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Updated Apr 16, 2018

? Please join us for the Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting Sat, Apr 21, 2-4 pm at the Redmond Library. Hear what Topic Groups are up to and learn about how we can help flip CD8 blue. Tech demo/workshop for those who would like to improve their non-Facebook communication: Slack, Zoom, Google Drive, and Take Action Network. If anyone can bring treats, please email

? Here are your four actions for this week.

Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Protect Mueller and the Russia Investigation

updated from a action

The FBI raid on Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen on April 9th set Trump off on a tweetstorm. Indivisible went on high alert when a frustrated and angry Trump mused about firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Press Secretary Sanders stated that the president has the power to do so.

Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ), Chris Coons (D-DE), Tim Tillis (R-NC), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have introduced bipartisan legislation to limit Trump’s ability to fire Mueller, providing the investigation the protection it needs from an unpredictable president. As Mueller’s team pursues action against criminal perpetrators in the Russia investigation, every member of Congress must allow the legal process to proceed to its natural conclusion.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

☎ Sample Script for Senators:

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to urge Senator [NAME] to support the bipartisan Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act, introduced by Senators Booker, Coons, Tillis, and Graham. It’s the duty of Congress to serve as a check on Trump and prevent him from causing even more serious damage to our democracy.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

☎ Sample Script for Representatives:

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to urge [NAME] to make a public statement that the firing of Special Counsel Mueller by Trump would be completely unacceptable. It’s the duty of Congress to serve as a check on Trump and prevent him from causing even more serious damage to our democracy.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Sinclair Broadcasting – Thank Senators Murray and Cantwell. Contact your Representative

Last week we asked you to contact your Members of Congress in opposition to the merger of Sinclair Broadcasting and Tribune Media. On Thursday Sens. Murray and Cantwell called for an investigation of Sinclair Broadcasting, and a pause on the proposed merger. Please call and thank the senators for their public stance on this important issue. Also call and ask your representative to do the same.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

☎ Sample Script for Senators:

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m to thank the senator for calling for an investigation into Sinclair Broadcasting, and pausing the merger of Sinclair Broadcasting and Tribune Media. Thank you for speaking out publicly against this merger.”

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

☎ Sample Script for Representative:

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling in opposition to the merger of Sinclair Broadcasting and Tribune Media. The merger will expand Sinclair’s reach to a massive 72% of US households. The FCC should not roll back regulations in order to grow Sinclair’s pro-Trump, right-wing messaging. The recent forced Sinclair messaging on local news stations is an example of the type of propaganda we can expect if this merger is allowed.  Please join Senators Murray and Cantwell in speaking out publicly against this merger.”

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Oppose Department of Homeland Security journalist database

From Seattle Indivisible

The Department of Homeland Security has put out a request for bids on “Media Monitoring Services.” This damaging effort is a project to compile a database of journalists and media influencers, and to do sentiment analysis on their content.

Under normal circumstances this would be troubling. However, this week, with news of privacy violations at Facebook, and President Trump speaking out against the press and threatening to fire the special prosecutor, this action is downright terrifying. This administration has shown that it will attack the free press at the heart of our democracy. We don’t need to give it even more tools for harassing journalists and bloggers.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

☎ Sample Script:

“Hello, I’m [NAME] from [CITY,ZIP]. I am alarmed by the Department of Homeland Security’s proposed project called “Media Monitoring Services,” which would create a database to track journalists, bloggers, and other media influencers. The American public needs a free press to gets answers to important questions about our government’s actions and behavior. I am asking [Senator/Representative] to speak out against this project, and to work with [his/her] Congressional colleagues to prevent this project from happening.”

Action 4 – [CREDIT CARD COMPANIES] –Ask Your Credit Card Companies to Refuse to Process Assault Rifle Sales

As we approach the April 20th anniversary of the Columbine shooting, let’s support the nationwide student walkouts by keeping up the pressure to reduce gun deaths from mass shootings.

On March 22nd, Citigroup became the first big bank to set restrictions on the sale of firearms using their services. PayPal and ApplePay have also blocked the use of their service to buy any guns. We know other credit card companies can do it too–they recently blocked users from buying Bitcoin using their cards. Financial institutions are responding to consumer demands to do something about gun violence, and you can help.


Find the customer service number on the back of your credit card. Call the number and tell the customer service agent that you want your credit card company to block purchases of assault weapons.  It’s always best to speak in your own words, but here are some points to guide you.

☎ Sample Script:

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m a [CARDNAME] customer.  Citigroup took a historic step to set restrictions on gun sales–blocking sales without background checks, to customers who are under 21, and banning sales of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines. Why isn’t [CARDNAME] through [BANK] leading on this issue? I want the company to follow suit and go a step further. Ban all sales of assault weapons through your bank’s card. Please communicate this to the proper decision makers.

All of the deadliest mass shootings this decade have used assault rifles like the AR-15. This has to stop, and I want my credit card provider to take action. If not, it will be easy to switch to a CitiCard.”

Extra Points:  Call VISA and MASTERCARD and tell them to block the sale of assault weapons purchased with their credit cards.

  • Seth Eisen, Mastercard Vice President of Communications: 914-249-3153
  • Nathaniel Sillin, Visa Senior Director of Public Affairs: 415-805-4892

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Updated Apr 9, 2018

? Indivisible Eastside’s Voting/Elections group member Michelle M is organizing a second Voter Registration event in CD8 – this time at Green River College in Auburn.  If you’re trained in Voter Registration, please join Michelle Fri Apr 27 from 10am-2pm to help with this important step towards flipping the 8th.

? There are 8 spots still available for the noon – 2pm  Postcards To Voters Apr 15th Event. If you’re interested, click on the link and register. Erin’s address will be mailed to you the day before the event, but it’s near the Bear Creek country club on the Redmond side of Woodinville.

? Here are your three actions for this week:

Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Prevent the Expansion of Sinclair Broadcasting


Sinclair Broadcasting, a heavily right-wing leaning media company, has been working to acquire Tribune Media in order to expand its reach into households across the country. Already the nation’s largest TV broadcast company with stations in 81 markets reaching 38% of U.S. households, Sinclair’s potential $3.9 billion merger with Tribune Media would add to its roster another 42 stations, extending its reach to a colossal 72% of U.S. households.

Though Congress imposed an audience cap of 39% on media companies, FCC regulations are complex, with various parameter “tests” and loopholes that affect the actual limits placed on media companies. On November 16th, 2017, the FCC voted to eliminate a 42-year-old regulation which disallowed one media outlet to own too many or too much of one market. This paved the way for the Sinclair-Tribune Media merger.

The expansion of Sinclair’s reach is troubling due to the company’s frequent use of “must run” segments. The national company forces the local news stations they own to air segments produced by their national headquarters, often hosted by former Trump aide now Sinclair employee Boris Epshteyn, that are filled with extreme right-wing propaganda. This practice not only injects inaccurate and partisan rhetoric into the news media at a dangerously effective level, it also imposes excessive control over local news stations.

Update (4/2/18): Sinclair’s terrifying grip on local media is in the spotlight again. The company forced news anchors across the nation to read a ludicrous statement about the “irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing our country.” Meanwhile, Sinclair Media has stepped up pressure on the FCC to approve their merger by submitting a third application to the FCC and signaling that a fourth will follow.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: 202-224-2621 / 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: 202-224-3441 / 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

Sample Script:

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling in opposition to the merger of Sinclair Broadcasting and Tribune Media. The merger will expand Sinclair’s reach to a massive 72% of US households. The FCC should not roll back regulations in order to grow Sinclair’s pro-Trump, right-wing messaging. The way that Sinclair recently forced specific messaging on local news stations is an example of the type of propaganda we can expect if this merger is allowed.  Please speak out publicly against this merger.

Thank you so much for your time.”

[IF LEAVING A MESSAGE: Please leave your full address to ensure your call is tallied.]

Action 2 – [KOMO NEWS] – Contact KOMO News and KOMO News Advertisers – Stop Airing Propaganda.

Action assist from Seattle Indivisible

Last week, Sinclair Broadcast Group required hundreds of local news anchors to read scripted lines accusing “some members of the media” of spreading fake news. Among the news stations where the scripts were read was the Seattle-Tacoma news station KOMO..

To get a feel for Sinclair’s action, check out the YouTube video by Deadspin.

? Action 2a – Contact KOMO News advertisers, especially if you’re a customer.

As we saw last week with Laura Ingraham temporarily forced off the air, ad pressure works. Ask advertisers to pull their ad money from the local Sinclair-owned KOMO 4 News! The Stranger has compiled a running list (?), and Indivisible member Michelle identified advertisers on the April 3rd 5pm broadcast (?). Pick a company, especially one you are a customer of, and send them an email:

Here’s the Stranger’s recommendation on how to approach these companies: “The goal here isn’t to put local advertisers out of business; it’s to send a message to Sinclair that we don’t want their must-runs and we don’t them interfering in local news. I will repeat myself: We’re not asking you not to spend your money at these businesses, but to express your desire that they stop advertising with Sinclair.

Suggested comment:

“With your advertising support of KOMO News you are supporting scripted “must run” messaging from a right-wing organization with a political agenda. Keep local news local and stop paying for propaganda.

? Action 2b – use Fuse’s email tool to contact KOMO to tell KOMO “Don’t be a mouthpiece for Sinclair”. Extra points – modify the content of the letter they’ve written for you to make it unique.

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Ask our Members of Congress to Speak Out About DHS’ Proposed Change in the Definition of “Public Charge”

From Seattle Indivisible

While public attention is focused on border militarization, the Department of Homeland Security is quietly rolling out a new immigration policy that will force immigrants to make an impossible choice between meeting their basic needs and keeping their families in the United States. Immigrants are already penalized for receiving cash welfare when looking to apply for U.S. citizenship. The new proposal would expand the definition of what makes an immigrant a “public charge.” Under the proposed rule, any use of programs like SNAP (food stamps), Health Exchange subsidies, Head Start, or even the Earned Income Tax Credit would make previously legal immigrants—including DACA recipients—ineligible for a green card, and potentially subject to deportation. In short, the proposed rule would punish lawfully present families who attempt to access basic human needs like food and health care—including for their U.S. citizen children.

Although this change in the definition of “Public Charge” can be implemented without Congressional approval, our members of Congress can expose its cruelty, and public pressure can force the Administration to withdraw it.  Feeding your kids should not be grounds for deportation.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: 202-224-2621 / 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: 202-224-3441 / 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

Sample Script:

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling about the Department of Homeland Security’s proposed redefinition of ‘Public Charge,’ making immigrants who use programs like SNAP, Head Start and the Earned Income Tax Credit ineligible for green cards, and deportable. Please speak out in support of low-income immigrants, and demand that the Administration withdraw this cruel policy change.”

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Updated Apr 2, 2018

? When the timeline isn’t urgent, we often pass along actions created by Seattle Indivisible. Our ability to amplify their work adds extra force to their actions. Since you receive the action a number of days after Seattle Indivisible members, the life of the action is lengthened, creating a bigger impact. Please know we do this with their permission, and are thankful that the work they do frees us up to focus on other Indivisible Eastside projects.

? Indivisible Eastside, Seattle Indivisible, and all the area Indivisibles get incredible resources and ideas from the national Indivisible Project, such as theWhat could happen on Capital Hill in [Month]”, and Resources for action on a number of issues. They are in the process of revamping their website to better serve us, and Indivisible Eastside plans on donating to that effort. If you’d like to help them help us, please consider donating to them.  

? Speaking of resources, every week, our senators provide area activists with direct access to their staffers at the Tuesday meeting with the Senators’ Staffers. This access was hard-won and is invaluable two way communication with our senators. Louise attends a couple of times per month, and we encourage you to give it a try. Start at 11:45 with the informative Resist Trump Tuesday Rally which is organized by the tireless Seattle Indivisible leadership, then attend the 45 minute meeting with the staffers. If you are unable, reading the excellent write up of the meeting by Indivisible Bainbridge’s Holly Brewer is the next best thing.

? Here are your four actions for this week which are also available on the Take Action Network (or Sign Up).

Action 1 – [INGRAHAM ADVERTISERS] – Contact Ingraham Angle Show Advertiser and Ask Them to Stop Supporting a Cyber Bully.

After Laura Ingraham’s insensitive cyber bullying on Twitter of Parkland survivor David Hogg, David amplified the #BoycottIngrahamAdverts movement, and it’s having an effect.  As of March 31st, 19 advertisers have made statements about future ads not appearing on Ingraham’s show: Nutrish, TripAdvisor, Wayfair, Expedia, Nestle, Jos A Bank, Johnson & Johnson, Hulu, Stitch Fix, Jenny Craig, Office Depot, Honda, Liberty Mutual, Principal, Miracle-Ear, Ruby Tuesday, Atlantis, Entertainment Studios and finally Saturday evening, Bayer.

Below is a list of top advertisers on Ingraham’s show between March 19th and March 28th compiled by Media Matters. (Full List) Let’s nudge them in the right direction.

Action: Contact as many of the following as you can on Instagram, Twitter, email, or phone.

? Suggested comment:

“With your advertising support of Laura Ingraham you are supporting the hateful mocking and denigration of the Parkland student survivors and directly aligning yourselves with the NRA. This is how your brand is being defined and perceived by current and potential customers. #BoycottIngrahamAdverts”

Action 2 – [KING COUNTY COUNCIL] – Approve Funding for Postage on King County Ballots

The need to put a stamp on our vote-by-mail ballots can be a barrier to participation for some people.  King County Elections Director Julie Wise is requesting funding from the County Council to provide all voters in King County with ballots with prepaid postage based on a successful prepaid postage pilot program that increased voter participation. King County Executive Dow Constantine submitted a supplemental budget request last Wednesday to the County Council that would provide voters with prepaid ballots starting this year and would make it part of ongoing operations costs.

Let’s give our councilmembers a call and let them know we want this.

Action: Look up your councilmember, then call or email.

Sample Script:

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent in [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to ask [County Councilmember] to appropriate funds for prepaid postage on mail-in ballots in our county. I am proud that our state is a leader in helping everyone to vote. As the pilot programs have demonstrated, voter turnout is higher with pre-paid postage. Please vote to approve the request for funding from County Elections Director Julie Wise and Executive Dow Constantine.”

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Defend the 2020 Census

From Seattle Indivisible

The Trump administration is threatening to derail the integrity of the census by adding a question about citizenship status to the 2020 census questionnaire. Innocuous at first blush, its effect would be truly insidious. It would discourage noncitizens and their citizen family members from responding to the census, resulting in an almost certain undercount in urban areas and coastal states. Such an undercount could cost progressive areas seats in the House of Representatives and, on the national level, shift government services and political power to more rural, largely Republican, communities.

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced on March 27 that he would join with AGs in 11 other states in suing to block the addition of a question about citizenship status in the 2020 Census. Thank him for defending ALL of the people of Washington State, and ask our members of Congress to speak out on this issue.

? ACTION 3a:  Thank State AG Bob Ferguson for Suing to Block the Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census.

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson: (360) 753-6200

Sample Script:

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to thank AG Ferguson for joining with other states to block the Trump Administration’s attempt to hijack the 2020 Census by adding a question about citizenship. Adding this question jeopardizes our access to political representation, as well as federal benefits and services.”

? ACTION 3b: Ask our Members of Congress to Speak Out about Trump’s Plan to Hijack the 2020 Census.

  • ? Sen. Patty Murray: 202-224-2621 / 206-553-5545
  • ? Sen. Maria Cantwell: 202-224-3441 / 206-220-6400
  • ? Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • ? Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • ? Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

Sample Script:

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP]. The Trump Administration’s attempt to hijack the 2020 Census by adding a question about citizenship is unconstitutional and jeopardizes our access to political representation, as well as federal benefits and services. Please ask [NAME] to speak out against this unconstitutional effort to distort the census for partisan purposes.”

Action 4 – [US SENATE] – Tell our Senators to Show Up!

Adapted from a Seattle Indivisible Action

Indivisible is built on holding our representatives accountable, and a huge part of that is getting them to hold town halls. Last year we put pressure on both senators, and Maria Cantwell broke a years-long policy of not holding town halls. This year, neither of our senators has scheduled a town hall in the state yet, although Senator Cantwell’s staff has indicated verbally her willingness to do so. Let’s get on the phones and tell them to show up in person!

  • ? Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • ? Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

Sample Script:

“Hello I’m [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP], and I would like to know if Senator [NAME] is planning a town hall in the Seattle area soon.”

[Listen to response–insist on a date and a place or else a definitive answer that no town halls are planned. If they say they are working on one, ask when they plan to have a set date and location.]

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

  • Tue, Apr 3, 11:45 – Resist Trump Tuesday – Seattle
  • Wed, Apr 11, 6:30 – 8:30 pm IE Postcards To Voters – Kirkland – RSVP required (3 spots left)
  • Sat, Apr 14th, Rally 10 am; March starts at noon March for Science, Cal Anderson Park, Seattle.
  • Sat, Apr 14th, 2-5pm Tax Rally 2018 – Invest in All of Us, Judkins Park, Seattle.  
  • Sun, Apr 15th, 12-2pm IE Postcards To Voters – Woodinville – RSVP required
  • Sun, Apr 15th, 6 – 7:30pm Improving Gun Safety & Reducing Gun Violence presented by The Lutheran Peace Fellowship-Eastside, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, 10021 NE 124th St, Kirkland.

Save the Date

  • Sat Apr 21st  2-4 pm Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library

Updated Mar 26, 2018

? Wow, what a great day Saturday. Indivisible Eastside members attended different area Marches and Rallies. March For Our Lives – Seattle, North Bend Sister Rally, and Moms Demand Action – Columbia City. At all three events, and around the state, Voter Registration of young people was a central theme. Thanks to all the members who turned out to support these important young voices.  

? It was great to see so many at the Indivisible Eastside Group meeting Sunday. Our main speaker, Bob Clough of Indivisible Washington’s 8th CD, worked with the endorsement committee to engage 5 other Indivisible stakeholders in the 8th CD to endorse 2 candidates – Jason Ritterieser and Dr. Kim Shrier. See our Meeting Notes to learn about their process. Even if you live outside the 8th CD, you can still support the candidate of your choice.  Donating in March will be 10x more impactful than donating in April, so if you plan to support a candidate, do it today.

? Join us for two Postcards to Voters events: Wed, April. April 11th 6:30 – 8:30 in Kirkland and Sun April 15th, Noon – 2 in Woodinville. RSVP in the link. 

? Here are your four actions for this week, or check them out on the Take Action Network (or Sign Up).

Action 1 – [US SENATE] – Gina Haspel is a Torturer. Don’t Let Trump Give Her a Promotion.


Trump just appointed a war criminal to lead the CIA.

On March 13, 2018, a flurry of announcements and tweets revealed a shakeup in Trump’s administration. Rex Tillerson is out at the State Department. He’s being replaced by Mike Pompeo, who until now has been Trump’s head of the CIA. That leaves an open position to lead the spy agency—and Trump has given it to Gina Haspel.

Gina Haspel personally helped torture detainees in a secret CIA-run prison during the Bush administration. She then made sure the video evidence was destroyed.

Torture is illegal in all circumstances, without exception. It was illegal then and it’s illegal now. Gina Haspel carried out crimes but, instead of punishment, she’s getting a promotion. Unless we stop her. It’s up to the Senate to decide whether to confirm or reject Gina Haspel to lead the CIA. We can block her if Democrats vote together. What will they choose?

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

 Suggested Script:

Hi, My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] calling about Gina Haspel’s nomination as head of the CIA. I want Senator [NAME] to immediately and publicly commit to opposing this nomination. Gina Haspel carried out torture and destroyed the evidence. She is completely unqualified to lead the CIA.  Haspel is an unacceptable choice and it’s important for the senator not just to oppose her, but to use her platform to increase pressure for other senators. I’ll be watching for her statements.  Thank you for your time answering the phones.

Action 2 – [US HOUSE AND SENATE] – Express Outrage Over the Appointment of John Bolton as National Security Adviser


On March 22nd, Trump replaced National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster with Ambassador John Bolton after weeks of speculation. Bolton previously served in the George W. Bush administration as Undersecretary of State of Arms Control, with a notable focus on using weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) as justification for preemptive military action. His hardened position that Iraq possessed WMDs promoted the Bush administration’s neo-conservative foreign policy and the decision to invade Iraq.

Declassified documents later revealed that Bolton’s intelligence on Iraq’s WMDs was politicized and misleading and his reputation was rightfully tarnished. His 2005 Senate confirmation hearing for US Ambassador to the UN was unusually contentious with multiple Bush administration officials testifying against his appointment. When the Republican-controlled Senate could not confirm him, Bush installed him as Ambassador in a recess appointment.

Bolton’s resurrection as Trump’s National Security Advisor signals a sharp return to a hawkish and pro-war foreign policy, especially with regard to Iran and North Korea. Bolton wrote an op-ed titled, “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran,” and in recent months has advocated for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea. As National Security Advisor, Bolton will be responsible for the intelligence Trump receives, a grave risk considering his history of manipulating intelligence to serve his political agenda. His pro-war positions may easily encourage and amplify Trump’s strongman tendencies and lead us into unnecessary military escalation. While Bolton’s position in the White House is ultimately up to Trump, Congress must do its job to serve as a check on the Executive Branch. They must fervently speak out against Bolton’s appointment and be reminded that he was an unsuitable candidate under Bush who failed to gain confirmation. He is a polarizing figure who will likely promote a nationalist and warmongering agenda for the country and echo Trump’s most bellicose and aggressive tendencies.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: 202-224-2621 / 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: 202-224-3441 / 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

Sample Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to express my serious concern about the appointment of John Bolton as National Security Advisor. His advocacy for war with Iran and North Korea renders him dangerous and unacceptable in this position. I ask that [NAME] make a public statement denouncing Bolton’s appointment and the administration’s clear turn toward a hawkish foreign agenda.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 3 – [WA STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL] – Hold Facebook Accountable for Cambridge Analytica Data Theft


On March 18th, The Guardian published a groundbreaking article about whistleblower Christopher Wylie and his role in harvesting Facebook data used by Cambridge Analytica, the data analytics firm contracted by the Trump campaign. Wylie asserts they accessed the personal information of 50 million Facebook users without their permission, gathering information via an app called “Thisisyourdigitallife,” which sold itself as a research app used by psychologists to predict personality. Approximately 270,000 people downloaded the app, collecting detailed information on not only them, but also their online friends who never gave consent. Personal information harvested included name, education, work history, birthdays, likes, locations, photos, relationship status, religious affiliations and political membership. Even more disturbing, The Guardian claims Facebook was made aware of the data violation in 2015, yet they did nothing to ensure the stolen data was destroyed.

The Attorney General of Massachusetts has already launched an investigation into Cambridge Analytica, and Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and John Kennedy (R-LA) have sent a joint letter to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, demanding chief executives of Facebook, Twitter, and Google testify before Congress about how their companies share personal user data. “While Facebook has pledged to enforce its policies to protect people’s information, questions remain as to whether those policies are sufficient and whether Congress should take action to protect people’s private information,” wrote Klobuchar and Kennedy.

Congress and State Attorneys General must act swiftly to investigate the practices of Cambridge Analytica and Facebook to ensure the online privacy of users is safeguarded and not shared without informed consent.

Call WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson 360-753-6200

Sample Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to ask that Attorney General Ferguson launch an investigation into the practices of Facebook and Cambridge Analytics. Residents of Washington deserve to have our personal information and online privacy safeguarded from predatory data theft.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 4 – [YOUR NEIGHBORS] – Rebuild the Islamic Center of Eastside

From Seattle Indivisible

Last Wednesday, the Islamic Center of Eastside was again the site of an unexplained fire after being the target of arson one year ago. They were  the middinle of rebuilding from the last attack. While police are still investigating the cause, we know that the Muslim community here has seen a rise in attacks and hate crimes in this political environment, and they could use our support. If you are able, please consider making a donation towards their reconstruction efforts.

You can also leave a supportive comment on their Facebook page.

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Save the Date

  • Sat Apr 21st  2-4 pm Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library

… and More:

Updated Mar 19, 2018

? Woo Hoo! Democrat Conor Lamb won the special election on Tuesday with just 627 votes — previously this district went for Trump by 19 points in 2016. And Indivisible Volunteers helped make a difference: 1,556 national volunteers completed 2,917 text-banking shifts during the last two weeks of the election. All together, they sent 108,828 texts to voters in the district!

? March 24th is March For Our Lives – Seattle – the student led rally protesting our political leaders’ inaction to curb gun violence. A bunch of Indivisible Eastside members are meeting up to march together – please join us! Fill out the MFOL IE Interest Form, and we’ll contact you with details by Thursday. We plan to use public transportation from two park & rides and meet up somewhere near Cal Anderson park. If you can’t participate the day of, but would like to contribute to the march, you can donate on the MFOL Seattle GoFundMe page. Read the Stranger Article about two of the student leaders.

? Mar 25th – Please join us for the Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting 2 – 4 pm at the Redmond Library. Our agenda includes Bob Clough with a Democratic endorsement update from the 6 Indivisible groups focused on the 8th CD; Lisa O-Toole, who’s a candidate for King Co District Judge. Also, we’ll hear updates from some Topic Groups, and have a chance for Topic Groups to meet, and Postcard writing for upcoming race.  

? Here are your four actions for this week, or check them out on the Take Action Network (or Sign Up).

Action 1 – [HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES] – Comment Against HHS Health Care Refusal Regulation


Freedom of religion is important, which is why it is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  However, religious freedom doesn’t give anyone the right to discriminate or to hurt others. Recently the current administration announced they will be overhauling the Health and Human Services (HHS) civil rights office as part of a broader plan that will allow health workers to refuse treatment to a patient based on religious or moral objections.

Existing laws already allow health care providers to put their religious beliefs before patient care. The proposed rule would expand those laws in harmful new ways. The LGBTQ community, women, and other people could be at great risk.  According to a recent Center for American Progress survey, LGBTQ people face disturbing rates of health care discrimination, including harassment and denials of care, and often avoid doctor’s offices out of fear of discrimination.  LGBTQ community centers continually work to overcome stigmas and discrimination, and this policy will significantly increase the time they spend helping individuals find alternative care.

HHS is now accepting public comments on this proposed rule. All comments are due by March 27. We need you to engage your LGBTQ community members, family members, friends, and health care providers to submit individual comments stating why they oppose the HHS health care refusal rule. Speak up, tell your story about why health care discrimination affects you, and let HHS know that no one deserves to be denied care because of who they are or how they live their life.  We strongly encourage you to use your own words, including by sharing personal stories of how discrimination or the fear of discrimination in health care or related services has affected you or someone you love, or why you oppose this rule as a person of faith.


? Go to the Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority scroll down and click on “Comment Now”. This is and is a public record.

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Ask Members of Congress to appropriate funding for states to convert to trackable paper ballots.

From Seattle Indivisible

One of the reasons that the Russian government was so successful in attacking our elections in 2016 is that we don’t have systems in place to audit and validate the voting process at the core of our democracy. One in four Americans votes on a system with no paper trail at all. We are up against a dangerous and sophisticated enemy, and we haven’t put even the most basic defenses in place.

There is an appropriations bill coming up on March 31. Let’s ask our Senators and Representatives to appropriate money for states to convert to trackable paper ballots, and harden cyber security defenses.

  •        Sen. Patty Murray: 202-224-2621 / 206-553-5545
  •        Sen. Maria Cantwell: 202-224-3441 / 206-220-6400
  •        Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  •        Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  •        Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

Sample Script:

“Hi, my name is ____________ and I’m a constituent in [your zip code]. I’m calling to ask [Senator/Representative] to appropriate funds to help states convert to paper ballot voting systems that can be audited, and harden cyber security defenses. One in four Americans votes on an election system with no paper trail. It has become clear that the Russian government attacked our election in 2016. We are under attack, and we don’t even have basic defenses in place. Please add this funding to the March 31 appropriations bill.”

Action 3 – [GOVERNOR INSLEE] – Demand Gov. Inslee Fire DOL Director Pat Kohler

From Seattle Indivisible

As we learned in February, the WA Dept. of Licensing failed to comply with Governor Inslee’s Executive Order prohibiting use of state agency resources to identify or apprehend immigrants for violations of federal immigration laws. This is an unforgivable breach of trust. We know that DOL’s violation of this Executive Order has already unleashed ICE against one prominent immigrant activist, and it may have put many more of our neighbors and friends at risk of deportation by sharing their personal information with ICE.

Such a betrayal of our state’s values cannot be fixed by a few bureaucratic changes. The Latino Civic Alliance is calling for the resignation or termination of DOL director Kohler.

Excerpt from a statement put out on March 9 by The Latino Civic Alliance (LCA):

“The Washington State Dept. of Licensing lacks effective leadership and people have been harmed as a result. New bureaucratic processes cannot address the fundamental underpinnings of what went wrong at DOL. The recent safeguards in place after the discovery of the privacy breach, which include a requirement for court orders to obtain information, do not change the culture or values at DOL.”

Visit LCA’s Website to download the full statement.

Call Gov. Jay Inslee: (360) 902-4111, or email him

Sample Script:

“Hello. My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP]. I’m calling to support The Latino Civic Alliance’s call for the termination of Pat Kohler, the Director of the Washington Department of Licensing. Her agency facilitated the Trump administration’s attacks on our immigrant neighbors and friends by giving their personal information to ICE, against the Governor’s orders. Pat Kolher’s actions are inexcusable, hugely disrespectful, and damaging to all Washington State residents.”

Action 4 – [US SENATE] –  Stop the NRA’s Favorite Lawyer From Becoming a Federal Judge


Despite the students of Parkland and other youth leaders unapologetically demanding that their Members of Congress (MoCs) protect them from the uniquely American epidemic of mass shootings, Republican Senators are prepared to confirm the NRA’s favorite lawyer to a lifetime district court judgeship. Trump nominated Howard C. Nielson to a cushy lifetime seat on the United States District Court for the District of Utah. Nielson is one of the NRA’s go-to attorneys, who has made a career out of regularly representing the NRA and fighting against common-sense gun safety measures.

This is a major opportunity for Senators to fight back against the gun lobby’s influence, at a crucial time in history. The NRA spent an unprecedented amount of money—surpassing its own previous spending records—in support of Donald Trump’s campaign. Now, Trump is trying to give them their money’s worth. Trump told the NRA, “You came through for me, I am going to come through for you.”

When Trump nominated Nielson, it was a gift back to the NRA.

Luckily, the Senate—not Trump—gets to decide whether Howard Nielson will be confirmed as a federal judge.

Call your Senators and ask them to publicly commit to voting against Howard Nielson’s nomination.

  •        Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  •        Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

Sample Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent calling from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to oppose the nomination of Howard Nielson as a district court judge for the District of Utah. Has [SENATOR] determined whether she will oppose the Nielson nomination? Nielson is the NRA’s favorite lawyer for his work to undermine sensible gun violence prevention laws. In the wake of the school shooting in Parkland, FL we should not be rewarding the NRA by handing their champions lifetime judgeship appointments. I’d like to see Senator [NAME] publicly urge her colleagues to also oppose Nielson’s nomination.

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

… and More:

Updated Mar 12, 2018

? March For Our Lives – Seattle, the student led rally against congress’ inaction to curb gun violence is coming up on March 24th. If you plan on attending, and would like to meet-up with Indivisible Eastside and march together, please fill out the MFOL IE Interest Form, and we’ll contact you with details once we’ve sorted it out. We plan to use public transportation from two park & rides and meet up somewhere near the march. Join Us! If you can’t participate the day of, but would like to contribute to the march, you can donate on the MFOL Seattle GoFundMe page

? The Steering Committee received a request to help fund transportation for 56 students from Kent-Meridian School to participate in the March For Our Lives Seattle event on March 24th. After careful vetting, we are writing a donation check for $200 to the school district to help with the $425 cost of a school bus for the day. If you’d like to contribute to this effort, we will forward ANY donations to Indivisible Eastside up to and including March 17th to this or another group. Thank you for your support of these important young voices. To donate, go to the Indivisible Eastside Website and click the green “Donate to Indivisible” button.

? Ready for a dose of good news? Your calls and emails to the state Legislature were powerful, and got results. Read this concise wrap-up of What Passed And What Didn’t In Washington’s Legislative Session. Not listed, but signed into law by Governor Inslee last Thursday is a bill based in I-940 – Police De-Escalation. Thank you to all who helped with this impressive list of accomplishments.

? Here are your four actions for this week or check them out on the Take Action Network (or Sign Up).

Action 1 – [SCHOOL SHOOTING VICTIMS ] 17 Actions to take to honor the 17 Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting Victims

Inspired by a document posted on Indivisible North Coast Oregon

Wednesday marks one month since the devastating mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School. Here are 17 things you can do to honor the 17 victims.

  1. Wear orange in support of the school walkout on 3/14.
  2. Send a thank you to a teacher in your life.
  3. Send a thank you to a first responder in your life.
  4. Write a letter to the editor.
  5. Give blood or, better yet, organize a blood donor event.
  6. Talk to a 17 year old and share with them why their voice matters. See Why Your Voice Matters
  7. Meet up with friends to send 17 postcards or make 17 phone calls to your Senators asking them to support S.2095 the Assault Weapons Ban of 2017.
  8. Use 5Calls to Contact your Members of Congress to Support Expanded Background Checks for Gun Purchases.
  9. Contact your state Legislators and thank them for passing:
    • SB 5992 – Concerning bump-fire stocks.
    • SB 5553 – Preventing suicide by permitting the voluntary waiver of firearm rights.
    • SB 6298 – Adding domestic violence harassment to the list of offenses for which a person is prohibited from possessing a firearm.
  10. Make eye contact with and say hello to at least 17 people who cross paths with you on a day of your choosing.
  11. Donate $17 to a non-profit that supports gun safety such as
  12. Buy 17 students a lunch via the Feed the Children Fund, organized in honor of Philandro Castille, a police shooting victim.
  13. Forward this list to a friend.
  14. Join The Alliance for Gun Responsibility. Their Vision: “A community safe from the devastating consequences of gun violence.  … We create innovative policy, advocate for changes in laws, and promote community education to reduce gun violence.”
  15. Attend a rally for gun safety legislation, especially the March For Our Lives
  16. Buy a MSDSTRONG shirt for a student or faculty member in the MSD school district,
  17. Call VISA and MASTERCARD and tell them to block the sale of assault weapons purchased with their credit cards.

Here’s who to call:

  • Seth Eisen, Mastercard Vice President of Communications: 914-249-3153
  • Nathaniel Sillin, Visa Senior Director of Public Affairs: 415-805-4892

PayPal and ApplePay have already blocked the use of their service to buy any guns. And we know credit card companies can do it too–they recently blocked users from buying Bitcoin using their cards.

It’s always best to speak in your own words, but here are some points to guide you:

Hi my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, STATE]. [Mention if you are a Visa or Mastercard customer.]

I’m calling to urge your company to stop helping arm mass shooters by blocking the purchase of assault weapons through your credit cards. Assault weapons like the AR-15 were used to kill 17 people in Parkland, 58 in Las Vegas, 49 in Orlando, and 27 in Newtown including children as young as 6, and so many more.  If you can block the sale of Bitcoin, you can block the weapons of mass murderers.

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Authorize the NSA to fight Russian election hacking

From Seattle Indivisible

US intelligence officials have warned Congress repeatedly that the Russian government has, and will continue to, interfere with U.S. elections.  With the 2018 midterm elections coming up, we can’t afford to ignore this threat to free and fair elections in the US.  

Director of the NSA Admiral Michael Rogers has said his agency can’t move ahead without authorization from Trump and Mattis.  Trump has ignored him. Call your Members of Congress today and demand that they put pressure on James Mattis and President Trump to authorize a response to combat cyber attacks from the Russian government.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: 202-224-2621 / 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: 202-224-3441 / 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

Sample Script:

My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].

I am calling today to express my outrage that President Trump and Defense Secretary Mattis have failed to authorize a response to thwart Russia’s cyber attacks on US elections.  Despite NSA Director Rogers’s repeated warnings, Trump has done nothing. This is absolutely unacceptable. Please demand that President Trump do his job as Commander in Chief, and authorize the NSA to fight back. Please work with your colleagues in the [House/Senate] to encourage them to do the same. Thank you,

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Call for Diplomacy, not Nukes in North Korea

From Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

The United States and North Korea are inching closer and closer to nuclear war, goaded by uninformed and reckless rhetoric. Experts have put the probability of war as high as 50%. And with both countries possessing nuclear weapons, the chance that a conflict would become nuclear is high. 70 years after the first use of nuclear weapons in conflict, knowing everything that we know about their inhumanity and awful power, it is unacceptable that the US is again considering their use.

Urge your Members of Congress to support HR 4837/ S 2016, the No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act. These bills would prevent military action in North Korea without Congressional approval.  Without this measure, President Trump has sole authority to launch nuclear weapons.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

Sample Script:

My name is [ NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I urge you to cosponsor HR 4837/S 2016, the No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act. Military action in North Korea would be catastrophic and deadly— prevention of a nuclear exchange is the only sane solution to this crisis. I urge you to speak out publicly to insist on negotiations and diplomacy.  Thank you.

Action 4 – [US SENATE] –  Tell your Senator to vote no on the deceivingly-titled “Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155).”


House Republicans voted to gut the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law this past summer with legislation called the “Financial Choice Act.” Now, on the heels of a huge giveaway to the rich and corporations with the #GOPTaxScam, the Senate is back with its own version of Wall Street de-regulation. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell voted NO on the motion to proceed. Please let them know you expect them to stay the course and vote NO on S. 2155.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400

Sample Script:

Hello! My name is [NAME ] and I’m calling from [CITY]. Can you tell me how the Senator plans to vote this week on S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act? I’m was very glad to hear she voted NO on the motion to proceed last week. S. 2155 goes way beyond helping community banks. In fact, prominent banks that this bill helps include Deutsche Bank, Barclays, and Santander. Even worse, the bill puts us at risk of another financial crisis, it erodes consumer protections, and it allows racial discrimination in mortgage lending to go unchecked. Please let the Senator know I’m very grateful for his/her vote on this bill. Thank you!

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Save the date:

… and More:

Updated Mar 5, 2018

Today is the DACA Deadline imposed by Trump back in September. If you live near Auburn, please consider attending the DACA Deadline: Vigil & Postcard Collection for Clean DREAM ACT today, 7-9pm – Auburn

March For Our Lives Seattle held a large organizing meeting Saturday where about ten teams of student and adults met to hash out details for the March 24th event to protest “the lack of action regarding gun violence by the U.S. Congress and by our Washington State legislators”. A main focus of each team is to keep the event student centered. Details of the march should be out very soon, and you can keep tabs on the event by liking the March For Our Lives Seattle Facebook Page. We hope you all plan to join Indivisible Eastside the day of the march to amplify the voices of these students and say Enough is Enough.

The 2018 session in the State legislature ends this Thursday, so we have 2 actions to the State Legislature this week. Here are your five actions for this week (or check them out on the Take Action Network).

Action 1 – [WA STATE HOUSE & SENATE] – Support Improving Security in Schools and the Safety of Students Bill

This is the last week of regular session for the WA state legislature. Three of the four Gun Safety bills we asked you to call about have Passed the WA State House and Senate!  Enhanced Assault Weapon Background Checks from Action 3 last week has been replaced with HB 3004  / SB 6620 Improving Security in Schools and the Safety of Students and needs your calls.

It is built upon Washington state’s Concealed Pistol License background check standards;  it will raise the age of purchase from 18 to 21 years, require safety training, and annual background check renewal.

We must demand that our legislators move these bills it forward to protect the citizens of Washington State where the Federal government has failed.

Click HB 3004  or  SB 6620 links, click “Comment on this bill”, enter your address, and email your senator and representative to express your expectation that they will act on this bill.

? Suggested Script:

As Florida Gov. Rick Scott, and the Florida State Legislature consider Gun Safety legislation that would raise the age from 18 to 21 years to purchase a semi-automatic rifle, so too must Washington State.  I urge the Washington State House and Senate to pass the Improving Security in Schools and the Safety of Students bill currently in committee.

Action 2 – [WA STATE HOUSE & SENATE] –  Ask your State Legislators to Pass the Stronger Version of Automatic Voter Registration

Action courtesy of Seattle Indivisible

This is the last chance we will have this year get Automatic Voter Registration passed. While both the House and Senate passed it, they did not pass the same bill, so they have less than a week to reconcile their differences and pass a single bill.

Both the House and Senate passed HB 2595, but only one version utilized the Health Benefit Exchanges (HBE) to register voters. Including the HBEs in the final bill will result in a more effective registration system.

Washington Voting Justice Coalition has provided an e-mail tool to contact your legislators, for your convenience. You can use their pre-written text, or customize it as you see most effective. 

☎ Or you can call your legislators, using the following script:.

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

Thank you for supporting Automatic Voter Registration (HB 2595). I’m calling to urge you to support the strongest, most inclusive version of Automatic Voter Registration (HB 2595) during the concurrence process. Please continue to include the Health Benefits Exchange (HBE) so that voter registration reaches the most eligible voters. Thank you for your time and attention.


Automatic Voter Registration could add 1.2 million new registered voters to the rolls by 2025

Editorial by former Representative Jessyn Farrell about why we need Automatic Voter Registration

Action 3 – [US SENATE] – Stop Trump’s War in Yemen

A bipartisan group of senators is trying to stop Trump’s war in Yemen. Senators Mike Lee and Bernie Sanders introduced S.J.Res. 54 using a procedure under the War Powers Resolution to force a vote on the Senate floor to declare US participation in the Yemen war unauthorized. The vote will happen in the next few days, so call your senators today and demand they support S.J.Res. 54.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
Sample Script:

Hi, I’m a constituent calling from [CITY]. I’m calling about the joint resolution introduced by Senators Lee and Sanders to end our unauthorized war in Yemen. It is essential for the Senator to support this resolution when it comes to the floor for a vote.

Congress has never authorized this war, and evidence shows that the airstrikes the U.S. is supporting are causing a humanitarian crisis and may amount to war crimes. The chaos has allowed terror groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda affiliates to gain more power and land. It’s time for Senator [NAME] to exercise Congress’ constitutional power and end this unauthorized war.

Action 4 – [GUN SAFETY] – Support Businesses Standing up Against Gun Violence.

Many companies have ended partnerships with the NRA recently. The moves come after an outpouring of anger and grief over America’s mass shooting epidemic, with much of that frustration aimed at the gun-rights lobby and the NRA—and, by extension, any businesses that support the NRA.

Delta Airlines is one of the companies, including Enterprise, First National Bank of Omaha and United Airlines, that decided to stop NRA discount programs following the Feb. 14 shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 dead. FedEx is currently the only major company to still offer perks such as discount shipping to NRA members.

? Action 4A: Express your disappointment to Fedex by calling 1-800-463-3339, writing to  FedEx Customer Relations 3875 Airways, Module H3 Department 4634, Memphis, TN 38116,   or writing to them via their website.

? Action 4B: Go to the other companies’ websites, find the Contact Us link, and express your support for their decision to end their partnership with the NRA.

? Action 4C: the next time you have a choice of business, consider supporting a business that has stood up to the NRA, and not supporting a business who is still connected to the NRA. For lists of businesses based on where they stand, see the Drain the NRA website — scroll up and down to see different lists.

? Action 4D: Dick’s Sporting Goods came out with a statement announcing a change in store policy including:

  • They will no longer sell assault-style rifles, also referred to as modern sporting rifles. They had already removed them from all DICK’S stores after the Sandy Hook massacre, but they will now remove them from sale at all 35 Field & Stream stores.
  • They will no longer sell firearms to anyone under 21 years of age.
  • They will no longer sell high capacity magazines.

To thank them, call (724) 273-3400 or write a comment of support on Dick’s Sporting Goods website. [click on the green “Feedback” flag on the right edge of the website]

Share this action with friends and relatives!

Action 5 –[WA STATE] – Support Universal Healthcare I-1600

Whole Washington is an ambitious group of citizens and healthcare professionals, determined to bring universal healthcare coverage to Washington State through a ballot initiative. The organization was formed in January 2017, and since then they have been getting endorsements and supporters from all over the state. Sara So presented to Indivisible Eastside at our February meeting.

I-1600 is a single comprehensive package that will cover all essential health benefits including:

  • Hospital services, hospital-based outpatient care, and 24-hour-a-day emergency services.
  • Primary and preventive care services, including chronic disease management.
  • Prescription drugs, medical devices, and biological products.
  • Mental health and substance abuse treatment services.
  • Laboratory, diagnostic imaging, and other diagnostic services.
  • Reproductive, maternity, and newborn care.
  • Pediatric primary and specialty care.
  • Palliative care and end-of-life care services.
  • Oral health, audiology, and vision services.
  • Short-term rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices.

Find out more about this Initiative on the Whole Washington website FAQ  page.

For this initiative to be successful, 300,000 signatures need to be collected by July 1.  This is huge undertaking.  Ballot initiatives typically have paid signature collectors – but there is no funding to support that for this critical measure.  Signature collection is up to us.

How you can help:

? Sign up to receive a petition by mail and get your friends and neighbors to sign

This is a pledge to get 10 or more signatures from WA voters.  IMPORTANT NOTES:  The petition is a legal document, cannot be copied or cut up, and must be mailed in a separate envelope.  You will need to send the original, with the Petition Gatherer section completely filled in.  [Directions will be provided!]

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Save the date:

… and More:

Updated 26 Feb 2018

? It was great to see so many of you at the IE Group Meeting yesterday. If you missed it, or forgot to take notes, check out the Meeting Notes. Thanks Lisa T!

? If you were unable to attend your Legislative town hall last weekend, Don Smith took notes for the 41st LD Town Hall and Louise took some notes at the 45th LDs Town Hall.

? Congress is returning from Recess this week, so it’s time to increase pressure on them on gun safety legislation. Here are your five actions for this week (or check them out on the Take Action Network).

Action 1 – [IMMIGRATION] – Support King County Council Ordinance 2017-0487 – URGENT ACT TODAY

From Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN)

The Trump Administration wants to deport millions of people regardless of criminal history or ties to the community and is trying to use King County’s resources to do it. A new ordinance before King County Council would prevent the use of county funds and resources on federal immigration enforcement, require ICE to get a judicial warrant to access non-public parts of King County’s property, and ensure that immigrants in county custody know their rights. Tell King County Council: Protect immigrant communities and county resources from the Trump deportation agenda.

The “Enhancing Trust and Fairness for King County Immigrant Communities” ordinance (2017-0487) will be considered by the King County Council Monday Feb 26th at 1:00 pm. The King County Council will have a hearing to decide if the ordinance moves forward and we need you to pack the room!

The proposed ordinance is supported by Colectiva Legal Del Pueblo, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, the Public Defender Association, One America, and the Washington Defender Association.

Ways to take action:

Thank you for your supportive actions on behalf of immigrants in our community!

Action 2 – [WA STATE EPA] – Oppose Proposed Refinery for Kalama, WA — COMMENTS NEEDED BY MARCH 1

From Indivisible Washington Environment Network and Sierra Club

The world’s largest natural-gas-to-methanol refinery has been proposed for Kalama, WA–this graphic shows the destructive impacts at a glance. We’re in the “scoping” period for a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the refinery. This means that we can demand a broad scope, extending beyond immediate, local impacts. Broadening the scope can broaden it for other future projects as well. For additional background, see the Scoping Comment Guidance from the Sierra Club.

ACTION: Go to , click Public Comment, and follow the instructions. You can use this template to assemble comments:

I am writing to urge that the Supplement Environmental Impact Statement cover the full range of impacts of the proposed methanol refinery, including impacts from transporting the gas, refining it, and shipping and end usage of the methanol.   [REASON HERE, SUCH AS “I am concerned about the legacy we are leaving the children” OR “I am concerned because Washington citizens deserve a clean environment and a stable climate.”]     Some of the specific impacts that should be studied include:


  • The climate impacts of extracting, transporting, and processing the gas used in the refinery.
  • The climate and environmental impacts from the increase in hydraulic fracturing across the continent, including in Canada, related to this refinery’s demand for methane.
  • The additional gas pipeline capacity that will be needed for this refinery. The SEIS should include the climate impacts of each method that might be used for increasing gas pipeline capacity.
  • The different potential sources of energy for this project and the climate impacts of each source. This includes the electricity usage for each potential refining process.
  • The climate impacts of shipping methanol to China, assuming the refinery runs at full capacity.
  • The impact of the added risk of spillage from increased barge traffic that would result from building the facility, assuming the refinery is running at full capacity.
  • The climate emissions associated with using the methanol. This should include the emissions if all methanol is used as fuel for cars, and if all the methanol is used as inputs to plastics.

Action 3 – [WA STATE HOUSE & SENATE] – Demand your legislator revisit Enhanced Assault Weapon Background Checks legislation

From Alliance for Gun Responsibility

UPDATE Replacement BillsHB 3004  / SB 6620 Improving Security in Schools and the Safety of Students.

Formerly Enhanced Assault Weapon Background Checks • HB 1387 / SB 5444

Assault weapons are military-designed weapons created to kill humans quickly and efficiently. These firearms have repeatedly been used in high-profile shootings such as the 2016 shooting in Mukilteo, as well as the shootings in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting and most recently, the shooting that left 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In Washington, it is easier to buy an assault weapon than it is to purchase a handgun because assault weapons are treated the same as hunting rifles. The Improving Security in Schools and the Safety of Students bill is built upon Washington state’s Concealed Pistol License background check standards; it will raise the age of purchase from 18 to 21 years, require safety training, and annual background check renewal.

We must demand that our legislators move these bills it forward to protect the citizens of Washington State where the Federal government has failed.

? Action 3A: Click HB 3004  / SB 6620 links, click “Comment on this bill”, enter your address, and email your senator and representative to express your expectation that they will act on this bill. For background, see this article about Florida Governor Rick Scott and this article about the Florida legislature.

Suggested Script:

As Florida Gov. Rick Scott, and the Florida State Legislature consider Gun Safety legislation that would raise the age from 18 to 21 years to purchase a semi-automatic rifle, so too must Washington State.  I urge the Washington State House and Senate to pass the Improving Security in Schools and the Safety of Students bill currently in committee.

Action 3B: Call Senator Sharon Nelson and Speaker of the House Frank Chopp and ask them to “bring Improving Security in Schools and the Safety of Students to the floor for a vote.

  • Senator Sharon Nelson (360) 786-7667 (for the Senate bill, SB 6620)
  • Speaker Frank Chopp (360) 786-7920  (for the House bill, HB 3004)

?NOTE: All three gun violence prevention bills for WA state that we alerted you to last week have passed the Senate AND House.! Thank you for your calls!

Senate Bill 6298 will keep guns out of the hands of those convicted of domestic violence harassment. Senate Bill 5553, passed the house 77 to 20 and Senate Bill 5992, passed the house 56 to 41.

You might thank State Representatives and Senator for their support.

Action 4 – [US SENATE] – Demand Federal Ban on Assault Weapons


In 2004, the NRA successfully pressured the Republican-controlled government into not renewing the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban. The ban had worked to protect lives: after it expired the number of gun massacre deaths (which had decreased over 40% during the ban) jumped by nearly 2.5 times.

Gun violence experts are now renewing their calls for a nationwide ban on these types of weapons – and Americans agree – recent polls show at least 2/3 of Americans support a nationwide assault weapons ban. In November of last year, Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced an assault weapons ban (S.2095). This bill would ban future sales of high-capacity magazines and military-style assault weapons, including the AR-15 used in many recent gun massacres (Parkland, Las Vegas, Newtown). Legislators must act now before any more lives are needlessly lost.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
Suggested Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY].

I’m calling today to ask Senator [NAME] to vote in favor of S.2095, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2017. We cannot afford to wait any longer to protect innocent lives from gun massacres.

Thank you for all your hard work answering phones.

Action 5 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] –  Support Expanded Background Checks For Gun Purchases


In light of recent mass shootings in Florida, Las Vegas, Texas, and other cities across the country, it is clearer than ever that our approach to gun policy and gun violence must change. One such necessary change is to close background check loopholes. Currently, background checks are mandatory for commercial gun sales but not for purchases made through private sellers, at gun shows, or online.

To fix this serious problem, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) introduced the Background Check Expansion Act, along with 31 Democrat co-sponsors, which would make background checks nearly universal. The bill would close the “gun show loophole” by mandating that all sellers run potential buyer information through the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). It would also require a licensed firearms dealer run a NICS check on buyers purchasing a gun from a private seller. The bill maintains some exceptions for law enforcement officials, loans for hunting and sporting events, or for immediate self-defense.

While Sen. Murphy acknowledges the tough hurdles such legislation faces, especially from the NRA, public support for expanded background check has risen to 90%. The time for Congress to finally take action against rampant gun violence in this country is now.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
Suggested Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

[IF SENATOR]: I’m calling to express my support for S. 2009, the Background Check Expansion Act. Closing loopholes that allow the wrong people to buy guns is a necessary step Congress must take to strengthen our current gun policies and protect Americans from the rampant gun violence devastating our country.

[IF HOUSE REP]: I’m calling to ask that the Representative support legislation to expand background checks for gun purchases. Closing loopholes that allow the wrong people to buy guns is a necessary step Congress must take action to strengthen our current gun policies and protect Americans from the rampant gun violence devastating our country.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Electoral Corner – CD8 Race:

Updated 19 Feb 2018

? INDIVISIBLE EASTSIDE is ramping up its electoral game, while continuing to hold our members of Congress accountable. Join like-minded Indivisibles for our next All Group Meeting, Sunday Feb 25th 12:30 – 3:00 at the Redmond Library 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA to:

  • Hear what’s brewing in the CD8 House seat race
  • Brush up on your electoral knowledge
  • Hear from Dr. Judith Lipton on what you can do to avert Nuclear War
  • Build on the momentum of the Topic Groups formed in January

Come get involved with one of the existing groups: Electoral/Voting, Environment, Immigration, Social Justice, Healthcare, Education, Corruption, or start a new one (Gun Control would be amazing). Contact Linda K at for more information.

Indivisible Eastside has a few needs for the meeting:

  • If you’d like to bring treats, let us know at
  • If you’d like to contribute to operating costs (we just renewed website domain and need to renew online meeting subscription, which will deplete our balance), please visit and click Donate.
  • We’ve had requests to make meeting notes available for those who cannot attend. If you can help with this, please let us know at

See you on the 25th!

? THE STEERING COMMITTEE (Allison, Rhiannon, Joan, Louise, Marcelle, and Jennifer) is pleased to announce the addition of Linda Kaczmarek to the leadership in the new role of Topic Group Coordinator. Linda stepped forward last fall with energy and insight and has been a dependable resource for the organization. Because of her focus and commitment, we know Linda will be a wonderful, and much needed addition to the Steering Committee. We are excited about the work she is doing with Topic Groups and look forward to Linda assisting each group in achieving its goals, as well as connecting members to existing topic groups.

? IF you were unable to attend your Legislative town hall on Saturday, Louise took some notes at the 45th LDs Town Hall that help shed some light on what’s going on in Olympia.

? EVEN though Congress is in Recess this week, their answering machines will take your call. Here are your actions for this week (or check them out on the Take Action Network).

Action 1 – [US HOUSE] – URGENT — CALL BY February 20, 10 a.m.

From IE Member Dr. Judith Lipton

This is a request from Rep. Earl Blumenauer objecting to the president’s Nuclear Posture Review, 2018, that calls for the largest arms buildup since 1962.

As needed, take a look at this letter to Trump and this analysis at the National Priorities Project. Then ask your U.S. representative to sign on to the letter, using the script below.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
Suggested Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling in opposition to Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review, 2018. This review calls for the largest arms buildup since 1962, and would most likely increase tensions with Russia and other major world powers, while making our country less secure. I urge you to sign on to the letter of opposition written by Representative Earl Blumenauer and others. To sign on, contact Representative Blumenauer’s assistant at by close of business on February 20.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 2 – [WA STATE HOUSE] – Prevent Gun Violence in Washington State

Three gun violence prevention bills for WA state have passed the Senate, and are in committee in the House. You can make sure they make it to the House floor for a vote. At the 45th LD Town Hall, Rep. Larry Springer shared that thousands of NRA members are making their voices heard. We mustn’t stand silent on this.

Click each link, click “Comment on this bill”, enter your address, and email your representatives to express your support for gun violence prevention, on three fronts. Make sure to click the “support” button. Better yet, look up your Legislator and call.

? Senate Bill 5992, which would ban bump stocks, the trigger modification device that allowed the shooter in the Las Vegas massacre to transform semi-automatic rifles into machine guns.

? Senate Bill 5553, which would prevent suicides by allowing people who realize they are experiencing periods of extreme depression or stress to voluntarily waive their firearm rights.

? Senate Bill 6298, which would keep guns out of the hands of those convicted of domestic violence harassment.

Suggested Script for all 3, but please make it your own:

Washington State needs to succeed where the Federal Government has failed. Please protect Washington citizens by passing this bill in the House.  

If these don’t make it to the House floor, [add your own sentiment here]

Action 3 – [US HOUSE] Resist Trump’s Billionaire Infrastructure Scam

The next jobs and infrastructure bill that is passed can either be a huge step in the right direction or two steps in the wrong direction. We must demand that our politicians lead us forward and settle for nothing less.  Major jobs-and-infrastructure bills may only happen once in a generation.

Trump’s infrastructure plan is a failure that will result in public assets being privatized and costs going up for taxpayers through user fees and tolls. It will NOT result in good jobs or better infrastructure – but it would be a massive handout to hedge funds and an environmental catastrophe that leaves behind the serious needs of too many communities.  Senate Republicans need 60 votes to pass this bill, which means that they need to convince ALL of their caucus PLUS Democrats that they should support this infrastructure giveaway.

House Democrats have introduced House Concurrent Resolution 63 [H.Con.Res. 63], the #MillionsOfJobs principles, about what does belong in an infrastructure bill and what definitely does not. By pledging to support the principles laid out in H.Con.Res. 63, 156 Members of Congress (including ALL WA Dem Representatives) are committing to a strong investment in a better future that works for all of us. Democrats need to know they have the support to stand up against this corporate giveaway of public goods. A complete list of co-sponsors can be found at Millions Of Jobs and at H.Con.Res. 63 Cosponsors.

Action: Look at Indivisible Eastside’s list of 40 House Democrats who have NOT co-sponsored H.Con.Res 63. Ask friends and neighbors in those states to call on their congressional leaders to cosponsor this resolution. Know anyone in California? Of course you do!

SCRIPT #1: Use when calling Reichert, or forward to friends in other states:

Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to ask [MoC] to oppose the Trump infrastructure plan because it will sell off our public assets and hurt the environment, while setting up developers and Wall Street to turn huge profits. The framework for the Trump plan makes it clear that he doesn’t actually want to rebuild critical components of our infrastructure like water systems or electrical grids; he just wants to hand mega-projects to his Wall Street friends so they can impose new fees on [MoC’s] constituents to line their own pockets. [MoC] should hold firm against this scam, and vote no on any infrastructure bill that doesn’t have enough federal dollars to really get the job done.

[Continuation of script: If House Member Not Already Signed On to H.Con.Res. 63]

Will [MoC] commit to signing on to the #MillionsOfJobs principles laid out in House Concurrent Resolution 63? It already has over 156 co-sponsors, and it draws clear lines around what belongs in an infrastructure bill and what does not.

SCRIPT #2: Bonus Action for WA State Democratic Reps:

Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to thank [MoC] for signing on to the #MillionsOfJobs principles laid out in House Concurrent Resolution 63. I ask that you hold firm in your opposition to Trump infrastructure plan, which is designed to sell off our public assets and hurt the environment, while setting up developers and Wall Street to turn huge profits.

Action 4 – [IMMIGRATION] –  Volunteer Rapid Response Hotline Supporting Self Defense Against ICE Raids

Forwarded by IE member Roger P-B from Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network

WAISN is in need of volunteers to staff the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network’s Rapid Response Hotline (1-844-RAID-REP). This hotline is a key resource for helping community members report ICE activity in their communities and dispatch rapid response volunteers to verify and document ICE raids to assist with community self defense against deportations. The hotline also helps family members who have had a loved one detained, by connecting them to services and dispensing Know Your Rights information.

  • What: Rapid Response Hotline Training
  • Who: Bilingual English/Spanish/Other volunteers
  • When: Wednesday February 28th, 7pm – 8:30 pm
  • Where: Online via Zoom Conference (link will be sent following RSVP)
  • Please RSVP if you are able to attend.

We are looking for bilingual English/Spanish volunteers to take regular volunteer shifts as well as bilingual volunteers in additional languages to be on call. The hotline is staffed 6am – 9pm; we are particularly in need of early morning, evening, and weekend volunteers.

Action 5 – [INDIVISIBLE]Help Indivisible Fund Digital Recess Ads

from Indivisible National

Want to help your fellow Indivisibles nationwide hold their members of Congress accountable? Indivisible national can use your help.  Help Indivisible launch digital ads during recess.

We showed the world what our movement was capable of last February during the congressional recess. This year, before we get out the vote, we’re going to get louder.

To do that, we’re running digital ads to reach new people that adds 1 new person to our list for every 67 cents we spend.

  • Chipping in $26 gets our recess materials into the hands of 39 more people!
  • Giving $35 puts our materials in the hands of 52 more people!
  • Contributing $50 equips 75 more people with the tools needed to ask their MoCs hard questions!
  • Donating $100 helps 149 more people hold their MoCs accountable!
  • Gifting $250 adds 373 more people to the Resistance!

Republicans think that they’re in the clear after all the terrible votes they took last year on TrumpCare, the Trump Tax Scam, and deporting Dreamers. But our movement will be at their town halls and events to remind them. Chip in to Indivisible to help us get our recess toolkit in the hands of even more supporters.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 12 Feb 2018

Good Morning Indivisibles!

  • Feb 13th is the deadline to mail in your ballot for the School Levy and Bond measures.
  • Feb 14th there is a new Postcards to Voters Opportunity – this time for TERRY Jones running in a special election for Alabama State House. Sign up now if you’d like to participate.
  • New Tool: Take Action Network: Remember to sign up for the  Take Action Network to track your Activism Activities.

Here are your five actions for this week (or check them out on the Take Action Network). Since the cutoff for legislation to clear either the Washington State House or Senate is approaching, three of the actions are to the State Legislature.

Action 1 – [US SENATE and HOUSE]: Tell Congress: Demand a “clean” Dream Act

As we approach an arbitrary March 5 deadline, the number of DACA recipients losing their protections will skyrocket from 122 to 1,200 a day.  Congress is in recess starting Feb 19th, so it’s incredibly important time for us ALL to pressure our Members of Congress to make sure we get a DACA fix that is consistent with our values and that doesn’t require Dreamers to sacrifice their parents in the process.

Call your Members of Congress and demand that they only pass a clean Dream Act, meaning a bill that provides relief for Dreamers but that does not include the harmful enforcement provisions that Trump wants. Don’t let your Members sell out immigrants in a bad immigration deal. 

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

or use the email tool

Sample Script:

Hi! My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to tell [NAME] that we need to pass a clean Dream Act, now. 122 Dreamers have been losing their DACA protections every day since Trump announced the end of the program back in September, and starting on March 5 that number will rise to over 1,200 a day. By failing to act Congress is letting Trump and his deportation force enact the administration’s white supremacist agenda.

Every Congressional leader AND Trump himself supports keeping Dreamers in America because it’s the only home they’ve ever known; Congress must keep the promise that we made to Dreamers when DACA was first started by voting to permanently protect them from deportation.

Thank you for your time taking my call.

Action 2 – [WA STATE SENATOR] Make Criminal Court Less Unfair to Low Income People 

From Seattle Indivisible

Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs) are debts assigned by judges during sentencing before people are imprisoned. They help keep racist mass incarceration locked in place. With a 12% (!) interest rate that starts WHILE a person is in jail, yearly collection fees, and re-incarceration for non-payment, low income folks can spend the rest of their lives tied to the criminal justice system.

Right now, the Washington State Senate is considering a bill that will change tens of thousands of peoples’ lives for the better *and* fight mass incarceration.  The House has already passed it!  

HB 1783 will:

  • End the practice of jailing people who are unable to pay LFOs
  • Prohibit forced collection of individuals’ public assistance funds
  • See that those who cannot pay are not assigned LFOs (which is actually the current rule but it’s not followed) by setting clear standards for determining a person’s ability to pay
  • Eliminate the 12 percent interest rate on non-restitution LFOs and stop interest while people are incarcerated.

Find Your One State Senator and call him or her.

Suggested Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP] about Legal Financial Obligations. I would like Senator [NAME] to support HB 1783, to make the criminal justice system less unfair to low-income people. I don’t think it’s right that people have to pay 12% interest while they are in jail and unable to make payments. Thank you.

Action 3 – [WA LEGISLATURE] – Help Washington State Fight Climate Crisis

From IE Member Jan Keller

This is a year when our state legislature is at last advancing some climate bills that could make a difference statewide. Despite progress on the climate front, we need more action and faster action. And right now we’re not getting any help from the federal government.

In Washington state, there are multiple climate bills that have been making progress. Lawmakers are facing an important deadline to advance the following bills by this coming Wednesday:

  • 100% Fossil Free electricity. (SB 6253) would require utilities to make all new power plants 100% renewable.
  • Investing in a just transition to clean energy. (SB 6203) would charge fossil fuel suppliers for their climate-warming carbon pollution. The bill was weakened in committee, but at least it hasn’t been dropped yet.
  • Clean Fuels (HB 2338).  This would increase the availability of cleaner alternative fuels.
  • Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) (HB 2328).  This would help make more affordable electric vehicles available at car dealerships–as has already happened in California and Oregon.

Look up your senator and representatives and call.

[Script for senators and representatives OTHER than Senators Wellman and Kuderer]

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to ask you to help fight the climate crisis by putting our state on a pathway to clean energy, cleaner air, economic opportunity for all, and a secure climate. In particular, there are four issues and bills that I ask you to support in any way you can:

  • We need 100% clean electricity by 2045 — the aim of Senate Bill 6253.
  • We need a price on carbon pollution. One approach is Senate Bill 6203.
  • We need a clean fuels standard — as described in House Bill 2338.
  • We need more Zero Emission Vehicles — the aim of HB 2328.
  • Thank you for your time and attention.
[Script for Senator Lisa Wellman or Patty Kuderer:]

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

Thank you for your hard work on behalf of the climate. I’m calling to voice my support for the following bills:

  • Senate Bill 6253 (for clean electricity)
  • Senate Bill 6203 (for a price on carbon pollution)
  • House Bill 2338 (for a clean fuels standard)
  • House Bill 2328 (for Zero Emission Vehicles)

Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 4 – [WA SENATE]:

The state legislature is close to bringing the Keep Washington Working Act (SB 5689) up for a vote. This bill would ensure that Washington state government does not expend resources or manpower enforcing federal immigration law. It’s a stronger, more durable protection than Governor Inslee’s similar executive order.

Now is the time for the senate to see our support for this bill. Note that even if your senator was one of the sponsors for the bill, it’s still important to let her know that you support her.

Find Your One State Senator and call him or her

Suggested Script for Senators other than Lisa Wellman or Patty Kuderer:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP]. Washington State’s limited resources should not be used to do the job of federal agencies. Please make sure that we are able to focus on public safety by voting YES on SB 5689. It’s critical that we Keep Washington Working! Thank you!

Suggested Script for calling Senator Lisa Wellman or Senator Patty Kuderer:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP]. I want to thank you for your sponsorship of SB 5689. I support your work on this bill, and your efforts to ensure that Washington State’s limited resources are not used to do the job of federal agencies. I agree that we should Keep Washington Working. Thank you!

Action 5 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Support Disability Rights!

From Seattle Indivisible – outcome of the Resist Trump Tuesday Rally

The Disability Integration Act (DIA) proposes fundamental civil rights legislation for the disability community, as its passage would prohibit discrimination against “individuals with disabilities who need long-term services and supports.” It is the highest legislative priority of ADAPT, the disability rights organization whose activists helped stop ACA repeal by chaining their wheelchairs to Mitch McConnell’s office furniture.

Under the DIA, states and insurance providers would be required to first pay for home and community-based services, and to offer to pay for home and community-based services for people who currently reside in institutions or nursing homes. This means that it will be easier for disabled people to get the support and services they need without ending up in institutions, segregated from the larger population, stripped of their freedom to live independent lives.  The DIA has 16 Senate Democratic co-sponsors, and 72 bipartisan co-sponsors in the House, so it is baffling that our Members of Congress are not on-record supporting this important civil rights legislation.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180

or use the email tool

Action 5a:  Ask Your Members of Congress to Co-sponsor the Disability Integration Act!

Sample Script

“Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP]. I’m calling to ask [MOC NAME] to support the civil rights of millions of people with disabilities across the country by becoming a cosponsor of the Disability Integration Act (S. 910/ H.R. 2472). This bipartisan, bicameral legislation secures the civil liberties of Americans with disabilities by ensuring that they have the choice to receive home and community-based services and supports. Can you ask [NAME] to sign on as a co-sponsor soon?”

Action 5b. Ask your Representative to vote “NO” on HR 620

From National Disability Rights Network

HR 620, the misleadingly-named ADA Education and Reform Act, may come to a vote on the House floor very soon. The bill would remove any real incentive for businesses to remove barriers to disability access by imposing long waiting periods before barriers to access could be challenged in court. Ask your Representatives to vote “NO.”

Sample Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from Bellevue.

I’m calling to urge [REPRESENTATIVE NAME] to oppose HR 620, the ADA Education and Reform Act. It is unacceptable to make individuals with disabilities responsible for ensuring businesses comply with the ADA. This bill goes against the spirit of the ADA and will hinder full access to local businesses for people with disabilities.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Indivisible Eastside Electoral Corner:

Republican gerrymandered districts after the 2010 Census have put Democrats at a massive structural disadvantage. That’s why the most important turning point for the future of the Democratic Party will take place in 2021: when states redraw their Congressional and state legislative lines.

Chaired by former Attorney General Eric Holder, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee is the first-ever strategic hub for redistricting focused on winning targeted elections, advancing legal action, and building up the political infrastructure to achieve a fairer redistricting process.  Join the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NRDC) to learn more and stay up-to-date on redistricting work around the country.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 5 Feb 2018

New Tool: Take Action Network

At our Indivisible Eastside Group meeting we enjoyed a presentation of the Take Action Network by Daniel Weise. Daniel has developing this web-based activist tool for use by people such as yourselves – people who want to take action, but in an effective and timely way. Each activist can tailor their Take Action Network experience. Are you mostly concerned about the Environment? Healthcare? Racial Equality and Justice? Do you want to participate in Marches and Rallies? You can choose your favorite Organizations, Action Types, and Issues. If you enter your address it will tailor every script to your specific members of congress and state legislators. And if you’re using it on mobile, you can simply click the phone number to dial. It’s a very exciting tool that we hope you will try.

If you’d like to give it a whirl, please use this Take Action Network link to join (link will work for 1 week), then put it in your browser favorites so you can visit it each day.

NOTE the Mon, Feb 5,  Public Meeting about Offshore Drilling has been CANCELLED

Last opportunity to discuss the Little Book of Revolution at the Indivisible Eastside Book Club Wed, Feb 7, 6-8:30 pm – You must register on the Eventbrite if you want to attend.

The tension around the Mueller investigation threatens to derail our proactive actions, but we will resist! We’re keeping our three actions and adding two Russia Investigation related actions, because we know you can handle it!

Action 1 – [TRUMP]: Prepare for Rapid Response Protest

Are you signed up for email/text alerts for rapid response demonstrations in the event of a constitutional crisis?  If Trump fires Robert Mueller or takes actions to prevent the Trump-Russia investigation from being conducted freely such as replacing Mueller’s current supervisor, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, or repealing the regulations establishing the office, we will take to the streets in immediate protest, and we hope you will join us. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, and whether Congress—the only body with the constitutional power and obligation to rein Trump in from his rampage—will do anything to stand up to him.  That’s why is preparing to hold emergency “Nobody is Above the Law” rallies around the country in the event they are needed.

Rallies will begin hours after national events are triggered:

  • If actions are triggered BEFORE 2 P.M. local time —> events will begin @ 5 P.M. local time
  • If actions are triggered AFTER 2 P.M. local time —> events will begin @ noon local time the following day

This is the general plan—please confirm details on your event page, as individual hosts may tailor their events to their local plan.


Go to MoveOn’s Nobody is Above the Law Site and search on your zip code. Indivisible Eastside is coordinating with Seattle Indivisible for a rally that will start at Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill and march to the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building. Click on that one and enter your details including your cell phone number so you can receive texts with accurate up-to-the minute details.

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE]: Tell Members of Congress to Fund Community Health Centers

From Seattle Indivisible

After the recent shutdown, Congress passed another continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government running. While the CR included a six-year funding renewal for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, it left out community health centers, putting essential healthcare services at risk.

Community health centers are federally funded medical facilities that serve everyone, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. These centers provide essential care to medically underserved populations like migrant farmworkers and homeless people at a relatively low cost. Community health centers, which collectively care for more than 25 million Americans, depend heavily on the federally-funded Community Health Centers Fund (CHCF) to keep their doors open. Without CHCF funding, the Department of Health and Human Services estimates, over 9 million patients would lose access to care, about 50,000 people in low-income areas would lose their jobs, and hundreds of community health centers would be forced to close.

Our Senators have told us they are working hard to get reauthorization of the CHCF into the upcoming budget resolution. Tell them you support their efforts and ask our Representatives to do the same.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
Suggested Script:

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].”

[SENATORS] “I’m calling to thank Senator [NAME] for working to reauthorize funding for the Community Health Centers Fund. Community health centers provide essential healthcare to millions of vulnerable Americans and need this money to stay open. Tell her that her constituents support all efforts to maintain and expand Americans’ healthcare while it is under attack by this Administration and its Republican backers. Thank you for your time and attention.”

[REPRESENTATIVES] “I’m calling to urge Rep. [NAME] to push for immediate funding reauthorization for the Community Health Centers Fund. Community health centers provide essential healthcare to millions of vulnerable Americans and need this money to stay open. Tell [NAME] I support all efforts to maintain and expand Americans’ healthcare while it is under attack by this Administration and its Republican backers. Thank you for your time and attention.”

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 3 – [BLACK LIVES MATTER] – Support a Victim of Brutal Hate Crime

Black Lives Matter Seattle – King County is reaching out to Indivisibles asking us to take action to support DaShawn Horne who is the victim of a brutal hate crime in Auburn on January 20th.  DaShawn is a 26 year old US Postal clerk who was severely beaten by an enraged racist in Auburn. He is in Harborview with a traumatic brain injury.

Be an ally and consider donating to DaShawn Horne’s GoFundMe set up to cover lost wages and support for DaShawn’s young son while DaShawn endures at least 6 months of recovery.

Action 4 – [US SENATE & HOUSE]: Tell Congress: Not One Dime for Trump’s Border Wall


Trump is demanding millions in U.S. tax dollars for his border wall, having abandoned his oft-repeated campaign promise that Mexico would pay to wall itself off.  Email your MoCs and allow your voice to be heard.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
Suggested Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to urge [Representative/Senator NAME] to say no to Trump’s border wall, a grossly extravagant, useless waste of taxpayer dollars.  The stated goals of this project are in conflict with the beliefs of many, many Americans, and this project, as proposed, will be catastrophic to many places, natural and man-made, along the border between the US and Mexico.  This is a terrible idea, and must not be considered as a feasible project.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 5 – [US SENATE & HOUSE]: Demand Congress Act to Defend the Mueller Investigation in Response to the Nunes Memo


On Friday, February 2, against the advice of the both FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) released a memo accusing the FBI and DOJ of inappropriately monitoring Carter Page, a former Trump campaign advisor. Noting that Nunes’ memo omits key information and is deliberately misleading, House Intelligence Democrats prepared a response memo that addresses Nunes’ claims. However, the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee refused to release the Democrats’ memo while allowing Nunes’ statement to be published.

The Nunes memo is the latest step in an ongoing campaign by the Trump administration and Republicans to discredit the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 elections. The Nunes memo lays the groundwork for further obstruction of the Russia investigation. Congress must immediately release the Democrats’ response memo and pass bipartisan legislation to protect Mueller’s investigation. The American people deserve the truth about Russia’s attempts to undermine our democracy.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621 | Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441 | Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
Suggested Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to urge [Representative/Senator NAME] to advocate for the public release of House Intelligence Committee Democrats’ response to Representative Nunes’ misleading memo. The American people deserve to hear the full story behind Nunes’ lie-ridden document. Please also act quickly to pass bipartisan legislation protecting Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Indivisible Eastside Electoral Corner

Don’t forget to VOTE in your local school levy ballot. Deadline Feb 13th.

Want to help Flip the 8th CD Blue? Here are some Canvassing opportunities: If you’ve never done it before, it’s not as scary as you think! Get a friend to join you and do it together. You’ll meet some really great people.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 29 Jan 2018

Thank you everyone who attended our first Group Meeting of 2018. We had a great turnout and it was wonderful to see so many people engaging in our Topic Group discussions. Our next meeting is Sunday Feb 25, 12:30 – 3:00 at the Redmond Library.

Sarah F of Indivisible Kirkland Kenmore gave a great presentation on what’s happening in the state Legislature. If you didn’t get the handout, or missed the meeting, you can find it here. Heather reminded us to vote YES on the upcoming School District replacement Bond and Levy special election Feb 13th.

Indivisible Eastside and Seattle Indivisible collectively registered 138 voters on Jan. 21, 2018 at the Womxn Act On Seattle + Power to the Polls events! Thank you all who showed up and made this happen. And thank you Jennifer Ho for your leadership in getting Indivisible Eastside involved in this important activity.

Here are your actions for this week – focused on Washington State.

Action 1 – [WA STATE SENATE]: Support “Keep Washington working act”

SB5869 (Keep Washington working act): There is a public hearing session on this bill in Olympia scheduled for Jan 30th (Tuesday) in the Senate committee on Ways & Means at 3:30pm.

If passed into law, it would prohibit any state agency, department, or law enforcement from using funds, equipment, or personnel for immigration enforcement purposes.

Here’s who is on the Ways & Means Committee on the Eastside by order of legislative district. If your LD is on this list, please call your State Senator on the Ways & Means committee  in support of this bill:

  • Guy Palumbo (D) – WA-01 (360) 786-7600
  • Bob Hasegawa (D) – WA-11 (360) 786-7616
  • Keith Wagoner (R) – WA-39 (360) 786-7676
  • David Frockt (D) – WA-46 (360) 786-7690
  • Joe Fain (R) – WA- 47 (360) 786-7692

Action 2 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE]Oppose Stripping Control of Local Land Use from Washington’s Communities

From Larry B, Indivisible Whidbey

The Washington State Legislature is considering legislation to give military base commanders veto power over local civilian land use decisions. House Bill 2341 and Senate Bill 6456 would grant base commanders the power to prohibit land use changes they feel impact current or future missions. This authority would extend to land anywhere in the vicinity of base operations, potentially well beyond the land bordering the base. These bills prioritize military land use over all other civilian activities, whether they be agricultural, industrial, recreational, or environmental. These bills would subordinate the decisions we make on a state and local level, turning this authority over a single officer who answers to the Pentagon, not to us. 

PLEASE let your state legislators know that you’re opposed to HB 2341 and SB 6456. You can use phone or email:


  1. Look up the phone number for your State Senator.
  2. Start your phone call with the usual opening: “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. [IF LEAVING A MESSAGE, PROVIDE FULL ADDRESS.] I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside.”
  3. Continue, using “Script or Message” below to guide you.
  4. Repeat by looking up the phone numbers for your State Representatives.


  1. Select your State Senator from the list (you can sort by LD).
  2. Fill out the form, using either 2341 or 6456 as your Bill Number, and click “Oppose.”
  3. Compose your own message, or borrow from Larry’s (below).
  4. Repeat for your 2 Representatives.

Subject line: Don’t Strip Control of Local Land Use from Washington’s Communities!

Script or Message:

I urge you to oppose passage of HB 2341 and SB 6456. The military already has great power over land use decisions. Local communities should have authority over local land use, not base commanders who answer to the Pentagon 3,000 miles away. Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 3 – [GOVERNOR INSLEE]: Enforce Net Neutrality in WA State

New York has become the second state to enforce net neutrality with an executive order that prevents ISPs from obtaining state contracts unless they follow net neutrality principles.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the executive order yesterday, days after Montana Governor Steve Bullock did the same. The states are challenging the Federal Communications Commission, which repealed its own net neutrality rules and preempted states from imposing similar ones.

Ask Governor Jay Inslee to keep his word from a Dec 13th statement and join New York and Montana in resisting the FCC’s changes to Internet provider rules.

Contact:  Governor Jay Inslee: 360-902-4111 Email


Hello. My name is [NAME] and I’m a resident of [City, Zip]. I’m very concerned with FCC rules-changes that will eliminate Net Neutrality. Please let me know how you are working towards the things you outlined in December, such as setting up a statewide internet speed test for consumers to use, having state government do business with telecom companies that adhere to net-neutrality principles, and barring providers who are not net neutral from having access to utility poles.

Thank you for protecting the interests of the residents of Washington State.

Confused about Net Neutrality? Watch this pointed Burger King Whopper Neutrality PSA from Daily KOS.

Indivisible Eastside Electoral Corner:

Progressives in Washington’s 8th Congressional District are gearing up for the November Election to flip the House Seat Blue!

There are a number of organizations hosting events such as Candidate Forums to Canvassing opportunities. Even if you don’t live in the 8th, you can help with Canvassing and Get Out the Vote.

Additionally, Indivisible Washington’s 8th District is working hard on evaluating progressive candidates, with the goal of endorsing one of them by March. Stay tuned, as putting Indivisible’s power behind one candidate can help ensure that the result of our top-two primary is a Progressive running against Rossi, and not a second Republican.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 15 Jan 2018

Indivisible Eastside joins other Indivisibles around the country in honoring and remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today.

Thank you to the 35 people who have volunteered for Voter Registration on the Day of Action next week! And thank you to the 70 people who have filled out the Anniversary Survey. We’re processing the information, pulling out some common themes, and will be using your ideas and interests for an activity at our Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting January 27th, 1pm-3pm at the Kingsgate Library in Kirkland. We hope to see you there, especially those who gave us survey feedback! There’s still time to fill out the survey  – we’ll keep it open one more week.

Here are your actions for this week – 2,3 and 4  are amplifying Seattle Indivisible’s excellent Actions this past week. Since the State Legislative session is short, two of them are focused right here in Washington State.

Action 1 – [US SENATE] – Tell your Senators “Don’t let Trump spy on us – close the “backdoor search” loophole, or let Section 702 expire”


Section 702The Trump administration inherited massive surveillance authority that allows the government to sweep up Americans’ communications and sift through it without a warrant. The current authority is set to expire on January 19, 2018, unless Congress reauthorizes.  

The USA RIGHTS ActA bipartisan and bicameral bill has been introduced by Senators Wyden and Paul, and Representatives Lofgren and Poe. This legislation, the USA RIGHTS Act, sets out important reforms to better protect Americans against unconstitutional searches under 702. The Senate bill is S. 1997 and the
House version of the bill is H.R. 4124.

Among the critical reforms that the USA RIGHTS Act would enact is ending the practice of “backdoor” searches, in which the FBI, NSA, and CIA search through the database of collected information for Americans’ communications, all without a warrant. This should be an achievable bipartisan reform—this same protection has passed a Republican-controlled House of Representatives twice in recent years.

The constitution protects us all as we peacefully protest, worship, and express ourselves. But the government’s spying has historically been used to intimidate activists, journalists, and communities of
color, and can have a chilling effect on protected free speech. Trump has shown repeated disrespect for these constitutional protections, and the FBI has recently gone so far as to victim-blame by labeling so-called “black identity extremists” as security threatsTrump’s White House, and Sessions’ Department of Justice, should not have such broad spying authority to use and abuse, especially against the most vulnerable.


  •        Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  •       Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400

Hi! My name is [NAME]. I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] and am a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Senator [NAME] has been a strong advocate for our rights online and want to ask her to keep fighting by stopping the re-authorization of FISA Section 702 unless the USA RIGHTS Act is passed. We used to worry about what would happen if the power to use surveillance on Americans fell into the wrong hands. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions ARE the wrong hands. I’m asking the Senator to protect the people of Washington State from warrantless surveillance by the Trump Administration. Will she commit to doing everything she can, including filibuster, to block this bill?

Thank you for your time taking my call.

Action 2  – [US SENATE] – Thank our Senators for sticking with the net neutrality fight.

Earlier this week, our Senators co-sponsored a bill that would restore the Net Neutrality rules that were changed by the FCC recently. Because of the number of co-sponsors, that bill will go to floor vote. Our Senators did the right thing for online rights. Let’s ask them to keep it up!

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400


“Hi! My name is [NAME]. I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] and am a member of Indivisible Eastside. Senator [NAME] has been a strong advocate for our rights online. I appreciate her co-sponsorship of the Net Neutrality bill last week”

Fun fact: Patty Murray co-sponsoring the Net Neutrality bill coincided with Seattle Indivisible forewarning her staffer that she would be asked about it after the Resist Trump Tuesday rally last week!  This action was suggested by Indivisible Eastside Facebook member Tami M. 

Action 3 – [WA State Legislature] –  Support Washington State bills that make it easier to register and vote!

Besides the Washington Voting Rights Act, there are several other bills that improve access to the polls that may have a chance of passing this session: Automatic Voter Registration (AVR), which would automatically register voters at any state agency that verifies citizenship; Same-Day Voter Registration, which allows voters to register on the day of the election; pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds; and pre-paid postage for ballots.

All of these bills would strengthen our democracy and increase our chances in the 2018 midterms!

It’s quick and easy to leave a comment on a state bill online, and it automatically emails your representatives to indicate your support. Just click on the following bills (as many as you can get through!), enter your information, click the ‘support’ button, and leave a comment asking them to pass it in this session:


Action 4 – [WA State Legislature] – Fight for a Washington State Carbon Tax

After a year of wildfires across the West Coast and increased disasters throughout the country, we need to do something to fight the rising tide of climate change. And while Trump may be pulling America out of the Paris Accords, the Washington legislative session gives us a chance to do something in our own backyard.

There are multiple plans in the works for a state-wide carbon tax, with Governor Jay Inslee and Senator Kevin Ranker each working on different proposals. For now, let’s focus on signaling our general interest in the tax to our representatives. Even with the new Democratic majority in the state legislature, swing-district Democrats and other representatives weak on climate change will make any carbon tax a slog to pass, so we need the calls!

Find your one state Senator and two state House Representatives (and save them to your phone if you haven’t already):

Sample Script:

Hello, I’m [name], and I’m calling from [city, zip]. Given the increasing urgency of climate change, I wanted to make sure the passage of a strong carbon tax is a priority for [name] in the coming legislative session.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 8 January 2018

2017 was HARD. But we’re still standing, and you’re still reading and doing these actions! We’re so impressed with the staying power we all have. Thank you!

And thank you to the 70 people who have filled out the Anniversary Survey. We’re getting to know many of you a bit more, and getting some warm fuzzies from you, which, honestly, feels really good. Keep ‘em coming!

Thirty five of you said you’re interested in the Jan 21st Day of Action Voter Registration drive! We have a Day of Action Form with all the details to sign up for voter registration training and a Day of Action shift. By completing this form, you agree to participate in a voter registration training (if able) and to attend the Day of Action as a Voter Registration Volunteer with Indivisible Eastside on January 21. Note: Some of the training opportunities are Tomorrow, so if you want to volunteer, check it out Today!

Since we’ve had a long break from Actions,, we have four this week and a new Electoral section for you. Hold on to your hats, it’s going to be a busy but productive year!

Action 1 – [YOU] –  Prepare for 2018 State Legislative Session

Adapted from a Seattle Indivisible Action. 

The Washington State Legislature will have a 60-day session in 2018, starting January 8, 2018 and ending on March 8, 2018. This will go by very quickly – in fact, bills that haven’t been passed out of their house of origin by February 14 will not be considered.

This will also be an exciting year. Because of the election of Manka Dhingra to the state Senate, this is the first time since 2012 that Democrats will be in control of both houses of the legislature. A lot of legislation that had been stalled by a one-vote margin will have a chance to at least be heard. But as the last year in the other Washington has shown us, it’s difficult to get things passed with such a narrow majority. Your voice will still be needed to make sure the legislature is working for you.

Here are some actions you’ll want to take to make sure you’re ready for the upcoming session:

  1. Find your legislators at

You have three people representing you in the Washington State Legislature: One Senator and two Representatives. The LDs on the Eastside are LD1, 41, 45 and 48.

  1. Put your legislators on speed dial.

Copy the three numbers into your phone – you may be calling them quite a bit over the next few months. Additionally, add the legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000. If you’re short on time, you can call these numbers to leave messages for all of your legislators.

  1. Are your legislators holding a town hall?

These public forums are good opportunities to meet your legislators, find out their priorities, and make your priorities known. If you know of a town hall, please reply to this with the information about town halls and we’ll try to let people know.  If you’re on our Facebook Group, you can share it there.

  1. What are your priorities?

This is the most important part. Figure out what it is that you want this new legislature to accomplish, and let’s get to work on making it happen. Do you want to see the long stalled Washington Voting Rights Act become law? Do you want Automatic Voter Registration? Do you want the stalled capital budget to finally be passed (and funded!)? Are you frustrated with our legislature’s half-hearted attempts at funding education? Frustrated with our upside down tax structure? Tired of our state’s failure to act on climate change, and want to see a carbon tax?

ACTION: Contact your legislators with your priorities!

Action 2 – [US SENATE & HOUSE] –  Thank Your MoC for Voting to Fight Alongside Dreamers


For months, Members of Congress (MoCs) on both sides of the aisle have been talking about how important it is to pass the Dream Act before the end of the year to protect Dreamers from the Trump deportation machine. The Continuing Resolution (CR) that passed both the House and the Senate in December was their last chance of the year to pass the Dream Act and protect Dreamers, and they didn’t get it done. There’s no two ways about it: voting for this CR without the Dream Act attached was a vote to deport Dreamers. An average of 122 Dreamers will continue to lose their protections and be exposed to deportation every day until Congress remedies this emergency.

The MoCs who were prepared to do everything they could to protect Dreamers deserve our thanks. We in Washington can be very proud of all our Democratic MoCs so please call them and thank them for voting to protect Dreamers—and remind them that you expect them to keep fighting alongside Dreamers at every opportunity until the Dream Act is passed.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545

Hello! My name is [NAME]. I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. I wanted to thank [Representative / Senator] ___ for voting against the Continuing Resolution that didn’t include the Dream Act. Dreamers deserve Members of Congress who will stand with them and use their power to protect them from the Trump deportation machine, and I am proud that [Congressman / Senator] used [her / his] power to do so.

I also want the [Representative / Senator] to know that I expect [her / him] to continue voting at every opportunity to stand with Dreamers in the new year. There will be more critical bills that require bipartisan support to pass early next year—such as another CR in January—and [Representative / Senator] ___ should continue to demand that the Dream Act be attached to those bills as a condition for their vote.

Thank you for taking my call and passing on my expectations to [Representative / Senator] ____.

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Protect Our Coasts from Offshore Drilling


On January 4th, the Trump administration unveiled a plan to allow offshore drilling in nearly all waters off the continental US, opening areas in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans along with the Gulf of Mexico. The proposal follows an Executive Order from April instructing Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review offshore locations that can be leased out for oil and gas drilling. This included a formal review of the Obama Administration’s finalized 5-year (2017-2022) plan that limited drilling areas in the Arctic and Atlantic, as well as Obama’s use of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953 to permanently safeguard nearly 120 million acres off our eastern and Alaskan shores.

There is bipartisan agreement that offshore drilling endangers our coastal communities and does more harm than good to our economy. BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill polluted over 1,000 miles of coastline and led to a loss of over $952 million in fishermen’s sales and over $6 billion for the tourism industry. And this was only one of the nearly 600 oil spills that have occurred since 2001. Oil and gas companies own the rights to millions of acres of untapped offshore land; they don’t need the federal government, and the American people, to unnecessarily hand over more.

To counter Trump’s push toward more drilling, Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) and Rep. Pallone (D-NJ-6) have introduced the COAST Anti-Drilling Act, S. 999 / H.R. 2272, to permanently prohibit offshore drilling on the Continental Shelf areas in the Atlantic Ocean and Straits of Florida.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to express my shock at Trump’s decision to open US coastal waters to offshore drilling. I ask [Representative / Senator] ___ to support [H.R. 2272 for House/S. 999 for Senate], the COAST Anti-Drilling Act, to protect our fragile coastal regions. Oil spills are inevitable and lead to serious economic and environmental consequences for our coastal communities.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 4 – [DHS] – Express Outrage at the Proposal to Separate Families


The Trump Administration is once again looking to institute policies that discourage illegal immigration by separating parents from children and subjecting the families of unaccompanied minors to arrest and deportation. The initial plan was sidelined in early 2017 when members of Congress and immigrant advocates voiced strong opposition, but now, the controversial plan is once again being discussed.

Under current policy, families are kept together at DHS and facility and detention times are kept to a minimum. If the family decides to seek asylum, they are usually released from the facility, granted a work permit, and often wait years for their case to be heard due to a staggering backlog of cases and too few judges. Unaccompanied minors are sent to HHS facilities, and in many cases, are reunited with a parent already residing in the US within a few weeks.

The plan under consideration to separate families would place adults in federal custody and send their children to HHS shelters. These separations could continue for years if parents apply for political asylum. In the case of unaccompanied minors, parents and family already residing in the country would become subject to deportation if they attempt to gain custody of their child. The administration acknowledges that this is a harsh policy, but hopes that families will reconsider their decision to cross into the US illegally or send an unaccompanied minor, knowing that their families will be separated, detained, and deported. In many cases, however, families are fleeing unavoidable violence in their home countries and such a policy could have little deterrent effect.

DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen has not formally approved any change in policy yet. Voice your disapproval of any policy change that compounds the trauma endured by families and unaccompanied minors arriving in the US.

Call: Department of Homeland Security – 202-282-8495


Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a resident of [CITY, STATE].

I’m calling to express my outrage at the DHS plan to separate families at the border and subject the guardians of unaccompanied minors to arrest and deportation. This inhumane and needless policy has questionable value and will instead cause irreparable harm to children and asylum seekers.

NEW for 2018 – Indivisible Eastside Electoral Corner

This is where we’ll post topics related to political races around the state and country.

From Barak Gaster, webmaster of Friends of Washington:

Because 2018 is when we push back the tide in a major way. In the coming year, each of us must commit to making a difference. Here’s how:

  1. Give money to Democratic candidates. No matter where you live, identify swing races, support those candidates early so they can build effective campaigns.

Swing Left: helps you find the U.S. House races which are most likely to flip – the ones you should donate your money to.

Sister District: organizes volunteers into local teams to win state elections for progressives. Creates local organized armies that form, then pivot, from campaign to campaign to keep on winning.

2. Volunteer + organize. Engage with your local democratic organization. Get Out The Vote. Make your voices heard.

For a broader understanding of races around the country check out the Washington Post’s 2018 Calendar of US House, US Senate and Governor races. Beautifully organized and annotated.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 18 December  2017

Yay – Doug Jones, Boo – loss of Net Neutrality,

Yay – Happy Birthday Indivisible, Boo – Tax Cuts for Millionaires looks like it may pass.

This is our last planned Weekly Actions email for 2017, so we want to highlight to a few things coming up:

Dec 18-Jan 18Indivisible Eastside Anniversary Survey. It’s been quite some time since we did a survey of our membership and so much has changed. Please show the love and participate in this survey to let us know how we’re doing, and what your priorities are.  Thank you!

Dec 19: Last Resist Trump Tuesday Rally of 2017. 11:45 at the Federal building in Seattle.  Louise will be there! Join us!

Jan 3: Ideas and concepts from The Little Book of Revolution will be discussed at Indivisible Eastside’s 2nd Book Club meeting Jan 3rd. You do not have to have read the book, or attended the last Book Club meeting to participate. There is a long waitlist at KCLS for the book, but it’s available on Kindle for $8.69 and $9.99 on iTunes.  There are two options that day: 12-2 at the Kirkland Library (kid friendly) and 6:30 – 8:30 at a member’s house. Use the link to register and get more details.

Jan 20: Happy Birthday to Us! Save the Date: Sat Jan 20, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting – Redmond Library.  There will be cake.

Jan 21: Many of you have been asking about an anniversary Women’s march.  The organizers of last year’s march in Seattle, Seattle Womxn Marching Forward, determined that rather than try to create the “lightning-in-a-bottle” conditions that led to such a successful march last year, they would focus their efforts on smaller scale organized community action events around Seattle and the Puget Sound area, with cooperation from several local progressive and non-profit groups. These events will be based on community service, civic action, voter registration, etc.  We are excited for the Womxn Act on Seattle day of action, and plan to help Indivisible Eastside members get involved in a regionwide Voter Registration effort. This will kickstart the 2018 electoral work that will be so important to bringing progressive voices to state and federal government. Stay tuned.

HIGH ALERT: The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) tweeted Friday that he believes Republicans in House leadership are planning to shut down the committee’s Russia investigation after holding just enough interviews to give the illusion of a full investigation.  In subsequent tweets, Schiff warned that attacks on the integrity of Robert Mueller’s special counsel office are a warning sign that could mean Republicans in Congress and the White House are planning on targeting that investigation as well.

In the event the Robert Mueller investigation is shut down, there will be an immediate, coordinated nationwide protest. Indivisible Eastside is coordinating with other area Indivisibles for an event at Westlake. We will post the information to Facebook and send an emergency email to you with details.

Now, here are your actions for the week.

Action 1 –  [YOU] – Trump Tax Scam & PAYGO

Republicans finalized their tax plan Friday, bridging differences between the House and Senate bills and moving another step closer to getting legislation to President Trump by Christmas. They also appear to have locked down the votes they need to pass the measure through the House and Senate after Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) pledged their support.

Overall, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act represents the largest one-time reduction in the corporate tax rate in U.S. history, from 35 percent down to 21 percent. The final bill costs $1.46 trillion: Republicans decided it would be all right to go into debt up to $1.5 trillion to fund the tax cut.

And there’s the rub.  The pay-as-you-go rule, also known as PAYGO, passed in 2010, means mandatory cuts elsewhere—in this case, $28 billion would get automatically slashed from Medicare early next year (and be ongoing), and Medicaid would be cut by more than $1 trillion over the next 10 years.


Read this excellent NYT article on PAYGO with a great graphic showing programs that would be automatically cut, without intervention by lawmakers. Usually we create a script for you to follow. But we’re challenging you here to really read and absorb the article, then, using your own words, contact your members of Congress to ask them to preserve funding for the programs you’re most concerned about.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Adam Smith: DC 202-225-8901; Renton 425-793-5180
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene: DC (202) 225-6311; Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert: (202) 225-7761 ; Issaquah 425-677-7414

or the email tool

Action 2 –  [BOB FERGUSON] – Thank Washington AG Bob Ferguson for fighting for Net Neutrality

The FCC ruling to demolish Net Neutrality was devastating, but that fight isn’t over. Our own Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson plans to file suit against the FCC for not following the Administrative Procedures Act. Let’s call him and thank him for protecting us, yet again.

Washington AG Bob Ferguson: (360) 753-6200 | email


Hello. My name is [NAME]. I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] and am a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I am appalled at the FCC vote to repeal Net Neutrality. A free and open Internet is vital for our democracy and for the economy of this state. I want to thank Attorney General Ferguson for fighting so hard to protect us from the illegal actions of the Trump Administration.

Action 3 – [FRIENDS] – ACA sign up goes until Jan 15th in WA State

Know someone who does not yet have health insurance for 2018? Forward this information to them!

The ACA application deadline is midnight, Jan. 15th to begin health insurance coverage on Feb. 1st.  You may qualify for subsidies to pay for some or all the cost of health insurance! If you know what plan you want, go to or call 1-855-760-0231 to get started. See the website’s homepage FAQ’s section for critical information.   If you do not know which plan is best for you, go to or call 1-855-923-4633. You will get the phone number and address of a broker near you who can help you work out which plan suits your individual needs and complete the process. There is no charge for such services as it is included in the monthly premium paid to the insurance company.

Action 4 – [ALABAMA] –  Thank Black Women in a Meaningful Way!

We are all jazzed about Doug Jones winning the Alabama special election! We can turn that energy into future action and hope more people will become involved in electoral work right here in Washington State. However, right now, you can take action by reading three articles and deciding how you can best amplify these voices.

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website

Check out the new Indivisible Eastside logowear store at

Updated 10 December  2017

Here are your actions for the week.

Action 1: [FCC, US SENATE & HOUSE] – Save Net Neutrality

It’s getting down to the wire for Net Neutrality!

The FCC will vote on Dec. 14 to abolish the regulations that prevent internet service providers from blocking access to certain sites, throttling internet speeds, and otherwise controlling what websites and online services are available to their customers.

We have a series of Actions that you can take to make your voice heard.  Take as many as you can in the next few days.

Action 1a – Contact your Members of Congress

Congress can put a stop to all of this. Read more and contact your MoCs!

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Issaquah 425-677-7414
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Renton 425-793-5180
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545
Script (from    (Note: “Pai” is pronounced “pie.”)

My name is [NAME]. I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to express my support for Net Neutrality and a fair and open Internet. I ask that [Senator’s or Rep’s Name] contact FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and demand he abandon his plan to overturn Net Neutrality and Title II oversight. It is time for Congress to take a stand and urge Chairman Pai to cancel the vote in December.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 1b – Contact these voting members of the FCC:

Call 1-888-CALL FCC       @FCC for Twitter

Script (from

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a concerned customer from [CITY, ZIP], WA.

I’m calling to express my disapproval of the FCC’s attempts to kill net neutrality and the strong Title II oversight of Internet Service Providers. Preserving an open internet is crucial for fair and equal access to the resources and information available on it.

Action 1c

Leave a comment on the FCC comment page. The page is hard to find but fortunately John Oliver made a handy shortcut for us to use. It takes less than a minute and works better on a computer than on mobile.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the 17-108 link (Restoring Internet Freedom)
  3. Click “Express”
  4. Be sure to press ENTER after you put in your name & information. Do this before you click the button at the bottom.
  5. In the comment section write something like, “I strongly support net neutrality backed by Title 2 oversight of ISPs.”
  6. Click the “Continue to review screen” button at the bottom.
  7. Make sure you click “Submit” at the end!

Action 2 – [YOU, US SENATE] – Healthcare

Action 2a    Keep spreading the word that the ACA signup deadline is this week!

Know someone who is not yet insured for 2018?

Go to or call 1-855-923-4633.  The ACA application deadline is midnight, Dec. 15th to begin coverage on Jan. 1st.  Those who miss that deadline have until midnight Jan. 15th to begin coverage by Feb. 1st.  See the website homepage FAQ’s for critical information.

If someone does not know which plan is best for him/her, they should contact a broker or navigator to work out which suits their individual needs and complete the process. Call 1-855-923-4633 to get the name, number and address of a broker near you. There is no charge for such services as it is generally included in the monthly premium paid to the insurance company.


One great resource to share with people is the following You Tube video by local Indivisible member Julie Negrin – it tells you everything you need to know.

Action 2b Advocate for a Bipartisan Renewal of CHIP Funding

From (edited for brevity):

Update (12/8): On December 7th, Congress passed a short-term continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government funded until December 22nd. Republicans claim the CR contained a CHIP funding fix. However, the CR merely made it easier for states to access leftover funds without adding any new funding. Congress still must pass a full funding fix for CHIP, presumably as part of their December 22nd funding deal.

The House is considering a bill, HR 3922, that would renew funding for both CHIP and community health centers (whose federal funding also expired on 9/30), but pay for the programs by cutting 75% of funding for the ACA’s Prevention and Public Health Fund.

The Senate has yet to agree on a bipartisan funding source for CHIP reauthorization, meaning they could sign off HR 3922’s highly partisan funding provisions. It is unacceptable to use CHIP funding as a bargaining tool to win partisan victories, cut critical public health initiatives, and undermine popular aspects of the ACA.

More information here:


Call our senators and urge them to oppose HR 3922 and seek a permanent funding solution for this vital program.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to urge Senator [NAME] to advocate for a bipartisan approach to the immediate renewal of CHIP funding and oppose the House-passed funding bill, HR 3922. Millions of children rely on this funding for insurance, and its reauthorization should not be used to score partisan victories like massive cuts to the ACA Prevention and Public Health Fund.

Thank you so much for your time.

Action 3 – [US SENATE] –  PASS the DREAM ACT

Both of our Senators voted this week for a continuing CR (Continuing Resolution) to fund the government through Dec. 22nd. The delays again prevented the passing of a clean Dream Act, which would protect over 800,000 undocumented young people from deportation. We need to call them every day and make it clear that without a Dream Act there should be no further CR and no Budget Bill.

More information here:

Action: Call our senators and demand that they push for a clean Dream Act.
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling today to ask [SENATOR] to support a clean DREAM Act and reject Trump’s demands to include massive, unnecessary spending on border security to the bill. It is unfair and immoral to use the lives of hundreds of thousands of young DACA recipients as bargaining chips to score political gains.


It was reported this week that the campaign for DeEscalate Washington (I 940) has collected enough signatures to qualify for the 2018 ballot (281,000 collected, 259,622 required). HOWEVER, the campaign would like to get to 350,000 signatures by Dec. 20th to make sure that all signatures are valid. There are always some that are illegible, duplicates, or from signees who are not registered to sign in our state, and these signatures have to be discounted. That’s why having ‘padding’ in the number of signatures is critical.

If you have ballot sheets with signatures please get them turned in this week so that they can be checked and counted.

If you have not yet signed this important initiative please email us at and we will arrange to get a ballot to you. Alternatively you can contact the campaign at for help.

Thank You!

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Tue. Dec 12, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Protest Safety and Tactical Non-Violence: Session 1 of 4

Wed. Dec. 13, 12:00 – 13:30 Legal Voice Lunch & Learn: 2018 Legislative Preview

Fri. Dec. 15, 6:30 – 9:00 pm Someday We’ll All Be Free: A Conversation About Abolition

Sat. Dec.16, 1:00 – 4:00 pm  Being a Better White Ally :White Ally Toolkit Workshop


Sat. Jan. 20th, 11:30 – 1:30, Redmond Library – Attend first Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting of 2018

Sun, Jan 21, 10 am – 9 pm Womxn Act on Seattle – Celebrate the anniversary of the historic Women’s March with actions around the city.

Updated 20 November 2017

It was great to see so many new faces at the Indivisible Eastside Group meeting on Sunday. If you missed the meeting, you can watch it on the events page on our facebook group. We haven’t figure out yet how to extract it from Facebook, but when we do, we’ll let you know!

Thank you to Kat Martin for her presentation on the TrumpTaxScam.  Here is the link to the.pdf of her presentation Tax Update 11-19-17

If you’re interested in the Indivisible Listening Tour that Louise presented, here is a link to the powerpoint file 2017 Listening Tour Readout.

Our actions this holiday week are all focused on defeating The Trump Tax Scam. We need to make some noise!

Action 1 – [US SENATE] – Support your Senator in Resisting Trump’s Tax Scam

Last week The House passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act AKA TrumpTaxScam. The Senate bill is even worse, and they could vote on it early next week.  One member at Sunday’s Indivisible Eastside group meeting asked, “why are we not seeing the same kind of demonstrations and outcry that we saw for TrumpCares?”  Maybe the pain of the TaxScam isn’t as immediate as TrumpCare, or maybe the topic is too dry, or maybe the GOP framed it well calling it the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” and people don’t truly understand how this will hurt our country.

It’s critical that our Democratic Senators stand strong against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Support your Senator’s ability to do everything they can to prevent tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Calling every day is best, but if you can’t do that, email both Senators every day with a different reason using the new tool

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. 

Thanks you for opposing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. I too oppose it in part because:

  • This is not Tax Reform, it is Tax Cuts for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
  • This is not Tax Reform, it is another attack on our Healthcare. Removing the individual mandate would increase premiums and dramatically increase the number of uninsured.
  • I’m perfectly willing to pay my fair share for important programs, but to enrich the 1% and corporations.
  • I am worried that Trump’s tax plan, and the one I have seen from House Speaker Paul Ryan, would increase the deficit by trillions of dollars. Republicans have always used deficits as an excuse to cut programs my family and I depend on, such as Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Few corporations actually pay their fair share in taxes. Many pay none at all. Lowering corporate taxes, but not removing loopholes will mean they will be paying even less.
  • Under the Republican plan, corporations are still allowed to deduct state and local taxes. Workers are not.
  • Corporations are still allowed to deduct business expenses. Teachers are not.
  • Corporations are still allowed to deduct more than $10,000 in property taxes. Homeowners are not.
  • If it were to pass unchanged, roughly 145,000 graduate students could be responsible for suddenly paying taxes on the thousands of dollars in waivers that cover their tuition, but that never appear in their bank accounts.
  • Your Personal Story
  • [For Democratic Senators] Will the Senator commit to withholding consent on votes in the Senate so that we have time to mobilize against this bill?

Action 2: [RED STATES] – Sign up with Indivisible’s Hubdialer Tool

The Senate could vote on a motion to proceed (the pre-vote vote) as soon as Monday, November 27 and bring the bill to a full floor vote as early as Thursday, November 30. This means we have to make a ton of noise between now and when the Senate comes back in session on November 27.

We’re bringing back a super effective peer-to-peer calling tool from the TrumpCare fight so those from red states, blue states, and purple states alike can take action to stop this bill by reaching out to progressive constituents in three target states: Alaska, Arizona, and West Virginia. The calling tool will connect you to a constituent in a target state and give you a script to emphasize the devastating impact of this bill. Then, you’ll ask them to call their Senator on the spot.

This tool will help make the wave of constituent pressure we need to stop this bill once and for all.

Action 3: [YOUR LOCAL SOCIAL GROUP] – Spread the Word about the TrumpTaxScam.

Talk with friends and neighbors about the 13 Terrible Things About the House Republican Tax Plan.

  1. Showers most of the tax cuts on the richest 1% of taxpayers. They would get nearly half (47%) of the tax cuts in 10 years—a tax cut of $62,000on average. [Tax Policy Center (TPC)]
  2. Makes 36 million middle-class families pay more in taxes. One-quarter of householdswould pay more in taxes in 10 years because the tax plan repeals or limits deductions these families rely on. Out of a total of 45 million families paying more, 36 million are of low- or middle-income. Three in 10 families earning $55,000 to $93,000 will see a $1,230 tax increase on average. [TPC]
  3. Gives 75% of the tax cuts to wealthy corporations and businesses. [Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)]
  4. Puts corporations over healthcare.Corporate tax rate is slashed from 35% to 20%, losing $1.5 trillion—equal to the Medicare and Medicaid cuts in the Republican budget. [JCT and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)]
  5. Puts Wall Street over seniors.Wealthy business owners and investors—including real estate developers like Donald Trump—get a $597 billion tax cut from the drop (from 39.6% to 25%) in the top tax rate for “pass-through” business income. The Republican budget cuts Medicare by $473 billion. (Pass-throughs include partnerships, S corporations and sole proprietorships, and their owners pay taxes at the individual rate.) [JCT and CBPP]
  6. A real jobs killer. By eliminating taxes on some foreign profits and slashing the tax rate on others far below the U.S. rate, the plan encourages multinational corporations to outsource more jobs and shift more profits offshore.
  7. Hands a $450 billion tax cut to offshore tax dodgers. American corporations have $2.6 trillion in profits stashed offshore on which they owe $750 billion in U.S. taxes. Rather than make them pay what they owe, like all the rest of us do, the tax plan will charge them only $293 billion—nearly a half-trillion-dollar discount. [Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and JCT]
  8. Repeals the deduction for state and local income and sales taxes (SALT).One-third of taxpayers making $50-75,000 use this deduction, as do half of those making $75-100,000. While the plan will still allow taxpayers to deduct up to $10,000 in property taxes, it will cut SALT deductions by 88%, leading to tax increases for many in the middle class. Eliminating SALT will put pressure on state/local budgets, likely forcing cuts to education, health care, and infrastructure. [Government Finance Officers Assoc., ITEP and CBPP]
  9. Helps Donald Trump pay less. The plan repeals the alternative minimum tax (AMT), losing almost $700 billion. Without the AMT, Trump would have paid just a 4% tax rate on $153 million in income one year. But thanks to the AMT, he paid $38 million for a tax rate of 25%. [JCT and New York Times]
  10. Lets Ivanka and her siblings save billions. The estate tax is repealed after six years, losing $150 billion. The Republican budget cuts education, job training and social services by $200 billion. Under the tax bill only estates worth at least $11 million would pay the estate tax. If Trump is worth the $10 billion he claims, his heirs could inherit billions tax free. [JCT, CBPP]
  11. Harms families with large medical bills. The plan repeals the deduction families can take for out-of-pocket medical expenses, which mostly benefits the middle class. For families with very high medical costs, the plan’s higher standard deduction will not compensate for the loss of the medical expense deduction, which is claimed by nearly 9 million families. [Center for American Progress]
  12. Breaks Trump’s promise to close the “carried interest” loophole. Remember when candidate Trump promised to get rid of this loophole that primarily benefits private equity fund managers? The House plan keeps it in place. [New York Times]
  13. Adds $1.4 trillion to the national debt. The plan includes $1.4 trillion in tax cuts that are not paid for by closing loopholes used by the wealthy and corporations. This will balloon the deficit and further endanger funding for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and more. [JCT]

Action 4: [FAMILY AND FRIENDS IN OTHER STATES] – Spread the Word about the TrumpTaxScam.

Just as when we were fighting TrumpCare, it’s time to reach out to friends and relatives in other states and ask them to contact THEIR GOP senators.  Send the script to friends in the following states:

Collins, Susan M. (R – ME) Moderate, Voted NO on ACA Has expressed concerns about the estimated health-care premium increases caused by the individual mandate repeal. (202) 224-2523 (207) 622-8414
Corker, Bob (R – TN) Retiring/Resisting tRUmp Has expressed concerns about the budget deficits created by the huge tax cuts (202) 224-3344 901-683-1910
Flake, Jeff (R – AZ) Retiring/Resisting tRUmp Has expressed concerns about the budget deficits created by the huge tax cuts (202) 224-4521 602-840-1891
McCain, John (R – AZ) Retiring/Moderate, Voted NO on ACA (202) 224-2235 (602) 952-2410
Murkowski, Lisa (R – AK) Moderate, Voted NO on ACA Has expressed that she would be “okay” with this bill, if Alexander-Murray was passed WITH it. (202) 224-6665 (907) 271-3735
Johnson, Ron (R – WI) Has signaled a No vote, if put to the floor as written (414) 276-7282

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]

I oppose the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in part because:

  • This is not Tax Reform, it is Tax Cuts for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
  • This is not Tax Reform, it is another attack on our Healthcare. Removing the individual mandate would increase premiums and dramatically increase the number of uninsured.
  • I’m perfectly willing to pay my fair share for important programs, but to enrich the 1% and corporations.
  • I am worried that Trump’s tax plan, and the one I have seen from House Speaker Paul Ryan, would increase the deficit by trillions of dollars. Republicans have always used deficits as an excuse to cut programs my family and I depend on, such as Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Few corporations actually pay their fair share in taxes. Many pay none at all. Lowering corporate taxes, but not removing loopholes will mean they will be paying even less.
  • Under the Republican plan, corporations are still allowed to deduct state and local taxes. Workers are not.
  • Corporations are still allowed to deduct business expenses. Teachers are not.
  • Corporations are still allowed to deduct more than $10,000 in property taxes. Homeowners are not.
  • If it were to pass unchanged, roughly 145,000 graduate students could be responsible for suddenly paying taxes on the thousands of dollars in waivers that cover their tuition, but that never appear in their bank accounts.
  • Your Personal Story

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Updated 13 November 2017

Wow! What a difference a year makes. Last Tuesday was such a great day for progressives and our country, from Virginia, to NJ, to wins for our own Jackie McGourty and 45th District Democrat Manka Dhingra. The last brick in the Big Blue West Coast Wall is in place and the Blue Wave has begun!

This has been very energizing for the many individuals and groups around the country, whose actions were an assist in some very tight races.

It is our hope that this repudiation of Trump, and the GOP that has criminally stood by him, will make it more difficult for them to come to consensus and pass legislation on the Trump Tax Scam.

We hope to see you at our last All Group Meeting of the year Sunday Nov 19, from 1:00 – 3:30 at the Redmond Library. Write a couple of postcards to voters in Alabama, celebrate our recent achievements, hear from Tax March Seattle’s Kat Martin about where things stand in the fight against the Tax Scam, and hear about Indivisible National’s results from their Listening Tour:

  • Where We Come From
  • What Have We Done
  • What’s Working
  • Challenges and Best Practices
  • What Groups Are Doing
  • What Support Is Coming
  • Where We’re Going

We have some decisions we need your input on, and we look forward to talking with you about possible directions for next year. Please make a plan to attend! Oh, and we’ll have cake ?

Here are your actions for this week:

Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Support your MoCs in Resisting Trump’s Tax Scam

Seattle Indivisible’s Resist Trump Tuesday rally last Tuesday at the Federal Building provided some background on the Trump Tax Scam. Tax March Seattle’s Kat Martin highlighted 10 ways the Tax Scam is a boon for Trump and the top 1%. We then went inside to talk to Senate staffers, and this is what we heard:

  • They’re asking for MORE CALLS so the senators can stand on the floor and say that their phones have been ringing off the hooks with x many calls.
  • Blue state Senators and Representatives NEED our calls in order to fight for us!
  • Our actions against TrumpCare were critical in defeating it.

The House is expected to vote on their bill this week. The Senate could vote as early as the week of November 20th.  It’s critical that our Democratic Senators and Representatives stand strong against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Think how Trump’s fortunes will turn when New Year’s comes and he still has not accomplished any of his legislative goals. The more we can delay this bill and give people time to learn about what’s really in it, the better a chance we have of stopping the Trump Tax Scam. Urge your MoC to do everything they can to prevent tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Calling every day is best, but if you can’t do that, email all three MoCs every day with a different reason using the new tool

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Adam Smith: DC 202-225-8901; Renton 425-793-5180
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene: DC (202) 225-6311; Bothell 425-485-0085

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Thank you for opposing the GOP’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. I too oppose it in part because:


  • This is not Tax Reform, it is Tax Cuts for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
  • I’m perfectly willing to pay my fair share for important programs, but I’m not willing to enrich the 1% and corporations.
  • I am worried that Trump’s tax plan, and the one I have seen from House Speaker Paul Ryan, would increase the deficit by trillions of dollars. Republicans have always used deficits as an excuse to cut programs my family and I depend on, such as Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Few corporations actually pay their fair share in taxes. Many pay none at all. Lowering corporate taxes, but not removing loopholes, will mean they will be paying even less.
  • Under the Republican plan, corporations are still allowed to deduct state and local taxes. Workers are not.
  • Corporations are still allowed to deduct business expenses. Teachers are not.
  • Corporations are still allowed to deduct more than $10,000 in property taxes. Homeowners are not.
  • If it were to pass unchanged, roughly 145,000 graduate students could be responsible for suddenly paying taxes on the thousands of dollars in waivers that cover their tuition, but that never appear in their bank accounts.
  • Your Personal Story
  • [For Senators] Will the Senator commit to withholding consent on votes in the Senate so that we have time to mobilize against this bill?

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Demand Action Against Gun Violence


Yet another horrifying mass shooting, this time in Sutherland Springs, Texas, has again illustrated the need for comprehensive legislation to address gun violence. The United States has more guns per capita than any other peer nation; Americans constitute about 4% of the world’s population but own 42% of all civilian firearms. On average, there is a mass shooting almost every day of the year in the United States, and the nation has far higher rates of gun homicides than any other developed nation. Firearm suicides in the US are also dismally common, with suicides actually comprising the majority of gun-related deaths. However, thanks to continued lobbying by the National Rifle Association (NRA), Congress has repeatedly failed to take meaningful action and curb gun violence.

Gun violence prevention experts have recommended a number of policy approaches to reduce gun violence:

  • — Congress can close legal loopholes that allow people to buy guns without background checks from private sellers, websites, or gun shows. A move that over 80% of gun owners support.
  • Congress can institute universal background checks for both gun and ammo purchasers and require gun licenses, all measures supported by the vast majority of Americans.
  • — Congress can appropriate funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to research gun violence and effective interventions to prevent it. The CDC is currently prohibited by law from conducting any research that could theoretically “advocate or promote gun control” thanks to a partisan budget provision passed each year since 1996 called the “Dickey Rider.”
  • — Congress can adequately fund community-based interventions such as the nearly 20-year-old Ceasefire program, an underfunded effort that has helped to reduce gun violence in cities through education and public health crisis strategies.

America’s disproportionately high rates of gun-related deaths are both tragic and shameful. Congress can save lives by passing common-sense legislation to reduce gun violence.

  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC 202-224-2621; Seattle 206-553-5545
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC 202-224-3441; Seattle 206-220-6400
  • Rep. Adam Smith: DC 202-225-8901; Renton 425-793-5180
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene: DC (202) 225-6311; Bothell 425-485-0085
  • Or contact all with


Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to urge [NAME] to take action to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in the United States by: [CHOOSE 1-3 POLICIES BELOW]

    • Closing the loophole that lets people buy guns at shows and through private sellers without background checks
    • Instituting universal background checks for ammo and gun buyers, a measure 80% of gun owners support
    • Removing the Dickey Rider from the federal budget and finally allowing the CDC to research gun violence prevention
    • Funding evidence-based community antiviolence programs, like Ceasefire, which have been shown to reduce shootings

Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 3 – [US HOUSE] – Demand the DREAMer Pledge

The DREAMer pledge asks members of Congress to commit to voting against the Dec. 8 “continuing resolution” spending bill unless it contains a clean DREAM act. Democrats have little control over Congress’ agenda, but the December budget process gives us leverage. Let’s make sure our MoCs use it!

  • Rep. Adam Smith: DC 202-225-8901; Renton 425-793-5180 | Email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene: DC (202) 225-6311; Bothell 425-485-0085 | Email

“My name is [NAME]. I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] about the DREAM Act. The lives of 800,000 DACA recipients depend on passing a clean DREAM Act, so I would like [representative] to take the DREAMer pledge. If we do not succeed in passing a clean DREAM Act before December, this pledge states that [representative] commits to insisting that the Dec. 8 government spending bill includes a clean DREAM Act, and will vote against it otherwise. Will [representative] take this pledge?”

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event:

Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website

Check out the new Indivisible Eastside logowear store at

Updated 6 November 2017

Here are your actions for this week

Action 1 – [YOU] – Last Chance to Get Out the Vote

If Democrats vote, progressive candidates can win. However, Democrats are lagging in ballot returns in King County, and the expected low turnout favors conservative candidates.

  1. VOTE all the way down to the bottom of your ballot! You can get in-depth progressive endorsements with Progressive Voters Guide– Created by Fuse WA, The Stranger’s Cheat Sheet, and Local Democratic organizations such as the 45th District Democrats of Washington State or the LD 48th Democrats.
  2. Go Uber Local – encourage family, friends and neighbors to vote! If we each get 2 people to vote, that would equal 4,000 more voters!

Action 2 – [TRUMP TAX SCAM] – 3 In-Person Actions + 3 calls

Indivisible National has 2 goals for the remainder of the year. #1 is resisting the Trump Tax Scam and #2 is defending DACA. This fight is as important as the successful #KillTheBill actions. Background from

This is how we defeat the #TrumpTaxScam:

If we demonstrate widespread opposition to their bill from the beginning — if we show up, if we make calls, if we write letters to the editor, if we out organize them — we can control the narrative. We can, and we will, win. Republicans will mark their tax bill up in the House the week of November 6. Join Indivisible Groups across the country in coordinating a National Week of home turf events to put hard, consistent pressure on their MoCs from the get-go.

Every Member of Congress is a target. We beat TrumpCare because we demonstrated a massive wave of opposition in every corner of the country. The Trump Tax Scam deserves the same level of attention from coast to coast and everywhere in between.

Here’s what you can do to bring visibility to this effort:

  • Attend Seattle Indivisible’s Resist Trump Tuesday – #TrumpTaxScam Tue Nov 7, 11:45 am – 12:30 pm. There are usually about 25 people at these weekly rallies. Let’s see if we can double that and send some great photos out on Twitter! Louise will be taking the bus from South Kirkland P&R.
  • Support Indivisible Washington’s 8th District, and attend one of their scheduled #TrumpTaxScam Payout events at Dave Reichert’s office Nov 6, 4:00 pm, Nov 8, 12:00 pm or Nov 10, 2:00 PM

Congressman Dave Reichert is on the House Ways and Means Committee. He helped write the #TrumpTaxScam, which will give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires like Trump. We’ll be delivering Rep Reichert enormous checks (visualize Game-Show checks) made out to the top 1%, at the expense of working families.

Trump’s tax cut bill is a massive tax break for the rich and large corporations that will hurt working families and the US economy. This one-day planning conference will focus on tax policy, headlined by Chad Bolt (Policy Manager, Indivisible) and Nick Hanauer, author, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, philanthropist. We will create action plans to combat the billionaires-first tax plan, and learn how to build coalitions and campaigns that last.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Resistance members from WA, OR, CA, ID, MT. INDIVISIBLE groups: 1 or more members who can take the lead or report back to leadership

REGISTRATION: . The event is free, but registration is required. RSVP at

Facebook event page


While we are all celebrating the first charges filed by Robert Mueller’s team, here’s a reminder that local area Indivisible groups have planned for an emergency rally in the event that Trump takes any retaliatory action and fires Mueller.

Seattle Indivisible is taking the lead on organizing any such rally, and we are spreading the message to our members to be prepared. Should Mueller be fired by Trump, we would consider this a blatant obstruction of justice and interference in a much-needed investigation, as well as a precursor to a constitutional crisis. We, along with other Indivisible groups feel that the public response must be swift and visible.

Any emergency rally would likely be held at Westlake Park in Seattle, and we would provide any details as we become aware of them. Let’s hope that this does not come to pass!

We will use Twitter, Facebook and the Indivisible Eastside Email list to share this information.

More Actions You Can Take:

More actions at

Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website

Check out the new Indivisible Eastside logowear store at

Attend an In-Person event:

Updated 30 October 2017

Here are your actions for this week

Action 1 – [YOU] – 3 Steps to Get Out the Vote

Have you voted? This is our number 1 priority this week! It’s time to Get Out the Vote!

  1. VOTE all the way down to the bottom of your ballot! You can get in-depth progressive endorsements with Progressive Voters Guide– Created by Fuse WA, The Stranger’s Cheat Sheet, and Local Democratic organizations such as the 45th District Democrats of Washington State or the LD 48th Democrats.
  2. VOLUNTEER LOCALLY: The 45th and 31st LDs have important State Senate races. A win by Manka Dhingra in the 45th or Michelle Rylands in the 31st (or both) will break the one-vote stranglehold that the GOP has used to keep the state from functioning properly. Their campaigns are out canvassing and making phone calls, and can use your help. Sign up at: and
  3. VOLUNTEER for VIRGINIA: Virginia might look like a blue state but below the surface there are problems. Of their 11 representatives, 7 are Republicans because of Gerrymandering. The people that Virginians elect on November 7 will have some control over the next round of redistricting. Winning back states from GOP control is the crucial first step towards a level playing field. Indivisible is looking for people nationally to make calls and texts to Virginia voters. Sign up here.

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Support the 2020 American Census Investment Act

From Seattle Indivisible:

Did you know? The 2020 US Census is being underfunded, and this puts traditionally under-counted groups, such as the homeless, at risk for being documented for government programs. Ask your U.S. House Representative to support Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s 2020 American Census Investment Act, which would ensure the Census Bureau has the resources it needs to do its job effectively. You can call, or you can try out a new tool for emailing all three of your national representatives at once:  Simply enter your address and the site will allow you to send a message with one click!

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email
Suggested Script (make it your own):

Hello, my name is [NAME], and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. I have read that the 2020 U.S. Census is in danger of being short-changed due to underfunding. I am calling today to express my deep concern that underfunding the census will harm those who need government programs, which depend on the census to support their numbers. Please support the 2020 American Census Investment Act, and do everything you can to make sure the Census Bureau has the funding needed for an accurate count in 2020. Thank you.

Action 3 – [SENATE] – Share Your Stories About Beneficial Programs Using a New Tool!

From Seattle Indivisible

The Senate recently passed a resolution recommending massive budget cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP/food stamps, earned income tax credits (EITC), supplemental security income (SSI), among other things such as the EPA, medical research, and the State Department. This resolution is not law, but it shows us what Republicans want to do and in fact what they must do if they want to pass Trump’s tax scam.

Your personal stories were a crucial tool to stop Trumpcare, and now we need to use the same tactics to stop these Senate-recommended budget cuts from turning into reality. If you or a loved one have benefited from any of the programs listed above, please take the time to email your representatives about it! It will give fuel to their fight and help them persuade wavering Republicans.

You can call, or you can try out a new tool for emailing all three of your national representatives at once by going to Simply enter your address and the site will allow you to send a message with one click!

  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Action 4 – [HOUSE & SENATE] – #DefundHate

From Alx Dark and Jose-Manuel Carrillo – Wallingford Indivisible:

Every week it’s something. This week, we watched as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) followed a 10 year old girl with cerebral palsy as she was riding in an ambulance to the hospital for gallbladder surgery. She was unauthorized to be in the country, and ICE agents took her into custody after the surgery rather than allow her to recover with her parents. She has had to recover from this painful surgery alone and in a prison. And then of course, she will be deported from the only country she has known (she was brought here when she was 3 months old).

The #DefundHate campaign has a simple proposition for the American people: if ICE has the resources to prioritize deporting Rosamaria Hernandez, then they have, if anything, too many resources. Under this racist administration, more money will simply be translated into more cruelty towards unauthorized immigrants. There should be no additional funding for ICE or Customs and Border Patrol in this year’s budget.

You can call this week, or mark your calendar for November 8th, when there will be a national day to call in on this issue.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. I’m calling as part of the Defund Hate campaign. We’re calling on [MoC] to oppose funding for the detention and deportation machine. This funding fuels agencies like ICE and CBP which have a long track record of lying, hiding information and retaliating against those who speak out against them. We need to use public funds for needed resources like healthcare, education and housing, instead of funding this inhumane immigration enforcement system. We demand that [MoC] publicly call for significant cuts to ICE and CBP and be a voice to Defund Hate and oppose funding for the detention and deportation machine.

More Actions You Can Take:

Support the Alexander/ Murray ACA Stabilization bill

More actions at

Donate to Indivisible Eastside on our Website

Check out the new Indivisible Eastside logowear store at

Attend an In-Person event:

Volunteer Opportunities for November 7th Election

Volunteer for Manka Dhingra

A: Through 45th District Democrats:

Doorbell for Manka

  • Under Canvassing click on “sign up online
  • Or stop by Manka’s campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond
  • Or contact one of the Campaign organizers:

Get Out the Vote Phonebank at campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond First-time phone bankers are welcome. We’ll have training and scripts for you to use.

B: Through Fuse WA: Saturday Nov 4, 10-2.

Fuse WA is hosting Canvassing events for Manka.  Look for upcoming events or signup at

Last Tuesday’s group of Get Out the Vote for Manka Postcard writers.

Updated 23 October 2017

We had a great Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting on Saturday. About 30 people attended including 10 for the first time. Thank you to Sophia Nicholson Keener and Jackie McGourty for your informative presentations! Our next meeting will be Nov. 19th at the Redmond Library.

Here are your actions for this week:

Action 1 – [YOU] – 3 Steps to Get Out the Vote

Ballots are arriving. It’s time to Get Out the Vote!

  1. VOTE all the way down to the bottom of your ballot! You can get in-depth progressive endorsements with the Progressive Voters Guide created by Fuse WA, The Stranger’s Cheat Sheet, and Local Democratic organizations such as the 45th District Democrats of Washington State or the LD 48th Democrats.
  2. VOLUNTEER LOCALLY: The 45th and 31st LDs have important State Senate races. A win by Manka Dhingra in the 45th or Michelle Rylands in the 31st (or both) will break the one-vote stranglehold that the GOP has used to keep the state from functioning properly. Their campaigns are out canvassing and making phone calls, and can use your help. Sign up at: and/or at
  3. VOLUNTEER for VIRGINIA: Virginia might look like a blue state but below the surface there are problems. Of their 11 representatives, 7 are Republicans because of Gerrymandering. The people that Virginians elect on November 7 will have some control over the next round of redistricting. Winning back states from GOP control is the crucial first step towards a level playing field. Indivisible is looking for people nationally to make calls and texts to Virginia voters. Sign up here.

Action 2 – [DE-ESCALATE WA] – Add your support in 4 important ways

At our group meeting Saturday, we heard from De-Escalate Washington’s Volunteer and Events Coordinator Sophia Nicholson Keener. Sophia shared what the initiative is, why she’s involved, and how we can help. You can catch her 20-minute presentation on the Facebook Meeting Event Live streaming of the meeting at Time-stamp 43:18 (-58:02). The sound is a little soft (it was our second Facebook Live – we’re still learning) so turn it up. After talking about the details of the initiative, she shares a powerful story of why she’s so passionate about this topic, then follows up by answering questions. I hope this moves you to add your support. Here’s what YOU can do.

  1. Sign the petition – If you come across someone asking for signatures – sign, and encourage anyone you’re with to sign.
  2. Donate – Go to and click Donate on the main menu bar.
  3. Volunteer – On the website, click Get Involved and Volunteer. You can Gather Signatures, Make phone calls, Host a Fundraiser, or help with Office Work. You can also Request a petition and ask your family, friends and neighbors to sign, then mail it back by December 1.
  4. Add the following as the “signature” to your email:
    Are you aware of De-Escalate Washington Initiative I-940? People are out gathering signatures now through mid-December. This measure would require law enforcement to receive violence de-escalation, mental-health, and first-aid training, and provide first-aid; and change standards for use of deadly force, adding a “good faith” standard and independent investigation. This will bring Washington State up to standards adopted by most of the nation. I hope you’ll take time to sign the initiative petition when you see people gathering signatures. It has been endorsed by many including Seattle Indivisible and the King County Sheriff. If you want to donate, volunteer, or get a petition go to

Action 3 [HEALTHCARE] – Spread the word: ACA Open Enrollment Starts Nov. 1

Last week we asked you to call your Senators to stabilized the ACA insurance marketplace. This week we need your help with community outreach. Aided by Trump’s blatant lie that “Obamacare is dead” there is much confusion about how to go about getting health insurance. NOW is the time for people to contact brokers and navigators to set up appointments and find out what they need to do to get or stay covered in 2018. How can you help?

  1. Print some black and white WA State flyers and post in your community.
  2. Add your Social Media reach to social media campaigns. Join them at National ACA Signup Project and the WA State ACA Signup Project.
  3. Learn more at the new ACA Signup Project Website.

More Actions You Can Take:

209 Get Out the Vote Postcards written to Manka Voters Oct 11th

Allison, Rhiannon and Jennifer checking people in at the SEA NO H8 concert Oct 8

Some of the Indivisible Eastsiders showing up for the Anti-Devos Rally Oct 13th.

Updated 16 October 2017

Indivisible Eastside has had an extremely busy October. From helping out at the SEA NO H8 concert last week (Allison, Rhiannon, and Jennifer staffed the check-in table), to GOTV for Manka Postcard-writing on Tuesday, followed by the DeVos Counter-Rally in Bellevue. It was so energizing to see so many people in person!

We have a second GOTV for Manka event this Tuesday. If you’re available during the daytime, we’d love your help. Registration closes Monday at 6:00 pm so we can be sure to have enough supplies:

With all the recent activity, we’ve been a little slow to highlight our upcoming Monthly meeting. Please join us at the Woodinville Library this Saturday Oct 21st. We’ll learn about I-940 De-Escalate WA initiative to require de-escalation training for Police.

Here are your actions for this week

Action 1 – [SEATTLE TIMES] – Call Out the Seattle Times for Their Poorly Reasoned 45th LD Endorsement for Manka Dhingra’s Opponent.

From 45th LD Resident Louise:

The Seattle Times did the voters in the 45th LD a great disservice Saturday when it chose to endorse Manka Dhingra’s unqualified opponent for state senate. They repeated Englund’s relentless soundbite of “balance of government” saying it is good for the state. So, basically, they’re telling the 45th LD to “take one for the team” and vote for the less-qualified candidate, so that the state can keep the status quo of an obstructionist Senate unwilling to forward progressive laws. We’d be passing up the opportunity to elect an accomplished, professional, passionate long-time member of our community, and instead end up with a GOP staffer who only recently moved to our distrcit and once helped make an app.

If you don’t think their endorsement is good for the 45th, or good for Washington State, now is the time to speak out to the Seattle Times and tell them where they are wrong.

Think about Letters to The Editor – to your local – Redmond Reporter, Kirkland Reporter, Bellevue Reporter, Bothell-Kenmore Reporter and  The Woodinville Weekly. Comment on Twitter @seattletimes, and on their FB Post about their endorsement (caution, there is some mild trolling going on there, but many many dis-satisfied people. Add your comment and don’t look back.)

If you want to help the Elect Manka Campaign, you can donate to her campaign, as well as show up for her canvassing and phone banking events outlined near the end of this page.

Action 2 – [SENATE & HOUSE] – Stop the Rollback of ACA Birth Control Coverage


Since 2011 the ACA has required that female contraception must be covered by insurers without a co-pay. This “contraceptive mandate” has extended affordable birth control to millions of Americans: today 55 million Americans benefit from coverage of preventive services, including birth control, saving Americans billions of dollars per year.

On Oct 6th, The Trump Administration announced a rollback of the ACA birth control mandate, potentially risking access to birth control coverage for millions of women.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to express my outrage to the rollback of the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act. Adding more exemptions to the contraception mandate will erode access to preventive healthcare for millions of Americans. I demand Congress take immediate actions to ensure all women have affordable access to the healthcare they need.

[OPTIONAL: Tell how the mandate has helped you or someone you know]

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 3 – [SENATE & HOUSE] – Stop Trump from Sabotaging the ACA


On October 12th, Trump announced he plans to discontinue cost-sharing reduction payments (CSRs) to insurers offering federal exchange plans. The CSRs help protect insurers from unexpectedly high costs and let them offer lower-cost individual market plans. The ending of CSR payments could have an immediate effect on the individual markets.

The Congressional Budget Office has released an analysis concluding termination of CSR payments would increase premiums for the most popular individual market plans by 20% next year and 25% by 2020 and leave about 5% of the population without access to any individual plans at all. By contrast, if the CSRs were left in place, less than 0.5% of the population would live in a region without access to individual market plans. Insurers will be able to withdraw from the marketplace in 2018 if CSRs are not renewed, which could leave thousands of people unable to purchase any plans through the health insurance marketplace as soon as next year.

By cutting subsidy payments, Trump is effectively kicking the issue to Congress. It will be up to Congress to appropriate funds for the CSR payments to prevent turmoil in the individual insurance market and real harm to individuals.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to urge [NAME] to immediately pass legislation to stabilize the insurance market and ensure the ACA’s cost-sharing subsidies are fully funded. The American people want a bipartisan fix to the ACA, not a political sabotage of the law.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 4  – [HOUSE & SENATE] – Thank AG Bob Ferguson

From Seattle Indivisible

Thanks to our proactive state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, has just joined 20 other states in suing the Trump administration over ending the CSR subsidies. Let’s send emails to thank Bob Ferguson for his leadership and encourage him to continue to throw his resources behind the lawsuit to protect our healthcare.

Email AG Bob Ferguson

[SAMPLE EMAIL SUBJECT LINE:] Thanks to AG Ferguson for standing up for healthcare

[SAMPLE EMAIL TEXT]: “Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m from [CITY] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. I would like to thank Attorney General Ferguson for his leadership in the fight to support the ACA. Thank you for joining the lawsuit to challenge Trump’s suspension of CSR subsidies. Please continue to fight to protect our healthcare and continue to throw your resources into protecting us from this administration’s sabotage.”

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 9 October 2017

The horrifying mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada, which left 58 people dead and hundreds injured, has once again illustrated the need for comprehensive legislation to address gun violence.

Manka Dhingra, candidate for the 45th Legislative District Senate seat, held a press conference on Friday outlining her ideas for gun control legislation she would propose if elected. These would include banning any modifications or accessories that would let semi-automatic firearms shoot at rates comparable to fully automatic guns as well as legislation to close loopholes that allow people with a record of domestic violence to own weapons. Dhingra said more than half of women who are killed in the U.S. with a firearm are killed by an intimate partner.

Manka’s campaign has determined that if her supporters exercise their right to vote, she will be our next State Senator. Getting out the vote for the November 7th election is essential.

Indivisible Eastside is sponsoring two Get Out the Vote events to reach Democratic voters in the 45th LD. You do not have to live in the 45th LD to help. Meet other resisters in person, and get to know some of Indivisible Eastside’s Steering committee. Louise, Allison, Rhiannon and Jennifer will be there!

We welcome you to join us at a third in-person opportunity. Fri Oct 13, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Join Louise, Jennifer, Allison and Rhiannon at Betsy DeVos Counter-Rally: United for Public Education in Bellevue. We’ll be meeting up beforehand and walking to the Rally. Details at Indivisible Eastside Meetup Before Counter Rally Eventbrite. We look forward to meeting members old and new.

Action 1 – [SENATE] – GUN SAFETY

The NRA is currently pushing a federal pre-emption law known as “Concealed Carry Reciprocity” (S.B. 446), that would override local gun safety laws. Concealed carry reciprocity would force all 50 states to allow stalkers, domestic abusers, and people with no safety training to carry hidden, loaded guns in public — even the legally blind.

In Washington state we’ve passed laws to help prevent gun violence, and these would be rendered ineffectual because we’d be beholden to the weakest gun laws of any state in the land.

Ask your Senators to oppose this bill. Otherwise we will never make any progress on gun violence because the federal government is bought and paid for by gun manufacturers.

  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME].  I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to urge Sen. [NAME] to speak out against S.B. 446, the “Concealed Carry Reciprocity” bill. This bill would strip states of their right to enforce state laws, and places the public in grave danger.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 2 – [HOUSE] – GUN SAFETY

The SHARE Act, the “Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act” (H.R. 3668), contains several alarming provisions that undermine public safety and environmental protections, including the “Hearing Protection” provision that deregulates the purchase of gun silencers. The sound of gunfire serves an important public safety purpose in alerting nearby people to danger, and as a result, gun silencers have long been subject to the same purchasing restrictions as machine guns, explosives, and other dangerous weapons. If made law, the SHARE Act would remove these restrictions and make it easier to buy a silencer without a background check, therefore enabling people with violent criminal records to have easy access to gun silencers.


Hi, my name is [NAME].  I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to ask Rep. [NAME] to vote against HR 3668, the SHARE Act. The deregulation of gun silencers is dangerous to public safety and security. We must not roll back sensible gun laws that provide a safer community for all. Additionally, I urge Rep. [NAME] to take action to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in the United States by closing the loophole that lets people buy guns at shows and through private sellers without background checks, and instituting universal background checks for ammo and gun buyers, a measure 80% of gun owners support.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 3 – [HOUSE & SENATE]


Last week we asked you to read up on details for the Trump Tax Scam that Republicans are working on.

What we know of the Trump tax scam so far is that it amounts to huge tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations paid for by taking away Medicare, Medicaid, and other basic services. They want to eliminate taxes that only affect the wealthiest individuals and let corporations pay even less than they already do. has 3 Scripts directed at Republican Members of Congress and 3 directed at Democrats. Below is a pared down script for our Democratic Senators and Representatives.

Ask your Senators and Representative to oppose the House Budget Resolution.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email
Script for Senate:

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

The tax plan that Donald Trump and the Republicans have proposed is not tax reform: it’s tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations. Repealing the estate tax and the net investment tax only help the super rich. And for corporations, the effective tax rate, according to the Government Accountability Office, is actually 14%. That rate is not out line with the rest of the world, and there’s really no evidence that it hurts U.S. competitiveness. I want [Senator __] to hold corporations accountable for paying their fair share. I oppose any plan that cuts taxes for the wealthy and corporations.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Script for House:

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I urge Representative [NAME] to oppose the House budget resolution moving to the House floor this month, because it calls for billions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid and Medicare to give a huge tax cut to the wealthy and corporations. I am strongly opposed to the House budget resolution and I expect Representative [NAME] to oppose it as well. It is wrong to make deep cuts to services so many people rely on so that the wealthy and corporations can have another tax break.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Action 4 – [SENATE] – Blue Slips

Trump is trying to pack the courts with extreme judges, and Senate Republicans are trying to blow up 100 years of tradition to help him do it.  Donald Trump has nominated several extremely conservative judges to fill the vacancies in the court system. But he can’t single-handedly push through nominees—the Senate has to sign off on them.

Unfortunately, right-wing groups and some Senate Republicans have indicated they want to eliminate a key check on Trump’s power. We can’t let that happen.

Read about a little-known process called “blue slips” that lets individual senators weigh in on the judges nominated to serve in their state.

Senators need to speak up right now. The far right will be clamoring to abolish the blue slip process, and it’s essential for us to push back. This is one of the few mechanisms in place that allow senators to block bad nominees from moving forward, and it must be preserved.

Call your senators. Ask them to publicly urge Chairman Grassley and Majority Leader McConnell to respect the blue slips process, and not to hold hearings or votes on judicial nominees unless both home senators have returned positive blue slips for them. Otherwise, it’s simple: no hearings.


Hi! My name is [name]. I’m a constituent calling from [CITY, ZIP] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. I’m calling about Trump’s judicial nominations—I’m very concerned about the deeply conservative and ideological nominees that he is attempting to put in the courts, and I’m even more concerned that the Senate might break the 100 year old “Blue Slip” tradition to let him do it. I want to hear the Senator commit to uphold the tradition of no judicial nominees moving forward until both home senators return positive blue slips, which are documents with their thoughts on the nominee.  Please ask the Senator to publicly urge Chairman Grassley to respect it, too. The Constitution requires the Senate to give “advice and consent” on judicial nominees, and this a key part of the system of checks and balances. If we abandon this, we could be in real trouble with this and future presidents.

Thank you for your time and attention.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 2 October 2017

You. Killed. The. Bill! Indivisibles around the area had a great time at the #KillTheBill (Again!) Rally to Save the ACA. We got a great number of honks from motorists, Metro Bus drivers, and even an ambulance driver, as well as a nice tweet from Senator Patty Murray and coverage from KOMONews. This is but one example of activities that resulted in the defeat (for now) of Trumpcare.

The #KillTheBill events around the country were a call to action from the national Indivisible Project organization. It has evolved from a .pdf of proven resistance techniques, to a bare-bones website with a map to connect people with local Indivisible group, to a full and rich resource on a wide range of topics for the more than 6,000 Indivisible groups covering every congressional district in the country.

In the early months we were all doing our best to create meaningful actions for our members, leaning on neighboring Indivisible groups for direction. It is hard work, but the national Indivisible Project is really stepping up to provide guidance, training and resources that we all need to resist the Trump agenda. And it’s working!

Have you noticed our great new logo? Since designer Ashlee Christian waived her fee, the steering committee has agreed to donate $100 to the national Indivisible Project so that they can continue the great work we all depend on. If you’d like to help with this expense, please click the “Donate to Indivisible Eastside” button on the front page of the Indivisible Eastside website.

Thank you for all you do, every day. Together, we are making a difference!

Here are your Actions for this week:

Action 1 – [EPA] – Tell the EPA to keep fuel economy standards in place – DEADLINE OCT 5

From Jan Keller

The Trump administration is attacking fuel economy standards that were improved by the Obama administration. The standards were just finalized earlier this year, but the Trump administration has already reopened them for review. COMMENTS ON THIS ISSUE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE EPA BY OCT 5, 2017 (9 pm Pacific time)

This is a blatant attempt to push the interests of Big Oil and automakers at the expense of American families. Nothing has changed that warrants redoing the extensive process through which the rules were created. We can speak up now and say that Americans want standards that increase the efficiency of cars and trucks, to decrease pollution and save money.

For more information, check out the Sierra Club page.

To see examples of comments already submitted, go to the EPA docket page and scroll down.


Go to the web page for submitting comments directly for EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0827-6325 – and click on the Comment Now! button on the upper right. Remember, Federal Register comments need to be brief and to the point.  Make sure that all required information is included.



  • I urge Administrator Pruitt, and the EPA, to keep the Obama administration’s fuel economy standards in place.
  • I oppose efforts to scale back the Obama administration’s fuel economy standards.


  • These fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas standards were just finalized by the EPA earlier this year. They will save American families $1.7 trillion at the pump. They will also reduce carbon emissions by 6 billion metric tons over the lifetimes of the vehicles sold in model years 2012-2025.
  • These standards were finalized recently. They are working and achievable, as proven by cars and trucks being sold today. Automakers have found they can meet the standards faster and more affordably than expected, and consumers are receiving the benefits.




  • Reopening review of these standards wastes taxpayer dollars. The additional review is redundant–it might be in corporate interests to roll standards back, but it certainly isn’t in the interest of the American people.
  • Duplicating a review that was already done, and done well, just wastes taxpayer money.


  • Your job is to protect human health and the environment, not waste money and weaken important standards.
  • The EPA is responsible for making sure American families can breathe clean air and live in a safe climate. These standards help achieve that, and save families money as well. The EPA must fulfill its responsibilities.
  • The EPA is tasked with protecting our environment and our health.

Action 2 – [HOUSE & SENATE] Stop DHS from Reading Naturalized Citizens’ Social Media

A new Department of Homeland Security rule,  published in the Federal Register describes including “social media handles and aliases, associated identifiable information and search results” in the department’s immigrant files. It is set to take effect on October 18.

This is outrageous on many levels, especially in reinforcing the sentiment that immigrants and naturalized citizens are second class. Actions like this draw from a false and debunked notion that immigrant activity is more suspect than that of natural born Americans. This invasion of privacy also has ramifications that should concern all American residents and citizens in its potential chilling effect on freedom of speech and association. Rep Pramila Jayapal, herself a naturalized citizen, has come out strongly against this move by DHS. She needs us to stand with her.

Action 2a: Ask our Members of Congress to stand with naturalized citizens, and immigrants.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hello, my name is [name], I’m calling from [City, Zip] and I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside. I saw Representative Jayapal’s statement about the DHS rule change allowing searching of the social media accounts of immigrants and naturalized citizens. Please stand with her, and come out against this rule change.

Action 2b: Submit a comment to the Federal Register.

Click on the green Submit a Formal Comment button and fill out all required information. To get an idea how others are commenting, click on Read the 1574 public comments link first.

Action 3 – [TrumpTaxScam] – Know the basics and get ready for the fight ahead

Indivisible Project has launched as a resource for the coming fight. Sign up on their website to receive updates on how you can resist Trump’s plans for tax cuts for the wealthy, paid for by working families and by cuts in Medicare and Medicaid.

Action 4 – [Indivisible Eastside] – Make a plan to attend at least one of the upcoming Indivisible Eastside sponsored events. Very energizing!

  1. Sun Oct 8th, 5:30-7:30 pm. In support of the amazing work that the national Indivisible Project is doing, area Indivisible groups headed by Seattle Indivisible are putting on a fundraiser concert and party – SEA NO H8 – with great music and a special Indivisible beer at Optimism Brewery on Capitol Hill. Tickets are very reasonable at $15. Join Allison and Jennifer and “be with your people”. Every time I cross that bridge, I’m glad I did.
  2. Wed Oct 11th, 7-9 pm. We had such a great time writing postcards to voters in Georgia and Raleigh, NC that one of the participants, Sharon O, had the great idea of approaching the Manka Dhingra state senate campaign to see if we could do the same right here in our own LD 45 to help Flip the Senate Blue. They’re thrilled to partner with us, so we’ve organizing two times where you can come and help. We hope to get 40 people to each event and write a total of 800 postcards! These will reach voters in areas of the district where canvassing is more challenging due to hilly terrain or sparse population. Details and registration at Get Out the Vote for Manka Postcard Event 10-11-17. See 4) below for a daytime option.  Space is limited so don’t delay. We’ll open this registration up to other groups on October 6th.
  3. Friday the 13th, 5-7 pm. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos will be speaking at a fundraiser at the Bellevue Hyatt. Join Louise, Allison, Rhiannon, other Indivisibles and the Equity in Education Coalition for the Betsy Devos Counter-Rally to ring the block around the Hyatt and tell Betsy we MUST keep our education systems open and available to EACH AND EVERY child! OUR COMMUNITIES are the stakeholders of our public educational system — NOT corporations, NOT billionaires and NOT private voucher systems! Plans are in the works to meet nearby beforehand so we can rally together as an Indivisible group. Register with the Indivisible Eastside Counter Rally Eventbrite link and we will contact you directly with details as they evolve.
  4. Tue Oct 17th, 10-noon. If evenings don’t work for you, register for the second Get Out the Vote for Manka Postcard Event 10-17-17. Space is limited so don’t delay. We’ll open this registration up to other groups on October 6th.

More Actions You Can Take:

Volunteer Opportunities for November 7th Election

Volunteer for Manka Dhingra

A: Through 45th District Democrats:

Oct 7-21st Doorbell for Manka

  • Under Canvassing click on “sign up online
  • Or stop by Manka’s campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond
  • Or contact one of the Campaign organizers:

Oct 22nd – Nov 7th Get Out the Vote Phonebank at campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond First-time phone bankers are welcome. We’ll have training and scripts for you to use.

  • Under Phonebanking click “Sign up online
  • Or contact Lainie at or 360.431.9355.

B: Through Fuse WA: Saturdays Oct 7, 21 and Nov 4, 10-2.

Fuse WA is hosting Canvassing events for Manka.  Look for upcoming events or signup at

Volunteer for a candidates in your LD, County or City

Updated 25 September 2017

TODAY! Join Louise, Allison, and other Indivisibles for the #KillTheBill (Again!) Rally to Save the ACA. From 4:00pm – 7:00pm  at UW Medical Center. Meet up on the corner of Montlake and Pacific – across from the Medical Center,  with people from Indivisible North Seattle, Indivisible Seattle, and other area organization.  Join Louise at 3:36pm on Metro Bus 255 from South Kirkland Park & Ride or meet up with other IE members and come on over and make some noise to #KillTheBill!

Action 1 – [SENATE] – #KillTheBill

On Friday, John McCain stated “As I have repeatedly stressed, health care reform legislation ought to be the product of regular order in the Senate. Committees of jurisdiction should mark up legislation with input from all committee members, and send their bill to the floor for debate and amendment. That is the only way we might achieve bipartisan consensus on lasting reform, without which a policy that affects one-fifth of our economy and every single American family will be subject to reversal with every change of administration and congressional majority.”

“I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal. I believe we could do better working together, Republicans and Democrats, and have not yet really tried… I hope that in the months ahead, we can join with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to arrive at a compromise solution.”

Please email and tweet to Senator McCain and thank him for stating his position so sanely and unequivocally. Additionally, please email and tweet to Senators Collins and Murkowski and ask them to come out in CLEAR opposition as McCain has done. Even though Ted Cruz spoke out against on Sunday, he cannot be trusted to hold that position!

SCRIPT for Sen McCain:

My name is [NAME]. I’m from [CITY, WA] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Thank you for caring about the health and well-being of Americans and putting people over politics.  Your unequivocal opposition to the process by which the Republicans are trying to repeal and replace the ACA is the sanest thing I have read in a while. I agree that the best way to address the health needs of this nation is through a bipartisan process, following a regular order in the Senate. Please do everything you can to help your colleagues see that the path forward must be deliberate and thoughtful, not reactionary and impulsive.

Thank you, [NAME]


‪@SenJohnMcCain Thank you for your unequivocal opposition to the thoughtless Republican process to repeal and replace!‬

SCRIPT for Senators Murkowski and Collins:

My name is [NAME]. I’m from [CITY, WA] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Thank you for caring about the health and wellbeing of Americans and putting people over politics in July when you voted against the “Skinny Repeal” of the ACA.  Your opposition to the bill was essential to starting the bipartisan process of reform that has recently stalled.

It is time once again to show your leadership by declaring unequivocally that the Graham-Cassidy bill will cause harm and heartache to countless Americans. I urge you to stand with Senator McCain in his reasoned statement that “health care reform legislation ought to be the product of regular order in the Senate. Committees of jurisdiction should mark up legislation with input from all committee members, and send their bill to the floor for debate and amendment.”  Do you disagree with this?

Thank you, [NAME]


‪@lisamurkowski @SenatorCollins Time to lead – come out firmly against the thoughtless Republican attempt to repeal and replace!‬

Action 2 – [YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK] – Join Indivisible ACA Signup Campaign

The Sep 23rd Indivisible ACA Signup Social Media Campaign reached more than 1 million people!  It’s time to sign up for the next campaign. Remember, each campaign is separate, when you sign up, you’re giving permission for them to post ONE TIME to your social media feed. If this isn’t making any sense, please look at last week’s Action 2 for more in-depth information.


  1. NOW Join the the Oct 7th Indivisible ACA Signup Project Campaign (known as a Thunderclap). Follow them on Facebook and Twitter for updates for future campaigns.
  2. Join the Indivisible ACA Signup Project closed Facebook Group to hear about the next campaign and other ways they’re publicizing the signup window. There are so many resources here.
  3. Download Washington State’s Reminder graphic and use it as your Facebook Cover Photo.  State By State flyers
  4. Ask your Facebook Friends and Twitter followers to sign on to the Campaign. Information on how best to do that is in the Facebook Group. The earlier you do this, the more reach the Campaign will have.

Action 3 – [Department of Education] – Keep 2011 Guidelines for Title IX Protections


In a shameless speech at George Mason University on September 7th, Secretary Betsy DeVos announced that she will change how the Department of Education enforces Title IX (“9”) federal guidelines with respect to campus sexual assault. The 2011 guidelines, outlined in a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), defines schools’ responsibilities in building a safe and responsive campus, clarifies the requirement that schools must independently investigate reports of sexual violence between students, and defines “preponderance of the evidence” as the burden of proof necessary when adjudicating sexual assault cases on campus. Calling this “overreach” and “weaponizing” by the federal government, DeVos will now roll back these vital protections.

Earlier in the summer, twenty state Attorneys General wrote to Secretary DeVos to strongly oppose any roll-back of the Title IX protections.

Call the US Department of Education to insist that the 2011 guidelines remain unchanged. It is still a matter of decency that institutions of higher education continue to prioritize and address campus sexual assault.

Department of Education 800-872-5327


Hi, my name is [NAME] I’m a concerned constituent from [CITY, WA].

I’m calling to urge Secretary DeVos to maintain the critical Title IX (Title 9) protections for survivors of campus sexual assault as guided by the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. This is a serious and troubling epidemic, and it is vital that schools maintain strong policy guidelines to protect its vulnerable students.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

More Actions You Can Take:

Volunteer and Educational Opportunities for November 7th Election

Volunteer for Manka Dhingra

A: Through 45th District Democrats:   Ignore the specific dates on the page – they may be stale.

  1. Oct 7-21st Doorbell for Manka
  • Under Canvassing click on “sign up online
  • Or stop by Manka’s campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond
  • Or contact one of the Campaign organizers:

a) Kirkland, Redmond, and Bothell: Ashley, or 480.262.9920

b) Sammamish and Redmond Ridge: Lainie, or 360.431.9355

c) Woodinville and Duvall: Dane, or 360.703.7616

2. Oct 22nd – Nov 7th Get Out the Vote Phonebank at campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond First-time phone bankers are welcome. We’ll have training and scripts for you to use.

  • Under Phonebanking click “Sign up online
  • Or contact Lainie at or 360.431.9355.

B: Through Fuse WA: Sat Sep 30th and Oct 7, 21,  Nov 4, 10-2  Fuse WA is hosting Canvassing events for Manka. look for upcoming events or signup at

Volunteer for a candidates in your LD, County or City

Attend a Candidate Forum

Updated 18 September 2017

Thank you to all who have donated in the past to support the running of this organization. We’ve been careful with your generosity, and have used the money to support a community pot-luck BBQ, print an Indivisible Eastside Banner, print handouts for our monthly Group Meetings, and small donations to support other Indivisible group events. With the upcoming potentially large protest of Betsy Devos on Oct 13th, we’d like to print some corrugated plastic signs with our logo that we can re-use adding messages for future events. In January, we’ll have website renewal expenses coming up. Please donate a few dollars to keeping the group running. You can do this with the green “Donate to Indivisible Eastside” button on the Indivisible Eastside Website.

If you didn’t make it to the Group Meeting Sunday, email  to receive .pdf handout resources from the meeting.

Don’t miss the “More Actions You Can Take” and “Volunteer and Educational Opportunities for November 7th Election” sections at the bottom of this. There are two benefit concerts that look like they’ll be really great. One has an opportunity to volunteer and see the concert for free!

Action 1 – [SENATE] – Kill Grandson of Zombie Trumpcare – Graham-Cassidy

Can you believe it? Trumpcare is back.

The Senate parliamentarian has ruled that the Senate has only until September 30th to use the rules of reconciliation to jam TrumpCare (now called Graham-Cassidy) through the Senate. After that they will need bi-partisan support to reach a 60 vote majority.

They’ve sent their bill to CBO for a score. McConnell is whipping votes and moving things around the Senate calendar to make room for one last push. The bill would make huge cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, repeal many of the ACA’s regulations, and devolve power to the states. It’s a terrible bill, and we need to stop it.

  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

My name is [NAME]. I’m from [CITY] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Please do everything you can to prevent the Graham-Cassidy bill from coming to the floor before the Sept 30 deadline for reconciliation, including procedural stalling and withholding consent.  We can’t let bill repeal vital parts of the ACA.

Thank you for your time answering the phone

[If you have a personal story, please e-mail the senators as well using their websites link above]

[IF LEAVING A MESSAGE: Please leave full address to ensure call is tallied.]

Action 2 – [YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK] – Join Indivisible ACA Signup Campaign

In the wake of news that the Health and Human Services department would cut the ACA’s advertising budget by 90 percent, to $10 million, and would also reduce spending on groups that help customers find the appropriate insurance plan, a passionate group of forward-thinking activists has started the Indivisible ACA Signup Project. They are creating Thunderclap Social media campaigns (What’s a Thunderclap?) to send out messages to supporters’ social media newsfeeds. They’re also creating state-by-state graphics for use as your Facebook Cover Photo as well as printable flyers that could be stocked in Libraries. Members of the IE steering committee have signed up for the Thunderclap we encourage you to do so as well. The next Thunderclap will go out Sep 23rd.


  1. Sign up for the current Indivisible ACA Signup Project Thunderclap. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter for updates for future campaigns
  2. Join the Indivisible ACA Signup Project closed Facebook Group to hear about the next campaign and other ways they’re publicizing the signup window. There are so many resources here. Look in the Files location for State By State flyers and in Photo Album of the State-by-State graphics.
  3. Ask your Facebook Friends and Twitter Followers to sign on to the Thunderclap. Information on how best to do that in the Facebook Group.

Action 3 – [STATE INITIATIVE] –  Sign I-940 ‘De-Escalate’ Washington to Hold Police Accountable

From Seattle Indivisible:

On September 15th, another police officer (this time in St. Louis, MO) was found not guilty of the murder of a black man, despite being caught shouting “Gonna kill this (expletive), don’t you know it” on camera before the shooting. Here in Washington state, too, our ‘malicious intent’ standard makes it virtually impossible to convict an officer – out of 213 police shootings in the state between 2005 and 2014, only one officer was even charged.

The De-Escalate Washington Ballot Initiative, I-940, aims to restore trust between police and communities by, among other things, removing the de-facto immunity given to officers and requiring de-escalation and mental health training.


Go to to learn more about the initiative! To help it become law, you can 1) request a petition, sign it yourself, and collect signatures from friends 2) sign up to volunteer 3) donate to the campaign so they have the resources to meet the December 22 deadline.

More Actions You Can Take:

Volunteer and Educational Opportunities for November 7th Election

Volunteer for Manka Dhingra

A: Through 45th District Democrats:

  1. Oct 7-21st Doorbell for Manka
  • Under Canvassing click on “sign up online
  • Or stop by Manka’s campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond
  • Or contact one of the Campaign organizers:

a) Kirkland, Redmond, and Bothell: Ashley, or 480.262.9920

b) Sammamish and Redmond Ridge: Lainie, or 360.431.9355

c) Woodinville and Duvall: Dane, or 360.703.7616

2. Oct 22nd – Nov 7th Get Out the Vote Phonebank at campaign headquarters, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond First-time phone bankers are welcome. We’ll have training and scripts for you to use.

  • Under Phonebanking click “Sign up online
  • Or contact Lainie at or 360.431.9355.

B: Through Fuse WA: Sat Sep 30th and Oct 7, 21,  Nov 4, 10-2  Fuse WA is hosting Canvassing events for Manka. look for upcoming events or signup at

Volunteer for a candidates in your LD, County or city

Attend a Candidate Forum

Updated 11 September 2017

We have a logo! It’s now on our Website, Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter and we will use it to create signs and a banner for rallies and protests. Thank you to the many who contributed to the effort including Diane P. for starting the process and Ashlee C. for bringing it to fruition!

Please join us at our All Group Meeting Sep 17th from 12:30 – 2:45 at the Bellevue Library. We have a speaker on climate change, information about supporting progressives in the November election, fun activist activities, a group photo, and time to socialize and share ideas about resisting. If all goes well, we’ll have our new banner for the group photo!

We participated in the last minute Seattle Indivisible protest of Trump and Breitbart supporter Robert Mercer (who is fighting payment of 7 BILLION in back taxes). The Tuesday protest was spearheaded by Eastsider Kat Martin.  It was featured in an Indivisible Guide tweet, and IE’s Allison was prominent in a video by the Stranger’s Ramon Dompor and a tweet by the Stranger’s Eli Sanders who joined us on the protest boat.

Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Demand passage of the DREAM Act, with no riders

Allison, Louise, and Joan, from your steering committee, attended the Emergency Rally and Press Conference to Save DACA in Seattle last Tuesday. We witnessed impassioned speeches and thunderous support from 30+ area organizations that came together for this uplifting event. Attorney General Bob Ferguson has pledged to join other State AGs in bringing a lawsuit against the Trump Administration for discriminating against a nationality (80% of DACA participants are from Mexico). Regardless of the outcome, it is up to Congress to end the uncertainty these 800,000 young people face.

The DREAM Act now has three Republican sponsors in the Senate, so it could pass with a simple majority if it were ever brought up for a vote. We need to be clear that this is must-pass legislation, and that this is the version of the bill we should pass. Some of the other solutions that have been brought up have compromises that are unacceptable.

    • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
    • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
    • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email (cosponsor of H.R. 3440 as of 9/6/17)
    • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
    • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

My name is [NAME]. I’m from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m asking [MOC NAME] to [co-sponsor and] accept only the bipartisan ‘DREAM Act’ (S. 1615/H.R.3440) as a solution to the president’s cancellation of DACA. DACA recipients are not a bargaining chip, and I don’t want to see any wall funding or increased enforcement funding as part of this bill.

Thank you for your time answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A MESSAGE: Please leave full address to ensure call is tallied.]

Action 2 – [YOUR NEIGHBORS] – Support Immigrant Organizations

From Seattle Indivisible:

In addition to demanding that Congress pass the DREAM Act to protect DACA recipients, it is also important that we stand by our immigrant community as they deal with the fallout.

The local organizations listed below are already doing the work on the ground advocating for the affected communities, and providing crucial legal services and counseling. Please pick one or two and give them a small donation, subscribe to an email list, or even sign up to volunteer at an event if you are able:

Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) is a Coalition of Immigrant and Refugee Rights organizations and individuals that strive to protect, serve and strengthen support capacity and resources to build power and a united voice in Washington. WAISN is sponsoring an immigration raid alert system for Washington state.

Spread the word on your social media, with friends and neighbors:

Action 3 – [EPA] – Protect Clean Water Rule

From IE Member Jan K and Sierra Club:

Everyone deserves clean water. Period. And yet the Trump Administration, led by Scott Pruitt at EPA, are trying to repeal clean water protections for one in three Americans.

In 2015, the EPA passed its Clean Water Rule, which protected streams, wetlands, and other water sources that provide water for 117 million Americans. This commonsense clarification helped protect upstream sources of water that had been largely unprotected and was the result of over 400 community hearings and 1200 peer-reviewed scientific studies.

But now the Trump Administration is trying to repeal this rule in a giant giveaway to polluters. At a time when we should be focusing on protecting water quality for Americans, this puts too many, especially rural communities that depend on well water, at risk.

Send in your comment now to oppose the repeal or reconsideration of the Clean Water Rule. Use the Sierra Club Web Page, or go directly to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2017-0203 and click on “Comment Now”. Deadline Sep 27, 2017.

Message Ideas (edit to make it your own):

I oppose any attempt to repeal the Clean Water Rule. Basic logic says that we must protect upstream water sources in order to protect water quality downstream. Without the Clean Water Rule, local communities will be forced into costly and time-consuming litigation, clogging our courts instead of protecting our water.

Few things are more fundamental to our health than the water we drink. No one should have to worry about pollution when they turn on the tap. Low income communities are already most at risk for water contamination, and we should not put them further at risk.

The original rule was based on hundreds of stakeholder meetings and 1200 peer-reviewed academic articles. Any repeal must be based on a similarly stringent, science-based approach — and the science tells us we must protect upstream water sources in order to protect our waterways.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 4 September 2017

Save the Date: Our next All Group Meeting will be Sep 17th from 12:30 – 2:45 at the Bellevue Library. In addition to other business, and social hour, we’ll have a speaker addressing the group on Climate Change – always timely, but especially so after Hurricane Harvey. We look forward to connecting with members old and new!

Action 1 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Prioritize Hurricane Relief over Wall Funding

After failing to get Mexico to commit to paying for his long-promised US-Mexico border wall, Trump suggested he would veto any spending package that does not include $1.6 billion to start construction of the wall. He has since backed off from that statement, but his word cannot be trusted and he changes his mind daily. Given multiple competing priorities that now include Hurricane Harvey relief, Congress has the opportunity to make a strong and clear statement. Do we invest in protection and recovery for the people and communities devastated by Hurricane Harvey, or do we invest in a wasteful symbol of xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment?

Background from

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling today to ask [NAME] to set partisan issues aside to pass a robust Hurricane Harvey disaster relief fund and oppose any spending on a US-Mexico border wall. It’s unconscionable to prioritize funding for a wall we don’t need over hurricane relief aid for thousands of Americans. Congress should not give in to Trump’s authoritarian threats to shut down the government when working to develop a budget.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A MESSAGE: Please leave full address to ensure call is tallied.]

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Encourage Our MOCs to Censure Trump for Sheriff Arpaio Pardon!

From Seattle Indivisible

On August 25th, President Trump pardoned the infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona, legendary for his racial profiling and inhumane detention practices.  In response to this shocking and immoral pardon, Joe Biden writes: “[President Trump’s] contempt for the U.S. Constitution and willingness to divide this nation knows no bounds. Now he’s pardoned a law-enforcement official who terrorized the Latino community, violated its constitutional rights, defied a federal court order to stop, and ran a prison system so rife with torture and abuse he himself called it a ‘concentration camp.’”

Not only does this pardon condone bigotry and brutality, it also supports Arpaio’s repeated violation of the fourth amendment, which protects against unreasonable search and seizure lacking probable cause.  Trump’s pardon of Arpaio also flouts the power of the judicial branch, and is therefore “an express repudiation of the many systems that exist to appropriately and lawfully channel the President’s power.” (The New Yorker)  A President who blocks the courts from sanctioning a sheriff who intentionally defies the law “is breaking the basic structure of the legal order.” (Bloomberg).

There must be a formal condemnation of this pardoning.  Call on all of our representatives to censure Trump for his flagrant disregard for our constitution and the rule of law.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

My name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.  I’m calling to ask Senator/Representative [NAME] to introduce a resolution to formally censure President Trump for his flagrant disregard for our constitution and the rule of law, displayed by the pardoning of Sheriff Arpaio.  Thank you for taking my call.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]


History of use of censure in article about Charlottesville (The Hill)

History of Arpaio from NPR, New York Times, Rolling Stone Magazine

Action 3 – [YOUR NEIGHBORS] – Help Get Out the Vote (GOTV)

Election Day is November 7th. Indivisible Eastside encompasses the 45th Legislative District, which is the key to flipping the state senate blue with democratic candidate Manka Dhingra. With your help, Manka made a strong showing in the August primary, beating her opponent by 10 points! We are committed to helping Get Out the Vote for progressive values across the region. Please help out by encouraging friends and neighbors, even those not in the 45th LD, to register to vote.

Action:  Email progressive neighbors who are overseas, new to the area, or who have teens who may not yet be registered and encourage them to register. Follow up!

Dear [NAME],

An important election is coming up November 7th. I’m committed to help Get Out the Vote for my neighborhood. You can help me by checking if everyone in your household is registered to vote, and by forwarding this email to YOUR friends and neighbors who may be overseas, new to the area, or have teens who are not yet registered.


  • Register online (deadline 10/9 for 11/7 election)
  • Voter registration forms are available at public libraries, public schools, community service centers, fire stations, and the League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County. You may also download and print forms in several languages.
  • Register in person at the King County Elections headquarters in Renton, WA or the King County Voter Registration Annex in Seattle. Click here for directions. (deadline 10/30 for 11/7 election)
  • Most felons are eligible to vote once they are released from jail. You can check your status with the ACLU’s Can I vote online assessment.
  • Overseas and service voting info Information for members of the military and persons who live or frequently travel abroad.

Thank you for helping me make sure all voices are heard.

Sincerely,  [YOUR NAME]

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 28 August 2017

Our thoughts are with those suffering from the devastating flooding and destruction in Texas.  Please consider donating to the Central Texas Red Cross who is working to help those displaced by Hurricane Harvey.

Save the Date: Our next All Group Meeting will be Sep 17th from 12:30 – 2:45 at the Bellevue Library. Stay tuned for details.

On August 15th, we asked you to demand your MoC denounce Trump’s support of white supremacists through his disgraceful words blaming “both sides” for violence stemming from their rally in Charlottesville. Thank you for your actions.

  • Sen Patty Murray Aug 15th press release: “There is only one side. White supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazis, & hate groups have no place in our country. The President needs to say that.”
  • Sen Maria Cantwell Aug 16th on Twitter: “President Trump’s reluctance to quickly & directly condemn the hate, bigotry & racism of the white supremacists & members is deeply alarming”
  • Rep Suzan DelBene August 15th on Twitter: “Absolutely no justification for defending white supremacists. @POTUS’s words are wrong, disgraceful and dangerous.
  • Rep Adam Smith Aug 16th press release:  “There is no debate, white supremacy and racism are abhorrent ideologies. In failing to clearly disavow hate groups that seek to divide our country, the President is emboldening white supremacists and neo-Nazis. The President’s persistent efforts to excuse racist, xenophobic, and violent groups must be condemned loudly and unequivocally.
  • Rep Dave Reichert – Aug 16th press release:  Dave Reichert fell short of condemning Trump by stating weakly “Let me be clear, there is no defense for the KKK or white supremacists and the racist views they stand for and they must be condemned universally and decisively.”  C’mon Dave.

Action 1 – [DHS] – Stop DHS from Ignoring the Threat of White Domestic Terrorism

Although Trump’s recent pardoning of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Trump’s attacks on transgender members of the military are wrong and shocking, there’s much work to do on Domestic Terrorism.

As the overall number of hate groups has skyrocketed in 2017, and the prevalence of white supremacy in this country was made clear by the rally in Virginia, it is vital that the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program is sufficiently funded and focused on combatting the real threats of white supremacy and domestic terror.

Background from

Call: Department of Homeland Security 202-282-8495


Hi, my name is [NAME], I’m a citizen from [CITY, STATE, ZIP].

I’m calling because I am extremely concerned that the Countering Violent Extremism program canceled a grant to Life After Hate, and may be ready to drop efforts directed at the threats of white supremacy. It was clear to me in Virginia that the threat of domestic terrorism and white supremacy is rising and all too real in our country. I urge the department to keep up determined efforts to counter this threat.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Urge Lawmakers to Demand Congressional Approval for Military Action in North Korea

Background from

On August 11th, Trump suggested maybe his infamous “fire and fury” statement wasn’t enough and doubled down on threats to North Korea. That’s no way to de-escalate a dangerous situation with a hostile, unpredictable, and rogue foreign power. We can’t let our own unpredictable (not to mention inexperienced) “leader” make military decisions alone. Today, be clear with Congress. Tell them: don’t sit by while the POTUS unilaterally decides to use military force.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hi, I’m [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m deeply alarmed over the escalating threats from North Korea, and I’m concerned that the President is making the situation even worse. I’m calling to ask [Senator or Representative’s NAME] to make a public statement urging Trump to get congressional approval for any military action in North Korea. I strongly believe that President Trump should not make decisions about this matter unilaterally. I also believe that it’s unwise for the President to publicly threaten a hostile, rogue foreign power. Please urge [Senator or Representative’s NAME] to speak up about how important our system of checks and balances is for decisions about how and when to use military force. We need a government that works together to make such important decisions, and we need our President to approach escalating threats strategically and with the advice of experts. Thanks for taking my call.

[IF LEAVING A MESSAGE: Please leave full address to ensure call is tallied.]

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & SENATE] – Protect DACA

Although the DACA program has wide-ranging support from elected officials across the political spectrum—including House Speaker Paul Ryan, and even (at times) from Donald Trump, the Trump White House is now standing idly by as a vocal minority of anti-immigrant state officials threatens to unravel the entire program in the courts. Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, there are 10 states (TX, AL, AR, ID, KS, LA, NE, SC, TN, WV) that are calling for an end to the DACA program. The have given the Trump Administration an ultimatum: get rid of DACA or they will make sure a judge does.

Background from IndivisibleGuide


Like so many other issues, Congress has the power to remedy this situation. Congress doesn’t have to—and should not—sit on the sidelines. Congress can pass legislation protecting these immigrant youth. However, three of our MoCs have not yet co-sponsored legislation to address this issue.

  1. Call Senators Murray and Cantwell and tell them to co-sponsor the bipartisan Durbin-Graham “DREAM Act” (S. 1615) to create a legislative fix to the predicament of these young Americans, and take their future out of Trump’s hands. Neither WA senator has co-sponsored this bill.
  2. If you’re in CD 8, call Representative Dave Reichert and tell him to join DelBene, Smith, Jayapal, and Larsen in co-sponsoring Rep. Gutierrez’s American Hope Act (H.R. 3591) which give those with DACA and others who arrived in the United States as children a path to permanent legal status and eventual citizenship.
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
Script for Senators:

Hi, I’m [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to express my support for S. 1615, the DREAM Act, and the thousands of Dreamers who contribute to our society. I urge Senator [NAME] to support this bipartisan effort to protect the DACA program and the hundreds of thousands of people who rely on it for access to jobs, education, and security.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Script for Reichert:

Hi, I’m [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to express my support for H.R. 3591, American Hope Act, and the thousands of Dreamers who contribute to our society. I urge Representative Reichert to support this bipartisan effort to protect the DACA program and the hundreds of thousands of people who rely on it for access to jobs, education, and security.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 15 August 2017

Indivisible Eastside Weekly Action: Standing in Solidarity With Charlottesville

Due to recent events, we are picking back up from our Daily Actions hiatus earlier than planned:

This past weekend we watched in horror as an “alt-right” white supremacist rally descended on Charlottesville, VA. On Friday, August 11, we saw images of white supremacist crowds brandishing torches and encircling a small group of counter-protesters before enacting violence against them. On Saturday, August 12, we saw a white supremacist drive his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, resulting in the death of Heather Heyer and injuring countless others in that attack and others that day.

We saw a hateful ideology no longer hidden by hoods, but increasingly emboldened by the presence and actions of Trump and his administration. We saw again what the most marginalized among us have been seeing regularly all this time, and increasingly more so as Donald Trump has encouraged attitudes of violence, racism, and xenophobia.

Indivisible Eastside stands with countless others across the country, united with Charlottesville and #Indivisible against ANY expression of white supremacy. The only acceptable direction for this ideology to go is down, not up. Let’s get to work.

Action 1 – [WHITE HOUSE] – Demand the Removal of Bannon, Gorka, and Miller


In times of hatred-fueled turmoil, Americans should be able to depend on the President to reaffirm American values of justice, fairness, and equality for all. Instead, after hours of silence, Donald Trump falsely equated white supremacists carrying Confederate and Nazi flags while chanting “Heil Trump” with the counter protesters defending civil rights. Although the White House has issued a clarification that their denunciation “includes white supremacists, KKK and all extremist groups”, this too little, too late, and still too weak approach leaves Americans wondering if their President actually supported these actions.

This massive failure of leadership should not come as a surprise to anyone since Donald Trump has at least 3 White House advisors who support white supremacist ideologies: Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller. Each man has a history of either promoting their own racist views or amplifying the views of other extremists.

The White House needs to cut ties to these three divisive figures to show the nation and the world that the President does not endorse racism, white supremacy, the KKK or Nazism. It is now time for Congress to call for their resignation so we can begin to heal from the damage that has been done.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email
  • White House: 202-456-4111
SCRIPT (from

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. I’m calling to demand that [MOC NAME] call for the resignation of Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka and Stephen Miller. These three men have histories of extremist ideologies and should not be working in the White House. The American people deserve a Presidential administration that has no ties to racism, the KKK, white supremacy, or Nazis.

Thank you for your time answering the phones.

Action 2 – [PRESIDENT] – Demand Elected Officials Denounce Donald Trump’s Continued Defense of White Supremacy

It’s not enough for Donald Trump to remove avowed white nationalists Stephen Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller from his administration. We should expect a white nationalist-free White House as a bare minimum. Donald Trump’s statements, made on Saturday, August 12 and again on Tuesday, August 15 blaming “both sides” for violence in Charlottesville has further served to embolden white nationalist groups while denying reassurance about their growing extremism to the rest of America.

While many of our MoCs have issued public statements expressing disappointment in Trump’s response, we need them to respond to Trump more forcefully and unequivocally that his expressed support for white supremacists is not acceptable.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email
SCRIPT (from

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. I’m calling to express my outrage that President Trump continues to defy common sense and decency by defending racist violence in Charlottesville. I demand that [MOC NAME] join their colleagues on both sides of the aisle to denounce the President’s statements.

Thank you for your time answering the phones.

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & US SENATE] – Demand Funding in the Budget for Countering White Nationalism and Extremism

(From Indivisible Guide):

For all Trump’s big talk about keeping America safe, his proposed budget puts Americans in danger of attacks like the one in Charlottesville. Trump’s budget cuts funding to the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Community Partnerships, which supports the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program. The program is designed to battle all forms of domestic extremism. But Trump proposed earlier this year, along with cutting its budget, to change its name and mission so that it was exclusively focused on Islamic sources—eliminating any focus on white nationalism. In fact, the Trump Administration cancelled a grant approved by the Obama Administration to Life After Hate, an organization that educates communities on the dangers of white nationalism. In FY18, Trump proposes eliminating CVE grants altogether.

In addition, the House of Representatives just voted out a spending bill that allocates $1.6 billion as a down payment for the “huge wall” Trump promised at his 2016 campaign rallies. That first year of wall funding alone would cover the CVE program’s $50 million FY18 budget 32 times over. Remember, it’s Congress not Donald Trump that decides what gets funded and what does not. Make sure they fund the programs that keep us safe, like the CVE program, and not Trump’s border wall and mass deportation force.

The bottom line: we need a Department of Homeland Security that fights domestic terrorism on every front—including white nationalism—and they have to have the budget to do it.

Ask your MoCs to require that the Countering Violent Extremism program retains its focus on white nationalism, that CVE grants are fully funded, and that a substantial portion of CVE grants are awarded to respond to the threat of white nationalism.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – 202-225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – 202-225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – 202-225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email


Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. Please ask [MOC NAME] to ensure funding continues to the Countering Violent Extremism program, especially in light of the documented rise in white nationalist extremist groups across the country. President Trump said in his statement that he wished to study what happened in Charlottesville, and he should back that up by encouraging funding for the programs to do just that, rather than eliminating them. The $1.6 billion in funds in the House Appropriations spending bill that were allocated to Trump’s border wall would be better put to use to counter white nationalist extremism within our borders, which presents a higher risk than any external threat he warns against.

Thank you for your time answering the phones.

Action 4 – [US HOUSE & US SENATE] – Protect Our Immigrant Friends and Neighbors – Support Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

From Indivisible Guide:

It’s no secret that Donald Trump scapegoated and demonized immigrants to help him get elected. It’s a tactic that he also turns to now whenever he experiences a setback or a loss and needs to give his base some red meat. That same rhetoric against immigrants has invigorated the alt-right, white nationalist movement. One of the best ways your MoC can oppose white nationalism is to protect immigrant families targeted by Trump’s White House.

Protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) programs. Combined these programs provide relief from deportation to about one million Americans who arrived in the U.S. as children or whose countries suffered humanitarian catastrophes. Both are now under threat. If they have not already, your MoCs should speak out in defense of DACA and TPS—but that’s not enough. Congress could take the futures of the 800,000 young Americans who rely on DACA out of Trump’s hands.

Ask your Senators to co-sponsor the bipartisan Durbin-Graham “DREAM Act” (S. 1615) and your Representative to support Rep. Gutierrez’s American Hope Act (H.R. 3591), and insist that they resist Trump’s multi-pronged legislative assault on immigrants

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – (202) 225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email
SCRIPT (from

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. I’m calling to express my support for the DREAM Act and the thousands of Dreamers who contribute to our society. I urge [REP/SEN NAME] to support this bipartisan effort to protect the DACA program and to put an end to the fear these young immigrants are living in.

Thank you for your time answering the phones.

Updated 31 July 2017

Indivisible Eastside Update: Daily Actions Hiatus From July 30 – Aug 19

The IE Organizing Team is taking a hiatus from 1) publishing the weekly list of Daily Actions, 2) our monthly group meeting, and 3) updating the website from July 30 to August 19. We’ll be taking our own vacations!

Our next all-hands Group Meeting will be in September, and a primary focus will be our all-important Washington State Senate race for the 45th Legislative District.

IN THE MEANTIME, we will continue to be active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as organized events.

We will still post any critical or urgent actions that come our way, so you will continue to be kept informed by IE.

You can also stay active using the following resources for targeted daily actions:

OUR ACTIONS MATTER: Indivisible Eastside members helped hold the line to oppose the Senate healthcare bill last week, by phone calls, emails, faxes, letters, postcards, office visits, rallies, protests, marches, and getting your family and friends to act.

We ROCK, You ROCK, THANK YOU! Take time to celebrate our victory and your resistance!

We’ll be ready to pick back up with our weekly list of Daily Actions starting the week of August 20!

Crowd Sourced Actions!

Do you have an idea for future Weekly Actions? (We could use all the help we can get folks!) Email  to submit your idea. Your input is greatly appreciated, and please understand that depending on current events, we can’t guarantee yours will be picked. To submit an idea, please:

Submit proposals for the Weekly Actions by Thursday midnight for an action the following week!

  • Include the action to be taken (who to contact – HOUSE, SENATE, LEGISLATURE, AGENCY),
  • Include details about the bill (e.g. bill numbers) or regulation, when the action will no longer be effective
  • Include how it Resists the Trump agenda
  • Link to news article

Updated 24 July 2017

This week let’s amplify 3 awesome actions from Seattle Indivisible, and VOTE in the August 1 Primary!

Red Alert Action:

Indivisible Organizations across the US are preparing for an emergency rally when or if Trump fires Special Counsel Robert Mueller. We consider the firing of Mueller a major event that would require a response. We understand that a sizable number of you simply cannot drop everything and head to protest. That being the case, if you can do it then please show up. If Trump does get rid of Mueller then we are facing a major constitutional crisis. It’s important to have numbers and be visible nationwide. Seattle Indivisible is coordinating this effort in the Seattle Area.

Please see details about what to expect and how to download the Telegram App.

Action 1 – [TRUMPCARE] – Bury the Undead – Ask Senator Bill Cassidy to Commit to Oppose ACA Repeal

Last Tuesday Obamacare repeal was declared dead, but look behind you! Here it comes, staggering toward next week even after the Congressional Budget Office gave it what should have been a decapitating blow. Mitch McConnell announced that he still plans a vote next week on a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act, despite CBO findings that if he succeeds 17 million Americans would lose health coverage next year, 27 million by the end of the decade, and 32 million would lose healthcare by 2026. We hope that someday we can make calls to our Senators and Representatives about wonky, constructive approaches to stabilizing the healthcare market, or advocate with them for single payer, but today we need to keep the pressure on wavering Republicans to bury ACA repeal once and for all.

Long identified as relatively moderate Republican, Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy remains publicly on the fence about supporting McConnell’s motion to open debate on ACA repeal or whether to vote for the ultimate bill. His vote may be crucial to defeating this callous and irresponsible legislation. Call him and tell him to support healthcare for Louisianans.

Senator Bill Cassidy (202) 224-5824


Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am calling to urge Senator Cassidy to commit to voting “no” on the motion to open debate on the Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act. Almost 600,000 Louisianans get health care through the Affordable Care Act-—it’s cruel and irresponsible to consider repealing it with no replacement. Please work across the aisle to stabilize healthcare markets, not blow them up.

BONUS:  Find Facebook friends in Louisiana and ask them to call Cassidy.

DOUBLE BONUS: Attend some or all of March for Medicare for All Mon Jul 24 11:00am

Action 2 – [US HOUSE & US SENATE] – Speak Out Against ICE “Surge”

Ask our Members of Congress to Speak Out Against an ICE “Surge” in Seattle and other Sanctuary Cities.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Thomas Homan has said he plans to further crack down on undocumented immigrants by sending more resources and agents to “ludicrous” sanctuary cities like Seattle. Tell our Senators and Representatives that immigrants are welcome here, but ICE is not.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) DC – (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) DC – (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) DC – (202) 225-8901 | Send email
  • Sen, Maria Cantwell: DC – 202-224-3441 | Seattle – 206-220-6400 | Send email
  • Sen. Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 | Seattle – 206-553-5545 | Send email

Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. Please ask [MOC NAME] to publicly condemn plans by the head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to intensify immigration raids in cities like Seattle. Targeting Sanctuary cities in this way is vindictive and unfair.

Thank you for your time answering the phones.

Action 3 – [August 1st Primary] – VOTE AND Support Manka Dhingra!

The deadline to vote in the August 1 primary is approaching and the Senate race in LD 45 has become heated. Some of Manka Dhingra’s interns came across a stash of stolen signs from her and other democrat’s campaigns. Additionally, a right wing organization has hired a young man to follow and video Manka everywhere she goes. He even showed up at our Indivisible Eastside Picnic when Manka and her family stopped by! If you don’t know much about Manka, check out this video about her and her campaign.

If you’d like to help with Manka’s campaign, you can help with Phone Calls to Get Out the Vote for Manka 5pm-8pm on Tues, Wed and Thursday evenings this week at her campaign office 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond.

And don’t forget to VOTE.

BONUS: Encourage at least one friend or neighbor to vote!

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 17 July 2017

Reminder: Ballots for the August 1st primary are arriving in mailboxes. Look for yours and VOTE! You can review the ProgressiveVotersGuide for guidance and if you’re in the 45th Legislative District, check out the 45th LD Democrat’s endorsements.

Reminder: It’s not too late to RSVP for the IE family friendly Summer Picnic at Grass Lawn Park in Redmond Wed July 19th, 5-8 pm. We’d love to see you there!

Action 1 – [US SENATE] – #KillTheBill

Senate Republicans released a revised version of their TrumpCare bill last Wednesday. Nothing in this revised version makes up for enormous losses in coverage or the dramatic cuts to Medicaid funding. TrumpCare is still terrible for the American people. Read more…

Tuesday July 18th is National #KillTheBill action day. Check #KillTheBill for an event in the Seattle area. (As of Sunday night, there is a “Human Chain of Signs to Stop Trumpcare” in Oak Harbor, but more may be popping up)

In blue states such as Washington, Indivisible Guide asks that we contact our senators to 1) thank them for their opposition 2) encourage them to use all means necessary to vocally oppose the bill and 3) ask them to publicize statistics on the number of calls and emails they are receiving that are for and against TrumpCare.


Hello. My name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Thank you for standing up for the rights of all Americans to access affordable health care. I hope the Senator will do everything in her power to stop the passage of this cruel bill. Additionally, it would be energizing to have her publicly share the number of calls and emails she’s receiving both for and against TrumpCare. Can we count on Senator [NAME] to do this?

Thank you for your time and hard work answering the phones.

Action 2 – [US HOUSE] – Support Suzan DelBene’s proposal for the ACA

From Talkingpointsmemo

A group of 10 rank-and-file House Democrats, including Suzan DelBene, released a white paper Wednesday with broad-stroke proposals to tweak the Affordable Care Act.

As their own Obamacare replacement bill has stalled due to intra-conference divisions, Republicans have claimed that Democrats aren’t interested in addressing some of the weak spots in the Affordable Care Act or that Democrats would be pushing a single payer model. Some Republicans have floated the idea of working with Dems if their effort has failed, only to have that idea shot down by other GOP lawmakers.

Read the White Paper, then contact your representative to express support for Rep DelBene’s proposal.

For DelBene constituents

  • Rep Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email

Hello. My name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Thank you for standing up for the rights of all Americans to access affordable health care and working proactively to propose fixes to weaknesses in the ACA.

For Non-DelBene constituents:

  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hello. My name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to say that I value the action taken by a group of 10 House Democrats including Suzan DelBene who released a white paper Wednesday July 12. The paper provides suggestions for improving the Affordable Care Act. Please take a look at the paper and do what you can to promote efforts to improve the ACA. Thank you for standing up for the rights of all Americans to access affordable health care.

Action 3 – [EPA] – Tell the EPA NO on delaying pollution protections

From IE member Jan Keller

The Trump administration is trying to delay methane pollution standards, and you can submit a comment to the EPA on the proposed delay. COMMENTS TO THE EPA MUST BE SUBMITTED BY AUGUST 9, 2017.

This proposed two-year delay makes the pullout from the Paris Climate Agreement even worse. The proposal would take us backward by delaying key climate and pollution protections put in place by the Obama administration. The standards are designed to protect our communities from dangerous pollution and climate disruption. The only people benefitting from a freeze on EPA methane pollution standards are corporate polluters and their allies. The head of the EPA is supposed to represent the best interests of the American people, not the worst actors in the oil and gas industry. For more information, check out the Sierra Club page.


Go to the web page for submitting comments directly for EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0505-7736 – and click on the Comment Now! button on the upper right.


One or two sentences of your own followed by one or more:

  • I urge you to implement all methane pollution standards–no delays! Without these protections, our environment and public health are at risk.
  • If any change is made in methane pollution safeguards, they should be strengthened, not weakened.
  • There are many reasons why the EPA should protect families from methane pollution–it makes it difficult to breathe, it aggravates asthma, and it adds to the burden of toxic compounds that we are all exposed to. It also adds to dangerous climate change.
  • Don’t delay these important pollution standards!
  • The EPA must follow its mission–to “protect human health and the environment”–and that means that for the sake of all Americans, especially our children, the EPA should maintain and enforce methane pollution standards.
  • Our children are counting on us to protect the air, and give them a world where they can grow up healthy. We owe it to them to maintain standards such as the methane pollution standards–now, with no delay.
  • The EPA must not bow down to the oil and gas industry. Fossil-fuel companies may hold the false belief that profit should be placed above protecting human health. The EPA already has the facts that show that methane pollution is dangerous, and should maintain high standards for protecting Americans against it.
  • I have family members with respiratory illness, and I want to know that the EPA will protect them, rather than giving in to the oil and gas industry. Maintain high standards against methane pollution, without delay!
  • I know what it’s like to struggle to breathe. I’m sending this comment because I depend on the EPA to keep the air clean and breathable for me and my children. Don’t delay the methane pollution standards!
  • In my view, attempts to slow or dismantle methane pollution standards are a direct assault on our health.
  • We owe it to our children to give them a world that’s cleaner than when we found it.
  • There are too many children who struggle with asthma already. It is unacceptable to delay methane pollution standards and burden those children with even worse health.

More Actions You Can Take:

Crowd Sourced Actions!

Do you have an idea for future Weekly Actions? Email  to submit your idea. Your input is greatly appreciated, and please understand that depending on current events, we can’t guarantee yours will be picked. To submit and idea, please:

Submit proposals for the Weekly Actions by Thursday midnight!

  • Include the action to be taken (who to contact – HOUSE, SENATE, LEGISLATURE, AGENCY),
  • Include details about the bill (e.g. bill numbers) or regulation, when the action will no longer be effective
  • Include how it Resists the Trump agenda
  • Link to news article

Updated 10 July 20

Action 1 – [TRUMPCARE] – Help Stop the Better Care for Millionaires Act

A coalition group, including Seattle Indivisible, is holding an event designed to maximize visibility of our opposition to the Senate version of Trumpcare. It’s easy, just make a simple sign and SHOW UP!

Action 2 – [FCC] – Help Sen. Cantwell Preserve Net Neutrality

From Geekwire

Sen. Maria Cantwell is calling on all her constituents to fight a Federal Communications Commission action that would roll back internet protections known as net neutrality.

Cantwell made her case at a town hall in Seattle on Friday, claiming small businesses were particularly vulnerable to the policy shift because it would allow internet providers to sell different broadband speeds to different customers.

Cantwell is asking the public to comment on the proposal, which would roll back Obama-era protections that forbid internet service providers from slowing or prioritizing internet traffic for money or other compensation. For example, the existing regulations make it illegal for Verizon to speed up its own streaming video site while slowing down competitors like Netflix. They also forbid internet providers from selling faster service to some companies at a premium.

Time is of the essence, Cantwell said, because the deadline to comment is Aug. 16.

TechCrunch has a good explainer on how to comment on the proposal; If you’re in the tech industry, I urge you to download the “FACT SHEET* Restoring Internet Freedom Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)” document and refer to the specific paragraphs when commenting.


Use the link for the proposal called (misleadingly) “Restoring Internet Freedom”, click + Express on the right and comment on why net neutrality is important to you.


Start with your own sentence so all the comments do not all look alike. THEN:

Make an argument and reference a paragraph from the Rule Making document

Or simply:

“I support net neutrality and Title II oversight”


On July 12, sites from across the web will participate in the Net Neutrality Day of Action and display a prominent alert on their homepage that shows the world what the web will look like without net neutrality. If you own a frequently visited website, you can participate by visiting and using their toolkit.

Action 3 – [Special Elections Primaries] – VOTE!

There are special elections all around the state this November, but none more important than for 45th Legislative District Senate. The importance of flipping the state senate to Blue cannot be overstated. Do your part to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) for the primary. Ballots will be arriving to mailboxes around July 13th. If you’re in LD 45 – VOTE right away! If you know like-minded people in LD 45 – encourage them to VOTE right away. Bonus: Democratic phone banks will stop calling you once your ballot is received – so they can focus their efforts on less active residents.

If you’d like to help with the Democratic candidate Manka Dhingra’s campaign, visit the website to Donate or Volunteer, or stop by her campaign office, 8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond.

Also, if you’d like a Manka Dhingra yard sign, come to our family friendly Summer Picnic on Wed July 19th 5-8pm at Grass Lawn Park in Redmond.

Celebrate: The Defeat of I-1552!

Remember way back a million years ago on April 3rd, when we asked you to join the ‘No on I-1552’ campaign, pledge not to sign this ballot initiative, check to see if your state representatives have endorsed the ‘No on I-1552’ campaign and call them and ask them to endorse the movement?  If you took any of those actions, you are part of why the initiative was stopped before it got started, so it won’t be on the fall ballot. The initiative sought to reverse a 2015 state regulation that guarantees people access to areas like bathrooms and locker rooms according to the gender with which they live, as opposed to the gender with which they were born.

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 3 July 2017

Action 1 – Celebrate the delay of TrumpCare!

You did this! All across America tens of thousands of patriotic resisters from the 5983 Indivisible groups across the country contacted their senators to slow down the process–including contacting GOP senators–reached out to relatives in Red States, and showed Mitch McConnell that the secretive, heartless TrumpCare was not what the people want or need. Our actions do not always end up with clear wins like this, but when they do, let’s take a moment and realize we’re part of something big. In whatever way you like, shout Hooray! Yay! We did this, and we can go on and do more things like this!

Action 2 – [GOP SENATORS] – Stop TrumpCare Week 3 – Continue Pressure on GOP Senators

The bill is delayed, but certainly not dead. Thirteen GOP senators have indicated they oppose or have concerns with the Senate’s TrumpCare bill! Check the current list of GOP Senators which also lists addition senators in the states that voted to expand Medicaid coverage, who have not come out against the bill. Contact friends and relatives in those states and ask them to contact their senator(s) to express their concerns. Forward the following list to them (the names link to a Contact website – since it’s recess that may be the best way to voice concerns). Ask them to forward to THEIR friends.


Has concerns

From states that expanded Medicaid, but has not come out against


My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]

I am calling to urge Senator [NAME] to vote “no” on TrumpCare. The bill will cause millions to lose their healthcare, and premiums will skyrocket for the poor, the elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions. In addition, the gutting of Medicaid affects some of the most vulnerable in our country.  I urge the senator to commit to the following three things. Vote against any bill that results in anyone losing coverage. Vote against any bill that doesn’t protect people with pre-existing conditions from higher premiums. And vote against any bill that eliminates funding for Medicaid.

Thank you.


The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, formed by President Trump to investigate his widely debunked claim that millions of illegal votes cost him the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election, sent letters this week to the 50 secretaries of state across the country requesting information about voters including names, addresses, birth dates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, party affiliations, felony convictions, military statuses, and voting records dating back to 2006 of registered voters in each state.

Contact Gov Jay Inslee, WA Secretary of State Kim Wyman, and King County Elections Director Julie Wise, and urge them to refuse to comply with Trump’s voter-fraud commission’s request.


  1. The Election Integrity commission headed by Kris Kobach is a sham, created to promote the false sense of widespread voter fraud (targeted one way at Democratic voters, of course)
  2. Because this seeks to “solve” a problem that doesn’t exist, it is a colossal waste of taxpayer money and abuse of privacy protections
  3. This is ripe for abuse of voting rights and voter registration purges, which is a very real concern leading into the 2018 elections. We are counting on free and fair elections in order to counter the Trump administration.

At least 29 states are pushing back or outright refusing to comply with the Trump administration’s request for voter registration data.

After some pressure, Secretary of State Kim Wyman has put out the following statements on twitter:

But that leaves Name, Address, DOB, voting record (whether you voted, not how you voted). There’s an argument that even if these records are public information, they are only available for INSPECTION and COPYING. If the commission wants them they should come photocopy them, but they should not be transmitted electronically.


My name is [NAME], I’m a member of Indivisible Eastside and a resident of Washington State.

The Elections Integrity Commission headed by Kris Kobach is a sham, created to promote the false sense of widespread voter fraud and seeks a solution to a problem that does not exist. Although SOME voter records are public, that does not mean they should or must be transmitted electronically to this commission. Protect the integrity of the Washington State voting system, and the rights of our citizens, by joining California, Virginia and other states in refusing to comply with these requests.

Thank you

More Actions You Can Take:

Updated 26 June 2017

Action 1 – [GOP SENATORS] – Stop TrumpCare – Focus on GOP Senators

Even if you called last week, call again. Call the eleven GOP Senators in ten states who are showing signs of being ambivalent about the healthcare bill. We don’t normally suggest calling outside our own representatives, but this will affect all of us. Let’s flood their phones with calls!

You can ask for the staffer in charge of healthcare. Below are the senators’ phone numbers and healthcare staffer names.

  • Dean Heller (Nevada) (202) 224-6244  Rachel Green
  • Cory Gardner (Colorado) (202) 224-5941  Alison Toal
  • Shelley Capito (West Virginia) (202) 224-6472  Dana Richter
  • Bill Cassidy (Louisiana) (202) 224-5824  Matt Gallivan
  • Susan Collins (Maine) (202) 224-2523  Amy Pellegrino
  • Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (202) 224-6665  Morgan Griffin
  • Dan Sullivan (Alaska) (202) 224-3004  Tyler Roberts
  • Rob Portman (Ohio) (202) 224-3353  Sarah Schmidt
  • Tom Cotton (Arkansas) (202) 224-2353  Abigail Welborn
  • Jeff Flake (Arizona) (202) 224-4521
  • Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) (202) 224-4254

I am calling to urge Senator [name] to vote “no” on TrumpCare. The bill will cause millions to lose their healthcare, and premiums will skyrocket for the poor, the elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions. (Or even better, include your own story here — it’s really critical so that these staffers don’t just dismiss you as an out of stater)

Just as important:

Go through your address book methodically and think of anyone you know who lives in the above 10 states. Facebook makes this easy for you – Search for “Friends in [STATE]” to get a list of friends who live there. Get in touch and alert them to the urgency of the situation. Tell them that they can make a difference and literally help save lives if they call their senators and ask them to vote “no” on TrumpCare. Use the TrumpCareTen toolkit to craft your own personal email to your friends or send them the Script above.

Action 2 – [US SENATE] – Thank You

Thank Senators Murray and Cantwell for speaking out about the heartless Senate AHCA, the secrecy under which it has been drafted, and the speed at which it was proposed to come to a vote.

Read the Seattle Times article: Sen. Maria Cantwell vows to use ‘every tool we have’ to stop GOP health-care plan

Senator Murray gave an impassioned angry speech to the Senate on Thursday when the “working draft” of the GOP Senate AHCA was finally made public.

Call or email Senators Murray and Cantwell and thank them.

Action 3 – [US SENATE] – Encourage Sen. Cantwell to co-sponsor S.200

From: Lilly Adams – Security Program Organizer – Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

We believe Senator Cantwell is considering co-sponsoring the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act, S.200 which would require the President to get Congressional approval to launch a first-strike nuclear attack. But, she wants to see that this is an issue her constituents care about, especially since Members of Congress don’t usually hear about nuclear weapons issues. A new report from the Congressional Management Foundation found that “direct constituent interactions have more influence on lawmakers’ decisions than other advocacy strategies,” especially when interactions are personal. So we have a goal of getting 300 people to call Sen. Cantwell’s DC office, and we need your help to reach that goal.

How To:

  1. Take a few minutes to plan your call or email – see tips below.
  2. Call her Washington, DC office at (202) 224-3441 or email her here.
  3. Track your contact! Tell whoever asked you, or reach out directly to Lilly Adams at (206) 547-2630 or This is the only way we can assess our impact.

A few quick tips:

  • Do state your name and the city you live in, so that you’re recognized as a constituent.
  • Do make your message personal, using your own words, but also keep it concise.
  • Don’t try to talk about everything – focus on this issue.
  • Don’t send a letter or call a local office – if we coordinate and all call the DC office, it will have a larger impact.

Hi, my name is [NAME], I’m a constituent in [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’d like to encourage Sen. Cantwell to co-sponsor the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act, Senate bill 200. I’ve recently heard more about our current policy on nuclear weapons, which gives the president sole authority to launch a first-strike nuclear weapons attack! I think this is really concerning, and increases the risk of nuclear war. This bill is an important way to make sure there are checks and balances on the ability to launch a nuclear attack. Thanks for passing along this message!

About the bill – S.200 (more info on the issue here)

  • Currently, the President has sole authority to launch a first-use nuclear strike – a policy that increases the risk of nuclear war and is vulnerable to accidents and miscommunication.
  • The use of even one nuclear weapon would be a humanitarian and environmental disaster almost beyond comprehension. The only cure for a nuclear attack is prevention.
  • Sen. Ed Markey introduced a bill called the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017, which would require congressional approval and a declaration of war to launch a first-strike nuclear attack.  We see this as a basic way to ensure checks-and-balances on Executive powers.
  • So far neither of our Senators have co-sponsored the bill, and only Rep. Jayapal has co-sponsored in the House.

Updated 19 June 2017

While you are enjoying a lovely June day in Seattle, think about the 23 million people who will lose their healthcare if we take no action.  Mitch McConnell wants a vote on TrumpCare before July 4, before Senators leave to face their possibly sick or dying constituents during the August recess. This bill is so bad that they don’t want anybody to see it, so they want to bring it to the floor for a vote without any hearings or debate. Our best hope is to ask our senators to delay as much as possible by any means possible. If GOP Senators have to face their angry constituents at home before voting on the bill, they’re more likely to think twice about passing it.


Action 1 – [SENATE]  – Stop TrumpCare

Ask Senators Cantwell and Murray to delay business in the Senate as much as possible by any means possible. Calls are more effective than emails for this Action. 

  • Senator Patty Murray: DC – 202-224-2621 Seattle – 206-553-5545
  • Senator Maria Cantwell DC – 202-224-3441 Seattle – 206-220-6400

My name is [name] I’m a constituent from [place, zip], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m very concerned about Mitch McConnell’s plan to push the GOP healthcare bill through without committee hearings or debate. I’m calling to urge Senator [name] to delay Senate business by any means possible, so we have a chance of GOP senators having to face their constituents before voting on this inhumane bill. (Add your story here if you have one – stories are the ammunition our Senators need.)

Action 2 – [GOP SENATORS] – Stop TrumpCare

Call the nine GOP Senators who are showing signs of being ambivalent about the healthcare bill. We don’t normally suggest calling outside our own representatives, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Let’s flood their phones with calls!

You can ask for the staffer in charge of healthcare. Below are the senators’ phone numbers and healthcare staffer names.

  • Cory Gardner (Colorado) (202) 224-5941  Alison Toal
  • Shelley Capito (West Virginia) (202) 224-6472  Dana Richter
  • Bill Cassidy (Louisiana) (202) 224-5824  Matt Gallivan
  • Susan Collins (Maine) (202) 224-2523  Amy Pellegrino
  • Dean Heller (Nevada) (202) 224-6244  Rachel Green
  • Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (202) 224-6665  Morgan Griffin
  • Dan Sullivan (Alaska) (202) 224-3004  Tyler Roberts
  • Rob Portman (Ohio) (202) 224-3353  Sarah Schmidt
  • Tom Cotton (Arkansas) (202) 224-2353  Abigail Welborn      

I am calling to urge Senator [name] to vote “no” on TrumpCare. The bill will cause millions to lose their healthcare, and premiums will skyrocket for the poor, the elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions. (Or even better, include your own story here — it’s really critical so that these staffers don’t just dismiss you as an out of stater)

Action 3 – [YOUR CONTACTS] – Stop TrumpCare

Go through your address book methodically and think of anyone you know who lives in the above 9 states. Facebook makes this easy for you – Search for “Friends in Nevada” (or whatever state you’re calling) to get a list of friends who live there. Get in touch and alert them to the urgency of the situation. Tell them that they can make a difference and literally help save lives if they call their senators and ask them to vote “no” on TrumpCare. Make it even easier and send them the Script from Action 2.

Additional Action – [WA STATE] – Education Funding

Governor Jay Inslee is starting to pull back from the Democrats’ ambitious plan for progressive revenue to comply with the McCleary decision and fund our schools. He’s suggested taking off the table a capital gains tax that would only hit the richest taxpayers, while the Republicans have not taken their property tax hike off the table, which would amount to a big cash transfer from Seattle to the rest of the state. This is unacceptable. We should not cave on this. Let Governor Inslee, your two state legislators, and your state senator know that.

Governor Jay Inslee (360) 902-4111

Look up your state legislators at


“Hi, my name is [name]. I’m from [place, zip] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. I support a capital gains tax to fund public education, and want [person] to continue to push for a budget under the framework of HB 2186.

Previous Actions

Updated 11 June 2017

Action 1– [CLIMATE] – Attend discussion at East Shore about resisting expansion of oil pipeline

Regardless of Trump’s efforts to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord, the cities, states, and regions of the U.S. still have many ways to make big reductions in carbon emissions. In the Northwest, we have a special role to play, because we’re the place where fossil-fuel companies want to build infrastructure to ship coal, oil, and gas–either west to China, or (for Canadian crude oil) south to be refined. We can resist backward thinking about climate by saying NO to new fossil-fuel infrastructure.

The Northwest has already proven (multiple times!) that we can stop such infrastructure, but the fossil-fuel companies are still proposing more. Expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline is one of the latest projects that needs to be stopped. To learn more, come to a discussion this Wednesday:

Pull Together: The People vs. Kinder Morgan 

When: Wednesday, June 14th, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM)

Where: East Shore Unitarian Church, 12700 SE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA (map)

Sponsors: Sightline Institute, 350 Seattle, Sierra Club, Earth Ministry, and the East Shore Unitarian Church

Tickets: This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.

If you can’t come to this event, you might want to visit to learn more about Climate & Energy, along with other areas of concern that Sightline, and Indivisible, have focused on over time.

Other cities, states, and regions are also committing to reducing carbon emissions, so there’s every reason for us to do our part here in the Northwest, both to reduce our emissions and to stop dirty fossil-fuel projects that can only lead to increased emissions worldwide.

Action 2 Stop Trump’s Infrastructure Giveaway [From Seattle Indivisible]

The president sent Congress a proposal that would privatize and modernize our air traffic control system. While modernization is a worthwhile goal, the government should not relinquish control to a private company seeking a profit, raising prices for the rest of us.…/b8ce5546-4987-11e7-9669-25…

Here’s a good explainer on why this is bad for your wallet:…/trump-air-traffic-control-privatizati…

Fortunately, the representative from our neighboring district, Rick Larsen (WA-02) has spoken up against this. We need our representatives to join him.…/332684-the-case-against-privatizing-th…

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, STATE] and a member of Indivisible Eastside. Please block any bills that would result in privatization of our infrastructure.”

[IF VOICEMAIL: leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]

Action 3[SENATE]  Stop TrumpCare in the Senate

The Senate is trying to do what the House of Representatives did in May:  jam through its TrumpCare bill in secrecy, without public hearings, without a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score, and without knowing its full impact on American families.

The TrumpCare bill (American Health Care Act or AHCA) would strip coverage from at least 23 million people and cut Medicaid by $800 billion, in order to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations.  It would also undermine critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions, defund Planned Parenthood, and raise premiums for American families.

The next few weeks will be critical, possibly as soon as this week.  Call Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell to thank them for standing up in opposition to TrumpCare and fighting to save American lives that depend on Medicaid, help for pre-existing conditions and overall well-being. For more background, including additional scripts, see

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, STATE].  [IF VOICEMAIL: leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]

I want to thank the senator for standing up against Trumpcare and fighting to save American lives. I’m calling to say that I’m alarmed by Republican attempts to pass the AHCA without any transparency. I ask that the senator demand the immediate release of the plan’s details to Senate Democrats and to the public. . If the plan cuts protections for people with preexisting conditions, leaves millions uninsured, and drives up premiums for millions more, the American people need to know, and we need to have a national conversation about it.”

OPTIONAL: I have personally benefitted from the Affordable Care Act by…

* having access to free contraception

* getting coverage even with my pre-existing condition

* getting coverage through my parents (during college/when I was under 26/etc)

* (insert your own reason)

OR: I am a healthcare worker and my patients are affected by these policies (say how they’re affected). Medical outcomes should never be determined by a patient’s ability to pay.

OR: (say how you’d would be affected by increases to premiums, deductibles, and maximum out-of-pocket amounts)

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.”

More Actions You Can Take:

  • Learn about the “Decline to Sign” campaign to keep discrimination off the ballot, by going to
  • Volunteer to canvass for, or host a house party for, Manka Dhingra’s campaign. We learned at our all group meeting that her campaign needs canvassers! We also learned that having ‘house parties’ is a great way to get people together and encourage each other and their friends (the snowball effect) to be sure to vote in the primary in August and the election in November. The 45th district went for Hilary Clinton (65%), so the democratic voters are THERE to win this district–but folks don’t often vote in these elections, which is why it is so important to canvass and use snowball effects to encourage people to vote. If we can flip the 45th Blue, that turns the Washington Legislature blue.  To host a party or volunteer to canvas, contact Manka’s campaign or go directly here.

Updated 4 June 2017

The CBO Score for the AHCA, Trump&Russia, Trump’s Budget, Jared Kushner. It’s all pretty overwhelming, and the beautiful outdoors is beckoning. It’s important to protect yourself from burnout and recharge your batteries. Our small band of volunteers is trying hard to make sure the actions we ask you to take will have a direct and timely impact. To that end, we are holding the above topics for future actions.

Action 1 – Support Indivisible Illinois’s Billboard Campaign (from Seattle Indivisible)

Several Indivisible groups from Illinois are raising money to put up billboards calling out their Republican representatives, who betrayed their constituents by voting for Trumpcare in the House. The fund will create both a static roadside billboard and a mobile billboard to bring to their offices, in each district.

They have already raised a third of their goal! If you have a few bucks to spare, help them by chipping in here:

Once you donate, you can also leave a comment on their Facebook page letting them know you’re helping out from Indivisible Eastside – WA (Seattle area):

Action 2 – Reminder – Oppose opening national monuments to energy development. Comments close July 10th.

(We ran this action recently but it bears repeating as comments can be made up to July 10th, in case you haven’t made yours!)

Visit:, click dark blue Comment Now! button, upper right.

Script: “I am writing in response to executive order 13792. (Share how you use or enjoy national monuments.) Americans are creative and can meet energy needs without destroying the purity of wild spaces. The assumption that our national monuments aren’t profitable is false. Annually, the outdoor recreation economy supports 7.6 million jobs and generates $887 billion in consumer spending each year. (Say why you want these spaces to be preserved.)”

Note: Cut-and-pasted messages will be disregarded, so make yours unique.

Action 3 – Monthly IE Meeting

Indivisible Eastside All Group Meeting

  • Sunday June 11, 3:00pm-5:00pm followed by a social hour
  • East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd St., Bellevue, WA
    • 45th Legislative District Democratic Senate Candidate Manka Dhingra will speak to us about her plans for Washington’s 45th and the State.
    • Campaigning 101–learn skills to help campaign for Manka and other elections in 2018 and beyond.
    • Open Mic (sign up at the beginning of the meeting for this)
    • Action-oriented Breakout Groups (45th District Resistance; join our new Events team; meet with IE teams)
  • SOCIAL HOUR (light refreshments)

***If you’d like to help with this or future meeting or events, contact

Updated 29 May 2017

The CBO Score for the AHCA, Trump&Russia, Trump’s Budget, Jared Kushner. It’s all pretty overwhelming, and the beautiful outdoors is beckoning. It’s important to protect yourself from burnout and recharge your batteries. Our small band of volunteers is trying hard to make sure the actions we ask you to take will have a direct and timely impact. To that end, we are holding the above topics for future actions.


Indivisible Eastside All Group Meeting

  • Sunday June 11, 3:00pm-5:00pm followed by a social hour
  • East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd St., Bellevue, WA
    • 45th Legislative District Democratic Senate Candidate Manka Dhingra will speak to us about her plans for Washington’s 45th and the State.
    • Campaigning 101–learn skills to help campaign for Manka and other elections in 2018 and beyond.
    • Open Mic (sign up at the beginning of the meeting for this)
    • Action-oriented Breakout Groups (45th District Resistance; Postcard Writing, and more!)
  • Social hour

If you’d like to help with this or future meeting or events, contact

Action 1 – [EPA] Oppose the EPA’s waiving of regulations on the neurotoxin, chlorpyrifos by June 5th.

From IE Action contributor Richard Bell: Scott Pruitt’s EPA is bowing to companies like Dow Chemical and contradicting the EPAs own exhaustive scientific research. It is denying a petition that has been kept in limbo for 10 years. A New York Times article from May 15th describes in detail the research that has been done by the EPA and the lawsuit brought by environmental groups. Your comments to the EPA’s Public Input page can have an impact on this. The deadline is June 5th.

Copy this script, enter in the EPA’s Public Input page AND add words of your own (or the EPA will disregard it).

I object to the denial of the petition to ban chlorpyrifos, a dangerous chemical that can cause birth defects and neurological damage. The MSDS states, “Fetotoxicity and fetal developmental abnormalities were observed in a chronic ingestion study of pregnant mice . . . Effects reported in [human] workers repeatedly exposed include impaired memory and concentration, acute psychosis, severe depressions, social withdrawal, confusion, headache, speech difficulties, delayed reaction times, spatial disorientation, nightmares, sleepwalking, and drowsiness or insomnia.” Do not bend to the chemical companies at the expense of human and animal health. All tolerances for this chemical should be revoked.

Action 2 – [RESISTANCE]Celebrate a few of the wins last week: Trump’s Muslim Ban on Hold, National Monuments, Gerrymandered Districts

Trump’s Muslim Ban remains on hold. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that President Trump’s controversial travel ban should be kept on hold, maintaining a nationwide preliminary injunction that blocks key elements of the executive order from being enforced.

A 13-judge panel of the court heard arguments over the ban earlier this month. In Thursday’s decision, the chief judge writes that the travel ban “drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination.” “While the president has broad power over immigration, “that power is not absolute. It cannot go unchecked,” the court said.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a response to the ruling, saying the executive order was “well within [the president’s] lawful authority “to keep the Nation safe.” Sessions also said his department would ask the Supreme Court to review the ruling. If the high court agrees to hear the case, arguments wouldn’t begin before the fall term.

Protecting National Monuments – Comments are flowing into the Department of the Interior denouncing the effort to review, and perhaps undo, up to 22 national monuments. On the chopping block in this state is the Hanford Reach monument along the Columbia River. The comment period started May 12, and in the first week, more than 50,000 Americans weighed in. By more than 100 to 1, their message was: Don’t mess with our monuments.

If you want to be part of this, go to the Indivisible Eastside Previous Actions page May 15th Action 3.

Gerrymandered Districts – Last Monday, North Carolina became the third GOP-controlled state legislature in a row to get its map-drawing skills declared illegal by the Supreme Court opening the door for Democrats to potentially challenge almost all mapmaking in the South before the 2018 mid-term elections.

Your voices are important. Thank you for your continued involvement.  

Action 3 – [US HOUSE & US SENATE] – Rein in Jeff Sessions

Directly from IndivisibleGuide – SUPPORT THE BIPARTISAN JUSTICE SAFETY VALVE ACT (S. 1127 AND H.R. 2435)

We know that Jeff Sessions has a long record of racism, homophobia, hatred of immigrants, and disrespect towards women. He is also a leading opponent of commonsense reforms to mandatory minimum policies, preferring instead to keep chasing after the failed “tough on crime” approach of the 1980s and 90s. Even though crime is near record lows, Attorney General Sessions recently ordered prosecutors to go after the “most serious, readily provable offense” when prosecuting even low-level drug crimes. This is wrong.

Mandatory minimums take discretion away from judges and are a major contributor to the mass incarceration that affects so many communities across America, especially communities of color. It also carries a significant cost to lock up non-violent offenders for decades—for both the government and for families. This approach doesn’t make sense, and an overwhelming majority of Americans oppose it. But Jeff Sessions wants to double down on it anyway.

Fortunately, a bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives have introduced the Justice Safety Valve Act, which would allow judges to impose sentences below the mandatory minimum in certain cases. This lets judges out of the handcuffs Congress put on them during the failed War on Drugs and would give communities relief from the mass incarceration that tears families apart. Most importantly, it puts judges in charge of sentencing—not Jeff Sessions. Call your Senators and Representatives and ask them to support the Justice Safety Valve Act today.

SCRIPTS vary depending on the answers your MoC’s staffer gives. Go to for a detailed script dialog.  

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Action 4 – [US HOUSE & US SENATE] – Reject the so called “Back the Blue Act”

Here’s another piece of hypocritical Republican legislation to call your MoCs about. It’s the “Back the Blue Act” which creates harsh federal penalties for harming local law enforcement officials and even more concerning, makes it harder for citizens to sue the police for misconduct or abuse.

If this bill passes, a U.S. attorney could charge a high-profile victim of police abuse with the new federal crime of assaulting a police officer. It wouldn’t be difficult. We’ve seen plenty of video now where a clear victim of police brutality was initially arrested and charged with battering one of the officers who beat him.

The Washington Post’s “A new GOP bill would make it virtually impossible to sue the police” outlines many more consequences of this terrible bill.

This Bill:

  • Would allow a federal prosecutor to re-try any case involving the killing of a police officer, essentially overriding an elected DA’s prosecution. Doing so would be contrary to the will of the voters and local officials, and an abdication of the principles of federalism and local control that Republicans claim to hold dear.
  • Would allow federal prosecutors to bring charges when someone unintentionally causes the death of a police officer, such as in a car accident, or due to some other act of negligence.
  • Includes new restrictions on suing police officers for constitutional violations
  • Includes barring plaintiffs from recovering attorneys fees.
  • Could bar you from suing for anything other than the cost of treating your injuries under a scenario in which the police falsely arrest you, you resist, and they then severely beat you, if they could show that the beating was the result of your resisting, not the false arrest.
  • Would effectively end all police liability. It would end the practices of the attorneys who work in this area. It would basically make it impossible for victims of police abuse to sue anytime, anywhere.
  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to ask the [Senator, Representative] to publicly oppose the “Back the Blue Act” [S.1134, H.R.2437]. This unnecessary, hypocritical power grab by the Trump administration to control the process and penalties for an interaction with the police that results in harm to an officer would let a Trump-appointed district attorney overrule local officials if he or she didn’t like the way they were handling a case involving an assault or killing of a cop.

This bill could allow a federal prosecutor to re-try any case involving the killing of a police officer, essentially overriding an elected DA’s prosecution. Doing so would be contrary to the will of the voters and local officials, and an abdication of the principles of federalism and local control that Republicans claim to hold dear.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied

Updated 22 May 2017

Action 1 – [US SENATE & HOUSE] – Trump&Russia – Congratulations and more work to do

Last Thursday former FBI Director Robert Mueller was named to investigate the actions of the Russian government in the U.S. elections, and the Trump administration’s interference with the FBI investigation. Note that this was a bi-partisan effort, involving both sides of the aisle (GOP and Democrats), a HUGE accomplishment!

Now let’s take the next step – we need Congress to convene a select committee to guarantee a public report. Why do we need a select congressional committee? The special prosecutor’s investigation will unfold behind the scenes, without the public airing this issue needs.

To restore our democracy’s credibility, we need hearings and testimony and reports – all public. And only a special select committee of Congress can provide that. Contact your MoCs with the following message.

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to urge you to support the creation of an independent commission to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia and President Trump’s attempts to thwart the investigation. Appointing a special prosecutor is an important step, but Congress must now carry out its constitutional responsibility in our system of checks and balances. During this constitutional crisis, such a committee – like the Senate Watergate Committee – is the most certain next step to help restore faith in our democracy.

[HOUSE] Please push for a discharge petition to force a vote on H.R.356, the Protecting Our Democracy Act, to establish an independent commission to investigate interference by the Russian government in the 2016 election.

[SENATOR CANTWELL  (Senator Murray is already a cosponsor)] Please cosponsor S. 27 “A bill to establish an independent commission to examine and report on the facts regarding the extent of Russian official and unofficial cyber operations and other attempts to interfere in the 2016 United States national election, and for other purposes.”

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

NOW – Please record your action with the SIMPLIFIED Actions Recorder Form

Action 2 – [US SENATE] – Investigate Jeff Sessions

Thank Senators Murray and Cantwell for calling for an investigation into whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions violated his promise to recuse himself from the investigation into Russia’s alleged interference with the 2016 presidential election.

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I am calling to thank [Senator __] for calling on Inspector General Michael Horowitz to investigate whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions violated his promise to recuse himself “from any existing or future investigations of any matter relating in any way to the campaigns for president of the United States.”

By sending a letter to President Trump on May 9th recommending the termination of Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey, Attorney General Sessions appears to have been intimately involved with the May 9, 2017 dismissal Director Comey, who was in charge of an investigation of the Trump campaign and its ties to Russia. Attorney General Sessions

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

NOW – Please record your action with the SIMPLIFIED Actions Recorder Form

Action 3 – [FCC] – Protect Net Neutrality

On May 18th, the Republican controlled FCC voted 2-1 to start rolling back landmark net neutrality protections.

In 2015 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) installed protections for net neutrality and the “open Internet.” Net neutrality allows all users to have equal access to everything available on the Internet, and prevents Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from essentially turning the internet into cable television — creating fast and slow speeds for sites of their choosing and charging consumers premium prices for upgraded access. Without net neutrality, small businesses, low-income individuals, and much of rural America would lose access to affordable, reasonably fast internet service. Additionally, an ISP such as Comcast could slow content from a competitor such as HBO – causing the end user to only be happy with Comcast content.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will begin seeking stakeholder and public feedback on the plan. Internet activists are gearing up for a war of public opinion over the proposal. “This fight is just starting,” said Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), in a statement. “The public now has the opportunity to stand up, be heard, and influence the outcome. It will take millions of people standing up … to say that the Internet needs to stay free and open”

The last time the FCC considered the rules, in 2015, critics and advocates of net neutrality flooded the FCC’s electronic systems — submitting over 4 million comments, and setting an agency record, before the creaky database ground to a halt.

Last Week Tonight’s host John Oliver did a segment on Net Neutrality on May 7, 2017 where he noted the difficult URL, proceeding number, searches and clicks to enter so he created a simple URL which redirected to the correct location to comment on proceeding 17-108.  One week later, according to Oliver, over 1.5 million comments were logged, however 128,000 of them were identical “pro” comments that could be traced to spambots.

As of this writing, the gofccyourself URL does not redirect. But we know you’re tenacious in your resistance and we have faith you’ll prevail. To offer a reasoned comment against the rollback of net neutrality protections:

Need ideas for comments? Watch Oliver’s highly entertaining, but fact filled segment above, or read “These are the arguments against net neutrality — and why they’re wrong”. Commenting on rules changes is not a democracy. The content is more important than the volume, but the volume is important.

NOW – Please record your action with the SIMPLIFIED Actions Recorder Form

Updated 15 May 2017

Action 1 – [US SENATE] – Trump&Russia – Tell our Senators to Slow Things Down

Independent counsel, special prosecutor, independent commission, select committee of congress. The question is Trump&Russia, but what’s the answer?

In the wake of Yates’ testimony and Comey’s firing, Sen. Murray, in a floor speech May 10th, called for colleagues to support a special prosecutor to take over investigation into Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. Also on May 10th, Sen. Cantwell tweeted “Senate & House Judiciary Committees are going to continue investigating Trump’s ties to Russia, but we need a special independent prosecutor

This in-depth Atlantic Monthly article goes into detail why a special prosecutor may not get the answers the public needs.  

However, action must be taken, so tell Senators Murray and Cantwell to continue to use every rule in the Senate playbook to slow or stop Senate business until the majority party agrees to an independent investigation into the evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. These are exactly the kind of tactics Indivisible has been asking for, for months, and they have never been more urgent. Background

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

In the wake of the Comey firing, I am calling to thank Senator [NAME] for voting to use the “two hour rule” to slow down Senate business. Please tell the Senator that her constituents have her back as she leverages Senate procedures until the majority party agrees to an independent investigation.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 2 – [IMMIGRATION] – Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP)

The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP), one of the biggest organizations serving immigrants in the region, is suing a Department of Justice office over a federal request to the group to stop helping undocumented immigrants with paperwork.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has ordered NWIRP to stop a large part of the work it does to advise immigrants of their legal rights — a demand that would force thousands of people to go without legal help in deportation cases.

The DOJ’s Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) told the group it cannot provide legal help unless it represents a client formally through the whole legal process, citing a rule that was originally passed to prevent legal fraud. NWIRP would no longer be able to advise people on topics such as whether or not they qualify for asylum, or to help them to fill out their paperwork. This significantly limits the work that NWIRP can do.  

Go to the NWIRP Toolkit which includes talking points and phone numbers, and follow the instructions to show support for NWIRP in this case.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 3 – [DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR] – Comment on National Monuments Review

If there’s oil, natural gas, or coal under the land or water of a National Monument under review due to Trump’s Executive Order 13792, you have a reason to worry. The vast majority of critics of this order seem to be in agreement that this is all part of an effort to expand extractive industries for private profit on public lands.

The most contested of these Monuments have always seemed to be Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante, both of which – along with nearby Canyon of the Ancients – have fossil fuels beneath them

The Department of the Interior announced May 5th the first ever formal public comment period for members of the public to officially weigh in on monument designations under the Antiquities Act of 1906, and the Department released a list of monuments under review under the President’s Executive Order 13792.

Comments may be submitted online for 60 days starting May 11th at ( and Search on “DOI-2017-0002”)

To help you with your commenting, here are some FAQs about the Antiquities Act.


I’m writing to encourage Secretary Zinke not to rescind any national monuments’ protected status. Rescinding protections on these lands will open the way for oil and gas development, which only serves corporate interests. These lands were intended to benefit the American people, not corporations.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 4 – [US SENATE] – TrumpCare

In all the chaos of Trump’s firing of James Comey, we cannot forget about TrumpCare. As a member of Indivisible Eastside, you’re a member of the national Indivisible movement. The writers of the Indivisible Guide, on which our movement is based, maintain a website that has resources for stopping the Trump agenda. If you haven’t already done so, please take a look at the page with resources to fight back against the moral monstrosity that is TrumpCare.  

To become law, a bill has to go through a 5-step process:

  1. Pass in the House
  2. Pass an amended version in the Senate
  3. Go to “conference” to hammer out differences between the House and Senate
  4. Pass in the House again
  5. Pass in the Senate again

It took them 5 months to take the first, and easiest step – passing a repeal that they’ve passed literally dozens of times through the House before. The next steps are much harder – and we’re going to be there, every step of the way, until this bill collapses under the weight of its own lies and cruelty.

Unlike House Republicans, Senators have said they want to know what the full impact of TrumpCare will be before they vote on it. They will wait for a CBO score before moving forward, so it will be a week or two before any vote can occur. But they have already started negotiations, which means the time to put on the pressure is now.

We in Washington State are fortunate to have two Democratic senators. But we need to tell them that TrumpCare is unfixable (here are 10 reasons why) to give them backing for their expected NO vote. Please call or email your senators.

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling today because I am outraged that House Republicans rammed through the American Health Care Act without a Congressional Budget Office review and without fixing the issues in the plan that would leave millions uninsured and drive up premiums for millions more. The majority of Americans want the Affordable Care Act to be repaired, not replaced, and this tone-deaf bill endangers the lives and economic stability of millions.

I urge Senator [NAME] to vote against the AHCA and to ensure that the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid and protections for people with preexisting conditions remain in place.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 5 – [WA STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL] – Thank Bob Ferguson

Bob Ferguson is a rock star. Thank him for being among the twenty attorneys general who signed a letter asking Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to assemble an “independent special counsel” to investigate Russia’s attempts to meddle in the United States presidential election.

Ferguson also sent a letter Thursday objecting to Trump’s recent Executive Order looking to review the status of several national monuments. In the letter to U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Ferguson wrote that the president and interior secretary “lack the legal authority to revoke or reduce a National Monument designation.” He further wrote “Let me be clear: If the President seeks to do harm to Washington’s National Monuments by eliminating or reducing them, my office will initiate litigation to defend them.”

Bob Ferguson’s Contact Form –


Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP], and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Thank you for standing up against Trump and the no-action Republicans to ask US Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to appoint “an independent special counsel” to investigate Russia’s role in the 2016 presidential election.

Thank you also for standing up against corporate interests regarding National Monuments under review by the Department of the Interior.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Updated 8 May 2017

JOIN US at our Indivisible Eastside All Group Meeting this Saturday, May 13, 4:20-6:00 pm at the Bellevue Library, 1111 110th Ave NE Bellevue, WA. Due to the popularity of the meeting room we could only obtain a 90 minute slot. We cannot enter the meeting room until 4:30 and must vacate by 6:00 pm.  Please arrive by 4:20 to sign in outside the room, so that we can start promptly once in the room. Next month’s meeting will be in a location without such restrictions!


  • Meet the Team behind Indivisible Eastside (IE)
  • Talking About Diversity: And Why Our Words Matter. Presentation by Kishari Sing, with discussion following.
  • Q&A session with open mic: community discussion on next priorities for IE, and what you’d like to see IE address in its activities.
  • Breakout groups – choose your interest: 45th Legislative District Activities to Flip the State Senate, How to Talk to Republicans, How to Comment on Regulations, Join an IE Team. 
  • To continue the conversation, join us for a social hour after the meeting – Location TBD.

The May Survey on future presentation topics and breakout groups will close May 10th. Please fill it out to help us help you be the best resistor you can be!


From Seattle Indivisible: “The battle isn’t over yet.  Even though the House passed the TrumpCare bill, US Congressional Representatives can still lobby their Senate colleagues to defeat it.  And even though the House passed the bill, Rep. Dave Reichert, along with GOP Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Vancouver), voted against Trump’s health care plan.  Resisters are having an impact!

Please call your MOC today and thank them for their vote.  Ask them to continue to fight against this bill in the Senate.”

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to thank [MOC NAME] for voting against TrumpCare on Thursday.  Please continue to support affordable health care for all by working with your colleagues in the Senate to oppose the TrumpCare bill.  

Thank you again for representing the concerns of me and my community.

  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I would like to thank Representative Reichert for voting against TrumpCare. Going against your party for the wellbeing of constituents is what every member should do. There is a good chance that this bill returns after getting changed in the Senate. Will Rep Reichert commit to me, her/his constituent that she/he will vote against this bill if it comes back to the House? I would like to hear more from Rep. Reichert as the bill moves along.

Thank you again for representing the concerns of me and my community.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form


Thirteen Republican senators – including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch of Utah, Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi of Wyoming and Health Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander of Tennessee – have been named to the working group developing a Senate version of the AHCA.

The rest of the committee is Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas, John Thune of South Dakota, Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Lee of Utah, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Cory Gardner of Colorado, John Barrasso of Wyoming, Rob Portman of Ohio and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Notice anything odd about this group? Are there NO Republican women who could serve on a panel to write the Senate healthcare bill that may deny women maternity, newborn care and pediatric services as the House bill does?

Actually, there are five Republican women Senators! Shelley Moore Capito, WV – (202) 224-6472; Susan Collins, Maine – (202) 224-2523; Joni Ernst, Iowa – (202) 224-3254; Deb Fischer, Nebraska – (202) 224-6551; Lisa Murkowski, Alaska – (202) 224-6665.

Call Senator Mitch McConnell – (202) 224-2541


Hi, my name is [NAME]. I’m a US citizen from [CITY, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

Please tell Senator McConnell that the all-male panel writing the Senate healthcare bill cannot fairly represent over half the US population. The 51% of the population who are women need a voice on this panel. How can the panel presume to understand the importance maternity, newborn care and pediatric services are to a woman’s health? Please add two Republican women senators to this critical working group.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form



“Update (5/4): The House Financial Services Committee has passed HR 10. The bill now awaits a full vote on the House floor.

The Dodd-Frank Act is a financial reform law that was passed in 2010 as a response to the Great Recession. It includes a set of regulations intended to prevent “too-big-to-fail” banks from causing another economic crisis. One critical piece of legislation under Dodd-Frank is the Volcker rule, which prohibits banks from making certain kinds of speculative investments, such as those that led to the housing market crash in 2008. The Volcker rule also limits banks in their relationships with hedge funds and private equity funds. Dodd-Frank also created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which ensures that banks, lenders, credit card corporations, and other financial companies treat their customers fairly and protect consumers from practices like predatory payday lending.

House Republicans have introduced legislation known as the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 (H.R. 10) that would repeal the Volcker rule and strip the CFPB of key enforcement powers, including the ability to fine institutions for unfair lending practices (which the CFPB recently used to fine Wells Fargo $100 million for opening 2 million accounts that their customers didn’t know about). The repeal of the Volcker rule alone would increase big banks’ profits by hundreds of millions of dollars a year while putting the American public at risk for another recession driven by irresponsible banking practices.”

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email


Hi, my name is [Name]. I’m a constituent from [City, ZIP] and a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to express my opposition to H.R. 10, the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017, which would undermine the crucial consumer protections provided by the Dodd-Frank Act. As the 2008 recession illustrated, the banking industry must be carefully regulated to protect consumers from risky lending practices and corporate greed.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Updated 1 May 2017

Our May 13th Group Meeting in Bellevue is coming up. Please fill out our May survey to help us shape the agenda, and give us other feedback to help us help you resist. Results will be made available online.

Trump’s 100 days have come and gone. If you’re wondering whether your actions are having an effect, take a look at Derek Nelson’s re:act blog The People’s 100 Days – a list of what you’ve done so far, and Slate’s excellent and illuminating Trump, Bound. As Nelson’s blog says, “The list serves as a useful reminder of two things: how much your voice matters, and how these victories are starting to pile up lately. That’s because pressure is cumulative. It builds upon itself.”  Your phone calls and emails to our democratic Senators and Representatives count, and they all (just like Reichert) need to hear from you!


Update 5/4/17 – this fight will continue in the Senate. Meanwhile, jump down to Actions 2 and 3

On April 22nd, Paul Ryan said there would be no vote on Trumpcare 2.0 last week. But then it was back on the table four days later after it was given a new life — and new language that satisfied restive conservatives. Trumpcare 2.0 AKA Zombie Trumpcare will raise premiums, give away hundreds of billions of dollars to the super rich, end Medicaid as we know it, and throw 24 million people off their insurance.  It also allows states to opt out of key insurance regulations like guaranteeing coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions. The bill would end healthcare subsidies in favor of tax breaks that will make it harder for older Americans to afford health coverage, and it would freeze Medicaid expansion.

Moderate House Republicans are facing continued pressure to support Trumpcare 2.0.

If you called last week, or asked friends and family in the relevant districts to contact their representatives, THANK YOU! It made a difference. Rinse and Repeat! If you didn’t get to it, you have another chance.

See the list of vulnerable representatives, including Reichert, on the Red Alert Page and CALL.


Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP].

The ACA is the law of the land. I will not tolerate any more time wasted on TrumpCare, which will take away care from millions of people and cut Medicaid by $100s of billions of dollars in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy, insurance companies, and other big corporations.

  • I oppose this bill, and will continue to hold YOU [your MoC] accountable for preserving quality, affordable coverage.
  • If the White House has made the bill even worse, by allowing states to end protections for people with pre-existing conditions, I expect you to stand up for the tens of thousands in our district who could be charged higher premiums.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form


Staffers from Sen Cantwell and Sen Murray’s office stated Tuesday that continued calls/emails, rallies, regarding investigation into Russian ties to the Trump campaign are very helpful in pushing that narrative to Republicans. To that end, here’s an action directly from 5Calls:

“On April 25th, the Senate confirmed Rod J. Rosenstein as Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice, the #2 position within the department. This position is much more significant now that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from all Trump campaign related investigations, as the entirety of the Trump-Russia investigation will now be spearheaded by the Deputy AG.

During his confirmation process, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called upon Mr. Rosenstein to commit to appointing an independent special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, to which Mr. Rosenstein agreed to do, “If one is required.”

Over the course of the last few weeks, the need for a special prosecutor has become clear. The House Intelligence Committee’s investigation has been corrupted by Chairman Devin Nunes’s partisan loyalty and politically motivated actions. And in the Senate, it has been reported that the Senate Intelligence Committee is moving at a snail’s pace, with only 7 staffers working part time, no seasoned investigators, no subpoenas issued, and no interviews conducted.

It is now time for Mr. Rosenstein to fulfill his promise and appoint an independent special prosecutor.”

U.S. Department of Justice 202-353-1555


Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a concerned citizen from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to ask Mr. Rosenstein to appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s involvement with the Trump campaign and the 2016 election. It has become clear that this is the only way we can be guaranteed a fair and full investigation instead of more partisan politics.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form


The anti-immigrant agenda has taken a pointlessly cruel turn with the Trump administration trying to revoke Obama-era quality standards for jail conditions for immigration detainees. Call Sen. Murray (Homeland Security Subcommittee of Appropriations) to ask that the rules be resurrected in the form of a law. If you don’t have time to read the full New York Times article, just consider that in-custody deaths dropped, a lot, when the standards went into effect.

Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email


Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP], and I am also a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to ask Senator Murray to resurrect, in the form of a law, Obama-era quality standards for jail conditions for immigration detainees. Without these protections, even basic needs such as medical care and translation services may not be available to people who are awaiting evaluation of their status.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

For the Week of April 24th, 2017

Hello Indivisibles!

Thank you to those who donated to help fund the recurring expenses of Indivisible Eastside – things like software licenses, web hosting fees and printing costs.

Thanks to pressure from the resistance, the House doesn’t have the votes needed to bring another attempt to Repeal and Replace the ACA to a vote as they had threatened!  Your calls are working!

This week, we’ll look at the EPA (again), Trump’s Budget, and Town Halls from our Senators.

Actions This Week:


On the heels of Earth Day, and as support for the Science March and March for Mother Earth, we must oppose the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.

Politicians from both sides of the aisle have agreed that climate change is a growing global crisis that threatens the health, well-being, and security of every human being on the planet. The 2016 ratification of the Paris Agreement was an unprecedented global response to climate change. The Agreement’s 143 signatories, including the United States, formally committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to slow the pace of climate change.

Despite the urgent need to address climate change, Scott Pruitt and other members of Trump’s administration are now advocating for the United States to renege on our promises and either withdraw from the Agreement entirely or reduce our emissions targets. When the United States ratified the Agreement last October, President Obama remarked, “If we follow through on the commitments this agreement embodies, history will judge it as a turning point for our planet.” Withdrawing from the Agreement would represent a very different kind of turning point–a moment when our nation refused to meet the pressing threat of climate change head-on, committing instead to protecting the interests of fossil fuel companies.

Scott Pruitt, the Administrator of the EPA, 202-564-4700


Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to urge the United States to remain a signatory to the Paris Climate Agreement. For the sake of our economy, health, and national security, the United States must continue to lead the global fight against climate change.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

If unable to leave a phone message, please be sure to send an email to Pruitt.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form


Congress needs to pass a funding bill by April 28 of this year, or the government will shut down. And Donald Trump is using the budget process to ram through one of his most vicious policies.

Trump is requesting additional money (a “supplemental request”) in order to begin work on his border wall, expand his internal deportation force, and add more detention facilities to hold immigrants. This money will be used to rip apart American families, harm communities, and make us all less safe.

And how does he plan to pay for this? By cutting funding from essential programs that actually keep us safe and healthy—programs like education, housing, disease prevention, disaster response, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Tell Representative DelBene, who is on the House Committee for the Budget, and Senator Murray, who is on the Senate Committee for the Budget as well as the Senate Committee for Appropriations – Homeland Security Subcommittee, that you don’t want Congress to spend one penny more to fund Trump’s deportation force or border wall. Tell them that you don’t want funding for essential programs cut.

Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email

Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email


Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP], and I’m also a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to ask the [Senator/Congresswoman]  to resist any attempt by Congress to fund Trump’s deportation forces or border wall, especially if it means cuts to essential programs [such as _______].

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form


In direct response to Seattle Indivisible’s push for a commitment to hold future Town Hall meetings, Senator Cantwell pledged to “definitely do some Town Halls”. Call her and thank her.

Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email


Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP], and I’m also a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to thank Senator Cantwell for pledging to hold some future Town Hall Meetings. I look forward to attending so that I can see for myself if the Senator is in touch with her voters.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

By contrast, Senator Murray has not stated if or when she will hold town hall meetings. Let’s encourage her to open up the lines of communication with her constituents.

Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email


Hi, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, ZIP], and I’m also a member of Indivisible Eastside.

I’m calling to ask Senator Murray to join Senator Cantwell’s pledge to hold Town Hall Meetings. I look forward to attending so that I can see for myself if the Senator is in touch with her voters.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event to get to know other resisters in the area:

Crowd Sourced Actions!

Do you have an idea for future Weekly Actions? Email  to submit your idea. Your input is greatly appreciated, and please understand that depending on current events, we can’t guarantee yours will be picked. To submit and idea, please:

  1. Submit proposals for the Weekly Actions by Thursday midnight!
  2. Include the action to be taken (who to contact – HOUSE, SENATE, LEGISLATURE, AGENCY),
  3. Include details about the bill (e.g. bill numbers) or regulation, when the action will no longer be effective
  4. Include how it Resists the Trump agenda
  5. link to news article

Updated 17 April 2017

If you weren’t able to attend the Group Meeting on April 9th, here are the slides that were presented – including ACA vs ACHA comparisons, photos of some of the Team Leads, and survey results.

Also discussed at last Sunday’s Group Meeting, IE has modest but real, recurring expenses. These include things like software licenses, web hosting fees and printing costs. Attendees helped at Sunday’s meeting. Can you also help? Please go to the top of this page where you’ll find a Donate button.

Action 1 – [US HOUSE and SENATE] – Demand Trump’s Tax Returns

The deadline to file your taxes is April 18th. What a great time to demand that your three MoCs co-sponsor the Presidential Tax Transparency Act that would require Donald Trump to make his tax returns public. The bill numbers are S. 26 in the Senate and H.R. 305 in the House.

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to express my support for the Presidential Tax Transparency Act [House: H.R. 305; Senate: S. 26], that would require Donald Trump to make his tax returns public.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 2 – [US HOUSE and SENATE] – Prevent Warrantless Searches

Here is something new – a bipartisan bill Protecting Data at the Border Act. These bills (H.R. 1899 and S. 823) would prevent warrantless searches of electronic devices (of US Persons) at the border. Call or write your MoCs to offer support.

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to express my support for [House: H.R. 1899; Senate: S. 823], which would prevent warrantless searches of electronic devices of US persons at the border.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 3 – [US HOUSE and SENATE] – Stand Up for American Healthcare

Trump is warning Democrats that he will eliminate a $7 billion per year cost-sharing subsidy program if they continue to refuse to negotiate with him on the Affordable Care Act, according to a report by Politico. These subsidies exist to help insurers afford medical bills incurred by low-income patients and have been the subject of a lawsuit by the White House. Trump wants to be able to use the subsidies as leverage to force Democrats to the bargaining table. Trump summoned Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price to the White House and drafted a statement that made it clear he was more than willing to use the subsidies as a bargaining chip.

Let’s be clear. The House Republicans have already actively sought to undermine the ACA (see the healthcare effects of the 2014 Cromnibus bill). Now their President is threatening to hold a gun to the head of insurers who cover medical bills incurred by low-income patients to extort Democratic cooperation in further undermining American healthcare.

  • Sen. Patty Murray (206) 553-5545 Seattle | (202) 224-2621 | Send email
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (206) 220-6400 Seattle | (202) 224-3441 | Send email
  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (425) 485-0085 Bothell | (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (425) 677-7414 Issaquah | (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (425) 793-5180 Renton | (202) 225-8901 | Send email

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I would like the senator/representative to demand that Democrats stand up for low-income Americans by refusing to negotiate with the White House to undermine American healthcare. Donald Trump needs to hear loud and clear that he can’t hold industry and American healthcare hostage as a bargaining chip just because he can’t negotiate with his own party.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 4 – [EPA] – Give Feedback to EPA Scott Pruitt

The P in EPA stands for Protection. Donald J. Trump ordered U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to review existing protections (including the Clean Power Plan) to identify items to be replaced, repealed, or modified. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has now opened its regulatory review to public comment and the business community is already doing so. For balance, citizens need to TELL THEM WHAT THEY THINK! How will the removal of protections for clean water and air affect you and your family? How will it affect your health or the future of the planet? There are 617 comments to date. Let’s make it 1,617! The deadline is May 15.

Go to, view some of the comments if you need ideas, then click on “Comment Now” next to Evaluation of Existing Regulations.

NOW – Please record your action with the Actions Recorder Form

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event to get to know other resisters in the area:

Updated 10 April 2017

Your Members of Congress are in recess for two weeks, so, although the complicated world does not stop, let’s take a breath and get ready for the next push when they return to DC. Will the House try to revive the failed TrumpCare? We’ll need to be fresh for that.

One of the projects the volunteers at Indivisible Eastside will be working on during this time is making sure we’re effectively communicating with those who want to be involved. Another challenge is for the moderators of our Facebook community who try to balance the needs of the 1600 members. Our small team of volunteers has been working on improving infrastructure and communication, and will continue during the next few weeks so that new volunteers can quickly be brought up to speed.

Sunday was our monthly Group Meeting where 70 members – including 43 new faces – were treated to a presentation on the differences between Obamacare and the AHCA aka TrumpDontCare. Organizers of the March for Science Seattle and Tax March Seattle shared details of their events. We discussed the need for Indivisible Eastside to start asking for donations to cover our modest but very real and recurring expenses.

We celebrated some of the results of your calls including House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes who was forced to recuse himself from Congress’ Russia probe and Stephen K. Bannon being removed from the National Security Council Wednesday.

Finally, we had an ‘Open Mic’ period where there were some great exchanges regarding diversity and the nature of IE involvement with different organizations and events. Lots of dots were getting connected as we all come together with different insights and information to share!

If you’re hungry for action, here are two Washington State focused actions you can take:

Action 1 – [STATE SENATE] – Flip the Senate!

The 45th Legislative District holds the key to a Democratic State Senate majority in 2017. By winning this year’s special Senate election in November, we can make Washington State into a haven for progressive values. We will finally have the votes to fully fund public education, lay the groundwork for progressive tax reform, and pass bills like the Washington Voting Rights Act and the Reproductive Health Act.

At the 45th District Democrats’ meeting this past Wednesday, we unanimously endorsed Manka Dhingra (D) to be our next state senator! Now we have to get out there and help her win. The first step to flipping the senate is voter identification: knocking on doors and making sure we know who leans left so we can get them out to vote this August and November.

Want to help? Sign up through our Voter Identification Drive volunteer form. We’re regularly posting new volunteer opportunities. You do NOT have to live in the 45th district to help.

Editor’s note: I attended the first Voter ID canvassing event on a rainy Saturday morning in Woodinville. Normally, I’d rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick than knock on the door of a family just trying to get through another rainy PNW Saturday. But as my canvassing partner and I trudged up mossy driveways and down slippery lanes, we met some very warm and welcoming people who were tolerant of our intrusion and thanked us for being out on that rainy day, making a difference. The NPG’s miniVAN (Voter Activation Network) app on your Apple or Android phone makes finding and talking with voters so easy. The 2 question script is on your phone as are the names and addresses of voters for whom affiliation is unknown (you will NOT have to knock on known GOP voter’s doors!). So, if you’re willing to stretch yourself, join the 45th District Dems and help with this important effort.

Action 2 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] – Fully Fund Education in Washington State

The House Democrats’ version of the revenue package to fully fund schools (HB 2186) made it out of the House Finance Committee April 4th. The legislative session ends April 23rd; it’s time to write or call your state legislators and tell them to pass HB 2186 and honor our state’s constitutional commitment to its schoolchildren. Find your state legislators, then call.


Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I am contacting you because I am deeply concerned by the Senate Republican budget proposal. This proposal balances the budget on the backs of low-income communities, with huge cuts to vital programs that serve our most vulnerable communities. And it doesn’t even fully fund our public schools! I am asking you to reject the Republican budget.

Instead, I am asking you to support the House Democrats’ budget. The House Democrats’ proposal is a good start toward full funding for schools in the coming four years. I urge you to embrace this budget, especially the capital gains tax, which will help ensure that the wealthiest Washingtonians pay their fair share. Please make the right choice and prioritize investing in Washington’s children.

Thank you for your time and attention.

NEW – Please record each action with the Actions Recorder Form

More Actions You Can Take:

Attend an In-Person event to get to know other resisters in the area:

Updated 3 April 2017

Action 1 – [US HOUSE] – Remove Nunes from House Intelligence Committee

House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes has shown blatant partisanship and inappropriate favoritism towards the White House. Call on your representative to demand that Rep. Nunes be removed from the House Intelligence Committee.

  • Rep. Suzan DelBene (1st) (202) 225-6311 | Send email
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (8th) (202) 225-7761 | Send email
  • Rep. Adam Smith (9th) (202) 225-8901 | Send email


Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I would like the representative to demand that Devin Nunes be removed from the House Intelligence Committee due to his lack of impartiality and his loyalty to the White House. We must remove all partisan politics from the equation in order to get to the truth of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NEW – Please record each action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 2 – [US SENATE] – Science in the Trump Administration

Using independent science in government policy sounds like an easy decision. Well Congress seems to disagree. The House just passed two bills that “sever the agency [EPA] from scientific experts, and scientific expertise—all under the guise of honesty and openness.” One of them is actually called The HONEST Act. Outgoing EPA administrator Gina McCarthy states “They’re trying to put a positive spin on it, and for obvious reasons. … They’re really designed to prevent us from getting the information we need to protect public health.” (more reading here from The Atlantic).

Call our Senators to oppose these bills, which now go on to the Senate for a vote.

These bills fundamentally change the way the EPA can use scientific research to create public protections. They would limit the use of publicly funded studies, while allowing industry-funded research.

Call Senators Murray and Cantwell to ask them to oppose both HR 1430 and 1431 when they get to the Senate for a vote.


Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to ask the senator to oppose the HONEST Act (HR 1430) and the EPA SAB Reform Act (HR 1431) when they reach the senate. These acts would prevent the EPA from getting the information it needs to protect public health.

Thank you for your time and attention.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

NEW – Please record each action with the Actions Recorder Form

Action 3 – [WA STATE LEGISLATURE] – Protect Transgender Rights in Washington State

Friday was Transgender Day of Visibility, a day to celebrate the transgender community and spread awareness. But a campaign right here in Washington is trying to get an initiative on the 2017 ballot, I-1552, that would repeal the non-discrimination laws that allow transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.

Join the No on I-1552 campaign and pledge not to sign this ballot initiative if you come across anyone collecting signatures. Then, find your state representatives and check if they have endorsed the ‘No on I-1552’ campaign. (Scroll WAY down past the many many endorsers to find the state reps and senators).

If so, send them an email through their website to thank them! If not, call them and ask them to endorse the ‘No on I-1552’ movement.


Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to ask [Senator or Representative] _________ to join the 36 other state legislators in endorsing the ‘No on I-1552’ movement.

Thank you for your time and attention.

NEW – Please record each action with the Actions Recorder Form

More Actions You Can Take This Week:

Support Georgia Special Election Democratic Candidate Ossoff

Jon Ossoff is gaining ground in Georgia’s Special Election for the House of Representatives seat vacated by Tom Price. While typically this district is “safely Republican”, Ossoff has made this race competitive again and we’re just 15 days away from (Special) Election Day.

We are urging Indivisible Eastside members to support the Ossoff campaign. Some options are phone banking, donating or sending postcards.  Please visit Ossoff’s campaign site to learn more.

Attend an In-Person event to get to know other resisters in the area:

Updated 27 March 2017

First of all – well done! We asked you to call about the ACHA and Gorsuch, you called, and it made a difference! Pat yourself on the back, and let’s work together for more wins for grassroots activism.

Action 1 – [US HOUSE] Protect Privacy

Two issues on Privacy

a) Protect Online Privacy – Call MONDAY MORNING!

Senator Flake (R-AZ) and Representative Blackburn (R-TN) want to use a tool known as a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to totally repeal protections passed by the FCC last year that would require ISPs to protect your private information. The CRA allows Congress to veto any regulation written by a federal agency (like the FCC), and forbid the agency from passing any “substantially similar” regulations in the future.

We need you to speak out to save online privacy rights. We are one vote away from a world where your ISP can track your every move online and sell that information. Before the House votes on Tuesday, call your representative and tell them to protect federal online privacy protections by opposing the use of the Congressional Review Act (CRA).

Tell your representative: “Vote NO on the CRA resolution to kill the FCC’s privacy rules.”

Learn more about this issue:

b) Protect Genetic Privacy

On March 8th the House Committee on Education and the Workforce passed the “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act”. This bill (also known as H.R. 1313) would take away the health privacy protections enacted in the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) by allowing employers to coerce employees and their families to submit to genetic testing. It would then allow employers to collect information on any degenerative diseases that showed up in these tests.

Call or E-Mail your Representative to OPPOSE HR 1313. Keep Genetic Testing Out of the Workplace.


Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I’m calling to express my opposition to HR 1313, the Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. Genetic testing does not belong in the workplace.

[OPTIONAL: Add any other comments here]

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

Action 2 – [US SENATE] Stop Gorsuch

Sen. Patty Murray says she will vote against confirming Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court — and filibuster him if necessary. Call or email and thank her!

Update 3/30/17 Sen. Maria Cantwell: “I cannot support cloture and will not support the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.”  Call or email and thank her!

[As for Senator Cantwell’s position, she’s still not announcing how she’ll vote and this is the official response received by an Indivisible member from Sen. Cantwell’s Seattle staff:

“She wants to see a judge who will move our country ahead and not backwards as part of a Court that recognizes settled law on issues such as privacy rights and women’s rights. She has concerns about Gorsuch’s record and looks forward to having a discussion with him about his views and his judicial philosophy. She is keeping all of her options open, including filibustering the nominee.”

Sen. Cantwell is inviting us to contact her office with any questions that you would like her to ask Gorsuch who she is meeting with soon.]

Action 3 – [IMMIGRATION] – Freedom Cities

On March 11th, people at more than 2,200 events around the nation tuned in for the inaugural event of People Power, a new platform of the ACLU harnessing nationwide grassroots resistance to the Trump administration’s assault on our Constitution and our values. At the event, they announced “Freedom Cities,” a campaign that provides a concrete plan for the People Power team to play offense in cities and towns across the country.

The first issue the Freedom Cities campaign will tackle is immigration. Building on the work of countless groups around the country who have labored for years on these issues, and with the guidance of law enforcement leaders who are committed to smart policing and placing local communities first, the ACLU has developed the 9 model police policies that they hope to see adopted in every city and town nationwide.

Some meetings between members of the community and law enforcement have already happened. For example a really encouraging meeting with King County Sheriff Urquhart on 3/18/17 revealed that he and his department are well aligned with the 9 model policing policies. Other meetings are in the process of being scheduled and not yet listed on the People Power Map of events.

Action: Connect with others to meet with local law enforcement to learn how they plan to adopt the ACLU’s 9 model policies to resist the Trump administration’s plan to involved them in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activities.

The following are scheduled and available for you to RSVP to:

If your city isn’t listed, and you’re interested in this type of action, email

If you want information on the King County Sheriff meeting, email

Action 4 – [INDIVISIBLE EASTSIDE] – Engage

Show some love for the unpaid volunteers of Indivisible Eastside who serve the nearly 1,600 Facebook Group users, and other non-Facebook activists.

  • Learn about Volunteer Opportunities – you’ll meet some amazing people, spread out the workload and enable IE to engage more in activities YOU are interested in.
  • Put Indivisible Eastside Group Meeting on your Calendar 4/9/17 1:00pm – 3:30pm Woodinville
  • Invite a friend to join Indivisible Eastside

More Actions You Can Take This Week:

Do a happy dance and then E-Mail your Representative to thank them for opposing Trumpcare!

Attend an In-Person event to get to know other resisters in the area. Ideas:

Updated 20 March 2017

Action 1 – [US SUPREME COURT] Stop Gorsuch – Phonebank

Hearings start for Neal Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination on Monday. The time is NOW to ramp up the pressure to block him:

SIGN UP FOR A SHIFT ON THE SCOTUS PHONEBANK: Currently Neil Gorsuch’s nomination is in the Judiciary Committee and only one Republican Senator needs to vote against him to block the nomination. National Equality Action Team (NEAT) is running phonebanks into key districts. You can call from home using your phone and/or a computer.

Training and individual help by phone is provided. Sign up for a shift at Should Gorsuch be approved by the Judiciary Committee this week, a new campaign may be initiated to block him at the next stage, so please keep in touch with NEAT.

Action 2 – [US CONGRESS] Resist Trump’s Budget

Call and let your Member of Congress know that Trump’s cuts are wrong for Washington families!

Phone Script:

“Hi, my name is {NAME}, and I’m calling from {CITY, ZIP}. I’m calling because I’m concerned about Trump’s budget cuts to Transportation and the EPA {or choose from the top 10 worst cuts list}. I’d like to request that {Senator/Congressperson MoC} commit to resisting the Trump budget both in the media and in their legislative chamber. Can you tell me how {the MoC} will be publicly refuting the Trump budget over the next few days? I’d like to see my Member of Congress in a local paper or TV station talking about this soon.”

Top 10 Worst Cuts in Trump’s Budget

Trump’s budget makes his priorities clear – he wants the government to fund a military and Defense Department, and that’s about it. And in government, like the family budget, your priorities are made clear by what you fund. Here’s are the the top 10 worst cuts he’s proposing to make in programs critical to Washington families and communities.

  1. Transportation – Trump’s budget would cut important local infrastructure projects including funding to help build Link light rail in Lynnwood, Federal Way, & Tacoma and expand Bus Rapid Transit in Spokane, Everett, & Seattle.
  2. Environmental – The budget makes massive cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency – cutting the budget by 31% and laying off a fifth of the employees. It would end funding for climate change research, cut funding for clean up of SuperFund toxic waste sites, and reduce grants to help cities and states fight air pollution.
  3. Agriculture and Farming – Trump proposes to cut billions from the Agriculture Department, hurting farmers and needy families. He’d cut hundreds of millions from Women/Infant/Children Nutrition Assistance, and rural development and research grants would be on the chopping block as well. Even the Meals On Wheels program and after-school lunches for poor children would be cut!
  4. College Access and Affordability – The budget would cut $3.9 billion from Pell Grants, financial aid that’s critical to helping students and families afford college. This budget would close the door of opportunity to millions and prevent students from getting the skills, experience, and training they need to succeed.
  5. Jobs – The 21 percent proposed cut in the Labor Department reduces funding for job training programs that benefit seniors and disadvantaged youth. The budget eliminates the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which helps low-income seniors find work and closes poor-performing centers for Job Corps, a job-training program for disadvantaged youth
  6. Health and Scientific Research – Health and Human Services would face devastating cuts, and more than a third of the $15.1 billion in cuts would affect the National Institutes of Health, the government’s main engine of biomedical research.
  7. Children – The Education Department faces a $9 billion cut under the Trump administration budget, which would downsize or eliminate a raft of grants, including for teacher training, afterschool programs, and aid to low-income and minority college students. These colossal cuts to our schools are a betrayal of our commitment to students. While the budget doesn’t detail effects on the Head Start preschool program and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, these important supports for vulnerable children could be slashed as well.
  8. Housing and FEMA – The Trump budget would cut $6 billion from affordable housing and community development grants – grants that have funded important projects like recovery from natural disasters and improvements in low-income neighborhoods.
  9. Weather and Hurricane, Tornado and Tsunami preparedness – We didn’t think that NOAA and the National Weather Service would be partisan targets – shouldn’t everyone want decent weather forecasting? But Trump’s budget would cut funding from all sorts of weather and coastal programs at the Department of Commerce, including helping coastal communities prepare for storms, satellites for tracking weather and supporting forecasting, and climate change research efforts.
  10. The Arts and Public Broadcasting – We spend hardly any public money on the arts, especially when compared to military spending. But Trump’s budget would still eliminate the $445 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting – aka PBS and NPR – as well as the National Endowment for the Arts and funding for libraries and museums across the country.

Action 3 – [STATE LEGISLATURE] Support anti-Trump state bills!

Indivisible is focused on efforts to thwart the Trump agenda, and there are a few state-level issues in flight that can help resist this administration’s reach into Washington State. Task: Read up on the following two bills and call your State Rep or State Senator’s office ( to offer support. We demand a state free from the bigotry of the Trump administration.

HB 2097: “In order to prohibit state agencies from aiding in the creation of a federal religious registry, HB 2097 restricts those agencies from sharing personal religious affiliation information with federal authorities.”

HB 2029 “No person in Washington should live in fear of bullying and harassment because of their immigration status, national origin or citizenship status. HB 2029 ensures our communities have a safe, dedicated hotline to call if they experience those incidents”

Keep Up the Pressure – Five More Actions You Can Take This Week:

  1. E-Mail your Representative to OPPOSE HR 1313. Keep Genetic Testing Out of the Workplace.
  2. E-Mail Your Senators and ask them to oppose Trumpcare.
  3. Sign up for Action emails [upper right edge of this page]. You’ll get an email once per week with THIS page‘s content on it.
  4. “Like” Indivisible Eastside’s Facebook Page. This will put reminders of these action items in your FB newsfeed.
  5. Attend an In-Person event to get to know other resisters in the area. Ideas:

Updated 13 March 2017

Action 1 – [Investigate] Support Pascrell Resolution of Inquiry

We’re pulling this action directly from the national Indivisible Guide team. It is a big action and it is important.

Please call and email your representative and ask them to cosponsor Representative Pascrell’s resolution of inquiry, H.Res.186, directing the Secretary of the Treasury to provide to the House of Representatives the tax returns and other specified financial information of President Donald J. Trump. Every single representative should be a cosponsor of this Resolution and, as of today, the ONLY Washington state representative sign on is Suzan DelBene.

Phone Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].  I’m calling to ask Representative X to support Representative Pascrell’s Resolution of Inquiry, H.Res.186.  This resolution would allow for important Congressional oversight of potential conflicts of interest, which up to this point has not been possible because of the President’s refusal to release his tax returns.

Thank you for your work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

E-Mail Script:

I am writing to ask Representative X to support the Resolution of Inquiry, H.Res.186, recently introduced by Rep. Pascrell to compel the Secretary of the Treasury to release President Trump’s tax returns.  This resolution would allow for important Congressional oversight of potential conflicts of interest, which up to this point has not been possible because of the President’s refusal to release his tax returns.  The American people deserve to know the full extent of any potential conflicts of interest our President may have, and as a constituent of Representative X, I expect that (s)he will stand up for me in Congress.

Thank You.

Original Indivisible Guide Call to Action:

Action 2 – [Health Care] Oppose Trumpcare

[Note: This action was relevant when we posted it. Now, we have a CBO score, so call your representative and share how the AHCA will affect YOU.]

We asked you to take action on this new proposal when it was first introduced at the end of February, but it is gaining more traction every day and we NEED to make our voices heard on this issue. Please call and email Senators Murray and Cantwell and your representative and ask them to oppose any action on this proposal until a Congressional Office Budget has conducted a formal cost and impact analysis. Read more about it here:

Phone Script:

Hi, My name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent of Senator/Representative X’s from [PLACE].  I am calling to ask that he/she demand a CBO score before Congress proceeds with any further action.  Millions of Americans depend on the ACA for coverage. Constituents deserve to know how many people will lose their coverage if the ACA is repealed. We can’t know that without formal analysis from the Congressional Budget Office. Please ask [the senator/representative] to speak up loudly and immediately to demand a CBO.

Thank you for your work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

E-Mail Script:

I am writing to ask Senator/Representative X to demand a CBO score on the new healthcare proposal before Congress proceeds with any further action.  Millions of Americans depend on the ACA for coverage. Constituents deserve to know how many people will lose their coverage if the ACA is repealed. We can’t know that without formal analysis from the Congressional Budget Office.  As a constituent of Senator/Representative X’s I am asking that (s)he speak up loudly and immediately to demand a CBO.

Thank you.

Action 3 – [Environmental] Protect the EPA

A bill was introduced on February 3rd aiming to terminate the EPA.  This bill would prevent the EPA from protecting the environment and ensuring public health by securing clean air and water for everyone. Corporations who pollute our environment would go unchecked, and programs designed to clean up our already polluted spaces would go away. Please call your representatives and ask them to oppose H.R. 861.

Phone Script:

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent of Rep./Sen. X’s from [PLACE]. I am calling to ask the Congressman to oppose H.R. 861 and any other action which undermines EPA’s ability to protect public health. The EPA is an essential part of our government that was founded with bipartisan support and remains popular across the country; we depend on them to protect our air, water and climate from harm.

Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]

Email Script:

I am writing to ask Sen./Rep. X to oppose H.R. 861 to terminate the EPA.

We depend on the EPA to protect our air, water and climate from harm. Without them, not only would it become open season on the environment for big polluters, but you would eliminate even the most basic of programs like grants to clean up brownfields and Superfund sites.

When EPA oversight is lax, or eliminated, we can expect more incidents like the Flint water crisis or disputes between states when fugitive emissions cross state lines.  Please oppose this and any other action which undermines EPA’s ability to protect public health.

Thank You.

Keep Up the Pressure – Three More Actions You Can Take This Week:

  1. Call Your Senators and Oppose the Nominations of Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS and Seema Verma for CMS Administrator;
  2. E-Mail Your Members of Congress and tell them to Invest in Clean Energy Infrastructure
  3. E-Mail Your Senators and ask them to Oppose the new Muslim Ban

05 March 2017


Call your Senators and ask them to oppose HJ Res 36, a Congressional Review Act to repeal a methane waste prevention rule put in place by the Bureau of Land Management under the Obama Administration.  This resolution has already passed in the House and we expect that it will soon be brought to a vote in the Senate. Read more about the rule from the BLM and The Hill (blog).


Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I’m calling to urge [SENATOR’S NAME] to vote against HJ Res 36.  Please stand up for the environmental protectionism Washington State is known for, and vote to keep in place the BLM methane waste prevention rule. Protections like these are necessary to keep our air clean.  Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]


I am writing to urge the Senator/Representative to oppose HJ Res 36.  Please stand up for the environmental protectionism Washington State is known for, and vote to keep in place the BLM methane waste prevention rule. Protections like these are necessary to keep our air clean.

Thank you.


We asked you to take action on this last week, and we’re asking you take action again this week.  HJ Res 43 is still listed as active legislation in the Senate.  It is likely that it will be brought to a vote soon.  Now is the time to reach out to your out-of-state friends and family and ask them to contact their Senators as well.

Two Three weeks ago, the House passed H.J.Res.43, a Congressional Review Act to repeal a rule preventing states from restricting participation by certain types of providers as subrecipients in the Title X program, for reasons other than the provider’s ability to provide Title X services. Now, Republicans are moving quickly to dismantle President Obama’s rule protecting the Title X family planning program. If H.J.Res.43 passes in the Senate, it will allow extremist politicians to block people’s access to preventive care at a health center just because that center also provides safe, legal abortion.


I’m a constituent of Senator X’s from [ZIPCODE].. I don’t need a response. I am calling today to express my concern over the use of the Congressional Review Act to overturn President Obama’s rule guaranteeing that Title X family planning patients have access to the most qualified providers of women’s health care. I urge you to vote against any attempt to dismantle President Obama’s Title X rule and to protect health care for those who seek it. I will be watching the results of the vote and hope to see your support at that time.


I am a constituent of Senator X’s from [ZIPCODE] and I am writing today to express my concern over the use of the Congressional Review Act to overturn President Obama’s rule guaranteeing that Title X family planning patients have access to the most qualified providers of women’s health care.

The care provided to women under Title X funding is not optional — it is essential. Many people choose to receive this care from the doctors and nurses they trust at family planning clinics that also provide abortion services.  For many people, these clinics are their only option.

More than four million people depend on Title X. They are people with low incomes. They are often people without health insurance. They are real people, with real health needs. I feel that Americans cannot allow their care to be compromised by an extremist political agenda.

As a voter and a constituent, I urge you to vote against any attempt to dismantle President Obama’s Title X rule and to protect health care for those who seek it. I will be watching the results of the vote and hope to see your support at that time.

Thank You.


Representative Jayapal and Senator Harris introduced companion bills into the House and Senate which would guarantee the right to an attorney to people detained by immigration and border patrol agents.  Read more about H.R. 1006 and S. 349 and why we support this legislation at LA Times.


Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].  I’m calling to urge [Sen/Rep’s Name] to support H.R. 1006/S. 349, The Access to Counsel Act.  The Access to Counsel Act will make certain that those held or detained while attempting to enter the United States are guaranteed access to legal counsel.  Detention without representation goes against the values of the American people; no one should be exploited because of their lack of knowledge of our legal system.  Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]


I am writing to urge [Sen/Rep’s Name] to support H.R. 1006/S. 349, The Access to Counsel Act.  The Access to Counsel Act will make certain that those held or detained while attempting to enter the United States are guaranteed access to legal counsel.  Detention without representation goes against the values of the American people; no one should be exploited because of their lack of knowledge of our legal system.  

Thank You.


We pulled this one straight from the Indivisible Guide.  Seema Verma was recently confirmed by the Senate Finance Committee and we expect that her nomination will soon go to the full Senate for a vote.  Read more about Ms. Verma and why we oppose her nomination at the Washington Post and the Atlantic.

Feel free to follow the phone script provided by the Indivisible Guide team (linked above). We’ve provided a more abbreviated version below.


Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY, ZIP].  I’m calling to urge [Sen/Rep’s Name] to oppose Seema Verma for CMS Administrator. Verma supports capping Medicaid funding for states and doesn’t think basic maternity care should be required in insurance plans. She also lacks the experience to run and agency as large and complex as CMS. I hope the Senator will stand up for [women/older americans/middle-class americans] like me and oppose the nomination of Seema Verma.

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.]


I am writing to urge [Sen/Rep’s Name] to oppose Seema Verma for CMS Administrator. Verma supports capping Medicaid funding for states and doesn’t think basic maternity care should be required in insurance plans. She also lacks the experience to run and agency as large and complex as CMS. I hope the Senator will stand up for [women/older Americans/middle-class Americans] like me and oppose the nomination of Seema Verma.

Thank You.

Keep Up the Pressure – Three More Actions You Can Take This Week:

  1. Demand the facts about the costs and impacts of the ACA repeal legislation
  2. Urge a Full and Independent Investigation into Jeff Sessions
  3. Stand Indivisible with Immigrants

23 February 2017

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

                                                       – Thomas Jefferson

1. Happy Rally Day!

For all of us who are participating, enjoy the day. Post on social media and share your message!

2. Dave Reichert Tele-Town Hall


Comment and watch! Facebook Live – 1pm – Tele-Town Hall with pre-screened questions.

Possible questions from our members:

Why did the Republicans stop funding billions for the ACA “risk corridor,” which resulted in insurers drastically increasing premiums and deductibles?

Why are the Republicans underminding ACA by cutting the 3.8% investment tax, when that cut will clearly benefit the wealthy (people that make more than $200,000) and harm the rest of us?  – Linda W.

What is your position on HR 610? (Eliminate ESSA- Elementary and Secondary Schools Act). Additionally, what is your position on federal IDEA legislation? Do you plan to protect and support public education? – Jennifer P.

3. Interview with Dave Reichert


Watch! KCTS 9 – 8:45pm

3. Support Fellow Resisters


People are standing up to resist in incredible numbers but it’s hard work and it’s uncomfortable. We can be so busy focusing on the work that we miss out on the personal moments. When you see someone demonstrating strength and resistence, let them know you appreciate it. We all need support and encouragement.

20 February 2017 – President’s Day

It’s the first day of Recess Week. During recess, our Members of Congress will be in-district and if they’re doing their jobs correctly, taking time to speak directly with their constituents. In an effort to #ReclaimRecess we will be focusing our actions this week on Dave Reichert’s tele-town hall on Thursday. Every day, Mon-Wed this week we will ask you to submit a question to KCTS to be pre-selected for the town hall. On Thursday, we will ask you to also submit your questions live during the interview.

  • Today, we would like to ask everyone to email ( and fill out this form asking the following question: “I don’t believe that ensuring “access” to health care, which doesn’t take into account affordability or quality of care, is good enough. Can you guarantee that any replacement plan will cover AT LEAST as many people that would be covered under the ACA? Can you guarantee that no one will lose their coverage as a result of your vote?”
  • If today is a holiday for you, consider organizing an impromptu visit to your representative’s office and asking if they will sit down with you for 15 minutes. Have something specific you would like to speak with them about and prepare a fact sheet or signed letter to leave with office staff members if the MoC is not available.
  • If you visit the office of your MoC, or any other public advocacy event, take a picture, video, or jot down a poignant quote from a speaker & Tweet @IndivisEastside and/or share on Facebook using the hashtags #standindivisible, #indivisibleeastside, and/or #reclaimrecess

1. Call Your Representatives


Call the district office of your representative and at least one senator and ask if they have any plans to hold a public event this week.

Tweet @IndivisEastside and/or share the response on Facebook using the hashtags #standindivisible, #indivisibleeastside, and #reclaimrecess


I’m a constituent of Representative [Representative Name], and I’d like to know when her next public event is so I can see her speak in person.

Note: If they don’t have anything for you, ask to be added to a mailing list so you’ll be notified when the next event is scheduled.

2. Oppose Gorsuch


E-Mail Senators Cantwell and Murray and ask them to oppose Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court Justice. To date, Senator Cantwell has not announced if she will support the Filibuster and oppose Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS.


Script To Cantwell:
I am writing to ask Senator [Representative Name] to oppose Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court Justice and to promise to use the Filibuster against this nomination. American voters did not choose Donald Trump to fill this vacancy. They chose Barack Obama and then they chose Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump has no mandate to appoint a justice. With an administration committed to trampling on well-established law and protocol, we need a Court that will provide a strong check on Donald Trump. Senate Democrats are the only firewall against a Supreme Court potentially shaped by a corrupt president committed to a racist, xenophobic and misogynistic agenda. Will you promise to use the Filibuster against Gorsuch and any other Trump nominee?

Script To Murray:
I appreciate that Senator Murray has announced her opposition to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to SCOTUS and her support for the Filibuster. I hope she demonstrates that she has the courage of her convictions, and I will be watching closely to confirm she does.

3. Presidential Trade Transparency Act of 2017


This act was introduced in both the House and the Senate on February 16th and would require the President to disclose foreign income, assets and liabilities when initiating trade or investment negotiations with a foreign country. The bill would also require disclosure when the President is taking or refraining to take certain trade enforcement actions or granting or modifying preferential tariff treatment under statutory trade preference programs. If he failed to submit a timely financial report, the trade agreements would be disqualified from expedited consideration under trade promotion authority. So far, Suzan DelBene is the only Washington State Member of Congress to sign-on in support of this Act.


Contact your Representative


To Your Rep. (not DelBene):
I am writing/calling to ask if Representative [Representative Name] has taken a position on the Presidential Trade Transparency Act of 2017 introduced last Thursday by Representative Neal? I hope Ms./Mr. [Representative Name] will follow fellow Washington State Representative DelBene in supporting this bill. The American public deserves to know if and how their President would stand to profit through trade enforcement or preferential tariff treatment.

To Your Rep. (DelBene):
I am writing/calling to thank the Representative for signing-on in support of the Presidential Trade Transparency Act of 2017. I agree with Ms. DelBene that “The American public deserves to know if and how their President would stand to profit through trade enforcement or preferential tariff treatment” and appreciate her taking a stand on this issue.

To a Senator:
I am writing/calling to ask if Senator [Name] has taken a position on the Presidential Trade Transparency Act of 2017 introduced last Thursday by Senator Wyden? I hope Ms./Mr. [Name] will follow other Senate Democrats in supporting this bill. The American public deserves to know if and how their President would stand to profit through trade enforcement or preferential tariff treatment.

You can also tweet your Rep/Sen:
Murray – @PattyMurray
Cantwell – @SenatorCantwell
DelBene – @RepDelBene
Reichert – @davereichert
Smith – @RepAdamSmith

“@[SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE], join @RonWyden @RepRichardNeal & support the Act to require Trump to disclose overseas $$ interests when setting trade policy.”

4. Immigrant and Refugee Legal Defense Fund


If you live in King County, contact your Representative on the King County Council and ask them to approve King County Executive Dow Constantine’s proposal for a one-time $750,000 legal defense fund for immigrants and refugees.

Find your King County District & council member contact information here.

5. Promoting Sustainable and Renewable Energy in Washington State


HB 1048 authorizes incentives to consumers who use solar energy. The current program is hugely successful but needs updating. More information here.


Call (Senate and House) or E-mail your representatives in the Washington State Legislature (find out who they are here) and ask them to support HB 1048 and its companion bill SB 5499 Promoting Sustainable and Renewable Energy in Washington State. Also consider leaving a public bill comment so representatives in neighboring districts can consider your opinion as these bills progress through the legislative process.


I strongly encourage you to support Promoting Sustainable and Renewable Energy in Washington State (HR 1048 and SB 5499). Not only do we need to preserve our resources, the 2017 Solar Bill provides a clear and stable solar policy that protects existing solar customers, expands utility company participation in solar, extends incentives for new residential solar, and makes it easier for small businesses and non-profits to go solar.

18 February 2017

1. Sign up to receive Indivisible Eastside action alerts via email. Fill out the form here if you want to receive a weekly summary of upcoming actions every Monday morning.

2. New to the legislative process and political advocacy? Watch these short videos on the Legislative Process provided by our Congress

3. What was your favorite Daily Action this week? Let us know and tell us why! Tweet with #indivisibleeastside, comment on a Facebook post, or send an e-mail to

4. Are you a constituent in CD8? Take Rep. Reicherts’ Health Care Poll and let him know how you feel about the ACA.

5. We could use help researching and tracking our politicians. Ready to resist? Join our Group Action Committee! Contact us at

6. Listen to our very own David Schwartz on this podcast.

7. Want to get involved at a local level? Look at the 2017 King County Democratic Party Legislative Agenda and consider joining the next monthly meeting in your legislative district.

8.A harmful new initiative, I-1522, seeks to repeal our state’s longstanding non-discrimination protections for our transgender friends, family members, and neighbors. Now that the ballot initiative is approved, I-1552 backers have five months to collect 260,000 valid signatures. If they succeed, transgender protections in Washington will be up for a public vote this November. Sign the petition here.

17 February 2017

1. Transparency Act


The Presidential Trade Transparency Act of 2017 would direct the President to disclose foreign income, assets, and liabilities when initiating or continuing trade or investment negotiations with a foreign country.


E-Mail Senator Cantwell

Bonus: If you are also a constituent of CD1, E-Mail Rep. DelBene and thank her for sponsoring this important legislation.


This is [Name] from zip code [Zip Code]. I would like Senator Cantwell to support the Presidential Trade Transparency Act of 2017. Transparency is critical to ensure the president is negotiating in America’s best interests and not his own.

2. Remove Bannon From The National Security Council – HR 804


HR 804 is a bill to amend the National Security Act of 1947 to protect the National Security Council from political interference (like Bannon being a full member).

Reach Out: If you have any friends in CD7 (Jayapal), CD6 (Kilmer), or CD10 (Heck) ask them to thank their congressperson who is a cosponsor.


Thank your representative for Supporting HR 804 or urge your rep to support it.

Cosponsors of the bill:
CD 9 – Smith
CD 1 – DelBene


If your Rep. is a cosponsor: “Hello, my name is [Name], calling from zip code [Zip Code]. I don’t need a response, but I want to thank Rep. [Representative] for cosponsoring HR804 to keep political interference out of the National Security Council. Thank you for your assistance.”
If your Rep. is not a cosponsor: “Hello, my name is [Name], calling from zip code [Zip Code]. I don’t need a response. I’m calling to urge [Representative] to support HR 804. For our safety, Americans need a National Security Council that is not affected by partisan interests. Please support HR 804–protection must take priority over party politics. Thank you for your assistance.”

3. 45th Senate Seat


Manka Dhingra will run for the 45th District (Kirkland, Duvall, and Sammamish) Senate seat. The 45th is an Eastside district held by Republican State Sen. Andy Hill until his death last year. The seat is being filled temporarily by two-time GOP gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi. The stakes are simple: Power. The Senate currently holds 24 Republicans, 24 Democrats and one renegade Democrat who votes with the GOP and gives Republicans control of the Legislature’s upper chamber. The State House of Representatives has a narrow 50-48 Democratic majority.
If Democrats win in the 45th, a district easily carried by Hillary Clinton last year, they take control of the Legislature.


Watch this race closely. Get involved! Talk about it with others. Learn about the current democratic candidate here.

Reach Out: Tom Price and the Republicans are vulnerable. Any friends in Georgia? More info here.

4. Immigrants and Refugees


King County executives have proposed a one-time $750,000 legal defense fund for immigrants and refugees and help protect them “amid rising fear.” King County Executive Dow Constantine announced the plan Wednesday that he said would provide rapid response services for immigrants and refugees, including a fund that will help residents navigate the naturalization process and help support community rights organizations. Part of the fund would also go to ensure county facilities are ready, safe and equipped to assist immigrants and refugees. Some of the fund would go to purchasing signs in multiple languages that let “everyone know that ‘All Are Welcome Here,'” Constantine said.


Email support to Dow Constantine to drown out the negative feedback he is getting from Fox viewers.


This is [Name]. I’m a resident of [City]. I want to express my support of a legal defense fund for immigrants and refugees. When we help the most vulnerable, we help our whole community. [Add personalized story if possible.] Again, thank you for proposing the legal defense fund to help our neighbors.

5. Reach Out Twice

Reach out to once to a friend in our community and once to a friend in a key district and ask them to join the fight to Resist the Trump Agenda.

Examples of key districts: Delaware District 10, where a special election on 2/25 will determine whether Delaware’s state senate will be controlled by Republicans or Democrats–more information here

Also check with friends in Virginia

16 February 2017

1. FAMILY Act – Send a Thank You


The Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act, or FAMILY Act, is a proposal for paid family and medical. The legislation would provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave each year to qualifying workers for the birth or adoption of a new child, the serious illness of an immediate family member, or a worker’s own medical condition. Workers would be eligible to collect benefits equal to 66 percent of their typical monthly wages, with a capped monthly maximum amount of $1,000 per week. Only 12 percent of U.S. workers have access to paid family leave through their employers, and these workers are disproportionately well paid, highly educated, and male. Senators Murray and Cantwell helped reintroduce the bill.


Write a thank you postcard to Senators Murray and Cantwell for reintroducing the FAMILY Act.


“Thank you for helping our families and businesses succeed! The FAMILY Act will help me/my family/my business because ___”
“I wish we’d had the FAMILY Act when ___ because it would have been a great help to me at that time.”

2. No On Pruitt As Head of the EPA


As Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Pruitt has sued the EPA many times. He has potential conflicts of interest regarding his relationships with energy companies. The Sierra Club has stated that “putting Pruitt in charge of the agency is like hiring an arsonist to fight fires”.


Urge senators to oppose Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA.


Hi, my name is [Name]. I don’t need a response. I’m calling to urge you to oppose Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA. Pruitt has spent his life vigorously fighting against the same regulations the EPA is charged with enforcing. Please show your support for clean air and water for all Americans by voting NO on Scott Pruitt. Thank you very much for your assistance.

3. Reichert’s Taxes Vote


Joining all of his fellow Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee, Western Washington Congressman Dave Reichert voted yesterday against requesting President Donald Trump’s tax returns. The Congressman has been avoiding his constituents in the 8th District, refusing to hold town hall meetings in an effort to prevent a “YouTube moment.” Now, community groups in his district are planning a rally next week to raise concerns about the “repeal of the Affordable Care Act, efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, and a ‘Muslim ban’ that has sown chaos in the airports and torn families apart.”


Email Dave Reichert and let him know you’re unhappy with his vote against requesting Trump’s tax returns.


This is [Name] from Legislative District [District]. I’m disappointed that you voted against a review of Donald Trump’s tax returns. There are serious questions related to Trump’s ethics and conflicts of interest. Making Trump’s tax returns public would have helped to settle these questions but now they are still in doubt. In the future, if you do not represent your constituents, it will reflect badly on your party and your own career serving the people of Washington State.

4. Cantwell – Thank You For Defending the ACA


Maria Cantwell has been a vocal opponent of repealing the Affordable Care Act saying, “It’s shameful that we still have to fight for access to affordable health care, but once again, Republican leadership is jeopardizing Americans’ health and trying to overturn the Affordable Care Act.”


Call Cantwell and thank her for defending the ACA


This is [Name] from zip code 9****. I’m calling about Medicare/Medicaid and the ACA. I appreciate Senator Cantwell’s efforts to block the Republican efforts to dismantle it. Americans are depending on our legislative leaders to stand up against attempts to repeal the ACA or make cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
Add if applicable: I depend on my [ACA plan/Medicare/Medicaid] for access to health care, and I won’t be able to [see the doctor/afford my medication/pay my insurance premiums if it is repealed].

5. Stop the DAPL


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reauthorized construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. They expect the pipeline to be fully operational in 90 days, meaning we must move into our next phase of action. They are desecrating sacred land, attacking the indigenous people, and putting the water source of hundreds of thousands at risk. All for one thing: Greed. Now it’s time we target the CEOs and Corporate Heads of the banks currently funding DAPL


Call or email the following CEOs and corporate contacts.

Wells Fargo
Timothy Sloan – (866) 249-3302

J.P. MorganChase
Chairman and CEO:
Jamie Dimon – (212) 270-1111

Vice President, Corporate Media Relations:
Jennifer Lavoie –

Managing Director, Corporate Communications:
Andrew Gray –

Global Head, Marketing & Communications:
Brian Marchiony –

Bank of America
President, CEO, and Chairman:
Brian Moynihan – (704) 386-5681

Executive Relations, Office of the CEO:
Matthew Task – (813) 805-4873

Michael Corbat – (212) 293-2900

Citizens Bank
Chairman and CEO:
Bruce Van Saun – (401) 456-7000

Senior Vice President, Head of Media Relations:
Peter Lucht – (781) 655-2289

Vice President, Media Relations:
Lauren DiGeronimo – (781) 471-1454

U.S. Bank
Chairman and CEO:
Richard K. Davis – (651) 466-3000

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications:
Dana Ripley – (612) 303-3167

Vice President, External Communications
Susan Beatty – (612) 303-9229


You are a financier of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Please terminate your contract immediately or I will encourage friends and business relationships to terminate their investments with you.

15 February 2017

1. Oppose Seema Verma – Hearing on Thursday!


Ms. Verma worked with Mike Pence to design the Medicaid expansion required by the ACA to force recipients to pay monthly premiums for their coverage and prevented them from receiving coverage for 6 months if payments were short by even $1. If Seema Verma is confirmed as Administrator of CMS we can expect to see damaging policies such as these implemented nationwide.


Call Maria Cantwell’s office and ask her to OPPOSE the Nomination of Seema Verma to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Once you’ve done it, you can also Tweet @SenatorCantwell and/or post on the Senator’s Facebook page and make the same request. Be sure to include the #indivisibleeastside


Hello, I am a constituent from [Zip Code] and I would like to ask that Senator Cantwell vote NO on the Nomination of Seema Verma to Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Her appointment could cause potentially damaging and chaotic restructuring of the Medicaid program.

2. Women’s Rights


HR 681 and S 231 seek to recognize a fertilized egg as a person from the time of fertilization and protect them under the 14th amendment, (nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without the process of law). In recognizing the full rights of a fertilized egg, a woman’s right to choose is denied. 56 out of 60 cosponsors of HR 681 and all 9 of the cosponsors of S 231 are male.


Email your representative and senators and ask them to stand for a woman’s right to choose and make a public statement OPPOSING HR 681 and S231.

Reach Out: Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler of WA 3rd District (southernmost central and western WA) is a sponsor. Please reach out to a friend in District 3 and ask them to call Beutler to ask that she withdraw her sponsorship.


Hello, I am a constituent from [Zip Code] and I would like to ask that [Senator/Congressperson] speak out in opposition to HR 681 and S231 – Life at Conception. Our laws should recognize women as people and support a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices. Thank you.

3. Oppose Puzder for Secretary of Labor


Andrew Puzder is the chief executive of CKE Restaurants, which owns the fast-food outlets Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. Union leaders and community activist groups strongly disagree with his nomination based on his history of salary and labor violations. Puzder has also refused to fully complete vetting documents about his finances and investments. There are currently four senators who are on the fence regarding Andrew Puzder for Secretary of Labor. More information here.


Call Republican senators on the committee holding Puzder’s confirmation hearing on Thursday, 2/16.

Republican senators who were noncommittal about Puzder’s nomination on Tuesday, 2/14:

  • Susan Collins (Maine) (202) 224-2523
  • Johnny Isakson (Ga.) (202) 224-3643
  • Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (202) 224-6665
  • Tim Scott (S.C.) (202) 224-6121

Hi, my name is [Name]. I don’t need a response. I’m calling to urge you to oppose Andrew Puzder for Secretary of Labor. Puzder’s record raises serious ethical questions. If he is chosen, it sends the message that this administration does not support or value American workers. Thank you very much for your assistance.

4. Investigate Flynn


Michael Flynn, disgraced former national security advisor to the Trump administration, resigned after it was discovered that he illegally contacted Russian officials prior to President Trump’s inauguration. In these conversations, Flynn discussed sanctions levied by President Obama against the country due to its involvement in the 2016 presidential election and urged Russia not to overreact to the action, making clear the sanctions would come under review after the inauguration.

Through these conversations, a non-elected official, appointed by a President-elect who had yet to take office, violated the Logan Act of 1799, which prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments that the US is engaged in disputes with. Not only did Flynn act illegally, his relations with Russia continue to reveal a troubling relationship between the Trump camp and Russia.
Most troubling of all, the White House knew about Flynn’s illegal communications with Russian officials for at least two weeks and did nothing about it. Flynn resigned only after the information became public through extensive reporting from major news outlets. It is not enough that Michael Flynn has resigned. This is a matter of national security that must be fully investigated by Congress.


Contact the US Intelligence Committee Chair, Richard Burr 202-224-3154

Contact every Democrat on the US Intelligence Committee:

  • Mark Warner (ranking member, VA) 202-224-2023
  • Dianne Feinstein (CA) 202-224-3841
  • Ron Wyden (OR) 202-224-5244
  • Martin Heinrich (NM) 202-224-5521
  • Angus King (ME) 202-224-5344
  • Joe Manchin (WV) 202-224-3954
  • Kamala Harris (CA) 202-224-3553

I’m calling to say that I truly believe Flynn’s actions are in violation of US law under the Logan Act. Given the unprecedented level of Russian interference in our elections and domestic affairs, I believe a full investigation is necessary. If the Senator truly believes, as I do, that Michael Flynn’s conversations were inappropriate, he should support a congressional investigation into the ties between Russia, Michael Flynn, and other Trump officials.

5. No On Pruitt As Head of the EPA


As Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Pruitt has sued the EPA many times. He has potential conflicts of interest regarding his relationships with energy companies. The Sierra Club has stated that “putting Pruitt in charge of the agency is like hiring an arsonist to fight fires”.


Urge senators to oppose Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA.


Hi, my name is [Name]. I don’t need a response. I’m calling to urge you to oppose Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA. Pruitt has spent his life vigorously fighting against the same regulations the EPA is charged with enforcing. Please show your support for clean air and water for all Americans by voting NO on Scott Pruitt. Thank you very much for your assistance.

14 February 2017

1. Oppose Seema Verma


Ms. Verma worked with Mike Pence to design the Medicaid expansion required by the ACA to force recipients to pay monthly premiums for their coverage and prevented them from receiving coverage for 6 months if payments were short by even $1. If Seema Verma is confirmed as Administrator of CMS we can expect to see damaging policies such as these implemented nationwide. More information here.


Call Maria Cantwell’s office and ask her to OPPOSE the Nomination of Seema Verma to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Once you’ve done it, you can also Tweet @SenatorCantwell and/or post on the Senator’s Facebook page and make the same request. Be sure to include #indivisibleeastside


Hello, I am a constituent from [Zip Code] and I would like to ask that Senator Cantwell vote NO on the Nomination of Seema Verma to Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Her appointment could cause potentially a very damaging and chaotic restructuring of the Medicaid program.

2. Preserve Our Right to Protest – SB 5009


SB 5009 would add time to the sentence of anyone found guilty of a crime, who did so with intent to cause “economic disruption”. This is an unconstitutional measure. The statistically proven skew in policing also suggests the likelihood that these new penalties are more heavily applied to protestors of color. The existing provisions to penalize violence or bodily harm are sufficient.


Consider leaving a public bill comment on Washington State SB 5009 to protect our right to protest peacefully without being accused of “economic terrorism


I oppose this bill because it infringes on the First Amendment rights of Washington State residents. Protests, including those that seek to have an economic impact on particular businesses, industries, and/or individuals are a critical part of our democracy.

3. No on Gorsuch


In Neil Gorsuch, Trump has nominated an avowed originalist and enemy of women’s healthcare to the Supreme Court. While on the 10th Circuit Gorsuch decided in favor of Hobby Lobby, ruling the company could refuse contraception coverage to women on religious grounds. He used the explanation that IUDs and birth control drugs destroyed fertilized eggs (which is scientifically false) and stated corporations are persons that can engage their religious right to choose which laws they want to follow.

In other assaults on women’s healthcare, Gorsuch sided with Little Sisters to the Poor in their challenge to the Affordable Care Act and its contraception mandate, and he led a judicial crusade to help Utah defund Planned Parenthood affiliates. In another particularly disturbing case, he upheld the “qualified immunity” of a police officer who tasered a man in the head and threw out the wrongful death case brought by the man’s parents.
Gorsuch has shown a distaste for the prosecution of white collar crime, he has consistently ruled in favor of corporations in labor disputes and his strict textualist reading of the constitution leaves no room LGBTQ rights. At 49 years old Gorsuch would be the youngest justice on the Supreme Court and if confirmed, his influence will be felt for over a generation. A Supreme Court seat that the Republican stole in a power grab.


Call your senator to let her know we strongly disapprove of Gorsuch.


Hi, my name is [Name] and I’m a constituent from [city & zip]. I’m calling today because I’m opposed to the nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. I ask that the senator take every action possible to oppose confirmation of Gorsuch including supporting a filibuster.

4. Women’s Reproductive Rights – No on HR 7


This bill is a strong example of government overreach and it just passed the House. Passage of this bill would prevent millions of women from using their health insurance to pay for abortion care, even when they pay out of pocket for their insurance plan. HR 7 takes away a woman’s basic right to reproductive health care and restricts access and choice, especially to low-income women. It imposes tax penalties for small businesses who offer insurance that covers abortion. The bill is also misleading, as abortions already cannot be funded by federal money. More information here.


Email the offices of Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray and ask them to oppose HR7. Once you’ve done it, you can also tweet @SenatorCantwell and @PattyMurray and/or post on the Senators’ Facebook pages. Please include #indivisibleeastside


I am calling to express my strong opposition to HR 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2017. I know the bill has already passed the House and I encourage the senator to vote against it.

13 February 2017

1. Stay Connected

We now have a website and a new Facebook group! Enter your email on this website to receive emails for urgent actions. Join the Indivisible Eastside Facebook group for important updates.

2. Protect our Environment – H.R. 637


While alarms sound about the dramatic House bill to abolish the EPA, another bill introduced in late January holds major potential for environmental damage. Stopping the EPA Overreach Act (H.R. 637) proposes to gut regulations for clean air and water act under the premise that the EPA and no other federal agency have any authority to regulate greenhouse gases. This would also block efforts to address climate change. Legislators know that voters view the EPA favorably, so abolishing the agency isn’t gaining much support, although it stirs up opposition. The Overreach Act gives the illusion of being reasonable and has the support of 119 co-sponsors so far.


Call your Congressional Representatives.


Hi, my name is [your name], and I’m a constituent from [your town], zip code [your zip]. I am calling to ask that you vote no on HR 637. This bill would have serious consequences for us environmentally and would limit the EPA’s authority. We need the EPA and environmental regulations. Thank you.

3. Trump’s Conflicts of Interest


President Donald Trump still has not taken the necessary steps to distance himself from his businesses while in office. In accordance with a plan that he and one of his lawyers, Sheri Dillon, laid out at a press conference on January 11, Trump has filed paperwork to remove himself from the day-to-day operation of his eponymous organization. However, numerous ethics experts have voiced strenuous objections to the plan, which they say does very little to resolve the issue: As long as Trump continues to profit from his business empire—which he does whether or not he is nominally in charge—they say, the possibility that outside actors will attempt to affect his policies by plumping up his pocketbook will remain very much in play. More information here.


Call the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about Trump’s Conflicts of Interest. You can reach the committee at either of the numbers below:

  • Committee Majority office (Republican): 202-225-5074
  • Committee Minority office (Democratic): 202-225-5051

“Hello. I’m calling to urge the committee to conduct a bipartisan investigation into the President Trump’s finances and potential conflicts of interest.”

4. Release Trump’s Tax Returns


Without tax returns, Americans cannot know whether Trump is using the presidency to enrich himself and his family. Americans won’t know whether a policy he proposes primarily benefits steelworkers in Pennsylvania or lines his own pocket. They will also be unable to tell whether Mr. Trump is telling the truth when he claims to have no connections to Russia, contradicting public evidence and statements by his own son. His stated excuse about being under audit doesn’t pass the sniff test. Previous presidents and nominees have released their returns under the same circumstances. More information here.


Email your Senators


My name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your town], my zip code is [your zip]. I strongly encourage you to support Bill Pascrell — a Democratic member of the House Ways and Means Committee’s initiative to compel Donald Trump to release his tax returns. It would assure all Americans that our president cannot be influenced by personal financial gain or foreign governments

5. Send Some Love to Senator Warren


Senator Warren has been one of the longest and most vocal opponents to Donald Trump and his un-American policies. Just last week she was silenced by Senate Republicans who invoked a rarely-used senate rule to prevent her from reading a letter written by Dr. King’s widow criticizing Jeff Sessions. Nevertheless, she persisted. Let’s send her a message of support. More information here.


Email Senator Elizabeth Warren

Senator Warren,
Thank you for your constant defense of American values and for standing up in the face of misogyny and disrespect from colleagues. Know that the American people are watching and stand with you. Please continue to fight for justice, equality and the preservation of the Constitution.

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