Witness the spate of recent “war on women” abortion restriction bills in Republican controlled Georgia, Alabama, Ohio, and Mississippi. With Democrats in control, they can pass bills such as Nevada’s Assembly Bill 431, which will immediately allow ex-felons to vote, including those convicted in another state. Many many people in Washington state worked hard to secure and increase the Democratic majority in our state, setting the stage for the incredibly productive 2019 Legislative session. It’s time to share that love to a sister state that can use our help.

    ? Please join us Sunday, June 2nd, 1:30 – 4 at the Kirkland Library. This is our last Group Meeting until September. You’ll hear how Indivisible Eastside plans to help flip the Virginia Legislature Blue in November and help our redder Legislative districts in Eastern Washington. We’ll hear from Julia Ricketts, organizer of Code Blue – Washington, and learn of Sister District Project Puget Sound’s work in this area. We’ll have refreshments! Join us!

    ? A Big Thank you to Therese and John D, Lassie J, and Wendy W for your generous donations to help fund the Alphabet Resistance!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Release the Tax Returns, Launch Impeachment Inquiry

    Adapted from Indivisible Oregon

    On Thursday, Trump authorized Attorney General William Barr to selectively declassify and publicly disclose any information that he wants. This authorizes Barr to begin weaponizing any intelligence he can find and use to politically attack anyone who is investigating Trump administration crimes, start baseless investigations against political opponents, and disclose ongoing investigations to Russia and other hostile foreign powers.

    Additionally, Congress has a clear, unambiguous right to see Trump’s tax returns, yet the President is point blank refusing to follow the law. Wednesday, news broke of a draft IRS memo explaining that Trump must turn over the returns. The memo was squashed.

    The head of IRS tried to avoid admitting to a House committee that he was ordered by a higher-up to withhold the returns. It is clear over and over that we are watching a cover-up in plain sight.

    The roster of MoCs calling for an impeachment inquiry is growing. The Chair of the Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler, has argued privately that it’s time. The entire Washington delegation must demand impeachment proceedings.

    Our democracy is on fire. Trump’s statement Wednesday that “I don’t do cover-ups” is his version of Nixon’s statement that “I am not a crook.” Don’t hold your silence any longer.

    It’s time to speak up.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling because I’m alarmed that the White House is blocking more than 20 Democratic investigations into Trump, his finances, or his policies. I am also concerned about him granting Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify sensitive information for political purposes.

    Additionally, the latest news about Trump’s tax returns shows – again — that an impeachment inquiry is necessary. Squashing an IRS memo that says Trump must give Congress his returns is obstructing justice. Congress needs to follow the money. Please stand up and support an impeachment inquiry.

    I believe that the entire Washington delegation must not only sign onto an impeachment inquiry, but also speak out about why it’s needed. We need you to bring us out of this brewing constitutional crisis and save our democracy. Thank you.”

    Action 2 – [Election Assistance Commission] Protect Our Elections: Don’t Let Voting Machines Connect to the Internet

    The FBI and Department of Homeland Security have confirmed that our foreign adversaries have targeted election networks in all 50 states with cyberattacks.

    Use this tool to email the Election Assistance Commission and urge them to pass guidelines that ban wireless modems and Internet connectivity in voting systems.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Speak out against the Administration’s plans for mass arrests of immigrant families

    From Indivisible WA 8th

    The Washington Post revealed that Kirstjen Nielsen, the now-former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary who oversaw the Trump administration’s policies around family separation and putting kids into cages, was forced to resign in part because she had “challenged a secret White House plan to arrest thousands of parents and children in a blitz operation against migrants in 10 major U.S. cities.” Before you start feeling any sympathy for Nielsen, the Washington Post revealed that Nielsen’s concerns were “mostly operational and logistical and not as a result of ethical concerns about arresting families.” Of course, the Trump administration won’t give up on a plan to inflict even more cruelty upon families simply because that plan is operationally and logistically flawed. This means that we need to convince our members of Congress to start raising questions about the existence of this program now before it is implemented.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] I’m calling because the Washington Post reported that the Trump administration is planning a ‘blitz’ operation to arrest thousands of migrant parents and children in ten U.S. cities. I am asking [NAME] to call for an investigation into this latest cruel scheme, and anything else that Trump and Stephen Miller are planning. Thank you.”

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of May 20, 2019

    ? Postcards To Voters event is Tuesday May 21st 7-9 PM in Bellevue. We’ll be writing Postcards to Florida Democrats urging them to Vote By Mail. Higher democratic voter turnout could prevent restrictive abortion laws from being passed in Florida. Sign up here to write 10-20 postcards and #StopTheBans

    ? Are you angry about all the heartbeat bills being signed in Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio and soon Missouri? Join Louise and Allison at the #STOPTHEBANS Day of Action, Sponsored by NARAL. Tuesday May 21, 12 pm at City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104. “This Tuesday, May 21st at noon local time at statehouses, town squares, and courthouses across the nation, we will show up to speak out and fight back against this unconstitutional attempt to gut Roe and punish women. Together we say: Stop the bans.”

    ? Due to rain last week, Alphabet Resistance was re-scheduled to this Thursday May 23rd. Current message: HANDS OFF MY BODY/HANDS OFF IRAN. Sign up here to participate.

    ? Speaking of Alphabet Resistance, those letters don’t grow on trees. If you have it in your means, a small donation to Indivisible Eastside can help us keep the letters up on the overpass in Bellevue. We must not stay quiet. Click Donate on the Indivisible Eastside Website. Thank you!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – Help Women in States With Extreme Abortion Bans

    From TheCut

    On Wednesday, Alabama governor Kay Ivey signed into law the most restrictive abortion bill in the country: a near-full ban on the procedure, with no exceptions for cases of rape or incest. Under the measure, abortion would be classified as a felony, and doctors who perform the procedure could face up to 99 years in prison. (The only exception is for cases where the mother’s health is at serious risk.)

    The past year has seen the worrying rise of extreme anti-abortion legislation across the country, from the recent ban in Alabama, to the three states that have passed six-week bans in the last three months: Georgia, Mississippi, and Ohio. And, just hours after Ivey signed Alabama’s bill, the Missouri state senate passed a near-full ban on the medical procedure. The lawmakers behind the bills don’t even attempt to conceal their true intention — to directly attack Roe v. Wade, which they hope to see overturned by the conservative-leaning Supreme Court. (It’s important to note and share – as of now, none of the bills have been enacted.)

    Here’s how to fight back against extreme abortion bans across the country and advocate for the people they could potentially impact.

    Speak out about the potential repercussions of extreme abortion bans, because they’re not going anywhere.

    Vocally condemn attacks on abortion rights, and speak to those around you who may not fully grasp the chilling effect these laws have.

    “Have the critical conversations with your family members and friends to activate them in the fight for abortion access and reproductive justice,” Quita Tinsley, the deputy director of ARC, told the Cut. “Being clear about our beliefs not only challenges stigma, but it also shows the people that have had abortions that they have allies and supporters in their community.”

    NAPAWF executive editor Sung Yeon Choimorrow echoed Tinsley’s sentiments, stressing that the fight against six-week bans is far from over.

    “These restrictions are being copied across several states and this is part of a coordinated outside agenda to restrict our rights nationwide,” Choimorrow told the Cut. “Abortion bans and other attacks on the agency of pregnant people are inextricably linked and cannot be separated from the effort to jail pregnant immigrants at the border, or raid the workplaces of communities of color … This is not the first ban of this type, and it will not be the last attempt.”

    Donate to local, grassroots organizations.

    Aside from nationwide organization like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the ACLU, there are many smaller reproductive-rights organizations that provide support and resources to people seeking abortion in their states. A few good places to give:

    • Access Reproductive Care – Southeast: ARC is a volunteer organization that helps families in 12 states across the southeast access reproductive care.
    • National Network of Abortion Funds: NNAF is a network of more than 80 funds in at least 38 states that seeks to eliminate economic barriers for low-income individuals seeking an abortion.
    • The Yellowhammer Fund: Based in Alabama, Yellowhammer not only provides funding for abortions at one of the city’s three clinics, but also helps with other barriers to access patients may face, such as travel or lodging. (Yellowhammer is part of NNAF.)
    • Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund: Run entirely by volunteers, the Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund helps people access abortion, and provides both support and resources to parents.
    • Women Have Options: This Ohio-based organization provides financial assistance and support to low-income patients seeking reproductive care, abortion included.
    • National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: NAPAWF is a multi-issue community-organizing and policy-advocacy organization that fights for policy changes that would benefit women, transgender, and non-binary Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
    • Gateway Women’s Access Fund: Based in Missouri, Gateway provides both educational and financial support to people in the state who can’t afford the full cost of an abortion.
    • ACLU – we can always count on them to be at the forefront of lawsuits against policy that infringes on our civil rights. Donate generously if you can.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] No War With Iran

    From Seattle Indivisible and

    Donald Trump and his war cabinet seem to be itching for a new war with Iran. First, the Trump administration exited the Iran nuclear deal. Then, they mounted an Iraq War-style PR campaign to prime the public. Now, they’re trying to provoke a reaction from Iran.

    For those who recall the lead-in to the Iraq War, this all probably feels pretty familiar. But history must not repeat itself. It’s essential that Congress use its powers to stop this march to war. Bills to prevent such a war have been introduced – H.R. 2354 and Senate bill 1039 – but they need co-sponsors. MoCs can also issue statements in opposition to war.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m very concerned about the possibility of a new war with Iran.

    Trump foolishly violated the nuclear deal and put it in danger of falling apart, even though Iran was complying and it was keeping us all safer. Now National Security Adviser John Bolton and the war cabinet are escalating tensions. It feels a lot like the lead-up to the Iraq War. Will [NAME] co-sponsor [H.R. 2354/S.1039] and issue a public statement urging diplomacy, not war with Iran?”

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Hold Attorney General Barr in Inherent Contempt!

    From Seattle Indivisible

    In a major escalation, President Trump claimed executive privilege over the entire Mueller Report to keep it from Congress. Also, President Trump has ordered all parties not to cooperate with any ongoing congressional investigations, and the White House will not supply any of the documents subpoenaed by various House Committee Chairs. Attorney General Barr has proven he is loyal to Trump, not the American people. This prompted Chairman Nadler to declare that we’re in a constitutional crisis and Speaker Pelosi to agree. Trump and his allies are blocking more than 20 separate democratic probes in an all out war with Congress. No president can just declare themselves off limits to congressional oversight, yet here we are.


    Just because it’s been about a century since Congress used this power doesn’t mean now isn’t the perfect time. On multiple occasions, the Supreme Court has affirmed that Congress has the inherent right to enforce its rules, and even imprison people either to compel action or as penalty. The Judiciary Committee requested, then subpoenaed the Mueller Report. When the House votes to find AG Barr in Contempt of Congress, that just makes a statement. In unprecedented times, we need more than a statement. We need action.

    When the House votes to hold the AG in contempt, Congress should use its inherent power to have AG Barr arrested and jailed until he produces the full, unredacted Mueller report, including all underlying evidence, as was lawfully subpoenaed. Seem extreme? It is, however, Trump’s extreme escalation requires a response. This is absolutely within the legal power of Congress AND perhaps the best way to get the report!

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to express my concern over the appalling power grab President Trump is attempting as he resists investigation and tries to block the release of the Mueller report. Please tell [NAME] that they cannot let this stand, or we risk changing the country forever. Congress is a co-equal branch of government and has a constitutional duty to check the Executive. We need to see the full Mueller report. If Congress does vote to hold AG Barr in contempt, I support Congress using its inherent contempt powers to jail the AG until he produces the report.”

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    • June 26th – Democratic Primary Debate Watch Party with Indivisible Kirkland (more details to come!)

    … and More:


    For the Week of May 13, 2019

    ? A “Focus on the Family” type group ”NSDUnity” is planning to pack the Northshore School District’s school board meeting today to espouse a bigoted opposition to NSD’s plans to participate in upcoming Pride events. See action 1 below.

    ? Postcards To Voters event is Tuesday May 21st 7-9 PM in Bellevue. Sign up here to meet up, chat with others, and write 10-20 postcards.

    ? Alphabet Resistance needs more participants for the May 16th event. Lots of messaging choices around Mnuchin’s refusal to provide congress with Trump’s Tax returns and Trump refusing to cooperate with hearings. Sign up here to participate. Also, subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see videos of our actions.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [Northshore School District] Support LGBTQ+ inclusion in Northshore School District

    A “Focus on the Family” type group ”NSDUnity” is planning to pack the Northshore School District’s school board meeting May 13th to espouse a bigoted opposition to NSD’s plans to participate in upcoming Pride events. If you are an NSD parent, or other interested party, please voice your support for NSD’s Pride plans, which appear to be student-led.

    1. Attend the School Board meeting today at 3330 Monte Villa Parkway in Bothell. Wear rainbow (or any color except NSD Unity blue.) The meeting is at 4pm but you’re encouraged to show up early.
    2. If you cannot attend, you can voice your support by emailing members of the Northshore School Board

    Action 2 – [YOU] Honor Your Mother and Give the gift of freedom

    We know this is a few days late, but you can continue Mother’s Day all week long by donating to one of these organizations.

    Action 2a. Help Immigrant Families in Washington State

    When ICE detains immigrants, they’re often given a choice: Pay a $5000-25,000 bond, or have their cases fast-tracked before they can get legal help. This cost is out of reach for most families, and fast-tracked cases are more likely to result in deportation.

    The Immigrant Bond Fund gives immigrants in Washington a fighting chance. It provides the bond money that allows detained immigrants to go back to their lives and families while they build a case to gain status.

    Help immigrant mothers stay with their families while waiting for their case to be resolved. Donate: FairFightBondFund.

    Action 2b. #FreeBlackMamas.

    Moms don’t deserve to sit in jail just because they can’t afford bail. We can give them love, freedom, and time with their kids. Donate: To National Bail Out.

    Action 2c. Speak Up and Bring Up family separation and child detention.

    Over 10,000 migrant children are still separated from their parents. Start a conversation with friends and family – even those who do not agree. This is about our humanity.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Oppose charging application fee to asylum seekers

    From AILA and Americans of Conscience

    On April 29th, the President issued a memo in response to the large number of people apprehended at the southern border this year. The memo directs the attorney general and the secretary of homeland security to propose regulations within 90 days. The memo proposes three major changes that will significantly alter long-established practices in asylum law and processing.

    First, the regulations will establish asylum application fees. Second, they will restrict the type of relief asylum seekers may apply for. And lastly, these regulations will bar people who entered between ports of entry without being inspected from receiving a work permit.

    Overall these proposed changes will curtail the due process rights of asylum seekers, while still failing to ensure orderly processing of those arriving at the southern border. For the first time in US history, a fee will be imposed on asylum applicants. Requiring a fee for asylum applicants contradicts international laws and creates a financial barrier for humanitarian protection.

    People fleeing violence and persecution are among the most vulnerable populations of people, and often leave their homes with little more than the clothes on their backs. Forcing them to pay a fee could be an insurmountable obstacle.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], I’m from [CITY, ZIP] and I object to imposing asylum application fees on people fleeing persecution and danger. Not only is this amoral and inhumane, the American Immigration Lawyers Association says the president’s plan “contradicts international law” and still “fails to ensure orderly processing.” What is [NAME] doing to stop the president’s asylum fee and instead heal the root causes of life-threatening conditions in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador?”

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    • June 26th – Democratic Primary Debate Watch Party with Indivisible Kirkland (more details to come!)

    … and More:


    For the Week of May 6, 2019

    ?  Ugh, William Barr (this is getting repetitive). See Action 1 below.

    ?  See notes from our May Group Meeting with links to topics and resources. Thank you Jan K for your informative presentation on Cities Climate Summit II and Hanna F for the Legislative update!

    ?  Thank you Karen C for hosting 9 people who wrote 120 Get Out The Vote postcards to voters in Pennsylvania. Our next monthly Postcards To Voters event is Tuesday May 21st 7-9 PM in Bellevue. Sign up here to meet up, chat with others, and write 10-20 postcards.

    ?  Alphabet Resistance will be back on the overpass in Bellevue May 16th. Sign up here to participate. Also, subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see videos of our actions.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Barr Misled the Public – Call for his Resignation

    From Seattle Indivisible

    Attorney General William P. Barr summarized the Mueller report as finding no collusion and being undecided on obstruction of justice – a summary that Mueller says “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the report, according to a letter released by the Washington Post. Yesterday, Barr testified before congress and expressed no regrets about his handling of the report or his decision not to prosecute Trump for obstruction. He refused to testify before the House on May 3, and refused to comply with the House’s subpoena for the unredacted Mueller report.

    It is clear that he summarized the Mueller report to protect Trump by placing him in the best possible light, and casting a shadow on the damning evidence detailed in the report. We can’t have an Attorney General who uses his position to protect Trump. Barr must resign, and failing that, he must be charged with contempt for refusing the subpoena. Gov. Jay Inslee tweeted: “Americans cannot trust William Barr to serve as our nation’s top law enforcement officer. He should resign immediately.”  Many senators and house reps have also called for his resignation; ask your reps to do the same!

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [PLACE]. I’m calling to ask that [NAME] call for Attorney General William Barr’s resignation and charge him with contempt for refusing to comply with the House’s subpoena. He mischaracterized the Mueller report in his initial summary and misled the public by casting Trump in the best possible light. The Attorney General serves the American people, not the President – Barr is not fit. Thank you. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [YOU] Thank Your WA State Senator and Representatives

    Washington State Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig (D-Spokane) released this statement (link includes a graphic of passed legislation) following the adjournment of the 2019 legislative session, the first 105-day session to end on time since 2009 and the second year in a row the Legislature has adjourned as scheduled:

    “In the two years since Democrats retook control of the Senate, we have worked hard to pass legislation that puts people first and ensures more people have access to a quality education, health care, clean air and water and create an overall better quality of life.

    “We finished our work on time. We made sure diverse voices were heard throughout the legislative session. And we will continue to ensure every Washingtonian has an opportunity to succeed.

    “This year we made historic investments in health care, behavioral health, higher education and the environment — and kept our promise to Washington’s 1.1 million students through additional investments in schools in every corner of our state.

    “We committed our state to a path toward 100% clean energy, adopted the nation’s first public health care option, and became the first state to adopt publicly-funded long-term care.”

    “We tackled criminal justice reform, election transparency and access, workers’ rights, the rights of immigrants, and public safety.

    “For the first time since I’ve been in the Legislature, we made meaningful reforms to our state’s broken tax structure, ensuring that new investments in programs that benefit all Washingtonians won’t be disproportionately paid for by low- and middle income families.

    “We made meaningful steps to ensure that the wealthiest Washingtonians start paying their fair share, but I will be the first to say we still have miles ago to fix our broken tax code.

    “I am so proud of our team and the work we’ve done and what we’ve accomplished for each and every Washingtonian.”

    Action: Write postcards to your Senator and Representatives thanking them for their service. Include a thought about a priority bill that did not pass this session that you would like to see them work on next session. Look up their mailing address at:

    Sample Script:

    Dear Senator/Representative [NAME],

    Thank you for your energy, commitment, diligence and focus during this historic legislative session. I’m thrilled with so many bills that passed including ___________ and ____________. I’m hopeful that next session you can work to pass some other important bills including:  _____________ and ___________. Thank you!




    Suggestions of bills that did not pass this sessions

    • Comprehensive Sex Education
    • Progressive tax structure
    • Presidential Tax Transparency

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Reunite Families Now!

    From Seattle Indivisible

    This issue should be front page news coverage, but ended up being buried by the Mueller Report. Many people have no idea of the true scale of harm caused. Let’s push this issue until it gets the attention it deserves!

    Saturday, April 7, marked the one-year anniversary of Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy of family separation. Friday, April 6, in a court filing, the Trump administration asked the court for up to two years to reunite separated children with their families.

    In the same court filing, the Trump administration admitted the real number of children separated under the controversial “Zero Tolerance” policy was MUCH higher than we previously thought. Approximately 47,000 children were separated from their families between July 1, 2017, and June 25, 2018.

    The ACLU released a statement in response:

    “The administration refuses to treat the family separation crisis it created with urgency. We strongly oppose any plan that gives the government up to two years to find kids. The government swiftly gathered resources to tear families apart. It must do the same to fix the damage.”

    Two more years is not acceptable. Two years is an eternity in a child’s mind to be cut off from a parent. The irreparable harm being caused is undeniable.

    Let our MoCs know we have zero tolerance for state-sanctioned child abuse!

    Sample Script:

    “Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. On Friday the Trump administration asked in court for up to two years to reunite children separated from their families under the inhumane “zero tolerance” policy. We also learned the scale of the damage is much larger than we thought. Close to fifty thousand children still need to be reunited with their families. Two years is not an acceptable time frame. This must be a top priority. I’m asking [MoC] to speak out, introduce legislation, and to do everything possible within their power to keep this in the news until the administration responds with action to reunite all children with their families in an immediate timeframe. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    • June 26th – Democratic Primary Debate Watch Party with Indivisible Kirkland (more details to come!)

    … and More:


    For the Week of April 29, 2019

    ?  Please join us Saturday May 4th at 10:30 am at the Kingsgate Library for our Monthly Group Meeting. We’ll celebrate some of the great bills being signed by the governor and talk about next steps regarding bills that did not pass this session. In addition, hear about the upcoming Climate Cities Summit II, start making plans for Presidential Primary Watch parties, and hear from Bellevue City Council candidate Jeremy Barksdale. We hope you can join us!

    ?  Alphabet Resistance SHOW HIS TAXES! / HEARINGS NOW video – Awesome Job!

    ?  Indivisible Eastside Steering, on behalf of Indivisible Eastside, has signed on to a Letter to Governor Jay Inslee urging him oppose new and expanded gas infrastructure in our region including fracking. Indivisible Eastside joins over 60 organizations around Washington and Oregon in this letter.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE GOP LEADERSHIP] – Condemn Far Right-Wing Rep. Matt Shea

    From Fuse Washington

    We must hold our elected officials here in Washington to the highest possible standards, and when they commit heinous acts, we need to hold them accountable. Rep. Matt Shea of Spokane Valley is unfit to represent Washington, and we’re urging the Washington House Republicans to immediately expel him from their caucus. 

    On April 20th, The Guardian revealed that Rep. Shea was part of a far-right wing group aiming to carry out surveillance, attack, and intimidate Spokane Valley residents. Using the codename “Verum Bellator,” Latin for true warrior, Rep. Shea offered the group assistance in conducting background checks on politically-active residents in Spokane, while others in the group discussed assaulting demonstrators, stalking the children of their political opponents by showing up at their daycares, and showing up at their homes.

    The Seattle Times editorial Board as well as The Washington State Democrats’ Chair Tina Podlodowski urge Washington State Republicans to Expel and Condemn Rep. Matt Shea,.

    This is unconscionable behavior by a sitting representative. Let’s send a message to Republican House leadership (Reps. J.T. Wilcox, Joel Kretz, Paul Harris and Gina Mosbrucker) demanding that Rep. Matt Shea be removed from office. Use the Fuse Washington page to send your message, or email directly yourself by clicking the links below to load the draft emails:

    Rep. J.T. Wilcox (LD2) | (360) 786-7912

    Rep. Joel Kretz (LD7) | (360) 786-7988

    Rep. Gina Mosbrucker (LD14) | (360) 786-7856

    Rep. Paul Harris (LD17) | (360) 786-7976

    Sample Script:

    I urge you to remove Rep. Matt Shea from the Republican House Caucus.

    On April 20th, The Guardian revealed that Representative Shea was part of a far-right wing group aiming to surveil, attack, and intimidate Spokane Valley residents.  Using the codename “Verum Bellator,” Latin for true warrior, Representative Shea offered the group assistance in conducting background checks on politically-active residents in Spokane, while others in the group discussed assaulting demonstrators, stalking the children of their political opponents by showing up at their daycares, and showing up at their homes.

    This is unconscionable behavior by a sitting representative. We must hold our elected officials here in Washington to the highest possible standards, and when they commit heinous acts, we need to hold them accountable.

    State Republicans cannot continue to condone Representative Shea’s pattern of frightening behavior. I urge you to expel Representative Shea from the Republican House Caucus for his dangerous and repugnant actions.”

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE] – Act Now to Bring Drug Prices Down


    Prescription drug prices are substantially higher in the United States than in other high-income countries, and as a result Americans spend more on prescription drugs than residents of other countries. Despite this, the government is not allowed to use its position as the largest purchaser of prescription drugs in the world (through Medicare Part D) to bargain for lower prices for patients. House Democrats have pledged to work on lowering prescription drug prices now that they are in the majority, including by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices, but it isn’t yet clear which bill they will bring to the floor to accomplish this.

    Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) has introduced the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act (H.R. 1046) to give Medicare the power it needs to effectively negotiate with drug companies and bring drug prices down.

    Read More about H.R. 1046, then call your Representative and tell them: co-sponsor this important bill!

    Sample Script:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge Representative [NAME] to co-sponsor H.R. 1046, the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act, because it will bring down our unaffordably high drug prices while protecting patients’ access to critical medicines.

    We need to give Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices, but that new power must be paired with the appropriate leverage so that drug companies can’t continue gouging patients. Representative Doggett’s bill includes a provision that allows the government to issue a competitive license if drug companies refuse to come to the table. This means that companies will either negotiate their prices down, or have to deal with generic competition. Either way, patients will come out paying lower prices.

    Will Representative [NAME] commit to co-sponsoring H.R. 1046, the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act?

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [YOU] – Read or Listen to the Mueller Report Executive Summary

    Have you read the Mueller report? Most of us have not, but most of us would agree it’s an important document to have first hand knowledge of if one is to engage in any sort of thoughtful discussion. There are some excellent resources you can use to review then deepen your understanding.

    1. Read or Listen to the Mueller Report Executive Summary
    2. Read Notes on the Mueller Report: A Reading Diaryby Benjamin Wittes, editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    • June 26th or June 27th – Democratic Primary Debate Watch Party with Indivisible Kirkland (more details to come!)

    … and More:


    For the Week of April 22, 2019

    ?  Ugh – William Barr. See action 3 below for next steps.

    ?  Due to rain (which didn’t materialize), Alphabet Resistance was rescheduled to this coming Thursday, Apr 25, 4:45-6 pm. Join us in this energizing activity. Messaging is either last week’s SHOW HIS TAXES / FIGHT THE SWAMP or we may change over to HEARINGS NOW / NOT EXONERATED or a combo. Fill out your info on the Alphabet Resistance Apr 25 form and we’ll contact you with further details. We have 8 signed up so far and need another 8 to do the action.

    ?  Next Monday, Apr 29 from 1-3 pm in Bellevue is our next PostcardsToVoters. Who will we be writing for? Will it be Pennsylvania House Candidate Campaign Marc Friedenberg who lost his last race by 36 votes? We could push him over the finish line for the May 21st Special Election. Sign up at the link above to join us.

    ? LWSD Residents – Don’t forget to vote by April 23rd! For more information on the LWSD Capital Projects Levy, click here.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE SENATE] Urge progressive action as fiscal bills wrap up

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    There’s still lots of wrangling happening in Olympia.  Bills that are part of the budget process are still being weighed, and the House and Senate are trying to agree on amendments and various versions for each bill, a process known as reconciliation.

    To offer input, we have a few actions.  As in past weeks, we’ve tried to make this easy for you by including the body of each email for you – just don’t forget to sign!

    Action 1A: Please email your state senator to ask for the following actions:

    Please support a strong version of SB 5116, the 100% clean electricity bill. It has passed both chambers and is needs to go back to the Senate for a final vote on its current version.

    Please pass a clean version of HB 1112, an important bill which will phase out the use of HFCs, which are extremely potent greenhouse gases.  It has passed both chambers and needs to go back to the Senate for a final vote on its current version.

    Thank you for your leadership on SB 5602, the Reproductive Health Access for All Act!  We appreciate your vote to refuse amendment 658.  We will not stand by as access to reproductive health care is cut from our undocumented communities.

    For your LD, click on the link below to load the draft email

    OR copy the scripts below if the links don’t load the draft emails correctly.

    Not sure, which is your LD (Legislative District)? You can find out here

    Senator SENATOR’S NAME,

    Thank you for supporting and sponsoring so many fantastic bills this session!

    I’m writing to ask that you continue to support and champion Indivisible legislative priorities, including Reproductive Healthcare & the Environment. You’ve sponsored and co-sponsored many of the bills this session that address these issues, and we really appreciate it. Now we just want to make sure these bills are successful in their floor vote!

    Here are some of our priority bills awaiting consideration in the Senate:

    • Please support a strong version of SB 5116, the 100% clean electricity bill. It has passed both chambers and is needs to go back to the Senate for a final vote on its current version.
    • Please pass a clean version of HB 1112, an important bill which will phase out the use of HFCs, which are extremely potent greenhouse gases.  It has passed both chambers and needs to go back to the Senate for a final vote on its current version.
    • Thank you for your leadership on SB 5602, the Reproductive Health Access for All Act!  We appreciate your vote to refuse amendment 658. We will not stand by as access to reproductive health care is cut from our undocumented communities.

    Thank you for your hard work and leadership during this session.



    Action 1B: Please email Speaker of the House, Frank Chopp to ask that the following bills receive the opportunity for a floor vote:

    • HB 2042: Advancing green transportation and supporting increased use of vehicles that do not rely on fossil fuels
    • SB 5822: Providing a pathway to universal health care in Washington state
    • SB 5078: Requiring tax return disclosures for presidential and vice-presidential candidates
    • SB 5091: Funding special education

    Draft email to Speaker Frank Chopp (click on link to load the draft email)

    OR copy the script below if the above link doesn’t load the email correctly. Email Speaker Chopp at

    Speaker Chopp,

    Thank you for supporting so many fantastic bills this session!

    With just a few more days left before the next cutoff, I’m writing to ask that you continue to support Indivisible legislative priorities, which include the Environment, Healthcare, and Preserving Democracy.

    Here are some of our priority bills awaiting consideration in the House. Please bring these bills to the House floor:

    • HB 2042: Advancing green transportation and supporting increased use of vehicles that do not rely on fossil fuels
    • SB 5822: Providing a pathway to universal health care in Washington state
    • SB 5078: Requiring tax return disclosures for presidential and vice-presidential candidates
    • SB 5091: Funding special education

    Thank you for your hard work and leadership during this session.



    Action 2 – [WA STATE SENATE] Support Funding for Public Education and a Capital Gains Tax in Washington State!

    From Seattle Indivisible and Washington’s Paramount Duty

    This is an urgent moment to for our schools and our state! Washington State has the most upside-down tax code in the nation. The Legislature has an opportunity to pass a capital gains tax this session on the extraordinary profits of 13,400 of Washington’s wealthiest residents when they make more than $200,000 in a calendar year on selling stocks, bonds, or property. An extraordinary profits capital gains tax will raise $2.68 billion in much-needed revenue.

    We need that revenue to be dedicated to the Education Legacy Trust Account to help fund Pre-K, childcare, K-12, and special education programs. We also need legislators to restore flexibility on local levies so as to prevent huge cuts for our public schools this fall. In addition, we shouldn’t use public money for charter schools (as would have been required in a “poison pill” amendment to an earlier proposed funding bill, SB 5313).

    Two articles from Washington’s Paramount Duty, one about the fate of SB 5313 and one about local levies and teacher pay,  provide background about the actions of different Democratic senators. Some of them, such as Senator Wellman, have supported funding. Others, such as Senator Mullet, have blocked it.

    Ask your State Senators to Fund Public Education

    Sample Script: (if you are emailing please use your own words!):

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am urging you to fund our public schools and prevent cuts, and do so with new, progressive revenue. Specifically, I am asking you to support a bold capital gains tax on the extraordinary profits of the highest earners in Washington State. I also support restoring flexibility on local levies to prevent cuts in the classroom. The new revenue should go to the Education Legacy Trust Account to help fund Pre-K, childcare, K-12, and special education programs.”

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE] Demand your members of Congress step up oversight of the Trump Administration


    Even though Attorney General William Barr repeatedly attempted to spin the Mueller report in a way that exonerates Trump — the actual report told us otherwise, further proving to us that Barr is just another agent of the Trump administration.  The report uncovered 10 instances of possible obstruction of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    In light of these revelations, we have two actions for you concerning Congressional oversight and investigations of the Trump Administration. Congress must gain access to the unredacted Mueller report as well as Trump’s tax returns to fully examine the extent of Trump’s malfeasance while in office and during the 2016 campaign.

    Action 3A – Urge Members of Congress to publicly call for the Department of Justice to release the unredacted Mueller report to Congress and call for the public hearings of officials

    Here is the crucial statement in the Mueller report: “…  if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

    Rep. Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has issued a subpoena for the unredacted Mueller report along with the evidence gathered during the investigation. Congress should also demand that former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who oversaw much of the probe, and the primary witnesses in the investigation like former White House counsel Don McGahn, testify before Congress.

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling today because I’m concerned about potential suppression of the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. I’m glad to hear House Judiciary Committee Chairman Nadler has formally subpoenaed the report and underlying evidence, however I also expect Congress to hold public hearings with Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and other senior leadership of the Department of Justice and FBI as well as the primary witnesses in the investigation like former White House counsel Don McGahn.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    Action 3B – Demand the Treasury Department comply with Congressional request for Trump’s tax returns.


    On April 3, Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), the Chair of House Ways and Means Committee, requested the release of Trump’s recent tax returns by invoking Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code. This law was used in 1974 to obtain President Nixon’s tax returns and again in 2014 to investigate the IRS’s handling of non-profits. On April 10th, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated that the Treasury Department would not meet the deadline to release the president’s tax returns. Historically, these requests have been handled by the IRS Commissioner (currently Charles Rettig), but Rettig has deferred to his boss Mnuchin in this matter.

    Both Mnuchin and Rettig need to hear from Congress that they must release Trump’s taxes now, and not bow to pressure from the Trump administration to further delay the process. Trump’s taxes will provide critical confirmation of his potential financial conflicts of interest and entanglements. Congress needs to hear from their constituents that we are relying on them to push for transparency and release Trump’s tax returns.

    Rep. Suzan Delbene (WA-01) sits on the House Ways and Means Committee. This committee has the power to obtain Trump’s tax returns which could provide the American people a window into the President’s financial ties to foreign governments and corporations. Urge her to take further actions to obtain Trump’s tax returns and to be prepared to vote to subpoena the returns if the Treasury Department doesn’t comply.

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

    I’m calling to urge [NAME] to demand the Treasury Department releases Trump’s tax returns as requested by Representative Richard Neal under Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code. It is unacceptable that Treasury Secretary Mnuchin evaded the request, and I expect [NAME] to pressure Mnuchin as well as IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig to comply and release Trump’s tax returns in a timely manner.

    Thank you for your time and attention.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    * More info on The River and the Wall. “The River and The Wall follows five friends on a 1,200 mile journey along the US-Mexico border from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico.  Riding horses, bicycles, and paddling canoes, they travel along the Rio Grande and meet with landowners, border patrol agents, congressmen on both sides of the aisle, immigrants, wildlife biologists, and folks on either side of the Rio to better understand where a physical border wall would go and the impacts it would have.” 88 more people need to sign up in order for this screening to happen at the AMC Pacific Place 11 in Seattle on May 2nd at 7:30. Click on the link above, gather some friends and head into Seattle!

    Save The Date:

    • June 26th or June 27th – Democratic Primary Debate Watch Party with Indivisible Kirkland (more details to come!)

    … and More:


    For the Week of April 15, 2019

    ? Indivisible 2020 Survey Results – Thank you to all the Indivisible Eastside members who responded to our survey on priorities for the 2020 presidential elections. We had 97 respondents, and used the responses to identify our group’s priorities for progressive policy and campaign actions. These priorities informed the answers we provided to Indivisible National on their survey. You can find the survey results HERE.

    ? Alphabet Resistance is this Thursday. What shall it be? DEMS: SUPPORT OMAR! / CONDEMN HATE TWEETS or perhaps something to do with taxes like SHOW TRUMP’S TAXES / STOP CORRUPTION. We have 12 people signed up and could use 6 more. Join us by filling out the Alphabet Resistance Signup Form.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA State Legislature] – Help bring bills up for final vote (URGENT)

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    Bills must pass a floor vote by WEDNESDAY of this week in order to pass this session. Some bills are still waiting in the Rules Committees to schedule the floor vote. Others have been sent to the floor and are awaiting a vote. So, there are two points of pressure for this week: the Rules Chairs and your legislators, who will face a number of important floor votes in the next few days.

    Please contact each of the Rules Committees. We’ve made it easy this week by including the body of each email for you, pointing out the issue areas we care about and highlighting particular bills related to those issue areas that are waiting in the Rules Committees. This will take you 2 minutes and is really important! Please feel free to add personal details and stories to each email – and don’t forget to sign the email before sending!

    Action 1A: Move Senate-passed bills out of the House Rules Committee

    Send an email to Speaker Frank Chopp, Chair of the House Rules Committee, about the following bills:

    • SB 5077: Prohibits single-use plastic straws
    • SB 5822: Providing a pathway to establish universal health care in WA state
    • SB 5078: Requiring presidential and vice-presidential candidates to release 5 years of federal income tax returns in order to be listed on the Washington state ballot.
    • SB 5224: Concerning removing advisory votes from ballots
    • SB 5287: Ensuring accurate redistricting (prevents “prison gerrymandering”)

    Draft email to Speaker Frank Chopp (click on link to load the draft email)

    OR copy the script below if the above link doesn’t load the email correctly. Email Speaker Chopp at

    Speaker Chopp,

    Thank you for supporting so many fantastic bills this session!

    With just a few more days left before the last cutoff, I’m writing to ask that you continue to support Indivisible legislative priorities, which include Climate Change, the Environment, Healthcare, and Preserving Democracy.

    Here are some of our priority bills awaiting consideration in the House:

    • SB 5077: Prohibits single-use plastic straws
    • SB 5822: Providing a pathway to establish universal health care in WA state
    • SB 5078: Requiring presidential and vice-presidential candidates to release 5 years of federal income tax returns in order to be listed on the Washington state ballot.
    • SB 5224: Concerning removing advisory votes from ballots
    • SB 5287: Ensuring accurate redistricting

    Thank you for your hard work and leadership during this session.



    Action 1B: Move House-passed bills out of the Senate Rules Committee

    Send an email to Karen Keiser, Vice Chair of the Senate Rules Committee, about the following bills:

    • HB 1002: Modifying the offense of rape in the third degree
    • HB 1638: Promoting immunity against vaccine preventable diseases
    • HB 1341: Concerning the use of unmanned aerial systems near protected marine species like orcas

    Draft email to Sen. Karen Keiser (click on link to load the draft email)

    OR copy the script below if the above link doesn’t load the email correctly. Email Sen. Keiser at

    Senator Keiser,

    Thank you for supporting so many fantastic bills this session!

    With just a few more days left before the next cutoff, I’m writing to ask that you continue to support Indivisible legislative priorities, which include the Environment & Healthcare.

    Here are some of our priority bills awaiting consideration in the Senate Rules Committee. Please bring these bills to the floor of the Senate for a vote before April 17:

    • HB 1002: Modifying the offense of rape in the third degree
    • HB 1638: Promoting immunity against vaccine preventable diseases
    • HB 1341: Concerning the use of unmanned aerial systems near protected marine species like orcas

    Thank you for your hard work and leadership during this session.



    Action 2 – [WA State Legislature] – Urge State Legislators to vote for crucial bills (URGENT)

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    Bills must pass a floor vote by WEDNESDAY of this week in order to pass this session. The following bills have been put on the floor calendar and they would get a vote this week. Please contact each of your legislators to ask them to support the bills coming up for a floor vote in the next few days. Again, we’ve made it easy by including the body of each email for you, pointing out the issue areas we care about and highlighting particular bills we need them to vote for. This will take you 2 minutes and is really important! Please feel free to add personal details and stories to each emailand don’t forget to sign them before sending!

    Here are the bills up for a floor vote in the next few days –

    House Floor Vote:

    • SB 5602: Reproductive Health Care for All Act
    • SB 5145: Preventing fracking (hydraulic fracturing) in exploration for and production of oil and natural gas
    • SB 5323: Establishes minimum state standards for plastic bag use in retail
    • SB 5397: Concerning responsible management of plastic packaging
    • SB 5577: Protecting orcas from vessels
    • SB 5135: Preventing toxic pollution that affects public health or the environment
    • SB 5165: Revises the state civil rights act with regard to discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status
    • SB 5294: Creating leave provisions for legislative service

    Senate Floor Vote:

    • HB 1531: Concerning medical debt
    • HB 1087: Long Term Care Trust Act
    • HB 1257: Clean Buildings Act/concerning building efficiency
    • HB 1112: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from hydrofluorocarbons
    • HB 1444: Concerning appliance efficiency standards
    • HB 1739: Creates restrictions and prohibitions around undetectable and untraceable firearms, such as those that are printed on a 3D printer
    • HB 1379: Concerning disclosure of contributions from political committees to other political committees

    For your LD, click on each of the three links below to load the draft email

    OR copy the scripts below if the links don’t load the draft emails correctly.

    Not sure, which is your LD (Legislative District)? You can find out here

    1st LD: Senator Guy Palumbo | Representative Derek Stanford | Representative Shelley Kloba

    5th LD: Senator Mark Mullet | Representative Bill Ramos | Representative Lisa Callan

    41st LD: Senator Lisa Wellman | Representative Tana Senn | Representative My-Linh Thai

    45th LD: Senator Manka Dhingra | Representative Roger Goodman | Representative Larry Springer

    48th LD: Senator Patty Kuderer | Representative Vandana Slatter | Representative Amy Walen

    Sample email for State Senator

    Senator SENATOR’S NAME,

    Thank you for supporting and sponsoring so many fantastic bills this session!

    With just a few days left before the last cutoff, I’m writing to ask that you continue to support and champion Indivisible legislative priorities, including Healthcare, Climate & the Environment, and Gun Safety. You’ve sponsored and cosponsored many of the bills this session that address these issues, and we really appreciate it. Now we just want to make sure these bills are successful in their floor vote!

    Here are some of our priority bills awaiting consideration in the Senate:

    • HB 1531: Concerning medical debt
    • HB 1087: Long Term Care Trust Act
    • HB 1257: Clean Buildings Act/concerning building efficiency
    • HB 1112: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from hydrofluorocarbons
    • HB 1444: Concerning appliance efficiency standards
    • HB 1739: Creates restrictions and prohibitions around undetectable and untraceable firearms, such as those that are printed on a 3D printer
    • HB 1379: Concerning disclosure of contributions from political committees to other political committees

    Thank you for your hard work and leadership during this session.



    Sample email for your two State Representatives

    Representative REPRESENTATIVE’S NAME

    Thank you for supporting and sponsoring so many fantastic bills this session!

    With just a few days left before the last cutoff, I’m writing to ask that you continue to support and champion Indivisible legislative priorities, including Healthcare, Climate & the Environment, and Social Justice. You’ve sponsored and cosponsored many of the bills this session that address these issues, and we really appreciate it. Now we just want to make sure these bills are successful in their floor vote!

    Here are some of our priority bills awaiting consideration in the House:

    • SB 5602: Reproductive Health Care for All Act
    • SB 5145: Preventing fracking (hydraulic fracturing) in exploration for and production of oil and natural gas
    • SB 5323: Establishes minimum state standards for plastic bag use in retail establishments
    • SB 5397: Concerning responsible management of plastic packaging
    • SB 5577: Protecting orcas from vessels
    • SB 5135: Preventing toxic pollution that affects public health or the environment
    • SB 5165: Revises the state civil rights act with regard to discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status
    • SB 5294: Creating leave provisions for legislative service

    Thank you for your hard work and leadership during this session.



    Action 3 – [House and Senate] – Stand against Islamophobia

    From American Civil Liberties Union

    We have two actions this week that urges our representatives in Congress to strongly push back against President Trump’s Islamophobic Muslim Ban as well as his recently amped up rhetoric against one of the only two Muslim women in Congress, Rep. Ilhan Omar.

    The long-awaited NO Ban Act, introduced by Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Representative Judy Chu (D-Calif.), would immediately rescind the Muslim ban as well as President Trump’s asylum ban and refugee ban, definitively ending these discriminatory abuses of authority by the Trump administration. It would also change the standard by which presidents can invoke ban authority in the future.

    Under current law, the executive branch can bar large groups of people from entry without effective accountability or regard for other parts of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The text of the provision that President Trump has relied on in support of his bans says that the President may “suspend the entry” of groups of non-citizens based on a finding that such entry would be “detrimental to the interests of the United States.” And, in a historic failure, the Supreme Court relied on this statutory authority—and discounted the Constitution and other parts of the INA—when it allowed the Muslim ban to remain in effect.

    So it’s this specific “entry suspension” provision that the NO BAN Act works to limit. The bill would curtail the broad and unspecific language in the current law and would instead require the government to meet a more stringent standard in suspending or restricting entry based on “credible facts” and connected to “specific acts” that have actually occurred. It would require that such a drastic measure be narrowly tailored to meet a compelling government interest using the least restrictive means in doing so. And it would also establish a system of checks and balances, such that Congress would be routinely notified and briefed on the status, implementation, and constitutional and legislative authority for the executive’s actions.

    Action 3A – Get the facts:

    Action 3B – Urge your Senators and Representative to support this bill in their respective chambers:

    Thank Sen. Patty Murray, Rep. Suzan Delbene & Rep. Adam Smith for cosponsoring this bill.

    Sample Script for our Sen. Patty Murray, Rep. Suzan Delbene & Rep. Adam Smith:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to thank [NAME] for co-sponsoring the NO Ban Act introduced by Senator Chris Coons & Representative Judy Chu which would immediately rescind President Trump’s Muslim Ban as well as the asylum and refugee bans. Congress also needs to act to clarify the language of the current law so that future administrations cannot prohibit immigrants from entry into the United States based on their religious beliefs.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Urge Sen. Maria Cantwell and Rep. Kim Schrier to cosponsor this bill

    Sample Script for Sen. Maria Cantwell & Rep. Kim Schrier:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to urge [NAME] to co-sponsor the NO Ban Act introduced by Senator Chris Coons & Representative Judy Chu which would immediately rescind President Trump’s Muslim Ban as well as the asylum and refugee bans. It would also amend provisions in Immigration and Nationality Act to limit the standard by which future presidents can invoke the ban authority. Please support and co-sponsor the No Ban Act.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3C – Urge your Senators and Representative to publicly defend Rep. Ilhan Omar against Pres. Trump’s attacks:

    From Politico – During an event held by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in March, Omar said Muslims for “far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen” and began to face increased Islamophobia after 9/11.

    “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,” Omar said.

    But several conservative commentators, The New York Post and the president took the “some people did something” line in isolation to convey Omar as trivializing the attacks. Trump tweeted a video Friday showing the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on fire on 9/11, interlaced with Omar’s shortened quote.

    A Washington Post FactChecker article analyses the context in which Rep. Omar made her original remarks back in March in the aftermath of the Christchurch Mosque shooting in New Zealand.

    This is an attempt to once again tear down a vocal critic of this administration’s policies using a quote that is taken out of context. President Trump and his allies are using the painful images of 9/11 for a political attack. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “The memory of 9/11 is sacred ground, and any discussion of it must be done with reverence”. The words the President uses matter. They have had a corrosive effect on our shared bonds as Americans and as a nation of immigrants. Because of the relentless attacks on the Congresswomen from right wing media and now the President, Rep Omar receives regular death threats on the basis of her faith, including from one New York man who threatened recently to ‘put a bullet in her . . . skull.’”. Democrats in Congress need to step forward and strongly rebuke the President’s attacks.

    Sample Script for our Senators and Representative:

    “Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to urge [NAME] to strongly condemn the President’s recent attacks on Representative Ilhan Omar. With the rise of Islamophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric in our country, and given that Representative Omar has been receiving a surge in death threats, it is important that our leaders speak up against the President’s rhetoric and unequivocally defend Representative Ilhan Omar.

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of April 8, 2019

    ? Notes from Saturday’s IE Group Meeting

    ? Indivisible 2020 Survey – Attendees of Saturday’s Indivisible Eastside group meeting filled out a survey. The results from this will be used as input to Indivisible National’s 2020 survey. If you were not able to attend the meeting, please fill out the IE 2020 Survey by Tuesday April 9. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important opportunity to provide feedback to Indivisible National. 

    ? Thank you to the 16 people who came out last Monday for Alphabet Resistance RELEASE REPORT! NOT EXONERATED action. It’s important to keep up the pressure. Next action is April 18th.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1- [State Legislature] – Act today in advance of April 9th Deadline

    From Indivisible Kirkland, Seattle Indivisible and Washington’s Paramount Duty

    Bills have one more set of committees to clear before heading to the floor for a final vote. Bills must pass out of their fiscal committees by the end of the day on Tuesday.  Please contact the Committees to demonstrate your support for these bills. We’ve tried to make this as easy as possible for you by including the bill information in the email links. Thank you!

    Action 1a – House Appropriations Committee (Please email Committee Chair:  Rep. Timm Ormsby.)

    • SB 5577:  Protecting orcas from vessels
    • SB 5116:  100% Clean Electricity
    • SB 5602:  Reproductive Health Care for All Act
    • SB 5822:  Providing a pathway to establish universal health care in WA state
    • SB 5497:  Keep Washington Working; Establishing a statewide policy supporting WA’s economy and immigrants’ role in the workplace (This is the most important immigration bill of the session.)
    • SB 5120:  Prohibits new contracts with private prisons
    • SB 5063:  Providing prepaid postage for all election ballots
    • SB 5141:  Concerning school resource officer training and policies
    • SB 5181:  Temporarily restricting firearms access after involuntary 72-hour hold

    Action 1b – Senate Ways & Means Committee (Please email Committee Chair:  Sen. Christine Rolfes.)

    • HB 1578:  Protecting our orcas by improving the safety of oil transportation
    • HB 1579:  Protecting our orcas by implementing recommendations from task force related to increasing chinook abundance
    • HB 1065:  Protecting consumers from charges for out-of-network charges for health care services
    • HB 1767:  Establishing a law enforcement grant program to expand alternatives to arrest and jail processes
    • SB 5336:  Advancing electric transportation (Though this bill is still in its chamber of origin, it is still alive since it’s part of the budget process.)

    Action 1c – Demand a clean levy lid lift bill

    Over the last two years, our state legislature has started to improve the level of funding for Washington’s K-12 schools. The mechanism by which they made this change was through a simultaneous reduction of local tax levies along with an increase of state tax levies. You might remember this in the context of the Washington Supreme Court’s McCleary decision.

    According to a recent op-ed written by Puyallup teacher and union president Karen McNamara, “[The] Washington Supreme Court’s McCleary decision resulted in increased funding for our schools, but the state does not fund everything. School districts pay for arts programs, extra nurses and counselors, teachers and instructional assistants to reduce class sizes and much more… When the Legislature voted to dramatically restrict school levies in 2017, even lawmakers knew they would need to provide a ‘levy fix’ in the next budget.”

    The ‘levy fix’ that Karen McNamara refers to has taken the form of Senate Bill 5313, which would relax the levy restrictions introduced in 2017 so that local school districts can make better choices for their students. Unfortunately, two state Senators (Sen. Guy Palumbo of 1st LD & Sen. Mark Mullet of 5th LD) refused to vote it out of the Ways and Means Committee unless the bill had a pair of ‘poison pill’ amendments attached to it. Our friends at Washington’s Paramount Duty described the two amendments in this way:

    “The first amendment would wind up slashing teacher pay and… limit teachers from collectively bargaining with school districts for fair wages. The second amendment would allow charter schools to get new public money from the state, without requiring a public vote, even as the legislature claims they don’t have enough money to meet the basic education needs of students in our public schools… Senators Palumbo and Mullet… held the entire state budget hostage unless these extreme demands were met. This is no way to govern, and it comes at the expense of our public schools and teachers.”

    The bill still needs to be approved by the full State Senate, the House, and Governor Inslee, which means we can still stop these terrible amendments from undermining our schools.


    Call your State Senator (other than Lisa Wellman — for her script, scroll down farther):

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to ask [NAME] to reject the poison pill amendments that were added to SB 5313 and demand a clean school levy bill instead. Our students and teachers deserve better. Thank you!”

    If you are a constituent of Sen. Lisa Wellman, please call and thank her for sponsoring this bill and support her continuing efforts to have it passed without these amendments.

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to thank Senator Wellman for sponsoring  SB 5313, the school levy bill. I appreciate her continued efforts to ensure this bill passes WITHOUT the poison pill amendments. Our students and teachers deserve better. Thank you!”

    Call Gov. Jay Inslee: 360-902-4111.

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am calling to ask Governor Inslee to publicly declare that he will veto SB 5313, the school levy bill, unless the legislature removes its poison pill amendments. Our students and teachers deserve better. Thank you!”

    To learn more:

    Action 2 – [Puerto Rico] – Support our hungry neighbors in Puerto Rico

    From Americans of Conscience

    The president is blocking food aid to Puerto Rico where nearly 43% of the population relies on food stamps. As described in this article, poor policy design, congressional dithering, and a hostile White House mean that critical aid for hundreds of thousands of the most vulnerable Puerto Ricans is vanishing. S. 572 was introduced to address this issue.

    Donate: To the Food Bank of Puerto Rico (Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico)

    Call: Your two senators this week.

    Sample Script:

    “Hi, I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] to support relief for Puerto Rico. Our fellow Americans are starving due to the president’s biases and Congressional inaction. I’m asking [NAME] to show mercy toward our fellow citizens, support immediate passage of S. 572 to address the situation, and ensure Puerto Rico receives all promised financial support.”

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [FLORIDA VOTERS] Help Andrew Gillum register 1 million voters

    From Code Blue Washington

    Andrew Gillum’s Forward Florida PAC is launching a new initiative to register and engage 1 million new voters by 2020. This is an on-point investment in a key swing state and it’s worth learning about, even if your finances don’t allow you to contribute. (No one knows better than Andrew Gillum that elections are won or lost by 1% in FL all the time. His recent run for Governor was a heartbreaker.) It’s almost impossible to win the Presidency without FL’s 29 electoral votes. If you’re looking for places your dollar will have an impact in 2020, Forward Florida PAC is a good bet! However, if you need to watch your budget these days and want a different way to encourage voting, consider signing up for a Postcards to Voters event sometime–there’s one listed in the Calendar below.   

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of April 1, 2019

    ? Indivisible Eastside will be signing on to a Letter to President Trump denouncing Hate Crimes and his contribution to their rise. This letter was written by Kevin J, founder of Indivisible Vashon. At the Group Meeting Sat April 6th 10:30 am at Kirkland Library, you will have an opportunity to sign a copy of the letter which will go to Washington’s two US senators and your US Representative. Please read the letter and decide if you’d like to sign at the meeting.

    ? Registration is open for three upcoming Indivisible Eastside events. Click the link and fill out the form to participate:

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [STATE LEGISLATURE] – Act today in advance of April 3rd Deadline

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    In order to “stay alive”, bills must pass out of their policy committees by the end of the day on Wednesday. Please contact the Committees to demonstrate your support for these bills. We’ve tried to make this as easy as possible for you by including the bill information in the email links. Please don’t get overwhelmed by the length of this list. Do 1, or do 5, or do all 9. Just do something today.

    **Rep. Tomiko Santos is blocking movement of SB 5395 which would mandate comprehensive sexual health education in public schools. For NO GOOD REASON. She should pass this bill out of committee and let it stand on its own merits during a floor vote. For more information on her tactics, check out this piece in the Stranger. Please use the League of Women Voters’ tool to contact ALL the members of the House Education Committee TODAY.

    House Environment & Energy Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon.)

    • SB 5077: Prohibits single-use plastic straws

    House Health Care & Wellness Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Eileen Cody.)

    • SB 5602: Reproductive Health Care for All Act
    • SB 5822: Providing a pathway to establish universal health care in WA state
    • SB 5526: Increasing the availability of quality, affordable health coverage in the individual market

    House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Laurie Jinkins.)

    • SB 5434: Restricting firearms from certain locations (school buses, private schools, daycare and childcare centers) **This bill has not had any action taken in this committee – please request an immediate hearing on this bill.

    House State Government Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Mia Gregerson.)

    • SB 5078: Requiring presidential and vice-presidential candidates to release 5 years of federal income tax returns in order to be listed on the Washington state ballot.
    • SB 5287: Ensuring accurate redistricting (prevents “prison gerrymandering”)

    Senate Transportation Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Senator Steve Hobbs.)

    • HB 1110: Clean Fuels standard: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation

    Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Senator Annette Cleveland.)

    • HB 1065: Protecting consumers from charges for out-of-network charges for health care services
    • HB 1638: Promoting immunity against vaccine preventable diseases
    • HB 1523: Increasing the availability of quality, affordable health coverage in the individual market

    Senate State Government Committee (Please email Committee Vice Chair: Senator Patty Kuderer.)

    • HB 1251: Concerning security breaches of election systems or election data including by foreign entities.

    House Education Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos.)

    • SB 5689: Protects transgender students from bullying, harassment, and discrimination in public schools (This bill has received some public backlash from trans-phobic families. We really need to push for this bill to keep moving.)
    • SB 5612: Encourages Holocaust instruction in every public middle and high school; examines best practices and creates guidelines for teaching about the Holocaust

    Action 2 – [YOU] Attend a Protest to RELEASE THE REPORT

    Even though AG William Barr stated Friday that he would release a redacted version of the Mueller Investigation Report by mid-April, it’s important to keep up the pressure. Indivisible and MoveOn are monitoring the situation and will make a decision Wednesday regarding a possible Thursday protest. Sign up for an Apr 4th protest near you, and you’ll receive an alert if the protest is confirmed.

    Action 3 – [US SENATE] Keep Political Operatives Out of the Federal Reserve

    From Seattle Indivisible

    The newest person in the long line of terrible Trump appointments is Stephen Moore, a man who has so far supported Trump’s every fiscal whim and who Trump has now nominated to be on the Federal Reserve Board. Moore not only has a history of misstating facts, but he also seems to be willing to manipulate the economy in the short term to benefit his political party even if the long-term effects of that manipulation are bad for the country. When Trump has publicly decried the current Fed chairman, Jerome H. Powell, for refusing to follow orders, Moore has been cheering Trump on and even encouraging him to fire everyone at the Federal Reserve for their disloyalty.

    A stable economy depends on a Federal Reserve that is not politically compromised – and Stephen Moore’s appointment would last either 5 or 11 years depending on which seat he fills. Luckily, he has to be confirmed by the Senate – so call your Senators and tell them to block Moore for the sake of our economy!

    Sample Script:

    Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am worried about President Trump’s recent nomination of Stephen Moore for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board. Stephen Moore has demonstrated that he is willing to use the Federal Reserve as a political tool to benefit Trump and the Republican Party, to the ultimate detriment of our economy. Please vote against Moore’s confirmation and do whatever you can to keep him out of the Fed. Thank you.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of March 25, 2019

    ? Our short group meeting on Sat April 6th 10:30 am at Kirkland Library should prove to be a lively discussion. Bring your smart-phone, tablet, or laptop to fill out a short survey in real-time. We’ll discuss the results at the meeting and use these results as input to Indivisible National. The survey will be emailed out after the meeting for those who cannot attend.

     ? The IE Steering committee is pleased to welcome Hanna Floss to the steering committee. Hanna has been a steadfast contributor participating in our elections topic group, organizing data into a usable spreadsheet, attending Postcarding and Alphabet Resistance events and participating in Monthly meetings. Hanna really stepped up this winter with her involvement as one of IE’s connectors with Washington State Indivisible Coalition (WaSIC) helping to develop their bill tracking system, participating in Lobby day, and testifying for, and championing SB 5001 Concerning human remains (see action 3 below). Hanna will be a huge asset to steering and we look forward to working more closely with her.  

    ? King County Elections is holding training sessions for volunteers to become certified election observers. Allison did this and found it fascinating! If you are interested in becoming a certified election observer (and you identify as a Democrat) please see this FAQ sheet, and then sign up for the April Special Election Training . Training choices are Tue, April 2nd OR Fri, April 5th, 1pm-3pm in Renton.

    ? We still have room for you at IE Postcards To Voters Sat, Mar 30, 10am – noon in Bellevue. Fill out the form to attend. We hear there may be new kittens!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] It’s Mueller Time

    The Mueller investigation is over. The Special Counsel has delivered his findings to Attorney General Barr, and Barr has delivered a four page summary to the Senate and House Judiciary committees. We demand that these findings be made public and will support the congressional investigations into a host of other matters that are still pending.

    Action 1a. For more than a year now, we’ve been ready to mobilize when Trump crosses a red line. In November, you flooded the streets across the nation when Trump forced Attorney General Sessions to resign and replaced him with Matthew Whitaker. Now, we’re watching for a potential second crossing of a red line: Congress or the administration blocks the public from seeing Mueller’s findings.

    Sign up to be notified of a protest near you via the Trump Is Not Above The Law Mueller Time page.

    Action 1b. Contact your Members of Congress to let them know you expect the findings to be released to the public.

    Sample Script for Representatives:

    Thank you for joining in the unanimous vote on March 14 on House Concurrent Resolution 24 in support of making the Mueller report available to both the public and Congress. This kind of pro-transparency vote is important to our nation. Please continue to use the full extent of House oversight and investigative powers to ensure that the results of Mueller’s investigation are made public and that investigations that are even wider in scope than Mueller’s continue, in order to get to the truth and hold Trump accountable.​

    Sample Script for Senators:

    On March 14 the House voted unanimously on House Concurrent Resolution 24 in support of making the Mueller report available to both the public and Congress. This kind of pro-transparency vote is important to our nation. Please work to use the full extent of Senate oversight and investigative powers to ensure that the results of Mueller’s investigation are made public and that investigations that are even wider in scope than Mueller’s continue, in order to get to the truth and hold Trump accountable.

    Action 2 – [STATE HOUSE & SENATE] Pass bills out of chamber

    The journey continues!  Bills that passed their original chamber (either House or Senate) are now making their way through the opposite chamber. The bills below are being considered in committee this week.  Some had hearings last week, but still haven’t been passed. Please contact these Committees to demonstrate your support for these bills.

    House Education Committee (Please email Committee Chair:  Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos.) At some of the LD Town halls last weekend, there was some opposition to this bill. We need to speak out just as loudly, thank our senators who all voted for yea and express support to our reps. *** PLEASE click on the bill link and comment sending your comment to your senator and both reps.

    • SB 5395:  Mandating comprehensive sexual health education in public schools.  This curriculum will be evidence-informed, medically and scientifically accurate, inclusive, and age-appropriate.

    Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee (Please email Committee Chair:  Senator Annette Cleveland.) (Bonus, if you’re in LD 45, click on the bill link and comment. Senator Dhingra is on this committee)

    • HB 1065:  Protecting consumers from charges for out-of-network health care services (executive session  3/27 1:30 pm)

    House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Laurie Jinkins.) We asked you to comment last week on the first three. Now they’re scheduled for executive session on 3/28 so please contact the chair again. Bonus, if you’re in LD 41, 45, or 48, click on the bill link and comment – Rep. Thai, Rep. Goodman, and Rep. Walen are on this committee)

    • SB 5497:  Keep Washington Working; Establishing a statewide policy supporting WA’s economy and immigrants’ role in the workplace (This is the most important immigration bill of the session.)
    • SB 5181:  Temporarily restricting firearms access after involuntary 72-hour hold
    • SB 5508:  Clarifying background check requirements for concealed pistol license
    • SB 5434:  Restricting firearms from certain locations (school buses, private schools, daycare and childcare centers) (no hearing scheduled)

    House Health Care & Wellness Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Eileen Cody.) (Bonus, if you’re in LD 41, click on the bill link and comment – Rep. Thai is on this committee)

    • SB 5602:  Reproductive Health Care for All Act (hearing 3/27 1:30 pm)

    House State Government Committee (Please email Committee Chair:  Rep. Mia Gregerson. ) (Three of these we commented on last week, but they have not been voted out of committee, so need our attention. Bonus, if you’re in LD 41 click on the bill link and comment – Rep. Senn is on this committee)

    • SB 5078:  Requiring presidential and vice-presidential candidates to release 5 years of federal income tax returns in order to be listed on the Washington state ballot. (no hearing scheduled and there’s some vocal push-back in purple districts)
    • SB 5063:  Providing prepaid postage for all election ballots
    • SB 5294:  Creating leave provisions for legislative service, which will allow people to take leave from work in order to serve in state government (executive session 3/28 1:30 pm)
    • SB 5287:  Ensuring accurate redistricting (hearing 3/26 1:30 pm)

    Action 3 – [STATE HOUSE] For LD 1, 41, 45 and 48 members

    There are two bills we’ve been following that can use your support as they progress out of committee into their House Appropriations and House Finance committees. Please take a minute to contact your rep on these committees.

    Action 3a. SB 5001 – Providing more sustainable options for dealing with human remains

    This bill is described in Green Burial: Composting Human Remains. IE steering member Hanna F has been championing it, and it is sitting in the House Appropriations Committee. We need to get it voted out of that committee before the next cutoff. 

    Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [your name] and I live in Representative [NAME’s] district. I would like to urge Representative [NAME] to vote YES to move “SB5001: Concerning Human Remains” out of Appropriations Committee as soon as possible. This bill provides Washingtonians with a truly sustainable death care option, and more choice when it comes to the end-of-life.
    There are several reasons why I urge Rep. [NAME] to support this bill:

    • It gives me freedom of choice: having funeral options that feel respectful and dignified is important
    • It helps the environment and alleviates climate change: more green funeral options are needed
    • 76% of Washingtonians are cremated. Yet cremation is an energy-intensive process that releases carbon dioxide, mercury, and particulates into the atmosphere. The energy required to cremate a body is roughly equal to the amount of fuel it takes to drive 4,800 miles!

    This is why SB 5001 is so important; the process gently converts a body into soil, using just 1/8 the energy of cremation. And it saves over a metric ton of carbon per person who chooses it over cremation or burial.

    Thank you for supporting this important bill.”

    Action 3b. SB 5116 – 100% Clean Electricity

    Sample Script:

    “Please vote yes on SB 5116 in your House Finance Committee.  This bill creates crucial climate legislation that is very important to me.  Please preserve target dates for coal plant shutdown by 2025 and carbon neutral electricity by 2030.  Please limit opportunities for utilities to avoid being held accountable to these dates.

    Thank you for supporting this important bill.”

    2020 Corner – Donate for Policy, For Results, and to Win

    Are you wondering how your donations can have a big impact on the Presidential election? Here are two ideas to consider.

    Donate for Policy: What policy issues do you want to hear debated in Presidential Primary debates? In order to be eligible for debates, Candidates need to reach a threshold of 65,000 individual donors. If you care about climate and want to make sure this is a topic, consider donating to Jay Inslee. What topics are in danger of being glossed over? Make sure those candidates get a platform to speak by donating a small amount to a few campaigns before the first quarter donation deadline of March 31st.

    Donate for Results: Republicans are already building up Trump’s war chest. We can’t afford to wait. Donate today! 100% of donations to the Unify or Die Fund will go to the eventual Democratic nominee for President, exactly when they need it most: right after the convention in July 2020, as they enter the general election. Start donating today.

    Donate to Win: A post-Mueller call to action from Swing Left:  “There’s still a lot to unpack, and we know that the Democratic House majority (that we helped elect) will use its oversight powers to try to bring the facts to light.

    But one thing’s clear: If you were counting on Robert Mueller bringing down the Trump White House, it’s time to regroup. We are the ones who can—and will—remove this president from office.

    And we’ll do it by building the biggest voter registration machine this country’s ever seen. Donate now to help register voters—and let’s take back our government in 2020.”

    Steering Spotlight featuring new member Hanna F:

    • What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside?
      During the 2016 election, I was appalled that Trump was the Republican nominee. I had joined a FB group PantSuit Nation in support of Hillary Clinton. Once the election happened and the Indivisible guide came out, that group changed into Indivisible plus Washington and all the local offshoots started forming. I was excited to see the Eastside group form, and began following and attending meetings right away. I was glad to have a local like minded community to turn to put our collective outrage to good use in the form of resistance and protest. It helps to know that there are so many people who share your same feelings about the administration, and are motivated to do everything we can to save our democracy and move a progressive agenda forward for the good of all people.
    • What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years?
      This administration has motivated me to be more actively involved in politics. I have always voted, and done my homework around elections, but I’ve never protested, contacted my representatives, or tracked legislation. I’ve realized that it can be very empowering to speak up. I’ve always been hesitant of public speaking, but when something means this much to me, I realize that speaking up can feel really good. Especially when you’ve got a roomful of people who agree with you! I never thought I would testify at a hearing on a bill, but I did this year, and it was very gratifying!
    • What do you do for IE?
      Since I’m brand new to the steering committee, I haven’t settled into an area of focus yet, but I am looking forward to helping where needed.
    • Fun fact about yourself.
      I don’t have a middle name. My parents didn’t give any of their kids middle names. My husband decided I needed one, so he calls me Hanna “Dot”. My email address is “hanna.floss”. LOL
    • Your background:
      My parents are both only children from Berlin, Germany, born in 1934. They lived through WW2, and immigrated to the US in 1966 just 2 months before I was born. My dad was professor of medicinal chemistry (began in the Pharmacy department at Purdue) and I spent the first 16 years of my life in W. Lafayette, Indiana. My husband jokes that I really was never a Hoosier, because my parents raised us very German, so I never learned typical Midwestern American traditions. After high school I went to the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY, earning an Associates degree in Culinary Arts with a specialty in Baking and Pastry. In 1989 I moved to Bellevue, prompted by my desire to be near my parents, when my dad got a position at the UW in their Chemistry Department. After working at a bakery in W. Seattle for a couple of years, the owner wanted to retire, so with my parents help, I bought the place and ran it for 5 years. In the meantime I had two kids, and owning a bakery and trying to raise kids was too much, so I gave up the bakery to be a full time mom. As they grew older, I did administrative work at some non-profits, the most recent being at Sammamish Rowing Association where I (and my kids and current husband) have enjoyed a very competitive fulfilling hobby that very much changed the health and well-being of our lives. I love the Pacific Northwest with its proximity to water, and mountains and I seek every opportunity to take advantage of that through rowing, hiking/snowshoeing, cycling and running.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of March 18, 2019

    ? To our Muslim community members of Indivisible Eastside:

    Assalamu Alaikoum!

    We reach out in solidarity to offer our support and condolences following the attacks on our Muslim sisters and brothers in Christchurch, NZ. We see the corrosive effect that outspoken hate and bigotry has wrought globally in encouraging these attacks, and we redouble our efforts to counter this through organization, community, and love. We stand with you, our neighbors, our friends, our family.

    We will follow the lead of our neighbors CAIR-Washington State and MAPS AMEN in supporting the Muslim community. We stand with you.

    ? Thank you to the 23 Alphabet Resisters who came out Thursday to support last Friday’s Youth Climate Strike.

    ? The election for Seat #1 of the King Conservation District (KCD) Board of Supervisors begins March 18th. All Supervisors are public officials who serve without compensation and who set policy and direction for the conservation district.  Registered voters who reside within the conservation district boundary are eligible to vote, however YOU MUST REQUEST a Mail-in, Paper Ballot in order to vote. Please review the candidates and request a ballot to vote to shape the makeup of this commission whose 6M budget is funded primarily by a per-parcel assessment fee. The voting period ends March 29, 2019 at 5:00pm.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE HOUSE] Pass Bills out of Committee Part 1 – Action deadline 3/18

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    The Legislative session is now half over. Bills that passed their original chamber (either House or Senate) are now starting their journey through the opposite chamber.  The bills that are still alive have been sent to a policy committee in the opposite chamber and are awaiting hearings or votes to move out of committee. The bills below are being considered in committee early this week.  Please contact these Committee chairs TODAY to demonstrate your support. Simply click on their names and your email program will open with the subject line filled in. Then write a short statement of support. If you live in the chair’s LD, make sure to give your address in the email and mention that you’re a constituent.

    House Environment & Energy Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon.)

    • SB 5323:  Establishes minimum state standards for plastic bag use in retail; manages plastic packaging manufacturers. Hearing 3/18 1:30 pm
    • SB 5135: Preventing toxic pollution that affects public health or the environment. Hearing 3/21 8 am.
    • SB 5116: 100% clean electricity: transitioning to a clean, affordable, and reliable energy future in Washington. Hearing 3/19 3:30 pm

    Senate Environment & Technology Committee (Please email Vice Chair: Sen. Guy Palumbo. ) Bonus: If you’re in LD 41 click on the bill link and comment – Sen. Wellman is on this committee.

    • HB 1110:  Reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation. Hearing 3/19 10 am. Bonus: Rep. Springer voted Nay on this bill. If you’re in LD 45, comment on the bill and ask him why.
    • HB 1578: Reducing threats to southern resident orcas by improving the safety of oil transportation. Hearing 3/19 10 am.
    • HB 1579:  Implementing recommendations of the southern resident killer whale task force related to increasing chinook abundance. Hearing 3/19 1:30 pm.

    Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Sen. Lisa Wellman.) Bonus: If you’re in LD 5 click on the bill link and comment – Sen. Mullet is on this committee.

    • HB 1344:  Concerning child care access. Hearing 3/18 1:30 pm

    House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Laurie Jinkins.) Bonus: if you’re in LD 41, 45 or 48, click on the bill link and comment – Rep. Thai, Rep. Goodman and Rep. Walen are on this committee.

    • SB 5508:  Clarifying background check requirements for concealed pistol license. Hearing 3/19 10 am

    House State Government Committee (Please email Committee Chair:  Rep. Mia Gregerson.) Bonus: if you’re in LD 41 click on the bill link and comment – Rep. Senn is on this committee.

    • SB 5063:  Providing prepaid postage for all election ballots. Hearing 3/22 8 am
    • SB 5294:  Creating legal provisions for legislative service. Hearing 3/19 1:30 am
    • SB 5287:  Ensuring accurate redistricting. No hearing scheduled

    Action 2 – [WA STATE SENATE] Pass Bills out of Committee Part 2 Action deadline 3/19

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    The Legislative session is now half over. Bills that passed their original chamber (either House or Senate) are now starting their journey through the opposite chamber.  The bills that are still alive have been sent to a policy committee in the opposite chamber and are awaiting hearings or votes to move out of committee. The bills below are being considered in committee this week.  Please contact these Committee chairs TODAY to demonstrate your support. Simply click on their names and your email program will open with the subject line filled in. Then write a short statement of support.  If you live in the chair’s LD, make sure to give your address in the email and mention that you’re a constituent.

    House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Laurie Jinkins.) Bonus: if you’re in LD 41, 45 or 48, click on the bill link and comment – Rep. Thai, Rep. Goodman and Rep. Walen are on this committee.

    • SB 5497:  Keep Washington Working; Establishing a statewide policy supporting WA’s economy and immigrants’ role in the workplace. Hearing 3/22 10 am
    • SB 5181:  Temporarily restricting firearms access after involuntary 72-hour hold. Hearing 3/20 8 am

    House Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Brian Blake.) Bonus: If you’re in LD 5 or 45 please click on the bill links and comment – Rep. Ramos and Rep. Springer are on this committee.

    • SB 5077:  Prohibits single-use plastic straws. Hearing 3/21 8 am
    • SB 5577:  Concerning the protection of southern resident orcas from vessels. Hearing 3/20 8 am

    House Health Care & Wellness Committee (Please email Committee Chair: Rep. Eileen Cody.) Bonus: if you’re in LD 41, click on the bill link and comment – Rep. Thai is on this committee.

    • SB 5602:  Reproductive Health Care for All Act. Hearing 3/20 1:30 pm

    Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources Committee (Please email Committee Chair:  Sen. Kevin Van De Wege.)

    • HB 1114:  Reduces food waste to fight hunger and reduce environmental impacts. Hearing 3/21 1:30 pm

    Senate Law & Justice (Please email Vice Chair: Sen. Manka Dhingra.) Bonus: If you’re in LD 48 click on the bill link and comment – Sen. Kuderer is on this committee.

    • HB 1041:  (New Hope Act) Promoting successful reentry by modifying the process for obtaining certificates of discharge and vacating conviction records. Hearing 3/21 10 am.

    Senate State Government Committee (Please email Vice Chair: Sen. Patty Kuderer.)

    • HB 1379:  Concerning disclosure of contributions from political committees to other political committees. Hearing 3/20 8 am
    • HB 1251:  Concerning security breaches of election systems or election data including by foreign entities. Hearing 3/20 8 am

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Fight FOR DACA and AGAINST Muslim Ban


    Family separations don’t just happen at the border. It’s important to remember that family separations happen every day in the U.S. as a result of raids and detention at the hands of ICE. It also happens through Trump’s unconstitutional Muslim and asylum bans that are preventing families from entering the U.S., and in many cases reuniting with loved ones who are already living in the U.S. Additionally, Dreamers and TPS holders remain at risk of deportation due to Trump’ elimination of protections for these groups.

    New bills in Congress would provide permanent relief to those affected by Trump’s policies. Trump will continue to attack immigrants. And the biggest fights we’ll see over the next two years will likely be over the funding levels for those agencies implementing Trump’s out-of-control deportation machine. However, House Democrats have introduced a series of bills that would undo some of the damage to immigrant, refugee, and Muslim communities and provide relief for those at risk of deportation.

    Action 3a. Tell your MoCs to cosponsor the following bills and demand that the House pass them.

      • H.R. 6 – American Dream and Promise Act of 2019. This bill would provide permanently relief to Dreamers, TPS holders, and DED holders. The lead sponsors of this effort are Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40), Nydia Velázquez (NY-07), and Yvette Clarke (NY-09). This bill was introduced on March 12 – All 7 Democratic Reps are co-sponsors! Let’s thank them.
      • H.R. 810 / S. 246 Muslim Ban and Asylum Ban Repeal. This bill would fully repeal Trump’s Muslim and Asylum Bans, ensuring that families from affected countries and asylum seekers from Central America won’t continue to face unconstitutional discrimination. It would allow people from affected communities to reunite with families in the U.S. Senator Murray and Rep Adam Smith are co-sponsors, but Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Schrier and Rep. DelBene are not.

    Sample Script for Rep. Smith:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. Thank you for your leadership in co-sponsoring two important bills, H.R. 6 – American Dream and Promise Act and H.R. 810 Muslim and Asylum Ban Repeal. As you know, family separations don’t just happen at the border. ICE raids and the Muslim and asylum bans also hurt families by preventing them from seeking refuge, or split family members from loved ones living in the U.S. Also, Dreamers and TPS holders have had their protections eliminated by Trump. I support compassionate immigration reform, not Trump’s out-of-control deportation machine.

    Sample Script for Reps. Schrier and DelBene:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. Thank you for your leadership in co-sponsoring H.R. 6 – American Dream and Promise Act. However, there is another bill that I want you to co-sponsor – H.R. 810 Muslim and Asylum Ban Repeal. As you know, family separations don’t just happen at the border. ICE raids and the Muslim and asylum bans also hurt families by preventing them from seeking refuge, or split family members from loved ones living in the U.S. Also, Dreamers and TPS holders have had their protections eliminated by Trump. I support compassionate immigration reform, not Trump’s out-of-control deportation machine. Please co-sponsor H.R. 810 as your colleagues Pramila Jayapal, Adam Smith, Denny Heck and Rick Larsen have.

    Sample Script for Sen. Murray:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. Thank you for your leadership in co-sponsoring S. 246 – The Muslim and Asylum Ban Repeal. As you know, family separations don’t just happen at the border. ICE raids and the Muslim and asylum bans also hurt families by preventing them from seeking refuge, or split family members from loved ones living in the U.S.

    Dreamers and TPS holders have had their protections eliminated by Trump. I support compassionate immigration reform, not Trump’s out-of-control deportation machine. If a companion bill to H.R. 6 – American Dream and Promise Act is introduced in the Senate, I hope you will become a co-sponsor.

    Sample Script for Sen. Cantwell:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. I am calling to ask you to join Senator Patty Murray in co-sponsoring S. 246 – The Muslim and Asylum Ban Repeal. As you know, family separations don’t just happen at the border. ICE raids and the Muslim and asylum bans also hurt families by preventing them from seeking refuge, or split family members from loved ones living in the U.S. Also, Dreamers and TPS holders have had their protections eliminated by Trump. I support compassionate immigration reform, not Trump’s out-of-control deportation machine. If a companion bill to H.R. 6. – American Dream and Promise Act is introduced in the Senate, I hope you will become a co-sponsor.

    Action 3b. Indivisible Eastside has been asked to sign on to a letter to congressional leaders stating support of H.R. 6. If you have an objection to IE signing on, please contact by 3/22/19

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of March 11, 2019

    ? Alphabet Resistance will be out again – this week in support of the March 15th Climate Strike being staged by youth around the world. Indivisible Eastside will amplify their message on Thurs Mar 14th on the NE 4th overpass to 405 for a 5:00 – 6:00 pm action

    Potential Messaging: 

    If you can commit, fill out this short form and you will be contacted by 5:00 pm Wednesday with further details. 

    ? 209 Indivisible Eastside volunteers wrote 4,299 postcards to voters at 18 Postcard writing events in 2018! Our first 2019 Postcards to Voters event is 10 am March 30th. For information and registration fill out the P2VMar30 Google Form.

    ? Louise and Allison have just signed up as Table Captains for Indivisible Eastside for the May 18th Eastside Democrats Paint The Bench Blue Dinner. Please join us for this fun annual event. Proceeds are shared among the four Eastside LDs and go to support of Eastside City Council, School Board, & Commission candidates among others.

    Special Guests & Speakers:

    • Congresswoman Kim Schrier (D-WA-08)
    • Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA-01)
    • Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA-09)
    • State Democratic Party Chair Tina Podlodowski
    • All four State Senators and eight State Representatives from the 5th, 41st, 45th and 48th LDs.

    Click on the link to register and indicate “Indivisible Eastside” for your table. Tickets are going fast (I’m not just saying that, they really are!), so sign up today. If we have enough registrants, we’ll have TWO Indivisible Eastside tables. We look forward to sharing this fun evening with you!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE HOUSE]  Support Sustainable Farms & Fields

    from WaSIC Call to Action

    SB 5947 for sustainable farms and fields has passed the Washington State Senate and now sits in the House Rural Development Committee. Rep. Bill Ramos (LD5) and Rep. Larry Springer (LD 45) sit on that committee and Larry Springer was a co-sponsor of the companion House Bill.  

    Please comment on the bill and make sure your comment goes to both your representatives.

    Sample Script:

    I support this bipartisan bill which reduces agricultural carbon emissions by storing carbon in soil, reducing fuel consumption and promoting regenerative practices like no-till, cover-cropping and biochar additions.

    Action 2 – [WA State Democrats] Speak up about Presidential Primary VS Caucus

    On April 7th, 2019, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee — a group of elected volunteers who govern the Washington State Democratic Party — will vote on whether to continue with a caucus system or switch to a primary system to determine how many delegates are won by each of the presidential candidates.

    But before that happens, the Washington State Democratic Party is holding a 30-day public comment period to get input from Democrats across the state. Details about both plans are available online, along with timelines, FAQs, and more. Democrats across the state are encouraged to read the plans, vote on which they prefer and, if they want, leave comments or questions.

    Says Washington State Democratic Party Chair Tina Podlodowski: “These are detailed plans that address timing, accessibility, and more. Our goal for 2020 is to run the most successful caucus or primary ever in Washington state. So for the next 30 days, we are asking Democrats across the state to read the plans, leave comments or questions, and tell us which plan they prefer.”

    Vote on which plan you prefer by April 4, 2019.

    Action 3 – [YOU] Make a plan to attend a Town Hall

    Town halls are great opportunities to see your represenatives in action. Consult the list of Town Halls in the Calendar Section, and make a plan to attend.

    Steering Spotlight Featuring Louise Pathe

    What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside?
    In late 2016 I became increasingly frustrated with the flood of Facebook and emails referencing very questionable sources as fact. I originally came to help with the moderation of the Facebook group, but soon found that my technical skills could be used to help Indivisible Eastside communicate, stay organized and grow our member engagement.

    Your background:
    I grew up in Maine and became fairly accomplished at the violin. I went to Boston University with the idea I would go into either music education or mathematics.  I quickly learned that music is WAY harder than math, so I graduated in 1984 with a computer science degree. Although I retired from programming a while ago, I’ve used my technical skills in almost every volunteer job I’ve held.

    What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years?
    I’m an activist! I had taken action in small ways in my community in the past, stepping out of my comfort zone to be PTSA president, lobbying the neighborhood to spend their 25K grant on a lighted crosswalk. But I was content to let others who knew more about politics pay attention to what needed to get done and trusted it would all work out. I’ve learned to put my white privilege to work organizing people to take action to truly combat oppression, injustice and tyranny.

    What do you do for IE?
    After I joined the Steering Committee in early 2017, I headed the “Group Action” team. Actually, I was the group action team, so I focused on putting out clear, easy to follow and relevant actions each week via email. As our membership became more connected and engaged, and our steering committee larger, we expanded the Group Actions to events such as Postcards To Voters and Alphabet Resistance. Although I launched those two activities, they are now capably handled by Joan and Linda with my back office communication support. I also help keep IE connected with area organizations including Indivisible Kirkland, Washington State Indivisible Coalition (WaSIC) and Eastside Democrats.

    Fun fact about yourself:
    I volunteer with Hopelink teaching English for Work to immigrants. It’s a privilege to work with these talented, courageous people who have uprooted their lives to make a positive change. They inspire me to continue this work with Indivisible Eastside.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of March 4, 2019

    ? Notes from Sunday’s IE Group Meeting

    ? Usually we’re pretty happy with our 15 legislators in our 5 Eastside districts. However, there are 2 concerning bills advancing that we need to oppose. Please see actions 1 (SENATE) and 2 (HOUSE) below. This is where we can really make a difference.

    ? You won’t want to miss the Steering Spotlight below featuring Joan Y. She’s had quite an interesting career!

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE SENATE] Kill a State Bill Calling for a National Constitutional Convention

    From Common Cause and LWVWA.

    A misguided “memorial” bill – SJM 8002; “Asking Congress to call a limited convention, authorized under Article V of the United States Constitution, for the purpose of proposing a free and fair elections amendment to that Constitution” has moved out of its WA State Senate Committee to be voted on by the full Senate. This bill must be opposed. Read from Common Cause’s website:

    “A well-funded, highly coordinated national effort is underway to call a constitutional convention, under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, for the first time in history. The result of such a convention could be a complete overhaul of the Constitution and supporters of the convention are dangerously close to succeeding. With special interest groups gaining more momentum, conservative advocates are just six states short of reaching the constitutionally-required 34-state goal. They are targeting Republican-controlled legislatures in 2018 and are within striking distance.

    The unknowns surrounding a constitutional convention pose an unacceptable risk, particularly in the current polarized political climate. Given how close calling a new convention is, it’s time to spotlight that risk and sound an alarm for the preservation of our Constitution.

    Calls for a convention are coming from right and left, with more money, a stronger campaign structure, and national coordination on the right. A number of major conservative organizations and donors, including Mercer family and Koch-funded groups such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), have renewed and intensified efforts to thrust this issue into the spotlight after years of inactivity.

    This memo that outlines the different campaigns calling for an Article V convention and why it is just a dangerous idea. These calls for a constitutional convention represent the most serious threat to our democracy flying almost completely under the radar.”

    Three of Indivisible Eastside’s senators are co-sponsors! Patty Kuderer, Guy Palumbo, and Lisa Wellman. The risks of going down this road are huge. PLEASE contact your senator and ask that they oppose SJM 8002!

    1. Read the League of Women Voters statement or the more in-depth Common Cause backgrounder memo.
    2. Comment directly on the bill through the WA state legislative portal or call your state senator.

    Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. I am opposed to SJM 8002 on convening a Constitutional Convention. The ultimate goal is laudable, but a Constitutional Convention is too much of a risk.

    Because Congress has never made specific rules regarding Constitutional Conventions that would ensure that issues such as preventing a “runaway convention,” voting by delegate, fair representation or transparency, I believe the risk of such a call is too great.

    At this time of intensely divided public sentiment, I am concerned that opening up our US Constitution for a “do over” would jeopardize what is literally the foundation of our democracy.

    Thank you, [NAME]”

    Action 2 – [WA STATE HOUSE] Save Sound Transit Funding: Oppose HB 2123

    From The Action Network

    Sound Transit is under threat once again by the Washington State Legislature. While several bills are pending against Sound Transit 3 (ST3), one in particular known as House Bill 2123 would result in billions of dollars in lost financing and revenue. The lost funds would jeopardize timelines for light rail and bus rapid transit projects. With a less transit friendly government in Washington, D.C., Sound Transit was facing enough funding threats before Olympia joined the act.

    Democrats now have control of both chambers of the legislature, but appear intent on passing some version of the bill despite voters passing ST3 by a wide margin. There are many of options to modify the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax–the funding tool at issue in the bill–while still ensuring that ST3 remains fully funded. Tell Democrats that they should stand up for transit, fully fund ST3, and speed up project delivery–not stop ST3 in its tracks.

    Please contact your Representative and tell them you oppose HB 2123 UNLESS it is modified to restore full funding for Sound Transit 3. Currently the bill restores less than 24% of the revenue lost. 

    Comment directly on the bill through the WA state legislative portal or call your state representative.

    Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. Sound Transit 3 (ST3) is a critically important and powerful tool to connect communities in the Puget Sound region. It will provide access to opportunity and housing, promote sustainable development, alleviate traffic demand, and combat climate change. We need to look to the future, not be stuck in the past relying on fossil fuels and highways.

    HB 2123 is a misguided attempt to appease a minority of voters. Voters in the Sound Transit taxing district spoke very clearly in favor of massive transit expansion now, not later. HB 2123 would hamper Sound Transit’s ability to deliver projects as promised to voters by reducing financing and revenue by billions of dollars. Instead of cutting funding from ST3, the legislature should find alternative means to raise revenue.

    Please oppose HB 2123 unless it is modified to restore full funding for Sound Transit 3. Thank you.”

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE and SENATE] Ask for a Town Hall

    Upcoming congressional recesses are March 18-23, April 15-26 and May 27-31. Let’s contact our members of congress and ask them to hold town halls so they can hear directly from us about our concerns and priorities.

    Sample Script:

    “Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. Does [NAME] have plans to hold any town halls during upcoming state work periods? It has been a long time since we’ve had a chance to speak directly with [NAME] and giving the shifting political climate I would think it would be very valuable to [HER/HIM]. Please get back to me on when you will be scheduling a town hall or other opportunities to have direct access to [NAME] which doesn’t require a donation to a re-election campaign. Thank you.”

    Steering Spotlight Featuring Joan Y

    What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside?
    The Women’s March was a stirring event.  So many thousands of people, glorious signs and chants.  I needed somewhere for all my passion to land in a group just as passionate as I was. Taking a fierce stand against Donald Trump, a person so unprepared to take on an honorable role as President of the United States, is Indivisible Eastside’s mission.  I went to one of the first meetings in February 2017 and have been active ever since.

    Your background:
    I grew up in New Canaan, CT where my Bucciarelli grandparents set down roots on arrival from Italy.  My parents owned a 1909-built country inn where we lived. My mother was a very active Democrat and I started in politics at a very young age when she ran for the school board.  I’ve lived in Boston, San Francisco, Honolulu, Washington D.C., and now on the Eastside. My professional specialty of port development planning and international maritime freight transportation has taken me to numerous countries on six continents.  I served on President Clinton’s 1992 transition team focusing on ocean-related agencies within the Department of Transportation. I led a team that put together recommendations for the President and incoming Secretary of Transportation (DOT) on agency policies, personnel and budget.  President Clinton then appointed me Deputy Administrator of the US Maritime Administration at the DOT. I was the second woman appointed to this position in the agency’s 75 -year history, the first being Elaine Chao who is now the Secretary of Transportation. President Clinton had a stated policy to appoint women to such positions across his Administration and I am proud to have been one of them.

    What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years?
    I still have “it”!  I can organize folks for anti-Trump actions, spread the message, and cheerlead the chants of “What does democracy look like”.  As a child of the sixties, I’ve been there as a community activist and political campaign leader. I was elected the Democratic National Committeewoman for Hawaii in 1988, not anointed.  I had to unseat an incumbent of 20+ years. I earned it by running local, statewide, and national campaigns in Hawaii. Indivisible Eastside, a great group of political activists, is like home to me.

    What do you do for IE?
    I organize postcard parties and write “explainers” on what is happening in Congress by translating “government speak” into plain English.  I’ve worked as a policy planner for over 40 years drafting, testifying on, administering, and enforcing all kinds of legislation. I also like being the person who can see the humor in what we do.  

    Fun fact about yourself:
    I am a trained and tested secretary having attended the Radcliffe Summer Secretarial School in 1966.  Yes – the Radcliffe College that is part of Harvard. I am still a super-fast typist and take shorthand.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of February 25, 2019

    ? Last Monday protests around the country came together in 48 hours after Trump declared a Fake National Emergency. Indivisible Eastside’s Alphabet Resistance was on the overpass to 405, and Indivisibles from various local groups participated in events in Kirkland and Seattle. Check out images of some of the 277 protests around the country.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    ✊ Action 1 – [LD1, LD41, LD45, LD48 Representatives] Comment on Environmental Bills TODAY!

    From IE Member Hanna F.

    For all of the following actions, if you want to call instead, here’s the District Finder and here’s the list of representatives’ phone numbers. To read more about a bill, go to the Bill Information page and type in the number.

    HB 1211 – 100% Clean Energy is in the House Finance Committee waiting on a vote out of committee. Rep. Walen (48th LD) and Springer (45th LD) are on this committee. If either of them are your reps, please click the link or call, and comment on this bill.

    Message: Please vote yes on HB 1211. I ask you to preserve the key target dates of coal plant shutdown by 2025 and 80% electricity from renewable sources by 2030. Please limit opportunities for utilities to avoid being held accountable to these dates.

    Three environmental bills are in the Appropriations Committee. Rep. Stanford (1st LD), Rep. Senn (41st LD) and Rep. Springer (45th LD) are all on this committee. If one of those is your rep, please click the link or call, and comment on these bills.

    HB 1110 – Low Carbon Fuel 

    Message: Do Pass. Please approve this bill, which supports the deployment of clean transportation fuel technologies through a carefully designed program that reduces the carbon intensity of fuel used in the state.

    HB 1113 – Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

    Message: Do Pass. Please approve this bill, which updates state emissions limits to be consistent with recommendations from the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, as well as United States commitments to the Paris Climate Accords.

    HB 1579 – Chinook abundance 

    Message: Please pass out of committee. I support this bill, which provides Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife the same tools that other agencies have to enforce critical environmental laws and effectively deter habitat destruction, helping to secure the food web for our Southern Resident orcas

    ✊ Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Support a Green New Deal!

    From Sierra Club and Sunrise Movement

    In solidarity with The Sunrise Movement’s Feb 26th Green New Deal Day of Action, we want to light up the phones.

    There are now 68 co-sponsors of H. Res 109 and 11 co-sponsors of S.Res.59. Although Congressman Adam Smith has indicated support, none of our Representatives in the 1st, 8th or 9th CD are co-sponsors. Neither of our Senators is a co-sponsor.

    Step 1 – Learn About the Green New Deal Resolution. You can read a summary on Sierra Club’s website or read the brief summary or  the text of the House resolution itself.  

    Step 2 – Contact your Senators

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling because I urge [NAME] to co-sponsor the resolution in support of a Green New Deal. Climate change is the most urgent challenge of our time, and supporting the Green New Deal resolution (Senate Resolution 59) would demonstrate that [NAME] understands the kind of action we need to take to prevent catastrophic levels of global warming. The climate crisis is a real crisis and broad democratic support for the resolution shows the Democrats are serious about tackling it head on, in a big way. It’s time to be bold. Please support and co-sponsor Senate Resolution 59.  

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Step 3 – Contact your Representative

    ☎ Sample Script (if calling Adam Smith, you might thank him, early in the call, for his statement of support of the Green New Deal):

    Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling because I urge [NAME] to co-sponsor the resolution in support of a Green New Deal. Climate change is the most urgent challenge of our time, and supporting the Green New Deal resolution (House Resolution 109) would demonstrate that [NAME] understands the kind of action we need to take to prevent catastrophic levels of global warming. The climate crisis is a real crisis and broad democratic support for the resolution shows the Democrats are serious about tackling it head on, in a big way. It’s time to be bold. Please support and co-sponsor House Resolution 109.  

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    Step 4 – Attend one or both of the Green New Deal events in the Calendar section.  

    ✊ Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Don’t Let Trump Block Women’s Reproductive Rights – Again

    From Seattle Indivisible

    On Friday, Feb. 22, 2019, the Trump Administration imposed a new rule on federal funding that would prevent women’s health clinics that provide information to women about abortion access from getting funding.

    The enormous opposition to this “gag rule” is made clear in this article in, which quotes  a letter sent by Democratic lawmakers to the Department of Health and Human Services: “Numerous major medical associations, 15 governors, 200 members of Congress, more than 20 state and local health departments, and more than 500,000 members of the public submitted comments opposing the rule…”. Yet the Trump Administration blatantly went forward and imposed the rule. This action could direct millions of federal dollars toward religiously-based, anti-abortion groups rather than to currently funded women’s health clinics.

    Although the new rule is very likely to be challenged in court, we need to tell our lawmakers we’re not going to let Trump deprive vital women’s health clinics of medical care to their patients. Pulling federal funding from these clinics, including Planned Parenthood, would result in the depriving of care to millions of women who are at or below the poverty level. These women receive vital services that they would not be able to afford if federal funding is withdrawn, including cancer screening, birth control, and testing for STDs.

    Abortion has been controversial in the U.S., but it has been demonstrated that women who seek abortions do not do this frivolously or for convenience. Take a look at this excerpt from an article written by Lynne V. of the Cedar River Clinic, a Feminist Women’s Health Center in Washington, D.C.:

    “…The biggest problem facing women wanting or needing abortion services is accessibility. Before I started working here… I didn’t know what that statistic looks like. Now I know it looks like exhausted women who travel from Idaho, Alaska, Montana, Colorado, Oregon, even Canada, in search of services. It looks like desperate women who must sell precious and needed belongings, borrow and beg from friends and family… It looks like frightened women who must travel alone to have their abortions among strangers and away from loved ones who support and nurture them. It also looks like the invisible faces of the women who couldn’t borrow, beg or sell enough to travel here and won’t be able to have an abortion.”

    ACTION: Tell lawmakers to overturn Trump’s new rule on withdrawing federal funding for clinics providing abortion information.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m outraged at the Trump Administration’s new rule cutting off federal funding for women’s health clinics that provide information on full reproductive options, including abortion. I read that 500,000 members of the public submitted comments in opposition to this rule, yet Trump went ahead and enacted it anyway. This is highly irresponsible, and it will result in harming millions of women who could not afford reproductive health care without federal funding to these clinics. I’m calling to urge the [Senator/Representative] to condemn the new rule. I’m also asking the [Senator/Representative] to take action to ensure this rule does not get implemented.”

    Steering Spotlight Featuring Linda Kaczmarek

    • What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside?
      I was so mad after Trump was elected and at first all I wanted to do was whine and scream, and then I marched with a small bunch of women in Seattle….the women I met that day inspired me to get more involved so I led a Women’s March huddle group for a few months, but found that most people still wanted to complain and be angry without action, and that did not sit well with me.  Then I heard about the Indivisible groups and went to a meeting at Bellevue library for the Eastside group, joined the FB group, and went to some 8
      th district protests at Dave Reichert’s office.  I contacted Louise and Allison and started talking to them about some ideas I had regarding topic groups and next thing I know I am on the steering committee and loving it. I was so excited to finally find a place that was supporting positive actions and encouraging others to do the same.   
    • What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years?
      I learned that caring about people also means standing up for people. I had always donated to causes I believed in and thought that was enough.  Someone who cares more than me can do the work was my thought…well now I find that doing the “work” has a lot more meaning and is much more effective than just donating.  When you work with people who want to be a positive change in our world, you can create and inspire in ways you never thought possible, like the Alphabet Resistance, my favorite place in IE to be involved.  
    • What do you do for IE?
      I love being involved with the Alphabet Resistance or The Alphas as I like to call them, because I love crafts and I love positive protesting.  Craft part, equals making letters out of foam board and duct tape. Add a group people holding those same crafted letters over the freeway with a thoughtful yet positive message makes my afternoon and hopefully gives the commuter something to think about.  The freeway overpass protests have been a way for me to express my frustration at our current WH administration. My hope is that we inspire others to think about how to positively change the world with positive actions instead of negative ranting. The commuter’s honks, waves, and an occasional “bird” sign language keep me coming back.  Hope you will join us in April when daylight comes back into commuting hours.

      Topic groups have been my other area of involvement with IE.  I am the liaison between the topic groups and the steering committee, which is easy because our topic groups have amazing members who have met, talked and now are challenging us all to learn more about topics that may not be our first passion. For example, the climate group was the first meeting I went to and I found a group of people with knowledge regarding the environment way above my pay grade. They were respectful of each other’s thought process and willing to share their expertise with the IE group in ways that would inspire people to take action.  I was inspired and wanted to take it all on. I had similar experience with the other groups and I knew instantly that this was a great way for people in IE to connect and work together. So proud of IE’s topic groups.

    • Fun fact about yourself:
      I am an accountant by trade but a wannabe artist in my soul. I love beading, knitting and painting. I have no great skills in any artistic way just the love of creating something different.  When I take classes at Ben Franklin, I meet the most interesting people and have wonderful conversations while learning how to make something unique. Over the past 15 years I have taken at least one class in almost every area they teach.  My favorites are the jewelry making classes.
    • Your background:
      I have lived in the Greater Seattle Area my whole life, mostly because I have never found a more beautiful place to live.  Having oceans, lakes and mountains all within easy reach, along with mostly mild weather has made the NW the perfect place for me.  

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save The Date:

    … and More:


    For the Week of February 18, 2019

    ?Trump’s #FakeNationalEmergency in effect. Check out the MoveOn Map of Protests, Vigils and Rallies and join one near you today.

    ? Ever considered running for local office? See the Women’s Candidate Trainings and Women Of Color In Politics in the Calendar Section.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] Democracy, Environment, Gun Safety bills

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    This week is an important week to get bills passed out of committee down in Olympia.  Depending on the committees involved, some bills that haven’t been voted out of committee by Friday February 22nd are DONE, and the remaining bills must be voted out of committee by March 1st. For details, see the Cutoff Calendar.


    HB 1722:  Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)

    • This bill “allows local jurisdictions to opt out of state-mandated primary elections in favor of a general election conducted using ranked choice voting. Alternatively, jurisdictions can keep the primary, but use a “top five” rather than a “top two” primary (with both elections conducted under ranked choice voting.)” (From FairVote WA)
    • Ranked choice voting has a number of positive outcomes: (From
      • In other cities, it has promoted reflective representation as more diverse pools of candidates run for and win office.
      • It has been shown to mitigate the impact of money in politics, also making it easier for candidates to run.
      • Voters overwhelmingly like RCV, and Washington voters should have the option of bringing it to their communities.
    • Please contact Mia Gregerson, the Chair of the State Government Committee and the primary sponsor of this bill, to thank her for her work on this issue and to urge her to pass it out of committee this week.
    Climate & Environment:

    HB 1632:  Reducing pollution from single-use plastic food service ware

    • This bill includes provisions for allowing businesses to phase out plastic use.  It also prompts a study by the Department of Health to determine how best to implement these changes while also remaining attentive to individuals with special needs.
    • This bill was heard last week.  Please contact the Environment & Energy Chair, Joe Fitzgibbon, to ask him to move this bill out of committee.
    Gun Safety:

    HB 1203: Requiring owners to report lost or stolen firearms

    • Please contact Laurie Jinkins, the Chair of the Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee and a co-sponsor of this bill, to ask her to get this bill voted out of committee this week.

    HB 1286 / SB 5340:  Banning sale of assault weapons and large capacity magazines

    • This bill, which was requested by Attorney General Ferguson, is not moving at all.
    • Please contact the Committee Chairs and tell them why you support this bill and why they should take action on it:
      • Laurie Jinkins, Chair of the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee
      • Manka Dhingra, Vice Chair of the Senate Law & Justice Committee

    Action 2 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] Email Indivisible Legislative Agenda

    About 30 Indivisibles from around the state met in Olympia for the first annual Washington State Indivisible Coalition (WaSIC) Lobby Day on Friday Feb 15th.  IE members in attendance were Joan Y (1st LD), Louise P Linda C (45th LD) and Hanna F (48th LD).

    We spent the morning learning about some of the bills on the Legislative Agenda. We met with each of our legislators, or their assistant at their office (fascinating in their variety and location), talked about a handful of the priorities and left them with the priorities flyer. The heart-shaped brownies supplied by Hanna for each of our reps were much appreciated!

    The Legislative Agenda list of priority bills was created by a group of dedicated researchers who tracked the bills as they progressed (or not) and wrote bill reports so that Lobby Day participants would have access to up-to-date information.

    One of the goals of Lobby Day is to impress upon our lawmakers that Indivisible is a state-wide group of engaged activists advocating for progressive policies. One way to do that is for each and every one of us to email our three legislators a copy of the Legislative Agenda flyer and a short note thanking them for meeting with Indivisible Eastside members.  If you’re in the 41st or 5th, members of Indivisible WA-8th CD met with those lawmakers, so you could mention that.

    ✊ Action: Download the WaSIC Legislative Agenda and email it as an attachment to your three legislators.

    You can find email addresses on the Resources page of the IE Website.

    Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE]  Support continuing efforts to protect public lands

    From Washington Wild

    On February 12, after months of negotiations and legislative hurdles, S. 47, a pro-public lands package which bundles together over 100 individual lands bills, passed in the Senate. This bill includes Senator Maria Cantwell’s legislation to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The Land and Water Conservation Fund supports our treasured public lands that protect ancient forests, salmon spawning streams, sources for safe and clean drinking water, and amazing recreation opportunities. Now this bill needs support in the House of Representatives!

    You can show your support by adding your name to Washington Wild’s form.

    For a stronger action (that still takes little time), call Senator Cantwell (to thank her) and your representative (to ask for support in the House).

    Sample Script for Senator Cantwell:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to say thank you to Senator Cantwell for her strong support for Senate bill 47, the Natural Resources Management Act, that recently passed. I really appreciate her hard work in support of public lands and the Land and Water Conservation Fund!

    Sample Script for Representative:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to express my strong support for Senate bill 47, the Natural Resources Management Act, that recently passed the Senate. Protecting public lands helps everyone: it protects clean air and water, combats climate change, and boosts our local economies. I urge [REPRESENTATIVE] to vote YES on S. 47 without any weakening amendments. Thank you for your time and attention.

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    Steering Spotlight Featuring Ananth D

    • What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside? I moved from California to Redmond in early 2017. Much like the rest of the country, I was shocked by Trump’s victory in 2016. I stumbled upon the Indivisible Guide online and found it to be a really strong document that charted out a course of action for the months and years ahead. I looked up local Indivisible Groups and joined Indivisible Eastside’s Facebook group. For most of 2017, I did not take any significant actions other than call up members of Congress. As the midterm season revved up in late 2017, I resolved myself to do more. I began attending monthly meetings and participated in a Voter Registration drive organized by IE at the Bothell Library on a cold winter afternoon 🙂 I really enjoyed it, signed up for more events like postcarding, canvassing, etc. and have not looked back.
    • What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years OR what have you done that you never thought you would? I’ve learned that I *can* move the needle and effect change by being part of collective action. As an introvert, knocking on people’s doors and asking them for their votes on behalf of candidates was something I never imagined I’d attempt, let alone enjoy!
    • What do you do for IE? I help the team with the weekly actions. I’ve recently begun helping put the actions up on the IE website and Take Action Network, schedule the email for Monday morning. I helped organize IE canvassing efforts for the 2018 midterms.
    • Fun fact about yourself. I can speak three languages fluently and comprehend a fourth. 
    • Your background: I’m from India and I moved to the US in 2012 for grad school. I work now as a software engineer. I love long drives and hikes during summer with my dog.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:


    For the Week of February 11, 2019

    ? Hello from the Snowpocalypse. We hope you are warm and dry and enjoying the beauty of this winter wonderland. Please consider donating to an agency such as Mary’s Place or other agencies in King County that help unsheltered people during extreme weather.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] Healthcare, Gun Safety, Environment bills

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    As always, a lot is going on this week. Lobby your legislators from the cozy warmth of home!  Please don’t get overwhelmed, -review the bills listed below and pick a few (or more) issue areas to focus on.  Any bill that hasn’t been voted out of issue committee by February 22nd is DEAD. These next two weeks are crucial!  

    Health Care & Reproductive Rights:

    • SB 5395:  Requiring comprehensive sexual health education in public schools.  This curriculum must be evidence-informed, medically and scientifically accurate, age appropriate, and inclusive.
      • This bill is being heard this week.  (Thank you to everyone who pushed for a hearing for it!)
      • Please contact the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Chair, Lisa Wellman, to indicate your support for this bill and encourage her to get it passed out of committee ASAP.
    • SB 5371:  Protecting consumers from excessive increases in insulin drug prices
      • Please contact Annette Cleveland, the Chair of the Health and Long Term Care Committee, and thank her for co-sponsoring this bill and ask her to pass it out of committee this week.  
      • If you are in LD 45, please contact Manka Dhingra, who is on this committee to ask her to pass it out of committee this week.
    • SB 5602:  Reproductive Health Access for All Act
      • This bill will protect the rights of transgender individuals and expand immigrants’ access to a full range of reproductive health care. (From Planned Parenthood)
      • This bill is being heard in the Health & Long Term Care Committee.  Please contact the Chair, Annette Cleveland, to thank her for co-sponsoring this bill and to ask that she vote it out of committee ASAP.  
      • If you are in LD 45, please contact Manka Dhingra, who is on this committee and is a co-sponsor of this bill, to thank her for her work in this area and let her know how much you want to see this bill move forward.
    • HB 1531:  Concerning medical debt
      • This bill provides guidelines for how medical debt is collected in order to better protect patients.
      • This bill is being heard in the Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee this week.  Please contact the Chair, Laurie Jinkins, to thank her for sponsoring it and to ask her to pass this bill out of committee this week.
      • If you’re in LD 41, contact My-Linh Thai
      • If you’re in LD 45, contact Roger Goodman
      • If you’re in LD 48, contact Amy Walen (co-sponsor)
      • All three are on the Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee. Ask them to pass this bill out of committee this week.

    Gun Safety:

    • SB 5434/HB 1530:  Restricting possession of weapons in certain locations
      • This bill prevents people from bringing firearms to child care facilities, libraries, and parks.
      • This bill has hearings in both chambers this week.  
      • SB 5434: Please contact Manka Dhingra, the Vice Chair of Senate Law & Justice, to ask for her support in moving this bill out of committee.  
      • If you’re in LD 48, Please contact Patty Kuderer, who is on this committee to thank her for co-sponsoring and ask for her support in moving this bill out of committee.
      • HB 1530: Please contact the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Chair, Laurie Jinkins, to thank her for co-sponsoring this bill and ask her to push to get this bill passed out of committee ASAP.
      • If you’re in LD 41, contact My-Linh Thai
      • If you’re in LD 45, contact Roger Goodman
      • If you’re in LD 48, contact Amy Walen
      • All three are on the Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee. Ask them to pass this bill out of committee this week.

    Environment & Climate Change:

    • HB 1110: Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation fuels.
      • This bill is being heard in the Transportation Committee this week.  Please contact Jake Fey, the Transportation Chair, to ask him to vote this bill out of committee ASAP.
    • SB 5576:  Improving climate science education
      • This bill creates stronger standards for science education regarding the environment and sustainability.  It also addresses teacher training.
      • This bill has a hearing this week. Please contact Lisa Wellman, the Chair of the Early Learning & K12 Committee, to ask for her support in moving this bill out of committee.
      • If you’re in LD 5, contact Mark Mullet who is on this committee. Ask for his support passing this bill out of committee.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Support the Green New Deal Resolution

    From and Sunrise Movement

    Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey have introduced a Joint Resolution for a Green New Deal. If resolutions get enough cosponsors, they can become a major driver of the policy debate! If not, they can get lost in the political shuffle and fade into oblivion.

    From Politico’s The Impossible Green Dream of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

    “The official rollout of the Green New Deal last Thursday was met with a barrage of skepticism from well-intentioned fact-checkers, badly intentioned climate trolls, and desperate-to-look-savvy pundits, all focusing on the logistical and political impossibilities of transforming the economy as rapidly as the Green New Deal envisions. And they’re right: Its goals really do seem impossible to achieve.

    “But they’re all missing the point. If anything, they’re helping the Green New Deal’s backers to make their point, which is that climate change is an unprecedented emergency that requires unprecedented action, so America needs to try to do seemingly impossible things.  …

    “It actually will be impossible to enact a Green New Deal while Trump is in the White House, but the resolution still has two useful purposes. It’s primarily a political manifesto, a messaging device designed to commit the Democratic Party to treating the climate crisis like a real crisis, pressuring its presidential candidates to support radical transformation of the fossil-fueled economy. At the same time, the Green New Deal is a policy proposal—or at least a sketch of one, a way to launch a substantive debate over how Democrats will attack the crisis if they do regain the White House.”

    Action 2A – Get the facts:

    Action 2B – Contact your representative:

    Sample Script for Adam Smith:

    Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to thank congressman Smith for his support of a Green New Deal! Climate change is the most urgent challenge of our time, and his support of the Green New Deal resolution (House Resolution 109) demonstrates he understands the kind of action we need to take to prevent catastrophic levels of global warming. The climate crisis is a real crisis and broad democratic support for the resolution shows the Democrats are serious about tackling it head on, in a big way. It’s time to be bold. Thank you for stepping up to speak out in support of House Resolution 109!

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Sample Script for other Reps:

    Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling because I want to urge [NAME] to co-sponsor the resolution in support of a Green New Deal. Climate change is the most urgent challenge of our time, and supporting the Green New Deal resolution (House Resolution 109) would demonstrate that [NAME] understands the kind of action we need to take to prevent catastrophic levels of global warming. The climate crisis is a real crisis and broad democratic support for the resolution shows the Democrats are serious about tackling it head on, in a big way. It’s time to be bold. Please support and co-sponsor House Resolution 109.  

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2C – consider attending an event at your Senator or Representative’s office:

    Action 3 – [AG Bob Ferguson] Sheriffs Must Enforce The Law!

    Sheriffs, mostly from Eastern Washington, are refusing to enforce I-1639 (the initiative that placed certain limits on gun sales) on the basis of pending litigation against the measure filed by the NRA last November. Only the age limit requirement for purchasing automatic weapons has gone into effect so far with the rest of the  measure set to take effect on July 1. The non-abiding sheriffs are technically only in violation of enforcing the age limit.

    Contact Attorney General Bob Ferguson (360) 753-6200 –or–  Email, and King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht (206) 296-0100 –or– Email.

    Sample Script:

    Hello, this is [NAME] calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I am very concerned with the disregard for the law exhibited by some Sheriffs in Washington State. I-1639 was approved by nearly 60% of Washington voters, and we expect law enforcement to do their job. Please take whatever measures in your power to impress upon these errant sheriffs that lawlessness is not part of their job description. Thank you.

    Steering Spotlight Featuring Marcelle Van Houten

    • What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside? Seven friends got together after Trump was elected to commiserate and find a way to channel our frustrations. Two days before our meeting, Rachel Maddow talked about the Indivisible Guide and interviewed Indivisible co-founder Ezra Levin. We downloaded the document and brought it to our meeting and were inspired. At the meeting we jumped onto Facebook and started our own group page. To our astonishment, over the next few weeks more and more people found us, and our group of seven has grown to almost 2200!
    • What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years?  That I am inspired by the fact that so many people are working hard to bring some sense to these horrible times.
    • What do you do for IE? I am less active than the other Steering Committee members, but I work as Treasurer handling finances, FB page moderator, and generally help whenever I can.
    • Fun fact about yourself: While on a high school trip to Washington DC I got to meet Muhammad Ali. 
    • What’s your background? My parents immigrated to the US from Holland after my older brother was born. I was born in California and I am fluent in Dutch. I am an environmental consultant with a degree in Fisheries and Marine Science. Most of my career I’ve worked as a dam biologist (on hydropower projects). 

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    For the Week of February 4, 2019

    ? Thank you to all who contributed to our very informative monthly Group Meeting. Thanks Janet K for the 3 different kinds of homemade cookies! See the Feb 2nd Group Meeting notes for details and links to resources.  

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] Support Healthcare and Environment Bills  

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    Please contact legislators with your support for these bills. Our WA State Legislators need to hear from more than just the lobbyists! Be sure to include your home address.

    Health Care & Reproductive Rights:

    • HB 1407/SB 5395:  Requiring comprehensive sexual health education in public schools.  This curriculum must be evidence-informed, medically and scientifically accurate, age appropriate, and inclusive.
      • Please contact the House Education Committee Chair, Sharon Tomiko Santos, to indicate your support for this bill and encourage a public hearing.
      • Please contact the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Chair, Lisa Wellman, to indicate your support for this bill and encourage a public hearing.


    • HB 1597:  Incorporating extensive measurements of greenhouse gas emissions from certain fossil fuels into state environmental laws
        • Natural gas is often touted as a clean energy; however, the processes of extracting and distributing natural gas results in significant leakage into the atmosphere. When this leakage is accounted for, natural gas is much less ʺcleanʺ, and may even be worse than coal. This bill requires the Department of Ecology to account for such leakage.  
        • League of Women Voters and Sierra Club support this bill.
      • Please contact Joe Fitzgibbon, the Chair of the Environment & Energy Committee, and ask him to hold a hearing on this bill.

    House Bills to Protect Our Orcas –

    • HB 1580:  Concerning the protection of southern resident orcas from vessels
    • HB 1579:  Increasing Chinook abundance
      • These bills are being considered this week in the Committee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
      • Brian Blake is the sponsor of HB 1580, as well as the Committee Chair.  Please email him to thank him for his work on these bills and to show your support for moving them out of committee.
      • If you are in the 45th LD, please email Larry Springer, who is also on this committee, to ask for his support of these bills.

    Senate Bills to Protect Our Orcas –

    • SB 5578:  Reducing threats to southern resident orcas by improving oil transportation safety
      • This bill has had two hearings in the Environment Committee.
      • Guy Palumbo is Vice Chair of this committee and a co-sponsor of this bill. Please email him to show your support for protecting our orcas and to push to keep the forward momentum for this bill.
    • SB 5580:  Increasing orca habitat and forage fish abundance
      • This bill is being heard this week in the Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources Committee.  Kevin Van De Wege is the Committee Chair; please contact him to demonstrate your support for this bill and for protecting our orcas.

    Additional resources:

      • The Environmental Priorities Coalition page describes four priorities that a large number of people have been calling for. You can contact your State reps and senator and add your voice! One of the priorities, “Orca Emergency Response,” is covered in more detail above.

    Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] Yes to Voting Reforms (HR1)

    From Seattle Indivisible and

    Last Tuesday, the House started debating the HR1, a sweeping anti-corruption proposal that will take up voting rights, campaign finance reform, and a lobbying crackdown. It would help to put our government back in the hands of the people. ALL our Reps are co-sponsors, so let’s thank them for pushing this important legislation, and ask our Senators to introduce companion legislation.

    Sample Script for Representatives:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling because I strongly support HR1, and I want to thank [REPRESENTATIVE NAME] for co-sponsoring it. Please keep up the good work, to ensure that it remains a bold, comprehensive package that promotes voter empowerment and access, reforms money in politics, and tackles corruption at all levels of government.

    Sample Script for Senators:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling because I strongly support HR1, and I would like to ask the Senator to introduce companion legislation in the Senate. We need a bold, comprehensive package that promotes voter empowerment and access, reforms money in politics, and tackles corruption at all levels of government.

    Action 3 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] Support the Keep Washington Working Act

    House and Senate Bills – “Establishing a statewide policy supporting Washington state’s economy and immigrants’ role in the workplace” (Keep Washington Working Act) would limit state and local entities, including law enforcement agencies, from cooperating or assisting with immigration enforcement activities. The ACLU believes that state and local entities should serve Washington residents regardless of immigration or citizenship status rather than enforcing federal immigration laws. State and local involvement in immigration enforcement makes all of us less safe by deterring some Washington residents from coming forward and reporting crimes and other public safety concerns.

    SB 5497 – In the Law & Justice Committee

      • Senator Manka Dhingra is vice-chair of the Law & Justice Committee that is hearing the KWW Act on Feb 12th.  Contact her to voice your support.
    • Senators Lisa Wellman (LD41), Patty Kuderer (LD48) and Mark Mullet (LD5) are co-sponsors. If you’re in their district, email to thank them and add your support. Include your home address so your opinion is noted.

    HB 1815 – in the Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee.

    • If you’re in their district, email to thank them and add your support. Include your home address so your opinion is noted.

    Steering Spotlight Featuring Allison Howes

      • What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside? A friend posted a link to the original Indivisible guide in late 2016 asking if anyone wanted to get together to discuss it. Seven of us did in early January. At this same meeting we made a Facebook page, got an email address and shortly afterwards registered it with National. We then stood back and watched membership take off. It helped our feelings of hopelessness and horror after the election by providing us with concrete steps to deal with the nightmare that we knew was coming.
      • What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years?  I have learned that I can speak in front of a group (albeit still reluctantly). I would never have said, even a year ago, that I would be comfortable knocking on strangers’ doors and asking them about voting.
      • What do you do for IE? I have decided that I am ‘generalist’ for our group. I do a little bit of a lot of things.
      • Fun fact about yourself: I lived in Bolivia for six years as a child.
    • What’s your background? I was born in Wales and grew up there (apart from my Bolivian years). I thank my mother for my political beliefs. She grew up in the coal mining valleys of South Wales during the depression – think ‘How Green was My Valley’. I moved here almost forty years ago, and have been at the same Bellevue elementary school for almost thirty of them as a parent, employee and now volunteer. I thought I retired five years ago but apparently not.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:

      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
      • Email with ideas for the newsletter, questions about how to become involved, and ideas for long-term projects you’d like to be involved in.
    • Forward this email to a friend!


    For the Week of January 28, 2019

    ? We are so fortunate to have 3 members who have agreed to come share their unique perspectives with us at our Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting 3:30 pm on Feb 2 at the Bellevue Library. We hope you can join us.

      • Nadine Strauss – Will share her experience traveling to Tornillo youth detention tent city.
      • Barbra Chevalier  – Will outline Democracy bills in the WA House and Senate including The Local Options Bill to allow alternative voting methods such as Ranked Choice voting.
    • Jackie McGourty – Will share her experience running for and winning a seat on the Northshore School District School board.

    ? As we move into our 3rd year of resistance, Seattle Indivisible continues to host Resist Trump Tuesday rallies and visits with Senators staffers. The schedule will shift from a weekly rally and meeting, to a twice monthly Rally and meeting. The 2nd Tuesday will include a meeting with Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell’s staffers, and the 4th Tuesday will include a meeting with Representative Jayapal and Representative Smith’s staffers. We urge you to seize this incredible opportunity to connect with your Members of Congress and learn firsthand what’s happening. This week’s Resist Trump Tuesday will center around the ramifications of the Trump Shutdown and what’s ahead in the next 3 weeks. See the calendar section for details.

    ? Do you know what committees your WA State senator and representatives serve on? Check out Indivisible Eastside’s new Resources Page.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE HOUSE & SENATE] Gun Safety, Democracy, Environment Bills

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    Lots going on this week in Olympia!  These bills all have public hearings this week. A lot of research by Indivisible Kirkland went into this action and there’s something here for each and every one of you to reach out directly to your legislators. Remember to include your home address when emailing legislators.

    Gun Safety Bills:

    • SB 5181:  Temporary restriction of firearms rights for individual who has been placed in an involuntary 72-hour hold and has been deemed a risk to themselves or others.  Individuals can have their rights reinstated after 6 months.
    • This bill is being heard in the Senate Law & Justice Committee.  Please contact Manka Dhingra, the Vice Chair, to thank her for co-sponsoring this bill and to thank her for hearing it in committee.  Also, if you are in the 48th LD, please email Patty Kuderer to show your support for this bill.
        • Suicide comprises nearly 80% of all firearms deaths in Washington State, so this is an important bill.
    • HB 1319:  Expanding local authority to regulate firearms.  (Gives local municipalities (cities, towns, counties) the right to restrict open carry of firearms at public meetings of the municipality.)
      • This bill is being heard in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee.  Please contact the Committee Chair, Laurie Jinkins, to show your support for this bill.  Also, if you are in the 48th LD, please email Amy Walen to thank her for co-sponsoring this bill.  

    Democracy Bills:

    • HB 1063:  Allowing 17-year-olds to participate in primary elections if they will be 18 by the general election.
      • This bill is being heard in the House State Government Committee.  Please contact Mia Gregerson, the Committee Chair, to indicate your support for increased voter participation and thank her for hearing this bill.
      • SB 5078:  Requires presidential and vice-presidential candidates to disclose federal tax returns in order to appear on the ballot in Washington State.
    • SB 5294:  Requires employers to grant temporary leave of absence without loss of job or seniority to an employee who is a member of the state legislature.  (This bill, supported by the League of Women Voters, fosters the concept of citizen legislators.)
        • Both of these bills are being heard in the State Government Committee.  Patty Kuderer is both a sponsor of these bills and the Vice Chair of this committee.  Please thank her for her bold and creative approach to holding politicians accountable and creating more equitable access to the political process.
      • If you’re in the 1st LD, please email co-sponsor Guy Palumbo to thank him for co-sponsoring 5078.
        • If you’re in the 5th LD, please email co-sponsor Mark Mullet to thank him for co-sponsoring 5078.
      • If you’re in the 41st LD, please email co-sponsor Lisa Wellman to thank her for co-sponsoring 5078.

    Environmental Bills:

    • HB 1113: Amends the State’s greenhouse gas emissions targets to align with the Paris Accord
    • HB 1257:  Clean Buildings for WA Act; Increases building energy efficiency for large existing commercial buildings and authorizes local residential codes
    • HB 1194: Pollution Prevention for Healthy People and Puget Sound Act; Identifying, regulating, reducing, and eliminating toxic pollution; Part of the effort to save Chinook salmon and the Orcas  
      • These three bills are being heard or considered this week in the House Environment & Energy Committee.  Joe Fitzgibbon is the Committee Chair, as well as a sponsor for each of these bills.  Please contact him to show your support for these bills and thank him for considering them in committee.
      • If you’re in the 1st LD, please email co-sponsor Shelly Kloba to thank her for co-sponsoring 1257.
      • If you’re in the 1st LD, please email co-sponsor Derek Stanford to thank him for co-sponsoring 1257 and 1194.
        • If you’re in the 45th LD, please email co-sponsor Roger Goodman to thank him for co-sponsoring 1257 and 1194.
      • If you’re in the 48st LD, please email co-sponsor Vandana Slatter to thank her for co-sponsoring 1257 and 1194.
    • SB 5323:  Establishes minimum state standards for plastic bag use in retail establishments
      • This bill was heard last week in the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee.  Please contact Vice Chair, Guy Palumbo, who is also a co-sponsor on this bill, to demonstrate your support for it.
      • If you’re in the 48th LD, please email co-sponsor Patty Kuderer to thank her for co-sponsoring 5323

    Action 2 – [US SENATE] Thank our Senators for Staying Strong


    Trump caved. For more than a month, Trump and Mitch McConnell held our government hostage—including 800,000 federal workers who went without pay. On Friday, Jan. 25, Trump finally caved and agreed to let the hostages go, but only temporarily. This was only possible because of massive public opposition to Trump’s wall, and the resolve of congressional Democrats who stood up to Trump.

    The deal. It’s essentially the same deal that McConnell and Schumer reached back in December, but that Trump blew up after getting criticism from conservative pundits. Here’s what’s in it:

      • A “clean” short-term funding bill that funds the government until Feb. 15. It contains no additional money for Trump’s wall or for immigration enforcement.
      • An agreement to go to conference committee, where conferees will negotiate a year-long agreement for funding the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
    • If the conference committee is unable to come to an agreement (i.e., if Trump sabotages the negotiations), then Trump has threatened he will either take us all into another shutdown, or declare a national emergency to pay for his wall.

    The bottom line is that this deal opens up the government, without giving in to Trump’s extortion attempts.

    What comes next: Conference Committee. The House and Senate will each select members for the conference committee (“conferees”), who will be tasked with coming to an agreement on DHS funding levels by Feb. 15.

    The most important thing that you can do is to make sure that your three MoCs continue to hear the message that Trump’s demands are unacceptable. Trump will continue to demand $5.7 billion for his wall and extreme changes to our immigration system. And he’ll continue to threaten us with a shutdown or a phony declaration of a national emergency. Make sure your MoCs know you want to keep the government open, but that you want Congress to reject Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda.

    Thank our Senators! And ask them to keep it up. The government reopened with no new funding for the wall, and we should thank Democrats for keeping strong to make sure that happened. But the fight isn’t over yet. You should tell your Democratic senator to support a conference agreement that has no new funding for the wall.

    Make sure to pair your Thank You with an action to help workers hurt by the Shutdown. See Action 3.

    Action 3 – [RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS] Donate to an organization helping people affected by the shutdown.

    Even though federal employees will receive back-pay, the ripple effect of this shutdown is wide. Federal contractors went without while affiliated businesses took a huge economic hit. Consider:

    Donating Food, Gas and Gift Cards:

      • Port of Seattle is still accepting donations of non-perishable food and gift cards (no cash or checks) through February 1. Food and gift cards can be dropped off at the SeaTac Conference Center reception area, on the south end of the airport’s mezzanine level between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m daily.
      • Muslim Association of Puget Sound – Muslim Community Resource Center (MAPS-MCRC) is hosting a donation drive through February 2 for non-perishable food, hygiene items, and pet food. Donations and hot meals will be taken to SeaTac Airport to benefit TSA employees, CBP employees, air traffic controllers, the U.S. Coast Guard, and other employees affected by the shutdown.

    Donating money:

      • United for U.S. Fund “is a joint effort by corporate partners, organized labor, the United Way network and nonprofits to assist federal workers, contractors and others impacted by the government shutdown.”
      • The American Legion is collecting donations to support furloughed Coast Guard members and their families.
    • Seattle Humane Pet Food Bank provides pet food assistance and is encouraging furloughed workers to reach out for assistance with pet food or supplies (pickup locations in article).


    Steering Spotlight Featuring Rhiannon P-B

      • What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside? Allison, one of the founding members of IE, has been a family friend for years. When they started IE she invited my family and me to join as she knew how frustrated we were about the administration.
      • What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years? I’ve always been politically active but I never thought I would get this involved in politics or the political process.
      • What do you do for IE? Help with moderating the Facebook group, monitoring and putting content on Instagram, adding new members to the Facebook group, creating and updating the community guidelines as needed, coordinate with outside organizations such as MAPS, and providing millennial perspective to the Steering Committee.
      • Fun fact about yourself: I have dual citizenship, UK and USA.
    • What’s your background? I was born in the USA but my parents moved to the USA from the UK in the 80s. They got their USA citizenship in 2010.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    … and More:

      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
      • Email with ideas for the newsletter, questions about how to become involved, and ideas for long-term projects you’d like to be involved in.
    • Forward this email to a friend!


    For the Week of January 21, 2019

    ? We hope those who attended the “Women Act on Seattle” Rally, March, and/or Day of Action this weekend felt the awesome power of the resistance movement, now entering its 3rd year. Today is the 14th annual Martin Luther King Jr. march and day of service in Seattle. The MLK Jr. Coalition will lead the 37th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s celebration, with workshops, opportunity fair, a rally, and march. If you participated in any events this weekend, send us your photos!

    ? We encourage everyone to look for ways to provide support to workers and families impacted by the shutdown in your area. Consider donating to Hopelink or North Helpline – two emergency services organizations that are reaching out to federal employees in need of assistance. If you are travelling by air, bring a few $25 gift cards with you to give to a TSA manager for distribution. It’s important to continue showing up for folks who are struggling because of Trump’s shutdown.

    ? Starting today, look for Steering Spotlight to learn a little about each of your eight Steering Committee members, how we found ourselves here, and what makes us tick.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    ✊ Action 1 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] – Support Gun Safety

    From Indivisible Kirkland

    This week it seems that the legislature will spend some time focusing on gun safety bills – fantastic!  All of the bills listed below are scheduled for public hearings on Monday or Tuesday of this week.

    House Gun Safety Bills:

    Senate Gun Safety Bills:

    ✊ Action:  we want to show our support for gun safety legislation.

    • If one of your legislators has sponsored/co-sponsored one of these bills, please contact them to thank them using the links above or DistrictFinder.
    • Contact the committee chairs of the committees where these bills are being heard.  Please thank the chairs for hearing these bills and let them know why you support these bills:
    • House Civil Rights & Judiciary Chair:  Laurie Jinkins
    • Senate Law & Justice Committee Vice Chair:  Manka Dhingra

    ✊ Action 2 – [US HOUSE] Demand Your Representative Publicly Condemn Steve King (R-IA) and Support Censure


    Last weekend, a lot of people got to talking about the latest comments from Congress’ very own racist-in-chief Steve King (R-IA) to The New York Times: “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”

    This isn’t surprising. And it was hardly the first time.

    Steve King is actually Trumpism, purified. But thanks to the blue wave YOU built in November House Democrats, with a simple majority vote, can (and should) censure him. Republicans should also speak out against his unapologetic racism.

    Censure is one of the mechanisms available in the House to punish one of its own members for misbehaving or for jeopardizing the integrity of the institution. Once a Representative is censured, they must stand before the full body of the House and receive a public rebuke. Even though only a simple majority is needed, it is important to have bipartisan support in order to prevent censure from being misused (or dismissed) for political purposes.

    Call your Representative now and ask them to publicly condemn Steve King and his latest, racist remarks and publicly support his censure.

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, I’m a constituent calling from [CITY, ZIP] urging Representative [NAME] to call for Steve King to be censured for his racist remarks. Steve King has a long history of making offensive and racist comments. He commonly denigrates immigrants while defending — and increasingly championing — white supremacy. His bigoted comments alone are sufficient for censure. What’s worse, Steve King’s comments intentionally stoke fear and tensions, and embolden white supremacists, which may lead to more acts of violence against immigrants and communities of color.

    Will Representative [NAME] publicly condemn Steve King’s racist comments and call for him to be censured? I will be watching closely for their public statement and for support for censure if it comes to the floor for a vote.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.

    ✊ Action 3 – [Governor Inslee & Senator Manka Dhingra] – Support a True Universal Healthcare Bill

    From WholeWashington

    Governor Inslee announced he’s introducing a “public option” bill that, according to his Medium article, means the Health Care Authority will contract with for-profit insurers in our state. This is not what our state wants or needs. Unless the for-profit motive is removed completely, we won’t see the savings, efficiency, and social justice that a true universal healthcare system brings.

    SB 5222 has been introduced to the legislature and is based on the well-researched Whole Washington Health Trust (I-1600 from 2018). All 522,000 Washington residents without any coverage should be able to get healthcare immediately, not through Inslee’s incremental approach.

    ☎ Sample Script for Governor Inslee 360-902-4111

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m from [CITY, ZIP]. I support the creation of a universal healthcare system in Washington State and nationally and am happy that Governor Inslee has started promoting the idea of universal healthcare. However, a “public option” bill that contracts with private insurance will not cover everyone, nor will it reduce the overall costs of healthcare and pharmaceutical prices in our state.

    I want our tax dollars to go to a public, government run health agency, not a for-profit entity.

    Please support SB 5222, Whole Washington Health Trust, which has been vetted by the Department of Revenue and the Employment Security Department, is backed by a funding study done by world renowned economist Dr. Gerald Friedman, and has a transition plan that will allow it to begin covering our residents without federal waivers.

    Thank you for your time taking my call.

    If you’re in Senator Manka Dhingra’s district (LD45), contact her. She served on the Health & Long Term Care committee where this bill would be considered.

    ☎ Sample Script for Senator Dhingra (360) 786-7672

    Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m from [CITY, ZIP]. I support the creation of a universal healthcare system in Washington State and nationally and am happy that Governor Inslee has started promoting the idea of universal healthcare. However, a “public option” bill that contracts with private insurance will not cover everyone, nor will it reduce the overall costs of healthcare and pharmaceutical prices in our state.

    I want our tax dollars to go to a public, government run health agency, not a for-profit entity.

    As a member of the Health & Long Term Care committee, I hope you will support SB 5222, Whole Washington Health Trust, which has been vetted by the Department of Revenue and the Employment Security Department, is backed by a funding study done by world renowned economist Dr. Gerald Friedman, and has a transition plan that will allow it to begin covering our residents without federal waivers.

    Will Senator Dhingra commit to pushing to allow the bill to have a hearing in the committee? Will the senator commit to voting this bill out of committee?

    Thank you for your time taking my call.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Steering Spotlight featuring Jennifer Ho

    Q: What moved you to join Indivisible Eastside? 

    A: After the 2016 election, I felt despair and powerlessness. I initially tried to counter it by calling my Members of Congress, donating to progressive organizations, and following the suggestions of various action lists that sprouted up around that time. One of these was the original Indivisible Guide. I found out there was a local chapter in Redmond and went to my first meeting in February 2017 in order to “practice corporeal politics” as recommended by Timothy Snyder in his 20 Lessons for Defending Democracy.

    Q: What have you learned about yourself in the past 2 years?

    A: I have learned that I can take my outrage and individual powerlessness and channel them into small actions that, when linked with others, make great impacts. My work with IE has been the single most effective action in countering the feeling of helplessness in the face of the current admin.

    Q: What do you do for IE?

    A: I help run our social media, focusing on Twitter and Facebook. I help with scheduling our weekly actions posts on FB, posting events and general information posts, and moderating. I attend our weekly steering committee meetings and help plan and run the monthly group meetings including creating meeting slides and running the projector.

    Q: Fun fact about yourself

    A: I sneeze in threes. If I don’t reach three, it feels wrong and I feel cheated.

    Q: What is your background?

    A: I moved here from Canada in 2015, and so am not eligible to vote as I am only a permanent resident (green card holder). My inability to vote is also one of the reasons IE and the Indivisible movement is so valuable to me. I will be eligible to apply for citizenship later this year and if I am fortunate, will obtain it in time to vote for 2020. Count me in for the long haul to take this country back.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    For the Week of January 14, 2019

    ? The 105 day Washington State Legislature session opens today! Congratulations to all the Senators and Representatives in our five Legislative Districts – all Democrats! We are so pleased to be partnering with Indivisible Kirkland on actions during this session.

    ? King County Elections is holding 2 ballot observer orientation trainings.

        • Session 1: Tuesday, January 22, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
      • Session 2: Friday, January 25, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

    *You only need to attend one of the training sessions. Orientation will be held at King County Elections headquarters located at: 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057.

    Election activities will occur during the day between 8:30 am – 4 pm, Jan. 28-Feb. 21st with no weekend or night hours.

    10 students from each of the two major political parties are allowed per orientation. If you are interested in becoming a certified ballot observer, please fill out this volunteer survey. Observer training is valid for 2 years. The list of approved observers is updated after each training.

    ? Are you planning on marching on Saturday in the Womxn’s March? Email Michelle M if you’d like to connect and march with others and the Indivisible Eastside Banner.

    ? Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] Actions from Indivisible Kirkland – Act TODAY!

    A bunch of fantastic bills have already been filed for this session, and some of them have committee hearings this week!  We definitely want these bills to make it out of committee.

    House Climate Change Bills:

    • HB 1113: Aligning WA’s greenhouse gas emissions limits with those established by the 2015 Paris climate agreement (Vandana Slatter (48th LD) is the prime sponsor of this bill.) Hearing on January 15th.
      • HB 1110:  Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation fuels. (Sponsored by Joe Fitzgibbon (34th LD), Chair of the House Energy & Environment Committee.) Hearing on January 15th.
    • HB 1114:  Reducing the wasting of food in order to fight hunger and reduce environmental impacts. (Vandana Slatter (48th LD) is a co-sponsor of this bill.)  Hearing on January 17th.

    Senate Climate Change Bill:

    • SB 5116:  Supporting Washington’s clean energy economy and transitioning to a clean, affordable, and reliable energy future. (Requested by Gov. Inslee) Guy Palumbo (1st LD) and Patty Kuderer (48th LD) are co-sponsors of this bill. Hearing on January 17th.

    ACTION 1A: We want to encourage and support the effort being put towards climate change so early in this session.

      • If one of your legislators has sponsored/co-sponsored one of these bills, please contact them to thank them.  Use the Washington State District Finder to identify your district.
    • Contact the committee chairs of the committees where these bills are being heard (we’ve confirmed that it’s OK and useful to contact committee chairs even if they’re not from your district).  Please thank the chairs and let them know why you support these bills:
      • Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee Vice Chair:  Guy Palumbo

    Senate Democracy Bill:

    • SB 5063: Providing prepaid postage for all election ballots.  Hearing on January 16th.  (Though postage was paid for ballots for the last election, this bill must pass to ensure that this is true for future elections.)

    ACTION 1B:

    • Contact the Vice Chair of the Senate State Government Committee to indicate your support for this bill: Patty Kuderer (48th LD)  ( again, we’ve confirmed that it’s OK and useful to contact committee chairs even if they’re not from your district)

    Action 2 – [US SENATE & HOUSE] Reopen The Government without Funding The Wall!

    Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin pledged to block consideration of any bills except for reopening government until Mitch McConnell and Republicans allow a vote on bipartisan House bills to reopen the government.  Last week, 41 Democratic Senators joined them causing the cloture motion for S.1 to fail.  Our Senators need to hear from us so that they stand firm on this.

    The president asked people to call their Members of Congress to put pressure on them to fund his racist ineffective campaign promise. Our Senators and Representatives need to hear from us in higher numbers!

    Sample Script for Senators:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to the thank the Senator for blocking business-as-usual in the Senate until a clean no-wall budget is brought up for a vote. I want to thank her for listening to her constituents on this critical issue, and ask her to keep blocking votes until McConnell calls a vote on the same funding bill that passed the Senate unanimously last month. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Sample Script for Representatives:

    Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to urge representative [NAME] to publicly speak out against the devastating effects of the Trump shutdown and the actions the administration is taking to possibly declare a bogus state of emergency or funnel money from other important government agencies such as emergency response and Army Corps of Engineers. [His/Her] firm statement against this ridiculous and harmful situation is important to ending this impasse. Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 3 – [WA House and Senate] Join with others to support environmental priorities in Washington state

    From Environmental Priorities Coalition (many groups)

    More than 20 statewide organizations have come together as the “Environmental Priorities Coalition” to work together during the 2019 legislative session. For the session, the coalition has adopted four environmental priorities essential for healthy communities and a thriving environment:

    • 100% Clean Electricity – for climate protection (and to give Puget Sound Energy the message that it’s time to move to efficiency and renewables!)
    • Orca Emergency Response – because Southern resident orca whales are on the brink of extinction
    • Oil Spill Prevention – because of the amount of oil, especially dirty heavy crude oil, being shipped across our region
    • Reducing Plastic Pollution – because our local waterways, ocean, and recycling systems are overloaded with plastic pollution

    There are many ways to work on these priorities, of course, but here are three good ways to help.

    ✊ Action 3A: Review the list of priorities. Go to the Environmental Priorities Coalition page on Washington Environmental Council’s website and review the priorities there (the descriptions are short and easy to review). Also on that page, there are buttons you can click to sign up for email updates or to volunteer.

    ✊ Action 3B: Call or email your state legislators. Identify your district and find contact info for your state legislators, then call or email them in support of the four environmental priorities.

    Sample Script: (if emailing, please write in your own words!)

    Hi my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent living at [ADDRESS]. I am calling to ask that [REP OR SENATOR] support important environmental priorities in this legislative session, including:

    – 100% Clean Electricity

    – Orca Emergency Response

    – Oil Spill Prevention,  and

    – Reducing Plastic Pollution

    Environmental priorities like these are important to me because I care about [BRIEFLY DESCRIBE– THE NEXT GENERATION, HEALTH, ORCAS AND THE FISH THEY DEPEND ON, CLEAN AIR AND WATER, ETC.] Thank you for your time and attention.

    ✊ Action 3C: Consider heading to Olympia for Environmental Lobby Day, January 29. Runs from 8:30 am – 5 pm at United Churches, 110 – 11th Ave SE, Olympia.

    Join Fuse, the Environmental Priorities Coalition, and hundreds of fellow activists to push for key environmental legislation in Olympia. If you go, you’ll be given information and support when you get there, to help you make your voice heard with your legislators. Registration open NOW!

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the Date

    … and More:


    For the Week of Jan 7, 2019

    ? It was great to see so many of you yesterday at the Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting. Thank you to everyone for all the delicious food! Please see the Meeting Notes that includes links to resources discussed at the meeting and a group photo. Our next meeting in Saturday Feb 2, 3:30 – 5:30 at the Bellevue Library.

    ? Watch Rachel Maddow praising the staying power of the Indivisible Movement, and be proud that you’re part of it.

    ? Enjoy a look back at 2018 in our Indivisible Eastside in Pictures slideshow, and think about how YOU will make a difference in 2019.

    ?Let’s get to work. Here are your 3 actions for this week.

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE] Express your Expectations for the 116th Congress!

    (Note, this is a repeat of last week’s action. Please do this today if you didn’t get to it last week)

    Show our representatives just how many Indivisible Eastsiders there are watching and ready to hold them accountable. Please email your representative to welcome them to the 116th Congress, and to tell them what you expect. Use the following as a guide but please edit to make it unique.  

    Hello, my name is [NAME] from [City, Zip]. Thank you for your resistance to the Trump agenda over the past two years and congratulations on being part of the majority in the House of Representatives! Indivisible Eastside, to which I belong, encouraged members to register voters, canvass and phonebank in CD-8, helping flip the house Blue.


      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to reopen the government without bowing to Trump’s tantrum over his campaign promise to build a wall.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to pass a bold and progressive Democracy Reform bill (H.R.1) to expand voter access, rein in big money’s influence in politics, and demand a higher standard of ethics from our elected officials.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to create a Select Committee for a Green New Deal.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to provide a much-needed check on presidential powers.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to investigate the abuses of power by current and former Trump administration members.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to pass legislation to shore up the struggling Affordable Care Act to ensure that all residents have affordable access to quality care.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to advance H.R. 676 or other Single Payer Healthcare legislation.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to fight the climate change deniers and the removal of protections that keep our air and water clean.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to fight the attacks on our Public School system by Secretary DeVos.
      • I expect the Democratically controlled House to protect a woman’s right to choose.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to …

    All eyes are on this new Blue House, and we’re looking to you for leadership on the committees you serve. Will Rep. [NAME] publicly support H.R. 1, the Select committee for a Green New Deal and Health Care for All?

    Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

    [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

    Action 2 – [Bureau of Land Management] No Drilling in ANWR

    From the Sierra Club and Seattle Indivisible

    Last year, the Trump administration snuck language into the tax bill that would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling. Since then they’ve only gotten greedier — and sloppier. They’re clearly rushing to hand the Refuge over to Big Oil before their decision can be reversed in 2020. And we need to do everything in our power to make sure they miss that deadline.

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) just released a detailed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that outlines their drilling plans. And while the tax bill recommended opening 800,000 acres to drilling, this new plan ups that number to a minimum of one million.

    The EIS is also supposed to consider the harm that drilling could do to wildlife and Alaska Native tribes, but the BLM is intent on ignoring any concerns that might get in the way of short-term profit. There would be lots of harm — burning the oil in the Refuge would be the carbon equivalent of adding 776 million cars to the road. It would also threaten the human rights of the Gwich’in, who consider the Refuge sacred and rely in its caribou population for 80% of their food supply.

    ADD YOUR COMMENT to the BLM by Feb 11th.


    Sample Comment, but please edit to make your own (read this Washington Post article for background information)

    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of our last wild places, and the overwhelming majority of Americans support its protection. At a time when the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the United States, burning the oil in the Refuge would be the carbon equivalent of adding 776 million more cars to the road. A few corporations might make money from this deal, but all of us will suffer the long-term consequences of their greed. This is completely unacceptable. We must not open the Refuge to oil drilling.

    Action 3 – [YOU] Keep Tabs on Olympia

    The State Legislature will be back in action January 14. Sign up now to receive e-mails from your district’s senator and representatives. You can also sign up to receive information from committees and to follow the House Democrats’ agenda and scheduled votes by signing up for the “Hot Sheet” distribution. You can choose daily or weekly emails.

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the Date

    … and More:

      • Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website
      • Email with ideas for the newsletter, questions about how to become involved, and ideas for long-term projects you’d like to be involved in.
    • Forward this email to a friend!

    For the Week of Dec 31, 2018

    ? IMPORTANT: Due to staffing shortage, staffers from CD-1 Rep. Suzan DelBene’s will not be able to attend the Jan 3rd Day of Action in Seattle. Please see our Indivisible Day of Action page with options for CDs 1, 7, 8 and 9.

    You can do our ONE action this week from home and we hope EVERYONE will take time to do this. We need to let our Reps know how many of us have their back and that we will hold them accountable.

    ? Please join us Sun, Jan 6, 11:30 – 2:30 Indivisible Eastside Potluck Lunch and Group Meeting – Redmond Library.

    • Potluck lunch – bring something to share if you are able.
    • Enjoy a slideshow of 2018 IE photos
    • Quick review of 2019 Survey results
    • Hear from Indivisible Kirkland about their 2019 State Legislative priorities plans
    • Hear from Jan K on Environmental Coalition priorities for State Legislation
    • Hear about the WA Indivisible Lobby Day on Feb 15 
    • Breakout groups by topic of interest to get organized for 2019

    Action 1 – [US HOUSE] Express your Expectations for the 116th Congress!

    Show our representatives just how many Indivisible Eastsiders there are watching and ready to hold them accountable. Please email your representative to welcome them to the 116th Congress, and to tell them what you expect. Use the following as a guide but please edit to make it unique.  

    ☎ Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [NAME] from [City, Zip]. Thank you for your resistance to the Trump agenda over the past two years and congratulations on being part of the majority in the House of Representatives! Indivisible Eastside, to which I belong, encouraged members to register voters, canvass and phonebank in CD-8, helping flip the house Blue.


    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to reopen the government without bowing to Trump’s tantrum over his campaign promise to build a wall.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to pass a bold and progressive Democracy Reform bill (H.R.1) to expand voter access, rein in big money’s influence in politics, and demand a higher standard of ethics from our elected officials.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to create a Select Committee for a Green New Deal.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to provide a much-needed check on presidential powers.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to investigate the abuses of power by current and former Trump administration members.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to pass legislation to shore up the struggling Affordable Care Act to ensure that all residents have affordable access to quality care.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to advance H.R. 676 or other Single Payer Healthcare legislation.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to fight the climate change deniers and the removal of protections that keep our air and water clean.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to fight the attacks on our Public School system by Secretary DeVos.
    • I expect the Democratically controlled House to …

    All eyes are on this new Blue House, and we’re looking to you for leadership on the committees you serve. Will Rep. [NAME] publicly support H.R. 1, the Green New Deal and Health Care for All?

    Thank you,

    Calendar of In-Person Events:

    Save the Date

    • Tue, Jan 29 , 8:30 am – 5 pm – Environmental Lobby Day – Olympia

    … and More:


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